THE PAPER every erenlBj Sunday er eepted by ' . JOSH T. JAMES, .rmPTIOKS POSTAGE PAID: jv r A Ail Six months, 92.00. Three fK4 ux: One montn. cent. tv- paper will bedeilTered by earrtera free rtJJ, to any Pt of U city, at the abort or 10 cetU pr week. Vtiln rate low and liberal. rsnbcrlb will report any nd an all- to receive their paper re gtuariy. rr The At7y Review has the largest Lwkt W circulation, of any newspaper bHhcd,inthecxlyoj wumxngwn. There are 102 cities arid incorporated towns in Arkansas According t the laat census there arnnlr 27.704 deaf people in Gcr- nny. t The fruit growers of southern Illinois have not felt so hopeful of an old time peach crop for several years. Glass eyee are not- a modern special tj. Artificiol'eyes have been found atuonj; Egypt ain mummies A good many of the Missouri farms iKM this winter are bought by rem returning to Missouri from Kansas and Texas. ."' p Missouri is about to spend $50,000 in woiojica! researches, with a view to rfianovurinz more about her mineralj wealth. I - The Cnth4lic Ttlegraph Kays that Mr. Parnell has .written to friends here begzinihat the subscription for his beaetit be stoppe'l. ( Virginia i about to buiH a colle" for colored youth .within' a stoneV- throw of the 8Kt of the Crater fight. jtist out from Petersburg. i The Nebraska beer keepers, in con vention at Wahoo, estimated that there were 20,000 stands of bees in the State. One beekeeper reported harvesting 0,000 pound of honey. The Metropolitan Musoura of Art in New York has recently acquired a set of tacMmilies of all the silver and gold vas belonging to the Russian Govern ment at St. Petersburg, at a cost of $19,000. " ' P Germany is burying its telegraph wire, and has already completed an elaborate system of subterranean cables from Konixsburg to Strasburg and from Linden to Dreslau, connecting 250 Ger man towns. The system cost 10,000,- 000, and is working admirably. The Chicago. St. Louis & Pittsburgh Railroad Company has in ado to Con rad Jhkerof Indianapolis and theUnion Trust Company of New York as trus tees a first mortgago for $22,000,000, due and payable Oct. I, 1933. with in terest at 5 per cent. The mortgage covers all the prnpv nf company A Hamburg ouiicsjuacuL writes to a Nuremberg paper.that the divers who have been down into the steamship Ciwbria report that there are ' over 300 corpses in the wrecked vessel, in every imaginable attitude of sudden agony ; the action of tho water causes them all to sway to and fro in the most ghastly manner, so that the scene is one of in conceivable horror. Wiggins says : I told you so." Here is a prediction bo makes as to the year generally: This will bo an nnujfual year for floods, which tvRI ccur all over the continent. I may s:aie. what I know to be an ab solute fact, the hour at - w;-ch great storms will ariso; whether they will - ariie at different pfHttts when a severe cold period like .lamiitry wilt occur; when remarkable flimds will take place; and when winters will be dis tinguubed fr great quantities ot snow. There is a story irom IJermuda to the effect that there is a pUt on foot to assassinate the Princess Iconise. A letterjrom Ilamillon, Bermuda, says: A week ago two men 'were arrested' here on suspicion of having come out from iiew York with the express in tention ot shooting at. and presumably hitting, the Princess. The whole matter of the arret wan very quietly managed. Tha men could give no account ofihem eelve. Though they went round armed with revokers, they hud no credentials Hbut;hem U the shape of incipient onumptiori. bronchitis, or even ner Vouk prostration, to establish a lair claim anghttoa av in Bermuda. More Jvt. the New York p. dice had sent out by thVaarde-steamer with them very de rojitoly rtSrtiraons on their character. All this fcas led the authorities here ti determination to lock tho men up till the Princess shall have gone. Certain t is that 'great vigilance is exercised ovr all the movements f louiso. Lost week, for example, a public ru ceptum was given ber in St. George's, twelve miles from Hamilton. Two Huds lead to the place, and it was im Pssiblato learn by which she would ither go or return Indeed, she re turned by neither, but suddenly, em barked on a gunboa that had been tent round and came back by water. First Installment, Messrs. A; & I. Shrier, at 34 Market street, hare received their first install-: tnent of tww hnhdred and ' fifty Flannel lu which they warrant fast oowr., Kach cat has a label with their . JZS1 Mm sewed on tha collar a a gnar JPJto tbclr csatxln iroiUty; Poal w a tuti. vv T: 71 I:- J J- i 1 VOL. VII. 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. WEKNESDAY MARCH LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . TaTES-fater Card , W H Greex Garten Seed !, Mchds Bros Garden Hel (Isiks beboetb FlTe Cent llueid Louisiana btate L ttfery Company. - ' ; ; I ;; The receipts of cotum at thisport to-day foot up 199 bales. ' j The .receipts of rosin were again heavy to-tiay. amounting to 3 29 bbls. Ger. barque Thomas ma ;Diliyitz. sailed from Liverpool Mar. 2nd,' for this port. The celebrated 'Fish Brand' (Sills Twine is sold only at J a cow's Hard ware Depot. I The new registration in the , Third Ward agi;reg.ited 160 at the close of the books last niht. - Mr. N. Jacobi, accompanied by his wife, has gone North, to' be absent about two weeks. j j . j Stcamnhip Regulator, Capt. 'Doane, from New Kork arrived at her wharf in this city at about noon to-day. There are many complaints of colds, headaches, &c. arising from the un- pleasant and unsettled weather. . . ! .j Rev. Dr. Deems left here; Tast night, aflor the lecture, on the; fltio p. m. train South, for a visit to his son, who is married and resident in Augusta. Gcr. barque Japak, hence, for Llvei poolf was abandoned Feb. 14th. in lat 42 25. lon. 40.05..-The pumpg weie choked and the vessel in a sinking con dition when the crew left her. j Turner's almanac wisely refrains from anA speculation as to the weather this week. It is a bad tte& for guess ing. - The luckv numbers In the last Loulsi4 ana State lottery drawing, which took; place on the 13th., areas follows: Ticket No. 8.574 drew $75,000: No. drew $30 000, and Nos. 93.395. 29.6T.7 84,710. 91.172. 1.745. 8,284, 25.616, 25,678, and 22847 drew $6,000 eadh. ! ' f The Sruall-Pox Patient, i P. Lamb, the seaman who was sent to the small-pox 'hospital on the 2nd inst., an account of which was pul - Lshed in the Review at the time, diel there yesterday, lie hailed from Phil adelphia and came to. Wi mington on tho schr. IZtcc Ilcarn. from Baltimore, N other rae of the disease has devel op jd. Iec ael w is 40 y ar o;'azeand I'-avi s a wife, bit no childrtn. in Hi. ton, Del. Oissatinfactloii. i. We understand that tnere is much dissatisfaction at the result; as claimed, of the primary meeting of the first1 di vision ot the Fifth Ward, j hold last night. Mr. C. I. Lockey, who is named as one of the wanl wmrajttoeraeh, is a candidate for aldermanic honors, and bis iriends claim that his nomination was defeated through fraud, and they repudiate the action bywhioh John J. Guyer was nominated. i M Lockey at-slutely refusees to serve as a com mitteeman. He is in for thealrtermanio race. and. intends to continue until the polls are closed on the j night of tb election. democratic Prlraariea. Pursuant to the, call of the Executive Committee the Democratic voters in the various wards will meet this even ing to select candidates for Aldermen. Tho meetings will bo held as follows; First Ward, Brooklyn Hall; Second Ward. Court House; Thirjd (Waid, Mayor's Office; Fourth Wanl. Ciiy Lurt RtKJtu; Fifth Ward. Fifth! Ward Bucket Company's Truck Housoj It is well enough to bndetand Uiat 't will require a mrjorUy of all of the voles cast to constitute a nomination and hence that more than one ballot may be necessary in each of ilie Wards. - .. Ward Nominations. At a meeting of Republicans of the Lower Division of the First Ward, held last night. Mr. W.fcH. Chad bourn was nominated a one oL the Republican candidates lor Aiderman from -.that Ward. . Mr Chadbtmrn rtceived 184 venes, and Mr. James J. Hopkins 23 At the meeting of the Filth Ward f first division), held at tho market bouse, corner ot Fifth and Castle streets, John J. Guyer, colored, was chosen as one of the Aldermen to represent that Ward. C. P. Lockey, J. C. Hill and C. U. Howe were elected - Ward: commit teemon. . w i Great oaks from little acorns spring. iGreat aches the little toe-corn$ brings - But lor every prn ! That ever was born, in -V St, Jacobs Oil is iaJt tho thlc. Episcopal ViKltatlons. X Bishop Lyman will arrive -in Wil mington on. Saturday night next, and will be the guest while here of Dr. A. J. DeRset.: The visit will be in the rjxirse of his "regular episcopal visita tlobs. and he will remain ; here, three days..Sundar .Monday and Tuesday, visiting the fonr churches in this cit9 and also St. Philip's, at Smith ville. during his stay bere. There are three oofirnmattotr classes awaiting his ar rival here. . ; i i ' ; i ( litsr Cattle. We got things slightly mixed yeste ;, day 'n our account f the large x whiclnlmt r . fwL tne Aew and Of9erver, and was brought down on the John Dawson when we slated that Mr. John R. Melton was the purchaser. Mr. II. Ilfntza bought--the - ox: - Mr. Mel on, however, has an ox which was raised in Sampson county, which weighs 1.300 pound. 200 better than that reported yesterday. It; will be slaughtered and will be on saloon Friday and Saturday. With two such large cattlo on the market there will be a chance for some body to have some good beef. 'We understand that seal-skin!' coats are going out of style, . and. in ,cone quence, colds are increasing among the fair sex. How fortunate there is such a remedy as Dr. BuU's CciUiih Syrup. , " Personal. , Hon. Walter L.. Steele, of Rocking ham. cx-menber of Congress from the Sixth district, is in the city to-day. Mr. R. B. Frayser, member of the House ot Representatives from Pender C unty, is here on his way to his home and family, near Point Caswell. &Ir. Frayser did not miss a day ot tho ses sion, although quite siok for a nart Cf the time. i ' C1. H. B. 8hort was iu tho city to day, on his way to his home in Colum bus county from Hillsboroand Raleigh, where he has been tor the past week, Rev." J " iVr"Dickson, . Register of Columbus county, was1 In 'the city to day. Bride and Groom. Hon. David Davis was to have been! married to-day, in JPayetteville, at 11 o'clock, to Miss Burr, the near relative of Col. Wharton J. Green's wife, I The happy couplo probably left Fayette ville about 1 o'clock, on the steamer, and art; expected to arrive here to-night or early to-mirrowmoridngiThey will come on the D. Murchisbn, which was da- tamea tnere until. to-iay, tor tneir ac commodation. We could- not ascertain how long they would remain in Wil mington but it is said: that when they leave it will be Jor a tour of the South and Southwest and a trip to the Pacific Coast. Suspension of Blossom, Hayne z & Co. - K ' We are very sorry to hear of the sus pension of the well known firm of Blossom, Hayne $j Co.. navarsToTes dealers in Boston and in this city. The announcement was a very great sur prise, as tKefirni hail long been k nown a id considered as thoroughly 'solvent. A settlement," we understand, is now in progress. It, is said that the liabilities of the firm are mainly taTbanks orTdis counted paper, and that s me of the bauks had already been secured. , It is thought that Mr. - Blossom .will retVe.' and that the business will be conducted by the Messrs. Hayne. The firm bough largely in Wilmington and Chattiest on. and exported to Lomion and .Trieste. It is said tha' a few mmths ago the were regarded as worth at least $200,- 0J0. . The business was cstablishel in I65 and has therefore been in existence 23 nm ? I years. 1 ne nouse in mis cuy is koowo as J. R Blossom & Evans, the resilient p irtnef being Mrl Ths. Evans. I u an interview to-day Mr. Evans uId us that he iliil not know of any particulars ton- nectetl with the suspension. It was a surprise tii him., but he is confident, from a general knowledge of the affairs ot the firm that the.eiubarrassment w:ll prove merely tern prary and tliat they will soon pay out and resume opera tions. . tie proposes i omuuci. uie business here as usual, at least for the present. A month ago, Mr. Evans said, be hlmscll knew that the credit of the firm was faj in excess of $200,000. ! What Boven Could not do ; KisimtiE. Tenn.. April 6, 1681 H U : WABjrt :& Cor jSar Seven physicians cuald not do. for me what your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure ac complished. Hopelessly sick with kid ney dlsco-sa. It restored me to perfect health. JACOB MYERS.5J To Builders and others Go to Jaoq ct1 for SxsS, Blinds asd Doors, Glass. L . Icrcct prices. ? , - :. - w The Itocky Mount Matter. -AVe publish herewith a statement fmm the Raleigh Kites and Observer refuting the report . published in the RpvlEw'.rjelative to the , arrest of Mr. Averai bfJHocky Mount, charged with robblhgae mails. Of course wo hae no desiteto do Mr. A vera'" an injustice and we very willingly give him the benefit of the J statement niado in the Neves and Observer, while expressing the hope that the investigation may re sult in his acquittal. We do not know the young man. had never heard of him before. Iwl never known that he tilled thehichlv honorable Dosition of a drum- had, surely, no wish to do him an in jury. Y e merely etatwl lacts as they were stated to us. ; 1 here is one thini that wo will say to Capt. As fie, of the News and Observer. His language iu his intrKluctory statement is not alto gether such as it should be. There is too' much of .the dictatorial about the News and Observer. JThero may be misstatements iu the report in the Re view, (but that is for the law, and nt the editor of the News and Observer, U decide), but the assertion that there are unwarranted suggestions is not borne out at all by the f tcts in the caso. Here is what tho News and Observer says in full:. U y r;'-r;Vr '-. : The Wilmington Review has an article purporting to give' same facts connected with the Rocky Mount mail I robberies and the arrest of Mr. Avera for complicity therein. The article abounds iu misstatements and in un warranted suggestions. And the Review, by giving publicity to these misstate ments, has dune a great injustice to several persons. J !. T Mr.' Avera has been for some time an agent of The News and Observer, and immediately on his arrest, wc made inquiries, the result of! which satis lied us of bis innocence. We. however, did not think ii proper to publish anytning connected with :he matter until the evidence was taken at the examination appointed for the 12ih of March, before the commission at Goldsooro. We had made arrangements for a report of the testimony, believing that the examina tion i would establish beyond question without a partielo of foundation, 'i hat examination, howeyen, has l een post- poneo, oecause tne government was not ready. Its witnesses; were not in attendance.. Mr. A vera f was ready, solicitous and anxious for the examina tion, it is a grievous disappointment that the w. tmeses on the part of the' government il any. were not on hand. Mr. Avera is the sou of 'Mr. A vera, formerly a representative tf Johnstn county in the Legislature, and atter wards the editor ot the Rocky ; Mount Mail and the GohUboro Mail. lie wa a gentleman of sterling integrity, and of the ' highest character, ilis son. arrested in this matter, is esteemed and thought to be as fine a young man as cm be found within tho limits of North Carolina. Il he was ever guilty of any thing wrong no man ever suspected him of it. lie is now for the-tifst lime under a charge that at puce shocks him and all of h.s friends. No person ac quainted with Mr. Avera credits for a moment thai he can possibly be guilty. His brother-in-law, Mr. -Arrington, hviiaiial-Qa gentleman of high charac ter, was the Democratic postmaster at R icky Mount sometime back. 1 le had served faithfully and acceptably. Np money was ever missed, nor was there ever any trouble connected with the ofilce while Tom!'Arrington was the postmaster, assisted by. young Avera. .'rjheir,8 management was without a simile arr gulantv. They, kuew their business and couductett it according t ihe rnfesvf the department. But a change iu the policy of the administra tion brought a but the decapitation of Air. Airing! on because h- was a Dem ocratT Mr. Fen 1 lingt on, a 'Republican, was app7iutwL! and vAIr. Avera's cn netlion wilh.the .ffi ceased. Alter that money sent from andlhrough that otfi c beau to be lost. .Mr. Peiininetoii wan trietl.1' but aequitted. lie was 8iiiMrcetled ami another Republican was tp(xintel, who employed a Mr Daughtride to attend to the business. But si ill money sent ! from that office wast missed. While Mr. Avera was connectel with the office there were no. irregularities.; alter hi'onneclion ceased the nionev packages benan to be lost. These are thuficts which we hope the Review wni deem it proper to prini. The ques tion may then be asktd il Mr. Avera had nothing to d with the office why was he arresteu f We think he was arrested without justification. But it is propter to state the ci feu instances' which led to his ar rest., Mr. Da'ughtride, who acts as p8S master is we onderstand, a pleas ant and' popular man and jcenerrdly likedJ " Not being. very expert in put ting up money packages, he one day ask 'Mr A vera to lel p hi m . M r. Avera obliged him and helped put - np the package, which Mr. Danghtridge then Uwik and pl.ced in a safe in his father's store- Mr, Avera baring no more to do with it. Thaa the only cir cumstance we believe connecting M r. Avera with u the matter. It is to be rvgretted that the governmentwas riot in a position to have - the, .examination on Monday, the dav fixed. Without any f grounds on- which Mo base its charge. It Is a great wrong to the young man to delay an investigation. . A find ftsscxtment ef Gcssatid Flstcls tX JACorxh HardTTwe Depot f 14, 1883. NO. 64 "Trifle." f The lecture of Rev. Dr. Deems last night at the Opera House was an 00- cas.on long to be pleasantly remember ed by thVlarge audience who had the grc:kt good fortune to ha present. The attendance . was unusually large, al though the house was not' crowded as it ought to have beeiu The speaker, the fciibjcct and the unique but master ly manner in w hich it was discussed, the flowers of rhetoric and the superb oratory .ought to have caused the house to bo crowded to its utmost capacity. Dr. Deems was ifitrxlu?ed by Rev. Dr. Wilson, of this city, in a brief but happily conceived speech, and when the Uirmer came forwaid towards thn t(xt- jghis, while there were ;no-outbursts ol ifiplause. there was a subdued murmur t coruiaj welcome permeating the en tire house, such as might have been cx peeled from the refined, cultured anil appreciative audience. The speaker be gan by a definition of the term "Triilcs, asnoftund it in the different lexicons, and the causes which led him to Write upon sueii a subject. . He argued thru things were great or small only by comparis)n, and cited suveral examples to illustrate .the position'; that it was the insignificant things-jthe apparent trifles of this world which wero in fact the most important, illustrating by the little drops of-water and the little grains of sand, which could exist in dependent of tho ocean or mountain, but that the latter could not exist with out theaid .of the lormcr. In many different ways and. by -many different illustratU)n3 he showed thej'vsat- the vita! importance of the tritlirig things, acts and words of this world aud their relation to the most momentous conse quences. L Our spaco will not permit us to g'u'e even a lair synopsis of the hiclurc, but it was certainly one of the most inler estins, instructive and amusing, withal for a keen tense of humor pervaded the whole to. which we have ever lis tened. Nor could we do any hing like justice to the excellent elocution 1 nd the dramatic power of the speaker. Suffice it to say that it was an exquisite literary treat, with which all were de lighted, ana to his csincluding sentence "Ladies and gentlemen there are no such things as trifles, there wa a responsive ail present. 'amen," in the; minds of Supremo Court Deciaiontt. In. this court on Monday, the Justices delivered opinions, in causes heretofore argued, as follows: - , v Iuncan McFadyen et al. vs. John T, Council, from Bladen judgment for Hie lainnlr. " i D. JJcK. Carmichael vs. J. C. Moore et als trom Uobesth; error: action dismissed - ' D. B. Bell vs. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company, tbjm Halifax: no error; judgment athrmeu. F. M. Keathley. vs. Branch & Stan ford, from Duplin: error: yenire de novo.. ' j State vsj Matthew X. Learv. from Cumberland; uo error; judgment af- nrmed. j j John McRae vs. Wilmington & Vrel don Railroad Company, from New Hanover;' error; venire de novo. State vs. John Dickson, from Cum berland: no error; judgment affirmed J..L. Sanlter vs. New Vor; & Wil mington Steamship .Company, j from New Hanover; no error; judgment af firmed.'. J Suite vs. Harrison Jones, from Dup lin ; iit error; judgment affirmeL N K V AO V KICTISK.I EX'I S Five Cent Music. 1. . . PIECLS OF eTA.NDAKD ' ' - 'I' "... , MJELT WU6IC Jnetrccelred. levers of Muilc, A item Ion ! i ' i iTolotlon in Sheet Mas'-c Ju.t tlrnk oflt ! This mnsl l ,the 8mc In size, qudlity of ia- er, erolel'lhyinu, c, aa thi heretofore nM at from 5' to 7-5 cent,ab4l which w will sell you now ;tt Kl Vfc :ESTtS. Son La your Utae. Make yoar. selccUonB from HELNSBERGER'S, mrh 15 " "Lire Bok nnl i Music 9t 're ! Garden Seed I pEAS, BEA3 CORK, CADCAGE, Tn nip. Sqt9hl liard, Ridlsb, Ac . A line seledioa ot t lower oood. if or Nile by -T . WILUAH IL GREKN, - - m" I QILTLDGK. , i OLEOitAJWiAiuyK '- teas; ) - p :. ' cor rcxa MOLAtS.I t-ir., Aa , Ar. For BAleCat krw price Vy , do - . -.. We wa be glad to reoetn cenarsScsCssa from oar trisnds on say aad all axJtcU " el geaeraliateresttmt " ".:'. "S Ths xuune of the writer Best thrzys M to nlbod to Re Ertttor. v J.,vj. ,. .".'. Cocimtmlcattona muit be wr2tsa ca cay oBosMoof the paper. - T PersonallUcs mast be aroMwL; " V " ' kxA It la espedally aihl partlcularr taficr. tood that the Editor does- not always eado sa tve Ttewa of Correspondents cnleas m ttatrfl in the edttortal chimns. NEW A DyTI8E5IEI?TO. ! j IVlountain Butter. A FEW PACKAGES IN ROLLS AND TUBS. FOU SALE AT LQW PRICES. ITALL& PEARSALL r Cardo. LARGE ASSOUTiIEr. signs. rrlnired and nlln. i J ... . . AU taewds eci Kii5rTtngB. Ve ret Frame. Bookshelves; tJorner Uracket. Anew lot just received at " ? i . ' HKt.NSBaKGER'S. PIANOS & ORGANS Best Mauufacturersin the County K SOLD TOR C.YMT rU OK THE MOJJTriLT ' l llKrxsnimfjicTrn. ' mch U , Live Bk and Music tore. Easter Cards. o- A LiA RGEVVAR1ETT OF t Beautiful New Designed Call ami whs thorn at YATES' BOOKSTORE. mrh 5 ' To the ilemocratic Votcru of I tho City of Wilmington. rpUK DEMOCRATXCi VOTERS? WF TXIZ jl cty are rfqueetei to meet at S o'clock. Jr. - lfct War I at B o -kUn Hall . ; 24 ili at ourt IIoiiho. . . - 3d do at Mityor office " 1 i' 4th Jo .t l Uy Court iKtont; . I t" " . oh do at 5th wUrd Ba ket Co.' Track ., "j ';' ; Hons" : . ., for th pai'pdse ot munlratlnr two candidal . for Al lenuen iu eoi of aid Ward. IoJm voted for at the election to b hld Mnrttx,.lSe3. , . I he several meetings ehll ie ca! ed to order by o e f the members o the 1 ltr. JtzecaUre toiuml tec frorai cch Ward, or In ihetrb -enfje hy such otudV person as : tho meeting may select. ; ; .1 1 he v-'tlug for A Idermanic rnmloat!n ahatl Iki ny ballot. I he. iuine ot ca h voter aa b U p iu Mh la lot sh 11 be reklotered brtlr . 1 r; not exetltnjr two In cih Ward, 'who h ill be a pi luted by tho preldlg ofScer of oich nieeilns ' , ' Kalloiitnjr shall not . commence befor IV 'clock, and the .o U halt not t- ohd la e s than thirty mlaau-s titter the! banoUaz co mm nee A majortty of all the rotes ot -shall congtltut- a i'mtn ti n Jv . All Oemocrats who. If renuJrcd. vtn'olAdn theniPdve to support ti.e noraioors f tks meeting. anl who will legally eUUed f vus at nii munlcip o el-t ou,-t) be enU O. J. It MET. ChIrmui. I W. McLAUIUN, Secretarr. i inch C-3t t -catw? ' i " First of the Season ! JjTY LADT CUSTOM KB3 AND TUB PUO iic generally arer- respectfolly sotlSedrtaatZ hv jnatrecetredlT '' "S" i - , , , . . . LARGE AND ELEPA2fT ASSOnlTDTT OT SEW mil'uneb't goods. . Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Bibbbns, &c.f; the flret triitch ha been kxbiblUKl to tTIK mington thisr soaoou. . . j j . . For ms time to come 1 hA.!l b in reealot iy 1 all .mul st -nmc'm of I rye ad 1 1 n 10 mr -t H k. nII of the ewett and latest deshrna and ot the bct m te'la a, - t , The 'remAlnlnr stock of ,'WlnUr n'f etrty -pnng v. ihu wui ne closed out at greauy re- d ced rated. i - i A cull and aa examination la anllcited. MISS E. KARRER, mch 12 EXCHANGE CORNER. - The Place to Buy! fPUKPEJiTIXE TOOL3. VVtAJCim, I HACKERS, Dll'Pfelf. WUrTTKKfl. 1!A K-WEIGUTS, Ac ,-., Ae. Best vf-fCOod at KtiCk IVtLnm tuVca. A full aud complete stock of Hardware almost on nana; - . . r . 1 . W. E. fFRINGEffi A CO., -uccesaors to-J. hn Dawson A Co- mch 12 19, 21 and Market street GARDEN SEEDS.' A FRESa IjOT OP ALL' KINDS of 1 .aire andTumln Hoed, earlr and lal trarla. tk;ColUrd. LkMt ami TiMnaUi beeds. a lam -'one aol an tcdics rarlety of Vmi a4 JB jans, reui2d ut w bvlaale prkea by Hflundp Broc, Hanniocinnag i'narmaoiJui, AND WILMlNGTtJN, K. C. . ; Jan 23 . -i - . , i -.--'!! If You" Would be ..Happ7 , BUT A COOKBTOrc "I'TheprdVn-Ha r , "CALUMET,". Or, SDCTm:!i OAIIw i Of - i FACJICa A TATLil"