- T. : I - 1 . 111 1 '- THIS PAPER vaaM every erenta. Sundays . cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, sprrox awd raorKirroa. tBSCKJPTIOKS POSTAGE PAID: ar fi-OO." Six months, $2.00. Three Booth. $1.; One month, cents. Tbe paper will be delivered by carrier free 0frge.lnnyPrto,lbec!tJ' ' thesbore rjJUc or 10 cenU per week. jj-SubcritT will report any and an UO u receive their paper regularly. t0 Tltiltt Review has the lamest Y A J - bona fide circulation, of any newspaper puhJinhed. in the city of Wilmington. & The total property of Mexico is now e tiniatiil at $340 791.403. - m The iron works in New Jersey are cIoMn on arcmint of the slow demand. . Senator Fair is reporieil lobe on the eve of resigning his Con M-ess.i. .rial sea'. .... ' The civil service hunibiijr commission will spend about $25,000 a year of the people money. The combneed anthracite coal com pa nies have agreed to resume work on lull t'yne next week. It cost England $22,000,000 to frtp-pr-8.s the Egyptian outbreak, and ahu will make India pay one-fourth. Senator Palmer, of Michigan, wh succeeds Ferry, is a millionaire, ami made his money out of salt and lumber. It is said that there arc enough beer galoon in Imln to reach seventy-thn-e miles if they were placed with their fronts side by side. Some Bohemian- sensationalist has started tho report that therq will be an extra session of the Senate to consider the Mexican treaty. It was rumored previous to his mar riage that Senator Davis would make hi bride a weddinz present of $500,000 io government bonds. The belligerence of the French gov ernment may be checked a little by the news that two British vessels ot war have tone to Madagascar. The arrest by the Spanish govern ment f 1.200 persons in the province of Andalusia alone, for complicity in an archist plots, is prooi of a very serious condition of affairs. In Prince Edward Island,. Dominion of Canada, there are said to be less persons unable to read and write, in proportion to the population, than in any other country in the world. The new pension law will no donbt take oTer 30,000.000 out of the Treas ury, instead l 5 000.000, as the pen sion claim agents who put the acts through Congress alleged it would take. The treasury and sub-treasury raulta now hold 100.000,000 silver dollars.and it. is said at the treasury that the entire coin aje from month to month will remain hj the treasury and help to swell this unwieldy accumulation. They have discovered a new and effec tive preventive of small pox, or. profess .to have, in New Orleans. It is by in novation with the virus after passing it through cow's milk; and it is svd to have proved efficacious in many causes. That is a magnificent work being dona now by the New York Jlcrald which is ever foremost in such good works, its fund for the relief of the sufferers by the recent floods amounts to nearly 50,000, and is increasing every day. In Chicago one Benson has reduced tattooing to a fine art, and is making pils of money by picking the names of their lovers in unmarried ladies' arms. The name or the true love- is indelibly fixed upon the person ol the young lady with needles. Tbo brutality of the prize ring was never better illustrated than in a "null" lought near Pittsburg, on the 1st. be tween a couple of boys, one' of whom was Vecondcd b his father, who com pelled the lad to fight ten " rounds aftci he was practically beaten ! . . The Berlin Elevated Kailroad, cross ing the city fnm east to west, is seven ttilt-s long, and cost about $16,000,000. At u chiefly usod'by third-class pas.sen fraJor short distances, and the groes receipts for Ihe first year will he 3 per nt. on its cost. Billy Sprague is to have the assistance Uen. Pryor as welUas Ben. But!er in his campaign for the gubernatorial chair in Rhode Island. Those orator8 ""id speak in Spraguo's behalf at Wake field on Saturday evening. Let some stand fnra under. itor Don Cameron has undergone Qcees8fal surgical operation for stnla Kls physician promises a per ?ntcureTh,e Perms ylvania Senator expected to spend some time with hi fnend Gen. M. C. Butler, in Edgefield. na UU to be hoped that theKuKlux III interfere to laar the pleasure of his r y VOL. VII. More than one-sixth of the water in the Mississippi gog -out now by the Atchafalaya instead f through the jot ties. A committee of prominent citi zens of New Orleans are ab ut to in vestigate tho matter( and recmniend measures for preventins tho further enlargement ot the AtchafalayaJ I A Washington teleirram says: The Secretary of the Treasury; v having directed that the word "cenU be adled Uth new. five cent piece, the superin tendent of the Philadelphia mint, wno produced the original coin, is preparing a now device for the back. Ko order lias, however, been ! made suspending the coinage of the netv'five cent j pieces, and they are being issued from the Philadelphia mint at the rate of nearly 5.000 wort h a Iay. The demand comes exclusively from private firms," ' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TxTESh aster Cards , II Gheex tardea Seed I Muki8 Uaos i-oU Wa.ier J Ukinhbkbokh five Cent Music A IS Cook Attention, Fifth Ward 11 hs a J Bakes Easter IX U and Boncata ; 1 Day's length 13 hours ami 5 minutes. There was quite a, sharp frost this morning. To-morrow, Talm Sunday, is tho last Sunday in Lent. " ' I , There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery. this week. I 1 . i 1 ! Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 11 minutes past 6 o'clock. 1 j The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 38 bales. I We have gained this year uearlyjtwo and a half hours of daylight. . , : I j For Pocket Knives or Table Chtlery. go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . f The Interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week were one adult'and one child! There were two . interments,' both adults, in Pine . Forest Ceuueteiy thilf week. . ' , . , Bladen Superior Court, Judge Mc Rae presiding, convenes at Elizabeth town on Monday next. i Tho Register ofr)eeds issued two marriage licenses this week, both of which were for colored couples. One case of arrested on', suspicion, bnt discharged for ?ant of evidence, was. the only report from police headquarters this morning. ' j ilossrs Munds Bros, will open the soda water campaign this afternoon. All who tried it last summer know what delicious soda they make. Our musical friend. Prof. ! Ilobbs, is oat of the city on a short visit to rela tive in Sampson county. He will re t urn on Monday or Tuesday next. Thera were quite' a number of flats loaded with wood at the docks this morning, but prices have advanced somewhat'Since the early part of the reek. . j' l" " Said a wise old dictor,at NbrdhofT. ' St. Jacobs Oil is very much bougbtof. It's kept for the sake. j Of each pain and acho - tj That any one has ever thought of. Bishop Lyman i3 expected here to night. As has already been stated by us. ho will bo the guest of -Dr. A. J. Dellosset. He will preach and confirm in St. JamesV tomorrow morning." The Hess Opera Troupe, which was booked to appear at the Opera !Ioue in this city on the S4th inst.j have oan-c-lled their engagement. Fir six con secutive seasons they have been booked here and every time canoelled their en gagemeut. i The ladies are invited to read Mr. S. J. BakerV advertisement as it ap. pears in this issue. She is now in re ception ot many new and pretty things, ot the latest and prettiest styles and de signs, to which she ask; attention. Capt. L. S. Belden is soon to begin the erection of a two story dwelling house on the corner of Fourth stree1 ami Cottage Lane, to make room for which tho two buildings now occupy ing the lot are to be torn down or re moved. I HJajri.Htrute'A Court. George Travers, colored, was ar raigned before Justice nail this morn ing on a charge ot abandonment pre ferredby his wife, Caledonia Ttavers. Evidence of the fact contained in the charge was abundant, and the defend ant was required to pay a fine of $25 and the costs for his misconduct, s default of which he was committed to j WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH 17. In Difttress -. i' The schooner Millie Trim, Captain Barber, bound from New ' York j to Charleston, S. C .with guano. 21 days nut. has put in herein distress, having lost her rudder head, jib stay, fore top moat, a portion of her rail, and is leaking badly. She lies on tins west of, the river discharging her cariro. after which a Bard of Survey will decidt whether she will en upon the dry i&ick or not. Messrs. IT G. Barker & Co are her oonsigheos in this city. ' . Educational. j ' Rev. A. D. Mayo. D - D.. ; of Bostor Mass.. will arrive in this city sometime in the early part of next week. His vWt will be in the cause of education a subject in which he is deeply interest-' ed anil he will study the condition of our graded school system, by invita tion of Prof. Noble while here. He will also deliver an address, probably at the Tileston School Room, while he remains ih our. midst, the 'subject of vhich will be "The Brain in the Hand, or Education and Work." Due notice will be given of the date of the lecture. It is certain that the longer a' speech, the weaker it is. but not so with a cold ; the longer it runs, the worse it becomes. A cold, be it ever so light, is no trifle, it should be checked in Its early stages. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is the -Balm of Gilead" that millions say is divine in its origin. Why Don't Toil iteslster? We earnestly call upon every' mem; berof the Democratic party in the cityJ to register at onoe and see that their friends do likewise. Remember that only three days remain in which it can be done, The election takes place on Thursday next and It is due to those gentlemen who have been nominated for Aldermen that they should receive our hearty . and united support. They have consented to serve and it is our business to see that they be electedt Wo cannot urge too strongly upon "our friends the necessity of registering; without doing so jou cannot, vote. I-c1 us make assurance doubly sure by polling our full strength. It is expected of us and we again urge upon our friends to register at once; do no put it off a day longer, but attend to it imme diately. .Easter Effjrg. . Easter comes very early indeed this year; upon the 25th of March, which is almost as early as it can ever ; be, and people arc, therefore, preparing what in old times used to be called pass eggs. It is a good plan, , too, for the egg col orcra of a neighborhood to hold a sort of "bee,'1 and uaite In the production of dyes, thus saving time and money. The exchange ot eggs between friends a? a token of love or ' friendship, is a very ancient custom, dating almost to the flood, for it is a symbol ot the ark, as well as of the resurrection, which is the reason that we present them at Easter, it is moreover & very universal custom prevailing among different nations and religions.' .The Jews placed egga'on their Passover tables, the Druids ' used them in their ceremonies, and the Per sians frequently gave them as New Year's gifts. If you. should happen to be in Russia this month, a Russian would greet you with Christ is Risen,' and offer an Easter egg and stranger still,; if you. woto in the East, a Mo hammedan would do the same, j At city confectioners fancy-aagar eggs- soinie of them of enormous size, and containing panoramas of j landscapes and figures, or else filled with bun bons may be had at all prices ; but appro priate home-made ones are worth twice as much. t ; To dye eggs, onion skins put in the water in which ; they are boiling will make them a bright yellow, or if left longer in the solution, will make them a rich brown. Logwood or violet ink 4 gives royal purple, cochineal, pink and crimson; and many pieces of chintz or bright ribbon the fade easily, if sewed tightly around the eggs, will color them nicely in figures, strips, or dots; another way is to dip the eggs" !nte hot water and then write a name or motto on the shell with tallow. It is then boiled in a solution of dye wood, when Ihe in scription will appear in white, upon a colored ground. Those who are skillful with penci1 and paint brush can present heir friends wfch really exquisite souvenirs, by ornamenting eggs with flowers and butterflies, or appropriate : texts I of scripture. - For these painted egrs. it is better to puncture a tiny hole with a pin in each slda. and blow oat the in- , , . - , ' v ae. kavinS a clear shell, than, to bo;l them ; and tfca apertures can bz cca-1 :X ' .:: VtiOtton. .' y i " ...;V j- The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to day foot np 1830 bales are compared with 2484 bales to corresponding date last year. ; a decrease this year of 654 bales. The receipts l the crop year to date foot up 120 505 bales as against 129 061 bales u same date last year, a decrease this year of 8 559 bales. f . ( Kptacopal Visitation. - The Ret Rev. Theodore Lyman. D. D.t Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, is expected to visit St. Marks Church, corner of 6th and Mulbery sts and administer the Apostolic Rite-of confirmation on Monday evening Marh I9ih. Services to commence at 8 o'clock. A general invitation is extended. Seats f.cc - .; ; l : The loet Priest. , .. - . f s Father Ryan, the Poet Priest, will deliver- a lecture in this city on Friday evening, April .,13th. This information was conveyed in a - letter received here by Mr. F. 11 Darby, President of the Hibernian Association, aud is in res ponse to an invitation extended, to him to lecture "here for the benefit of the building fund of the Association. We trust that nothing will Interfere this time to prevent Father Ryan's visit to Wilmington. : ; Good Work. j The committee of the Young People's Association of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in this city, who were appointed to solicit subscriptions to aid in erecting a statue to Martin Luther, in Washing ton, D. C, which Is to be unveiled on the 400ih anniversary of his birthday, have been qnite successful thus far. Something moro than $80 have already been collected, which is vcryood work considering the fact that the' committe have had but very little time to devote to their task. 3Iusical Charms. - - '- -j. '. A " couple Tot itinerant musicians (heaven sava the mark Laro been per ambulating the streets of the city for nearly a week after the pennies and to the delectation of the street gamins and annoyance of,bthers. ' One had an oboe and the other a bagpipe, and having canvassed the suburbs, they made their appearance on Market street this after noon. They were dirty-looking fellows, but the streets were thoroughly sprin kled as soon as they had left, so we imagine no damage will result from their presence. Hibernian Benevolent Associa- tlon. " -V1 ' The programme - of the Hibernian Benevolent Association, as previously announced, was carried out to-day, the members marching in procession to St. Thomas' Church, where Rev. Mr. Gross delivered an impressive and eloquent sermon appropriate to the occasion. After returning to the Hall the Association preceded to an election of officers for the ensuing year, with the following result: " V "President F. H. I)arby.r Vice PresidentrJames Reilfy. Secretary-Frames Corbett. Asst. Secretary William Shehan. ; TreasurerT; Donlan. j - jr- Taylor !. . ' The following complimentary refer ence to a Wilmington minister ap pears in this week's issue of the Rclig ota Herald, of Richmond. Va. VRm v.James B. Taylor. D. D , will end his ' pastoFtal connection with i the First' Bpiist church if Wilmington. N.'C. in July. This he does 011 hi. own mtion, greatly to the sorrow oi many loving hearts. ? He will go abroad mi the summer and ppend some months in feasting , his' eyes on the histoi ie acenes ot the old count ry. and also in visiting bis brother. Dr. George B Tay lor, in Italy; Bro. Tar has had a bitpW gxpei ience t in his W jlm ington t pastorate. Me is rea:iy one 01 tne wis est and most useful men in the pastoral work in the South. We are not; in formed as to his arrangements, for fu ture work, but happy will be the church that secures him. - " . ; .'. . First Install men t. ( Messrs. A. & I. Sbrier, at 34 Market street, have received their first install ment: of two hundred j and fifty Flannel Suits which they warrant fast color. Each coat has a label with their tull name sewed on the collar as a guar antee to their genuine ,. quality. Don't fail to get a suit. , Sheriff Ward, of Pender county, was in the city to-dar. . but we could not f quecxe a drop of news out of him. V II ypn are Itulned in health froia any cause. : especially trom the use of any of the thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with """J. tn", Promse largely, yrun long fictitious testimoaials,have no fear, Uen to Uop BiUcrs at cnce, Md in a short time yoa will tave tka meet ro NO. 67 THE MAILS l TtaemaUs close and arrive at the City Toat ofioe as follows ; . CIX)SE. : Northern through malls, fast.... ....00 P. M. Northern through and xrzr ui alls.... 5. 40 A. M. Ralei?h..... .5.00 P. M. anJ i.40 A. II. Malta for the N. C Uailroal an4 routes upiHel theretrom includ- , " ' ng A. & N. C. lUiliwi a ......5.40 A. M. 8ouhcrn Mall for aU points South. tally d Sit A. hi. fcnd S.00 P. M. Western malls (C C. Kaihr ay) dally, (except Sunday)....! 5.00 P. M. All ioinU between Hamlet and llal- eirh... i... ......... ....5. 00 P.M. Jlall for Cheraw and UiirHnxton Uail- road. 6 30 A . M . and 8.C0 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston. . . .P.S0 A . it and 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville aoi officer onae Pear Klver, Tuesday and Fridays 1.00 P. M Fayetteville, via Lamberton, daily, . . except Sundays... .......... .......5.00 P. 14. Onslow C. II. and intermediate olfl- ces, Tuesdays and Fri lays.. .6.00 A. M. Smith ville mat Is, by steam boat, daily (except Sunday) i S0 A. Mn aiaiis i or nae . SuaUotte am for Easy 11111, Town Creek. I Little ltlver. Tuea dayaand Fridaysi.. ........6.00 A. 31. i OPEN FOR DtXIVKUY. 1 Wrijrhtsvllle, daUy. . . . . ; ; . . ; . .8.80 A. If . Northern throngh aad way mails i - : 7.30 and 8.00 A. M Southern Malls...... J.... 7.30 A. M. OaroUna CtraJ JSallrOad 9.45 A. M Mails collected &om street boxes evorr day at 3.S0 P. M. t j ' Stamp Onlce open from 8 A. M. to iiM., and from 2 to 5.) 5 P. M. Money order and KegLittr lepartmen opoa s&me ha etamp oEice. ... Stamps for sale la small quantities at general delivery when stamp cilice in closed. , General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from t$.30 to 9.3) A. M. A fine assortment of Guua and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ' t JfEW ADVERTISKMENTS. Attention, Fifth Ward! jT THE SOUCITATION OF MAST li lends, I announce myself 'an Independent candidate for Alderman of your, wrd, und If elected, will serve! you to tho best of my ability. Respectfully, . mca 17-lt . A. B- COOK, SODA WATER. ANt AFTER TO-DAT Wfi JW1LX keep the most delicious Ice Cold Bode. Pore fruit juices only used." ' fJJunds Bros., . Dlapensine Pharmacists, A5D WTUVilNOTON, If. O. T xactill "; Easter Hats and Bonnets ! I AM UECEtVIXQ DAILY A LAEGE and beautiful line of goods j ' HATS, BONNETS, WREATHS, LAOS CAPS rEATHEES, LACES of all description. All kinds of HOSIERY for Ladies and Children. Tbe Ladies are invited to examine xny stock ; will take pleasure in showing them. Also! a lot of TOYS just received. Hair , work done to order. Country orders promptly attended to. s Slt&i. S.J. KAKhK, - -mchn-St;!-'- , - 12MarketSt. aiountaln Butter. r ' A. PEW PACKAGES IN ROLLS AND TUBS. .. FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES. HA LL & PEARS ALL mch 13 Clinton & Point' Caswell : Eail Eoad. gEALED j PROPOSALS WILL BE RE oeived till is o'clock, M., of the 19th day of April, 1S33, for the gradinzand track laying of tbe CUnton & Point Caswell Rail Road. SpeciilcatJons and profiles may be see& bj applying to r! P. PADDISOX at Point Cas well, Pender county. F. W. KEECnXEB. mch 15dm ' President THIS DAY. A Complete Assortment SPRIIsTG & SUMMER JJECEIVED TO-DAY, WILL BE OPXX for tcspecUcm to morrow. ! Those of tay lady -u3tomers wh have bt en awaitinthe antral of theie gcHU-and oth ti will Had among them the Newest ard Latest and Prettiest Styles aiwt Xickins. rC -" "! ; "" . '. 1 " . - t A larje assortment of the well known "Cor Ursw Lines Collarsall styles, Ladles snu Chlldre-'s. - . : " . i A c&n and an examination of ttoek is re- speetiuByaoSclted. MISS E. KARRER, 1883. Wewia be glad v reociTs r."r'" general latejrst but . ..... . .t t Tbesacse ot the wtiict tauxt a?ctj ti t3 ; nisbed'to the Editor. CommunicaUons must e Wrica ct 1 one side of the paper. ' i - PersonallUes out be -aTeUsU . - . . d And It U especially and partlcalirJy tl. soon mat tno Editor doee no4 ahraya easrrj tie views of eoTreepondesta eslsa'ta CZlz Z in the editorial cohimna. ; - T"" Don't Pay QqnCe DURIXG-TOE PAST riFXEEN - I years l have sold large rua- r ' b r of house and iota la this city on f th Insi-lment lan to turtles who i are now living f roe and independent It ' i u.wicr landlord n-lo. thers, by isyTnr small MrooMnte moutMy, row own two to three i nouses ; oa pn ty owns ix and another qwn$ ! ecvwiu To b.Tlj on an upward path th la I sulmeat plan has proven t be a tloilous snc-1 ces., Jt Is wonderful how rspMiy aill! amount g ow into big fluris. Bull lai lets I for kaJa'on.(he iulment plan sltnaicd ai ievnth, VU-ou, fcljrhib.Mnth, 1 enth. Dick f"-90.?' levcilLlhi. ,tay Tweirth. Thtrtenth, wni?VCliU n5!r SvnS. A.1,n nu,!re. Chestnut Walnut. Mulberry. Ked Cross Uwynn. chart lotte andKantin fetreeta. . 4 . iiouey lomed to thoe trlshi t belli. i IDCll lfi lm '.tlinl tn Ll 1 Ifk d ' payinsr rca ana rr iann yy Mfaj u 1 mu.t, Easter Gdrdo. larq E YAitrgrr or Beantiful ew DeoignUt Call oail tec thorn at " YATES? U 0 0KST0RE. rio Liquor "DCTA 8TOCH OSREail A ?f fL l r rv CERIES trill bo kept at etir etcra. ! ' '" : : -'. i ; '- I I No. 45f Market Streot i All roods SOld bT US Wtn 1 . wnMwM POOD QOOXJ , ASD WUIiCTIUJSTO . WILL; BIS. OUR, .IXQTTO. 93TGva ns a trial and be 'coavtacodvj mch 12 tf , ' . R. J. SCARBOROUGH ft CO. J , COITNTilY; JERCHASTS AND EVERY. EODT CAJf pot suited in quality nd prioes'rrom the Jarr stock ot AtUJLK8Y uoods, .at, the w . . , U.' iH WDEX & CO., Ko. 49 HarketSLi S3T Manufactore and Repair. , mch 6 TJTSOTTE FTfi-TTTJ'RS. AaaroraaiebT " ' , ' ' ' GILES & MUECITISON, mch li j r , . 3H and 40 Alurctlson Block Fire XJent Huslc. ( : iuuu : EHEET MUSIC JutreelTt4. Lo-ers of Music, Attention I ' ' : i ,,f- tterolotloa in Sheet ifusW Just thfnx of li t This must Is T the ssme la Size, quality ot paper, embeilUhmraU, too., as that heretofore sold at from 50 to 75 cents, and Which we will sell von tin 't MVR rrvr m a n piecks or fit vn 4 n . : i Iso w is your; time, afake yecr selecUoca from ' HEINSBERGER'S mch JS V , Live Book and Wufe Sfre , Carden'ojd ! pEAS, BEAKS, COCK. CJLES Ta - aip,8qaajta,ic6IlaTd,lladlia(t &c,;5te! A fine selection of JOoww oood. ' - ' I for sale by K p - " S'M " ' wiLxiAtcn: ciannr. men g ' - - - ' Dtx1 'rt. ! - ThePlaoetoBuy: - TPHtSS8 ? TfAcrxf- DIPPERS, WUfcTTKlIs. . . : r HAtK-VTaGrrrS,A,fi&e7 Best of goods at RocxBo4ton prtees. A full and complete stock of Ilarawaro Jr"? ontuutd.'"-! - .. ; - . - - ITT nn y w r." m Ma Sueeeeaors to J hn Dawson A Oo.. , .tnch 13 ; 19, 21 and O Market street If You .3 Wduldrbo ; Happy , ' BUY A COOZ STOVE. "PAI IIMFT If V-... , VflkUIIIUIl . m. ! . OK "SOUTIfKItN OAir Of ' PARKER & TAYIIC Pure White OIL- i r. r v i, ..- xach G ILJZZDOJt, . ."."' OLEOktABGAEUrZ. : TEAS, Vs- COFFEZ3, For caCat low prices by"- ; , j . D e R 00 c 0 1 s O b. f?b C7 T A week macta at hosse 17 V-S tt tolsMtrio. Best J f "r. BtfwJwfcrs the rt:t-. T. V 3 Caplial iiot v. ed&L Vt'o wldstarsyoau A.u. wo!ueB,' boys aad clrU wanted everyvrt re to work- frj Sow t the the time. Toucan wortrln fj.ire tisa, rr rive your wbale x'a , to ,sba Luiaeas. : other buiiwlil Tay , rvix xiearly as wel No oaa can fc0 to toaie enormous j iy, by 0 mgixit at once. Coetlr onuit tui i tenaa L-. Money made fat. caftUy aad honcratly. AC 'IrwiTiirR A ro., AtigTMt. Jlitv COTlMiwtt. - . F. P. J0HE3, QLLVTOS, ??. CW ATTOZrrr Cc: seilor-at JLw. WI2 rractle Li r rt r fceKta:?. urrdU a::;U:3 rr:i it r

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