THJS PAPER ,,htUM vrvrr erolng, Eanin "ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, xorroK A3rp "orBtrroK. - CBACEJPT105"3 POSTAGE PAID: rear &lx tiOO. Throe oonths, !-; One month, 35 cents. rue PPr U1 doUverod by carriers tree f ekanre, ay Part of tho dt the boTe j,, or 10 cent per week. , Ivesti.ini? rate low and HberaL -Subscribers will report any and all fall to receive their paper regularly. y Tfo A7y Review has the largest fidt circultUion of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington DKATII OF Jilt. STEPHEN'.. Alrxnntler Hamilton Sll?licn.. Jov enmr of Georgia ami cx-ViiM Presidi-pl of the Qmfwleraie htates. uiu ai me Executive Mansion in Atlanta - at Sat urday midnight. On Saturday it seems that thererwere sme hpes of his re covery, but at 11 o'clock on Saturday night. 'onljne hour before his death, it was known that he could live but a rerj short time. IIo has been, very jlj since his attendance on the Scsqtii-Cen. tet.nial Celebration at Savannah and the delivery of his wonderlul oration on that occasion was thtj lastubliu not of his life. l!r. Stephens wa brn in Taliaferro , r:u..r.ia F-hri?ftrv 11th I R I 2 and wa ther f re a 1 ltl; more ihui 71' jear ol are at the time jf his death He graduated at Franklin College in ltfi and afterward bean the practice of law. Iu l3i he was elected to the Georgia legislature, serving for five successive terms in the lower house, and in 18-13 ho entered the State Senate. In the lollowinj; jear ho was elected to OnviesHand remained there until 1859, dwliniiii? then to become a candidate aaiti. He vigorously opposed the se ceMnof Georgia. When the I'rovis lonal Congress met in Mongnmery Mr. Stephens -wshcIm -sen Vice President ! the Couf-lorate States, and was afler wanli elected 4 the same position by the pi-ople. In 1863 ho was chosen a conimiittioner to arrange for an ex change .f prisoners with the United States government, but his mission was not at tended with success, as the Federal -government declined-to receive any proposition !okiiig to an exchange , In 1S05 he was one of the three com- .iuisioner.H wha.t'ouferred with Presi dent Lincoln at Fortress Monroe with a view to putting a stop to the war. but whose negotiations were fruitless. Shortly aficr the surrender he was ar rested and imprisoned in Frt Warren, Boston Harbor. After a short confine ment he was released on parole and re turned to his home in Georgia. In ISfitftho Legislature which met after the State had been reconstn cted ao-, cording to President Johnson's poliev, elected Mr Stephen and ilerschel V. Johnson to seals in the United States Senate, but they were not permit ted to take their seats. From that time until J I7l-IK?2 Mr. Stephens seems to have taken no Motive pa it in politics.'- lie fought with much bitterness the Gree ley movement in 1812 and supported Charles O'Conor. In 1873 he was eWtei tr Congress from thn Eighth district t fill this vacancy eausttl by the d. ath of Gen. A R. Wright, lie serv ed eonseeutire terms in Congress until hi nomination for Governor last year hen he was elected by over 62,000 ma jority. LOCAL-NEWS. mil TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TiTEs-r tr Cards H Bn niLi Xottce oriKA HoiE lolnBthe K n.Wareock Ttlephoae Gsro- H lloBBS Pol try Xotk k tmiici,,ai . lection Ml-nds Uros Garden co Hkinsbescer EasterCar't Kmchts or Hg-or Ebeal ad J A PrRl!GEE-Cal Hltd Wod ' W H greek !rucj. Medkslne niLEs icciuso Hower Pot . R V Hari wick & CoMatnerade W" V. sruiNGEU & Co The l:ice t Hny II M Vowurv Co O-nntrr MerchanU OneaBocaG Where do y ,u Buy Yuur Clolhlnsj ' . 1 L Urioc.ees Time to DuvOroc rlc. P 1CKEU ATavlor If Y'u WouM i.o Happy Keuciixzu JtCLiEu Bros Toi.aoco.Bict', Sugar, c H Brunhild. Collector Sale of Personal Projrt at AnctI-n Six persons were atfuiitud to mem bendu'p in the Secoml Presbyterh n Church, in this city, yesterday. We arc under obligations to Senator Eaiismu for the courtesy of a copy of b1 Congressihal Directory ot . the Forty-seventh CAingress. The box she;t fr the opera of lolan the was ojkfued this morning at Dyer's iid nearly every seat iw the parqueite as takeu in the wmrso of tho forenoon a well as quite a number in the dres circle-. Bihop Norlliroj). Bishop Korthrttp received a telegram to-lay iron. Baltimore announcing that the Paial Bull appointing hiin to the See ol Siuth Carolina has been reoeiv d. The Bishop leavesto-oight on the Carolina Central train for "Charlotw , thencohe goes t. Odumbia S. C, and thence to Charleston, where he will b installed in his high oCiee next Sunday. Archbishop Gibbons will be present W probably the other higtf prelates acatkaed by us oa Saturday " V ... VOL. VII. -. i , i - Col. F. Toon, Senator from. Co lumbus and Robeson counties, passed through the city on Satarday! night en routo to his home at Fair Bluff, whither he was called by the Serious illness of his wife. Mr. F. W. Wheeler. Warrenton. N.j C. says: "I have den veil great bene fit from Brown's Iron Bitters as a ton io." ; ' , 1 ! 1 ' :f A sadden and severe gust of wind this morning blew ovef a fine showcase which had jut been placed on the side walk in Iront of Mr. Harm' dry goods storebn Market strati Thcro was a general smash upM of glass. !ufc we be lieve no other damage was dono. The Historical and Scientific Society wiH hold their regular meeting at TJen ken Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. 11 Thomas F. Woid will be the essayist. 'Vaccinision.,wbich!is aj matter of importance to the people, will lm the subject ho will discuss. The public are invited. i In thi3 iss''e Prrf Gaston M Ilobbs in dulges in a little rhyme inj which he tells us that heat times plays the violin. lie desh estn get up acla,ss in that particular department of musical art. and he isfful ly competent as a teacher. To those of our fri'iidsvho intend to practice up on the violin and wouhl prefer 1 to be come violinists raiher ihan fid dlers." we commend hira. ! Knights of Honor. Regular meeting 'of Carolina Lodge No. 434. this evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at Odd JVHows' Hall. Breth-, ren are requested to attend. j It. The Hiffli Tent. i ii - MessrsvWm. L. Jacobs, of Harmony Tent, Xo. 13. and Thos. Hi Skipper, of Unity Tent. No. f0. are the delegates from this city to the meeting of the High Tent. I. O. of Uechabites, to be lieh! in Zmesville. Ohio.' on! .the fourth Tuesday in May. the 23idofthe month. Com in iaslo liter's Meetins". The Board of County Commissioners for New Hanover county, met in regu lar monthly session at 3 30 o'clock this atternoon. Present. Mr ll jABaggt Chairman, and Messrs Roger Moore, E L Pearce, B G Worth and f James A Montgomery. ; Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and ordered approved, j The Treasurer presented his monthly report lor tho month of February, the general fund showing a balanceonhand of $29,599.73; educational fund show ing a balance on hand $15,607,20. The Register of Deeds submitted his monthly report for the month of Feb ruary for fees received from marriage licenses, and exhibited receipts! for the amount of $21.70, paid over to the Treasurer. i ' The following parties were granted license to retail spiritous liquors! in the eity of Wilmington -.-George LJschntte, C J Moore, J L Croom, and Harreil & McLain. i B F Bryant, constable-elect of Har nett, township, presented! his official botmMntho sum ot $1,000; with S H Fishbrate. T M Gardner ami S Davis as sureties, which bond was examined approved, accepted ami ordered regis tered and tiled. J W Mill is. constable-elect of Cape Fear township, presented his official b nd in the sum of $1 000. with E T llin'cock. J C Millis and Xmamia Mdlia as sureties, and said bond was examined, approved, accepted and or-j died registere! and filed, and the. iwo o instates were duly qualified accord ing to law. . -j ! j- II.iVi W L Smith. Mayor of the city of Wilmington, submilted hs annua rerxlrt of fees collated an) paid over to t le County Treasurer. I he leport was r-eeived and ordered rcgisterel m the ecrd of official repirtsaml filed. ' It appearing to the satisfaction of tl e Board of Commissioner.-! by the peti tion of S W Skinner, tliat iu j giving in his personal property j in the year 182. there was a mistake by the tax Lster, by which ho was chargea with a tax on $4,000. as his interest in the steamers B uden and isbon, when, in fact, his tax was listed as the value ol $2,000 in both of said steamers, it is hereby ordered that the tax in excess of $2,000, bo and is hereby remitted, and ihe County Treasurer is hereby author ized to pay said sum to the said Skin ner out of any money in bis hands not otherwise appropriated. ! The Place to Save Money. : You can positively; savo money by buying your clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hats & Caps at the old reliable clothing bouse, of A. & 1 Sbrler Zl Hwtct street giro tbta a call. t r W ILMINGTON. N. C-MON D A X MARCH 5. 1883. Masquerade. The yonng folks are preparing fr good time next week. A masquerade ball is to be given on Thursday 15thi atGermania Hall, and itis confidently expected will be the event of the eeason. It is thought that there will be upwards of 150 masqners on tho flo ir, as nearly two-thirdg of that number have already engaged for the occasion. Full information in regard to the event will be made known on application at Messrs. Iyer & Son'f or to the man agers, Messrs. S. IV Uardwtok & Co. i - - . - - Small Pox ; A sailor, "who 'arrived "bere on the Schooner Alice Scam. frm Baltimore a few oiys since, was taken' sick and snt tn the hospital on -Thursday last On Friday there were indie: t n 1 1 his sickness was a case, of small pox, find on Saturday that disease was' plain ly manifest and he was at once removed to th small pox hospital at Mt. Tirzah, four miles Bfcl w the city, where he. will remain until the termination of the disease. The remainder of the crew of the schooner were vaccinated as soon as practicable after the nature of the sick ness was Known" audlho" vessel has been sent dwn river to the quarantine station, where shejwill remain uutil all danger from the disease has been re moved. At Itext. Mr. William E. N. Sellars, who has been siok with consumption for many months, died at his residence on Ma- cumber's Alley, between Eighth and Ninth streets, in this city, about 7 o'elock this morning. Mi. Sellars was about 26 years o! age.' was a printer by trade, and leaves a wife and two chil dren. He was admitted to membership in the Second Prebyterian . Church one week ago, and yesterday the ordinance of baptism and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper were administered by the Rev. Mr. Payne, pastor ol the church. . Good style is food sense, good health, good energy and good will, but a bottle ot Dr Bull's Cough Syrup is a good ben efaction that suffering humanity has al ready learned to appreciate. j Supreme Court. In this court JJa turday appeals from the third Judicial district were called and causes disposed of as follows : .J. II. Strauss vs. J. I. Crawford from New Hanover; put to the end ol the district. City of Wilmington vs Atkinson & Manning et als. from New Hanover; argued by DuBrutz Cutlar (by brief) and Russell and Ricaud for the defend ants. ... . j W. P. Oldham, ex parte, from New Hanover; argued by McRae & Strange fiir Oldham, arfd George Davis contra. State vs. J. O. Howard, from Pen der; argued by Attorney General Kenan for the State; no counsel for the defend ant. '- . ' . ' C. II. Wessell and wife vs. j M. Rathjen and wife, from New Hanover; continued by consent, f Capt. Bunting's Injuries., There are some few" additional par ticulars relative to the accident to dpt. jj M. Bcnting. near Thorn asville. Ga . which have notyet been published here. It seems that the train of whieh Air. Bunting was the conduct r, which pulled off without an order to" go-ahead, ran about four miles,' when it was discovered that he was not on board. 'I he engineer then, it is said, switched bis train on a side track and ran back with the engine to lok for him. Arriving at the spot where the stop had been made to repair the air brakes, Capt. Bunting was found seated on the end of a rail nursing his wound ed fot, With a remarkable degree ot fortitude he bad pulled off his shHJ and sock, ami had bound up the injurtd tMt with a handkerchief. But the shock to his nervous system was be ginning to tell, and be was found shiv ering as with a hard chill.' Capt. Bunting's brother, Mr. Nash Bunting, is now with him, and hopes are entertained that he will soon be able to return to Wilmington with him. Lint of Jurors. The lollowing-were drawn as jurors for the April terni of the CriniiuaT Court: T U Utley. John M Clark. F II Mitchell. J Moore. Elijah Lane. F l Wooten, T C Sadgwar, Richard Beasly. R A Kingsbury. J Carr. Jas egan. Elrin ArtU, A B George, W F Alexaader. W XI Hardtins, C II Rob insim, J A IJewIeU. J I'ernberger. Ell II BatS30, CM Bonbam, W J Penny: A F Pavis. Ge- P Lamb, .W :W Wad delL James Quinn. Jasl Smith. John S Gibson, Jpbn OUway,7-Crom wtU. S U P3J. . . . Mr. KIHh and His Bride. Mr! Chas. 5- EUis,; formerly of this city, but how of Savannahs -Ga , arri v ed henT on "Saturday night with his brido. " Mr. Ellis' was married in Sa vannah a few weeks ago and passed thnnigh this city a day or two after wards on his way to the home of his aged ftther. Capt. C. D. Ellis, now resident inJ2denton. in this State. The. newly marned couple arc the guests, while in this cty of Mr. and Mrs. Ge. oChad bourn. They expect to leave this to night' on the rKum to Savannah. ; at?l ical Literature. ; Wehave jnst received the ' February number ot the North Carolina Mwlical Journal, anil find, upon a perusal ft its page that it is fully up to'tho high standard of excellence in medical litera ture attained by its pred ecessors. "The editor is nt remarkably prepissese4 with the extraordinary iDtelli-ience ot the present North Carolina legislature, avis shown by his .comments .upon the Defeat of Public Health legislation.'" The-subjects treated in tho numb r b-fureusare of tieep : interest to th profesaion a3 well as to those non-pry-fessionals whv :ire sometimes compelled to call in "the doctor." - ; . NKW ADVKItTISKMKNyS Telephone YR OftDEBS fOtt JOB PKINTIXG TO No 8S. All work PROMPTLY done at LOW. K-T PRICKS. AsiiertUn mr micfs before havlnjf yonr prtntl-g loe cfscwhere. .' . Just Received AlareJot of samples of Picture Cards, anl t ive in wa-t of s ca are luvltod to call and examine them. ,E. S WAUUOUK, Job Printer, Cor. Front and Prlucesa stn-ete, mcli 5 it I over Dyer's Store 600 Tons Coal.. JREjSU ARRIVAL 60 TONS COAL, PEE &chrs- "John A. Griffin" and "lhoma Sln- n'.kgen". irm Philadelphia. Quality nnevr parsed and at bottom figures. - " Fu 1 it cfc of V' M at lo v prtce. P. s. Remember plenty cold weather ahead inch if - J. A. SPItlNGEU, COUNTRY -lJERCHANrS AND EVERY BODY CAN get suited In quality and prices from the large stock of SADDLKRY liOODS at the Sew Saddlery and Trcnk Home of - U. M. BoWHRN & C.. No. 49 Market St. Mantifaeture and Repair, j mh 5 The Place to Buy qiURPENTINE IOOLS. PULLERS. HACKFR. DIPPtK', Vll.TTKKS, Jl A K-WKIGnTS, o , c Best of goodd at Kt ck Bttom prices A fall aud coaiplete btockv(f Hardware alwayt on band. ' ' W. E. SPRINGER & CO., . Sneceseon to J hn Iarsnn & Co.. men 5 j 19, 21 and -23 Market Street Notice. rjiHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN ap pointed Collector on the estate of John Car rot, deceased, on the 26th February, lSS3,ii be Probate Court of Ser nanoTer oounly, i - " notice Is hereby given lo all persons Indebted to sa!d deca-ed to make Immediate ayment, and all peron having claims against Mid 6 tt win prese tihemf-r paytnent on or be fore the 2tth February, 1SS4, or thlsnotiee will 'be plead in bar of their recovery. H. BRUNIIIT D. Collector. men Sale of Personal Property at Auction. gY VIRTUE OF THE POWER VESTED lu me by order of the Probate Court of Xew Hanoyer County, I will sell at public auction under order of the said Court, on Satur lay nv'rnlne; March 24lb, Int., at 10 o'clock, a m , for cash, all ih M-ro iHl pr p jrty and effect of tio lau- Jonn Can oil c n?is lug: of h ue h M, kltchon. nl bar hkmii dxiures. nets IhKxl aul fishing tackle, -"atetoiake Lvuat the btor Littly w.CJpUsd by sal i decedent. U. MZVX ll.l. mohSSt 5, 19, ?3 !oil -t r. Tobacco, ftice, Sugar, fcc. Caddiea LITTLE NUIIE, 50 DARK FAWN, r . Boxes COMPETITION; 25 . da CAP r. JACK, 25 do A A, 7 CAKO. RICE, all grades, 10 Tea da - do - i 60J I'.ush No' 1 KED III K. ;5 BbU C. Ex C, and Crau. SUGAR, . 10i) ttagsKiO COFFbr:. 1JQ0 BLU Flour, our popular brands For sale by GRAND MASQUERADE BALL will be gives atJermanla Hall, on Thursday ere- nlag, 15:h Inst. The Bxas-raer Hat Is near. ly full, a larye number aairtPg already signed, and tboee'wbo with to participate must apply at ooce. Hit closed Saturday night, lOXh tea. A limited number of spectator's seats "wl-'l be sold Ibeyouug Jadie of Smith viiUr ch- peeiaiiy invito i. aiusio uy tne it io ur- pex l..Uracn masquers ei eactu No eoargtt for LMlie maue. acriT stAJTCri or to : ' a. f. hard ICS. & QO crMt n w, f , t. NO. 56 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Playiusjonthb Violin aud Wrlt Injr Poetry. . f , BT OASTOS H. HOBB3. I ph tho violin one time, 1 ( ihI tlien I; lt m down And wrle a little rcie aad rnjme la tYlo I caII my own. - -' ! .-., '!', t t '. Jnt. like Anacreon of old, "I - 1 What-er rnv them had en, j " Mt, oflovt I would have told, ! By tioiiit or pen. , : 4 - ; I playl sweet, pc-effc style, 9', r The noisp ril .bix.1 - w - :-. I'mii i pain lb Uhed for stnllo ; Of her whom 1 adoi-e. . r" And thn lle ghnnts of Ictorv, . ;.TUekile fs w li ho ir , Th re'll le no room for triple p . ; . In heart so full of cheer I ' S n I wrote th above for two reasons ; to show th ladies that I ore itiem, and to shaw the irpntUMmni t'i it I give Uesoua onj the violon. Dontfirgct it. ' .'''' ,. ' '" itespeo inllr, mnh JUt' H TOt M. . IIOBBS-, Easter Cards. A LARGE VARIETY OF Beautiful'New Designs, , 1 Call and ace them at - YATES' BOOKSTORE. rah i Easter Cards. A BEAUriFCL LINE JUtT . RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. Blank Books JjECttlPT BOOKr, DRAFT BOOK-, . BILLS PAYABLE, I BILLS RECEIVABLE, in full assortment, at HEINSBERGjER'S, tuchSl Live T5 'ok ni MusV at re . Where do you Buy Your Clothes ? JN ASKING THE ABOVE QUESTION, we simply desire you to examine closely THJESE MAIN POINTS : . i '. . - ' . i ''; - 1 1ST QUALITY, I. e. MATERIAL. !.-'.-! -.-"' 2ND STYLE " TIT AND WORK. SRD- PRICE, " 8IZEOFBILL.V urd when you are satisfied Ith conclusions i . ' piT us a Tisit, and t we will GUARANTEE i . .-. - .'.-... ; QUALITY OF MATERIAL, STYLE OF FIT 1 - ' ; and' WORK, and A NET SAVXNG OF TEN PER CENT., on your or lcr. If these are sufficient considerations please call on Qtterbourg, 9 KING CLOTHIER. WILMINGTON, N. C mch 5 , TIME TO BUY GROCERIES IS WHILE TIIEY ARE CUEAP. WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY AND ' . PRICE OF GOODS. Hams, Strips, Shoulders, Fulton Market Corned Beef, SMOKED TOXGUES: J Country Mercliants, will led It to tfcolr advantige patroniza t s. Orders filled promptly and atIstctorL'y. , Royster's Candy FRESn EVERr SATUnDAY. , CO Cents Fitsr Pouncl. P. L. BETJDGEES & 00. PLEASE NOT1CK. .j W will be glad WtexlTe coocilciCss3 tresi car frtEais oasajraad'-ia c? SeTalUtrcbct - - .:- -;.. J Tkejnaste .f the wtlisv mm alvtjs k t nIsaotoIk!ito;j-.'"' : "j ! .',',: Conmua!otloTi Brest kIirxSi a cj om side of the prr.' : r:rr; 1 h - PersoaafiUes must bOTtTtJld! -. , .,, i ..... , ) - - And It Is especially and psttScsOsij t2. tood ha tho Editor does aot always cadoc tve news of eorTespoadc&ts tsalesa ss gtatr J la the editorial eolunns. ' , - T ; y ev a d VEirrisEiijrra. Opera : House. Iolanthos Wcrtncsclay UYeiilnjf, Elarcli X, -1 Chas. 5. Ford' 7 J -i i o Engl ish Coni io Opera; Col, Wita Grand Chorus and Mi gnifleeat Ceo - taJU? w 11 Preco rr the first Urn. la TTiiiuli gton. . irdUert . & I!lv4n' ner firy Comic Open entitled ' I O i l N T H E, Or, tho leer . nntl tjio Perl. - With the s lend d fo&trntn';nlatlon nf PROF.JOH7fP.0USA. .This Opera t: the mufclo.1 en atlon f Lon don a ul New Vok. In;tbe'Uiter cly It chieve1 Tcluble.trhixni-& s- rlcosotadsltstonnsMeuL. . .. - hoerved seatsei; -The a e ofreserred Settsf lor loamho u l!) ottraraeuce oa Uondsr morning. March aih, at Dyer's!. y ' mch l :it. . ih-nilnm . . i j . J " II E UNDERSIG NE 0. tlAUXO BEEN. ap lj mini KegUt'rarV(r Elvctlin for the city of '; Wjlmlogton; hereby give notice to aR concern. ' ed, that there will behelja municipal election f Jt the election of two Aldermen la each Want of tbc'tlty of WUmtn,onth6 Fourth Tbura. u.y i a aiarch (Marfih 22nd), 133 : that the polls for fc!iiccUoalwill-lo Mixou ixnn, lfcsa, rroat seren o'clock. A. JJ.. uatil sungct, at the plVoca desIgoateV below. " a ki that iioistratlon Bos wJU bo kept pen from 9 o'clnrfc A M - a tCkik. v - e v every day( "Sundays excerted', commenclrf wittt Mondajj,' Maria' 1 6 1 b '1861 and. ndlug Wcdnaiday, Marcli the 2Ut, lSS.atScWexi I P. M., at tho places designated below': ! riRbT ward-upper brYXi6x. Registration at Wm M.- Erin' SUre, oer : ner Aixun street rfiui Love'saller; voUag mlc n ji tlwabt coruer 4th au.l ILirnett ktivut. i FIUST WARD LOW kit. nivutnv i ! - Registration at Market Hoosa, nerthsas t co uur iUi uud CmpbeU streets ; yottag piac. 1 second;waro. Registration at City Hall; voting pises saat. ... f : : v THIRD WARD. i Registration at Gtblem Lodge btrildlng.sout! : wei corner stu and rrlnccMistX0U: TKlar place same, i - - " FOIETHWARD. Registration at Ann street Engln. XTouM. soatn slue of Ann iroet, bet weeu Ji root and jwwuu bwcwi, oiiug yi4oe same. " "fiFTII WARD., f? Registration at Market House, southwest N eorucr 5ih aud taatle streets; voting piaco W M. M EVANS Registrar First Ward Upper Division. . . . :; ;. .i .. - - ; j j. u uKKtLLr-KeglstrarFlrstWard-Low. crLllau. - . .. -. , 4. ' i s T r 1 ruenvu v. j . m A. J-YOPP Registrar Third Ward, . I i JOHN J. FOWLER Registrsr Fourth Ward BK NJ. FACROW-RegUtrar llfih Ward r; mc If You Would be Happy BUY A COOK STOVE.: , I The Golden Harvest.'1 fl ee 99 CALUMET," Or, "SOUTHKItN OAK,"! : Of PARK Kit A TAYl'tK.' w" Pure White Oil. . ' tanh S Flower Poto. T?1R SALE BY i c 2 GILES A MURCinSON, mch 5 3 and 4A MnrrJhtson Tfaeb, Furnished Booms. rJWO COMFORTABLY' FURNISHED TZ rMms to let io ilogle gentlemen at low rate. Located on Walnut Wir Focr:h street. m ;b 1 St A " D. CTCIVFO. J GARDEN SEEDS." A FRESH LOT br ALL KINDS :of Oaa i.a(feandTnrn!p :eed, early and lota rarl Ue; CoUsrd. Beet anl Tomt seeds a lair -tocit aud n endieM Tariety of Peas aad Beans. rcuUed at v hole m,U prices bf aiundo Broci, f. Manufacturing Pharraaeiat, -r 1.41 rwhhway, xaw TOTS, AND WILMINGTON. H. C. i - Horses and Mules for Sale. T AM OFFERING S or t good 'Mulea aad. . .. t ,1, XIrscs at aarsaln, for wuxit of work, febll .. . r J. A. SPRINGES. . Drug8,Medicino3, OPONGf 8, FANCCOODa,al' ; I ' Pi BFUMERT, t UNDRIZi Ct ' .:. . j for sale by - : -. -- " f YiuxiAi: n. cr- I ; s. i !. ...

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