il 1 - 1" f . ,h ' ' S ' 3 ,! .... -.1 - i. 1 ! ,1 - V f : i " - 4 .. "if-' -. i'i . ' 1 - 1 : Ii o Dtiil y Re vi e v. juaUi T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY. MARCH 12. 1883. BMre4 t tbe roetoOoe at VVIlmlnoo, K. C, m aeoonauus taatter. At a. public dinner a fortnight ago. in vfta-Eaglish. city, which unfortunately is - -cot named in the report, the chairman, trho U described za a gentleman ol national repatation care the toat of . "fThe Arixiy. Navy and Reserre roes., "Thfsji a tnait.", he said, which re quires rery. little comment from me. as ; Lhe'iubjoct U one with which you aru all familiar. .The army and navy hare been drunk fur very many years, and the reserve forces have now been drunk lor something over twenty years." Of course there' was roar of laughter. totally unexpected by the chairman, and . the meaning ot which it took him' some little time to comprehend ; butsecinz m tho point at last, be was wise enough to Join heartily in thb merriment at his " own expense! ' r That fellow Wiggins is an nnmltl - gated evil who has caused incalculable loss .of time to a class of people who can ill afford to snare an honr from their daily avocations Tet there is no law bv which he can bo made to pay the penalty for the injury he has inflicted, - cor is there any to prevent him from re peating, the same offense. The New York Herald, in speaking of his pre. dictions and their utter failure of fulfill- ,1 neat, summarises his case by remark inzr "Wizzins is said to have made . an oracular observation about tho eon- . dltion ot the head that dips into the fu- v:'tomtfhteh,lipweTert cannot possibly apply to Wiggins' own head, as be has never yet dipped into tkev future, but onlv nretended. Wijrzins Is the father " of false reports, and is not merely a . hum bog that name is too innocent for htm.- He is a flagrant evil. He has twice predicted tremendous storms. and on the occasion when the first of these was due we had the pleasantest weather of the season, while' the second was at least as great a failure. At noon yesterday we were, according to his vat. have had near this city the greatest intensity, for this latitude, oi ' the century. All the coast lands on the Atlantio border were to bfl submerged, and no ship less than a Cunarder, it was declared, could live out of harbor. We had a warm, dull day of summer rain and tranquil drizzle. Hundreds ot fishermen and other, navi ' jrators who had laid up to be out of the storm predicted lost their time, which is . money ; but that is not the worst result. They are likely to lose faith in ail pre dictions of storms. People who com prehend tho principles upon which the atmospherio phenomena have been "4todied of recent years with so much " success perceive the difference between . rel weather students and Wiggins as - easily as Intelligent people kuow the difference between any science and the - quackery that apes a scientific) style. They will not confound Wiggins with - the meteorologists of the time. But we are-afraid the fishermeu do not reason so well. , They will only say we lost so rainy days waiting for . a storm that never came, and will denounce all weathermen as fools and humbugs and will regard every predicted storm as only one more cry of "Wolf! wolf!" Science will be none the worse for it, . bat the fishermen will. Wiggins ought ta bucked and gagged." Senator Edmumls, who was during tho closing hours of the last Congress ----- elected President of the Senate, Is really In lis prime, being but 65 years of age, although many have thought him an ' ' older "man. If any calamity should cur-by,which.the Presidential office should became vacant the President of the Senate, it is claimed, will be in the direct line. How this Is, though, we z"&XknolL understand. The Constitution confers upon Congress the authority to provide "for the case of removal, death resignation or inability both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as Prest- v dent.7 - According to this Mr. Edmunds cannot be in this lino of succession to th8 Presidency, lie was not chosen by ? Congress to act as President in case of a "disaster but he was simply selected by .the Senate as the President of that t body an office which in itselt is but a I t local onel '1 The Senate is not tho Con gress and according to the constitution . nl reauiremenU. the successor of the 1 President must bo chosen by both houses. We very much fear that there wonld bo serious trouble on this ques tion'shonld President Arthur bo unfor tunately ':removedM,by another Gui . By the new postage law, which goes r Into effect October IsL, 1883, the rate of letter postago" will, be reduced from t those cents to two a nts per, half ounce. ' This Is one instance of legislation .vhich will be of benefit to,the people, while it - will hardly entail any Joss uport tho government. The postal system was not originated with tho expectation : ' that it would be a source of Income, but fcx ths r-cccnxaodaiSca ci the pcopla at tho lowest possiblo rates. It was never expected teven to pay Its own" expenses, but from the report of the Postmaster General for the fiscal year ended June 3nn. itttt. we nna -mat-were, was & small balance on hand "after defraying all tho expenses of the postal service dunnz that time. The reduction of postage rates is one piece ot legislation for which the forty-seventh Congress will receive the thanks of the people : -i U I -! -"Itoiiirh on -Rain.- - Clears out rats. mice, roaches,' flies. ants, bed hugs, skunks, chip unnks. gophers 15o.. Druggists. SllOKTS. . Nearly one hundretl million gallons oi wine w?re maue m trance last year irom raisins. - - . - fhe Iliintsville. Alabama. AdcocaUl has ehanged lnm a irreetibark to a I Democratic journal. hi PUnch says that the Emrlish reward of bravery is a garter and, a wooden leg io wear n ou. Thire were 872 measures sent to the President for his approval during the 1 Conzressional sessiou just closed, i The match monopoly is smashed by the new revenue bill, i Men of small means will now be able to co iuto the manufkcture of this universal article of oonsumption. ' .In Western Pennsylvania a church entertainment known as the mum sociable1 is taking the place of the time honored church fair. As tho name impies no one is to speak under penalty oi a une. j Gainsays that William E. Dodge's will "fhows no originality in his philan lurupjr no Kives nis money to tne same old devices and institutions that are always hanging around death-beds the Society to Suppress the Crocodiles that Vat tli tfinitsw TJ-k!n. the Society to Preveut Swearing on t naays. etc." At a recent card party at the houso oi a popular j xnaon .uentist the coun-l tersnised were false teeth. At first the ladies present seemed very sensitive about touching the littlo white heaps, but, as the cveninz wore bn. the more false teeth each fair dame possessed, the happier snc seemed. When the counters were total led -up at the end of the game there were only three more than had been originally given out. I . What Seven'Could not do. Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1881. H II Warner & Co.. Sir Seven physicians could not do for me what your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ac complished. Hopelessly sick with kid ney diseases, it restored me to perfect health. JACOB MYERS. Mr Blaiae works about three hours daily at the composition of his book. The Oxford Falcon savs that the health of Mrs. Senator Lamar, of Mis sissippi, is completely restored. John CTNen, a liquor dealer of White- hall..N." Y.t has. been found! guilty of w. ww 457 offenses, and fined and a month's imprisonment 6. G. Barnes, book-keeper and cash ier of the Bui net, House, Cincinnati. not behind $3,000 in his accounts.' but Boston relatives, settled the discrepan cy. . - f ' : , . I t Judco Thoman, the Democratic member of the Civil Service Commis sion, has arrfved in Washington. A rneetin; of the commission wiil proba bly be held there this week. Just before leavinjr New York for Europe last wek,.Miss Susan 11. An thony remarked to a triend i that the rrince ot Y ales would mistake his wo man if he tried ta get up a fliration with her. . Duriug Mr. Gladstone's absence his special detective has guarded Lord liartington. Sir William Il&rcourt has one living in the house - with him All this is a complete novelty in Eng isn political experience. Mr. J. II. Hopkins. Warrontnn. N. C. says : 'I consider Brown's Iron Bit. ters the best tonic I know of." Tho nroDer studv of mankind is man." Pope knew better than to sa "woman." .Woman ts to deep a study for auybody to-undertake. General Otbility and Ijlver Complaint. ' R. V. Tiekce. M. D., Buffalo. N. Y. Dear Sir Aly wife has been taking vour "Golden Medical .Discovery" auu Pellets" lor her liveraml general de bility. and has found them to be good medicines, and would recommend them o all sufferers from Liver Complaint. Sour Stomach, and General Debility Yours fraternally.!. N. K.IHABMON, Pastor M. E. Churchy KUah, IIL ra-t. '! i '. ! - . . f A Virginia negro lay down on a rail road recently to see if. the passenzer rain would stop to rouse mm up; lne train didinX. Bright IMaease, Diabetes, Kidney, Liver or Uronary Iisease. , i Have no fear of any of these diseases if you use Hop Bitttrs, as they will pn vent and cure tne worst cases, evtn when you have been made worse by somereat puffed uppretended cure. Tfie same law which says that a note of hand m&ue on aunuay is not iegai. savs that a.marriaire contracted on that dav is all O. K. in the eyes of the law. Detroit Free Press. - im I . Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated: no enpiniK only 15 cents a box oi Druggists or by mail. Standard due Co., 114 Nassau Street. New xort j Rm d&w i ' ' . Farmers and others desiring a gen crai, lucrative agency business, by which 5 to 20 a day can be earned send address at once, on postal to II. C. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and 197 Ful- en Street, New York. : .dec la-o m A fine asisbrtment of Guns and Pistols lit jAOOw'a fisLrdwara Depot. it; Mil i nat 15 wnar . a many people are' They don't know jti& what is tne matter, put tney Jiave! , a combination of pains and j aches, ;and each lonthlliey grow worse. ' : " " .,-.--. .t;r; :Ji The only . sure temedy yet found is Brown's Jhon Bitters, and this bj rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood, purifies and enriches it, and richstnner oiooa nowmg to every, part of ' the. system repairs the j wasted tissues, drive? . out disease and gives health and strength. ' '- This is why Browns Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepia, mala ria, mterroittent fevers; &c. - S. Pe St, Bmltlawt. Nov. S, tSSt. I was a great stuTerer from DTspepsia, and ibr . several weeks could cat nothing and was growing weakerevtry day. I tried , Bro wns .Iron ' Bitters, and am happy to say I now nave a good appetite, : and am getting stronger. s : Jos. McCawlsy. Brown's Iron Bitters is net a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of. Iron that causes no injurioui ef fects. Get the , genuine. Don't be imposed oa with imitation, i tneb 19 lw tpcorni Keitiember ThiH. If you are nick Hop. Bitters will pnrr- ly aid Nature in making vou well when all else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic or are suffering from anyother of i ti e iiiiniMr.iiia il waMa 't if th iinmnph h)Wilfl. it is vniir kwii funlt If Tnti r. main ill. for Hop Bitters are a sorei - m warn m mm are wasting away yritn any form ol ivtancv aisease. Slop lempung jieam this moment, and tarn for a . euro to Hop Bitters. It ym are sick with that terrible sick ness. Nervousness, yottnnd a "lialm in (rilead 1 in tlie use of Hop Bliters It you are a frequenter, or a resteer of a miasmatic diatriot. barricade you. system against tne scourge of ail coun tries malarial, epidemic, billious. atul intermittent fevers by the use of Hop bi:ters. i If you have rough, pimply, orj fallow skin, had breath, tmins and ache, and feel miserable generally. Hop J Bitter, will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they euro all diseases of , the stomach. Bowels. Blood. Liver. Nerves Kidneys. Blight's Disease. $600 will oe paid tor a ca?e they win not cure or help. " i i That poor, bedridden, invalid wife. sister, mother, or daughter can b made the picture of health, by a few bottles of Hon Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer, mch 12 1m Wanted Teachers! tiou Per month i teady empMyoaem curing epiing ana cum mer. A'Hlresa J. C MoCUKU) CO. f eb 29 4w , VhatMVcrlAaBoaMaanMtl7MoptLMifat I tlm utd iMt km ttam warn tnlt. t wm a ndV KlnNL 1 Xtmr CUemtm of VI rrrs, enwer r FAIXIKO BIi MM fa mum tor aww mteg e4rf m (r a tTMttM mm4 m rU sag taiaUlbil mnMf. fair mi ua mm ww j wtltl&ffftw striken I r1BeaMy. .. .... t Addfs U. O. SOOT. Mrrt9L.ZrTa Free ! Cferds &: Ghrontos; We irTirsendireeTb mxll a sample sot of our ' lance German French t and American Chromo Car1on tinted anl srold jrnuns vrlth a price list f oyer 200 dlfibr ni itesigns. on receiptor a stamp Tor. posuge. we wui also sena rree by malt as samples, tea or our - attrat Chr.mos, on receipt of tan cents to par for packing and ptae;. lo'enctee a confldentuu prtoe Ut or ur large oil chromos. genu waateO. . Addro-s K. Gaxaao5 ' Co., j en summer otreet, uosum, atasa. i j-.- fQHWiW ' ..:Ca Mothers Bead This ! - TOK RtDQS. X. T. - Vajc Dnmur - bbchi. Dear tr : - Your Wojuc Comfkctioks have beet invaluable t us Our lltUe boj, two rears old. discharged irer thirty worms ia a few days, nauur only a few of your ona Cool action. . 1 am glad to ba testimony to use Tame ox vaueusea- Worm ubf eotiooa.: Toura- J,i - -. Kir. J. L. McNai. . Try tbexa tSoakbx." ; - " - - VaxOKUSEN BR08i ; febtWw ' - - htaesloa 'H. T. noonEcooriTYGnir-' C0S3 U115 C3 CUSTK2S, - . --- i t ItiTiSTTtaX -- icsTi:mi2L'oniD. Im ngia C7 max, tsst . of99PS C ucaTfnTJW IE. Ct s ' mm 'AiirvTitia rma Limellainit and Plaster ! BUTLOING 'LIME, AGRICULTURAL LtltS ft UARCONATE OF LCXEv K'AINIT, ! . . LAND PIASTER ANt 2XARU -nnnn T?T?.nTiT.Ti?ns . mm wm. mm s . mm S a. mrmm liii 1 aau vuii bUMATv ocaut9ruicw w n MISCELLANEOUS. O It- s -I 1, 5 J l i t- I I 3 W 5 i & b- .g g - - a -a - g - i& - o 2 - .' ' e ' '- o .- ? I I 8 -CO John L. Boatwriglit's 'PAEOLE D'HONNEUE' Boiler ProQess Flour. For Beauty, Strength, Purity, and Bread pro- I13I1? 'lUtie s9 it ia the highest attain able standard - Guaranteed In every Instancr THY IT, IT WILL PEOVK AIX WE CUI W I FOR IT. igx-rrvr t A a hriYirri-riTa f villl-u. -.D UA J. II XaXUll I I (Cl ATf VT? TYT A fT? Q A T T? . : OY vibtub or the toweb of sale m .. l. cooUtoed m a certain deed of mortgage marie by C. W. nwes, 8.-A Beririin and H. M iowden Tm-tee, to jBoatwrtprht & McKoy, ami ecrle ered In the office of the Kesrlaier oi D' ed of New. Hanover t tinry iu Boot Oi i O, page ii, the undersigned, as Atiornev for h aast ree or the .rrantee in the said doe . will sell at ribltc auction at the Co"rt Hoium loor in the City of Wtlmlngt'n; On Monda , the nn any or jnrco jt. at is o'ciock. M. th. following lot of land In . said; city, ; wli h the buildings thereon;. Hejrinninjr at the Noith wessern tntereetion ot unnancilxth Btrue's. runs thence We-t with the North line of nnn street 47 feet, thence North. 58 feet, thence i-ie s ii-ie5 io ix"" sire v. -tnence -eoutn 1th the lioe of felxth street 8 fe t to the be- glnnlag. JOiiN Ii. BKLLAMT, Jr.,. Seasonable jBoodsJ W E OFFER NOW FRESH Arrivala of MOUNTAIN BUTTER, ' ' CSBAM CREESE, EABLT BOSE SEED POTATOES, NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, NEW CROP MOLASSES, .30B.Bbla. GOOD FLOUR, j : FT ALL & PEARS A LI felt i people are always on the lookout for cham oes to increase their earnings, ami in liiui J J I .1?" ieoae wealthy; those who do not Imurovt their opportunities remain in poverty, iweot rern great en see to mase mwaej. tt e want nauy men, won en, boys ami Klrla to work for t rurht.n their own kcalltie. Adt una can do the work properly from the first start. 1 r tjusim ss will pay tuore than ten times ordi nary wages. Kxpensire outfit fnrnlhod free So one who enrages fail to make mouev rau Hry.' ; You can dor e your whole time to tin work, or only y ur -pare momenta. Full In formation and all Out is needkf' sent free. Ad tress htik os a Co.. Portland, Maine. IO IMIXW IT . -r . Commissioner's Sale. r rvnsUAxcm or a decrke of the perlor Govt pf Brunswick county, at Fall Tera l&i, an action ef foreclosure then in - . - L . -. peudiojf between The First National Rrk of Wllmlartoa s nlalritlff. and Alex Oldham and wire as defe dants. the uiMUrrsigned. boa ntAssMner ai'pomiea ny swuo aecree.w til re 1 at public auction, for o tn. attb- Court House la . mith- ttie. on Monday, the lota of April 183. at 1 At, the-f oil wlng real t-te, being In the cvun y of B-UD0Wlei adjoining the -town Ot ta llmugrion and- oonta-ning 7i'.cre, more oi leas. Beginning at a marbk nuat in tue uran wick county fine on tue Sou aside of the great road or causeway across t-agie loLind. ami runs a boat sfeKUh w 1th the sthl county-11 JttU a pi presa in the eogt of ta t ape eir river at tne mouth ot a canal, thou along said caaal about West ' to Aldgatnr A.reek, thn up aald creek to said great road or C4DMeay4 then along it abou hast o the brgioaifg KAcepttag from- satd bounds two acrea-ron-Teyed t John A. Taylor by 4..E Oreieg by deed of Janaar . 19th. few; and ateo excepting a KH irixur HO feet irom the aforeall -mm t. line and a ocg said great road 60 feet, fronti the aanae ana rxtenaing.bck 100 feet prl witn saM atrunswicA oukty il. wbieU las kH was reserred by Alfred molt in taedeetl cos ry lag said land to the said AJazkllutaa. "A. a EICAUpV Commissioner. v juk; bavs a t&oir rf LIUe Ohm; fey US Vj.w. ... m.izr fTtt MISCELLANEOUS. 1883. Harper's Magazine ILLUSTRATED. ' t-; 151- ; Barver't Xaipzim begin ttaUty-lxth roi- ...I.V. tK. .I.niMi Wn.lnt . It la only the mot popular Uittatrated pertoIkaJ la America auI England, but ateo tlie lanet in r .. K nnmit huantlfnl In ltt smwuilv C-W M.. ..- mr mwm w-i w f mmm ance. and the lteet ran sr. izlne for tn uome. A nesr novel, entitled "Tor the Major." by. Coo tance Fcnlnwre-r' Wot.lon. the 'author -of Anne " was begun In th - Noreraber umber. In Uterarr and artistic excellence the Unoa tin improves with each . ucoeaive number. .-pei lal efforts ha-e been made for the lighter" entertainment or nsTeaders tarouga xraaor oua etori, eJfeetcie. f . Harper's Periodicals. llARFEB'S ................ .4 00 IlARPEB'S WEEKlir.. ....... 4 IlAKFEB'S BAZ-IR......;..;.... ...... 4 T a The Three above publications.. ;...... 10 AnyvTwo abdve named......... 7 IlAWlOt'S-VODirQPEOPlJ-6.. ............ 1 50 ' i " . . - . II m-m'mmmtm ..tea t - VTVo - ''- . . IIJriV1 AV.(I -- - - jy Ajkc-b 0 v-- - . stum jm y j -j , , HABrafs FKAjrxm fecjuAKS Libzast, f One Tear (32 Number),............ 10 80 Pottaoe Fr toltti subscribers in the United States or Canada, , , . rr-:-J ; Tbevolonaes of the JUmgazin bectir with the urobera tor June ami xei-eiaber of each year. nmnnonme u siteinoa. xi.wxu oe jinoer- titMxlthat the sobscriber wishen to begin with the current Number. - i - The last Eight Vomme cf Bttrvtr't Jftura- tint. , la neat cloth bit ding; will be sent by i matt poetpaia. on receiui oz ft ov per volume m m. MM tt M Z ., .-. ' 1 Ckth Cates, for binding 00 cents eacaby mail' poeti aid. " - i Index U Bttrper$ Magnzins. Alphabetical: ABHtvticai ana ciacvinea. rr oiumee i w so. inclusive, from Jnne. l-oo, to June, iseu, one voL, Cloth. 9 W" " ; - ' ' Kemltiances should be made by Foat-Oare Money O der or Draft to m vo.d chaa-e of ktsa. j - A'ewssHtvfrs art not to com this adrertisementi wunout Me express oraer ey uartcs s iiBoa. HAITPER 4 BKOTHEBf, W is New York GUNS AND CUTLERY ! FINE ABSOrtTMEKT OF Muzzle and Breech-Loader Guns, I Revolvers and Anununition, I SILVER PLATED SPOONS & FORKS. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at N.;JACOBI'S, HARDWARE DKPOT, -rf -No-10 South Front t 500 lihds. New Crop . ' . ; ; . ' . - . . . ; ; Cuba Molasses, N1 OW LANDING, EX-BRIO "ANTJ LOPE direct from Matanzas. For sale low. Orders solicited. WORTH & WORTH. janat I ili;eige. VJI .1 OLEOMARGARINE. TEASV COFFEES, .. j MOLASSES, 4c. &e.&c , 4c For sale'at low prices by ! DeRdsset dec 19 & Co. ;;"--; 1883o Ha Irp er 8 Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Wttkig stands at the bead of Ameri can iUusrated weekty journali. Byltaunpnr luan posuion in iouucs. its unurauie li mst ra tk's. lt carefully chosen MruU. slwirt sLri -ketches, ni p-ems. contributed by the fore most artists ana x union ot tne aay, it carne Instruction and entertaian nt to uoosands of Americat. homes ' ivwill always be the aim of the publishers to mke narvers Weekl the mo-l Donular and attractive unuj newspaper in tne wono. 's Periodicals. Per Year: HAJtrat'B WECKLT...t. .............. ...ft 00 HAJtrxxs MioAznrg.... 4 00 flAKrBXs; Baxak.. ............. ........ 4 00 Tne Tukxx abore pubocationa... i. JO 00 Any Two ave named........... 7 00 iLvsrxk'a Yocko poru...H......M. I M HARrEK'a Maoazixs jl HAsrsjfB YocKOf torxs. j " ILutrxx's FvAvrkuv kqcare Libuast. sro i One Year (53 Numbers.- 4. 10 00 . Posted Frtt to aa subscribers im the UniUd atates ana coaaon. j. xn vomrocs or the Wstklw begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it win be understood hat the subscriber wishes to commence with we amuer next after the receipt of or ler ne.-ast four annual v Junes f Barvers new, ion k Ciotn lAnainr. rin be sent hvfw fwt ftnattsarLSSa a rr. tnaiL poatag paid, or by ezpresa, freo of .ex. pense (provided the freight does not nrd I one rtoilar per Tolunae). f..r $7 00 per Tolunx Cloth aa- for e-ch rol me. suit bin for binding, w 11 be sent by analL postpaid, on ro ceiotof fl 00 each. , Kendttaavoasho llbo nsade by PoatrOSce Honey Orderor Drafi, to arit chanee of Iocs - Ntwtpaptt sort not ta otyy CLU aniverl istmmt errrsss vrtcr rf Uamtzx & Coa. Address - - ' - . VHIBCELLAKEQTTR til rpilE CntCULXTION OF TUw newifpaperu comAantlr tain, au the leadlnf heif. of h L roaox Krw8 MAC I " . bwC tpecUl dlfpttcbec fnQj tn n of the globe. Under th haH X .- -lin , .AMELKICAK Ngir are gtvea UM.Trtegrt)t v wws irowmii part of .tha ItdooTL W ture aJone" makes the most Vfcloabk chn-u .L . Is the cbeareat. KrwLiT.:0? H tai report ot z--- - "C" -S - : political KKw I emoraclMroinpieto abd toaiw . patches rrpm whlngi. n, ' porU of ibe speocbet of ettinSti! 00 00 00 06 j of the Weekly HeraM rfrok trt kujf ' -as the mofct rracticoi stirxs-ou t erien relalingj fr the dutleYof ttf for Cattle, Pouttrr. Yl egettb)es Ac.. Ac with vim. t kcPlnff bjlkilnga .nd : tsnffnf '3K3P" p-iir. Ihtoia sapj-lementod by kTj!i" aepartxneut, wVter copied, under tS te u TH-S-IIOME. 7 T? giving recelpea for maamg c othlng and for kngim J "hlooa at the owLtJL? l..W m.A,mlmm-m .k . . riA.crrlmnt t nrH l 1 1. lore puTsucauon. uettera frmn -i. T"." era inrnt-JL ZW I-Ondon correeoondenta on ik- LLBn N fashions. The Home I partrol0f i? ly Herald will nave the lloueaife one hundred tlmoa the nrtM m J -TT" interests of " - " U oKILLED LABOB, , ; . ; fterrfd immM.-. .i" me knd labor tarlas rtVtSSSfl UtcTtphaof the busbS alerchwndisoi Ac. Ac V TUB PROPUCE MARKET,--f 1 Pporthxsr News at bom nt . w.T . ' eminent UiM Utertry, Mtuiral DnT? Personal and 8ea Not a7 Tberaoft tr every week, as the Weekly ifcuTl L55 U SJ!hPttf trce Sor wllar. ya2 subscribe at any lime. The New York Heraldi In a Weekly form, One Dolf ' " ' "' a Tear,: :.f ' j : Jkodress SEW OVK HElUlft " llroadway and Ann Mrect-.Ntw TofV U albert Bros. Wholesale Price- LiBt. O. ; 1 4 Piano. . 7 Oct.. sauare. rfwwrww) ft carved, agraffe f2f 7 Piano.ubr1irbL7U ocL.rahhMtnAiui iu k t vrrgau, reeas,y stops ana gi am IBU iJ Organ, 6 sets reeds, , U stops, ooupi ... ler, sub-hass. i our Pianos' and Organs are war. ' v - - - ranteu nrsKiass. .. 1 Wlln 'outfit, box, bow, strlnga,ooa- ' - - plete.............i.......,,'.. 3 Violin cremona model, extra fins . 4 Aocordeon. 10 keys, bau box.fias ? IN IN - -tone..........i...i..... 1 M 6 Aocordeon. 6 . keys. 1 atop, Saets 1 roedsrperfect.. fM Mouth Organs, VUnna conrert, j - holes. 6 Moutli Organ, Genuine Ulchut M. holes. U 8.. ...-........ i f il BloutlTOrsraha. Genuine Concert dmihl 24. hftW.t; H ( 1 M 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin. 6 kjt, 1 boxwood....... - 17 Fife, in eluny, German lKe ferule 16 Music Box, 1 tone, crank, floe.. .4. 19 j f . g tunes, wind with kfcr larsro. . 20 Violoncello, patent, oiacblne mm I ' :: ' good... m ... ; ,...,i;.......4.Uw .22 Double- Bass,' patent bead; J of -' strtnirs.. . fl OB 24 GuiUr, maple, w-vchine hesa, las . finish. ..... 1" 7 rtuntn 10 trwh 4 lira brariet...".. ' w 28 Cornet, brass oornopoon style, and crooks.... ; ( IYmm Km fa. Ivmaa1(in AnilUnMRSa " Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo 8trtot, . " ".'.'''11 Bros. .... i.i SllTer Violin, Guitar and Banjo u uros zri"" Steel Violin, Oultar and Baajo StrlafJ, . H Rrrti... Gut, Russian, German or Ittnan, new a uaary....fc... 1 on Books. Ilowc's prWlnner'a, any Instm ment. V" 7 ar bowing MachlneB, wlU aeU locm for P f" while they last. - " '' Money is qtute safe in cominoa piainly aOlressed. . . n nka Terms atncuycasn wiw or. -7 itamps. . . -j--ftL Agenu ana aeaieri sena ior o s- Cmboreiet wholesale prlcea ageBtt eai make 100 per cent, profit . can ou us when you coma w '-L References : Any bank or woww mthedty . .'.'ibi . uuibert Bros., u tne cni7,uw ale house In &t. Louis. 923 Dure Street, ,. Saint lxmi, :: - 1883. ' 1 Harper's Young Peipl. ANILLUSTRAW WKEKLTrM J aClTEDTO BOTH AJTD Olt OffW'14 I TO XXTE T1AM OF AOS. I VoL TV. coniinences SoratabeT 7, ! The Tonna ftopU ha been rroajJ r trtnff m . . . a. aA it has adtstinotlre purpose, to Vat - - awa r vfAkiHk nanm fn th Vvntir WS Boston JottnaL iWflavUvV a WCAa M BiVa w , 1 mLmmmm m - - - .!, L ' ror neatness. ... m.mAAtm a !rr?or "-rfi aaf w generally, it is omuiv T. V. p bllcaUon of to kind yet brottg" wVf notue.- s-WMOttry vata.r HARPFR-8 TOUNO PKOPLX, , w mmm . .pvm " ' J90LX UMBKica. rurtnw ru. Spt rimeu copy sent on reJpt ' "TT. The VolumeiAf IIrr's Young r?H" 11 and 18, handsomely bound Ta tdiClotb, iil be seat by mail, Yfya 1 -aid, on receipt of $3 60 each. il Young People for.iasi centa; posufr i ents addldonaL ... - . -. , - "m. not Ramittancer shonVl be maua.oy 7w-a Money 4rder or Draft. tosroViewnrwO Newspapers arent to copy ..JTSTa omt wlthotrt the express onser s BKUXJmta. , Address , . Lra. . ; . iJAEPini' BSW'!. dec ; ':.. n t -,i ol oJ inderTae&caT fl CARPXSfTZS 4 Oflca ai WorVl Bbojj jj Eeepecfflilaolica cdsxm and rtrtrTT and aaU, ,cooi gyft dsnrand tJS7ijp OrriARrJi hara aactirr. tm 1:1 Ci a - V"a w ' . crap-

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