- - - t . ,,!Ibe eetT evening, mwn . ; " j; ; -; f .-t - r-- , ;. : j - ; carted by JOSH T. JAMES, . -r rinTBgroiL . v i gCRSCElPTlOXS rOSTAGB PAID; rear month, f 0. TarcaJ aieth. !-; onth' 35 oeBt ' - X tm i.ar-T Ul be warww uy wmen xrc . char", in n7 rrt of the city, at the akore or 10 centa per week- : . r;C i.flreMlrtna rate low and BberaL "a -Subscribers will report any and all fafl- to receive tbctr paper regularly, 77i Daily fatiew has the largest borUi fide circulation; ef -any newspaper ) published, in the city of Wilmington. 3 The railroad commission bill passed the Iloaw yesterday. Illl The Fala Prophet has bn defeated with a loss of 5.000 men. 1 large and brilliant meteor passed crrer Virjinla early last Monday morn Tad election of a successor to Gover nor Stphens, of Georgia, will occur on April 04. , y. Jjxr- -, ; ' A branch of the Black Hand has been discovered in the Spanish province' of Estremadara- Sereral Breman firms hare ortan ized a line of steamers to run to Cuba and Forto Rico. It is reported from Pittsburg. Pa., that the new tariff is likely to lead to serious troubles. Comptroller Knox estimated that the reliet to the banks from tho Internal ReTenue bill will amount to a million a month. The memorial tablet put up by the city of Rome on the house formerly oc copied by Professor S. F. B. Morse was unveiled Monday. Tie English in India are very much stirred up by the proposed law giving native magistrates jurisdiction over whites in certain cases. Srnator Tabor's wedding present to his bride was a magnificent diamond necklace, costing $30,000. The new Mrs. Tabor 'u about 30, stylish and baoihorae. It the nihilisls lt him alono the Czar of Russia says h will distribute gratis, in addition to the 000,000 pies, 040,000 bottles of beer. If tho pies don't get 'em, he thinks the beer will. m Mr. Gladstone said in tho House of Commons that the English troops would bo witnarawn irom .bsrypt asJ soon a liberty, order and security,, of the passage of the Suez jCana were as ured. At a Iitiraist meeting at Lille the French Republic was denounced and all thoso present pledged their support to the Royalist cause. In the Chamber of Deputies M. Ferry declined to bring in a measure to revise tho constitution. Here js a specimen of the way in - which Secor Robberson's man Friday takes care of near and dear relatives at the expense of other people's n. 'and d. r. vechp from a special in th New ' York World: Speaker Keifar TAstArriav rtvmeated tho resignation of Mr. Tyson, one of the official reporters of the House. The office is worth $5,000 a year. He then appinted his nephew, who had former ly ben the Speaker's private secretary. Io the private secretary's place a rela- uto of KeUer named De Hass was then appoints. Another nephew, a son of Judje White, is a clerk at tho Speaker's table. These appointments are annual niumeir ineum Dents win araw salary until next session for no service what ever.: There is perhaps a little more of work and wisdom in the present legislative body than we have given it credit for. The session will probably hold until Saturday and in the meantime the members are all hard at work at their expense. It Is said that a man will work much better sometimes on an empty stomach than on a full one and this is, perhaps, figuratively speaking, somewhat the case with this legislature. They have exceeded the sixty days' pay session, as they have construed it, and now they begin to "want to go home." They are working like beavers and to better effect now than thoy had done in any previous days. However niich we may deprecate a biennial session of sixty days thirty days for one year wo must yet confess , that there it good to' be had out oi it some times. Qaarterl y Meetings For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church,, South: (OOKCLUS'0 FIRST ROUND.) Fair Bluff Mission.. .Mar. 1 gfden, at Centre........... Mar. 3-4 Uinton, at Andrew's Chapel Mar. 10-11 kesburg at Hallsl. .. Mar. 17-18 gewton Grove Mission, Mar. 21 fomt Caswell Mission, at Providence. . Mar. 27 R. O. Bcrtojc, P. E Farmers and others desiring a gen- lucrative aguncy business, by "which $5 to 20 a day can be earned naacwress at once, on postal, to H. v. wxuuksok & Co. 105 and 197 Ful- Stmt, New York. dec IB-6 m 1 1. II II - I II fit -1 1 1 1 - II.- JLjLOJ " JU'xLJlJD JL- I - . J Vi . i- i .....-. . . VOl?vii LOCAL NEWS. I NCR: TO HEY AQYlltriSUSIITf. W H GxuEGarden Seed Mcxds Bbo Garden Seed HctKSczRGEX Easter Cards Geo M caroK, AgtKetlre. Miss E Kabbeb nrt el tho Seawa . Tt M MclKTrair-peclal Bargalai Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, lerw pricft,atJACOBi,a. A j f Kew asparagus is cjfoted at $t prt Duncam new xorx - ' '-" ' i- Tho receipts of cotton, at this ptfit to-day foot up 23 bales. " ... ; r ' ' " . Col?. D K. McRae and B. R. Moore, who have been to Raleigh for & few days; returned to the city last night. It is said that the tnrpontine farms near Hamlet are all ablaze, immense fore3t fires raging in that vicinity. It is feared that much loss may bo eutail- ed. . ;! - The News and Observer tells us local ly that the Stato Guard bill passed the Hou6 yesterday although that fact does hot appear in the report of the proceed ings. To Builders and others-Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes - and at the lowest prices. . - ! Mr. A. V Horrell, of Pender county. has purchased the fixtures and good will of the saloon- recently oc cupied by Mr. John Carroll, deceased, and is opening there I a new stock of liquors,, cigars &c. Ger. barque Atlantic, Capt. Schering, arrived up from below to-day and has comniedced dischargirfg I cargo. As soonasthis is completed she will be token into the dry dock where she- will be overhauled and repaired, j We hear some of the butchers com plaining that there is a great scarcity of beef in the market. Perhaps it jwould pay well just at this lime for our friends in the country who have eattle to dis pose of, : to drive them In. Mr. Geo. M. Crapon has resumed business at the old stand, Nos. IS and 18, South Front street, where he will be pleased to see his friends, old friends as well as new ones. He Is receiYimr every day new and fresh supplies of family groceries, which bo invites all to examine, ,i We learn that we were slightly in error when we "stated in yesterday Review that tho walks in the National Cemetery weie gravelled. The walks are tnrfed as well as the rest of the grounds. Sand is occasionally; spiead npon the grass, through which the lat. tcr springs up and gives carpet of green. L beautlfnl Personal J .... Mr. AlhftrtF. Williams, one of the most skilful, and as a consequence, one of tho most thriving farmers of Duplin connty, gave us the pleasure of a visit to-day. He has been nearly, a lifelong subscriber to the Journaltna one of tho nK;r4a nf hB vlsitl Was tO rCOCW . hi wvw- . , , : subcri ption for. another year, r EportsToreiffn . Ger barque Orion, Capt. Clausen cleared to-day for Glasgow. Scotland with 2,035 barrels rosin, "valued at $4, 500, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Nor. barque Theohor. Capt. Ein- ersen, cleared for Liverpool with 1,420 barrels rosin and 1.260 barrels tar, vat- uedat.$ i.775.42. shipped oy .Messrs. Robinson & King. J Magistrate Court. Pamelia Myers, colored, was brought before Justice Gardner) this morning upon a charge of slander preferred by Emma Bradley, also colored. ne testimony showedTthat there had been a large amount of hard talk and offen sive language used, butnojt enough to warrant a conviction under the statute in such cases made and provided, and the defendant was discharged. No Ghsnse. We notice in the Charlotte "papers of the 6th insL, that a change of schedule on the Cnrolina Central railroad had been arranged and that it would go into effect to-day Upon enquiry of the pro perjauthorities in this j city, we ! ascer tained that a change had been contem plated, but that it had been postpoied for the-present. Tho present schedule will bs run until notice is given to the contrary, . .' : : ' - Mr. F. W. Wheeler. Warrenton, JT C., says: "I have derived great bene fit from Brown's Iron Bitters as a ton ie." . .. ' . . - Ii3S3CKrON: N. C; - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 7. J r We acknowledge the eoartesy of a call yesterday afternoon from au H . W. Hall, :of the postal service, who is here with &ejrieir; of getting - np (acts relative t V free mail distribution In -Wilminton Cel. Brink accompanied Col. HalL'and we regret our absence at the time. There . Is elty in 3orth Carolina which has.the free delivery in operation, and we ae encouraged to hop thsA.weaxwajo; jUyi jre . It will be gratifying Uv many of our readers to know that correspondence looking to the appearance of this distin guished tragedienne is now in! progress between her agent and the manager of the Opera House in this city. The in dieationsn'ow are favorable for her ap pearance and our theatre-?oiag citizens will hava an opportunity of witnessing the performance of the first tragedienne of the age. She will probably appear sometime in January, 1884, Che nego tiations pointing to thatlcarly period Byron never ottered truer words than when he said, "Physician -mend or end us." But while doctors disagree. all the warid has agreed that r there is no remedy equal to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Store Breaking-. We leatn through a private letter received in this city last night, that the store of Messrs. Newberry , & Souther land, at Magnolia,' NiC'was broken intoon the night of .the 5th iast., and rofcbed of watches, jewelry, pistols and other property the value ot which had not been fully ascertained at the time the letter was written. Thia is the second time within the past nine months that this store has been entered and robbed, the present loss ." being much less than upen the former occasion, at rhich time the safe was blown open and a considerable amount of oionoy and valuable papers taken.: There U as yet no due to the robbers. , . That Hnaband of Mine Is three times the man he was before he began using "Wells' Health Renew- er. SI Uruggists. - The Bleotlon Lawi. The bill amendatory ef the election laws tor this city, requiring the number of the block, the number oi the lot and the part of the lot on which the appli cant resides to be given in the registra tion books, which passed the Senate and went to the House, has been knock ed fh the head, finally, unless somebody can manage to get up a reconsideration On motion of Representative Green, from New Hanover', in the House yes terday, 'an ' amendment was adopted requiring the city, authorities to have nainted In lanre letters the number of each block, lot and part of lot, thirty dAvfi nrerrions to. any election. ' Of course: this is impossible now, as the election is to take place on the 22d inst. two weeks from to-morrow. It makes but little difforenee, howercr, at this time as it is too late no w to amend the eleetion laws in any way; as the elec tion is already in progress, the regis tration books having been opened sev eral days ago. ' : . -' w. . .... - - ' i The Little Giants. The Wilmington S. F, E. No. 1, (Little Giant) held their annual meeting last evening to elect officers for the AnsnlnervMr. The eomDanv is-in a flourishing condition and will have upwards of forty able and active mem bers on itheir roll, by next meeting. We would state fth it considerable dissatis faction is caused among tho .members by not having a suitable fire alarm, the new bell being entirely inadequate, and it would be a . great satisfaction if the new Board of Aldermen would givo it their earliest , attention, it! being very necessary to have a general alarm isotindedincase offireso that it could be heard every where. The following ofScers were.elected : ' lresident T D ileares. Vice President A. D. Brown;, Foreman E G. Parmelee. :i 1st Asst. Foreman W. C. VonGlahn. 2nd Asst. Foreman-Martin New man. , , j Ciief Engineer E. W. Manniag. Asst. Engineer Lewis Wacksmith. Sect, and Treas.-W C. Craft. The anniversary of this company will fall due on the 28th inst. and will be celebrated by a parade and engine trial. . 1 . -v" m i The Place to Save Money. Ton can positively save money by buying your clothing. Gents Furnishing Goods, Hatr& Gaps at Uje old reliable clothing house, of A. & X Shrier 54 Market ttrett ; dm thm a cilL . t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL BARGAINS! Will be offered for the next BRUSSELS RAT FROM IS TO 50 TABD9 WHITE SiEREiADS, SEE THESE! BEFORE Curtains- -Lambrequiiis- r Fringes. LISffE ASSORTMENT XBW - EXX meh Keprehensible. j. We hear Tauch complaint of the coa- duct of rude boys who make a practiee-scrofuia, . - " f " i . -i , ii. Of Jtfmpmg Over into gardens and lots : after halLinr kitrq which mav haDDCn alter OaiiS Or KllCS WniCa 01y nappcu to fall there, without ever thinking of ,, t ; such outrageous proceedinixs plants, vegetables and flowers -are trodden down and ruined fences broken and ,. - i . - other damage done c which though not often serious; is very annoying to the . j i . may be devised by which such conduct may be effectually stopped. At Exchange Corner, Miss Karrer is in receipt of some new t and beautiful things in the way of mil; liriery goods which the ladies cannot, ofj course, fully appreciate until they have seen; them . To our m aseul ine ideas, refined and elevated as they have been by a lengthy matrimonial experience, they are really lovely. We saw there thisTOorning many pretty things which we would deser fbo if ; we could , but knowing that we cannot we will not attempt it.. This inuch must be put in plain Englisi,. however, and that is that Miss Karrer has already many pretty things in store I and will receive addi tions every week by rail and steam er. 1 1 Chamber of Ooraraerce, The annual meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange this noon. The meeting was called to forder by the President. Hon. A. H. yan Bok kelen, who read hireport for the past year, .Report of Committee on River and Harbor Improvements was read 'by Col." W. L. DeRosset, Chairman of that committee. Both of above reports were ordered printed. , . : - The Treasurer's books werej submit ted, audited and approved. ' An election for officers for the ensu ing year resulted as follows : -President jA. H . Van Bokkclon . 1st Vice President E. Peschau. nd-Vice PresidentD. MacRae. t Executive Council George Harriss. W. L. DeRosset. R. E. Hcidc, Wm. Calder. J. H. Chadboum. ' Adjourned. Blbop Lyinau's Appointments March 1 Thursday Weldon . i 2 Friday Halifax. ; 4 Sunday .hnheid. 8 Tuesday Ring wood. 8 Thursday Snow Hill. . 0 Friday, p m, Newbern. . XI Sunday Newborn. 13 Tuesday Beautort. 14 Wednesday Kinston. t5 Thursday Holy Innocents, Jenoir Co. 16 Friday Goldsboro. 18 Sunday Wilmington. 19 Monday Wilmington. SO Tuesday Wilmington. 22 Thursday Rocky Mount. 23 Good Friday Tarboro. 25 Easter Day Wilson. 29 Thursday South tiils, con secration. I t 30 Friday Camden. I 31 Saturday New begun Creek. Oases of Fair Dealing in the Oesert of Human Life. In some cases - recently the news Da ncrs are -speaking of equity rnlmg where the law-does not give a remedy 4 especially in the case of a corporation (corporations are often soulless). The Louisiana State Lottery Company a lady complained her ticket (avioning one-half of No. 43 713. which drew tho first prize of $30,000) had been . fraudu lently obtained; after litigation the con testants oomoromised i amicably, each taking half. "A lady residing in New YorkJcityfradlostJfer ticket in the mail, but on application to M. A. Dauphin . President of, the Louisiana State Lottery Co., at New Orleans. La- obtained the number, learnt it had drawn $10:000. filed a caveat, proved her -right, and after a proper delay bad. her money paid to her. . Such acts make one think that there are oases of fair dealing in tho desert of human life. Tor Pocket Knives or Tablo Cutlery, go to JACon's Hardware Depot- " t F 1883. NO. 58 NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS few days in sma CARPETSf i LENGTHS, TO CLOSE OCT. towels; scO- T.OC PURCHArE- EXX. CORNICE j : i - . i i R. Wl. iVJclWTIRE. 1IEI. rETEKSOX--in thi city twrmornin-, of magie rakces idelua. daughter of George A. and Margaret R. Pe- terson, aged 3 months and 8 days. i The fueral will take placo at 10 o'clock, ty-morrow-n hnr.avl mnrnlmr.- from tt o reslrionco Qf hr parents on Rladcn, between Fifth and sith treet&. Notice. A1Y FRrEKDS WILL TLBASE NOTICE tiiitt I have reeuraeJ b lElneaaat the old stand, ; 16 and IS South Front BU-eetj where I can al- j nays Ut3 lUUIiU, BDU Y ; , . nore you will find a full i : - line of FItEall FA1TIL GROCEKIES. , Thanking them for pat favors I hope.t y strict attention to their orders to merit a Ehaie s of patronaae In future EeBpectfajly, f GEO. M. CItAPOK.Agt. mch 7-lw I First of the Season ! JJY LADY CUSTOM EOS AND tIfIE PUB Jip generally are jrcspcctf ally , rotlilel, that I have Just received a r. '; j LAEGB AND ELEGANTj ASSOETMEST OF --KEW MILLINERY GOOD3, ' Hats, Bonnets, v j. Flowers, Ribbons, &c, theCret which havo been axhiblted In Wil mington this eeason. For some time to come I shall be la recelot by rail and steamers ox large auuliins lomy stock, sll of the i cwest and latest designs and of the best miterla'a. A call and an examination Is solicited, j MISS E- KARRER, mch 7 EXCIIANG E CO EN ER. Oysters and Ico Cream. fJIHE LADIES OFTHE TRONT ; STREET PARSONAGE AID SOCIETY will haro an OYSTER AND ICE CREAM FESTIVAL, THURSDAY NIGHT, 8th last., at Temperance Halt, opposite City Hall. 5 mch C-2t For Sale. . . i i. -piGUT BEA.UT1FCL BUILDING LOTS. joctted in the healthiest part. of the city. Those who may think of buying and building, are invited to examine the projerty. '.- Enquire of ' " i- ' , JOHN SID BUB Y. ich 6-lw Cor. Fourth and Queen sts Garden Seed I pEA8, BEAKS, CORN. CABBAGE, Ttir nlp. Squash, Collar" J, Radish, Ac,, Ac. j A fine selection of Floorer Seed . For sale by WILLIAM UT, GREEN. Druggist. mch 6 Masquerade GRAND MASQUERADE BALL Will be giTen at Germanla Hall, on Thursday ere nlng, 15th Inet. The masquer's lilt la near ly foil, a large number having already signed, and those who wish to participate must apply at once, list closed Saturday night, 10th Inst. A limited number of spectator's scats will be sold The youug ladles of Smltrrille are es pecially InviteJ. Music by the ItUan Har per's. Geutlemen masriuers tl each. .. No charge for Ladle en masque. . Apply at Dyer's or to ? mch 5-4t m, w, t, L Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. M. SCHLOSS, Prop. T7H2ST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Flrst-elaas Bar and BILLIARD 8A LOOK ATTACHED. , VI - at Tt A week made at home by the Industrious. Best best. e now before the pubhcii Capital 'not uectlci. We wtu starT you. Men. women, boys and girl wanted erery where to work for u. Now is the the time. You can work In spare time, or eit ronr whole time to the boalw. . No other businea will pay Tim nearly welU No one can fall to make enormous pay, by cn r&ging at once. Cootlf oatllt and terms free, alone made fat, easily and honorably. AU- dreaa'TKrB A Co., Augusta, Maine. coTl-diW tX. r LEA SB KOTICS. - .. 1 , . . 5,....- i ... j frpta our firtaada on aay tni all atlscta Ttenaiaeot. tne writer erst always t tot otit aido of tlie paytr.J; J ' Personalities nuat b avcidtii - -,. . s i -: . . 1 And It 1 erpedally and partlcalsjrjy stood that the Editor does not ahrsya csisrts tic Tlewa of eorrespoadenta cmlcss bo ctztS . la the editorial colnmna.- . ' ; ' NEV APVEKTISEIIIrTO. To tho Democratic Vctcraf tho City of Wilmlnitoh; " TITO DEMOCRATIC TOTB RS OF iTtTrj city are requested to meet at 8 o'cloci. P. . M., Wed neadar, March 14m, l tS : 1st Ward at Booalrn IlalL. M do at Court Honwe, r.4-V; sa , o at aiarort osce. 4th Sih- rto at CltyCourt Koota, .4 do. at 8th WardJ2a5i8 Ces -Hoase,;-.:- . r-.- . . for the pnrpoaS of uomtnatlnf two eanCiaus -for Aldermen La en of aaid Warj, to W Jpted for at the eJecCgn'tot i.j lrci Tbo several meathigt thall to railed to orrtcT ' by oae-of the member of the City ExecaUr Conimliteo from etch Ward,. xrlu-their ab-i Bcnce by anch ther person aa the oattls1 may select. ..-i : . . .'. . . t , 1 he-otln for Aldermaslo BoaauatUat abaa be by ballot. The name of aach Toter as b aepoeica cis banot anu m rrglattred by Ul-1 utpwoiLa sis vikk sau C9 ITglSiTea by tti-; lers. not exceeding to la each -Ward, wbt ihall be appointed by the rrealdlBat cSccrcf Bach moeiinr. . i 1 eaen moeunr. ' Ballottlnz ahaU'not commence before o'clock. ant the polls shalj not be clewed tn te a than thirty mlnotca aftr the ballotlss commcneee A majority of all the Totce oI shall constitute anamination. -'... i All Denioeratt who. If, required, wta pledjra them?elve to support tbe . nominee iaf te meeting, and who wllr ie lejly entitled t vote at sakl municipal election, aaU be eatl tied to rote a said mcetlnga. . ' r. . , O. J. BoNEY,Chairmaa. l. y . jJCL.AUiii, secretary men 6-St tsat-we- Easter Card Urn A LARGE VARIETY O, Beautiful New 'Designso Call and see them at YATES' BOOKSTORE. Easter Cards. A BEAUriFUL LINE JUST - r RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. r Bla h k B o o I: s . JECEIPT B(k)KS7:. . DRAFT BOOKS,' "'r; . - BILL4 PAYAJJUE, , . t BILLS UECXTyABLS laf all aewi'tmcnt, at ; - y : -, jK HEINSBERGER'S, mch 5 Lire Book and Muale Store If You Would ,be Happy y. BUY A COOK STOVE. ! ! . "The Golden HafVeBt," cc 3! it CALUMET," Or, "SO UTHKltN OAK," Of PARKfSU A TAT LOS. Pure White OH. . - v mch Flower. Poto. OR SALE BY , 7 , ' - 4 GILES A MUEC3X30N, ; 23 and 40 ifixrchUoa Bloek' mch 5 4 GARDEN SEEDS: tt A bagi FRESH LOT OF ALL KINDS 9t Ctlr- e and Turnip Seed, early, and late wrie-i ties ; Collard. Beet anlComate 8ecd, a Jarrt stock and an endles.' Variety ef Fees ni Beans, retailed at who locale prices by rwiundo Broo., ManufactartajTPbxrmac'et. BKOA.DWAY, AUi TOSS jan J COUNTRY ; - MERCHANTS AND EYEEY BOOT OAS ill." I:.'-.-- '. , A get suited in quality and prices front the lrr stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at the Jw Saddlery and Trunk Hone of - -, L o -c Hi M. BOWDEN A CO, ! - I No. id Market St. - Manufacture; and Eepalr. , . , . inch S Laboratory or - - -M : i StATX AS9ATXB AXD CnZxSST, j SOSJCast Grace Street, j V Richmond, Ya.. January Ktb, 1HJ. Mr. N. EzEKtEt, has made known to me the composition of his Hair Restorer and I tar. also subjected It to chemical examination. It contains no lead or silver, substance rery commonly employed tn maklog prtpsra&ca for the hair, jr.or anything harmful, and rat y therefore be need wltheut apprehension of ta Jurlous resulte. ' . - WAI. II. TAX IX) It, JU 17., , -i ,;:?:', ,.... ...,;' bute ChtrslxL TThllst thanking yon Mr. JTxelkL for it Hair Uefftorcr you so kindly sent me, Z take great pleasure la earing to you that Its bene ficial effect upon my hair nave been so appar. ent as to attract the commendation of all my friends who hare noticed It. " Itlah my cstlmaUtm a treaaure, wltbotrt which the tolkt of none who haTO used tt will be complete . Hoping lt may reallxa yoa lh pcrnnlary success yoti to richly deserre, ? , i remain, very retpeetf oily, . ,MES. A. iL T. TTlXS. Richaiontl, Va Feb. 27, 17. - i For sale by all drnrgUta. Price , per bo . rJo Liq uo rs. t -gUT A STOCK OF FRESH, A NO. 1 GEO CEBTES wni.be Vept at ou'Citore. .... , A , . No. 45f Market Strooti All good sold by us will bo aa rrpreeww!. GOOD GOODS AND SIX A, I J CPB07TT3 WILL BE OUB MOTTO. f xyGlre us a txlil and T-3 Zz-silzzz1y - fs 7-tr - : ru w'.tjr.'zc.Tc . c