Hi- i. m m m i - - - - . - ' , - , , - . . . '' m mi i mi n i i ' l .,. I The D a i I y R ev i e w JOdH. T. J AMS, Editor & lrop. WILMINGTON. N. a FRIDAY; MARCH 9. 1882. Catered it the roe to 13 ce At Wilmington, K. C, - -. as second-class matter. ;An analysis ot tho final rot on the . mWae unffbni ai reported by the com mitte of conference shows thQ of the 152 affirmative votes 17 were Dora 'ocraU. 2 Groenbackers and the remain der Eepabl'cans. Of the, 116 negative votes 13 were Republicans, 4 Green backers and the remainder Democrats. - Recent investigations into the density cf population of Paris, as published in the Globe, of that city, developes the -fact that there are 63,126 houses, with , a population of 2,260,000 inhabitants. jempg an. average ot tnirty-tnree per sons' lo each house. In New York the wrengo number, to each dwellinghonse is sixteen, in Boston eight, in Philadel phia Tnearly six. There are more Indi vidual owners of houses who reside in them in Philadelphia than m any other city in imo umieu maies. . The sura of 5; 13,000,000 voted for the rebonsirnetion of the fortresses vol Strasbarg and Metz. according to the Cologne .Gazelle, has all been expended 'and a further sum of $150,000 will b ankftdfor soon. Previous to the war of 1870 Straftbun? had only a fortified rampart, out me uermans nave pro Tided it with twelve detached farts, nine of which are on the Rhine, and all of theni are completed except the external works of Mu add a helm and the Althci- ner Kof. Around Meu the ramparts comprise nineteen bastions, surrounded by ditches and protected by thirteen advanced works. Metz. in addition to this stronr defence, is surrounded by eight detached and independent forts, distant on an average about two mile txm the centre of the city, and forming ft circle fourteen miles in circumference These forts are named after the German generals who distinguished themselves the most during the war of -1870. and tiro of them are provided with armor plated turrets. - ' A New York letter ways: "Democratic members of Congress are already, on arrival home, giving notice that the now tariff bill 'settles nothing.' and that the whole thing will have to be gone over again' at the next session, when. with an uudisputed Democratic major- ity in tne iiouse tne rroiectiomst:, as such, will have to stand aside and make w iy for a larger measure of free trat'e llr. Abram S. Hewitt, you will ob serve, in pursuance of this policy, has already served formal notice that 'no xaan ought to be elected Speaker of the next House who advocated or vott d for the Conference Tariff.' and that 'the organization must be in the hand of the revenue reformers.' The first clause of this declaration, it will bo noticed, unceremoniously rules out Mr. 'Randall, of Pennsylvania; and other Democrats of that school, but whether these gen tlemen will consent to thus have the door closed in their face by the New York brethren in advance remains to be seen. Mr. Cox and the remainder of the New York delegation, it is. un necessary to add, are in harmony with ilr. Hewitt." COLORED READERS. -It Is - evident that the Charleston ;iSwf 'and Courier, one of the most prominent newspapers in tho entire Union,' does not . believe that a good field hand is spoiled when you educate the negro. Hear it on a kindred sub ject: .The fools are not all dead yet. A week or two azo .he editor of the Eatonlon Chronicle, an obscure Georgia piper, bearing a queer resemblance, in name at least, to tne EaUtnswiU Gazette, immortalized In Pickwick, published a grave "leader" on the question whether ft is right to allow a negro to subscribe to a newspaper. This inquiry, it seems, was prompte4 by a protect which , the Georgia editor - had received from a white subscriber against the policy-of circulating the Chronicle amongst the naimwa SnniA nfthfi RtnnhlAn news. papers In the N rth' and West have been idiotic enough to take up tho dis cussion seriously, and want to hiip.ess upon their Southern cotemporaries the folly and wickedness ot not allowing Cuffee to bask in the liht of .a free cre-s.' Tnt News and Courier, sieakinz for" Itself ami lor every other new paper in the South, with the possible xoepil n of the t onion , Chronicle. ttnuM if Vnrthrn trwniil thai. whiUt lb iUU TCI J isir jk,w vmioioiiuj in CTwttxi number of colored readers, it has nut half as many as it would like to ; have. YVhen the harpies whi. by dint of the negro vote, held control ot the rovernment f South Carolina from - " . 1868 to 1076. were inrvaienea witn a popular npil Ing at the polls airainstthe oirraseons manner in which they had plundered tie taxpayers, their jeering reoly was: fWe don't care wirnt -you eav about us. Our constituents, can't Mieadr' It was a terrible truth rami it Is doubtful if we would ever have been freed from robber rule to this day, were It not for the personal exertions of Hampton,' Butler and their intrepid companion-speakers who. In ' 1876. stamped every nook and corner in the State. . Since then the colored voters have made vast strides in intelligence and independence; and toiay Southern journalists, bromptedjalike by patriot 1 ra and self-interest, desire nothing so Dcsh as to see the colored population trrennsd isto a thir.klsg and a read- SHORTS. There was a young lady in Worcester W ho could crow quite as well as rurces ter, . ' : She could whistle and sing, Do most anything f That boys can, except That she wasn't adept At climbing with no one to borceeter. Connecticut has l,18d saloons and 1, 055 ministers. Eleven drunkards froze todeath in Iowa last winter, under a prohibitory law. The 6tate of Colorado is in condition now to pay off its indebtedness, which at most did not exceed a few hundred thousand:.- .,- i ; j r The production of the Pennsylvania oil wells has reached its lowest staae. and the new wells are much fewer than they have been and are yielding com paratively little. So says a j dispatch from Titusvillc. - 1 Three Senatorial excursions are get ting ready to travel. One will Investi gate the Mississippi river, (the second will inouire further into! the relations bet ween capital and labor, and the third wants to examine into the condition ot the Yellowstone Park. I j A man's li'.tle best is not. always appreciated even in a prayer jueeting Thus a New York man sang so discor dantly, though heartily, that the tthei Christians backed up tiie p Utr in causing his arrest for disorderly conduct, when ho refused lo stop sinir.ng. Biichu-Paiba." I Quick, complete enre, all annoying KiUuey, Bladder and Urinary Disease. 1. Druggists. ' h PKRsuNAf. Ex-Senator Ferry is probablv the djailest duck in the olitical . mud-hoK'. Cassius M. Clay attributes sunstokts as well as tho Hoods to the destruction of forests. S ! The divorce sulk of Minuie Conway ar int the t-oruetet, Ievy, iai Nevs Ifoik, ha beenettkd. j Hank Monk, ' the driver who took H trace Greeley lo Placerville on time. years ago, uieu at Uarson,. lliursuay. It is stated the police have bevn or dered to ctjnfiscate all oopie of Marshal llazame s torthoiming. hist ry ot tht Frauoo-Prussia war fouud iu France Sir William Thompson adds the S;use of force to tiio hvtt setises.ot man making them six. Ills auit-nduieni appears to be geuerally accepted by hit o im peers iu scieuce. It is stated that the notorious Due de Morny has dime to America to capture the daughter of a rich New York too less who wishes to see her girl become a duchess of even such a-duke.l ! Bill" Nye is reported ;by the Boom erang to be in a hopeful condition at Greeley, Col. His wife feels confident that his eat ire recovery is a matter on ly of time-a few months at most. MOON.SHlNfS. -The Pendleton Civil Service bill has passed," remarked Mr. Wigginswonh, from the interior of his paoer.! YVell, I'm glad of that," said his wife. And now I hope that our hired girls will have a little manners." ! William, an honest, square sort of a Pittsburgh lover, is a lawyer. It was. therefore, a touching tribute when his fiancee softly murdered, "Why J am 1 Lka the grand jury ?7 "Why. indeed?1 usecause l nave touna a true Bill." . A reporter for an agricultural! paper, in giving the features of a couutry fair where horse-racing was the special at traction, says : The fair consisted ol a few big pumpkins, some venerai bed quilts strung on a line, and bully hoss irots." . - i "Celibacy is "played out,'" said a wellknown brokei to his friend, yester dayfl afternoon, despondently. "Well, why don't you broach the subjeo.? ' said the latter. The same evening he did brooch the subiect by presenting hei with one of those horse-shoe patterned ones irom; -7s, and now the are happy, for she was won and they ootn wui soon oe one: Mr. Henry C Pool. Newborn. N.C, says: "I received great benefit from Brown's Iron Bittters in general debili ty." . -i i i Rivals of Our Great Mortuary Poet. On a tombstone in the Isle 6l Wight is inscribed : t To the memory of Miss Bertha - Grin; She was so pure within. She cracked the shell of her earthly skin Ana natcnea nerselt a cneruhim. i A Mr. Charles Lam b. nut Elia. sleeps oeneam mese woras: Here lies the body of poor Charlei Umb, Killed by a tree that fell slap bang. A churchyard near Bury St. Edmund has the following couplet: Here lies the body of Deborah Dent: She kicked up her heels and away she went. . j Devonshire furnishes another equally good: - ' r j j. , - Here lies John Miadnw. Why passl away like a shkdow, N. B. 1 1 is name was Field, but. it would ma rhj me. j f The force f advertising, as Mr. Har" rison say.. omld no luriher go than here: ' - ' .; ' Here Hps the landlord of the Lion ; Htt'i buried here in hopes nl Zin.. His wife resigned to Heiveu's wiil. Carries on tho business still. Mu:TnilUm''Miyazint. " j It you are Ruined j in health from any 'cause, " especially Irom the use of any of the thousand oumnis that prorata? so largt-Iyv lth lotig fictitious tetimoBials.have no fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, and in a short time you will have fjje most ro bus and blooming health. 0 . : , . ' - : -1 Best ever made, Emory's little Ca thartio Pills, pleasant to take, surraj- coaxea; no grzpmg; omy id cents a box ot Druggists or by mail. Standard Cure j . Co-, lHNtrraa Ctrezi, Ken York. MISCELLANEOUS. Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of A ppeti te,Ioss of Strength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, &c. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never falls to cure all these diseases, i Boom, November aS, iiiu xowjt Omacja. Co. - Gentlemen For yean I fcwW beenagreAttcflTcret fcoraDyipep!. jw4 could get bo relief (having tried . everything which was recofcmerxi' ed until, actroc am the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by BKOwifa Ikon Bitters, 1 tried a bottle, with aoat surprising remits. Previous to taking Brown's Irow Brrra everything I ate distressed roe, and I uflered greatly from a borniog sensation in the stomach, which was unbearabla, . Since tak ing Bows Ioi Bxrrm, all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re sults. I am praerieally another person. MmW J.wmi, yo Uaverfck Su, . Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm, on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, - etc . The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all DruggUts. Brown Chemical fco. - Baltimore, Md. See that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, and r have crossed red lines and trade i mark on wrapper. BSWAfiS OF IMITATIONS. inch 5 lw tp-r-nrm THAT SETTLES IT. Brought into Competition with the World, the Best Carries r off the Honors. At tte &reat Cectenslal Exhibition of 1STC, the leading products of all the branches of tho Worlejndna try were assembled at P hilar delphya. To carry off a prise in the face of that tremendous ooinetltior wag a task of no ordlftaryfdU&cnlty. Inyontions and prepara tlons for the alleviation of pain and the cure of c&sease vrere present In the jrreatett possl bla variety, representing thesktll and the pro foondeet study of the age, and It may be of vital importance to you, personally, to m now tbTat the highest and the only medal giver to rubber Porus plasters, was awarded to the manufacturers of BENSON'S CAPCDTE PO KTJS PLASTER, by the following Jury; Dr.' WM. ROT II, Surgeon-General, Prussian Army. ;j - ;;" j Jj ILTHOMPSOJrJ A. M., M. D., Washing, ton, D. C . ....... V... C. B, WHITE, M. D., Kew Orleans, EBSEST FLE.IBCH, M. P., Austria. The decision was afterwards confirmed i by the medical Jury at the last Paris Exposition. Knowing the valne of such high and unbiased testimony, the medical profession, both In the United State and in Europe, quickly threw aside the old, slow-acting plasters they bad been using, and adopted Benson's in their regular practice. That physicians and sur geons of the broadest reputations did this, dis tinctly proves the lntrinsio merit of the article. It is no more than just to add that the tfver agephysltl n of to-day Is not dominated by tne prejudices which retarded the progress and modlfled the successes of his prede cessors of not more than twenty-five years ago. tie accepts bints from all quarters and en dors, -a and adopts demonstrated healing agents wherever he finds them. ; ; - The right of Benson's Caprine Porous PJas tor to f tand at the head of all external appli cations whatsoevor, for the mitigation or cure f disease, is n"lonarer questioned. L.et i bo purchaser, however, be on his guard -tgalnst imitations. The genulnebas the word wA PCINE XT In the middle. - eab iry A Johnson, Chemists, New lork. feb3&4w Seasonable Goods. YTTS OFFER NOW FEESH Arrivals of , j MOUNTAIN BCTTEB, CBEAM CHEESE, i EARLT BOSK SEED POTATOES, XKW ORLEANS 8UO AS, NEW CROP MOLASSK8, 1.300'BbU. GOOD FLOUR. H ALL & PEARSALL feb . . , , people are always on the lookout for chan ces to Increase their earnings, and la time be-onse wealthy ; those who do not Improve theiropportuniUes remain In poverty. We of rera great cn see to maxe money, we want many men. wont en. boys and girls to work far as rfcrht .n their own localities. Anv ona.Can do the work properly from the first start. Tbe txsnrfts wiu pay more man tea, ernes or narj wagea.Expea&lre. octt tsr&!ihed free ioone who engages faih to make coney rap Soiy. You can daTotejroarwi:oJa;.tis:e to the work, oronlv tout snare moments. "ull in- lonaa&sa and all that is seeddd trat frcs. Ad ') slresa tiTzxoxfi Co Pcrtiss lzu . MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted Teachers! Per month Steady emplo men durng Spi ng and . euiar. mf lim J.CMCCUUUI ieb 3 4w ' - ; Phn., Pa- 0;GOiSIS FflTSl fThen I say cere 1 Ao no mean merely to Uio and thwi have them rstora SvLptAmY Zft care tbe worst esse. Beeaase hersfeevi SaCl U M nm for not new rsortriMr . ?Vl" wcTfo uZSm aod a five Bet , ray hU nrnaar- Grrm BAprsas ana rw v-uom. afewToi Free' I Cards & Chromoe, We will send free by mall a sample set of our large German, French and American Chromo Card, on tinted anl gvM grMun'is. with a iprtoe bst t over 200 differ nt oslris oi receipt of a stamp for postage. We will also send free by malt as samples, ten of our i-eai.tlful Chr..mos, on receipt of ten cvnts te pay fur packing and poatwre;aJbo ena'ee a Confidential price 11 of oot large oil chromos.. gents wanted- Addie's F. GLBasok & Co., 66 summer btreet, Boston, Mass. f e 2R 4w - Mothers Bead Tills ! Vxs Baos. Dear turn Your Wosx CoinriscTlONS have been invaluable to us Our little boy, two years old, discharged .rvcr thirty worms in a few days, using only few of your orm Confections. I am glad to bav testimony to the value of VjinLKmsen'. Worm coufeoUosa. TourB, Err. J. I HcNant. Try them--830 a box. - -- VaJfDETTEN JBBOS, frhJWv'r Uneston H.Y. "HDOfiE COUfiTY GRIT . COM MILLS AKDUILL8T0NES, DESTIUTIItVUKLD 8A1IPLE8 C7 ISBaX BZZTT qjI ASWlOAXIOB.. x esrra eaRsuxa bIiiistoii eo. Branch Otfice.-Cfnrtote, N. C ' -MFSTX02J THIS rATEB LimeKainit aoid Plaster ! BUILDING. LIME. AGEICULTUK41 LIME CABBONATE OF; UMB, KAINIT, LAND P.JLSTEB AND M RL. GOOD FERTILIZERS, AND VERY CHEAP. Send for Circular FRENCH BROS., feb?6 i - v Rocky Point, N. C. John L. Boa 'PAEOLE D'HONNETJK" Roller Process Flour, For Beauty, Strength, 9 . : j ' , " - - Parity, and Bread pro daii; finalities, it is the highest attain able standard Guaranteed in every Instance TRY IT, IT WILL PROVE ALL WE CLA M FOB IT. JOHN L.B0ATWRIGHT dec 19 MORTGAGE SALE. B Y VIRTUE OF 1 HE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain deed of mortgage made by C. W. Ilawes, 8. A ' Bedding and n. M. uowden Triirtee. to Boatwrieht & McKoy. and regls'ered in the office of tbe Register ot u cos t juew juanover county in booe uuu, page Ml,- the undersigned, as At corner for tbe assl nee of tbe grantee in the said dee , will sell at public anctloo at tbe Conrt Ilonse door in tbe City of Wilmington, on Monda , the 1 2th day of March 18. at 12 o'clock, i M. the following lot of land In said city, with the bulkliogs tnereon : .Beginning at the North western Intersection of Nunnand Mxth streets, runs thence Wet with, tbe horth Mno of Nunn street U7 feet, thence North 58 feet, thence East HI f-et to SixrH stre t, thence South with the line of Sixth street 58 feet to the be ginning. JO aH IK BELLAMY , Jr., feb930d A'torney. Foreclosure Sale. - - - . . .... - -. .j . gY VXBTUE OF,. THE POWERj OF SALE contained In a certain deed made by J, J. Ellis and wife to T. B. Lippltt," as Trustee for Boatwrlght & McKoy and their heirs and as signs, and recorded ' In Book P P P, page 233, of the 'Records of New Hanover county, the n- dert-igned ns Attorney fur the said trus tee, will sell to the nlgnest bldierfor cash at tbe Co rt Houce door in the city of Wilming ton, on Monday April 2ml. Is83f at 12 o'cl ck, Ji the 'ollowlug f1escrlbd pro pert sitnate in taid city, beginning at the Northwest in.cr sctlon of 'lenth with Chestnut street, ru s thence North with the Western line of I euth street 60 feet, tbeoce West long t nmbertV line 16po -a to Hunt's litre, tbenoe sath 0 fet to Cn stunt street, thence along tL orth Una 61 Chestnut street IS poles to the begin, nit. J. D. BELLAMY, Jr., moU 1401 Attorney. Great Bargain Om i OA PIECES BEST BLACK SILKS. ZJ - BATIKS AND BLACK. CASS. inn DOZ.'.GEBMaW ASD IRISH I INES lvW Towels, Blankets ana Domestics, to be sold at reduced prices. ;. - Win dose out my entire stock of Carpetf. Crpssels, Ttpestry , Iczrata, i ply, and Ofice ? .ttTag.-; .Call . ga4 . esssiae before "purchaa- 'Also, fall ciac2t cf Clctita; and UndcrsWa, fctrcv Cxi tiktlpfciaert ttock SOL r.SAE, r J twright MISCELLANEOUS.. 1883.. Harper's Haffazme. ILLUSTRATED. Harper ISc&ucm begins Its sixty -sixth vol unio with tbe December 5?uruler. It Is not only the most popular Illustrated periollcal in America and England, but alec tbe laiyest la lie scheme; the most benutrful in its appear ance, and tho-best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled "For the Major," by Con stance Fenimore Wolson, the k author : of "Anne "was begun Ii. tb- Novomber unibr. In literary and artistlo excellem-e the Magn 'n improves with each succeslve- numbers. pe laMJU"orta har beiti made tor the lipbter entertainment of its re.Hlers through humor ous stories, sketches,"'?. ' f Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: Haktsk's MAGamns. .- $i 00 llAsrxa'B Weekly.....,."...'..;;....... a 00 HjLRTEE'B Bjlzas. ..... .7... ...1. ...... . 4 00 The TEBabove?ublktlons..i.. ...., 10 00 Any Two above named .' 7 00 Habfeb'b Votjsg;Pi&opli;. 1 50 HABPER'R MAGAZIJTK v: I Jl fiO Haktcb's Yot vq People HAKFEB'S FKAKKXIKblCAH5 LlBKAUT, One Year (52 Numbers...M...l.f..i 10 00 Postage' Free to all sulxcribert in the United State or Canada, . - Tbe volnmea of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and Dot-embor of each year. When no time 1b specified, H will je under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the eurrent Number.: ;!i -v - VT The last Eight Volumeacf Btrptr$ ilaga sfae. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt oi $3 00 per volume Cloth h Cases, for binding, 60 cents each-by mail postpaid. " -1 , . - Indent to Harper Magazine; Alphabetical. AnHly tlcal ana classified, for V olumes I to 60, iacrasive. from -lune, I CO, to June, ItajO, one voL, vo. Cloth, $4 fo. i. hemluanoes should be made by Post-Oftlce Money O der or Draft, to vo.d ohaH-eof Uss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement withouithe express order of ilAKFEK & Bbos. Address - I HARPER & BBOTIIEBS, - dec VI New York GUNS AND CUTLEET I A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Muzzle arid Breecti-Loader Guns, Revolvers. and Ammunition, SILVER PLATED, , SPOONS: & FORKS, A VEUY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Kfiives, Table Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at N. JACOBI'S, , HARDWARE DEPOT, dec29tf - , No. 10 ?outh Front 8t 500 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, J-OW LANDING, EX BRIO "ANTEIjOPEh ... direct from Matantaa. For sale low. Orders solicited. , WORTH & WORTH. BUTTER! qili;edge, - - OLEOMAR6ARTK& TEAS, ' (' . C)FFEESV , MOLA8SES, Ac, Ac, Ac , Ac. For Balfat lowjriees by DeRosset & Co. dec 19 . 1883. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper' Weekly stands at the head of A meri- oan uiusiratea weesiy journals, ity Its unpr ttsan position in !olltiea. its dmlrable illustra tions, its carefully chosen serials, short stori, sketches, ana ptems, contributed by tbe fore-. most artists ana auLuorsoi tne aay, it carries instruction and entertainmt nt to thousands of America!, homes i - i ' f - It will always be tbe aim of. tbe publishers to mike Harper e Weekly the mot popular and attractive family newspaper in the world. . '-Harper's Periodicals. ; er Year: 1 v. '; ;t. ; : V ILlBPES'S WEEKLT.... .......i.......w..fl CO ElARrES'S MAOAZCTB 4 00 Habpeb's Bazab:.. ....... 4 CO TheTHBKE above publications.......... JO 00 Any Two at-ove named...'.:.........'.;. 7 00 riAKPKu'a Tociro People. .... . .... ... . l fit riAHPEK'a Magazine " i i . Harper's Youso People, t:t ' 0 19 BLabpeb'b FRAirkixar kqcaxs Libbabt, ! . One Tear (52 Numiers).....s...... 10 00 Postage Free to aU svbtcribert in the United States and Canada, The Vommes of tbe Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no tune 1 mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of orier -: The Ust rour Annual V- himes of Harper Weekly, in n at cloth bwdinjr, will be sent by mdi, postase paid, or by express, free of ex. pense f provided tbe freight does not exceed eue dollar per volume), fTr $7 00 per volume. CIoth.iasni for ech volme. suit ble for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid , on ro ceiDt of $1 00 each. - --t . CemittaU es"StO"M be ssado by PosOflce Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Ktxtptrpert are not to copy this advertteement CSuyvt the express order of LLuuxa & Llaos. .. A43ltS - ' v' . : ' : & dOTZira. inSCELLANEQUR New York 'Weekly ONE DOLLAR A YKAlJ4 rpil E .CIRCULATION OFTnia FOREIGN NEtr embiwipecJal dpaiehes ttxna ot tne globe. Under tbe bai f 4" AM Kit ICAN NEWS i TUE WEEkLY HERaio i th cbeaist.v Every woek u mx FOUTICALKkWS ' embracing cornptct.- and coranrpKL! patches fj om.Wabhlngt n, lncludM? i lrv of t he speeches of eminent voliS the questions oi the hour.,' poiti TU : FAfeDEPjiRTMEU of the Weekly Herald rive the la&t f as the most rrncttcal Mgmt9-MnA erles rtlatic tv the duties of tbsf-lV for raisti.a Catue, Poultrv.rstoSV1 eetbles. Ac., e wtth eazrmlJ1 keeping bulhilnjcs and tarrowe uvei?! pHlr.Thiaia snpr-kmeiited by 11 department, wittely copied, QtKler pdvinr makhv iaie lasmons ,avine ;towettt imr T v Hem of cooktnff orecoenmy-meet l?3 department fa practloally tested InmLT. fore publication. Letters Ironj our IW London oorreapoudents On the tr fashions. The tiwn 1 department of t2 u"? ly Herald wili save the Ilou,Wift ? ote hundred times the price oi the 1 5? Interest ot-W m T' V ;.;: SKILLED LABOR, are looked after, and rorythfc rskthi u mecha les and labor savine iscawwFj curded - There !s a pege, dovotedt?i52 latest phases of the busmess markrtT rw? Merchnrtdlse, Ac. &c; ,A'. vshuibls ut& , ii THE ..PRODUCE. M AEKPT. 'ij Sporthag ws at hme ind abroad, ismk er with a ! Htory every week a SeWhS eminent dryine. Literary, Musical fhimiS Hersonar aoi 8eaKot sT. There 1 the world wliieh contains so much r4r!,! tor evcrwack. aa thn UrMbi. u.u ' r u wiit, pasiage free for UMloUar7ToB TKe New! York In a Weekly form, One Dollar '-' . a Year. -:'v' ' ' Address4 ' NEW Yonir nmim Broadway and Ann Mreets.New Yort reft 9 " , tt ,. H albert Bros. Wholesale Price List. " ' Ma 4 Piano, 7 oct, square, rosewood, - C&rved, agraffe ...$136 Ot 7 Plano,uprlght,7oct.,cabinetpanHi IS Organ, 4set8reed8,9etop8 and giwd , - organ. MM Organ 6 sets reeds, 1J etopa, coup ler,, sub-baes ) Our Pianos a nd Organs are war ranted first-class. : I ' f VloUn outfit, box, bow, strinn.com- plete... .......................... 100 3 Violin cremona model, extra fln . 9M s Aocoraeon, iu Keys, bass box, Use tone .......i.. ......... 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, isels reeds.perfecL Mouth Orsransl Vienna concert, M IN tot n holes. S Mouth Organs, Genuine Ekhter 10 I holes, O 8 . II Mouth Organs, Genuini Concert , double 34 holes, G 8 1 Of 14 Clarionet, .genuine Martin, 6 key, . - boxwood 17 Fife, in ebony, German sllve ferules 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crans, one....... m 19 J ' 6 tunes, wind with lever large... 20 Violoncello, patent, machine bead good.". ....;......... M 23 Double bass, patent head, t or 4 strings... i 24 Guitar, maple, nrvchlne bead, Bm finish........ !" 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 brass br&cketi..... f 28 Cornet, brass cornopeon style, cms M : and crooks ."3 SO Drum, brass, Prussian, ornaroerilM , Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo 8trtoi, I H Bros. " 8Uver Violin, Guitar and Banjo 8trnm, II Bros......... i'0' Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, rt Rroa. .;...... Gut, Russian, German or Italian, best inavrucuun ooojkb, uwwo d . any tostrument.........-;;' m " Having just male a good trade for 1 af er Sewing Machines, will sell tnemfartaesel while they last. . . ' . wov it Money U qtute safe -in eommon lewi plainly addressed. f t , m Terms strictly cash with order. Jf111, "tAgentsaod dealeri send for our 40 par C Onlbove net wholesale prices Afeutt m make 100 per cent, profit. u. ri Call on us when you come to t-1f?rh-B, Keferences ;j Any bank or wholesale w m tne city. x , wnoH Hulbert Bros.t l the only. General w saio nouse m ow - BBOI 923 Olive Street. . Saint Louis. jan,13-lr t . ; . , . j V : .1883. . Harper's Young People AN ILLUSTRATED WKEKLTW.' SUITED TO BOTR AD GlUtS OT f0 TO SIXTEEW TEAKS OTT tlXst J VoL IV. commences November 7, The Young People been from tM successful -beyond anticipation;-f ' ninff 'Post-a: -i,"j VI ' '. Ltittft i it has a distinctive purpose, to wJJirS lly adheres that namely, of WtrfZtya vicious papers ,for th J young 1. 1 more attract! te. as well as more oie- contonu. generally,-it is unsurpassw j p rhllcation of nhe kind yet brooxM w notice Pittsburg Coiette. - " r $1 9 TERMS " H tRPEESTTOUSli PWJPLfc, I 1 50. nliimpanf Hirer's YOUDg l$Z 1881 and 1881, handsomely nonna ".r V totlCloih. Mlil be smt bV mall. PC ild, onArceipt of $3 00 eath, C7" Young People for ' rents ariHitionai. Kemlttances should be made &7:j?Jf m Newspapers are mt to copv J tWs i w $ merit without the express oraefor Bkothxks. Address dee. i TTNT) rAZT A ETEIL CABIXET MA6 CAKPEXTEU. , O21o IT.3S. gooitwork, prompt deUtery and f mwrnrrrempfrt.. , :. .- pn P "ry rT II? ir : t 7i tains alftMleaoTrwV: It and U arrsoed )n handy axe gl?en.the Tttepbirf.. week from alTparu ot tne ture atone makes v r - ; . 'Ta rooeliea for t-rctU dkheal , ; fc cothlug aiul-tor keeping V