XHJft FAPEB - -' " eepted toy JOSH T. JAMES, ; bpitob AMD Fzorxnrro. arriCRlpTl0X8 FOSTAOE PAID: r H00 8lJC montbfl Three oStL. ti One month. 35 cento. psper will bo de-Urered by carriers free Tn to any part of the city, at the aborts or id cents per week, rettlsing rate low and liberal. . briber will report any and all faB- A- 77u! 7ai7v Review has the largest circulation, of any newspaper fluked, in Vmcuyoj wumxngwn. Got. Stephens' last official act was signing the pardon of a convict A reduction of $7,500,000 waa mad in tho public debt daring February.. Doctor, joa hurt me,' were the- last word that Alexander II. Stephens ut tered. . Th Hflhthoaie at Sydney. New Sonth Wales, haa an electric light of over it 000.000 candle' power. . The Lotriavillo Courier-Journal has already declared open, unrelenting war upon "the thi3Ylg tariff." Cincinnati colored people are quoted as being largely religious and lor the toot part members of some church. A hill to permit the intermarriage ot whites and blacks has been reported farorably in the Maine Legislature. Wiggina predictions as to the storm on the North Eastern coast havo prov en correct. There was a fearful blow ia those localities. " Gov. Stephen's funeral services were attended yesterday by the largest 'num ber of people ever gathered in the streets of Atlanta. mm ; ' j Since the Pennsylvania iron manu- factnreri have got the tariff through. they are talking about reducing the pay of their workmen. n It is reported that an Irish secret so ciaty has been discovered in the North of England numbering 0.000 men. am ply provided with lunds and fireworks. The legislature of Texas, by a vote of W to . refused to adopt a resolution submitting a prohibitory amendment to the people. Similar action was taken by the Missouri Assembly. The Cambridge-Oxford boat race will ucour this year on the' 15th or 16tfi inst. TIispctat'rs will not be obliged to leave Imdon by candle-liht, as the race will be rowed bu the afternoon tide. About the 5th instant IJUtiop Little john will lay the corner-stone of the new ehurch building in St. John' Parish. Dresden. 'lhU is the only Pnutant Episcopal Church in Ger many. . . - The new revenue" act lessens the amount "f internal taxes to an estima ted amount of forty million dollars but it does not diminish to the extent of a dollar the cost of collecting tho remainder. Th Chatham Record says that Sena tor Davis was married on Tuesday last, at Fayetteviile, to Miss Burr and yet the Fayetteviile Obstrvert of Thursday's date, has nothing to say about it. Was he or wasn't he? The latest attraction for the next cir cus season is being arranged for Phila delphia. Sixteen bcatifui girls with long hair arc to wear steel armor and ride as many broncho horses in the street parades, as well aa in the ring. Tha now pension bill passed by tho United States Senate makes the pen sion for lba loss of a hand or .foot or an equivalent injury $24 per month, and for the loss of an arm above the elbow or a leg above the knee $30 per month The Connecticut Senate passed a bill providing ior tho establishment of pub lic libraries in cities on the consent of a majority of the resident voters, knd the imposition of an extra third of a mill in the annual tax levy for support there of. With the death of ex-Governor Ste phen Ilempsicad is destroyed the list cficial link joining Iowa to a. Demo cratic past. He was Governor from ISM to 1855, and he has never had a Ieoi ocratic successor. He was not fcrgotun. however, for he was elected st fall justice of the peace. His best eulogy is that he died very poor. Immense icebergs and vast 'fields of e, reaching from the Newfoundland banks to a distance ot S00. miles oast. ad violent westerly gales are met by all incoming vessels from Europe. Some of the bergs are said to be 200 feet high, "rhich would indicate a submerged and Tisiole part I 400 feet deep. For hun dreds of miles the banks are Ice. ' A tgfcUa editor out in Seattle, Was badly cc np In a battle; Wssgain in. repairs, . And snriaiicalff swtars, V TX Jtccta OU nakc3 pila tddadlt." l 1 1 H LOCAL NEWS. IMOU TO NEW ADVtSTISZmiTl. Fmlt at Auction Yitks Easter Cards J R Meltok Fine Bef . A I shbieh Local ad ' DaaossET & Co Butter' W II G reek Garden Seed llCTTDft Bfeos Garden Soe'l S B Woltb, Beefy I o B B A O Rxo.iux Commissioner's Sala American Legion ot Honor Local ad UzxxsBEBOEB lolantbe Caster Card .... : "j . The almanac says will itie fair, .to morrow. ' .-- J:. I New moon last night at 17 minutes pastil o'clock.- ". ' r , j ' ' Registration goes on very slowly at all the precinots, 1 The city prison has been vacant for a number of days. ! , The receipts of cotton at this ; port to-day foot up 338 bales. . "i ' : .. .. i ( A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobx's Hardware Depot. inere wasneitner a ciearanco nor an ... . ! arrival ot a single vessel in this port to day. Are the peaches killed d" is the ques tion propounded at every corner aqd by nearly every one we meeti The stor.n of to-day is eenerat along the coast, but no particulars of its force had been received up to 4 j o'clock this afternoon. , To Builders and others Qo to Jaco bi'b for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. j We haven't been washed out yet by AVfegins' big storm j; in fact, we would like to see a little more wetne"sa hereabouts. The bajianas in the cargo of fruit on board the Equator sold " rapidly this morning, and well. The sale will be continued to morrow, j There is an unusual number of strangers in the city, mostly from the upper Capo Fear section; who arc hens with rails of naval ntores and timber. The News and Observer says thai Misses Placide and Rosabel Englehard were somewhat better yesterday, al tnough still very sick. They both have typhoid pneumonia. j So faras wocan ascertain tho fruit and vegetation in this city does not ap pear 1o havo been injured by the cold j last niffht or yesterday. We have ex amined both leaves and blossoms and tind but little if any injury. j j There is a large amount of timber in rafts a:ong the wharves,' some of which is of the very best quality and will bring a good price. One eentleman lrotn Samp on county has rafts here which he values at about 800- . j Steamboat mcn report that , the river was rising quite fast at Fayetteviile yesterday morning when the boats left there. They also report a great many rafts of timber and naval stores in the river floating down here with " the cur rent and tide for a market. Wo learn that the dwelling house of Mr. W. S. Larkins. at Long Creek, cought fire yesterday and for a short time the destruction of the building was threatened. The cnergetio efforts of the neighbors, however, subdued the flames before any great damage was done, Capt.'Swift Galloway, Solicitor for this district, lost his little son, S-vift. at Snow Hill, on Tuesday. The little fellow was eight years old and he died of pneumonia. Our good friend has oar warmest sympathies in his trouble. Tho Fayetteviile Ob&errer says that Col. Gardner, with his corps of en gineers, reached Fayetteviile a few days ago,, engaged id the work of surveying the Wilson road, having! jdefinitely located tho lino between " Fayetteviile and Wilson;; The new 5 cent coins are very scarce, and will in time be valuable, as no more exaoily like them will be issued. The Secretary of the Treasury has ordered that those coined in future shall bear the word 'centj," in addition, to the figure "5." The word was omitted in the first jssue. ; I First Inatallmcnt. Messrs. A. "& L Shrier. at 5 Market street, have received their first install ment of two hundred and fifty Flannel Suits which they warrant fast color. Each oat has & label with their tall name sewed on the collar as a guar antes to their, genuine quality. -Don't failtogetAsniL , i Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jaoosi. ; v 1 T VOL. VII. rcm 5. '- i- ' . T i fr -r? f ' ? r ' ' WILMINGTOK N.; C; : FRI D AX M ABCH 9. 1883 " , ; Unraallables; , The following is a list of-the unm ail able ' postal matter remaining in tho Postqffice In this city : - Miss Alice Register, Whiteville Do pot; Mrs. C. A. Haraner, rHigh Point, N. C. j llr. C. R. Swain, Mount Ver con, Ga., P. W. & Co. When Howard wTote; 4I find a pity bangs upon his -breast,'1 the fellow had evidently a cold,and 'had pot yet been informed that' Dr.BulTs Cough byrup waa the only safe remedy, j: ; Cold Bath.;' ; A colored roan whose iiame wo failed to learn, while engaged in roiling naval stores at , Messrs. Worth Worth's wharChis morning,; slipped accident ally and fell into tho river. Ho was quickly : rescued, ETwevcrr wiih no farther damage than a thorough duck ing, whiehbn this chilly, morning ought to be considered as entirely sufficient to satisfy any one " . Harjiert Weekly ; The current number of Sarpefi Weekly is one ; of the fintiilnstrated papers we have overseen.r Always in the lead, from its earliest' inception, this excellent publication i$ determined to maintain iti position in the fron!' rank of illustrated journalism It is in every way entitled to, the remarkable success.it has achieved. Kalroad FreiffIits.J The freight traffic on all theTaiiroads leading into this city seems W be im mense. Cotton, naval stores and lum ber are coming here in vast quantities," keoping the freight handlers and "agents busy as bees-from morning imtil niht Every arriving train is loaded to its ut moat capacity, and extra trains Jare frequently called into requisition to move the products of the country which are continually accumulating at the different stations along the lines of the several roads. American Legion of Honor, Clarendon Council, No.' 6 Reiiulrrr meeting this evei.ing at 7 :30 o'clock at Tienken Hall. Members please attend A rent Suit ; The Lgi laturo has passed J the : reso lution instructing the Attorney General to bring uit against the" Seaboard Line to teat their right tohld the stuck in the CarolinaCentral Road. This resolution was offered in the Snate by Mr. Sctt, of this county, several weeks ago. A similar resolution, ! offered by Mr l!.iV3. of Robcsiiii county, pasntid the House. The matter was argmnl befre tho Judici ry Comiuitteeof tha Senate by Messrs' Merrlnion & Fuller, of Ral eigh, for the Seaboard Lino, and Hon-. I). L. Russell, of this city, for tho Mat thews or minority - interest, and ha finally resulted in the passage of the resolution by bothIouKes. Ceded to tlio United States. A report appeared in tho -News' and Observer a few days since that a bi l had passed its third reading in the Sen ate ceding certain lands in this city to the United States for a site for a post office Upon inquiry in the matter we learned the general government desired to pur chase certain" wharf property, for the accommodation ot tho revenue cutter, but would not purchase untoss an act of cession was passed by the legislature, whereby tho government could bare jurisdiction. ; Tho act of cession has passed in both houses, and the property (DeRosset wharf) will soon become the property of the United States. r Agood many.d welliog.houses are being erected in tho city, and there is a good demand for tenements " , ' : T1XBM AlliS ; Tnemaha eleee aad arrtre at the City Poet offloo aa lollowa: i CLOSE, i Northern through mall, faai... S.00 P. M- Northern through and way mall... .5.40 A. M. Kaleifh &.00 P. M. and S.4& A. al. Malls for the N. C Hallroad and t routes snppHed therefrom lndnd- " lngA.S. C. Bauroada ......5,40 A.M. Son&ern Mails for all polnta South. dally... -6 SO A. M. and 8,00 P. M. Western malls (C C Kallway)daUy, J (except Sunday). .....5.00 P. M. All points between Hamlet and BaK I e&h ..S.90 P. M. Mailfor Cherawand Darnngton Ball- rod. J SO A. M. and 8.00 P. M. alalia for potnta between Florence . andChjWcm...0 A. if and 8.00 P. SC. rsyettertlle aid ofloo on Cp Tear Brter, Tneday and k rtdaya. . ....LOO P. II rayettenrUle, via Lambextoo. dairy, . except Sandaya... ...5.00 P. 51. Onslow C H. and Intermediate oja- cea, Tneadays and Prldaya. ......,.,00 A. M. BmlthTille malls, by steamboat, daily - , (except Snndatft 8J0 A. 1L SSaUa for Easy llln. Town Creek, ShaBoWeand Uttle BJver, Twe- ' ; " dars and rrViara-....- 00 A. M. OPEN Ton DELIVZBT- Wrlrttavule, dally...... ,...30 A. U. Northern through and way maUs . mjjQ g.00 A. M Southern MaSa.... ..70 A. M CarllnaCentrlTllroad.......... a43 A. IS ifslls colfectedlnxn street boxes everyday aaaso P. IX. - ' ' , staapOCe opea from 8 A. IX. ta lilL, and from S to 5.15 P. IX. IXoney order and CesSsUr Peportzxrot open earn MeiarooGon. . - fetampt tor sale ta small qnaniltieeai essral dailTexy wpen stamp oCee la closed. ' M GcaeHl de2rery epea frcsi f "lyE ta cars cad ca tedsritrcb ta tii A, ix. yse ' i V-nishop Northrop. " TfafT Charlotte - Observer says that ' Father AVright will go to Charleston to Ie aprotest against Bishop Northrops reraovkl from North ' Carol ina. The rBishop,-whoso departure was chronicled by us, passed a day in Charlotte and left ion Wednesday afternoon for Chaxkstpn..accpmpanic-d by Fatner Wrifiht, Pastor of the Catholic Church la Charlotte.; ' On Sunday the Bisliop will receive th3 allegiance of his clergy in tho Cathedral, and will be duly in staUetit. . A number of eminen; Catholic prelates, inTcludingf Archbishop Gib bons, will lie present, -anil tho instlla tlon .xeVelm.tu-b,impressive ' jaiid imjosinto the" last degree. After the jntxseaon is" Vormeci ?at the Cath. edraV ft' wiil go , around the churcn and! arriving1 at Xhe doors, it will be inet bylae officials of the Cathedral. The dean then gj ves the kers tp the-1 -Bishop elect. f after which tho Bishop receives the holy water from the dean and blesses the1 people and the priests. Z After this ceremony, the pro cession, composed ' of the altar boys, acolytes," the clergy of the diocese, .the visiting clergy and the Bishops of tho provinces who may be 'present, marches down the middle' aisle and draws up at the'grahd - altar, " where '"prayers are chanted; the bulls are read Naloud by the notary, the Bishop gives the pon tifical blessing,' and after this proceeds to Vest for. the - mass which ho cele brates, .The sVrmoripn the gospel ' will be foUowed'by a? reception of the clergy and people- .It is probable, we under stand, that a number of persons from this "city syill be in Charleston on Stin. day. I - " fAfr.;: : n v, r, Bi lion Lyman's Appointments March 11 Sunday Newbern. 13 Tuesday Beaufort. 14 Wednesday Kinston. " ) .p.15 -Thursday Holy Innocents. Ierioir Co. J lO.Fnday Cr'Udsboro.; 1 ! 18 Sunday .Wilmington.' I ;' la Monday Wilmington. -20 Tuesday Wilmington. 2i3.ThurHd ay Rocky MounL ' 23 (i(K)d Friday -Tarboro. , ;25' Easier Day Wilson. . re , vi29tHirslfiy-rSouth AIills. con .4 1",';"'" i :' ' deration. ! 30 Friday Camden."- 31 Saturday New begun Creek . Quarterly Meetings. For tlm Wilmington district of tb MethoUit E (Jh'ireh, South: (CONCLUS ON rillST KTUNf.) Fair Bluff Mission.. JUar. 1 Bladnn. ai .Cent re. .... ... . . . . Mar. 3-4 Clinton, at Andrew's Chapel Mt.r. 10-1 1 O kesburtr at 1 1 alls. 1 ar. 17-1 N'ewton Grove M i?sin, ..... Mar. 21 Point Caswell Mission, at Providence. . . Mar. 27 R O: Hukton; P. E Farmers and others desiring a gen eral, lucrative ajrency business, m which to $20 a day can bo fcamod send address" at once, on postal,1 to II. C. Wilkinson & Co.,-196 and 197 Fnl tern Street. New York I dec l.m NEW ADVEKTISKBIENT8. John X. Boiifrwriglit's ... j PAROLE D'HONNEUR" Roller Process Flour. For Beauty, Strength, Purity,and Bread pro- iasl.i; qiulitle s, it is . - . the highest attain able standard. Guaranteed in OTcry Instance TRY XT. IT WILL PROVE ALL WZ CLA M "' , , rosrx. JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT dec in ' - " r J not, Ufa la aweeptng i T V and dare brs ,k J , ' lore you die, some- U : thine mighty and ftnbllma leave behind t conquer time $65 a week In your wn town $A outfit free, No rUk. Everything new.' - Capital . cot required We "111 fnralaa yoo ererytldng. M&nv are making fortune." Ladles make aa much aa men, and - boys ana girls make great pay. Reader. If you want botdneea at wfclch you eaa maxe rreat pay an tna use, wme ror psrocu arats II. ILuAj XTT A UO. FcTtlaadf Ixalna. ssrrXWirwt.t NO. 60 N K W ADVERTISEMENTS.' Fruit at A uctlo n. SKTH W. DAVIS, Abfctioneer. rpO.MOREOW MOKMSG,' coronvndnfc at 9 X o'Jock. en boan! Schr.- .fcQUATOJi, at Hall & Pearsau'a whart, a cargo uf 2ne t -OBANUES, BNAVAS, COCOASCTS, w GitAPE r&vir, &e . ; v Just arrived from JT&eean, N. p . ? i nichJlt j J. B. FAERATL BUTTER I GILT-EDGE VERYGH01CE. -A-FEW PACKAGES FOE'SAT-E BT : ! DeRosset & Co. F1RSE BEEF I JJAVIKG SKCpRElViv L A'RQS LOT OF. fine beeves, I will have on eala t mdrra- as unnsBaRj- g?o supyly of excellent STALL-FED BEEF . FOR SATURDAY'. MARKET. ; " 'Alio; ' ; ;" ' t ' . VEAL, HAMS, ; BREAK FAT . MUTTON," FAST STRIPS; PORK, GREEK AND SMOKED SAUSAGES, Jbo( " . ; ' ' ' "" I , v ' I-. ' . Call early and leave crctera and bave pur- - - - i ' - .- , . . ! , v :- . i . - . chases delivered promptly. J " ' J. E,; MELTONv S". W. Comer Market atfd Second Street, J, 'roirfetor of tbc oulv tem sausage m h 9 Factory In tlo ctale- ' Commissioner's Sale. - JS PUEsUAKCE OF A DECREE OF THF -perior Cowrt of Briingwi k couiity, at Fali rerat 1862, lu an action of foreel ur there in pen'U 'ffbrtTeen ThnHst 'National R k o 'Vilmtnioii s plaintiff, m ml lexj OMhnti- inu wne t Haiti unutd.tbeu Klrrsicne't, Cum uii--toiitir a poimed liv .iid deitrre.M h'e l-it public a actio a " foi C ih, .tlh Court loope in mlUi 'il q .on Monrt; , tic 101 ot Apiil 1S4. tt 1. M; the foil whiij reat t -le, hemg. In the 'oiin y of M uiistfick, aljili:ing ilie iowii 1 Uminirion ami cmta nlug 7' t.ci-?t nioro or ees. Kt-ginntig at a raarbl. p -hi in t.ic ilrini--v.ck couiity imt on t ie sou hbMeoTth' gre.i oal or causeway H-ross zge Irl ant! run bnit ui J with ihe g-tlu county, li e-Jt -ic p vts in tlice. f-'of t e ape fe.ir rivwr -t tue mouth .i a canal, then alONjp srii'i an layout es: 'o Uipinr ( nek, tli si dd r ek to f..M great ioil -r,c iu- av. vhen nurg i ai'ou hust o thu iwgiLn i g ct-pilnji from ta.d bo n.ds two Hcivon veyca t .John A. Ta lr ly K (Jri,- lv deed ot Jaiuiar "iDtft, ii4; and aUo cxcepiing - ot j n 1.0 feet u-.mi tha :afj-e-aW c u t. I ne abd a on .M gnat road J0 fi-t-i.tmndng the s ttne an i xtending b ick 100 feet p rallel vith said i-ruiiswick oui ty li'-B," which ihb l.t a reserved by .lfrt-d -!mitu in the d-e-i jonvcYiug said laod to the aahl Alex. uldUam. O. BICAUD, Commissioner. mch 9-30d I. 0. B. B. M. W. District Grand Lodge No. 5. T.THE ICth ANNUAL CONVENTION ot this M. W. Grand Lodge, the Committee cd Eeeolatlonc prcentcd the- folio wlc'g report which "was unanlmonaly adopted ;v' - Wilmixgtox, N. C, rel. Sj isSJ. TQ tHt rrttident and M ember 1 of DUlrici Grand Lodge Xo. 5,1, 0. B. Jl. Bretiike YoarCoramitfe on Resolritiona takes pleasnre in submitting the following. feellDy that It is but a slight and lnadnaie actoowlclgement for appreciated coarteeleA: Whereas, Thi Grand odge, at Ita re eit session.hs been ihe recipient of the wirraest wetcomo most co aui nospltallty at the hands of North -tste Lodge, and by the good penp'eef Wilmington generally. It is therefore Resolved, 1 tot the sineTe a knowledgemems anl grateful thanks of this Grand 1-orfge la Convention aesembW are eminently due, and the satn are hereby-fra-cru.illy tendered to brethren of orth State! Lo-ljre for the geniality 01 rh-tr kind welcn.a awl unbounded measure of their cheering ha pltallty extended to the members ot this body aDd their friends; the recollection of these bright and ioyou hfurs wilt, -vre are sure, ie ever eherlBhe! by ail of us In the days to come. Reolve-,iurihr. Thai osr special-thanks are due. and herewith tendered, to Bother J t. Macks; the nntiriosand efficient Cb ilcman of tho emmlttee jor Arrangements, for the niarv kl udnetses and fraternal roarte lea shown the members of this ;rd Bod. Kesohed. farther. That the thanks of bi Body are dee T. jj. bmen 4i, tsq , f-e eml Passenger .tgen of the Atlantic Coast 1 lue. and F. MT. c t rk, J-sq.. Gene ml Passenger ag-nt Seaboard Abr L'ne. tor their Ube al ami valuable ;av.rs shown, and he kind atu tlot shown by their ag nt. oar bruiher. IA- Wtsill. in facSUia in to art this Boi tQ many wa r. aa the reprrtnutive of the AtUotic Coaat and reaboard Air Lines. 4 ttesolred. farther. That tbla Crand Body precetiU 1U thanks to the lUaarny j Ut-c. to the cMzeni of North CaroiinaV metropoH generallr. an4 to t j res of this city tor ap predt ed eonnesles, '. - Re olrctl. That tb, thanks of tfds Grand Lodge are dac, and are herebr tendered t'ol. E K. Brnk, pA,m-ter at 'WlImtnrVn. fr hU kl d ess ! f urisdig speiat f cilitle for the reploa ard dl patch of ta.Iis from the bail ot this Grand Ifflge. l ! He. Ived. That this report be spread on the minute of tbia IWkIv aai irntt a copy thereof be presented to the press at tbU caty. I Ketpectfu-lysabEttl ted ! 4- . KMILK NEWMAN. -. . , I. Rliiv u;i. A KA1SEK, I. WINTfcRNITZ, L. GRADWOIIL, A trne copy. S. B. 70UX Sett?. PLAK NO f tCKJ Wa will be slad. to reodre coiaauilratsa trojcx our friends on any. aad all autjecta j eX general latcrcat but ? " ,. :"j ; ; V ..; j lh.!!,a wvnr nmt aJwcji fee ts ; alsbedjU IhejEdttc.?.. . Ckmxnnnlftattosrmntt be wrtucn a &j one tide of the 'pariav lrJ!V'' ":. . ;' . Personalities must be oMed., t : And It I efpocUUj aad.iirUeulariy'nnder. , tool that tho ItorocirnVt alwajeadotse to ijTa of correspondent nnleaa ao ratted to the editorial columns. - - r " -j iFoJSale rEX BEAUTlFr;BCri UtCJL- ted in tbo tbealthat Van of the city. Tboaa w ho may think of buying are lxrrued to czaxa. laa the property. i . ' .KDvdre.ot . -- T ... " SIDRCBT, Cor. Fburth nd Que ita inch S-iw lolanthe, QR, THE rEER AKD-TITS :rSlO; Writ ten by wml 8. Gilbert f'wnjred by Ajtatr Sullivan. Aullwrlred Copyright Edjtloa. t - . ' .' . . For aala , -. ; ... , Garde -LifeGE assortmext;0 -Afl-wtJ elgns. Friogd and no fringed ' Cull aod ee ihea it v HEINSBERGER'S, .- i - t ! , pfch H ' ' Lire Book and' MubIo Blora First of theSeaBonJ -;'" i i ."'i ' - t ' a ti iJ. . MV,;LADVi CUSTOM ERB A5f0TIIBPTJD ao generally re . reapectfuUy wrUSod t hyeJustrcoelTeda- LARGE AND ELEGAXT ASSQRanT 0? HatsBohnets;,' . Flowers, Ribb'onsi-&c. the first, which have been, axblblVed L WU mlogton this season; Easter For eme time to come ri8hall r 'ia reeolpt nyialUmUtNineraot lrge adl liMOonr ; -tKk, ll of the . cwest and latest Uwlrna and " of the best miterla a. r -t .... u. .' The remaining jk 0f ;Wlnter an1 early pring g oU will I cioo4 out at greatly re- L ced7 rates. !. r'.f 4. .jtir.-.. ; A call and an examination 1 UcltadJ MI SS mi ' K ARRER, cnx-- uerado; AGHAXD MAbQCEKAlis' BALL Will DO given ;at Germania, uUt. on, Thwrtday "irat log, 15 h insti The masquer's -Bat la- sear- ly full a birge number having7 uTrotidy signed, ind those who'wlah tipartlclpiie musVapply' it-ouctv Lhit closed fraturriay night, lOCh last. 1 limited number of fpectator's scatiVlUbo .M l lie young iadtei, uf bmlt'-vilt t a ea p.M ialiy incite I. Muslc.i.y: th U 11 iti liar-:hm- j.c tleme.i ina-quurs 41 each, - Ko Ch.it g f..r4ation en ma-aue. ' Apply it Deer's or to . ' w ;':. , , , - - HAaDW;CK & CO mch 5 4t ; in, w, f, t. j IIB UNDtCRalGNlCli UATIXO'QUAU iel as Adrainiatratbr'on the esUt' off Bobert C. &yra, d-tceasad. ou the 7tb day of Febru ary, 1883, la the Proba'e Court of Kew IIaoo ver Coutdy, nodce is hereby gjTca to all per ons indebted to sail c'ecensed to make !m m dl e payment; and all persons ha v lag claims araiort said etate. wM present the at for payment on or bef ro tho &th day of Feb ruary, li; or tbia uotio will be pJaad la bar This Wh day of February, 158.1. - ; V I J-1, macks, feb lawlw frl . j A.dm?r. Garden Seed I -pEAS, BKANS, CORN. CABBAGE, Tl nip, Squash, Collard, RadJau Ac., ibc, A floe selection of TlowvrfleM. For sale by , , W1LUAM D. GR2F?r. mch 0 Jrngg1sk Easter Card Urn A LARGE VtkRIETT OT Beautiful New ;DeBigiic . 4 f ( - Call and tee them at ' f . i v i . v YATES' BOOKSTORE. inch i ' ? '' 1 t -:'!'' i tv -i : II You; Wouldbe ; Happy BUT A COOK ETOTT. 3 . "The Golden Harve" I cc Or, VSOUTHKItN OATX.- V aure WoS "GARDEN SEEDS;' FRESH LOT OFyALL EINB3 of A''" ' '"f'r " " ' r ' 5 bageaadTumtp iced, eariy end lata rara tl; Collard. Beet an.i Toma'o &cda, .a tori Uwk ami au enite varhrty of l'eaa Ci.i Bcus. rotUed ak bokal prWs by - rjuhdc B roc 4 annfarttrrtng Phama st. - A3t i:kuaIw ay, a TCZT laata ;- . - - - CALUMET