I ... ' I I - , I The Daily Review. JOSH. T. -JAMES. Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. MARCH 131883. Entered at tbe Fostoffice at Wilmington. N. C as eecond-claas matter. There are 100,000.000 acres held by, tho land grant roads on which they evade the payment of any taxes by the derice of earyeyin: and selecting land only as it is sold, piece by pjece. This they are enabled to do by a decision of ' the Supreme Court, that a railroad should not be taxed on its lands antil a patent has been issued tp it. The law iorbids the Issue ot a patent until the corporation has paid the cost of survey. But the Supreme Court holds that an individual can be taxed before a patent .has-been issued to him. - Statistics show that the growth of the Roman Catholic Church in English speaking countries is constantly on the increase. The number of Catholics iu tho British Empire and tho United States is 16,000.000 souls, with 195 bish ops, 15.000 priests and 13,000 churches In Great Britain, exclusive of Irelamd the Roman Catholic statistics for the years 1810 and 1880 compare as f! lows: Churches. 522 in 1810 to 1,461 in 1880: colleges and schools, 40 to S14; clergy. 614 to, 2.282; laity. 519,500 t 1,384.000. At present the Roman Catb olic populatiofti in Great Britain havt one church oc. convent to every 45 squan miles as compared wit 162 square miles in 1840., . .. Louisville Courier-Journal: No tar iff law enactd in this country was evui passed like the new law. itie House of Representatives let the Senate nngi nate its provisions, ana the bill was whipped through the House without discussion or amendment. Even in : 1804 the Tana Ism was discussed two days in the House, This time the Sen ate galloped its own measure over tha House, although, being a money bill the measure should have originated in the House. The conference committee, so-called, was a packed body. The greater portion of the reduction accom plished by the bill affects' the internal revenue, the tobacco tax being reduced one half and taxes on checks, matches, bank capital, etc., being abolished. The bill only reduces tariff taxation a little oyer $20,000,000, of which $12,000,009 comes off of sugar alono. morning and afternoon, and throusbeu the evening nntil 11 o'clock, when tbe buiidtnz will be: closed. 4 This plan is exDected. to necessitate the outlay ol about $2,00(7.000. : SUOBTS. A man ont West, being found dead ia " 1 1. ...I. . I V . Z nll the theory of suicide, and promptly re turned a verdict that I it was a case of death through inexperience. , Fate'often takes very degrading means to work its ends. - A carbuncle on thW neck deprived Conirressman Abram 8. Hewitt of a chance to. achieve fame in tne tann aeoaie a euojecs wnicn had been a special study of his for years. The bill pending in the Maine Legisla ture to restore capital punishment nai been amended so . a&, to require two judges to sit durinz murder trials. 1 and prohibiting the execution of condemned prisoners within a shorter period than one year alter ineir conriction. The statues in the capitol at Washing ton are to be protected from relic hun ters by spiked iron railings. The fath erof.his country is minus a toe. and Roger Williams has lost a little finger, while an Indian woman, in the Colum bus group, has uot got a finger leit on her right hand. i I During his visit to Arkansas, last week to look after his railroad interest there. Mr. Henry G. Marqumd. ol New York, gave to the city of Littl- Kock the sum of $50,000, as ihe nucleus oi a mud for establismnir a public libra ry aira reading room, to which he also promised to send collections of book trom time to time. Army officers are greatly exercised over a clause that, unnoticed by them i;rept into the army appropriation I ill Itives the President authority to ap point a civilian to any -staff position in tho army, except in the pay corps. Quartermaster General Inals say." mat under that provision the Presi dent could appoint a civilian to the po sition of quartermaster -general when ho (lagalls) was retired. ! . .... ; . t . Catarrh of tiie Utatlder. Stinging irritation,1 inflamation. all Kidney and Urinary Complains, cured cy "Uuchu-paiba." Jl. and died soon - A delegation of twenty four Mormon missionaries arrived at St. Louis the other day on their way South to enga e in "evangelistic" work. The leader ol the gang, in.reply to the enquiry of arc porter, stated that it was their intention to go the thirteen Southern States and labor to make converts. They will make their headquarters in Chatta nooga, Tenn., It being their intention to . take the places of evangelists now at work in the section referred to, who desire to return to their homes and families. According to the rules of the church, evangelists who go into strange fields to labor are required ta serve eighteen months, after which time their places are filled by new recruits. There are at present sixty elders in the South ern States who have their headquarters at Chattanooga. There .aro also mis sionaries In Ohio, Indiana and in other .Northern, States. Mathew Arnold is coming hither cm a lecture tour next fall. ! I Simon Cameron, who will be eighty- lour years of age on Thursday next,' tears not Wigin$rs. but will start that day tor California in his own car, tak ing with him Mr. ! Dana, ot the New I ork Sun. Peirirv Miller, eizht vears okl. ' who has been part of "Lena1 with Joe Em mett in "Fritz." is dead. She fainted while on the Novelty Theatre stage, at Wiiliamstmri?, si. x afterward. Tho New York World said that Whr nins was not risking much in predict ing a great storm tor March, as the nle ot that paper show that there have been severe storms on that ; day in eight ot the last ten years. j " Mr. William Pitt Kellogg ha left thex Senate, but will appear in the House next session to divide with Chat tilers the leadership of the Southern Re publican contingent,1 syiih which Sec retary Chandler has so notably recruit ed his party strength. I Three" snowed-under Congressmen. f whom the President has taken care i ot as registers or land offices Darrell of Louisiana, whose location will be at -Ncv Orleans; .Williams, of Wisconsin, at Watertown, I). T , and Jorgensen, ot Virginia, at Walla Walla, W. T., What Seven Could not do. Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1881. HH Warner & Co.: Sirs-Seven physicians couUl not dofor me what i your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ac complished. Hopelessly sick with kid ney diseases, it restored nie to perfect health. JACUBMXKS. mam That is what, a crreat many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they growworse. The only sore . remedy yet found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this By rapid and -thorough assimilation with the blood" purifies "and enriches it, and rich, strong hlood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. ' - I " : This is why j Brown's Iron Bitters will cure kidney and - liver diseases, consumption; rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsiaj mala ria, intermittent fevers,. &c. 303 S. Paca St.,' Baltimore. Nor.V8,i88i. . I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia,- and for several weeks could eat nothng' and was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, and am hapy to say I now nave a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawly. Brown's Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only - preparation of Iron that causes ho injurious. ef fects. Get the j genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. taeh 12 Iw tp-e-crm Lady Frederick Cavendish is evident ly a woman of rare nobility of soul Since the thrilling disclosures were , made in the Dublin Park murder cases she has written a letter, in which the death of her husband is referred to -in -V 1 PL. t- " I 1 1 I lOucning worus. one nau ueuu a.saeu by a clergyman for permission to dedi cate to her a sermon of his on the - tragedy, and sho writes that she hopes, before sending tho sermon to the prin- ters. he will look carefully through it to sceif it contains any expression - of desire for vengeance." "You mill readily udderetand." she says, "how I must shrink from.; any such feeling.' The - law shftbnnwR. must take its course. bfct 'I pray," she continues, "that neither the unspeakable" greatness of my sorrow nor the terrible wickedness of those men may ever blind eitheir -myself or any1 of the English people to pathy in our thoughts, words and deeds with regard to Ireland and its people at large." ! . laaison tyjuare tiaraen, riew mr fa tn Wi trim dawn and n structure sim-r ilar in character to the Palais Royal of Paris erected. The New York Herald aavB Messrs William II. Vanderbilt and Edward S. Stokes are principally interested in the enterprise. It is esti mated that the rent of the 130 shops to l 1 :. mm tkn Href o n rl covnr! flcKirs will aggregate $70,000. On the third will be a grand concert hall and conservatory. An ail mission lee win be charged here, and a band of one hun dred pieces, stationed in the centre of the hall, will furnish the music. Par terres of beautiful flowers and rare ex .otics will alternate with stalls, in which tables will tlo provided and refresh- dents can be served. Concerts are to J t Circa (or labout.. two hours every Horn aire to Good ucasaud Char ity. '1 , . Two Bisters of Chanty were walking alons: Broadway yostenlay. From time to time they entered a store to so licit charity lor the poor. 1 ney were eiiiergingMrom n saloon in which the had asked for alms, when a gentlsiuan who met them stepped aside, took cfl his hat Until they had passed and then, replacing it, continued his walk, I nlways," he remarked to a friend with him, "pay homage to gootlness and cnanty. 1 no nivine mission ot tnee ladies is so impressed upon . my mind that r could not ! pass them without taking off my hat to them i and wishing them (iod spewl 1 1 their errands ot mercy." Y. Herald. Mr. J. II. Hopkius, Warrenton, N. C. says: 'I consider Brown's Iron Bit ters the best tonic I kno'w .of." I Remember Thin. If you are sick Hop Bitters will snre- y aul .Nature in makinsAou well When 11 yon are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach r oowuis, it is ytmrown fault it you- re main ill, fr Hop Bitters are a I sover eign remedy in all such complaints. ' If you are wasting away with any -form ot Kidney disease, stop tempting Death mis moment, and turn lor a euro to top Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sick ness. Nervousness, y on find a "Balm in Gilead" in the use of Hop Bitters If yon are a frequenter, or a resident ot a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all 0011 n tries malarial, epidemic bullous, and intermittent fevers- by the use of Hop muers. . . - I "" If yon have trmgjh. pimply, or sallow skin, had breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, nop ; Bitters will give you fair skin, rich- blood,; and sweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of xthe stomach. Bowels, Blod. Liver. Nervws Kidneys. Bright Disease. 500 will be paid for a case theyjerill not cure or help. That poor, bedridden, invalid wife. sister, mother, or daughter can to made the picturof healtn. by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer. mch (3 lm , , Wanted Teachers! Steady employment daring Spring mr. Address J. C feb 28 4w tQUU $100 Per month ana sum- PWla., Pa. 1 rh I MTtcrt liotmil BBralTtoMoptbam loc time tad then hmw tbem rotara rngmln. I aeu mr6U U care. I hr nad to ihhi of PITS, ErZurST Another I'oker Story. A San AnUnio. Texas, special says: A report has leaked out here regarding a game of poker played in New Yoik between several railroad kinrs, ' dnrinc which- one of. the gentlemen, havkg lost allot his pocket moncv. offered t put engines as collateral. Fortune still corn batted him. and at the close of the anie he had lost three of the I besi enirines he owned. 1 1 hey ani now run ning on the winner's rd in tl Stati t'ieir"numlers b'ing: 29, 24 and 27, and are valued at 40.000." . 1 , 1 mmm 1 .1 1 B right's Uiseiuse, JDittbetes, Kidney, Liver or Urooury v DUeatie. Have no fear of any of these diseases if you use Hop Bitttrs. as they will pre vent and cure the wrst cases, even when yon have been made worse b some great puffed uppretem led 'cure. FAtXIMO SICXMX33 UX-loair BtadtL JwvrsstDnf remdr to cartt tbo wont Bwwirwbri bsw failed li no reason tor not now reeivlBffcrre. Sea4a ono tat m trMttoe tMl m fm Bonis of mj lftfaUiM rvnredy. Grr BxpTM ftna root OflMS, 11 cotit Jvq HorUac fnc trtU nod I wiB nn jnu. AddrMS XL. O. SOOT. 13 FMrt St.. JfewTock Free ! Cards & Ghromos. We will send fre b mill a sample q' onr lanre (.German. French i and Amencan i ChrOmo Cari, on tinted amf ruld erwan-i with a price tut 'i over 20O differ nt dotslns, on receipt of a stamp for postage. WewiH also send free by mail a? sample, ten of out eaocuui ufir -moi, on receipt ox ten cents t (ay fur packing and nstiure:- ako enjMe confldenual price Uxt of nr large oil chromoe. trentd wonted. Addtes Y. Ulbabox A Co.. dS bnramer street, Boston, Mass. : re aBw . -- ' - - - llothers Bead This ! 8TOKB RIDOEV N. Y. Vax Dkubsx "BBOA..Xear Mrs : Yonr Woxv C onfectIOSS have been tnriiluable V as Oar Utile boy, two vears old, discharged rer "thirty worm in a few lajs, uns only a few of your orjn Confections. 1 am glau t ba- testimony to the valrte of VnDeuseo' Worm couf ecUona. - Tonrs. - - i Krv. J. U McKars. Try them 3o a bo.' VAKDEUSEH BR08, feb-4w ' t lngston X. Y. "UOOBECWIUTrGRir v corj) uus in) L'msToas, "icESTirmiEuoatD j tvm.it cy tan ggr 5 ca Aizxisazxca rk mmm iwtuwi mm MISCELLANEOUS. OCr: 2f i ST jr. fL m ' H ill 1 1 2 i f - -2. 2 f I i c I g i ; I I s e il I i g ?! :3 ! sf j . j- M . ! S3 70 JUSOELLAKEOUS. :"1883. Harper's Mnaziuo ILLUSTRATED, i I - Harper Ma&oxir.e begins It rfxty-alxth rol ntue ilb the l)nbfr Sun.b ft la not only the mot popular lliustratet perioUcal in Ainerica anrf fcRg-htntt-bat also-tbe buryesiln Its tocbrme, the mot beautiful In its appear ance, and tbe beet magazine for tbe bomt). A new nor el entilled tor the Mtr," by Con stance Fenimore Wolson. tbe ' author of 7 In literary and artistic excellenre tbe, Haga' ; I siM Improves with each ticceslTe noralxir. pet'iaIeirorU bale been made for tbe lighter entertainment of Its reudere through burner oos storied eketcben. r HI 2 F r m John L. Boatwright's . . J .-..- 'PAROLE DTatiNNEint Holler Process Flour. For Beauty,. Strength. Purity, and Bread pro- 4 i:l i; 1 1 .litis it is ' I . 'r-- !'''. the highest attain able standard. Guaranteed in every Instarc Harper's Periodicals- d Hxsrcs' Maoazixs........... 4 60 HixPSB'B WCSSLT... ...1..... 4 00 HJtltreBB BXSULB.... ........ .......... 4 00 Tbe Tbktb a bore rmbbaUons.... ...... 10 o- Any Two a bore named. .....r... Hakftb8 Vomo Pitopue.. ....... If ARPBH'a MAcArrsB 'm. t " ' ' 700 5 00 10 00 4 One Year 52 Nambers). ....XL?,. Poetafft Tret to art titbcribert in the Vnited Stat-es or Ctxnmda, -( - : ;i- 4 Tne volumes of the SingatCn becbrwlth tbe Numbers for Jane and Pfcciiiberof each year When no time is speifled.i it ill under stood that tbe enbecriber wishes to begin with tbe current Number. Tbe last Eight Volumes cf Barptr$ Ifaga zintf. in neat cloth M dinc, will , be sent by nmii, postpaid, on receipt o? 00 per volume Cloth Cases, for bindlnar, SO cents each by mail post aid. . " ; Index t Harper $ Magazine, Alphalctical. Annlytical anu l latelnc!, for Volumes I toiiO, inclusive, from .lime. 1-50, to June, 180,' one voi., -vo, Cloth. $4 VQ. -1. Kemitiaricea should be madeVby Poet-CraV Ioney der or Draft, to avo.d ciiai-e of Hss. . i 'XeoDananrrM are not to cow thin advertisement teunotu the express ortter of uaktkb a ukoh Address ... HARPER & BROTlTKRs; 1 tbt leadlngV,1. ana u arranged to Uad, embrace special dispattb. of the globe.' Under ibej!?5 1 re riven the-Telegraphic rwll wee! f r. m all parts olT tur aJose; makes - ?9. T i r;- tue weeilt! riirfii j J tbe most vafuAbVefm m h U ih j behest, xirerj i r ' embracing remplev and I patent fA.xa vn?SXy urBbms oi toe aottr. , , of Wookry OeraM rWfc. as ihe mort rrsetleal s relating V Uk) duiTof u?? i dies relating V ror e-tre-t korpine bidWitoand'LirTuL,c department, w1K-ry ooPwiv 80 mm .X, UOME. gtvlnar reoelnef t or. tactVai avL ; thin? and for kanT making otbm'gand for kewtn.1 item of cookhiff or ecouoajT i!ir? WOT f"Vuv,1 leavers Irnm i .n Lnuonfrre8ponient on TiJ nn himHi M..vc: V'V' 1 " ""- ' SKILLED LABrm ? are looked after, and ettrnKw U TBY IT, XT WILL PROVE ALL WE CLA W VOR IT. rfOTO L. B0ATWKIGIIT MORTGAGE SALE. gV VIRTUE OF. THE 1X)WER OF 8AIE contained in a certain deed of mortgage mai by C. W. Hawes", 8. A ' Reading and R. M Howden Trurtee, to BoaiB right & McKo and regis ered-in the office of the Kegtoter o D eds f Hew iianover tk unry in Book O O page the nndersignea, a Attorney to the assignee or the. .grantee m tne sm ctee will sell at public auction, at tbe Court Hou& door in tbe City of Wilmington, on Monda , tin ztn oay i M-ircn at is o'caoca, m, th following lot of land In said city, with th hulkiiDjrs thereon: ; Itefrinnlng at the Noith wesieru intersection ot Nunn and -ixth b tree's runs thence Wet with ihe orth line of nodi street 4? feet, thence .North 58 feet, thencf BsstJ4T I et to mxi stre t, thence Souil with tbe line of ixtb street &8 feet to tbe be ginning. JOUN D. BKLLAMY, Jr., xeoyaoa A'torney. Commissioner's Sale. ! IV 1 UR3UANCE OF A DECEhE OF THE I ' ! aupe. tor. court of Brunswick county, at Fall Tjrm 1832, iu an action of foreclosure therein - uendi"g between Th FrVst National Rn k of l ilraingion s plaintiff, and Alex. Ohtham unci wile ms defe i;nts. tbenodfrsiKned. Com lubif ioner hi poimed by ttaid decree. ill be 1 nt public auction, ror c .th, nun uourt iiousc in miih li e. on Monday, the lOtiror April 18H.J, it 1- hi, the foil wing real estate: being in the -ouu y of Bmnswick, adjoining the town of A ilmingion and conta ning 70 ucrec, more or 'ess. Beginning at a marbk"pnst in tne Unins ick county limi on toe SoUthsMeof the great oad or causeway across i-agle li-l:iud. and run- ttbtmt utli with the saki county li e,t i p tea in the 0' go of t e ape rear river .t tne mouth ot a canal, theu alog said ;aul about West to AUgaU'r Creek, th- n m s iil xvk to hld great road or c iue - ay. : hen along U alou Kast o the beglnnii g Excepting i rom oki oo.inia Hvo aeivs on veyci t John AJTalor by 1.1. 12 Ureyg by leed of Jauuar 19th, 1864; and also excepting i ot ty ng iw lee l irom tne KlO'eaiu cu ty line and a tmg great road 00 feet, fixniing the sme ana oxtenaing U ick 100 feet p raUel wilh said ruojiwick oui.ty ll e. Vihieh las lot w'm reserved by Alfred mlth ii. tbe died conrvf lug said laud to the said Alex, uklhani. A.G. BICAUD, . j Commissioner. J: Lii JIJ11AG HOUSE. OW LANDING, EX BRIG "ANTELOPEH 500 Hhds. New Crop i - " - . ' - I - Caba Molasses, N direct frm Matansaa. For sale low. Orders av&otted. WORTH & WORTH. fn?4 . ZJrKE HUSV LINK OF FIN E" WHISKEYS, WINES, &c. IN KORTIi CAROLINA, Jo Cape Fear, $7, fituarf Kye, 04, Virginia Glades, $4, t Martell's $3. North I Carolina Pure Corn FOR 1 IEDICINAL FURPO ES UEXCELZD BEACH AND HONEY FOK COlGns, CCL03. &e better than any . - ' . " . h - - -i tedld 1b3 in the country e also jrecom mt nd oar 8 OCK AND. BTE pr the ROCK AND OOBI .FOB OUOGHS. COLDS. Ac Iafeili. A woll-lo-ilo farmer created a sen?a lion at Beailing, Pa recently, bybrin Zmtm m 1 I . Aim mm, m 2 1M m4nt.B,.. ilaughters into curt as the plaintiff in l i1TPft ffa fl , fJ(l xlfjgtr promise of marriage. I Best ever made, Emory's little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coaiea ; no gnpmg; omy locents a ooz , oi Druggists or by mail. Standard Care j Co., 114 Nassau Street, Ucw Ycrfc. BUILDIXO UUE, AGRICULTURAL LliTE CARBONATE OF LKIB, -KAINIT. -i LAND PIASTER AND MARL. GOOD FERTILIZERS ; AJtD TEIllf CHEAP,-. Bead lorOxcnlir Koycter's ' Candy. NdrCOATEL, ENGIJSU DAIBT; TOUXG AjC&UA. aad bttt CBKAU CUtXSIL i1- - "'FBESsrur stock, v'; -" r,: P. 1.: BElilGEES & CO. -t neb 12" . '": s ' -' v.':ii i-.j tatsctisrJsrja jai-ef .grates far slew MARIOIT, 1ST. O- W. J. CALAIS, Prop'r STUATED AT TUK VERT ,XXT ef tbe Blie Kldge, within eight ani easy each of so ne of tbe mo0t faneus leaks The R an Mountain ni o.her iointa of Interest a enear. Delightful air, eahibrious climate and excei-le-it water I will be plcawxi to rorreeponrt with partiet pr 'poshig rest or r reatlon in tbe m untains luring the tinratner months Excellent tabl , clo n IxhI-, airy n ums and prompt service gu'antepL Tinas low. . feb 10-6m . ' ;eople are alw ays on tne k lookout for ohan ces to Increase their earninsrs. and in time eeome wealthy; those who do not improve i heir opportunities remain in porerty . We of er a great ch nee to mate money. We want nany men, wor. en, boys and girls to work for is right .n their own localities. Any one can to tbe work properly from tbe first start. The business will pay. more than . ten times ordl n:iry wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. So one who engages fail to make money rap Idly. Yon can lerte your whole time to the work, or only your -pare moments. Full in formation and all that is needed sent free. Ad avss Tl?r on Co., Portland, Maine. I nov l-dw tf . . conies i nero is a pa , J vi 1 .test phases of tbe 3&la M-rrh:r.dise. aTax THE PBODCCl'MlBiri I Sportb3r?rpws at home and kbmJ' J with a torv mn mZ . ?A eminent divine, liWrarVVVTSTTa Personal atxl e s7 J? the world jvuk b owtih. sVSJJ ter ewry week; a the WeSl? n?JTJ snhnrrtl ...... m" vvmri K mmj iiurc er The New York Herald In :a Weekly form, OneW '...'r aVearJ Addre9 SF.W tivv rrrnii. 1 dec fft07 ild ABn ttrwu T 1883. i ' Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. Harper $ Weekly stands at tbe head of Ameri yin llfusi rated weekly journals. By its unpar- isan position In tiollucs its -dmirabie iHustra lois. it carefully choe serlaU. shirt strt , ketches, hiki penu, contributed by the fore noet artists ami a uttmro ot the day, it. carries instruction and entertaiuiu- nt to tho -sands of mericai homes ' 7 It will always be tbe aln of tbe publbben o rnikv Harper's ITeeUp tbe mo-t popular and ittractive fmi-y newspaper to the workL - - Harper's Periodicals. per Year: flxarcB's wzblitI... . .......... ...... ,$i 00 Hisns's MxoazrjrE.;. ........... 4 00 riasrss's Bazar.... .L............M... 4 80 rhe Turks abore pubtlcatlona. so 00 Any Two aore named...... 7 00 tlAKFCK TOC50 PEOrLE.. I SO (IAXPES'S FSASTKUy rASS LlB&AST, One Tear (52 Numbers).. 10 00 Postage Free to all subscriber in the United jtate ana Canada. , Tbe Volumes of tbe Wtebta beirlTi with the drst Xumber for January of each year When no ume is mentioned, it win oe cnaersiooa hat tbe subscriber wishes to commence with tbe Number next after tbe receipt of or ler . rtoe imm r our Annual v. lames of Harper's Weethr. in n at cloth blndinz- will be sent tw mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freirbt does not exreed one dollar per rolume). tr $7 00 per rolumH. . Cloth as-s-for e-ch- vtlnne. suit ble for binding, w II be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 DO eacb.' - - -- . - tiemlttan es sho Id be made br . PostOSce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of toes. IfeviprperarmOttoccpytAladverUje weiSwmiCu erpre vrder cf ILtXXXS A Bso, H albert Bros. Whole! ' Price List. 4 Piano, 7 oct, square, iwswood, carved, arraoe. t' 7 Plano,nvrighl,7ocL,cahlnrtpiia 11 vrgan, 4 sets reeus.s Btops and p tad organ..... . Organ, 6 sets reeds. 13 atop, coop- ler, sub-bass...; M , Our Planosnd Orgaoi are wir- .ranted urst-class. ? Violin outfit, box, bow, strgi.eon- Slete n cremona model, extra fine . 4 Accordeon, 10 keys, btss box, list j tone 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 atop, itets . '4 . .roeds.perfect... Month Organs, VJcpna concert, 14 ' - hot9... 8 Month Organs, Genuine Ukbter M holes, US 11 Mouth OrganB, Genuine Concert double 24 notes, G 8... 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin. 6 itji, boxwood.;....... 17 Fife, ui ebony, German bUtc leralei 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, line....... 19 " . Jtl: - 8 tones, wind with lever large . 90 Violoncello, patent, msenbe bead 12 DotSleBass,' patent bead, I or I strings... 24 Gnlur, maple, nrtcblne bead, flaa I finish..... ...........J... r 27 Banjo, 10 lnch,4 bma bnekett.... 28 Cornet, brass cornopeos wjb, c too crooks 30 Drum, brass, Pruastan,ornnjetil Gold Violin, Guitar and BaaJBtrtap, ' - H Bros. Silver Violin, Guitar nd Banio Wruitt. Steel Vlollnuiurand Bujt Gut, Russian, cieTman'or luUaa, beat "booVs'.' ilowe'e or Wlnner'i, i aj)y Instrument "'iii HaTtof Just roaie a goi lJt er Sewing Machines, willseu iDeja m-, while they last. i ; l J , Money bi qu.te safe la cttniac plainly addressed, i wsl Terms strictly cash witk oraer.j ... .. i . 1 i - Agents and dealers send for oer Kj alogue- .;v V;..-. 'Jul-,.si! On above net wnoiesaw pi" make 100 per cent, pronv. cau on ns wneo you coui ."w-i, 1 ltefernce : Any cans ur u tne city. , lj r Hulbert Bros.. Is the only Geoenv sale'houseln Bt. Louis. ' Rttrt 3 Olive Street, o law i-ly 1 : i 1883. Harper's Young Peop ANILLUoTRATEl win-an SCTTEb TO : BOTH AKD ' 6HU v' Tol. IV. commences orember The Tonng People h-s been f succesef.l beyouti anticJpat"' j nino Post - " K " v,ktif It has adistincUvermrpo-e."' rrf Uv adberea tbatiuiMly ol un,TA r oa ncsa, alegano oontrrta generally, u U oatttn-, , p tdlcatlon of tbe kind yet brw" notl. e.PVUbmyh GasetU. . if AKPEB'S tlAKFSB'S Addrsa Per Year. Ftage Prepaid, spreiBMw copy sesu ""iTLnar Tf Tbe Volumes ef l(j.W ted C lotto, id be smt dt i paid, on receipt posrf sb mmmtMl tO eOpy WfnTlf meBtwttboct uctit"v. , Young Peoplr UttWK Y"7 ftmnfttanrw honld be msoe vj g Honey order or Dni0! 4lwtt I -1 ,'!.:,:SII?I5T-eB; rfB'ai!WweWi;'. ''. ' 1 4te

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