ii . . - i r ' . - . . rr The Daily Review TUESDAY. MARCH 13 1883. The Daily Review has ike, foriest bona fide circulation, of any. newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington . STATE NEWS. States villa Landmark: Messrs Wa!- laco " Bros bave broken ground n . Church sireet. just .n rear ot their bo tanical depot, lor another root and her b warehouse which will eclipte in sze their last efi'rt in this direction. Jt will be 60x100 feet and throe storiu high, r Subscriptions are. being made in north Iredell to a Mo.hodUt church to be built at Olin. The people ot that place subscribed SMO Tor this purpose last Saturday. 1 no last rejtri we have is thai this amount has been . increased io about 65. - : Maj. T, 11. Bomar. assistant engineer on the - Western North Carolina Railroad, and MUs Murv Willis Wilstm, daughter ot Mai. J. V. Wilson.'? chief engineer ol that road, were married at Durham one day lat week. It was a runaway at' lair. Miss Wilson. hal been viMtin. her aunt at Hillsboro and was joined there by Maj. Ifcmiar. .Golilabro MessenqtT'. The Atlantic Coaftt.Line transports the Confederate nitHjuiuent from Baltimore to this place free of charge, lhere were one hundred and sixty nve persons reis- iered at the ISonitz Hotel last rue lay, most t whom, went to tlo Dptro. Tho State has doL&ted to the Goldsboru Rifles two car loads of stone to be used in constructing the founda tion of their monuiuent. Pneumonia has been particularly fatal in this sec, turn lately, serveral god citizens being struck down by that dire disease, and a good many more are affcled by it. although, as Jet, in a wilder form. Mr. Culien Flowers, an old anil repect ed citizen of Brogden township, died qtiitn suddenly one day last wee&. lie was at Mount Olive when stricken with -paral sis and died shortly alier. ilr liuh G Maxwell, residing near Goldsboro, died last Thursday of pneu monia, alter a brief illness ot .ess than two day?. Mr Maxwell was formerly I a citizen of Duplin county, but for the past twelve years has resided in Wayne. The contract for building the foun dation of our Confederate dead monu ment was last Tuesday awarded by the Goldsboru Rifles to Mr W I Durham, ol Raleigh, who will soon begin the work. Mr Durham has also the con tract for the statue of the Confederate soldier, which is to surmount the mon ument. The dwelling on what is known as the Eatman place, in Fork township, near Aine -Forest school bouse, waS destroyed by tire Fridayi night. Mr M T Edgerton occupied the buildinz, and when the fire was discov ered had barely time to save himself and wife. He' lost all his furniture and clothing. J-it of betters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Omce in this City on Wed neaday, March. 14. 1883: A licster Aventt. BCapt. B K Brags:. Clarissa Battw. C U Brownley. Ned Bryan, Ned Brad ley, Elizabeth Blaney, Geo W Brand. Edward T Berins. Emma Brown. Etta Brad ham, Henderson Brooks, (2) 8ynd:a Brown, Tony Browne R M Butler, luffenia v Burgoyne, Jennie Boon. John Balaton, C-Geo W Chute, M C.Corbett. Sydney Campbell. D-J H Denton, Mary Dantord, Christopher Dudley, Rebecca Dixon, Z Durant, Winslow Davis. E Annie Evans. - F Ri-becca Franks, Caroline Frank. G Richard Gill. - II Mary A Hall. Lizzie Hall, Isaac W Hansey, Eliza Hall. A H Harris. Gilbert HaleV Henry Hill, John Hall, Mary J Hyde (2.) Mande Hall. J-C II Jones, Grabe Johnson, Rebecca Jones. Alexander Jones K Tilly Kelley. John II Knight, Frank Ketihum, Chas U Kerr, Agues Kelly. L Martha Laspcyse, Lilly Larring ton. Cora Lane, Amelia Lindsay. , M Henrietta Murrall. Mi.ly Mc Leanon, G D McKinnev, F L.Mseley. Emma Motelry, Edy MackNeal, Willie McColisin.. W ' A .Marlow R'qhrd Madden, Rachel Miller, R A Morriss F Moore, John Merritt, Henrietta Ma ria Moore. N Adelfa Nettles. , O Kate Overton, Tena Ann Outlaw. P Bennio S Fnce. I b l'nce. Handy I iridscn. lizzie u 1 arKer, m a xtrker, t Mria Ptrrv. . R Chas J Ryberg. Caleb Richardson S&llieRhew, Iaura RichartUoh, Melissa Kosanna Keynoias. uooert iticnarnson. :.S-fIc8lt Sloan. Minnie Siuith." A P Smith. Cirrie Sellars. (J). David Ster- linic. A R Skipper, Adiaon bi-hafler. T N M 'Former, Samuel Taylor, Rev II Taylor. Ileore Taylor. . v. r n . r 1 1 t Wattera.Mary E Warner. Mn White, Janie D Walker. Joseph Wil liams. Georco Washington, Fannie White, Amy Wilbred. SIIIP LETTERS. ITerr Nila Larson, bark Fornika; YTUiin n.irtm IT S (Z KSCitHlnHV: Cipt (Jibbons. schr Ioak; Carter Jor dan, sclir St John's; Augustus, Moore, steamer Isis. 9 9 S S -m Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if no called for within ten days will be sent to tha dead letter office at Washington. P.O. Ed. R. Bkink P. AL Bl hop Iyraan'H Appointments JXurch 11 Sunday Newbern. 13 Tuesday Beaufort. 14 WelneslaY Kinston. 15 Thursday Holy Innocents, lipnoir Ck " . . : 16 Friilay G!dsboro. . 18 Sunday Wilmington. 19 Monday Wilmington. 20 Tuesday Wilmington. 2a Thursday Rocky Mount - "V : 23 ( Jood Friday I'arborcv . . 25 Easter Day Wilson.. 29 Thursfiayt-soutn JUius, con . i secratlon - SO Friday Camden. a -m .t ftll - THE MAILS' Tbem&lls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : . i CLOSE. 1 -. 1 Northern through mails, fast. . J. 00 P. M. Nortliern through and wiy malls... .3.40 A- Bl. Raleigh...... ....5.00 P. M. aod 3.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Uallroad and 1 route supplied therefrom tnelud- . beA.AN.C. Ballroad a ......5.40 A. iM. Southern Mails for all points South, 1 dally.. 6 30 A. M. and 8X9 P.M. Western malls (C. C Eallway) dally, - (except Sunday). 6.00 P. M. All poinu between HamJet and Bal- i elsh : : 5.00 P.M. MailforCheraw and Darlington Ball- - -- road... 6 30 A. M. and &00 P. If. Hails for points between Florence and Charleston.... 6.30 A. M and 8.00 P.M. Fayetteville ad office, on Cape Tear River, Toe-days and Fridays. 1.00 P. M Favetterllle. via Lamberton. dairy. except Sundays J... iw.5.00 P. 1. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offl- ce. Tries' lays and Fridays 4L00 A. II. Smlthville mails, by steamboat, daily (except Sundart) ..&30A.M. Malls for Easy lull. Town Creek, Shallotteand Little Elver. Tues days and Fridays. 6.00 A. MH OPEN FOE DEL1VKUT4 Wrightaville. daily A. H Northern through and way mails 1 . 1 7.80 and 8 Go A. M Southern Mails :.- ...7. 0 A. M CaroUna Central Railroad..!... 9.45 A. M Mails collected from street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M. , Stamp Office open from 8 A. M- to it M.. and from 2 to 5. 15 P. M. Money order and Register ue part men 1 open ume as stamp omce. ' btampa for bale in email quantities at renerai delivery when stamp office is closed. . ' 1 ueneral delivery open from aayufnt to dark and on Sundays from ,30 to 9.S0 A. M. . i Mr. Henry C. Pool. Newborn. N. C . says: I receive! great ' benefit from Brown's Iron Butters in general debili- ity." i- . Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, South : . . , ( GONCLU8 ON FIRST ROUND.) . ' Clinton, at Andrew's Chapel i Mar. 10-11 Cokesburs: at'Halls,. 1 .Mar. 17-18 Xewton Grove Mission,.... .Mar. 21 Point Caswell Mission, at Providence ..Mar. 27 R. O. Rurton. P. K Farmers and others desiring a gen eral, lucrative ajrency business, bv which 5 to 20 a day can be earned send address at once, on! postal! to II C. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and 197 Fuj- oa Otroot. ixhvv irn. mho i-o m Don't JDio in the tlousc. "Rouffh on Rats' Cleais out rat, mice, roaches, bed buxs, nies antf. m;les, chipmunks, gophers. 1 15c. (JUMMEKCIALMWS. WILMINGTON MARKET.j March r3-4 P. M. 8PIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted dull at 47 cents. No sales repo "'ted. . ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.32 for Strained and 1.37$ for Good Strained. Sales as offered. ! J f! TAR-Quoted steady at $UX) per bb of 280 lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE f Quoted steady at $1.75 for Hard and $3 per bbj for Soft. " I CO'rrON Quoted steady. Sales of 100 bales on a basis of 9$ for Middling The following are the official ' quota tations: !, ! Ordinary. ......... Good Ordinary. Low Middling Middling. Good Middling .l.G 15 1G . . .b 3-16 ...91 cts 11 9 .. 10 1-10 DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton i ...L..... 330 bale Spirits Turpentine. . , Rosin Tar...... Crude Turpentine. . . 1 lh2 cask 22m bbh- 1161 bbb 673 bbh MAltLN K NEWS. ARRIVED i Steamer Governor! Worth, Worth. Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Steamer Bladen, Skiunur, Fayette ville, J 5 lAtve & Co. I U. S mail steamer Minnehaha, Bit bey, Suiilhville, Master. Xor brig Cungal. Danielsen, Canary Islands, C P Alt-bane. j J CLEARED. 1 Steamer' Governor 'Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. . Steamer Bladen, Skinner.Fayetteyille C S Love & Co. Ii - U. S. mail steamer Minnehaha.Bi8- bey, Smitliville,.Mavter. 1 I Steamer John Dawson, Sherman. Point Caswell, R. P. PaddisonJ - Nr barque Alel,i Dainesen, New Castleron-1 yne. Alex Sprunt Sim. Nor bri Athalia Ixmi, jWohl Uam burir, - Alex Sprunt & Soul Exports. FOREIGN. New Castle-on-Tyne -Nor (barque Alcl 4.4W br.ls rsm ! Iltinn urg Xor bri Athalia Iord I .COO casks spirits. 774 bbs ro-in". Pulasqueradc. GRAND MAbQUEUAUE BALL wUl be given at Germania llallj on Thursday CTt. ulng, 15;h ifcst. The masquer's list is near. i i lj fuU, a Urge number havLg already signed, 1 and those who wUh tj participaJ B most apply at once. List closed falurUay nlht, 10th Inst. i ! I 1 I A 1 mitcd .nuraber of spectator's seals will be sola 'l he jrouug tatlic of . SmiSfTill; a c e pocLilly Inilic!. Miioio by jthe lt lbin Il.tr oe tlvmeu tuuoqucra $t each. J o oaaige xor uuk;8 en maque. - . Apply at Uver's or to ( ! . t. HA&DWTCK A CO TDchlt m, w, f, t. Commercial Hotel ! I' -!..! Wilmington, N. C. M. SCULOSS, Prop. r?rEST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. A? First-class Bar and BILLIARD SA T7 I.OON ATTACHED BISQUE FIG UKJ5ii . . ... . i vNOlHEB LOT JUST RECEIVE, J , C , r GILES A MTJECniSOS. ' MISCELLANEOUS. . J Ho LLiquoro. tut stock or rcssn, a ko, i GEO CSSXE8 wtXl.be kepi at cmr store. -. 4" No. 45, Market Street. AH ctxxl oW trj mm win be M repTMested. GOOD GOODS AJrp SiLALLrPEOriTS j WTIX BB OUS MOTTO tarGfn a trial and "be wnvliicedgy -rath ittt B. J. SCA RBOROUQH d. notice. jT FRTEKDS WLLX, PLEASE JfOTCE iut I hare-reeunxxl busioeast tbeokt etaod, 16 and W Socta JTrost Street, where I can J. ways be f onod, aad wtiere yon sill flad a foil Hue of FEE8H FA3irL USOCKEIES. Tbanktog tbem for paat faTon I hope by trlct aUcnUya to their ordors ta merit a cb&re .. ' - - . ' .; i 1 of patreo&ce tn fatiTe. Eetpectfallj, nob 7-lw GEO M. CRAPOK, Agt. First of the Seirf T MT &DT CUSTOMERS JLSD THE PUB en orally are reepectftiUy sotifled , that I haw just reoerred a ' . LAEGE AND ELEGANT AS80RT303T OF NEW MILUNKET GOODi, HaU, Bonnets, , Flowers, Ribiwns, &q,f the first which havefbeea exhibited In Wil mlngton this soaooo. ... ' i 1 For s"me time to come t shall . be In receive by tail nni st -amers of 1 rge al I i ns 10 mr -t H-k, m11 of the ewest a&d latest desbrns and of the bot m-te'1a s. : I ' The renjlnInor stock, of . Winter n early 'prins K di win bu closed oat at neatly re- d ced rates. I - A call and an examination Is sottcifed. MISS E. KARRER, mch 13 r EXCHANG1C OHtNHR, - fetate of North Carolina. 1 . -r 1 New Uanunrer County, u eriur euri. J. D. H Wicker and Geerse lVlviii. br his uncle andext friend, J. ti.D. Wicker, t lain tiffs. Krneet Frederick llah"t.n andwife Minnie, jonn tr iiasnagen, Ann Hasixaeir i gin la U. h-mpie, a. l r mpto, B G. Emp e, nnie K. Kmpe, FanuieF l . tm ie, KllenO. fcm pie, Theodore G mpie. Adam tmp aad Ann liashagen, Defendon s. I - IT. BhlNG M UK 1U APrKA TO MY satisfaction that J George llaehitgen' and Ann Hastigen are non-esl'Wnt of tn State. i1 have prvp rt In this "tate, nn I cannot af ter due dllljreiirc lie f euiid in this tate and that a cause of artiO'i exists in iaVor of the I'l.iintiff: asrainst the said Dtfendants:! now. these ate, thert fore. 10 no if v the lefemiants. J.G. Hualiasfen :nd AuitM-i-h tren. tu aurear at my Office in the city of Wi mi gton,- on the itn uay or Alarm, a. i. is 3. at 19 clock. A. M., ni anr r or demur to the complaint nkKi in tma ncu .n. : Ctiren uudermy hand -nd seal of office this 30th day of January, 1883. i - JTACfeY- VAX XMKINGE, jan 3 Vaw-fiwtms ( lerk superior Teurt. hute j of 0rth Carolina. ) buoerior Curt. Ceny ot Coluiabus. j J .: 1 . -Daniel I . Ku&eelt, ' -, , ! . , . . Edvcard Castwell. EdwanlC ntwefl, Jr., John Cmtwsli, Fnl Gantsreil. lallie i ucaa and I hus and Benjamin 1 ncas. Nellie unson - and hashand Henry P. Mnnton, WUiara Cantwell, KeC ntwell and Edward C ut well, Guardian of William and Kate Cant well. ! . . ; -' . - IKlJJ 18 AN ACTIOS FOR IBS FORE eloRureofa mortgage of real estate. awl it appe trinz to ray sausf action that the le- r . Fred Cttntwel . I UUe Locas and nuband leeniamin Lncas. Nellie .Cunson ands hnsbMsd Henrr P. .nnson. Kate artwell and Kd ward Cantweli, nardUn of William and Kate Caatweil, are on- csi'ients ami ann t after due diligence be found la tnls State, and that they hae an interest in the actl n awifare projer p.irties hereto, now therefore, this U to ommand aai 1 defendants to apfiear at the next term of the Smer -r 1 ourt to be h id lor 1 he county of Columbus at the Court llonse in w niterine, on ue dtn HosMiay- arwr ta at 1 Mon'l y in I emuary 1683. nd an w-r or de mur to the romplalttt or Judgment will be rea dered a ainst f-em fcocordina; to law-; ' 1 his the 5ih d tv of February, 1883 W. M. BAL.UWLS, Clerk. . feb IS law -6 v-tues. s Positive Bargains TN BLE ACHED COTTONS, 10 ShlrUnjri, Counterpanes, Tble Dastask and Towels, White Goods, Hamburg sad Irish Point Trimmings Warner's Corallne. Health, Ab ' : . :-7:K--..-r dominal and M. M. Corset. Also, the best ONE DOLLAR KID CLOVE In the oity. j JNO. J. HEDRICK. Wotice;- nttE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN ap A. ! -. " .i Minted Collector on the estate of John Car. roi, deceased, on the Wih February, 1883Jpa the Probate Court of New Hanover county, notice is hereby siren to all persona Indebted t said decea-ed to make immediate artreou anl all peroo having claims .against aid vs t 't win pre 1 1 hem f r payiiHit on or be fore i he 9 Ah Fe mary , ISM; or this notice will be pl.-aa tn bar ox tnet recorery. H. B RUN HI ID t'ol'eetor. mch 5 law-4wm h P. JUxNESe; LINTON. N. O, ATTOBNET AND Coos seUor-at Law .WID practice tn any part ot etate. sieclal atteouotr xlTmrtor the eoi t h tl claims epi 10-lv COUNTRY - .. i - t - - - ERCHANrS AND ETEKT BODY CAN go sill tod la quality aod prkxs from tho larg stock of HAODLEKY GOODS, at the New eaddlery and Txxnk tJooseof . , " H. AL BmWDEK CX o. 49 ILtraet st Jtfannfacture and Repair. .j njeA ft JJ-BW yLMi SSCOJiD SAKD FQS SALS eoce Earxizat 1 . - ke7 ai v KirrisrarENTs. T' QE UNDER-jIGSED UAVI5G BEKN ap po ated CefUtrars c t Ejection for the city of WUmhHrtoB, hereby gire notice to all concern ed, thai there wlU be held a municipal election for the eleoUoa of two Aldermen la each Ward of the city of Wllaiagtoa.on the Fourth Thurs day In Xareh (Uarch 23nd). l&S ; tat the polls for said" election win be kept open on said March 2iad, 1883, from eeTen o'clock, A. M., snUl sunset, at the places designated below, and that Beg lstraUoh Books wUl be kept open from 9 o'clock A. U., te 6 o'clock, P. JL. cn ereryday, Sundays excepted", commcntlxg with Monday, March 6th, 18SS, and endirg Wedneedy, March theSlst, 1883, at 0 o'clock. F. M., at the places designated below : F1EST WABD-UPPEB DrV-ION. j Seglstratioo at Wm M Evans1 Sure, cor ner Mxon street Lore'salle ; votinx place northvabt corner 4th and Harnett etreek. - . 1 i -: Ff B8T WART TjOWJlB DIVISION.""- Besistration at Market Hose, northeast corner 4th aid Campbell treeu ; voting place " 4 SECOND WABD. ' Eegistratloo atdty UaUi voting piece same. THIKDWABD. Registration at Glblem Lodge buIMlng.Bonth wei corner tftn and prlnce strot; voting place same. : . j !. FOURTH WAED. figlstration at Ann street Engine Tfone. outh sloe vf ado ftreet, betweeu Arontand oecond streeU; voting p!4ce samo. FIFTU WABD. j ! Beglstratlon at ; Market House, southwest corner Ath and .&tle sheets; voting place samj. j - j WM.' M. FVANS-EegUtrar .First Ward Upper Division. I 1 J. D ORlt ELL Registrar First Ward Low er lll8on. : J;C. LUMSDEJC-Beglstrar Second Ward. A. J YOPP EcgUtrar Third Ward. ' JOxj. FOWLtEBEeiistrar Fourth Ward BKNJ. FARBOW-lBegletrar Fifth Ward m'h 5. Fas PutMc ts reqnesttd oareruUy to notice tut nets and enlarfftd scheme to be drawn Monthly ETCapital Prize $75,OOOJ3 Tickets ouly $5. Shares in pro portion1. , Louisiana; State Lottery I Company. 'We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangement for all the Monthly and Semi- Drawing of The Louisiana Annuai urawtng or The Louisiana Slate Lot tery Company, and in perton manage and con trol the Drawing thenuelves, and that the same art conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ixe the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of 'our signatures attached, in its adver usements." Cora tn iftsl on ers. Ineerporated In 1868 for 23 years by the Lep Islatnre for Educational ana Charitable pnr poses - with oapttaJ of $1,000,000 to wtuch a reserve fund of - $350000 'has since been added. - By an w em helming potmlai vote Its f ran chlse was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D., 1879. The only Lotsery ever voted on and endorsed ey the people of any 'State. j i It never scales or postpones. Its Gbjutd 8zKOLxNtnBBB.DRAWiyo take place monthly . -. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Third Grant Drawing, Clae V, at New Orleans, Toeeday, Mar.h IS, l&vJ-lMth filonthly Drawing, Capital Prize, $75,000. lOO.OOO Tickets at Five Hol la r Each. -Fractions iu Fifths in proportion. - LIST QF PRIZES. "I Capital Prixe of. I Capital Prize of........ 75000 25,000 10,000 12.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 1 Caottal Prize of., 1 Prizes of $6,000.... 5 Prizes ot Z.00O... 10 20 100 300 Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes Prizes of of 1,000... 000... 200... 100... 60... of of of of 500 1300 Prizes ArrHoxrjATic)N piuzes. ' t Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " BOO. 9 ' ' ' " i ' 550. e.750 4,500 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $-X!,Wb Appncaaon for rates to cmos saouia only be App to the ciBce of the Company in New Or - For furtber information, write clearly, giv ing, full address. Send orders by Express. Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed only to I M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. PT Jt A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C. - Jff.' Tt 1 the Rxtraordlnarv tmi- nnnal 4ra.winr nt next June the Capital Prize will beJiSO.Ot. 1 feb 14-wed-eat lw-dw Groceries. Groceries. BACOX, FLUB, 8CGAB, CoJTo, nice, MoUeses, Fait, Cradcers, Candy, 1 . Soap, Starch. Candles, Cheese, Soda, Potash, I Bong, Wrapping Paper, . Wrapping Twine, Bay, Bilging, Ties, ., . lye. 8noir, Tebacco, K&Ui, ZIo p-Iron, Ghxe, Oatsr Axle Grease, r- -For sale by: mchlJ KEBCHXEE A CALDE5 BIOS. ' t aM a fmiar i tarn abowe 11 i ;i its p- isiimdi x (mi ft vans W4 ma r Lr--kv At Xi3 a 2atx; CZimn f irst NationaLBank of Wil- qi.ingtonr CAPITAL. STOCK SUKPIATO FUVT... 't es,ooo i i- Deposits received and eoneeUoo mad all accessible potnfa hi the United SUtoa DIHRCTOE?t E. S. BURKUSS, A. MAHTW. D, G (WOBXH, J A3. SPBtJNT. B, F. HAIX. I OFFICEESf; E. E. BUEBUSA.. . " ' " ' , I - A. K. WALKEE... Cashier W. Larkjns..... aplW j Aest; Cashlet rJevv Restaurant. rKE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE8FECT1 faDy azmouiMe that he has jnst fitted, tcp at No 3, Granite Row, Sonth Front et., a restaarnt for Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals ano refresluneots may be had at all hoars of th day. Everything is new and first class- Po lite waiters and oourteoua attendant. - i " 49Gazne and OyBtera tn season. Jlne - . - .1 . . W tees, Liquors MidXgaxa. - novlS F. A. irriTTK Prop New Jewelry Store.- THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY 1 A anuonnces to the citizens of Wilmington, that ' - j . - . be has leased the premises No. 18 Market St., and is now la reoeipt ofa j Handsome Stock of Goods, which will be displayed in a few days. i - Watch and Clock repahing J-i specialty. dec 19 - i INO. If. AIJ.KN.- 1883. II a r p e r s . B a a r t ILLUSTRATED. This popular journal I a rare eombbiatkra of literature, art an fab.on. It tines, iKtems, and assays art bv the best writers of Europe and AraeriH; its engraving imvhoxsps the lrgheit an Is tic exccluMire; attd In all mat ten i-erainintf to fMsluon ii U unlwnuiUy ac kuowlelrtHi to Im tlie e Unjr ruthority in the lanl The new volume will cunudn nuiny bril iiant.Mrvelties. Harper's Periodicals. Ier Vear: -..) Uabper's Bazar $ 4 00 Uarpek'a Magazine. 4 00 Harper's Wkeklt.... 4 0 The Three above publications 10 00 Any Two above named.'.... ....... 7 CO Harper's Tucko Peopls.. ............ 1 so Harper's Magazine 1 Harper's ,Ytu50 People, J 5 00 Harper's Frakkld Square Librart, One Year W Numbers)...... ...10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. . . , The Volumes of t e Bazar bezlns wlih the nisi umDer ror January or earn year.. When no time Is mention-d, it will he understood that the subscriber wisltes to commence with tiM umber next after the receipt of order. The last Kour Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, in neat ntn ouiunr, will be sent bv iu:iil, p-staire iwil, or by express, ( er uf ex pense fprovMed the frelffht loee not. exceed one uou r pr volume), for S7 00 per vol me. Cloth Caes for each olume, suitable for unain, win te sent by man, postpaid, on re- - Remittances should be made by Post-OAce MoneyiKieroi urart. to a voM chance of los. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement wuAoui ute express oraer of harper Jk Bros. Address j HASPEB & BROTHERS, dec 12 New York. Laboratory of ( State amatxr akd Chemist, 1 , 60t.East Uroee Street. BJCHMOXD. V.. Januarv ?0th. 1883 Ms.' N. r XEKlEii hs made ki own to me th compofiu -n of his Hair etorer and I bave alo sub(ectel it to chemical examination. It coutaiiis no lad or silver, substances verv oomroonly emploed in niMktnjr preparation ror the nair, 1 or anything harmful, ana may therefore be n-ed without apyrehension of ln larious results. ! WM. H. TATLOB, M n., btste cnemist. Whilst banking you. anting you, Vr. zeklcl. for the Hair lt rer you so ktnnty em me, I take 1 irreat plsurv in sa l'g to yon that its ben- fl'-ial effects cpon n y bahr hare been o a' appar tli m ntad to a tract tbe commendation of al f ri 'nits w ho have n!leed .'t. 1 1 is in my OMtimati -n a treasure, without w h ch tlie toilet of none who bave used it will be comp'et. Hoping it avy realise you the pecuniary success you ricnly deserve, -1 remain, very repectfuliy, ! Mrs. a. if T. Wist Richmond, V., Feb. 17, 1887. For sale by all druggists. Prire $1 per I ot te. -'. j tl 17 f- T G r eat B a rga ins. OH PIECES BEST BLACK SILKS, ZU SATINS AM) BLAlE CABS. ' 1 lAA DOZ. UEKMAW AND IRISH 1 IXEN aw Towels. Ulaukou and Pumostlca, to be sold at reduced prices. i - -1 - - WDl close out my entire stock of Carpets, Brussels, Tapeatry. lagraln, 2 piy, gad Oflce 1 "( - Matting. Call and examine before purchas ing; elsewhere. ' ,'' Also, foil stock ot ClotbJazaDd Calrn'rU, from tbe cheapest to tbe best. Largest stoct of Bed and White Flasaels. I 1 SOL, DKAk, dee 19 1 - 9 Market t. TJEETAJIEE, CABINET S1ABXB CABPENTE1L . OSSee and Work Shop on SeK ona screes, oppeeins soatneruuir stables. DespectluHy solicits orders and cuaraxtee J . good wort, tn il 5TCTy edet: rTtrtrcn 1 mo 36 rltortet Street. wirjTEc?codb8 t BELLING OFF LOW ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK ! JUST OPENED I FUlJ, ASSORTMENT or White Goods, r ; Embroideries, ., -, 'i1 Cambrics, ' Seersuckers ' -. . .1 . Ginghams, j Sheetings, ' r.. Housekeeping Goods, ALWAYS O.V HAXD I FULL LINE DF I eand Fancy Dry Goods, Stap : AT- ' rji. ai. katz'. 36 IWarket Street. Ian GUNS AND CUTLERY I A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF Muzzle and Breech-Mer ! ; f Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition, SILVER PLATED ' SPOONS & FORKS, . A VERY LARGE VARIETT OK Pocket Knives, ' . Table Catlcry. T ropuUr prices to suit til si j , , N. JACOBl'S, HARDWARE DEPOT, ror. j 5o. South dec ?3-tf; For Sale. ; Loll- BEAUTIFUL BCILDIN0S, ted In the bealth.est part ef tT; iJJJ who may think of buying ax larlted to ew InA LhA tirrtiMT v. ' f - I ! V Enquire oC jnK 6inRrB!T. rach S-lw i jCor. fonrth nod Qew A weft mde f2 nM now before 105 ffi will start you- Men. women, wyi s- wantea everywnere 10 wor " m give your wnole time to the moor imsinow wui pay v . . So one can fall to make enormous sragln at once.' Costly outfit and urrw m Monermade fast, easily aod offt1' T drew True st Co. , Augusta, Maine. nor 16-dAw tf. t PIIEOELL HOUSE. rjXDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, ' WILM1KUT0X, jC Late Proprietor Atlantic UoteL StZmi In all Its jhtfpobitmeaia. - Terms vs-" . , Excursion and Pio Hie QEASON OVCS., THE THEiTttC1' J7 and Ball teases is txr pen!ffr 1 bo are used to "FI L3T- L A ii I ciean ana umiomoie tJrTT."JWpW g. at JOUS "t-: 3 Practical Barber, and Perfai Market Street. bet Froal t et&.: - BUTTER I GILT-EDGE-VERYCHOICE. i - ; , 1 - .' a rzw TxcrXdrsroi ui DeRoooet & Co. mch 9 PLYOrJ&HEALV. sr 1 V mtf l4 6lW

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