. - Q Qi I y : $2e vie w JOSH, TV JAMES. Editor & Prop. - WITINGTON. N. a WEDNESDAY. MAjtCH 14. 1683. hntered at the PostoOce a Wilmington. N. c, . as second-class cutter. THENCE PHOULE3I.- -. There are three or four newspapers in the State which have mado themselves oraehat conspicrao&s daring the past two or three months in advocating the doctrine that the money raised by taxes : "paid by while people should be devoted "oxclaslvolj to the education of. white ; ch'ildren, and that the money raised in Uko manner and fbr like purposes from colored people should be devoted to the' education of the children ot that race. The Clinton Caucasian was the first to advocate such a measure, and it did so with grvat seal; but doubtful judgment. Ot those who followed in its wake, one' . at least, has entirely subsided and ha now nothing to say in the matter, while ' the others seem' to be spiritless and doubtful. The Caucasian, however. . continues the . war. after a tashion. which, ta say the least, is unique rathei than logical and convincing. Iu th last number, dated March 8tb. we fin . the third article on what it call Th Race Problem." in which 't is argue that by tho adoption of the propose plan of educating the races, both wouh be very much benefited. In speak iu, Jot and advocating the advantages to bt derived fmni this back action plan (?tnc it Is nothing else) the Caucasian say s': " It will Unify the whites in favor of morn liberal system of public school- for their raoe, which they would cheer , fully and willingly sustain ; and. as th. blacks are imitative creatures, tbe , would be induced to do their best in thV .-same -direction. Thrown upon theii own resources and seeing that they wil have to depend on themselves; all ot tbeui would pay their poll tax ; where as, now, many thousand of them evad.( its payment, and it would be a stimulu to all to make and save property and pay the school tax for the education o. t their children. . Under such a system they would do" couiiderable for them selves; and . then . those of ouf owi ' citizens who wished could voluntarily aid them and, doubtless, many of thei Northern friends would give liberally t 'assist them. " ' This would seem to -indicate that thi colored man is .not really so bad a he Is sometimes painted, and there an reasonable grounds for the belief that left to his ewti resources, there wouh be a fair probability that he would im prove himself. It is a proposition witl which we cannot at present agree ; f we thtiik his condition needs th pro tecting care of the superior intelligcn e of the white race to assist him in b coming more fully and adequately ac quainted with the many and, onerous duties which devolve upon him ab b good citizen, We think that he wil. . need this care and protection for somt years to come, and we think it is out duty (as he is to be a citizen) to make him the best citizen possible. Furthei on, in the same article,- ib Caucasian "'says: 7- "v". ' r Public education by taxation is justi fiable only upon the grounds of gooc .' policy. Good policy, instead ot de manding the education ot negroes b - taxing white people to pay for it, re- quires that the negroes themse.ves fur nish the means for their own education. It wilt oe better for the negroes them selves and almost infinitely better fui the whites. This is the first time wo have ever beard that "public education by taxa tion was justifiable only rupon the grounds of good policy," We admit that it is a good policy to educate by taxation, but to our view there an broader, more comprehensive and more important grounds. than that wh public education by taxation is justifia ble. V To our mind anything which tends to benefit, to enlighten andelevaU the human race, to make people wisei and better, is not only cood policy, but it is a duty an imperative duty which we owo to ourselves, to tho?e who an to be benefited and to Gd whose crea tures we and they are. The Caucavn admits in the above extract that tin colored race will become belter by edu cation, but insists that they shall edu cate themselves. ' We shall make one more extract fnm the Oiucasinns Usuo of the date named !th..nirh it will h intpn fmm n iliffi.rl ent article. When compand with the loregoing. it seems to throw the fat all in the fire,M and it becomes a matter f some 84licituile what the Ciucasian would do with the colored man provid ing U voice w&9 potent in the matter- It !tya: History demonstrates that the nejrxo ilelt to himself does not advanee inv apy . of thttse qualities nect-s-wiry to gtMid - citizenship, but rather, retmgrades. Ii he is elevated in this couniry it . will l e at tho expense of the whiles and to thtii ""disadantage. Why the maxim that self-preservation is the first law of na ture does not apply to races as well as ' to individuals is a point that wo are too obtuse to see. When compared with the preceding extracts, we confess to being "toaob- - tase to unaerstanu wuu mo uiwxHMn is driving at. It is altogether too deep for us, and so we leave Thb Race i .-xVoblfinx' to drift; on a sea of muddy O glory on board the Caucasian Tor Pocket Knives or Table CcUery, fp to Jaoosx's Hsriwan Ucpct-, . t On of Mrs. Hemenway' Ben efaction The .New Wa tering Place at the Coant. Special Coit. DaffY RfcViXW. Kortobk. March 11- 1883.' Editor Review I thought that Wilmington was the only place in the South favored by the ceniu and liber ality of Mrs. Marv .Uemenway of Boston ; but I find out that 1 1 am mis taken, (or on Yesterday, while over in Brambleton on business, . I discovered not only a Ilemeuway school; but a teacher (the principal) - wh lis well known in Wiliniuzou and who was an assistant of MU Amy Bradley, lu Brambleton Hall Hound a school with ninety-six scholars, four teacher,' and presided over by Miss Newton, iornier- ly of your city. This lady udd me that the present school house is for all, and only te-nporary in lact as it is cot a-ru plated by Miss, j lieuieuwa to t-reci a lasting edifice in a grove of pines, near the Norfork bnde on a tract ot tana ownea oy uiat uti. , and thirty acres in extent. The school grounds will coyer only two acres; and this much space is already leuceu in by .in irou rail in jr six teet high. Mrs. II will be here la the Spring, when every thing will be determined. The value f the land on which the building wi.i be erected, is rated by a real ta ient at 10 000; and it is well worth i. foi not only is the situation coin uaiiding and delib-ful, but the drai'i. igu is perlect ; flowing along on out ide is a alt watei lake. What a nobh maracter Mrs. Uemenway ;i. Jotig nay she wave, and it is myfeiiteie vish that she and that' good old rVtei Joer may live to le a hundied each ior in my opinion they are ibe tw obit si tiiouev ierbon in tli Union to lay. This thing of waiting unliloue ties, before any xxhhi is done with ih vealth accumulated through lite, is 1 iioonshiue; and Pjl bet an eleven dollat iote that such persons wouldn't leave u n'tii, but take it all with thm. it the t m Ml I iouia. inai s not tne way i win no vith my wealth when I get it. 1 will iujtate the grand examples set by Mrs. llemenwav and dear old Peter Cooper. inn do irootl with it while 1 live. Well, we are about. to have a rval. livi-, i 'euuine watering place, on the coant a ast; one that will compare with any tud excel soiiieot those retreats in th .xortn. aeveuieen in lies iue ease oi icre and four miles south of Cape lien ind this is the spot selected font h Vir inia Beach. For i ninety miles soutt he beach is shaded all the way byorii nal lorest trees within one . lundreo ardsifhw watr; makliifl: a nleasan 1 rive for those who wish to en the dis ,:oice. The hotel will face the ocean : vhile In its rear lies the always famoii- Lynn Haven Hays where oysters can b tan oy just camnjr on inera to com ut of the water. There is to be n nonopily. for even body is to be allow d to build what he pleases , providing hey buy land sufncientto erect' build ., ! nit on, ami so icnat is ine lonimienei n its jwriuanent success, the appli itionH are pouring in u for stock i he enterprise. The railroad thereto isa. -traiirht as an arrow, and the beautv mat it is cleared and graded tne em lie vay. Marsnall rarks is rresident o he association, and that is a good omen f success, frhe has been fortunate it verything he has! handled.! It is pro josed to haye everythine complete and eady for guests by the firsn of May. DPERET. . Buclin-Paiba." Quick, cordplete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and u rinary Diseases. $. Druggists. i . m. PBIISONA. uichard urant wmte plays the vio- soncello ravishingly. i I M. Clemenceau. the French Radical nee taught French in Greenwich uonn. Mrl Drinkwater hajspens to he tin ftA of a great Massachusetts al brewer. !. .. . I xMr Moody, tho evangelist, is 'now holdinz forth to the unconverted in Ber muda. I r Concressman Morse, of Boston, is 9 Hebrew and a dealer in clothinz; con sequently he is a target for Republican ridicule. . I Senator Kellogs: of Louisiana, revers the usual order and passes trom tht Senate to the House in the next Con rress. i I - George I. Seney, thej jailroad mag nate and philanthropist, is mentioned an the next lemocratic candidate foi uayor of Broklyn. I A Memorihl Ilnil is to bo erected, at Br stoL R, I .in honor ot GeneratBurn side and the soldier K the town wh perisheil in the war for the Union I ' Mr. Tabor, whose funny matrimoia1 capers and bonanza splurges havegivei him notoriety, is going to build a "pal ice? in Washington, where he wil pass his winters. si, Mr. J. II. Hopkins. Warrenton, N G.. says: I consider Bniwirs Iron Bit Ker the best tonic I know! of.? To remove tar. rub thomughly witl elean iard. and then with soap and x'sinu water. This may Iks appiieil V e er;the hands tr clothing. Detrou iJ right's DiseiiMe, Diabetes, . liidney, Liiver or Uronarj IHeae. 1" IIa-e no fear of any of these disease if yiu use Hop Bitttrs, as they will pre vent and cure the worst cases, even when you have been made worse b some great puffed uppretended cure. A Chicago girl's excuse for marrying a young man .whose race was badlv marked with scars of smallpox was that he had a pot-tic look. She thought1 he. I was weighd down with some .secret sorrow. Free Prats. I What Seven Could not do. Nafinvinx. Tenn., April 6, 13I. II 11 Wabjter & Co.,- Strs Seven physicians could not. do for me what vour Safe Kidney and Liver Cnre ac complished. Hopelessly sick with kid ney diseases, it restored ma to perfect Mil . That is what sl ' CTeat many people f are'-doing. They don't know jtit. what is the matter, but they have a combination of jpaiaod aches anH each month they -grow worse. i ' The only sure, remedy yet found is BrowVstIron ferrxERSi and this byrapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifieVand ehriclfes il'and'Hchi strong blbodflbwing to evejy'part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, j drrviout disease and gives health and strength. . This is why Browns Iron Bitters will ;ure kidney and liver j diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent levers,1 ' &c. 03 S. Pca St., Baltimore. - Kov.sS.fSSs. I was a great sufferer from psu, and tor, several weeks could eat nottune ana was growing weaker, every day. I tried Brown's Iron 4 Bitter, and am ha py to sny -I now nare a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawwt. " Brown's Iron Bttters is not a drink and does hot contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of iron that causes iio inj urious ef - -fects. - " Get the . genuine. Don't be imposed on with inucauoos, i TXh 12 lw Herueniber Thin. 1 If yon are sick Hop Bitters will sure ly aid Nature ia making jou well when ill else rails. - i : - it you are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any other of the lumeMius dise&soa ttT the atnmnnh ni (w;l8, it is your own fault if you r- uain iu. tor Hop tsittcrs are a sover urn remedy in all such complaints. If yotl are wasting away with any form u .iviunev uisease, sxop tempting j'eain his moment, and turn Tor a " cure to Hop Bitters. ; . . J , If you are sick with that terrible sick ness. Nervousness, yon find a "Balm in (i ilead" in tlie use of. Hop Bitters , If yon are a freeuenter. or a resident f a miasmatic district, barricade yout system against the scourge of all coun tries malarial, r epidemic. .bullous, ani intermittent fevers by toe use of Hop Bitters.: ""-' ' - " " : If you have rouzh. pimply, or Fallow skin, had breath, pains and aches, :and eel miserable penerailyy; Hop ; Bitten v ill give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath,", health and comfort.' In short they cure all diseases of the stomach. Bowels, Blod, Wyer Nervnh Kidneys. Bright? Iisease. S500 .will be paid for a cae they Trill not cure or help. - t ' : . - - That poor, bedridden, invalid wife. sister, mother, or daughter can b made the picture of healtn.i!by; a tew bottles of lion Bitters, eostinf but h trifle. Will voa let them suffer. 7 mch 13 lm ' ' Wanted TeacherelSU teady eniiloymenv dxir.n "Bprior and bnm i r.AMrM J. C. JJoOUED & CO., j fb4W - - T " - . ThlUY WTin t u una f Aa Mik M ear. I atrtuMt um qusim ci ru& ruui &theA? aft mni tctt siw rCScvaw Sb3? m lor trttM m T verri oc jny viuum hisjrfvr trtrV. wl I win mr rw ) rSiltnTak Free ! Cards &: Cbrdmos; We will Bend tree by mU a ft&ntyfe t o .inr i.rtm fiArasjin. r ranrh anil - Amenra.li Cbromo Carl, oa tinted an gold gniiSp ! vtui k tnoendt ivcversw auier nt ttosig-na. n reooipt ot stamp for nostase. we wu ilMMrttd free by mal a earn plea,: ten ot nut es ttiuiuur moef m resell tea e-na i uv i..r oarnnir una ninire: aito BD;in x)"fllcnUal iioe 1L4 ef ur latge oil chmmi. ireow wan tea. . Aaires r. au&XMom & ta, 6 JMnnmer btreet. Boston, staas. t u Mothers Bead This ! Stoxs Kidoe. K. Y. Vxy Dsxrssjr Bw.-Dar firs:- Voor iVoui Vosr actios a he liepn lnntluatJe U ia iiut utile dot. cvra rearm oia. iicniir-Ba rcr th.nr worm la a few days, OHinjroaly a few of vunr worn (onfectlosa. 1 am rlau to ba- testimony to the value of Vxileasen'i worm coitZecviocs., xoors. - kit. w. u. sienna. Try them S5o a bo. N.- ' VAJf UJaVB&PI. IVttUO. feb9&4w lnsVo - T. "noonEcouuTYGnir T - . A&&SXZXSX' cESTirmiEUonifl f Wl WB if TtTTO v a tso Lime, Kainit and 'PlStatet I BUTtorKO LIME, AGRICULTTiRL LliUS CARCOKjLTE Of LHIC, hAnOT,. r , lAKD PJLSTCTt jt!CI HAUL. ' GO OD FEUTILIZEES, : JlKD YZZZZ CTTT. k P. Eca3 tot Clrrolir -UICCEL,LA2JEOUS i L I C 2. f E I gr g , I I S ! g S f r C 1 2 gr 2. f Cl jO i v g- I i -I ' g ! ? 1 2 mi J ohii h. Boatwright's 'PABOLE D'HONNETJE" BbllerLProcess Plonr. For Beanty, Strength, Farity,and Bread pro ;t ut-i ; fi iilitl9 s,it.is ? - . " .'.". .. - " , ' , r the highest attainf able standard. Qnarnnteed in every Inst cue TAT IT. IT WI14jPEOVK ALL WS CIS ros rr. ; .0HNL. BOATWRIGDT 50U Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, direct from Mataniaa - Tor sale low. ' Orders aoliotted. 1 WORTH & WORTH. .' TUB BEST LINK OF FINE WHISKEYS, VINES,&Ca -V. IK 2SOBTH CAROLINA. ; Cap Fieapt07t . Stuarts Kye9 Q4, " ! . Virffiuia Glades, 04, Zlarteli's 03. North Carolina Pure Corn WHISKE? I . . FOB MEDICINAL PUEPO; ES UMEXUIXED PEACH AND HONEY FOB COCGH3. COLDS, ! e., botfeer tfaaa any medicine la the country. ,Ve also recommend inr BUCK AKD UTE or the ROCK AND CORN, FOB COUGHS, COLDS, Ac InlalU. J - Roypter'p SECFCHATKL, ENGLISH: DAIRY, YOUNG AMERICA and tx-st CRfcAM CUL8. ; FBEn IN STOCK. P. L. BRIDGEfiS & CO. Foreclosure Sale. B Y VIRTUE Of TUB POWER OF SALS oootalaod la a certain deed, made ,bj J.-J EllU and Trife to T. B. Uppitt, aa Trustee for Boatwrlefat & MrK or and their bein and aa abrna,' and recorded to Bonk l f P. page 333, of the Reeorde of New IlaMrrer oonuty. uw aoei xrnea woroey rur ne aaia trus tee. wUl sell io the .bjbrt bld-ier for eah t tlMCo rt HoDe donr In the dlj of Wilmii. tun, oa kloqday April 2nd. US3, at 12 o'cl ck, u ue toiuwienecnora properiv situate ta aalddtr beadnblmr a the Nrthwet In er- S'Ction of Tenth with Chestnut street, rtr a thence North with the Western tine of 1 enth street 0 feet, thence West aloog irambertV line 18 po.es to Hnnt'a tine, tbenee iooth '50 feet to Gnrstnat street, thence along the North Cae of Cbeatmitatgpetlo polos to the bck-in-Oiif.j : J. P kKLLAUY.Jr.. '. cxi L5M . . ' . ..." AUorpe. . -1I(b."G6't! " 't. OT UXXSSIsa JTjST and wfl taYtc3Gr 16ccrZzes a few ; .'f MISCELLANEOUS. . -1883. ; i Han)cr!fe " Magazine. , ILLUSTRATED, i Uttrjur's Jfasrazim bejrlos its lxty-ixth TttV nme trlth the Uccember Nun.ber It ta not only the most popular Miustrateu periodical in Anterica and bngland. but atoo the lamet In ite.scbtme, the movt btrantiful In IU appear a nee, and the !eet mar-axine fr the heme. A Dew tkti ol. entitled for the 3IaJor'- by Con stance Kenlroore Wolon. the author of Anne was begun ti. th - NoTewber-Nnmbt-r. In literary and artistic excelteor-e the Afa zht ImproTes with each snceeiTe nurafr. pet-Ul eflorta hae been made for the tighter entertainment of lu remiert throws h humor ova stories, sketches, Jtc - " -Bsaamamap - i - Harper's Periodicals.- " " . - -Per Year: (Uirn's MjtGArorB......l.. H xutzr'b Week lt. .... . ............. ...$4 00 ... 4 00 ILisrsit's BaZAX ....4 eo The Thkee above pmblioatlons.. ........ 10 0 Any Two above named....'.....,.. Hakpex'b Votrno People. 7 00 1 80 I 00 (Iabfcs'r ftf aq AZnrs iLutrea's Yot ko Psorxx II ARTEH'a FKAlTKLnf bQUABK LlBXAJtT, One Year (X Ktnnbers) 10 00 PosUktb Free to (ia rubtcribert fa the Untied Stat or Canada, r . v' -f h :if..;iO.v; Thevolnmes of the Slttgazij begin with the umbers for Jane and Deremberot each tear. iVht-n no time Is site tiled, it !l)be under tood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. ' ' ? : The last Elgtit Vohnnes ef Uetrprr't Afooo-w-ine. In -neat cloth! bh ding, will be sentl uttil, postpaid, on receipt ol $ 00 pt-r volume Cloth Cases for bimlinjr, 60 cents each by at i J i Index Oarptr$ Alaqazine, Alphabetical. nlytical and lac.sidelt fur Volumes I to 60 nrtuelve. from .Inne. 1 60, to Jane, 1680, one kol., -vot loth. 4 ro. , h emit lances t-haW b made by ost-Offite loney O der or Draft, to nro.d ohan e of loss. . Nev$pnprrM ere not ta-copp this advertisement Hthoui the exprtss order of ILarfek & Bbo Address S . . UARPEB & BROTHERS, dec IS 1 New York. - : Commissioners Sale . PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE operlor Court of Brunswick county, at Fall Tv iro 1683, in an action of forecleure therein endi g b tween Th Fi'-st -National Bi k of Vllmingion xr plaintiff, and Alx. Oldham nd wlie hb defe ilnt4, the anderslaned. t om uiH"iom;r-Ri pulniel by said deci ee.Hltl i-e lt mblicaoctlop'forc rh, Mtihf Court ItouAe In mith lie on Monday, the 10l:i of April 183. t U;SI, the foil 'wing real st-te, being: in the oun y of Brunswick, adjoining the town 1 ilmlnj;ton and 'cnta nlng Taeref, roore oi ess. . liegraiUg ftt a marbk post in tne lining , - ck county line on tne Sou h tslde of lht great oal-or caust-way ' across ragle lsL-ind. and urn butuih with the smM county lie,t ji cprs in thee, go of t e npe frear rlvr t the mouth ot a can;il, then along said :an,il about West to AMgatr t. reek, lh n u shi .ntsk to Mki great road or onine ay, ben along 1 1 alon Kast o the bcglnnh-g v-cepting from 8id bonvd two aciv on eyet t John A. Taylor by J. K Cregby lead of Jaminr 10th, ; auxl xUo excepting i oty.na4 lit feet iroui the1 afo- aiIJ county line ami a va MiM great road GO ft et, fnminp the Sitme an extending bnck 100 feet p rallt-1 .vith said Brunswick otn.tr II' e; tihh-h las la was rt-seried by .lfr dmlth lu tjic diel -,on7lug said laud to the said Alex itklhaiu. 1 '., A. G, R1CAUD, Commissioner. mrh 9-30d FLEIUILSG HOUSE. W. J.' CALAIS, Prop'r O ITU ATE D AT, WOK VERY FOOT of the Blue Ridge, within sight and easy 'each ol Mnae 'of the most - fan ous xeaks ' Tbe Kf an fountain and o.her points of Interest a eneir Delightful air, salutikus climate and excel lent water ' : -- : I w ill be pleased to correspond wilh part let pr-'pMhiijg rest orn creation in the mountain luring the Summer months Excellent tabl . clexn beds airy rooms and prompt serrice jnarante-d. T.rms low. feb 10-6n f : people are always on the lookout for chan ces to Increase theii earnings, and in tinn ecome wealthy; those who do . not lmurovi t heir opportunities remain in porerty. We of rer a great ch noe to make money. We want naany men. worsen, boys and girls to work for rts right .n their own locaBtle. -Any one can io the work properly from the first start. Thv business win pay more than ten times ordi nary wages. .Expensive outfit famished free. o one wno engages iaus to maae mouey ran idly.. Yon can deroe your whole time to thi vrors, or owy ynr para moments, mu in formation and all that is needed sent free. Ad tress kith ok a Co., Portland, Maine. -nov IB-dAw tf . 1883. .. Harper's Weekly. : ILLUSTRATED. ffaroert$ Weekly stands at the head of Ameri can illus' rated weekly journals. Dy its unpar- Usan port! Kin In ikjUUc its -dmlrahle llhutra ilo-is. It carefnlly chosen serials, short stort'-s. -ketches, ni p-emj. contnimiea by tne rore niost art hits and a uinotv ot the day. It carriv instruction and entertaJum- nt to thousands ot Xmericat homes : It will alwavs be the aiti of the publishers to ra ike II carper's Weeklv the mot popular and attractive fmi'y newt-ii per in the world. Harper's Periodicals. .Per Year: HAsrss'4 Wxeclt. ........ .....$4 00 Haara's Maoazzvb... 4 00 HAsrss's Baxxk.......... 4 tO -1 TbeTBESX above tmbUcatlona.. ........ JO 00 Any Two arre' named... 7 00 rLtsrsk's YorW Pieoruc..... 1 CO iixsrEK a MAOiznti - - 1 r fXAKTSft'S YOCKO tSOrXB, ' 5f0 ILlKPEafS PBJtBTKLni SQUARE LXBBJUtT, , OneTearSl umlers)..... ....... 10 CO ' Postage Free to oU subscribers in the UttUed States and Camada. . . . . . - The Vokrraee of the TTsekhf bectn with" the erst nner tor January of each year, when no time is mentioned, it will he nnderstooil hat the subscriber wUbes to enmmeaee with the Number next after the receipt of orer -- The last row Annual V )umesf Uarpers Wsekljr. In n at cloth bin ling, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express.' free of ex. pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per rnlum Cloth f as-e for ecn rol me. suit ble for binding; w II be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceiot of $1 00 each. : . , Remlttan. es sho Id be made by" PosUOflce Mooey-rderor Iraf,to avd chanw of loss ' . " Navepnpers or mat to eery tits wdvertliewMMt vCSoutteearrcss order cuakjx3& E09 " A&tnKA " " ' - ' - - , - UAirriis a xixrrnr '.3, ': la -J - . . .. - .' -1- ,r , '-.wt, Ami.-.. rase rpriE C3RCULATI05 OF T and la arranged la bAndy dSl C -T " rOREIGji NLVrs embraces -special dispstcbts tnm ! of toe globe Coder the besl of AMKKICANNtWi ! aregtveniheTtlegraphlc tWtLo? ' week from all parts ot the L ture alone makes ' . Tli , r' V- tHk WEE1LY nwutn' (I , the mot valuable cbr til len tL M l-tbefheatjet. LreryVSk ful report of . . - " SPOUTICAL KM 1 embracing complet- and eoii-i V ltcbefrom WaehlhgrteffM' lrp. of t he speeches of emhxn&.M s the questions of the rmnr. , TlfK1! FAKM DKFARTJItVT I I of the Weekly HeraH rl 1 ! as the most rrnctical snc IJl 5 v irlcs relating t the dotlof fi2"fil5 v eget.btes. A.i ae , with t kctr4nillolDgsnd famingfSk pdrJLhlsla. ap4emeoted by YS? department, widely copied, under tUkl i THE HOME. 4 glTlng recelie for vractVal dUK. v 4 making opthlng and tor keephjw if latent fashions at-the lowi-t I s a . - sr . au fashions, be llcime lrtmpni ly ueraia wmsare the Ilouiifs 5 me ht mirftd time tht.prlce ot th! tntereetaof ' , wr.Wl' -re looked j after, and eremhlnr kf. corded There Is a page ierotorf httest Phases of tbe euVlAeUIJ McrcnHiiUise, c; Ac. a vlno. the produce market. . 8portIngyews at home aad afiresd. t er with a rtory every weok afC-V 0'' eminent iivlne Urary, 5't!! Prsottal andea ot s7 Th? u i! the world which contain, VeffZl ter erory week, as the Weekly HiTlS5 Ue,,h J""W free ior vubouSr. subscribe at any time. The New York Herald, In a Vfoekly form, OoeDolUr ' - a Year. -I ' Addwi;aJS!?lA dpcio. - rrfTTN. A H ri I hfirt RmR. WKMoel. Price List. - o. .-:' - 4 Piano, 7 Oct., square,1 rosnro4. canred, agraffe.... , 2 "OtPgPM1 oct.cahipetBUnd 171 g vr$ii,rirvwu,8VopaanarilB4 organ... ., ; Organ, 6 seu reeis, li stopj, coup j lr, subbass.. Our Pianos a ud Orgau are wu- 1 - .-v wanted flrstlass. ( 9 Violin outfit, box, bow, etrtnri.com- I plete.; ....., 3 Violin cremona model, extra toe . 4 Acconleon, 10 keys, bast box, flo tone.. 6 Aecordeon, 6 keys, 1 atop, tiett . reeds, perf ecu Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, U holes. t4 ...... 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine ElcAter holes, G 8... j. ...... 11 Mouth Organs. , Genuine Concert : double 24 boles, G 6. .1.......... 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin. keyi, bo wood. ... , 17 Fife, in ebony, German alive ferule 16 Music Box, f tune, crank, fine....... 19 " " 8 tunes, wind wUi) lercr Urge...... 20 Violoncello,-patent, machine bead. good...; - 22 Double Bass', ' patent bead, t or 4 strings....;......... 24 Guitar, maple, nricbine be4, Aa - finish:.;.....: ................... .27 Banjo. 10 Inch, 4 brabs bracket..... .28 Cornet, brass cornopeoD style, cat ill ) IK II 1" IK SN .10 41 Stt IK sot ana croons 106 100 30-Xmnn, I .anas, Prussian, ornameBted iom violin. Guitar and ajo etnsct, II Bros .T......: Silver Violin, Guitar and BanJoBUiBn, U Bros...... Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo Stxtaiv U Bros iut, Russian, German or Italian, best - qnality..... fnstrnction Books, Howe's or Winner', tnv lntrnmnt .............. u n I u II Having just made a good trade for K0 Star ;r Sewing Machines, will sell then forfS ec hlle they last... . " . Money ia. qtute safe in oonooa tetter .liamryatdressed. , r I Terms strlctjj cash with order. WTU t stamps. - Agents and dealers send for our 40 p W' -1Onlabove net wholesale prioss afena e nake 100 per cent, profit. ' -'1 Call on us when yon come to 84. Lgmfc 1 Kefereneee : Any bank or wholesal;B" ta the city. ' - M Herbert Bros., U tbe only General WV lale house in St. Louis. - L, ' 92Ottre 8treet, 8aist Loul. 1- Ian t-1r. ; ;.....--; -. 1 . .1883. ; -'i 1 Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATE! w'tEKLV-W ' I CITED Tf BOT AJD OIKI4I tr t to 8IXTKSH rsaita or aok. VoL IV. commences November 7, 1 The Young People his been ffJ successfid beyond anticipation. ning Post , 1 J. it has a distinct! re purpose. 1 f,rfl If.Ti Ihr adheres that, namely, of -mJxt rbrfama immn fnp th nnnr' vita a 1 it nxtre attractive, as well aa more h14n0' Boston Journal. -. .. , . L. ror nearness, elegance of rcrraruix. eosteru generally, it is ensarpsoJ 7 JJ p bUcatlon of ; the . ktod yet bronjfM Qb&PiUsburghCaseUe, . "4- TERiTS : ; HARPCR8 YOUNG PfcUPLE, t 1 9& i Per Year. Pttage Prepaid,! . -1 -mout NtniBEita. r.-or Oct earn-. 8pt rimen py sent on rei-eipt ot Tnrf Ibe Volomesof Uarirs Vocng fW 1881 and 1882, handsonly bonad In UZ ted Cloth, mil be pent by maU. V'fZ aid, on receipt f t3O0 each. Cant Younreopie for J8s5 H xnW P01 to additional - -'oflor ttemliunocs sbonld be made "by fosti Moopy 1 mier or Draft, to.vokicbaace o Newspapers are not to ropr TSai ment without the express order of , j iTa UP KB A BlOTJSt. BUTTER! oisouxpa Asnns. ,f JiOLACSrS,