THIS PAPEE .hjrf very evening, Sandaya pub!! reptfed bj' - JOSH T. JAMES, BPiroB XSU "ROPK1ETOU. LBSCUnriONS POSTAGE PAID: "ytur 14.00. Six months, 12.00. Tbret months. tl.00; One month. So cents. yte pal"1" delivered .carriers free 0( rfaarjce, ' any Pn lhe at the abov t4.r-r brents per week. A,!Tetisine rates low and liberal. I f-SaWrlJters will report any anI all fail ure t- re elve their paper regularly, gf- The AttVy R&ri&r- hit the largest horui fate cirrulfUion. of any newspttper vU,i!hM. in the 'ity of Wilmington. JSi Tlie water in tin (ir:it S;ilt Lake yield, on evaporation,' 25 per cent s!" Cremation Is booming. A company ui h a capital of $100,000 U to be iorru ed at Chirajo. . Jay Gould has one fur a t hroe weeks t.-ip Suth. Ills salary keeps rijht on during his absence. '.. i. ii Tabor, of Colorado, has been married thru; times once tt his first wife, and twice to his present one. A test of electricity as a '-'motive power for cars is to be madoon a section of the Elevated Railroad in New York. Kifer left his mark in the Capitol in the shape of k large hole made by ponnU in with his hammer on " the . Speaker's table. ' It is said that Ex-Senator David Davis i to be presentel by admiring fri-nds i in Texas with a chair made of ox horns. : Jute la one of the young industries of Mississippi, and a company has been formed at Vicksburg lor its exclusive manufacture. ''- The last ring discovered in Washing ton is a. big granite ring, through which the Coveruinent is said to have been dt trauiled out of large sums of money. Sheridan, the Barn Burner, will pub: lish sh.irtly his story of the surrender ol 1. ami it will be more than one story ; it willlc a bKk full ol th'm. What becomes of the hair pins? is a question that has never yet been satis laetorily answered!' Over two tons are made now every day in the country. The late Robert A. Packer, son of Asa Packer, of Pennsylvania, bequeath el one-half of his estate to his 'widow and the remaitidrrto Lehiuh University. Senator Edmunds is jn Aiken, S C , with his lamily. It is said that the Senator health is improving rapidly, and that it is with difficulty he can .get enough to eat at djjjner to fill his Aiken void. A report conies from Washington that President Autliur is suffering from B ighi's disease and that he has become j y despondent. He is troubled with in omnia and -tears ho will not live an other year. Mr. Winans. of Baltimore, is said to have taken an invincible disjike to his new palace aud refuses to inhabit it. It is rtported to have cost about 200.000. and can be bought for one-fourth of thataui"unt. ' , It is a melancholy fact that in the year IFgl 5.445 women were arrested anil lodged in the station houses in Bos ton, or about ono-tourth of the number of men arrested in the same time. Is this culchaw? More than 500 prominent Democrats from all parts of the country have been ! nnvited ti attend the annual banquet of the Iroquois Club of Ciiicago on the X3th of April, and Messrs Thomas F. Bayard. George II. Pendleton. W. F ilas W. C. P. Breckenridgo and Hen ry Watterson have agreed t respotid to tastB. The club has a largo member ship aud is in a very UouiUhing' cotidt lion. Senator E Imunds i one of the thrif ty sort, if what they say of him is true. His salary as Senator is $5,000 a year. He receives a salary of $5,000 a year aw 5ounelfi the Vermont Central Rail-! road company. This spring he went to New York ami made an argument in two caes Hij lee in each was $10,000 in(litii said on good authority that Elmunds after Carpenter's death, K ired $100 000 In retainers from the cable companies. Some very interesting erperimen's with the telephone have recently been made. Transmitters were hioked on o the telephone wires at Cleveland. Ohio, and New. York, and every word uttered could be heard as distinctly as if spoken but two blocks away. Dis tance 701 miles. They are to try it on next between Chicago and New York. &nl are sure of success. Distanco i, 000 miles. And the next thing, jve suppose, will be a duet between a New York baritone and ah a!mond-oycd so prano at Tekin. Distance 12.000 miles. And after that, we suppose, a confidon tUl chit with the man ia the moon. rXstance. by that time, do where and ao Boca tlrj .1H1 VOL. VII. W T v '. K. Anibu.h. :i c!firi'l lawir C!'Vi'latid. and an ex-iiMMtih-r f Ohio legislature. lr.i jljiM-n km it, f he laUs'.- Prison for iMiiifin month, hav tu been e ntvieti t! of lil.iekm:iilin. General M:tfn!or.-on. i)w new Sena t r from Xebrnka, sas l'censo system in that St miraly inweliiij out d tho hi;h li'iuor ?tte works ad sorderlly m- grtries and inerea-dnr Sate revenues. ... : 1- ' . j An expressman in -Portland. Oregon, was seen on a cold day j recently stam p ing on th sidewalk in front of (he Oij oMental Hotel to keep himself warm. while his overcoat was spread over his . . i . -I . ! ! liorso. Mr. Henry 15ergn win at once send this man a blanket for his horse and' a rattle for his baby. The Person County News commences its third volume with its 14th inst. Its prospects issuo of the fori future success and prosperity are bright-and promising, aud we cordially wteh Bro. Whiiaker a complete realization of all his wishes as a reward for his unceasing jabor in making a good, readable and newsy paper. i The battle is fairly pitched in Rhode Island. The case is Sprano and the people vs.. Bourn and the monopolists. The entire Slate is stirred 1 IfroMi centre to circumference and all iaromid and back again. It promises to-be an ex citing campagne. Butler, it is said, will stump the State forSpragne and Blaine for Bourn Some go so tar as to say Butler will put $20,000 of his own money into the campaign in the hope of getting a boost, from ;j Rhode, j I -land for his Presidential, bee. j Blaine hwlp with be only in tlie way of the tfuneral business. He wHl but speed his party to that Bourn mm whence no moon- eyed monopolist ever returns. LOCAL NEWS.1 IRDEX TO NEW ADYEHTISEMENTS. Yates ater Qirtls ! J H M E ltox - Rig Beet , ' W II GiiEKXJaiilfn ?-eed 1 Mckds I5uo8-!-Garilen ceA Ukinsiierger Hve Cent Music James Wilson Don't Pay Kent Attention Hibemian Asclatlon St. Patrick's Day in the morning. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 201) bales. Cool again this mo'nihg. with the wind from the North west Steamship Benefactor. Tribon, hence arrived at New Yoik March 14th. : J , - We aro glad to hear that the fruit prospects in . giMd.- thc iiJ tenor are thus far -.arge fires are burning HI Brunswick county, and the smoke thereof reaches the city. . ; j I It is said that the r cent korm made havoc among the timber and turpentim trees near II am let. There will be a special meeting of the Literary Club of the j Library Associa ' lion to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. fi the transaction of necessary business Schooner John A Qfijjin. Rice, bene1-' fr Pldladelphia, pas;il in at, Delea- ware Breakwater March 14ih. Mr. James A Wiliard isiVtho city oti a short vi-it to relatives and friends which business will probably bo com bined with pleasure. I ! I he alarm d tire this afternoon wa. causeAl by the burning of a hole m tt J . .. , ? 1 . , i HMif of the risiilence!northweSt cniei of Walputand Fifth streets. Damagi' very slight. Two palmetto tne3 lnm. .BaldheHii. tor the d eolation of St. James1 chun l. ofi Palm Sunday, arrived here to-day and attrac ed considerable attention. , Easter falls on the 25th of March this year. The last tinle 1 it f'.l thus early was in 1742. In 163, 1661 and 1731 ii also fell on this date, and the next cases wHl be 1891. 1951,2035.2046,2057,2013, 21 14. 2125. 2190., and so on. f A laurulress living at Raiding. Her wash Wat one day spreading, ; She fell over the rack f- j j ' And s,prainel her baek.' St. Jacobs Oil eurttl Mrs. Godding. At the clos of registrathm in the Upper Division of the first Ward yes terday, a total f I'M had registered; at the same time 255 hail regislered in the lower division ol the Same Ward, mak ing a total in the two ! divisions j of 359 I j j A very peculiar mistake occurred a few days since. An! Italian steamer, bound from Havana to Bean fort. S. C, put in at Beaufort. N. Ci. aud thought he was all right until told ' theJ contrary by the Custom "llooso ofiicer who boarded him. , i " ; - Jl S- ' i - V 11. M Jr Ui ILMINGTON. N. C. Postal Affairs Th mail -quipmint division of the lo'poHH.ffice department is now enjaue.! in supplying D..stmaers through-lit Ihe country with now locks, and keys The number d locks to be supplied-'is 2-vO.00( and tlie ntrnber of keys 5 0o0. Twelve years ago all the lock and keys in use in the mill service f the ooimtrj were channiHl and ew ones fnrmshi tl in their places. These will now bo cilled in and sold tor old iron, most. of ihni being worr.out. It Is estimat?Hr that the locks now bcng furnished will weariwenty years, bWng d an im. prved patern and made, of I the, best material. It will take from now until September Ut. to effect the change throughout the couutry. . Wc walk in the midst of secrets, :wc are enc-iu passed with mysteries, but it is an opeti secret that, there is no reme dy in the world 80 j wonderful as Dr. BulPs Cough Syrup for coughs aud colds. ! No Laborers. From every section of the country within a radius of 100 miles, we hear i . . - , complaints of the great scarcity of farm laborers. Work for the present crop year has been much delay ed in consequence of the long continued wet weather, and now, when the waters have subs'ded to such an extent as to permit of preparations for planting, there are few laborers to perfoim the work. The great number of colored men who have gone South pi years past to work in the turpentine forests, has been largely increased thi3 season, and farming operations will necessarily be largely curtailed in consequence. It is a great misfortue, and "one .'for which we see no remedy at present. Apprehension Quietel. There was a sickninir, foul ordor arising from the dock at the foot of Princess street this morning and. many. were the surmises as to the causo:lUjms made itaDpearanco itl Ghio antj was thought by some that some drown laUiana.t he b:se cdn has the exact ed person must have floated under' the pilmgVid hwlged there. ITud ' there was considerable excitement in consequence. The city officials - veru notified-' and Health Officer Scharff came down and made as thorough an examination as circumstances would permit. He could find nothing, however, but ,a quantity of hay which had floated up and lodged in the mouth of the sewer where it had become impacted, the liquid of the lat ter not having sufficient force to dis (o.lge it. Such matters cannot be too closely scrutinized tor pestilence and death are wafted abroad in offensive otlors. i 'Fruits hiicI Vegetables. New York dates of the 13th instant mention that there was a lil-eral suppiy of Florida strawberries, nearly 4.000 inarts, at hand. A tuw extra reached 50 cents a quart, hut most lots were at U45 cents. Florida peas and beans ere in moderate supply and generally inferior. The former were quoted 7 at -23 50 per crate and the latter at $44 50; asparagus sold at S54J0 cents . per bunch. ' j ; . j The New York Tribune says i "South ern fruits and vegetables are coming in argil quantities each day. and the ,rics arc vetting down t figures which liable persons of mderaie means" t nirenase and enjoy them. There are a ew hothouse M-aches in market, whiih -ell at $3 a quart, j String beans aro 75c. a crate, holding 3 quarts, toipatoes 0c. and 00c a qiiart grveu pea $150 , . . 1 . . .. , inula onion 40o a quart and Bermuda otatoes $1 a peck, i Sea. Side Park Motel. This delightful Summer resort n Vrightsvillo Sound has ten leaseil for a term of years by Capt B L Perry the el I ami favorably known proprietor f the Purcell House, in' this city, and he Hotel Brunswick, at Smiths ide We learn that the company owning the Sea Side Park Hotel will make exten sive alterations additions and improvc aients to the properly, and will begin the same immedratcly so that it may e ready for the approaching season. The proprietor wi 1 give his gues s the privilege of either of i these hotels . and vt 1 1 spare no pains nor expense in or der to secure the comfort and conven ience of those who would pass the sul try monthi away from the heat and dust of city life-- Everything will be in first class style, and with those two favorite resorts under his control. Capt Perry will be enabled to offer induce ments such as can hardly be eqaaled along the entire lino of oqr Southern coast. "j ,i"v. :'';'- '''"'' - "".-.!..'.":' To Bollders sad others Go to Jxcx si's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glsss dss. r Yoa cia cct all circa end it the lowest prices f - r." - .!""' ' " "--as".- -'" ' ' ;' '""'- " f--.t K'rf. JLibJl.j V JLAii H o FRIDAY. MA KCII 16, I Exports Foriijii. i Srhr. Juliet. Capt. Icaeh. cleared -to ' jav f.;r prna,hnc. South' Ann? W h 153 437 feet lumber, valued at 9ti7 57.' shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Son. - . , Fine Pish. Mrr (Jiorge Rogers had on market this afternoon two very fine rcktish. fraught in Greenville Sound this morn- ing.- Oiie if these weighed 3 and j the other 27 pounds.- The latter was sold toCapt. Perry, of the Pu reel 1 House. Mr. Rogers askl $2 eacli" for the tish which, : considering the weight; was cheap enough. For Pocket K uives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacohi's Hardware Depot f. ' : Singular Accident. A friend and subscriber, living in the extreme southern portion of the city met with a very singular mishap this morning, which would have been ex tremely ludicrous were it not for the painful consequences attending it. He was seated by the hearth, not feeling very "well, and opened his mouth to gape, when a live coal from the fire popped iuto it, burning his tongue quite severely. He thinks that hereafter.he wiU eudeavor to gape with his mouth shut. . First Iiibtallment. I Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, at 34 Market street, have received their first install ment of two hundred and fifty Flannel Suits which they warrant fast color. Kach-coat has a label' with their lull name sewed on the collar as a guar antee to their genuine quality. JJou't tail to get a suit. -" Dangerous-Counterfeit. j ThaXJhiet oLtht Secret Service; Pi vigl ion of the Treasury Department has been advised i hat a most dangerous counterfeit of the standard silver i dollar weighty ring and appearance of the ten uiue. and resists the Qcid test unlets the outer coating t silver is penetrated It would readily be accepted as genuine by merchants.; Sevral of the pieces have only been discovered upon reach ing a Sub-Treasury . , . "iWliat Seven Could not do. Nasuville. Tertn., April 6, 1881. II H Wabner & Co.. Sirs Seven physicians could not do for me 'what your Sate Kidney 'and Liver Cure nc complihed. Hopelessly sick with kid ney diseases, it-restored' me to perfect health.! JACOB MYERS. iHow to Treat a Cold..1 In view of the' large number of colds in town, and to advance a relief to our Mifferi ng people, we publish the follow- ng. which we clip from an exchange!. I', may prove a benefit to somebody : mm. v nen yon get cni.iy all tiver ano away into lyttur . bones, and begin to sniifll. and almost struggle tor your breuilwjust Ugiu . in time and your tribulation need not last very long. I Jet soma powdered borax and snufi the dry powder up your nostrils. (Jet y our i-amphor bottle and smell it fre quently 1 pour soine on your handker chief anu wipe our nose gwith it ever needed. . Your uose wili over n - ver get sore, ami you will worider Uhat has become of your rold. Begin this in tlie to. emion. and ketqi mi at in tervals until you go to bed. and you will s eep as weil as ever you did. Farmers and others tleiring a gen era, lucrative agency business, by a hieh $5 o $20 u day can b' earud send aihirss at tin-e. on postal, to 11. v Wu.KISN & Co-.. 195 ami 197 F.ul on Strorti.. Nha' York. i IriG m - -. "l . . . . . .. . I ! . Quarterly Meetings Fr the Wilmington tli-trict of the Methodist E.Ch'irch, South: - (COXCLUS ON PIICST KOUNO.) Oikesburtf at 1 lulls.-........ Mar. 17-15 Newton Grve Mission.. ... .Mar. 21 Point Caswell Mission, at Providence.-..-.. ..Mar. 27 R O. Bl'ictox. P. E Best ever made, Emory's Little Ca thartic Pills, pleasant to take, sugar coated ; no griping ; only 15 cents a box of Druggists or by mail. Stamlard Cure Co., 114 Nassau Street. New York. m d&w I Dl-liop Lyman Appointments March 18 Sunday W ilmington: 19 Momlai Wilmington. ! 20 Tuesday Wilmington. 22 Thursday Rocky Mount. 23 Gtxid Friday Tarboro. 25 Easter Day Wilson. 29 Thursday South Mills, con - , -I ; secration. , - , - 1 30 Friday Camden. 31 Saturday Newbegun Creek. A fine assortment cf Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hani ware Depot. t Buggies! Buggies J JEVT AisO COM UAh'D TOR SALS r - .t. j'eotrrnntLAirD. tt tS4t i J2V32. tXXt.lll Elbis , I8S3. NO: 60 Till 3IA1I 1 - . . Thjm;d ro-e ainj arrive at the City Pobt - CLOSK. "orthem thrupt malls, fx ft S.C0 P. 1 N'urtlifru tlinwizh ami wv.t mails... JV.40 A. ! ILiltjhjh 5.011 V. M. unt 5,40 A. II: Mails for the N. C. IC-tilruuil anJ routes euinllel thcrelroni inclutl- ina A. A V. C. U:ulroa.l a !..... .5.40 A. M StMithcrn Mails fur all jln!s South, Liih........ :lo A M. hntl 8.00 P. M. Wesicrw matla iG. C. li.iihvay)Uiily, (excejl Sun'lay). ; .5.00 P. 3J. AH jinU between Hamlet and Ital- i cl'h.. 5.00 P. M. Mail for Cheraw ant Iir!ir.cton ICail- ruail. t 30 A . M . unt S.00 P. J . Mails for pints between I'lorence -ami Charleston.:.. .0.30 A. M anti .00 P. M. rayettc Ulc at(toni:ch on CatKi Fear Kiver Tue.-layB ami' Kri. lays L.1.00 P. M Fayettevillc, Liimlwrtou. Liily, except Sundays .5.00 P. M. OnsUiW C H. and Intermediate 01B- 1 C8, Tuc 8 lays and FrMayB (00 A. M. Smittiville tnal!, by steamboat, daily - (except Sundays) ............S.30 A. M. Mails for hlay 11111., Town Creek. I Shallotteand Utile Itivt-i, Tuee- ! days and Fridays.. 1 6.00 A.M. OPEN FOa DElAVEltY. Wrlghtevillc, daily..! 8.30 A. M. Nortliern through and way mails f 7.3') and A 00 A. M Sonthern Mail.... r. .(.... ..7.S0 A. SI Carolina Central Railroad.-...- 3.45 A. M Mails collected. Trom suvct bcxe every da? at P. M. 1 ' . J Stamp O0ce open from 8 A. M. to iSiL, and froin 2 to 5. 5 P. M. Money order ami llegteUr Department ojeu earue as etamp oftice. 1 Stamps for alo in small quauiitieat genera) delivery when stamp otlice ia closed. General delivery omn from davlight to dark 4iii on Sundays from S.aft to 9.30' A. M. NKW ADVEItTISKMENTSi.: Attention ! M EM BE US OF THE UIBEUXIAN BKNET. OLrJXT ASSOCIATION. Yon nro here y" fiunmoned o at-semblo at 8lft'oYl ek. jiliir diiy morning. jctliMA SI llLL fori the purpose or celcl.ralln!! -T PATulCK.rj DAY; xty onler of ihe President i JOHN W'. UKltLY, nrh 1C It Chief hal. Don't Pay Rent. DURING TIIE PAST FIFTEEN ' 2. yeas 1 have so'd a la'ge num- rrs b r of houses and ots i 1 tii citv on th inst lH;nt i4an to 1 artie Who srfla aro now living lre' and I drpeudent t i'- ji of aii lords, ir not for tht iltn man v of them 'would till te paring ren ant pr anltijr under landlord ride, others, by paying sm tJt nmoiints monthly, row own 'twj to three houses ; oif p.u ty owns ix unci anoibvr owot seven. To b k! n an upward path tin in. einlinent plan has proven t be a k'o. i-us S'.e ces. It is wonderful Imw rapi ly bmll amount g tw into bijr llgur-rt Kuil.inx lots for rale .on the i BCalniv.ut plan tituned Sey nth, vvtKoo, tlghdi, iml lemh. Pick nso, lcetuh, n fwelitu.i Thirteenth, C-i8l Chirn-h. Nun, Ann, ran-,'e, t hcbtmil Wttutt Mulberry, lied oross, iiwyuu, char lone nid K- 11 in streets. Money lo n- d t tho-e wishing f it' Uicli Hi 1m ,tppU bi .1 xAl. WIi.s S. BIG BEEF. IHAT BIG BEEVE has Ten sw much talk OF WHICH THETth will be cut up and sold 1 . to morrow. It will bo about tho Largest and I -!--' Fattest aud Finest Eeef seen lu mirtet here lu many da s. Also, j VKAL, POBK, MUTTOK. SAUSAGES, Ac. Leave oners early and get prompt itelivery. . J. R. MELTON, N. W. Corner Market and econd streets, Proprietor of the out - te sauago m h 16 Factory in the Mate. 5 Clinton & Point Caswell Eail Road. 1 '--.. gEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived till 12 o'clock, M., of tho l?th day of April, 1S83, ftr th ! gradlns;nd track laying of the Clinton & Point Caswell Hail Koad. ' fcpociflc-ttlon3 and proCl s may be fcef;u by applyi ig to R. P. PADDiSON at Point Cau- well, Pender county. ' i mcli 15 Ira F. Y. KERCHNER, Pre3ldeaii IS DAY. A Complete -Assortment SPRING & SUMMER JECEIVnt TO DAY, WILL BE OPEN for inspection to morrow. . Thoe of my lady -ustoaiciwho lisrw been awaiting the arrival of thcto gjol-4nd ofi era will Hid among them the Ncnvsi itd Latest and PretUest Stj -Ire and Designs. A call and an examlnaUoa of stock U re spectfully 8 licited. MISS E- KARRER, tach I " E2CCII ANGfe. CIKNKIL BUTTER! , 1 - . - ': I. I -" QILTXDGK, ' ' : 1 ; . OLEOMAUGA JUNK. T2SAS, - . corrExs, ,,- - ,. li '-.-' '- '" .' ; ,fL' V -'-t ;." W MOLARS Ac . he Tor salefat low prUts fey - doa - . " will ? g. ui rertv! hnrin iranlo (Sons .v " 1 Tlie nanm of U wrher mo4 shvsjs 1m ttu 'th. to the. Kdltnr. ! -: " j " : ' " ' Com tn n nl cm ttons mast be wrttta; cm cfty oesMcof the paner. v j Peraonatltle moat be ol4et.i j n1 It t jerUily psrUonUrr vtrier to-1 that the Editor toea not ahray wndo-M t . e views of correiomlenta onless o stated .1 the editorial cnhimntt. j i XKW A r V K 1 IT? S nI fiXTS j Rflpu n tai n B utter; A FEW PACKAGES .IN ROLLS AND TUBS. FO It "SALE AT LOTT PEICE3. ITALL&PEAIISALL Easter Card -1, r!v y 1 A LARGE VAntETrOF ! Beautiful NewDesigns. - Call an4 see tbera C YATES' BOOKSTORE. Wa Liquoito. gUT A STOCK OF FSESU, A. HO, 1 G250 CKKXES winkeptsow'sto, I No.: 45, MaTketStireot. All good' sold by na win pe .sa wpreeested." GOOD GOODS AND- SMALL. PBOFJTS WILL BE OUR MOTTO, i us a trial and Jbe ;oonvicpd!.y 0 : inch 1 2 If R. J. A R IW K4 UG If CO. COUNTRY rEuciiANrtf" and very'bodt nur fet sui'ed In qttnllty-mi prices from the larre btoen ot "aiilkY 00,at the leV 5aldkry and Trnk llouof 4 ! ' II. M. BoWDEN A CO.,1 " , : ' 4 MarktSL Mannfacture and Repair, i men $ BISQUE FIGURES! A NO'iUtR LOT JUST UECE1VM), , : And for ale by ! 1 1 GILKK A MIRCnTROW. "mrh 12 . 11 nd 4w MiirrhUon It took Five Ceiit Uiisic. 1000 riECl!;? Vf andahd , ; jbUKtTAMU4lC juatrecelreO. Lover of Music, Attention t ' , . . ' .-. -- -i " ." r ucvoiuiion 10 onoet axoeit.- Tust th'nk of It t Thlamuil-U the mmela size, qu ility of pa r, embellshmnn . Ac . a th a heretofore oldat Irora Bt to 75 oenU.aod whlcu vr will soli vmnow W Ft VK CICMTtf. Now ia your time. Make your selocUooa from -r; : ii 1 w . , J H E INS B ERGER'S. mchI5 Lire R-ok anil Muelo dtn ' Wotice; rpHE UND RESIGNED BATING QUAU- Uel as Administrator on the estate of Bobert " C. Myers, d?ceaeed. on the 7tn day of Febrtt-j ary, 18SS, la the Proba e Coat t of NewHsae " verCouity, xsoUrei rcrebjjrtTen to sllpcr sons indebted to sal t eesed. 'to mike tm m dla e payment: and alt persons hvinfl; . claims a nim-t said estate, wl I .present them Tor pa mcnt on o- bf rj tho fttb d it of Feb ma y, 1S1. or iU notice will be plet la bar or thdir recovery. : ; i ' - j-. i i ; 1 his 9th day of February. 181. ! ' j , , . , J.J. . MACR. j ' ft-.hla4yfri - v ; f Afrn'r. f . " , Garden Seedl J pE AS, BEANS. WRN-CABBAGE. In - , nip. KqaiRh. Cnllard, UidUh, c;4c. . A fino selection of t lower.:eed. For safe by ; ' , ' ;W tLLIAM. JL GRKFX. mcb C ' - ; . ; Drofgiit. f The Place to Bay ' " r UUPENTINE TOOL3.. ' - X ; ' '.. ' - 1 ' ' PULLERS, 1 HACRflU, t IHPPKH-. Wlli TTK'tSL ! r tt-V K WfclGnTS, A7 Bet of goods a Kmc B-tton price ' A full ancf ciu. pleie fctork of Hardware 00079 on. lunu j " ..- . . . . I W. K. f PRINGEI A CO., -nocoesors to J ho Ihiwsoa A Co.. t . nichl2 . 13, Stand 23 Market street "GARDEN SEEDS. ' AKKESH LOT OF ALL KIN 03. of I ' ! v-- 1. . bago and Tnrntp Seed, early and Ute rarla Uei; Coltanl. poet and Tomato beed, a large ock and an endless variety of Pea od Bans. tetiiletJ at hol-al prices bj " nIundGBroo.i . Mannfacturing Pharmartts i , j iViC ,W v AY. XklV Td&2 AND WILMISAJTON. N. C. r i . Jan T .; ' ''' i t " If You Would be, Happv BUY A COOE CTOVE. v i I , "The.6o!(fen HafveBt," II CALUMET,1:' Or, SOUTIfKUN OAK, " Of P KKniS TA Ylt y; Pare White. Oilu . met , . F; P. JONES, seiior-t Law.' vm prat!oefV ary rcrt c ce fiut-j. Specj ttuzzzx ta I 1 c cUcauc- -erm:.;

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