Tfll&rJLPEB Uibed erery evening Sundays ax oepted bjr" T" JOSH T. JAMES, i - 5lITOB AVT "SOPRIETOR. SBSCmi'TION'S POSTAGE PAID: yvr fi.Ort.. Six month, tiOO. Three aOui. 1-W; One month, 35 oenta. psjier win be delivered by carriers free at r tervc, In &ny l,art of the 'y. at tbe above or ! casta per week. . f3tr, ' viveetistnK rate low and llberaL , t-aubscribers will report any and all f&ll rc tn receive their paper regularly, ' r- 77ie Daily Review has the largest bnn (vie circulation,' of any newspaper pU!,!ihcd. in the city of Wilmington. Ji Prince Bismarck's old enemy, the neuralgia, has pat him oti his back z.iin. t99t Senator Tabor spent Sl.fiOO a week daring his ten weeks term in theRenae. His i&Iary in that timo was $1,600. Miss Mary Anderson, according to the artist Millet, ia tho first to vQartbe -enuino classic Greek costnme on the .a5e. The wardrobe of the Comedio Francaiso has nothing as fine as her dresses in "Pygmalion and Galate." The Sxentijic American Rays that the hailago ef our railways employs over 17.000 locomotives, and that theazgre nato cost of running them, sue as fuel vr.iter, repairs and engines, is about y0.000.000, or rather more than $5 000 for e:ieh enzine. The item of fuel alone $33,000,000, but tho wasto in luel is enormous. .lt . v It is said that the widow of Dr. Glenn of California, has written a kind of sympathetic letter to Mrs. Miller, the wife of the man who murdered him. The two ladies, says tho"(ilusa Sun. hare been like sisterg all their lives Tho rarity of such Christian charity aa this is very great greater, in tact, than it is commendable. Tne Boston Advertiser, noting the. business outlook, says: "Gold from London is coming at last, and it is rot a tncre accident tfiat it follows so close ly upon the reduction of the Bank of fyfclaml discount rate to 3 per cent Whether much more will come, besides the $1 000.000 no v on the way to New York, is not certain, as some heavy onletr tor merchandise have been plat ed abroad within the last two days. But our exports are brUk.our import's ha?v btH;ii comparatively lixht. aoo!, -wha't is :iio-t Inii'i.rsant. the . aililicial in the bullion movement has bten remoytd." Our neighbor f the Rohesonian a- vancesC'u. V. L. Saunders1 name for gubernatorial honors. '1 here is no m;:n in the State who deserves more at; tin- hands of the party, but we doubt b Col. Saunders evvi!d bo prevailed upon to .wept the nm'na i.n. The R It stuians remaiks aie very handsome. We append an extract : He !it;'ery respi'cr. a representative man of ihe guod old Demovralie party. :t:i n:u of thu truest meu vbi ov l breailutl the breath of lite, and there n man w horn thti otd people of thi S a e could onre tleservedly and more .appropriately honor. His rtcorJ as a soldier iu llie lale war ami as ;i m:17mt. in the ever menion.b e day sof the Uol j d a 11 r war. as one of ihe editors of i liij w iimmgton Journal, the memory oj which Is toiulty treasured in ti c hirts of all true North Carolinian?, and later as the rery abler and accom plished Secretary f State, is as bright and unsullied as the noonday sun. Un der the joint management of. ihe la mented Major Engelhard and Colonel Saunders, tl o Journal wdeded an iui ruenMi influence in putting tho Dem ocratic i arty in contiol of the State and Ct.unty Governments, and llnce h has bwn Secretary of State none but his most intimate friends know what an amount of gratuitous, but intrinsically valuable service ho haa rendered his State.. If all of these. Mid State pride second to nom. entitle a man lo wmsideration at the ha'ids of a State or Gunty, then Col. bauudors , MXNtnd tt ni man in the State. He is not an aspirant in any snse if the term. He would probably not be able to make a canvass ot the State if u mt nateil as he is so h pwsly .crippled up with rheumatisiu as in all probability never to be able to walk asrain. a d hav ing been v oundd in the mputh duri ig the war he is not a "silver lon-neil ,r tor." but as a writer bo is a crahd and noblo, as a political leader ho is bold aggressive and sagaeious. We know of no man whom wo think would brim moie strength to the Democratic c horts. and we certainly know of no nian in whose keepinsr evry interest in the State would be more fuily subserv ed ar.d more fondlv cherished. We- have known Col. Saunders since IS7'3 and it is onrdeliberateopinion thatin all the as.ential. elements of a statesman and n honest, true and upright citizen he has no superior. Blossoiu, Ilane & Co..ot New York, j are not tho partners of th Wilmington house pf J R. Blossom & Evans. Mr. Fred Blossom is at the head of one and Mr. J. R. Blossom is at the head ot the other. We were led into a mistake in this direction in ypsterdayiT issue from reports published in the New York pa pers which seem to have improperly conlounded tho two houses. Magistrate's Court. ' Thad. Moore, colored, was arraigned before Jew ice Gardner this morning, charged with an assault. The testimo y addaoed showed that he was acting eotlrelj on the defensive, and with great lxloJtfon; and be was discharged. ' ....- ...... .u-v i ... ..... ,. ." . ." .- r . .. it' - . " ' """ ""- - - . - - - M . R &3 ri J H if tl H i 14 .. .. U n. tlI f si 3- & fl ' H s - i a u .iJL ; JL j7 M J .. f .rJLI ; . ' r ' v - ' I - ' ' " - ' - ' 1 - . : : : : : : : 1 1 VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. T INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Faster Cards i ; ! Ir Benson's Skla Cure i 1 I II Gkeex Gartlea Seed Ml E KASSEK-Thli Day : J MCXDS Bros Garden eed ' IlErKSBERGEK Five Cent Music F V KtRca-EE, Pres't ClUton i Point Caswell R it I . .... The guard house still contlnnes empty. I Tho moon entered jits first quarter this morning. . . 1 The Wilson Siflings Is ia bo publish ed as a daily paper. J' j The receipts ..of cotton at tnis port to-day foot up 305 bales. i j I ! ...... , Capt. Y. V. Richardson, bfColurabns county, was in the city to-day. i 1 irile Rhea will appear! at the Opera House in this city March perhaps. 14th, IS8-1. - Ger. barque Edward Pens, henco, arrived at Falmouth, March 13th. , Kipp, Ens- Last night's nominations were the prominent subject of conversation in all circles to-day- There is quite a number of com me j- cia pilgrims in the city keeping' Mr Mayer very busy looking after dot Ij- cense, you know." - Col W. L. Smith is liaving a ,hand some frame dwelling-house erected on tho south side of Chestnut street, be tween Third and Fourth! A car conductor named Guniou, Liasterel his foot with ab. ouiou, The onion struck in ! And tMk .off the skin, j St. Jacobs Oil cured his bunion. i The steamer John ' Jbmcson'- brought d-'Wn quite a drove of beef cattle lat night, but there were none of them so large and fat as tho lug ox she brought down on the preceding trip Mr. Henry Yeatman. of the firm ol W. T. Walt'erti & Co., of Baltimore, i in the city to-day, at the Ptireell House. Mr. Yeatman was a gallant Confeder ate ami serveil in the Southern Navy tun nig the late war. Mr: J. S. T ml non, o 'res, has been in thettLy the Hirktry lor the pas two days We acknowledge the curtesy "l a very pleasant visit from him. lie i . i. i. ' .. ' I 1. : - L. . I leaves inis auei noon on ms ieiuru u Ins home in sbc? V est. Miss Karrer, at KxcUango Corner. rHeived to-day by steamer extensive invoices of Spring and Summer ijiilliu-t-ry goods, wjiich will bo oj-etj And ready for inspection to-morrow.j . he invites tho lalies to (call and examine these new and pretty things. To Buildei 8 and otherSp-G to Jacx "i'B for Sash, lilinds and Dcors, Glats j &c. You can get all sizes and at the; lowest prices " ' , : , r - - -War in. the Hcpublicau Camp . We published j'estcrday n account of the disturbance in the Fifth Ward, in consequence of which it is c4auned that Mr. C. P. Lockey ;was cheaiod out of the nouiination for one of thef Alder men of that Warrl. and his deterniina tioii to run as ah independent candidate. It now appears that there is itrouble equally as serious in thja First !. Ward, especially in the upper division. We h ive heard but one side ofj.the ftory. U that at the primary in the Upper Division of the first Ward. . Mr. W. II Chiwlbourun and Mr. J. J. Hr kins being candidates fir nomination. ;.t was stipulatel by the partisans of the f irmer that the nominattoTi should to made by ;accclamatu.n, which w'as agreed to by the j friends of the latter. When the" vote was taken tho latter rcciyed! than two-thirds ot the otes cast, ami was declared elected. The Chad bourn men then re fased to submit to the result and de manded a ballot: went and procured a box which they rclupid to let the Hop kins men examine, and proceeded to vote. Tho result showed that over 200 votes were cast, while there were at no time during the evening more ihan 60 person?, all told, at the meeting, and some of these were not voters in'tbe ward. The nopkms jmen claim that ho was duly and honestly nominate, and they will support him in the elec tion. First Installment. I MessrsrA.& I."Shrier,-at-34 Markft There was a attendance at the street, have-received their first instaj- Fifth Ward meetings which was orjan ment of tw hundred, and filly ized by making Capt James M. Mo- FJannel SuiU which they warrant fasti color Each cat has a label with their lull name sewed on the collar as a gnar- knTcc to their genuine quality. Jont fail to get & suit. ? W ILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. MAKCH ' The Carolina Central Cane. Under an order of the United States Circuit Court, Mr. E. II. Kingas been conimissloned Examiner to takij testi mony in the ab ive cause to bo used at tho forthcoming trial. The following are the counsel in the cause i For the plantifF. Messrs. McRae & Strange and Russell & Ricaud. of Wil and Judge I Dillon, ot New York; for the defendants, Hon. George Davis and Messrs.. Stedman & Latimer, of Wil mington., and Mr. Robinson, of New York. A baby was born'in 'a cemetery at Marshaltown, Iowa, a short time ago, but everywhere can be seeni babies b rne to the cemetery because mother's cruelly neglect to procure Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, a sure cure for croup, colds and odaghs. U 1 T j Wheeler's Reminiscences. We have been informed that Mr. Joseph Shillington, the veteran boos: seller and stationer of Washington City, will publish tho manusoript upon which Colonel Whesler spent so many hours days years, under the above title The manuscript is very volumin ous. and arranged in coutftie3; as was the History of ; North Carolina, pun ished in 1851, by Colonel' Wheeler, By those who have gone into it, we are informed that it bears all the evidences of research, industry and learning fof which tho lamented auihor was noted The pr- spectus shows that -the work will be issued in sections of about 100 pages jeach, four, sections in all, and t le pages will be quarto size. The edi tion will be limited to the actual sub scription iists. A copy of this prospec tus has been forwarded to each Clerk :f the Superior Courts, and nearly ererv Ptstmaster in the State, who, we hwl5i-r v?ll fnnvjinl a 11 nrrlers. if 're-! quested. ; j 1 1 Mr. Shillington deserves to be pat ron izeil by all interested in NortlidCar- olina history, and we bespeak for 5 him a prompt and ample subscription Ihst- 7 Ct7 ix - " Last Nifrlil'rf Primaries. , Primary to eel irrg --were-" held - la-it night byithe Democrats of the eeoi.d. Third. Fpurth and Fifth Wards to select randidates for Aldermen, to be voted for at the.O'nuing election. Gen. M. V. Taylor called the mexiVieg of the Second Wird t or lr, Maj. Joiiu W. Duiih tui was elected .obair man, Mr. J. II. Boatwrlght. setrretan. and M essrs. A. (J. llicau I an 1 T. B. L'ppitt were ppint-l tellers, Tli uamiui, of c tndidates bi iiY iu ord-r. Messrs. K. D Hall, W. L. Suiithj G. .1. Boney, W. W. Shaw. T. C. Jaiu'es. O G. Parsieyijr. and J. W. Taylor were ilut in nomination. On the secud ballot Mr. G. J Bpey receivixl 117 votes, aud n the third ballot Col. E 'D. Hall received 104 votes. In each C ise it was. a majority of all the votes cast, ami those gentlemen became the nominees of the party j : Vi j Thiei meeting in the Third Ward was called to order by Ir. E G. Parmalee. C 1. John D. Taylor was elected chair." mttn. Messrs. W. C. Craft and George N. Ilarriss, secretaries, and Messrs Walker Meafes and Isaac. 'Bear , JerA annuintctl teUers. . -Messrs." Jaines pVVt Iving.MohnL. Samuel Bear, ..: , - .. -. . Dudley. J F. Post", Sr..- Jr fH. F. Hall and James B. H uggins were placed in nom ination for- Aldermen. ohero; wasjno election on the first; 'second and third ballots. On the iourth j ballot Me3ars. John L, Dudley and Sam uei Bear, . Jr. were nominated, the former receiving 90 and the" latter 100 votes.. ' ( ' lir.' W. II. Green called the meeting to order in the Fourth Wanh Col. W I. DeRosset-was eleotexl chairman." Mr N. W.Schenk. secretary, and Messrs M. H. Wil lard and John J . Fl'wer were appointed tellers, j Messrs . S. .11 shblate. William A. Williams, Owen Fennell. Jr.. Albert Gore, and W. P Oldham were place! in nomination for Aldermen. Mr.-j Williams, however, decllded tho nomination. On the fir-t ballot Mr. Fishblato received 1 11 -Votes and was declared elected. On the seo ond ballot C1. W. L. DeRosset was p'aocd in nminatin. but the vote re salted without an election. On the third ballot Col. DeBosset was elecieti. A motion to recommend the appoint! ment of Messrs D. G. Worth and Wi R Kenan to the Governor as members of the Board of Andit1 and Finance. The nomination ok Mr. D. G. Worth was withdrawn and a motion was uiado I ,o reoommena mt. - v . n. - tvenan, !wKh tca carried hv acclamation Go wan chairman, and Mr. John J. King secretary r.: ho nominaiiona were ae ana iw inuj wur juct to the call of tho chairman made and the Marrlajre oftliKlo Oavis. , Ex-Senator Davis 1 was safely mar n'ed. hard and fast, at 11 o'clock yester day, at Col. Wharton J. Green's resi dence at Tokay, near- Fayetteville, to Miss Addie Burr, From a special to the Kcics and Observer wp glean some particulars of the affair. J There were no invitations, and tho ceremony, which was strictly private, wa3 performed by Rev. Dr. J. C. Hiiske, of St. John's Episcopal Church, Fayetteville. r Jlon. W. T. Otto,. of the United States Court of Claims, the best man, and Miss Sadio Green, the daugh ter of Congressman AVJ. Green, the bridesmaid, were the .only attendants. A suite of rooms had been thrown into one and elaborately ' decorated with holly. :T;he bride and-groom stood at the head of tho parlor, iu front ' of a marble-sta uc of Psyche, and under the wedding bell. Col. Green gave' the bride away. The only persons' present were the dowager Mrs. Green, Con gressman Green'fc mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Thatcher, . Miss E. N. Thatcher, Mr. Charles II. Train J of Boston. Mrs. and Dr. J. II. Cook and tvJb daughters. Misses Addie Burr Rid dick and Lizzie Cooke, all cousins of the bridge. The bridal party left lor this city at 1 o'clock on board the steamer D -MurcIUndn, which had bien hand somely decorated lor the occasion. They go to Charleston, Aiken! New Orlejtns and thenoe to California.' whence they will return in a lew months to Bloomington, their future residence, where an elegant reception is being preparetl. Judge Otto. Col. Green, Miss Sadie Green and Miss Thatcher, accompanied them to ;his city. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will hold their hrt reception at Bloomington. The' brlde's ifts" were numarous'and costly, anion J thed jug, an. eieganancl liiassiv punch bowl ot silver,; lined :with gold. itu'mi Judge. iiunts an exquisitely bound ibrry ol English authors, by Secretary eliogbuyiti-a set -ot- diamonds iudge OluC afiXarsotof snoerb solitaire . , : .. .u liaiuond earrings Trouiihe groom. Tb ridewaj 'married in a travelling dress of briwn"ottiman silk and velvet, and k liat ot browji velveiilk trimmed v i. h oLrich -'leathft's!. Tiie trousseau wa c ftly anil elaborate. . here being no Ws than lilb en couuilete costumes. A hearty reception was given .1 udge D:in is Ji bi departure, and ore the recipients u( fce.-i"3 j le aiul the bi id iuiubeiles c'ur . The Marchison, having no freight and being chartered t-pcci.iliy tor this oeea iui. m.idu her way rapidly down thv i,arrivin here early this morning. If her bride and irrornii lelt oh "the moru tog tram Sduth at 7 :2j, driving directly from.thu. boat to the depot. They go to Charleston, jind a'ter stopping a day 'aeh at Aiken and Atlanta, will viJit i ... t the Southwest, and trom thence go'. to Californiai'" Col.. Green, With lhoHpl' the party who came--to Wilra returnetl jon the Murchion. ngton. waich .oville. lottiberu thisaiiernoon forJFayet : ;Dr. ,C. W. wBeasfn'sf Celery ai d Cham mom He Pills, are prepared ex- by physicians. VKitclicii'Market. Thofol lovi ng '. retai 1 prices rulo iu this market to-day. March 15 : - - Beef 10I5c. per" pound ;"veal 12-i 15c; lamb 12i15c; mutton 1215c; (ireen " pork, whole hog, 9l0oy per pound; cuts, 124 15c; yrned pork 15e; turkeys, '- f" alive, j 25 each; ircssod. 1618e per pouml ; chick en? 30437c each ; grown fowls. 35 40c; geese. alive 75 each; dress d $l.;-sausages 15220 cts.; pud dings 10015,; eggs, ! 1415 cti per ilozen, ; butter, country, 2530c. ;! Northern, 40.: lard. 1315,; Baltimore.! hams,.I&018,; breakfast strips. 1516.; N. C. hams. 1417,; shoulders. Iiatl2,;! sides. 13S14.; iish, trout. 20f25c, mullets, 1520.; shad. 75c!l 00 per pair,;; scalded oysters, J 124c. per quart,; -New River oysters SOcdf $1- per gallon; New River oysters, in shell, 2 perl bushel; My rtlo Grove oysters, in shall, 80c.$l per bushel; clams, per quart. 12$o; ! per bushel, 50c; cabbage. I54&25c per Iiead; illards, 5IOc: turnips. 510c per bunch; sweet potatoes. -25c per peck ; Irish do..-50o per peck ; onions. 50V per peck ; carrots and parsnip. 50c per peck. --. w -. . For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, f II you are Kill n eel v '..v. in health from any cause, especially 1 mm the use of any of the thousand nostrnms that promi so Urgely, with Png fictitious tftinmnlals,have no fear. , KeIt BiUc at one, and in a jrKUmeyoa wUl have J tea and blocnucg health. the most ro presIy to cure and will cure" Headache L jjt ali.kinds. - Neuralgia,', '.Nervousness I ! and 'Dyspepsia. Proved, and endo.scd . H . Mr s 15, 1883. NO 65 , j I THE MAILS' Theraalle c.le ami arriro at the City Pes office as follows : r CliOSE. 1 Northern thronch maile, fat....:.. ACO P. M. Vnrthcrn through ami wsy mat Is... -5.40 A. M. Raleigh.. 5.00 P. M. and &.40A. M. Mails for the N. C. lilroad and routes B'vipplfeJl trierelrora Inclad- r lug A. &N. C. Railroad a. ......i4Q Alt. Southern Mails for all poinu South, i daily ...6 20 A. M. aniS.00Fr M. Western inMla (b. CKailway) daily, J -t fexcpt indayV. 5.00 P. M. All points between JlamJct aot Hal- . cL:h. &.0Q r.-ii. Mail for Chora w and DrHnsrtoa Hall i rtad... ....$30A. M. and'8.C0 1, SI. MalLs" for points between Florence aurjl Charleston 6.30 A. M. and 8.MP. M. Favettcvilic aiil offices on Cave Fear i River, Tuesdays aod Friday s...:..lX0 P. M Fayetteville,- via Lamberton, daily, except Sundays. . : 1 .5.00 r. M. Oiislow C. It. and intemiediaie otfi- ' ce, Tuesdaye and Fridays 600 A. M. Smithvlllo mails, by eteaaxboae, dally (except Sundays). . ....... . . .&3$A M. ilalls for Easy Hill. Tow-C? I fchallotteanf Little Rivet. Tuee- ! days and Fridays. ..6.00 A.M. OPEN FUR DELIVERY. Wrlghtsville, daily -.30 A. II. Northern throuch and way ma lla ii : 7UJ0and A00 A. M Southern ZIhIU L ,7.30 A. M Carolina Ccuirat Irailroad.L ai5 A. M . . Malte collected Trom street bojcea- every daj at 3.30 P. M. I Stamp Ottico open from 8 A. M. to iSMj, and from 2 to 5. fc5 P. M. Money order f.nd Kegitcr tepartfflent open eame as fitamji ofiice. . Stamps for sale in email quantities at genera) deiiveiy when stamp oface is clu6xl. General delivery open from tayUht to dart rid on Sun1ars from 8.30 to 9.3Ti A. -ii. 4- N IZW AD v!EItTISE3IENTS Clinton & Point Caswell Rail Road. S EALED PKOP08ALS WILL BE RE. celved till 1? o'cloc M., of the ISth day of April, 1333,: for tha gradlac'and track laying of the Cllrvton & Point CasweJl Kali Uoad. Speciflcutlons and profilti may be eeeii bj - ' - i i . applying to R. P. PADDISON at Point Cas well, Pender county, men 15 ltn . F. WV KERCTTNER, lreideiu. ' THIS DAY. A Complete Assortment SPUING & SUMJjEK JaElVEI TcT-DA Y, VILL. BE OPLN ior inspection to niorrorr. i ' Those f my laiy u-tomci8 vho h ,ve Ven an-a'aii' the ar.iral f the o k odi-j-aud ot ; iiv xill ft kl umo j them the Newest ai-d Latest anl Hjl't-aud DeEtna. A ciill and an xa nlnatioa of Btock is tc Spectrally b- Ikitcd. , 1 MISS E. -.-(Kk-RKER, tach l FXCHAVGK CRNKR. HEADACHE : : : . BANISHED. HIT No matter what eauo it'ek pervoxi??, It can bv purlj:lc, i- 8pAUo. ' Which ia it ? OacctuU!y reyiuyea.jf . C.C.kY. BEN S OA'S CZXr& CHAMOMtLF PILLS. AH? fRSPAftkTD EXPRESSLY TO CVftkT fANO' WILL CUJfS HEADACHE 'ofau Ktnosl (ji DYSPEPSIA 1 hey contain no n;lnfn, quinine, or other hanninl trui and arw hihlv recommended. r . n!rews Eazar Rays: ."A rerfcaMon. h4 of ton Leen made l the "discovery of tome new thing, tut noth'ns ha ever etevd the test like Dr. Kennon'd Ce'cry aid Cha-noaillo Pills. i bey really do t'sre as they vr mise." ; ilv i-rayers h:II nm-en i foym because our Pit! have cured mcof nervonsbet!acbe. which I've aiwa' had." At. Faonle Lock hifrt. Rtflrj; -u, Md. "Ibw Fili tre InvaiMtble lt nervous dl oa.rt. fr. "arumcml. of Mw Tor "Tby cared m- ai.d t;tk'fere4tyliaur- !ri co'nmendiiiif them to 11 who hnren mralgia' Mrs. Daniel C Jiopccn. ly lkn : Vju t ri,r 7 yerir- 1 fel.ik-hearLiCbe. Year IlLi eurcl me." J u. I'.ucklcr. i ctburg, & lr lienso s I'ilJs for the coe of eral irla urea fjmccvss." Ur. ii. P. Jlolcian, Chiia t'i.tnbar?, V. I have found th?nf jest tho lair for Nen ra'jda, a yon rei o ent iheau" JUra AL V Gru', tAi-ey. iowa. i " Votir I'i'ii have proved a blesstfg to me. L. votz.a Franklin fctrtet, Cbark tvvkii, 3Lvs j : Dr TSenson'a ?kln Caro contlst of Internal and external te tfnei.l at fame timo I audit makes the fctin wl.l e. fcofi m ti unooth. It a vc ha mors end cure thoroughly. It rn tals n poLeoaood dras. . $1. v - 1 . C K. CrlttentAn, o! vrholeae Aent.or rr. C W. tlencouIaedittt. 11 FUt.aet., Hew York. ; ! mch 1 lw-r-'h ttm. ' f f . j BUTTER! OLEOalAPdGAUTXC " ' OOFTEES, "-. ' -- " j . MOLASSES ricjifl., jbc . Ac Tct saleU low prkes by DeRosset & Co. oee vt i. .. .. sr",M'l Ii' I i t' I FA5-S'M!LE EJCNATURE CM EVERY BOX. f pVo rtfl ts g)Afttar rceerre'eocnBiSci Coca ; Tad nse or the writer eat always ke to nUbed 'in. ; V. !;' . . . CozmaunlcaUons nasi be written a ottj one side of tb paper, i Persoaalltlcw mast be TtMe4.: . . ..... ... ii A ml It U tiedally and- partleaiarty vixSer. ioo.t that the EHtor Joe not Always eloM j t-c views Qftoornpondent .natou. so stated a the editorial oohimfiA. 1 ' - ' NEW ADATUTISEMENTS. untain Butter. i ' u ', A FEW PACKAGES IN BOLLS I : : v-AKD-TUBS., :t. roc 5ALE jat low piucrs. HALL&PEARSALL oter Cacdb. i F ' .0 BeautiM lfeT7 DecignBs " : Cnand Feibemit r YATES' B 0 OKSTdBE. R!o Liquoro. T UT A &TOQK OY f RSSZLA ' 1 CEO CIvRieS wUCbekeTtM jne ttorv V No. 45 ,"Market Street. AU geoda sold by.aa wllLbf .asmrt$eatcdi GOOD GOODS AND r BllAXUPEOnra' I win, W otnt Morra ' - sor-Gt ve ns a trial and Jbe- oonrtee(U ubli 12 If r R. 4SCAttmtlOpMH A OO. cofntrt; '.rj JERCHAKTii AND. BODY CAN rfe 6uHed tn quality ni price from the larire stook ot 'AitLKiCY Moiv si thliw addlery and Trt nk lldtitfe of v f l ;-- . I? Kl iLiwriffV A on i . ! So. 49 Market St. Mfinnract ure and fteputr. ' 1 cJ mch ft FIGURES,1 AXOTUEttXUT-JUST UECIllVtD, And for sale by m,'fl 12 ; . nd, 4 S rrjlb mock Wotice. 1 VfY FltlEXUS WILL TLBASX NOT CB XTJL .-.-:!, , - , ' I. lu.n 1 hare rceynjed bnflrr?sj "at the old Ud4. - .1 .. . , ' j 16 an 1 18 SoaOi rruQt Mreet, where I can s4 way be fou ,d, and where sou will flod a full nncof FltWH FAHILl UTttKKUlk B. 'Ibankl tbci for'pat Utrrs:l hope t j btrict attccUon to tholr orlers to mrit a shsie I . ' . v r ! of patronage In fature. Rwpectfullr. inch 7-' w I ! j '1 , . tiKO H CRAPON, Aft. Five Cent Music. Lorera ot Mueic, Attenltoa t ,r.H' II ' " "I ;erolutWit 6boet tfttte. Just th'nk of ft ! 'Thi mnkifCi VOa miL. f size, qnallty of pa-errOTObcriahinipni. Ac ., a iu n, ucruhoiore ou awiromu iu . eenu, and whtwi rr wdl sell yon norifUVK CJCNT8. from ow. i your ,uci3,.-.ajseXJ"vr seJeeUoas HEINSBERGrER'S inch 1$, v ( r .Hyp oAjf and Music Ptire Garden Seed I PEAS, CEAX4 COIN.CABBAGE., Ttt nli. SquifihrOi!ard. Ra4l:'iftfc. A iln wfletioo of FVnrwr eeed. i 4 WJLLIAU IL: GRKEX. The Pla&o to Boy r -PULLERS, j.'-j., 0ACKriXV- . - pifftic. ..wunnrEKs. w ' JiA" K-vthlGITTS.-Ae VAc, cT . -Jtet of mod at-ict Bottom prtoee fall and ooiepltiUl slock of IXutlw&r ml? on baad. r t . - ;.- . .. t w. E..srmsGEfi oo.f - ..... w w-w. v jKr1. ociCor to J bu fawoa & Co- roeh iz ' . 19, li wd fl Market btrwt G ARl) EN; -SEE DS. A FEESn lot or ALL Klm Of .aandTnrnfP?Wl, carfy and' lata varto Ues ; ColUrd. licet anM Toaaijo lieeda, i a Urr -lock ainl aa end variety of j PeM ib i(ja4s.rci.UiedauboIeaprloeb7U i Pounds Bros., j Manufacinrtna: rbamseit, i.4ai bki w a v. lifcvr TOSH AND WTLiliNGTOX. V. C. i jania .-. -J t:.r iM If Ton Would fce Happ? ' . Btnr a cook stoteT J if- The Golder HSrvbstf,fi r Hn a i iiBr"r.ii i UMLUliiLIf I Or. SOUTIf i jltlt. oAiry Of P VUXKU A.TATMIQ. Pcra White Oil, n ,. .; I ae5 - F. P. JONES, Gloton; v. a; attoextt Aitd c&sa-.- " 1 ' "-'.. v- -m'J ,, T Uar( Law. Win practice ta taj rrt rt tmbiMiM.. Special atseauoa trca" j ettoa ot claiaa. -:r - - , v : . . , BISQUE 1 0 s

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