1 - , j 1 - 4 :l i t. . ::.J ; ' ; i; j 1 -J - i I 3 t i t J N "A 4 I 1 , l 4 u i - i. The Daily Review. JOSU: T. JAMES, Editor ot Prop. , WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 15. 1883. Watered at the Postofficc at Wilmington, N. C, as sccona-ciass matter. INCIDENTAL PROTECTION. A report is in circalatfan, says the -New: York Herald, that tho protection ifts are intending to teat the constitution .tlonalityof tho new tariff bill on the purely technical jrroand that as a rere nue measure it should have originated in, the House, and that a bill of that nature originating in the Senate has no Talidity. It might be a mooted point as to whether the bill that vraa passed was either the House or the Senate bill, as the conference committee deliber ately reversed the action of both houses and altered the rates to suit the person al wishes of the members of the com 'SxHtee. "But the report is instructive as . showing the manifest intent oi the pro- r iectionists to defeat at all hazards what-V-ferer they deem hostile to their interests. We would suggest, however, that in s place of confining themselves to the mere technical point they have raised they-should submit to the court the -whole question of protection to industry. tli'XPh part qf Connress by a use ot its 'taxing power." It would be a strong v point In their favor if they could gain r,t favorable decision on this matter, - which has never been directly submitted iS. to the courts, and they are at present in need of every possible assistance. The Stale courts and, on appeal, the Su-T-f..-; ; JJteme Court, hare decided that a State cannot use its taxing power directly in favor of any individual or corporation .-:-for,r private purposes; thathe only legitimate use of this power is for pub -w-" ; Tlie purposes, and when it is nscd for &r.. ether ends it becomes spoliation and . robbery. But if a State may not do this directly how may it accomplish the - same end by indirect means,- and has The federal Congress the right to main tain a system of taxation that is not needed fur revenue purposes and which has come to be regarded chiefly as an Instrument for private advantage? Tin 1 iron and steel men, who are the leader? of this movement, will d a groat ser vioo iu feouring a decision on thest . points," aud we hope it will be done. ORGANIZING TO CONVICJT ..It really seems that the people of pur lister State of Suth Carolina are nevei to be freed from the persecution if the government. Every election there furnishes grounds for the arrest an.) trial of some of the best citizens of the State for some aliened outrages upon colored Republicans or fraud upon the ' ballot box. While convictions haw seldom been obtained in these so-called judicial investigations, thero have been the annoyances and indignities of arrest to which many hare been subjected The government has used every means avaiiaole to secure the conviction and punishment of innocent men, and to ; accomplish this purpose have not hesi tated to make use of spies, informers and -witnesses who would be wHlingt to swear to whatever might bo required of them without the least regard to the troth of their statements, made under the sanctity of an oath Several persons in that State are jow under indictment for what are called political offenses - and their trial will soon be commenced. In speaking of these approaching trials and the efforts being made by govern' xaent officials to secure convictions, the Charleston, (S. C.) News and Courier 1 ays:; V The nowsfrom Bennettsvi lie Indicates .that we may expect an active campaign on the part of Mr. Brewster's hirelings. The politicat drag-net has been cast in various counties and no stone will be left unturned to convict men whose mly crime is that they have been faith Ail citizens and obeyed the laws of their Vjtte - We are told in a Washington telegram to the New York Tinxes that United State District Attorney Melton will be assisted in the approaching po litical trials by the.IIon. Kichard Crow-! leviof New York: and by Air. Snxder. j ' of Pennsylvania; that the affidavits ate I now being prepared in South - Carolina j- . nnd that Air. tTiwicy, wno nas neen : retained recently, i niiw in Washing- - ton-familiarixing himself with the case I of the government prior to leaving for ' Charleston." It is also stated that the trial are expected to be held before Chief Justice Waite and-Judge Bond ami that there are nearly a hundred cases to be tried. The Hon. Richard Crowley, of - New , York, as soon as he becomes familiar - -with the tme in wardne1 of these infa- - mus prosecutions, will findtheni any- ' thimr hut an invitmsc held for au honor- ' hltawver. . The aotMiseil are ii.en f "nrgh"cliaracter: the offences charged are nlv obedience U the laws of the StaUs; the evidence will be supplied - by .nmrsHnal neriurersr the juries are expected to bo packed in the interest of lhe prosecuuon. ami mo win mo nnt-wj inr Jili be d a kind t make Mr Crow- ley.-aniess ne oe as orax-n as re-&iur himself, heartily ashamed that he had any part in it. ,r . . . . ' District Attorney Melton has inti mated that the coming trials are to deal .only with cases arising out of the last election. Ntiw, whatever methods may have been resorted to in previous elec tions, nothinz can be more certain than that th election of 1883 in South Caro- -;r Una was conducted in the fairest and -v r most orderly manner throughout the State. Thanks to the Registration law and to the growing disposition among th.9C3.cxed people to cschetr politics and to devote themselves to r more substantial occupations, the total vote was probably the smallest that has bwn .cat sirvce Reconstruction but there was perfect qu jet and koo-1 feeli g at evrry xIIing plack atid it will , cer tainly require something inwre than the ingonuity of the District Attorney to find in that election plausible pretexts for the work he is expected to do. The wretched fiasco in the preliminary ex-t animation of tho Fairfield I victims las- week shows at once the ma ignity of these prosecutions rtud the nicjlisy basis on which they rest. The very witnesses upon whose evidence the defendant were arrested had nothing to tell when placed on i ha stand ; and we beheld the bhameiul spectaclo of the prosecuting officer begging a continuance until they could teach the Government witnesses what they were expected: to swear to. District Attorney Melton; may find this kind of r;iino hardly a safe lone to be played before the Chiet Justice of the United fatates. ForTJiick Heads, Heavy stomachs, billions conditions, "Wells' May Apple Pills" Jnti-billious. cathartic. 10 and 25c. j The Washington i correspondent ot the New York World wrtes that part ing kicks at Keifer continue to beapast timo tfiere. The latest is from Mr, Cox, of North Carolina, who was not in the House when the complimentary vote of thanks was tendered Keifer. After declaring that h'ad he been, pres ent ho would have appealed to the Democrats to resist the passage ot thu resolution Mr. Cox says: ySuch res olutions ought to be sincere and truth ful. "These were not: At tho last ses sion of Congress the Democrats of. the House all united in " a written protest against ona of Keifer's rulings and charged him with usurpation and un fairness. Now, had I been in tho Hou?e last Sunday morning 'I would have Lread that protest and to vote for the complimentary resolution was to de clare that we were wrong in oar former arraignment of tho Speaker.! It's very clear there was insincerity either in the protest or the resolutions." Mr. J. H. Hopkins. Warrenton, N. C.. sayn : I consider BroWn1 Iron Bit iers the best tonic I know1 of." PiSlfcsoNAjr. r ! Mr. Swinburn has written a nbem on the death of Kichard Wagner. ' The health ot the GeriLan emperor, urvcarious at the best, is gradually 1 fail n - .". I I , Ex-Congressman Burrows has beei. fieicil thu &ecoiiti ciiuirullurliij of th treasurx. j j Prince Jrelerick Charles of Pru3ij nas iaried fr Uaiiia.-cu and uthei places in thu I Lmd. The Key. Father O'Connor, who die; I at Philadelphia last uiuiith, iet't jll) i, v eek fr the support of his do. j. The Earl hf Duijley. whose inccnit trotn his various. mines olten amount to more i hau is in a condi tion bordering on imbecility. Cougtesr-nian-eleei' J,uke P. Poland, who is visiting Washington, attract? attention. because ho wears ono of tin old-tiin6 blue swallow-tail coats," with orass bullous. I i The New Haven Register excuses Judge Thoman's oad ic ram mar on tlu ground that he peMie8 'toi avtia ap pearing singular in the eyes of. his fei- tow-bitizens of the BuckeyeiStale." The venerable Henry Shaw, of S. lmis. has contracteq forj a $10,0(H statue ot Columbus, to be preset! led t the city aud placed in Toner Grove park The work will be done by; au Italian sculptor. j I Brfght's Disease, j Diabetes, Kidney, Liver or Uronary Disease. Have no fear of any of these diseases if you use Hop BiCttrs, as they will pre vent ana cure tne worst cases, even when.you have been made worse b some great puneu uppretenued cure. SllOKTS. A trenial old chief of police. For a jke, once arrested his niece, Fr patching Jiis pants, ; AVith a quilt if her aunt's. Which, he said, made them breeches of piece. j ! Women are now eligible for certain positions on the Belgian Slate railroads. - As a member of the Massachusetts board of education .puts it: P,upils nnw-a-days study so much that! they don t know auything.F' During the month of February the Elyton Iind Company sold , 70,000 worth ot building lots within the city limits of Birmingham. A a. The paragraphist of the lioston Post declines the Presidency bf the Uriittd Slates, because'w here vert the President iroes mere w always a band playiu; Hail to the Chief.", An Englishman who has been' in this country three jr lour months writes to the lndn telegraph his grat surprise at finding the people of ihe uni jed States preUrnng greenbacks to gold During the past five years fiire naval vessels have been detects! in smuggling goods to the value of TvtKXi - I General Sherman a m-in law, ex I,ieu!enai t Thackera. thinks ills Tdeuced mean to make these things puhlic." It is reportel that the Jesuit Fathers of Boston nave ohemJ, toassume con trol of the Catholic cljurches at Law rer o3, Ma9a , and pay off their indebt edness. Already over $iu.tuo has been subscribed to the ugustiuian relief fund. General Debility and ConiDlaint. Liver R. V. Piekce. M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear SirMy wife has been taking your "Golden Medical Discovery" and Pellets" for her liver and general de bility, and has tound them to be good med cines,ahd would recommend them ti all sufferers lrom Iver Comnlaint Sour Stomachy and General Debility. Yours fraternally. 1. E. Habsiox, Pastor M. E. Church, Elsah, IU. ; m-t. - - ' r - Failing! i hat is what a rf great marry people . are C doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and "each month they grow worse, ! The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Iron Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifiers and enriches it, and rich, strong bJood flowing to every part of the , system repairs . the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. - This is why Brown's Iron j Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia; mala ria, intermittent levers, &c. 903 S. Paca St., Baltimore. Nor. 38. tSSu I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for. several weelcs could eat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried- Browns Iron Bitters, and am happy to say I now nave a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawlsv. Browns Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no ! injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. mch it lw txc-tirni Wanted Teitcln-r! 1 . Per n ontb Ht trty mjiloimin iur nr Sir1nr anl fetun vk v. Aliliea J. C. McCUKDY ft CO.. fel 4w F -n . Pa. i C0RIS'B11F8;! TVTxea 1 say . ar X do not mMn mrly to atop tbm lot I time and tbon bara tbem return affaln. I mean a radl KU euro. I bsve mail tb dlsuasobf t'l'tS, PIXXPST r FAIXIN0 6ICKJJitaai-longetttly. Z warrant trl remedy to car the worst oaaaa. Baeaoaa otbora br.i iulld ( DOKMon tot not mnr reoMrin? mcht. end a once for a treatla and a Fra Bortta or my InfolUbZ romf. Gfrs ETprans anil root O:3oa. It ooMf jua -iothlnc fnr a tr1L nnA I trill mr vna.- I Addrew - IL O. SOOT, m rearl S, VfW Yori Free ! Cards & Ghromosi Wc will send free by null a siunple eat o nir large German, French ac American Chromu Car 1-, uu tinted ;anl g4'' gr?m' tvith h tirloe list f over 200 differ ot .designs n receipt of h stamp for poULge. We wll also stnd free by malt a? sample, ten of our eat.tiful Cbr mos. on rerelpS of ten cents t- tay for packing nd p(stiur; alto enclose u confldentiaJ price llt of inr large oil chromos gents WitntexJ. Addm-s V. Uueason & to , l6 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Mothers Bead This ! Stoke Bidoe. N. Y Van Detjskit Bho. Dear birsr Vour WORM Coxfectioks have leen Invaluable t us Our little boy, two years okl. dlscbared ver thirty wormii in a ww days, mmg only a fewi of your orrn '"orifections. 1 am glad t iar tediimooy to the value of Vaobeusen't worm Louiecuooi. lours. Try I hem 23c a box i VAKDBCEEM bbos. feb9a-4w flmrio i v Y. filOQRE CQIIUTY GRIT" rmn wi i s Kn tin i ktokfs. "iDESTirmiEivoRin 1 &UCFLES 07 USAS, 8ZST yyr- Oil AJIXlOAlXOa. . ' XSTTH CASSUIA CHUTCXE 60. Branch Offiea, Ch-jriflHa. II. C. Lime, Kainit and Plaster I BUILDING LIMB, AGRICULTURAL LIME CAK DONATE OF LIME, KAINIT, LAND PIASTER AND MAHL GOOD FERTILIZERS, AN D VERY CIIEAr. 8ead tor Circular FRENCH BROS., Rocky Foint. N. C. Remember This. If yon arc sick Hop Bitters wH! snre ly aid Nature in making ou well when all el.c fails. If yoii are costive or dyspeptic or arc suffering from any other of the uuniemus tiiseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you re main ill. fr Hop Bitters are a. sover eign ramody in all such com plaints. I , If .you are wasting away with any form ot Kidncv.diseaite. stop tempting Death inis moment, anu turn lor a cure to Hop Bitters. - If you are sick with that terrible sick ness, nervousness, you una a "Balm m f I Head' in the use of Hop Bilters , .' If yon are a freoneuler. or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your sysieot against ine scourge or an coun triesmalarial, epidemic, billions, and intermittent fevers by the aso of .Hop If you hare rough, pimply, or fallow skirxrnad breath, pains and aches. and feel miserable jrenerally. Hop Bitters will give yon fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they care all diseases of the stomach. Bowels, B!od. Liver. Nerve Kidneys. Blight's Disease. S500. will be paid for a cae they will not cure or help. j -: -'t':ii ;-if-T-'. ! J ' . That poor, bedndden. r Invalid wife. sister, mother,- or danghter can ben made the picture of health, by & few bottles of Hop Bitiers. casting bat a trifle. Will yon let thesi eofier. mch 12 lia Si" Jo' MISCELLANEOUS. a-f if p c rf g, w 1 g f t is ? J 3 ? ! I & e. E f e S M e - S & I 9 I 2 l f o $ I ? p g s 65 S o " ST S3 o , 63 O 0Q ss (Ti John L; Boatwriglit's 'PAEOLE D'HONNEUR" IRoller Process Flour. For Beanty, ! Strenglh, Parity, and Bread pro l iali; q iUitie sitjis" the highest attain able standard. Guaranteed Id every Jnstoi ce TRY IT, IT WILL PEOTB ALL WE OLA U FOR IT. ORN L. B0ATWKIGIIT tlcc 19 -.'J;' -.:. 500 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses. ' ' ' ' ' ! VTOW LANDING, EX-BEIQ "ANTELOPE" " - ! ! ' ' 1 ' " direct from Mataxuas. i For eala low. - Orders aolioUed. WORTH & WORTH. Jan 24 ! THE BEST LINE OF FINE WHISKEYS, WINES, &c. IN NORTH CAIiOLlNA- Cape Fear, $7, j Stuart's Rye, $49 Virginia Glades, $4, Martell's $3. North Carolina Pure Corn WHISKEY I FOR MEDICINAL PUKPO E3 UJiXCLD PEACH AND HONEY FOB COUGHS. GOLDS, A3 1 botter than any modielnejba the country. ; We also recommend our ROCK AND RYE or ihe ROCK AND CORN, FOE COUGHS, COLD. &c Infalli ble Core. Roy s te r 's Can d y . NEUTCHATEL, ENGLISH DAltY, TOONG A1IEEICA and best CREAM CHEESE. FRESn IN STOCK. Pi L. BEIDGERS & CO. mch 12 ' - . : foreclosure Sale- TIRTUE OF THE POWER , OIF SALE contained In a certain deed mlado "ty J. J. Ellis and wife to T. B. Llppitt, aa Tratee for Boalwright A MKoy and their beira and aa tixna, and recorded in Book F r P. pao SO, of the Records of New Hanoror coauty. the fideilnl hi Attorney for he aabttrue tee. will sell to the Light bWier fey cah at i the Co rt Hoom door in the city .f Wilming ton, on Monday April 2nd. ltiS3. at IS o'cl. ck. Al the 'ollowln deacrlbl propurty situate in , Said city, bezfrbing at the Xihwmt in cr atioa of lentli with Cbeetnnt street, ru thence North with the Western tLom mt leuth acreet 60 feet, thence Wet along BunbertV j bneMpoesto Hunt's line. tbenc9 soutb U feetjto Chestnut street, thence alonsito ortu Une ot Cbestaat street 16 poles to Vie bciin-1 . ' J. - D. BELLAS! V , Jr.,; -- mch 1-30J irr f i i i i . j . . r - iV; onoeyt : ' .V.. , ,. C QTTTA RNSSS JTJBT RCCSlVgD ttU hare txurther larjra kt of UaisJes. ra faw days. Grreoftca dee CrgTlARI-? A CO. MISCELiLANEOUS. 1883. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. i Borptr't -Vcpan'fte begins Iwrlxty-alxth rol ume with the "lX'cember tS'uniber. It la not onlj' the. raot toiuiar Hiu&tratoU perklical in America ami England, but also the largest In Jt eh.-nw, the most besmtiful in lta appear ance, and the best nsa?azine for the home. A hew novel, entitled I"or the Major," hj Con fetanco, Fenlmore Woleon, the author of "Anne "wb begnn ii. lh November Number. In literary and aittetic excelien-e the Alaga sine Improves with -each successive numler. Vpot-ialenorta have been made for the lighter entertainment of its readers through humor cfilfl stories, sketches, c. ) Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: ; Haetek's Magazine 4 IIAHER'S WEEKLV.......L... 4 00 4 00 llAEFEK'S BAZAB The Three above, pcblicationa... ....... 10 00 Any Two above named.......'......"...,.. 7 06 IlAKrER'B VOU'0 PEOrUK..L. .......... 1 3Q Hakpek'h Magazine i . llAKFER'S Tot JfjG PEOPI.E ' " w IlAKFER'S FKAKKUXbOVARE LlBKAET, : One Year (32 Numbers). 10 00 Pttta?e Free to all rubecribcrt in the United Stat or Canada, . The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for Jnntrand December of each year When no time is sior-ified. it Hill be nnder tstood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the correct Number. . . The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine. In neat cloth bit ding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of & i 00 per volume Cloth Cases, for binding, 50. cebtseacb by mail postpaid. Index t Harper's SIa4ain&, Alphalietical. Annlyilcal and ClasBineu, for Volumes 1 to 60 inclusive, from -tune. It60, to June, lbtfl, one vol., -vo, Cloth, $4 00. Hemitiances 6hould be made- by Poat-Oface Money .O-.der or Draft, to avo.d chaB-e of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement ufithoui the express order of Ha'rpez: & Bros. , Address - ! ' HARPER & BEOTHETIS, dec 13 Newj York. X883 j ' " Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. . Harpers Weekly stands at the head of A nierl cjm llfuatraU'd weekly Journals. By itstinpar tlsan posiiion in politics. Its-Admirable illustra lions. its carefully chosen nerlal, short strl'(t -ketches. nni perait contributed by the fore most anifets al autiiorMof lite day, it CJirrtea ii-etinction and ehteitaliimt nt to tho -sands ol Amerlcai homes i , It will always be the aim of the publishers to m:ke Hfirper's Weekly the mo-X popular and attractive fami-'y newn inner in tlnj world. ' Harper's) Periodicals. t Per Year: ITAEPER'S Wekklt.. 1 ...... .$4 00 ....... 4 00 4 W Harper's MAuArrsE..: .. i Harper's Bazar J The Three alOve publications 10 00 Any Two a'-'ove named. i. T 00 jIarpeh's ToirNG People.. i.........L. l 50 i I arper'h Magazine ) Harper's Young People, J 5 Harper's .Franklin 'so.care Library, OifeYear(52 Numlei8).........r.. 10 00 Postage Free to all svbscribers in the United States and Canada. tA ' The VfcbPSof the Weekly 1-egln with the 0rstNnnuCr for January uf each year. When no time is mentlonel. it will be understood hat the suiwjrilcr wishes t commence with the Number next after ihe receipt of opier The last Four Annual V lumes f Harper's Weekly, in n at cloth-bindlnjr, will be sent by m dl, postage paid, or by expresa, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not eleeed one ilollar ier volume), f.r $7 00 per volum Cloth ( as-s for ech vol Mme, suit ble for binding, wll be 'pent by mall, postpaid, on re .elnt of $100 each. Uemittan es sho Id be made by Post-Oflice Money Order or Drafr, to avM chanre of loes. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper &. Bros. t Address ' - HARPER & BROTHERS, Oommissioaer's Sale. N PURSUANCE. OF A DECREE OF THE uperior Court of Brnnswiok county, at Fall Term ?8J. ;iu an action of forecl-sure therein peu'll-ig btrtween Th Urgf National Bi k of Wilmington s plaintiff, and Alex. "Oldham and wite as defe dants, the undersigned, Com raU'oner appointed by said decree. will st at public auction, for cth. atth Courthouse In mlth li e. on Monday, the.lOtn of April 18i, at 1- M, the foll-wlng real estate, being in the conn y of Brunswick, adjoining the town of H ilmington and containing 7t acres, more or less. Beginning at a marble post in tne Bruns wick county iiuo on tuo.Soui aside of the great road or causeway across ragle Inland, and rund about swiuth with the said county linejto a c-prt! in the ege of t' e ape t ear river at the mouth ot canal, then along said canal about West to' Alligator Creek, tb-n up said creek to said great road or CHUce ay, then along U ahou Kact.to ihe beginning Kxcepting from said bounds two acres con veyed P John A. Taylor by -I. E Grejrg by deed of Januarv Itfth, and also excepting i iot y ng 120 feet iroru the afo-e.-aiil nuantt line and a ong caid great road 60 feet, fronting the same ani extern ling back. 100 feet p mllel with said H run b wick oui.ty 11- e. w hich las kt wa reserve! by Alfred Kmith in the deed oonvcf ing said land to the 6aid Alex, oldbara. A. O. RICAUD, Commissioner. mch SJ-'Wd Fiiyetteville Observer. O N THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Sth. 1863, tne undersigned will revive the publication of the FAYETTEVILLE OBSKRVtU. The Observer wl 1 bo a largn Sgco'nmn weekly iew-paper, snd will be mailed - to sub- ecribrrs. postage paid, at $1 per annum, al ways in advance. J will give he sew of the day in as ample form as its spare will permit, an-t both ngi-ar and occa-ional correspon dents lit coiittibtite leuera fiora the capita on 6tat poiltics ani aTairs. - Uemon- atlc in potilic -, ibe Observer will 'ab r, ilxt ot all, to assure the prufperit' ot the T -wn of Kavettevllle, to develop th vast -igrlcultar 1 resources of ita own and the neigaboring coun e. and to promote all tha ws oe nsr ie welfare of the people of North Carolina. ' . . . Oppved to such innovations on the homely ways of our fathers a, in th- ru se of iro gres, harm society, the 'BSERver, will be found In fall sympathy with the new things born bf t e lian.ed c-tiditim of Che otzth which tound Jat sment or esl:ghtOBel expert ence find to be also good. .Lij -.--, i - As to be ret:tt will strive to deeerveth reputation of the name ft inherit, ! K- J. II A I.E. Jr. A week made at home try the industrious. Best bus! ness now tiefore the public, Caubal not needed. We will start you . Men. women bova and arii is wanted every where to work f orua Now is the the time. - You can wo k in spare time, or give yonr wnole time to the business. Ho other business will pay f vou nearly as well No one can fall to make enonnoua ttav. by en ravins at once. Costrr outat and terms free.1 axoney xnaae use, easuy ana honors Dry. ao drees TRrx A Co. Augusta, Maine. turrlS-d&wtt, i MISCELLANEQTTg wTorkWkii:. r wr kaii fJHK CIECCLATIOX OF TU&p pewapaperU constantly' la .J taxna au tne leading ik-V it ,( V V tilr v I and la arranged In lUndy 4t L? ? FOREIGN Nnri -. ; 4 j emoracCT speciaj dlspaKbtg fj, I of the globo. Under tbo hep.1 of AMERICAN StWg are given the Tekgrsphk IWt-L'iL week from aU tart rV v.VLV,lr w . ture alone makes TIIE WEEkLY ' - - i-fALX the most valuable chr-nMe In th; ! f POllTICAL NKM's t I embracing romplet and comnrvbeu-.' patches from tfashlngt. n, inrE s port of the speeches of eiulBfnfS. the aeetloiM of the hour.! ' 'THE FARM IKP A'tMrm,..! ! UERAtl) of the Weekly Herald ive the Uw, as tlie mo t prHCtlcal mr..ii THE HOW givinff reoetpfs for rraetVal dihf v J raakinu c thing and. for keepinx un latent fashions at ih - Ir. ". p Ri & ixnwion oorresponncnu AJ ' t I re looked after, and -.v.-J l . mecha les and iabor Varti;TA ditions of 1 v.niX iun THE FRODUrv. Mi nirr I I eminent diviu. uSSJSS7!' Personal and Sea ter every week, asTbelfe.r, .' I . Is eei.t. pastage free for one bSlu vt subscrrbo at e 'w.. 1 mtu uuiv. i j The New York Herald. In a Weekly form, Ooe DqlJar I ' . a Year. . Address . . XEW.of- liroauway sad Ann riff 0 . 1883. Harper's Young PcohIp AN ILLUSTRATE! W tEKLY-16 aget ' SUITED TO BOTx AND Gluts Of rBuM IIX TO SIXTEEN YEARS pf ACE. VoL IV. commences Novealw 7, ls& The Young People hs been from the fat succesefid beyoncf antk-.ipat!oD.-jV . I. ning Post- ' : 1 , It has a distinctive puriMc, to vMchttitrad ily adheres that, namely, or Fcpj-lantlnj us vicious papers for th joung with a itxf more attractive, as well as more holc.nt Boston Journal. - ... ...... ........ v. .iiiauu(, aimi conb.t3 generally. It In tmsnriwuae.l t; any y uncuuon ot mc Kinu yet vroQj(!i; U0V TEtuTs: HARPER'S Yf)UNU I'KOI LE, J t. Per Year, Postage Prepaid, l c J ole Numbers, F. urOnta earh. Spu lmen copy wnt on rcrelj.tof Tbnf C 1 be Volumes of Harper's Yonnr Peot lr for 1881 and 1S82, handsomely bound la lllumlni ted Cloth, Id be sent - by mall. .wtsjge pre raid, on receipt, of $3 W) each. Cour t Young Pcot)le for lj'2, M cent; poBtaje. tl cents additional I Remittances should be made by Post (3ot. Money Order or Draft, to avoMcnanoe of Newspapers are not to copy thU s'lrerti . ment without the express order of llAins k Brothers. Address i ! ! HARPEB k BBOTHERS, dv 1.t . Kfw Ynrt. Bulbert Bros. "Wholesale Price List. . Oi : . -' : --i- ft . 4 Piano. 7 oct., square, roscirooa, carved, agraffe """vTim 7 Plano.upright.TU ocU,cablnetpwl W 13 Organ, 4 itajreeda,9 stops soar organ.. " Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coup-. w Our Pianos and Orgica m war . ranted first-class. 3 Violin outfit, box, bow, stringsota ' v plete.....! " 3 Violin cremoha model, extra flas 4 Aocordeon, 10 keyf. bass box, fins tone... 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 top 5 reeds.perfeot- '""11 Mouth Organs, Vienna conotrt, boles. 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine Rlcbter W holes, G 8... ViZl 11 Month Organs. Genuine Concert 1 IN l- 1 UVWVW rm nv, - 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin. key. f boxwood '""'Cl 17 Fife, in ebony, German sllye ferutos , 16 UuJc Box, 1 tuns, crank, nne.j 19 8 tunes, wind wjth lever 20 YlttitoJvC nMs 22 DoulIBassV patent bead, a .or. 9 tl Guitar, niaple,. machine head, C finish... 4 ?" If J 23 Cornet, brass cornopcon style," ana crooks.... "'YZi 30 Drum, brass, Prussian. ornamenK Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo BtfrSh it uros. ............ Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo btrttn. U Bros....:. r'i Steel TUnn, Guitar and Banjo btrln.j H Bros....; v"'J Gut, Russian. German or Itollaa. Wj i InstrucUon- BooVb, Howe's or Wlaner'W i any instrument...... inn cisr n.rfrnT Inst m:,Aa irrvrfi trade for W r- er Sewing Machines, will sell thetnf or fa while they bast. ' 'M wier S i . uoney is qa.to saie in wbuw- i j pialnly addressed. ' s . ng tX Terms strlcUy cash with drder. w w itamps. ' ' . .Caf Agents and dealers send for our W pare v tlogue. -' " - -- e .On above net wholesale prices agew make 100 per cent. 'profit. , -..- Call on us when you come to ST.tThoo References r Any bank or wholes in the city. ; i. . li mfa llnlbert Bros., la the coif Ottenl v.. ss Onve Street.': SmSja Lot j.lan.-1-lT.;y--l-r"!3 -v . 1,1 j ' Farinersj Take i ' JS'oUce. Montis- uoo cnonEA U Just the thlnxr to cure cprrreat era and aU diseases-to wliich Hwtrs JCt ject; Jt r wtU .j.revnt that fjfa. ts known as Trtcfan. and will V?(jffir t a thrifty, healthy condi neys. liver. Ac. of worms , Each ; paekare- coniaiDB .zm pounds and will. If WCBrtLvtfT directions, core 10 hoga of tr?. itX V SO nor In condition tofattea ttjj? fgc- the praise. All farmers bouJd W7 Trr sale .wholesale H. O ' ' 1