The Daily Review, JU3U. T. JAMES. Editor & irop. WILiilXGTON. K. a SATURDAY. MARCH 10. 1883. Watered at the Poelofflce at Wilmington. N. C, as second-cUss matter. Judge Black is said to have a quaint and peculiar status with the United States Supreme Cyoart. 'Once recent ly," aays a correspondent. "those pass in z the Supreme Court-room door heard the old lion roaring, and presently this r sentence loomed out into the corridor : Gird up your loins, Mr. Attorney General, and answer mo like a man ! ,-Tbe Attorney-General, not having the trherewith to answer him, quaked in his shoes, and the Judges sat bolt up- rteht electrified by the leonine voice. "while the audience looked reverentially at Saul among the prophets." . From the eighteent h annual report qf the trustees of the Peabody bequests in London it appears that 7,829 rooms occupied by 14,604 persons, have been provided for thelaborers of the metrop olis, and that 33 ( blocks containing 1,885 rooms will be opened during thepreseut year. The vital- statistics of the Pea body buildings are striking. The birth rate for the pastyear was 45.04 per , 1.000. which is 10.74 per 1,000 higher than that ot all London for the same period The death rale was 18.42 per 1,000. which is 2.98 per 1.000 lower than London. The -infant mortality was 137 41 in each 1,000 birtns. or 13.59 per 1,000 below that of London. According to the Philadelphia Times the Bessemer steel makers of tbo court-V-iry-re-now threatened with a new T teril. -Within a lew days, a trial of paper rails will be made on a promi sent Western trunk line, the issue of which will be .watched with intereet The pulp, of which the rails are entirely composed, is,' by pressure, made as 'solid as metal and much more durable, while the safety thus obtained is multi- plied by atmospheric changes that com prise the main drawback to steel. Be sides this, the cost of manufacture is so much less as to promise universal adoption in the event that the tet proves to the expectations of those who have undertaken the matter. Thus (be trou bles of the Bessemer steel masters, be gun In the report of the Tariff Commis sion, continued in the votes of the House and Senate reducing the tariff, are mul tiplied from another and more danger ous source, y Mr. frank wuicerson, a correspon dent of the New York Sun, who for several months has been misrepresent ing the South and calumniating her people through the columns of that pa' per. Is very properly and felicitously rebuked in the following, from the New York World: According to a not very intelligent contraband now. parading up and down toe southern b tales and wntinsr letters toiour esteemed contemporary the Sun, Southerners are in the habit of making . we remark tnat all the decent men in the North are Republicans. Robeson, Keifer and company having a little Ids- ure just aooui ims time, are preparing to pass the summer in the bouth on the sirenrin ox this report, ana it seem 8 proper to warn deluded mortals in that part of tho country W put their houses in order and see that movable property is secured before the arrival' of these decent men." After their visit has been Daid there; will bo a sinsralar oon currence ofopirrion to the effect that it . was the only thing they paid, that the Wiggins' storm considered as a de stryer of the values, was nowhere in . comparison with these typical "decent oen" of moral ideas. v. Ex-Speaker Keifer is a dead duck, i Ter there was' one. Schuyler Colfax s tAA onlr'min n! thf wmntrv whn hoa Ter stepped do wa and out from a par liamentary position more to the zratifl. cation of his party friends as well as his opponents. As an evidence of this fact kear what the Philadelphia Press, in - tenaely Republican, has to say : S sJ veer goes om as ne carae in a sur prise to Congress and country Every one supposed that even the deeds of his coarse natures .were exhausted in the orgies of impropriety made public last year, bat, like certain malodorous ani mal, his army of bellieerentgression contained a more iduu shaft to cover hla rrtreaL First, his rancor. Ion . nursed toward Xhe press of this country. MiM iu iijunicsa ; iiinsiiin tn me f allery set aide fr corresponden's. T a courteous remonstrance he responded with the ribald profanity of a common - - scold and the incoherence of an in-bri ale. Faithful to hi3 shameless record , of appropriating his public funct:ons to personal end, he selected the last-hours 7 of the session tv oast a faithful sient- f r! ntnnl.Hff t..& . n C . . tZ "I'j'iaii linn uj oil lilt llt- ( cient and superduoun olBcehokier of his own family, whu will tlraw $4,000 pay . without a stroke (f work before the - next ses.-Ion ; and yet there are cn-du-loos Bosses who wonder at the pheno . Ciena of latt-fall's elections. Take Keifer from .he party and the party re mains. N . Ex-Got. Sprague, of Rhode Island, has been qnite 'successful in revolution " in; himself (If such a phrase - may be used) and is now in a fair wayto rev olutionize the State. In tjie personal rerolution he has conquered his great enemy intoxicating liquors, has obtain ed a divorce frbmhls first wife, so that Jks.BQ loader iores as Kato Chase's t:bird,aad has, withla the past few days, taken to himself another wife in the person of a Virginia lady of culture, refinement and social j worth, in whose society it may safely bo anticipated his domestic life may bo made better, purer and holier than it has been in the years that have past, In his, efforts to revolutionize the State he has announced himself as. an independent candidate! for Gofernor on a "Iree suffrage" platform -and has greatly" alarmed many of the leading political public men there, who seethe popularity of this new movement and its probable success under the leadership of the "War Governor" ot the Sure. Fully twenty-five per cent of the people of voting age in Rhode Island am denrived of the privilege of the ballot on account of the present requisite property qualification, and upon a ' free suffrage" platform, as an .independent candidate, he will probably receive a large vote than he would were he to be the regular candidate of either political party. Of course, no Democrat has a ghost of a chance oi election "in that State, and with Er Governor Spragne in the field on a platform which will be immensely popular with: the j masses. many of the members of that party will cant their votes for him, hoping thereby to achieve party success in the future. Skinny Men. i Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im potence, bexual Debility. 1. . mi; There is a young man in Cincinna i who is death on obituary heard lines. He has perpetrated his own fame and that of his paper in the following head lines to its dispatches announcing the adjournment of Congress: ! DEAD! ! BEYOND ALL FEAR OK RESURRECTION WITH ALL ITS CORRUPTION AN I ITS SIN UPON IT3 HEAD. j WITHOUT EVEN THE ft RACE TO REPENT U1MN ITS DEATH-BED AND MAT THE LOU HAVE MERCTj UPON ITS ALLEGED SOUL! NO ACT OF ITS L KE BECAME IT LIKE THE LEAVING OF IT. , UNLOVELY IN LIFE. IT IS UNHONORKD AND UNWEPT IN DEATH. THE HOUSE DIES DEADLOCKED IN THE EMBRACE i F A SOUTH I CAROLINA NEGRO. 1 AND ITS SEVENTEEN LAST HOURS ABE SPENT IN THE EFFORT TO PENE TRATE A. TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR SKIN. SUOUTS. The report that winter wheat through out Central lllmois has been jwmter killed is denied. ' The St. G'othard railrway is a finan cial success. The profits since last. .Juno, when the line was opened, have been $700,000. I hope," said the Boston mother, "my little daughter will j forgive the naushty girl who struck her." Oh, yes" said the six-year-old promptly, 'I will, mama, if I don't catch her." The peanut crop of Tennessee last year is estimated ai 350.000 bushels. Virginia raised 1,500.000 bushels, and Xorth Carolina 150,000 bushels. The price ranges from $1,20 to $1,75 per bushel. The cause of the woman Buffraxists makes slow progress, setts Legislature has The Masachu rejected the bill granting women the ;nght to vote at municipal elections by a vote of 137 to 60, a much larger m:yority agaiust it than all former years, i, j A novel means of solving the question of woman suffrage has been suggested to the Kansas legislature; nothing less, in fact, than that the matter be submitt ed to a vote ol the women themselves. Opponents of an extension oi! suffrage are conddent that a test of this sort would develop an overwhelming majori ty against the enfrachisement of women Mr. Henry C Pool, Newbern. N. C , says: "I received great benefit from Brown's Iron Butters in general debili- ity." DIOONSUINK. The New York Commercial Advertise er suddenly remarks that: "Tne man who bangs tus hair hasfrt enough sense u oiow out nis urains, even a nc pos- sessea any." i High sugar-coated: A New York divorce lawyer s advertisement reads; 'Hymeneal incompatibilities 1 cially, carefully ailjusted. 'Ti as a spe lls slavery to detain the hand alter the heart hath fled." A Pennsylvania p3rT tells of a fam- iiy wmcn nas oeen poisoned by eating pie containing arsenic. It seems like a work of superrogation to put! arsenic in pie. a pie that can not kill a fanii iv witnoui neip 01 arsenic is a verv weak pio indeed. Burlington Hawk-' eye. An African traveler rives a thrill in 2 which envelps a person with its branches and strangles I him to death. rrhe nearest approach.we have t in this lonuntry to a-vegetable vampire is the uu ucw. vruu himi lives upoa l OUI- er. Aornstotcn Herald. II you are Kuined in health from any cause, especially 1 mm the use of any of the thousand nostrums that prmui-t; so lamely with I ;...:. r ... . 's uL-umiua wsiiuioBiais.nave noiear. I ...vat --.. s. tveson u nop oiuers at once, ana in a short time yu will have the most ro boa and blooming health. '- . ' One lawyer in Des Moins. Iowa, has puitnrougn l9 divorce cases within a year. The fare i Des Mines is abdot seven dollars. Chicago Tribune. cak uaps. spic ing 01 Diooa, con sumption, and kindred affections, cured 1. 1 . 1 ... wnuoui pnysician. r Aaaress ior . trea Use. with two stamDS. World's Disivn sary ledical AaodaUoxx, - BafSUo N H . . v - - ; watot. Keal Dow is not hopeful of any -tern-! perance -legislation by the- present Maine legislature. i Spcretarv Lincoln sava none of the river and harbor works will suffer bv the failure of the river and harbor bill Governor Ireland, of Texas, announ ces that the city of San Antonio . will hereafter care for-the historic. Alamo property. I -'T ' A corresDondent of the New York Sun says that Michael DavitC now in Kilmamham, is the mysterious 'Num ber One." - : , : . i i - . Han lan confirms the statement iLBat he is to row Kennedy a three-mile race at Point of i'lnes, near Boston, on Decoration Day, high water, for a purse af $1,000. - . - : x Col. Tom Ochiltree is rather nnfortn nate. Treasurer Gilfillan says he shall not Dav him a cent, until his accounts i with the government as marshal of Texas are settled. - j ' Hortense Schneider is said to be tired of married life, and seeking to regain her freedom. The plain coronet .of fhe Oonntees de Bionne does not 1 suit iier as well as did her glories as - Grand Duchesse f Gerolstein; Senator Aldnch. at the rawest of Senator Morrill, of the Senate, finance committee, has procured a statement, as near as can be shown, of the reduc tion of revenue from the sugar -trnr, under the new tariff bill. The ; reduce tion. according to Aldrich's figures, will not be much more than 4 000 000. The Dnke of Newcastle, who. was lately in Philadelphia, is now staying in Florida, and in the spring he i is - going to the Western States and San Francis co. He mav possibly return bxme by way of India. It is expected the Duke wi 1 make Clumber Park his permanent residence when he comes of aire. Tiiisi bfautiiul place has not bcen regularly innabited by its owners since the death of the famous Tory Duke in 1850. ' the great-grandtather of the present pcer."' Mr. Robert P. Porter writes from the Knslinh manufacturing city ol Bradford that coffee-houses there vie sucwsstuity witn tue gin wiops in lavish display of gilt letters, glaring lights, stained glass and polished brass, and that a frank publican said to him: "The coffee Vmses is plavinz the with our trade, sir.1 One striking result of the coffee house work is ap parent in the fact that the ' number of arrests for drunkenness in Bradford was 1.053 in 1875. but had fallen to 346 in 1881. Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pill, pleasant to take, sugar coated; no griping; only 15 cents a box ol Druggists or by mail. Standard Cme Co., 114 Nassau Street, New York. I MISCELLANEOUS. tttat thp Brought into Competition witii the World, the Best Carries! ofTthe Honors. 1 i At tb jrreat Octennial exhibition of 1876, the leading prodacta of all the branches of the World'ajindu&try were sssombled at Phlla delpala. To carry off a price la the face of that tremendonB'oompetltknt was a task ot no ordlnarytdlfflculty. Inventions and prepara tions for the alleviation ot pain and the cure of disease were pressnt In the frreatet possi ble variety, representing the skill and the pro foundest study of the age, -and It may be of vital Importance to ytro, personally, to ! now that the highest and the only medal gtver to rubber Porus plasters, was awarded to the manufacturers of BES801T8 CAPCIXE PO RUS PLASTER, by the following Jury: Dr, WM. BOTII, Surgeon-General, Prussian Army. j j: IL THOMPSON, A. M., M. D., Washing. ton, D. C C. B. WHITE, M. D.. Kw Orleans, ERNEST IXEIBCH, M. D., Aostrla. j The decision was afterwards confirmed by the medical jury at the last Paris Exposition. Knowing the value of such high and unbiased testimony, the medical profession, both In the United States and In .Europe, quickly threw aside the old, slow-acting plasters they had been using, and adopted Benson's .In their regu'ar practice. That physicians and enr- goons of the broadest reputations did this, dis tinctly proves the Intrinsic merit of the article. It Is no more than Just to add that tho aver age phjelcl n of to-d ty is not dominated by toe prejudices which ; retarded the progress and modified the suoooases of his prede cessors of not more than twenty-five years ago. He accepts hints from all quarters andn dors es ana adopts demonstrated healing agents wherever be finds theav- '. V; The right of Boueou'a GriijroTis Pits ter lo frtand at the head of all external appli cations whaUoeTor, for the mitigation er cure of piiscase, Is no longer questioned. ' Let the purchaser, however, be on his guard against Imitations. The genulna has the word UAPCINE cot la ttaatai)3 :i Peab-iry & Johnson, ChemliU New "Jork febS6-4r i; -v;: I Seasonable Goods. jyK OFFER NOW F RES II Arrivals of -f' -MOUNTAIN BUTTER, s CREAM CHEESE, EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOIB, NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, SSW CROP, MO LASS ES, " i.soo bbia. Good fljUR. HALL&PEARSALL feb . . . peopls are always on the lookout for diaa ezs t lacreaae their earnings, and tn tima become wealthy; those who rdo not Imyrors their opportunities remain In poverty. We of fer a great ch nee to make money. We warn many men. women, bora and drli to work for ns rlrttn their owm locallaa. .Anv ana natt do thev, i3rk property from tha Cm start.. Tn Dusiness wui pay more inan tea times crcu- nary wares. Expensive outfit furnished tree. No one Who enrages falls to make none, raiv, Idly. You can dsroie year whole "ttes to tiio work, or only your mara mocieiita. ?Snll ; tn- fonaatica aaoTsU thitis ncli fit free. Artr 2res BTCTMuXoYortlaooViiAlae. . HIBCELLANEOPS. no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetite,loss of Strength lack of Energy Malaria, Intermittent Fevers; c BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure ail these diseases. . Boston, November xS3t. Blow Chwcai. Co. Gentlemen : For years I have beaaatreatssffererfrom Dyspepria. and could get no relief (baring cried everything which was recommend- : ed) nntil. acting on the advice of a friend, who had been benefitted by Bowws Ixom Bitters, I tried a bottk, with most rurprUing results. Previous to Uking Brown's Ikox Brmu, everything I ate distressed me, and I suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was unbearable. Since uk ing B Howie's I roh BiTTtte, a0 my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable- re sults. 1 am practically another person. Mrs.WJ.Fi.viw. 1 , - 30 Maverick St XL Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a, charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc,' The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Druggists. , Brown Chemical Co. . i Baltimore, Md. See that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Co.. Baltimore, and have crossed red lines and trade mark on wrapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. mch 5 lw tpearm Wanted Tea chers ! $100 Per month Steady employ men 1 during Spring and Bum mer. A'Mreaa J. C McCURDY & Cc.. fb33 4w 1 Phlla.. Pa. 1 euiss;BBra! Wbsa I aav cor I da oi maaa aseralv to atoo them foe ttlm aad thea have them return again. I mean a radU au rare. I Bar mad tba dlaeasa ot FITS, EPILEPSY ar FiUIHO lUe-long etvdj. 1 warrant mj rmae&r to car ttoa worst caaea. BecaoM' otbera bavi failed la do reason tor not bow raestrlng a rare. Sendril vnoe tor m treaties and a Pre Bottle of my fatfaUlbM remedy. Grre Expreae and OlUce. It oow foa etbtac fnr a nl2L end I win rare von. AddrwM H. O. BOOT, 1U art BL, Vvw York Free ! Cards & Ohromos. We will send free by mall a ! sample set of our. large German, French and American Chromo Carl, on tinted and goM grounds with a prioe list "f over 900 differ, nt tcsigns, on receipt of a stamp for postage. - We will also send free by mail as samples, ten of our eautif ul Chrumos, on weipt of ten writs to pay for packing and postape; bn enOoee a confidential price lit of our large oU chromosi Agents wanted. Address F. Uleasox & Co., 66 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. - fe'te4w - -.-, ! ' - ' Mothers Read This ! Jl " STOITB KlDOB, N. Y. i Van Dettssk Bros. Dear birs : Your Wo&m Confections have teen invaluable to us Our little boy, two years old, discharged over thirty worms in a. few days, using only a few of your orm Confections. I am glad to bai testimony to the value of VanDeusen't Worm Conf eotions. Yours, Ret. J. Lv McNais. Try them 29o a box. . VahDEU!EN BROS, febSMw - . Kingston N. Y. raF. woore cournr GRrr' -3 Ul. . G0KN11Q1S AND UHiSTOHES. T' (AZXBZZXSX .DESTirjTIlE70niD I : asim.ts er uzxj. on - Qg Am.TfllTTQg. 1 S3TOT jrnos THIS PAPER ' 1 1 " i - - " i r i i j r mil. Limej KBinitaiid Plaster ! i BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL LIME , CARBONATE OF' LIME, KAINIT, . j ; LAND PIASTER AND MARL. . GOOD FERTILIZERS, tAND TERY; CHEAP. . Send tor Circular . , FBENCH BROS., febSS , . . Rocky Point, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. t v. r.j . . . j ... ,. r., . . . JgY VIRTUB OF .THE. POWER OF SALE contained m a certain deed of mortgage made by a W.-nawes, 8. A Redding and wl ML bowden Truitee. to Boaiwriirht . mr-oV and egls'ered in the offlce of the Register of I D- eda of New Hanover C orny la BooaOt'O, page 191, the undersigned, a Atternev for theaest nee of the grantee in the smIU deo, will sell at public atictloa at the Cort Honse door in the City of Wilmington, on Monda "the 12Uk-day f Much 183.' at 1J o'clock. M. thf folio wins: lot of land in aald rlac. lth tha butidlBgs thereon. Beginning ax the Noith western laterxecaos of Naanand Ixth stive's, runs thence Wet uithihe orth iiMttf xtm street -47 feet;, thence North is ttl therv East 147 t et to felxti tre t, thence Srfuth lth the-line of Sixth street M fe-t to the be- slaQlnsr.' - John ii. rfim.amt i. . o uoro. "DPT A STOCK OF rEEsH. P 3lb. X ORO XI ft. ; .-7:. nii j..i i '. ixjiia win be kept a ourjstore, ' - An gwds sold by ea irm at represested, i OOOD-20C3aA5I eUAPROJTrs C7"CItbsi trial -aad !be nvtacedcy - a 7-u il j; eoAcrczorca aco.. MISCELLANEOUS. :r- 1883. -L O ':. ILLUSTRATED. tTmtm Ifaoazin bedns Its lxty-txth ume with the teoeaiber Number. 'It la not only the moot popular Illustrated periodical In its scheme, the moe beautiful In its appear ance, and the best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled Fot the Major," by Con stance Fenimoro Woolson, the : author of "Anne." was beeunin thv Norember Number. Lin literary and artistic excellence the Jfag rinjt imrtrnvea witn eacn succoesivti nuniuer. special efforts have been made for the lighter entertainment of its readers through humor cos stories, sketches, : : Harper's Periodicals. -j '- Per.. Year: ' ' j . Habpxks Mag azote. . . hakttb's webki.t.. ..4 .. 4 4 Harteb'b Bazas Toe xhkke sotrve TTuoucaaonB. ..-.-.. 10 CK 7 06 I 50 .. I ...... - ' : - .. I ; Any Two above named.. ....... HABFEK'S VOT730 PEOPLE.'..-.......... HABFER'H MAOAZTS'B IIaktek's Yot;vo People ' Habper's Fbaxku'Squake Lxbkaby, One Year (33 Numbers) 10 00 . -j. i ...... . .j. . Jstafte Free to aU subcriber$ in the United SUti-u cr Canada, . r:..v r '-. ' ; -: The volomes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for Jnne and De-ero ber of each year. Whun no time Is specifled, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. , . The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's ifaga- tine in Heat cloth binding, will be sent mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume Cloth Cases, for binding, 60 cents each by man postpaid . Index to Harper t Magazine, Alphabetical. Annlvtical. and Classiheu, for Volumes 1 to 60. inclusive, from -Tune. If 50, to June, lbbO. voL,vo, Cloth, $4 CO. ! . - . - Kemitiances should be maae try poet-umre Money O der or Draft, to avo.d cnam-e of loss. Nevatrxroer are not to com tht advertisement without the express order of uarpkb & Baos. Adores i r ; I HARPER & BROTHERS, lec IS New. York, GUNS AND CUTEEET ! . A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Muzzle and Breech-Loader Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition, SILVER PLATED SPOONS & FORES, A VPRY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at N. JACOBl'S, HARDWARE DEPOT, dec 23-tf No. 10 South Front St 500 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, N OW LANDING, EX-BRfO,'A2iTELOPE, direct from Matanzaa. For ale low. Orders solicited. WORTH & WORTH. jan 34 i BUTTER I JILTIDOE, I OLEOMARGARINE, j ' TEAS, ; - : COFFEES, MOLA88ES, Ac, ftc., Ao , Ac For salet low prices hj DeRosset &Co, 1883. Harper's Weeklja ILLUSTRATED. Brptrs WeeHy stands at the bead of Ameri ww uipsiratea weeaiv journals. By its unpar Usan position in poUtics.its Ndmlrable illustra. Hum, iw careinuy cnosen serials, short stories, sketches, anu pems,. contributed by the fore most artists and aotuore of the day. It carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of It will always be the aim of the: publishers "Mcuiwyerf treextyiae mot popular and kubua xAauiy newspaper in the worw. Periodicals. , - Per Year: WBEBXT.... .i.. ......... 00 HABFts'a Maoaxxke....... .......... JIjwkxTb Baxaje..;..;.,.... The Thrjee above publications........ Any Two above nameL.... .......... HAKFEBa Tocjco Pbopxje. 4 00 4 00 io'oo 7 00 ISO UjLxm's Fhaxkuv sqtjakx Lzbkabt, vneiear ixi aumbers)..;.;; 10 00 The;Votamesxf the Wetki begin with the first Number for Jicmuv f os-l-- irr ,v V .7 tr Y . m commence wuu ?,Ser- filter the receipt of orier. ... Toe last Four Annual V-lomee of Harper's WVeto, in . t cloth, bindlngvffl be sentby snail, postaju paid, or by earcasfree rf er "ar per rolame); ; for 7. jW-per! volume. wSsi-- ior ebrwolumt.- suit bto for gperaw-s notia.enrj tkis advertterswmS c.Aoireft - .. ' ' HAnPEH BSOTTirXS, New-York Weekl 'ONE, DOLL Alt A Yl rpHEcrTIONOFTins and U arrard In BffJ&S! vol embraces epeclal' dispatches tn. of the globe, ; .Under the iaj w K .American c, are given tho Telegraphic Tu..? week 'romafl parrot the lES t ture alone makes . Wo.-isJ . i. . THE WEElLT iDlSALn the most valuabhs chr.nii inTT patches from Washing port of the speeches of emUWtTJ K the questional the hour X - TlfE-FARM DKPARtv I 00 00 00 of the Weekly Herald slve tha utl1 as me most practical sune.ti.7. i eries relating t thednuS Tof v,? for raisHir.,Cattio, Poultr cgetiblea ac. . wiLk Tb. t pair. This iseupi.kmented bv a"SS'? dcpartatnVwliely cooled oc grybicrecclpeefor practlcsi i. ! maaing c Qthing and for keeninT. latettTlaetlons at the feSE?" & H lrem of oooklog or economy & department is practically Ust Lonkm correspondent . "kt fashions. 4'be. Home lrunent Ji1 ly HerakfwW save the IlfI?! one hundred; tones; the price oithet'. SKILLED LABOR are looked after, and mmhb iu by obrded There, te a page fcJJSW latest phases of the business mu&fh diSthCfipUy "i0 iHEiabnccE mamtt. 1 I Sporting News at home and ibrmi J er with astory every week, a 6wo eminent divine. Literary, Wu&5! Personal and Sea-Not TtSi the world which contains so ouch ZSt. ter every, week, as the Weekly HmJd V 48 sent, postage free.-forunebolLu rlt one s Rn nftarri i sfl fAK Aiir tima . . The N6w; York In a Weekly form, One At' . Address f ,2iEW TORE HESUi " dr 19 -7 Ann fcu's"w tlulbert Bros. Wholes ' Price List,- 4 Piano, 7 oct, square, rosewood. carved, asrraffe.'.t .........t:ii 7 Plano,upright,7oct.,cal)liietpBd 13 is vrgan,4setsreeas.aHManaflaaa organ....; ... Ii Organ, 6 gets reeds. Is stops, oodd- - ler, sub-bass....... 5J iub-bass....... 3; Pianos and Organs art wu- 1 ted nrst-claBa. I itflt, box,bow,itrlng8,ooa- : I - vur rianosi ! ranted : violin outfit. pietev; 3 Tloi Un cremona model, extra 11m-. 4 Aecordeon, Id keys, b&u box. Am i tone. 6 Aecordeon, 6 ' keys, 1 stop, Sseta - reeds.perfect.. .......... Mouth Organs, Visnas concert, U ' 8 Mouth OrgaM,' "Genuine filchter 10 holes. GS.. II Mouth Organs. Genxilns Concert i double 24 hole8,Os.......J 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, keyi, borwoodJ ..... ........ 17 Fife, in ebony, German silve feralw 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, flne...w. 19 , & tunes, wind with lercr large ...... 20 Vloloncello.l patent, machine lm 23 DoJbSasaVpatoBVhe I - 'Strings "V" 24 Guitar, maple, inchlne be4,JM ' " finish.... 27 Banjo, 10 inch, 4 brass bracket...?. . 28 Cornet, braes cornopeon style, - -f and crooks.... 30 Drum, brassy Prussian, oniiKtt Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Swap, Sliver VlollnTonitaV and Banjo Stxten, i H Bros 3 led Violin, Guitar and Banjo Stwn ' H Bros... Gut, Russian, German or Italian, wa a ii InstrucUon Books,' Howe's or Wlnner'i,: Having Just made a good while they last. . wt Money U qu.te safe ta'tomsan piauuy aaoressea. wffla r m z. .... with order, w u j jionoa duiuj mcm - v . Agents and dealers send t at cm to P" Tabore net wholesale prk ' make 100 per cent, profit. i CaU on us when you come to oi. - References : Any hank or. woo - j In the city. fit Hulbert Bros.,ls the only General ale house in St. 1 BB0a, 923 OMve Street, , Jan.l3-ly , . . ... , .... I V: 1883.; iiarper s i onus i AN ILLUSTRATED WEKLT-4JJ 8UITBI TO BOra AKD OHtiB V ? VoL TV. commences Novcttbcr The Ttmnff PeopU hai j.p) if ul beyond anUcipatloo.-- f successfii nino Post. - . -Ml M. .f lly adheres that- namely. Q P. viclona naners for th young w"L-i-t more attractive, aa well as mor rr L I For.neamcsa, elegance oi tl OontentsveneranT, ftito p 'Dueanon w the- nna ye . , nouie.-soura t7-j . TERMS r-i. HARPER'S TOUKG PEOPLE, j il , Per -Year. Postage Prepaid, I Sprcimen copy sent on rerelptw The Volumes of Ilarper's J,-' 1881 and lbta. bandsomelybociid lr ten ciotb, will be ?3.c rente a14iunnat . ' fotC " w mrmv mvm w ' RamltxancM should tatsao? vjr Money f hrder-or Draft, oner Order or Draft, to roiicM.,, Newspapers are not to , meat without the ex press oru . rood-work, prompt caavoiy f 1 everr respect. . a -,: u - 1 ...t.-- s . I rrill. i 0 treet, i RMTMKtfSI lat IT

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