.-t 4 i ' - THIS FAPEB Sundays ex w bo fclad, to receive eonusmiseatiars froinour Mood oa asy and all . satjocu ef feoeraj Interest bet, .' The name of th writer nraU always b tss j Q2bod to this' Editor. " Z -I j''. CootxnnnicadoDs cactt be WTtaaca caly one aide ot the paper. . ! j PenonaHtlee raostbe avotded,; - : ' And It le especially aad particular ly xaAa. stood that 4he Editor does not' alwaya eadot M ! t'vC news of correstiondanta cxlIm mn ' I eepted by ' JOSH T. JAMES. szITOB TTtOrKIXTOK. ftCBSCEirnONS POSTAGE PAIDt rear a rwa. Six months, 92.00. Tbree thA tlO; One montn, aa enta. rAnr will bo delivered by carriers tree -orWcwupwweeL Agitata rate. and liberal. jStjtcrneti win report any and an tafl- bMhHi ihWr Mner rrcrilarrr. VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C.'; SATTJR DAY. MARCH 10; 18S3. NO. 61 In theofttorlalootamna, ,'--- ; . i i - ;-;;:;.--..V".:-"r ' : SetieW. -y- r 77 Daily Beview has the largest tcna fide circulation, of any newspaper relished, in the city of Wilmington. J " Mr. Stephens lived in a temperature f sfventy-three decreet or higher. tm The director of the mint says there ire three millions of the new nickels in circulation. jte Kew York Wsrld alludes to cArib Bernhardt at a woman who married at leisure to repent In haste, John Ford, editor In chief Of tho New fork Times, and two Republican' capi talirta have purchased tho Brooklyn Cnion Argus for $100,000. Senator Tabor has an album filled -;th Senatorial autographs and tender sentiments, a bran new wife and $10. 1109.00ft. Add he ia not happy yt. The railroad commission bill tailed to become a law. after jaU said and done. The useless and unnecessary ex penditure of brains and huncomljd on thU bill is awlal to contemplate. The question as to whether a husbandl has a right to exact tnat nis oetier nan shall build tho firo is to be settled in Indiana. A minister's. wife has raised the Ubuo in a suit for divorce ' Speaker Keiter ''was much flattered, eayt tho ingenious Now York World, when a wag told him that he resembled Gambetta. It was afterward explained that Gambetta and ho were both dead. Daring tho sessions of the Forty- Seventh Congress the total number of bill and joint lesolutions, introduced in both Houses was 10 650. The reports oftkbate cover 10.715 pases of the Congressional Record, having a total of ld.000,000 words. L.J. Jennings, tho London corres" pondent of the New York World, writes that emigration from Great Britain to tho Uniictl Status will be 'greater tho ensuing season tbart it has btin any timo sinue the discovery ol gold in Calitornia. . StatUtics fnm New England" collec tion districts show that f he cost of col lecting each $100 was as follow last year at the places named : Castine, Me.' $13; Kcnnpbunk, Me., $445; Sac, Wf. $259; Ynrk. Me., $823; Barnsta ble, Mass.. $143; Edgartown. Mas?.. iiil; Nantucket. Mass., $671; Bristol, U. I,$159.' rmliibitiim is very active in Centra1 GtvM-jtia. MonriHj and Jasper havo tin elartd fur it; Butts and Pike are nlmcst certain to have it; it is growing in Spa ding, and even in Bibb the move ment is gaining strength. The Augus ta Chronicle thinks that the Legislature niy havo some ripe and robust ues tioiiij for consideration next summer. The Civil Service 8upply Cooperative Asiwialion of London, during 1883, put chased $7,350,000 of goods and made sales to$ao4.500. with a gross profit of $804,500. There are 4.500 shareholders, and 33.000 tickets aro issued to these, to oivil servants aud their friend r$200, 000 were paid for salaries, $50,000 for parcel deliveries and $55,000 for paper aud string. : Frederick Lunger, who died at Daven port. Iowa, last .Wednesday, aged seventy-five years, is said to have been tho senior railroad locomotive engineer In the United States. His first ex per (enee in thatcallln? was in 1835. on the Albion, an engine built by George' Btephensoa and run on the old State road from Philadelphia to Columbia. Penn. LOCAL NEWS, IIOU TO IEW ADYCRTlUmiU. T iTw Fatter Card R Gaxzx3ardn Seed vtd Bbo Gardes B?d t. Jacobs OiLroorth page HanrftBssou lolaatbe Easter Cards &AKx'.xaubIeolTna& this pago. orvohcr.cils see fourth pace. DyVagth 1 1 hours and 50 minutes. The market seems well supplied with t now. m raiaed hard last night and it was "come. Silver Plated Spoons andForks, low 'T.atJxooM,. f Soneet to morrow aOernooa" t '6 oioutes past 6 o'clock. ; ;: ; There was one interment that of an UHn Oakdale Cemetery this week- There was one- inlcrra thtfrthat of a Tb P1,Yne Cemetery tm week; Eoe lhad, ta , fine as we havo cYer oca. hav fca plcatlral efhfr a ClO 1 I be receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 170 bales. . Six dozen for a dollar was the price asked for eggs at the irocery etorea to day. ; ; I Tho Register of Deeds j issued three raarriag8 licenses this week, all for col ored couples. There were six interments two adults and lour children in Pioe Forest Cemetery this week. -:J;: " . . j Only 77 votorB had registered. i a the Third Ward up to the close of registra tion boors last night. . ' ' ! Turner's almanac is about the best ol tho many weather prophets who claim attention.. It promised us that it would bo fair to-day and fair it has been. Police circles have been very j dull for tho past few days. "Nothing doing U the feport heard .all j along Magis trate's Row. 1 j It is generally conceded now that but hereabouts by the snow and cold weath- nine injury was none to tne trait crop er of-Thursday. There were large quantities of shad in the inarket to-day and they were selling at reasonable prices!. Other fish were selling in proportion. j An Ohio man named Major Stacy. With toothache went nearly crazy. flats nappy aain, And says that for pain St. Jacobs Oil is just a daisy. . ! Empty is the guard; house, not a son is there; it its boarders vamosedr not liking prison fare. Each cell seems sad, forsaken ; the loved ones we have known UV feast on uard house bacon, all have gone. Edwin W. Kerr, Esq. J of Clinton. Sampson county, who has been in the city for a few days on business, left last night, with his son, for Wilson, where he is to argue a case to-day before Judge MeKoy. - . . " ' . That was a very clever thing In Mr. Scott, the Senator Iroin this district,, in .the Senate yesterday. We reter to the handsome mnnner in which he announ i - ced his support of the bill for tho bene fit of ruaimcd Confederate soldiers, j Rev. Mark Gross, ot St.! Thoraafl1. Catholic church, leaves liere . to. night for Charl8ion. S. C, toi attend the installation services of Bishop Northrop to the See of Sath Carolina, which will take place in that city to-morrow: iy some afjuient to tno machine y or the draw at the railroail crossing of t ic Cape Fear at Mearen Bluff, thl mornins, the steamer Murchison was detainel, and 'did. not come the city on her usual time. It was expected that the accident will be repaired so that she can como through by 4 o'clock this af ternoon. i j ! The Masquerade Ball which comes off pn Thursday night, the 15th Inst, promises to be a brilliant affair. . Near ly all the tickets for masquers are al ready taken, but we learn that a very few more cau be accommodated. - The management guarantee the j best order, the best of music and the best of an en tertainment. . ; ' j v - Exports Foreign. I Ger. barqua Fruehliny, Capt. Ahrens. cleared to-day for Hamburg with 3.101 barrels rosin, valued at 5,589.68, sbipr ped by Messrs. Paterson Dawning! & Co., Kor. brigfZcio,' Capt. Anderslon cleared for Iiondon with 2,475 barrels rosin, valued t $3,756.95. shipped by Messrs. Robinson & King. a i ' First Installment. Messrs. A. & L Shrior. at 34 Market street, have received their first install ment of. t we -hundred ana fifty Flannel Suiu which they warrant fast colon Each' coat has a label with their lull name sewed on the collar as a guar antee to their genuine quality. Don fail to get a suit. Kev. lr. Deems. Don't forget the lecture on Trifles' by the Rev. Dr. Deems, to be given at tho Opera Hoose next Tuesday j night. We want to see &. crowded house to welcome the distinguished speaker, and we fed assured that our! wish will be Igratified. ' I'ho . . library Association nnder whose auspices the lecture will be given, are making laudable c$rtt to farnliH literary entertaiiunenU of the highest Intellectual orders and we are glad to think that tbtlr labors are ap preciated by tne publiov, ' ! - I 1 I i To Bcdldera aad others Go to J aoo ex for 6ash, Blinds sad Doors, Gl&sa o. Y ircTall aixce - ad at tho Icrcxst prices. . ''11 ; ; ! Cut two more weeks in Lent. : . ..... Cotton. 'The'reccrptii'of cotton at this port for (-the ten days closing with to-day foot np 1,140 bales, as against 1.066 bales, for' corespond in jr, period of last year, a do crease of 80 bales. .The receipts of the crop year to data foW np 119.679 bales as against 126.560 bale) to same date last year, a decrease this year M ?f&& bales. ' , - .V, J ; .- Important. - In order to reap the - benefits of a free postal delivery in, this city it will be necessary thaVtho names of the .streets shall be placed on ccmspicuotis . signs at tne street corners and that alithe hottsct shall be dnly and plainly numbered. This Is a very Important matter - devel oping apon the city fathers, and one which, if not attended to before long, will postpone the matter for two years. , 1 ' To be Repaired. The Ger. barque Albatross, Captain Siebe. which put in below' some days ago in distress, was towed up to the city yesterday evening and is now: ly ing at Messrs FoWler & Morrison wharf, where her cargo is being dis charged preparatory to going upon the dry dock for repairs, She is consign ed to Messrs E. Pesehau & Wester- mann. ? - , Personal. . Mr. S. A. Haney, In charge of the Signal Service Lnere, . left here last night tor Lnmberton -apd other points on the Carolina Central road, while he goes to give instruction to: observers in the cotton belt section relative to their duties. It is not known how : long . he will be absent, but he will probably re turn to-night or to-morrow; night. Dur ing his absence the busmes&of the of fice hero remains in the care of his newly appointed assistant, jMr. J. M McCann, who takes the place of Mr. W. II. Lamar, the latter having been ordered to Washington to take a bourse or Instruction preparatory to being sent to Iad y if Fran klin's Bay, to rel ievb laieut Greeleyl - - - - Supremo Court! In this. Curt yesterday, the con sideratlonof appeals from the. fourth district was resumea. anu causes ,wcre disposed of as follows : State vs. John Dickson. J from Cum berland. Argufd oy Attorney Ger ernl Knan for the State; no counsel tor the defend nt' - State vs. Daniel N. Mclver. from Moore. Arened,by Attornev Genera! Knan for the Rtati, and W. -E. Mur chison for t ho "drfrhdarft. A. M MIonaiii'vs J., Morri cf als..-from Moore. PeUtmti; for writ. f certiran. - Petition allowed and cau.e continued. t j ; ; , t J. L. Wfvcott vs. John II Thtwe ef ala.. from Brunswick. Put. to the end of the diatfiet. : . John C Sinclair vs. Margraret 'Mc . Brvde. administratrix, et alfC. from Robpsnn. Argued bv Thoibaa A. Mc Neil! and Frank Mctfill;for the plain tiff, and French Norment for the uritiiiuiiiin. -.. H. B Coylnprtou vs Robert J; Steele. rrom Richmond. , Arsrned by ' Frank McNeill and Harwell,-Walker & Tillet for the plaintiff, and J. D. Shaw f;r the defendant. - R W; L. Raiin & Co. vs. S. M. Thomas, from Richmond, . Argued by Bnrwell. Walker & Tillet for the ptaln tifis, and J. D. Shaw for the defendant. t It must have been a terrible state of affairs, that caused the Psalmist to ask : "Whean stand before his ..cold?" In his day the remedies were few and doubtful ; how ranch happier should this generation be. , that has a househdfd remedy. Dr. Bull's Cough Kyrup: so wondertnl has been its k cures that mVp lions rise np and call It blceaed. , Federal Court. X The following com prise a list of jurors drawn bv W. H. Shaw. Esq.,;Clerk of the U: S.: District Court, to serve at the term of that court commencing on Tuesday, the first of May. The list was received yesterday atternoon. bnt too lata for insertion in that issue: New Hanover 43ounty--Jobn W. At kinson. Jos. Davis, A. G. Hankins, Wm. Moore, Thos.. Evans, Geo. A. Peck, C. P. Mebaue, Valentine Itowe V. I. Gore. Chas. It. Ganzer.. John W Galloway, G. M. Allaffer, Geo. M. Snmmerell. D. J. Aaron. Geo. F. Til ley, Walter G. ilcRae, B. G. Bates, Patrick Donlan, Elyah Hewlett. F. H. Mitchell. J. A. Holt. W. M. Poisson. H. A. Burr. Wm. H. Cotton." J. 6. Mo Eacherp. J. H. Price, Jos. W. Taylor, Harry WebbC. H. Morse, N. FPar- ker. John Hooper. . : ." ; Duplin CoT2nty--J. Wells. Taylor, James Dixon A. J.' Stanford. J. W. MoMillan.'Robert H. Brown, BarweTl Matthews, H. d WrightT JametSar age, n: Holllngs worth; Thos. .H.1HU1. j Brans wid Coaty-John E. rounds. John IL White. John Evans, D. It. Walker,: Eaaatl A- IU3. Jphn f Wcxclt, J. It. Lery, J; Elssoa Mo NEW. J Al VBHTISEMENTS. seiooistid GRAND NOVELTY SALE OF . . DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS AND MILLINEEY ladies of Doh stand upon the order to come, but for you In the way of supplying Summer The Largest, Grandest; and flovBlties ever displayecLin this or any other city ! ; HAHW'S, HAHI!'S, HIHW'S! . : . ; Dne car load OF I Hambnrgs and Swiss Edgings and Insertings ! ! - ! at- -.l : HAHTJ'S, HAHM'S, HAHN'S I BLACK BUNTING BLACK BUNTING 1 - - HAHN'S. HAHN'S, NUN'S VEILING, ALL WOOL, 25cV 25 c, 25c,' 25c, Parasols, Parasols, Parasols, s Parasols - - B VNGtStf FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE MOST EXPENSIVE, AT TT ATTN S HATTN'S1 TTA FTN'S f t . , IF AOU WOULD Silks and Satins stock to be found in this vicinity, , ''Call at HAHN'S, HAHN'S, HAHN'S ! .. ' V - - : . . H ' . 1- .. .. : ' v, - .: . " '-. 0 PIQUE DC FOUR DRAY FOR L ADIES AND HAHN'S, HAHN'S, - HAHN'S. GORGEOUS DISPLAY OF" MILLINERY! MILLINERY Tips, Tips, Plumes, Plumes, Halm's, Halm's, Halm's ! OVIBWHELMXSO STOCK OF THE SUBBTANTIAlA OF LIFE. JZ t i relGy Tablecloths, Sheetings ! - -o LADIBS ASK TO SEE BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK CASHMERES, BLACK CASHMERES ! OUR PRICES ON THESE ARE UNPRECEDENTED ! I In the selection of oar. stock, wo have care and jadlcious discrimination, and witb jost pride, devoid of egutUm-. . x ! tre can say that never before in this community has a stock -. ... , - - given snch universal satisfaction as ours, or so fully met :-i the popnlar demand in quality, style and price, s v - w e earnettiy, reqoest patience on We shall endeavor to wait on alHrho tlon which has gained for as snch an etl fSTTo maka it xnataally beneficial we JULIUS NKW ADVEUTISE3IENTS week: -OF- wi LR.ii rjcf brj come at onco and see what wo can do your requirements for Spring and wear ! . Cheapest array of Spring 15 Cents. . . "15' Cents. HAHN'S! AND IN EVERY SHADE, AT s itd feb s I TWO CARCOKSOF " , SELECT YOUK ! from the largest LOADS OF 5C DC HOSIEBIT, HOSIERS I JCIIILDRENV AT -o I MILLINERY J Flowers, Flowers, Hats. Hats. . . : s - w V : 1 OUft BARGAINS IS exercised an extensive experience, great tne part of oar .patrons during the Hush. favor us with a viiittvln? that EAtlsfac- viable reputation in this commuoitv. ; will remain open this week till 9 1. M. HAHN IHGT,UIIE. Tlie Kev. Dr. CHAS. F.DEESIO 1 - - i ,., . - , i Will dcllrer a LECTURE, f.r Jha -benefit -I oftlic L1BKAKT ASSOCIATION: on 1 Tuesday Nieht, March-13th,- : At tho OPEBA noUfiC . j . .Subject.- "TTUIXES.; Coamcatuif . o'clock. ' ' : ' -."'. . J Dyer-. thaat to,. . .-mchst-: , lolantho, Qtt. THE MXE AND THIS .StI. : Tfrtt. ten by w, s.v GUbrt; eompoaed rj Arttcr SuWroii. Antborieed dbrTrijht Edttloal . w LAEGE ASfcOBTMKTr. I AU DOW dt. . algna. rringeil M no frtiifreA1 - HEINSBERGER'S, mch 8 Lire Boot and Mnalo Sinn First of the Seanon ! - ;r,-i r:o -ri -:.,. :. h , M T LAPT CtMTOMERS AKD TIIE lie generally are refpectfatly fiotlfled UiUX have jaat received a ' 1 " - - l r i ..; t LAEGE AND ELEQAKT ASSOBTUEJIT OF NEW MILLINERY GOODS. Hats,. Bonnets, ' Flowers,1 Ribbons &c,, the first which havo been exhibited la Wil mington thla season., i : - r .-. .; ' .. . - . . ' ' For sme time tocome I shall W In reeelnt by iall nihI st- mer of 1 rge xti-.l I na io my t K k, U.of the ewet aod lateat dtairtu and Th remaining bUek of .Winter, an-1 earlr 1 bu closeU ont t grttlly ro- u ced ratee.s A call nnl an oxamlnatlon la ttldted. MISS.E. KARRER, inch 7 ( 7 EXCUANGK CiKNKB. To tho Jeiimcratlc Voters of the City, of irihnUi&6n. 1 v IiHtt" PKMOCK ATIC VOTEkf ; OK THB o ty are requested, to nwer at 6 o'clock. P. il., W.tlncwiay, Mnrch I4t ,1 3 . 21 J? t or I al it O irfi llau. r t u i ml i ouri noma. 4 th U . t lty t ouit Hi torn, i -do at 3th vvnrd liu ket Co.'a ;Troak ' f r the purpose of imrtlng two randblatra for AMetuien l , oc of mkI JVad, fob vofeft to- at ih ejection to bo held Marofe I ho several meetings Bhill Ik cjiI to order by o o ff tti members tt tbo t Uv "LxecuUra i.omral tee from o-ch'Wanl, or In thetrhb on-e hr such. 'ot ter ieroou aa tho moeuos tuay "selei:t. ; - -t , ,, j ..- ,.. . t, , , J.he f-ygjor A Mermanle rorolnatlm ihall Ih by lali.a. Thc; nnme ot ea tr voter aa be kp elu his la Lt sh li bo.retllr(t by tel-; I rrt not ex(H-ttlnpr two h exch Ward, who h ill be ftpKiuttl by the yMl" ofioer of each iiiccm lng . ? . f , liAIln tirpr 6hll not commence bafore tV clock, and the o la shall not, be clo-od la c 8 than thirty rolnnirg lifter the ballotlaff cymra ncea A majority of all tb vote et ball cnititutH a Dioluatln J ATI Democrats wio, tr required," will plAdM them-eire to sopport tl.o nominee .f tb nit eting, and who Mill - o leally entitled to v.hj st feH mank lpl elet'ov. tohajl be entt Uod to vote at eald tncetlngt. v ; , ; V r , r ' , . . .G- J BtiXEY, Oalrmaa. Garden Seed! pEAS, BEAS.i, jcOBy, -CABBAG Tl -nip, Squaah, CoITard, Eadleh, AcT,"&o. A floe ecfocUon of t lower fljod . . For aale bj t WILLIAM IL GRXS1T. . xnoh 0 . Easter Cacdc, -.6 '. A LAIIGS TAKIETTOT Beautiful New 'Decigno, Call andice Uiem'at tS YATES' B00KSTDKE. tarns - ' ' If You, Wouldtba iHappy BUT A COOK STOTX ,L "The'GoIden HaribstV OrrSOUTIIKUN.OATt, - Of r - " P VBKKK'A TAr.J2- rare WUta Oil.,, . , , . nciT 4 GARDEN SEEDS." l rnzsa tot or, all kin 03 of - bare aod Turnip Fed. esrtr and lata Tar. tit; CoILarU. Lkmtani lomai sli a, larj- etock awl aa adhn variety of teas a 4 lKuu.retaliedatwbldaJrrtieabj ' h 05 4 -if - 4

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