The Daily Review WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH 17. 1683. &atered at the Postoifice at Wilmington, N. C. ... lecond-claA matter. . WahinUn Critic: One of the pe culiar! lies of lezUl&lionlone hastily in -"Conference committee ! shown in the treatment ol iron ore by Conroaa. The oM rate was 57 cent a ton. Both the . ' .1 ft : j Drnaie ami House in meir, .rcjwnts UriffbilU had reduced the duty to 5 cent a ton. The Sherman-Kelley on- , Terence committee raided it to the- un precedented rate ot 75 cents a ton. Such jailing U outrageous: it is not t legislation. The methods adopted b '. tho Repnb leans to force th3 passage of Urif bill ot some kind, a bill that either freo trade fish, nrotection flesh. nor revenue reform red herring, is di . casting, and unless it works well throusU'mt. tho country, both for em- piojerann employed, i? wii wm n for the Republican paly. That the - tariff question is eron temporarily oat ot politics Is a grave mistake. The' most outrageous, the most m twit Tm t Vi a mnot a v m K 1 tm Testy on a trial by jury .was the acquit tal of N. L. Dukos.on trial for the mur der of A. C. Nutt, at Uniontown, : Fayette county. Pa. The murder wa? one of the most atrocious" in criminal annals and was tho sequel to an infani which has no parallel in our knowledge Dakes. a lawyer by proesioti. was en gaged to bo married to the -daughter of Halt, an oCk'ial of the State and a mm ok influence, property and hih social standing. His family stood very liigl. In the community, but. Dukes, I'm anrae'canMo wisht-d to break hi enga;: . Riant with the daughter ar.d'to acvoii. plih that purpose wrote to the lathci accusing tho daughter of gross mioonii UUVt IIIKI 'U II A"k ITT, w. IIIHI nilH I time ha provwl lo bo ntindy .withou - GrMindation. Mr. Nutt. f t lather ofth arfk an explanation of the mat ter. and in' the exciteniiMit the ' moment a souffle enti? r, - ki..k ... u:t. t. .. ii . Bti7i nil ii-ii. n 1 1 1 ic it nxmu.-ti, un mantel pit ce. Pukes delilienttely dre" ' a pistol and shot him dead. There, uer three witnesses v h saw the act. Nui was unarmed., 'I his ua the sub-danc. i of the testimony yet tfie murderer wh - acquitted. The people f the count? are Justly ntnl furiously indignant at i.h ..Tenlict and have hiinir the iiiuideni and the jurors in "t-fliy: 'Indignation . meetings have been held and the net mm of : the' jurors . denounced and mam threats have" been - made of lynching . Dukes and the jurors who acquitted him. . -.- Whatever may be his faults and hi. . sins (and they are o unities) Governo, Butler, of Massachusetts is doing sum. much needed work if reform m th 'Bay State." In his inaugural address to the leginture he pointed out mam abuses which ought to be remedied am' 0Vfthat tl nl ct Krwl y nninli - m w .4 1 .vice and many wholesome suggestion? 1 as to Its duties; but they have been un heeded, ami as a consequence bills that have been passed have been met with i prompt veto, whenever they have in : the least conflicted with the Governor' r JleU taming his attention to the pub lie Institutions' of the State in earn, est and is unearthing the rascal ties and tlunderinrt . of the last twenty-fiive . years, and tome ot those who have held poll t ions so long that they seemed to re gard them as a right In fee simple .begin to - quake and tremble in theirshoes. There is a fair prospect T that many of these place-holders wilt ' . L 1 ti i i satv on opportunity oeinre tong 10 seeit deployment, while others have good reason to dread a terra id service in the Gtate's prison for their official miscon dactt'.They know that Butler is pitiless and relentless, and that his great expe rience as one of the njost successful ' criminal lawyers in the country pecu larly fits him for the task he has under taken. I Icnce they have" gH k1 reason to tremble Thty will have hard work to dodge tbe responsibility of thoir'offi eial misconduct, but must "grin ami bear it" with the best grace possible, while we of the South can look on with most profound unooncern. As the wo man said when she saw her husband fighting with a bear. "Go in old man; go In bear; I doVt.. care a cent which ; TIIBOUTC03IK, everv knows, a thoroughly commercial publication, with nothing ? politico about, speaking of the tariff bill of the 47th Gngres. says : Tariff legt lat t m at Wanni n gt on has crntttubea tliolitahle cufliit ff fmlividu il and corporate iuteruciU for spucial ailvantasva. Tne prent tari 11 b ll i the mitiifaotsy oire inof uu altera tt to ruoondle the ''conflict of in- terestsafara'to pttnnit the pasnje f Mtitt rtof a bill t meet the public demand for a retluetiin of fixation -Tha amount ol reduction" fffifd re mains to tie seen. AO two HUtlloritteS era njmHl upon this point. Some? sim r.Ii.lcation or tho tariff is believed lo Bra t ;:a tC-jivJ. ana thli ii pzrtica- larly "welrome. -."While-1 he' prewnt bill i.h wt'leuud for the uuor l-nlu eoi.ffm-!. it i ot t' b tiiottht tha the ailjtMmeiiL wiil prove in any a M-noaiu-fit -t l lenient! l the vt-x-t questional isMie. As tho appropi la lion for the ensuing lial 3 ear liae lieen re.liiceil me $G;.(KK1.0j0, it t fairly ceriaiu that the neeessity for a further reduction nf taxation will be loreeil upon the Fony-eilith O-ii-gres at iti first seftMm. It i- to 1h hoped that the p it icy advocate I by I3ralstreets will fi d favor. . Thirf !- ilion i in brief at follow: I he oliey of pritteclioii wan entered upon in Uin United States undei the pjea that it duration would Ihj teniKra.ry J Siier or later a distinct reek niiii ;misL ie hail betore the ueple. uhIcks the opu lar conflict is warded off by au :vvuwnl willmgiies! 011 the part ! luauufactur era to dubmit to a redue;ioti ot pro tective taxes at intervals extending over a period if yeaw. j The earning out of Mthetiies in h nance deeudKiii upon future legislation -is difficult, but il is believed that the taiiff uitidtUo U tiusceplible Of Rich a solution Thi done; the tariff question would b taken ut ot imluies " In no other rt'tt) ig its removal possible. At present it is the political question tor contend ing parties to battle over. The depress ing influence of a prolonged popular contest upon the business jint erects ot the country would be very grat.l This otittfome can, we believe, only be avert ed by an agreement of thoe h con trol the leading industries with the revenue reformers-for a gradual relue tion of the tariff. Such! a policy wa proiuixed. in theory, by thone who were uaiuly iustruiurtiitil in securing the idoption of protection. An imperial government in dealing with proteetiye taxes would at the proper Interval frame tud put in execution uch a scheme ( reilueiion. But with agents of the manufacturers practically -in charge ol legislation at Washington, the periuati ;nt solution indicated isjouint the ques tion unirs the captuins of indn-try will igreolhereto. Failing in that, a popular unte!t wiU, HrlorH. he t-n ered up n. nd the danger is that the ultimate out conic wili be a violent j 1 eduction ot rotiftive taxes. From every point ot iew it is de-iraule that sucii a eouiesi be-not iuviti!. I; 1 K Mtgrli 011 CoriiM. j 1 -Ak for Well.- -Rough on Corn. 15. Quick, eom pie e. permauent cure. Joni, warts, bunions, i moons him:. A Phila 'elphia b-arding-house' keep -r Woiii take any tint pretty uitls iicep!hl Noinuf lnirii, - Those jw ho Il in love are sateti tzeher at the 1 hie. and ot'cou.Sc 1"S: their apMt;ites What arc you laiulxjns; 1-Tii ? a-ked Alis.-.lonesol her husband. ho was clittckl n ovi r his new-.-paj er. liink I stKuck here.' he replied. "Inn ii V ha 1 illy lining enough for two." (fincinwttiSUtirdiiNiyht. A girl jus returned to llmuihal I" truiu a B.tou hili m'IkniI. s-ihl 1 hii seeing a life-enjihiej at wik: ' Who would evah h ue dveannil,sueh 1 vewy dimiuu. ivel ('k ilt; upawalu von Id hold s 1 uiiteli w.iuaii!" A Virginian has invented combina tioti whiuh answers lor a door i ll, and 1 door plate. - If he can manauejlo add 1 kicking a'tat-him-m to tl e thing, ocatertatn stunly tramps in a liVerv vay. a naiion will ris jup and call iim K public benefactor. A rural chap, wish a great deal of nusie in his ul. visited the city and -topjatl in Iront of atij opera hou-e vhere the o client ra wa rendering A'agnerian airs. "(Joing in?M asked a friend; tapping him on j the shotiHlier Well. es. I calrulale to. he replied. but I ues I'll wait' till they get .hrough mending boilers inside. " I .vant t hear th music " . frs. Lnlu Reel. o Mathews. N. Ci -ays- I received great benefit from Hiown's Iron Bitters in geneial debili- o A French chemist hasdiscovereil that the flavor of fchece is dit;riuin ed by he uernis in the j atmosphere I he serins must be in a 1st ate of ra pid de- composition where Lim burger is ruau- utactureuv Young, hiiddle-aged. or old men. suffering from nervou dehi ity or kin tire! affections, 6hould address, with two stamps, for large treatise. WoridV Disjiensary Medical Association, Buf lalo, N. . j - - w-s 4What shall I do. Mrsj McGregor ? I am wet through and throngli!" said a preacher, arriving drenched." flei into the pulpit as sane as ye ran. Ye'll be dry eno thtre," replied the old Scotch woman. Brlffht8 IiMeiiMe, 13inbetP8. Klilney, Liver or, Urouury DiMeaMe. ; '-j. ("-v: Have no fear of any of these diseases if you use Hop Ritiirs, as! ihey w ill pre vent and cure the woi-si case, even when you have been -made ty,;rse b some great 'puffed uppreteuded cure: " 7 -7- A New Yorker has invented a ma chine lor playing the piano. (1mI heavens. ar there not girls enough P Int it time to have a 'lynching ? Boston Post. i I Dr. 'C. W. Benson's Celery and Chammoinile ilU are prepanil ex pressly to cure and uill cure Headache of all kinds. Neuralgia. ! Xervounes and Dysjepsia. iruval and etnloiseil by physicians. Atrnonier Pnctr declares that Jupiter i i i the s' ate that our inh wa 34 IMKl OoO ears nip. Those j who can reuie.f.lH-r l k 31 OOfl (HK) 3 car a w.H understand what ihi iu-aus. III hop l.yiuiiii's A pp dot incuts March H Sunday-to ii mtngtoti. . ; 19 .M.hmLo Wilmington. 2i Tuesitiy Wilmington. . 22 TburjMUv Uockv M.unL - 23 t (tun! FriLty Tarbn. 25 Easier la :Wi!sMil t "; :,' 21) rhursday South Mills, con- secration. s,' I 20 Friday Camden. ' t : " '. 21 Citurdii Ii'ttwbcua Qrzzh. Failing! ! That is what a great many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. . The onty sure remedy yet found is Brown's Iron. Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted . tissues, drives but disease and gives health and strength. - - - This is why: Brown's Iron Bitters will : cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia dyspepsia, mala ria,. intermittent fevers, &d - - 993 S. Paca St., Bahlaor. . hor. sS, t83x. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weeks could eat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, and am h jpy to I now nave a food appetite, and am getting stronger.' Jos. McCawltt. . Brown's Iron Bitiers is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of iron that causes no injurious 'ef fects. Get thle genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. moh 1 lw lir-nrn XV n 11 1 e (1 Ten ch v rs ! , nth emjIo men inr nu 8tng and um mr. A (IreM J. C. McCt ltl St. C f feli4w I Pill 1 0 iMH UmauailicaLTtbni rt'tura strain. I tucaa nal bl curs. I har na& tU dlstiasa i t F.TS. l.i'II.CPST 1 aa up. I An iui raM nxnlT to mtot) 1 0CUl IOC me PAIXlj;OS;CKNi:dl a:-lurtody. Iwrnrrantr f my!T to enre tb worst cams. Koomm others brv . tuileu 1 1 no rarismi Tor not now rseciTing n cars, t-rnc a ones it truaMs snt Kr Uottl f my lnr.Ui:i: re -rvlr. "CIr KTprws nl Tot O'Tlo. It oki yott oiblatr frr H trVU rnl I win ir yn. OUTMe . U. Q. KO0T 1S4 i'Mil 8t Nnr Tor Free ! Cards- Chrdmos. We wlU etii freo by m It a sample vt of our 1 trge Graian, French rni't American Dhnrarrl',B tint-! ani fcol . gr.-un'p with tk priee lutt - lover 200 differ nt 1riffna, o i receipt of h etftnip for Mt;tge. We wil aUo M-ii'i free by ra ii amuK'8 .ten of ur ea tliul Uiir ms, m re-Ii t f ten o-nU to lv fr iaktif "nt p 8ttire; lr eni oe a Co- flilentlal price li-t of- ur Ia ge o. ra-om8 'gent raaUxl. Ad lie 6 K.-.LEA80 & CO , 66 fnmmer Mi'eet. Ikon, Mn.t ; ' fe- a4y - -'- " ' - Mothers KeaU This ! fTOXB CIDOS. N. Y. Van Pecsen Bbo.. lcar.Mr: i.ur Worm t onfei TIOks have of lnriuai le t us iur lit-le by, two vears oM, (ilBcbar.ed vt-r th r.y worm in a few dayc, u ng only 'a ftw of yur M ia 'onfctoos.-l aiu glaa i b-H lest'ino-.y to ibe value of . VaDi euaeo't Woira i OufcctioD. Yoa-. ' " " i . ; . - . : ItEV. J. L. MoN tIS. Try th m Z3c a box. - r - YaxDECmEX BROS fph 2B-W ,i . . . -tlUTAtOII . V ". "nIOORE COUNTY GRIT II LWlvJI IdlLLO Anu UiLLOl UfiL. fAMi i til m inn bm hvaiim' ,BCSTinTIJE70RlD J txicrxxs cr icxai czar Sr ' r-rmncTTos tttt t i rn? - Lime; Kainit and Plaster 1 BUI LO I NO LIMK, AGRICULTURAL TLIME CARBON ATE F UM KAINIT, " ; - . LAVD P.ASTER ANH MARL, j GOOD FEKTILIZERS, AHD TEST CHKAP. , Mn4 for Circular FUEXCII BUfisj, ffthW . Rck,llnt. N. C. ; ItiiitinbrTliii. If yon Are nick II BiUer? will nre: ly aii I Nature iu making 3 ou well when all I-e. fails. . . - ,; If yoii are costive or,.dyiipepti -or are suffering fmai any oilier f the tinnif r. 'Hs iliises 'of the nfumach or bwl9. it i ymir own HiuU.if yu re main ill, fr Hop Hittcis are -a fover iifn riiitt ii.i all such coiiiflaints. If V4H1 ate waiini uwa with any f.rni Kcluov stop lenijilinjt lHnth ihi?jninenL aud turn k a euro to llp Bitters. ; ' - L Il yiraiv ssick with that tor ri hies u-k-n8. XrvotiiHsi, im HihI a "Balm in Ciilcail iu the lis if II Bi.ttrs If yu are a freiiftittr. r a rpai ei t f a iiiiMSiiiatit ilUtnef. hariiraU mr Jfti'm njmitisi th ntMirue of all ihii. tritu malarial; pilfiiuc.' billioiH. :iil intt rmitifiit rve'r-b th u.-col IIrp Bi:teri. " : - . -: . ; - If hire rnnjih. pimply, or: falliw skill. Kail brfalh. taiiu and' nehi. and Ufl iiiiMTahle reiM-rally. Hop: Biiteri will fiiveymi fairtkii(. rtih hiottv md sweetest bc'aih. iMmhh and rtitnfrt. In hrt they curt all tli.Maet t.f -tlw "toniarh.' B.wh1i.' B. Liver." X-f r -" KMii 1. Bright" 1 )iea. r; 500 w i I pail fr acie they will nL curia' r help. .n-1. ::y, ,. .-t That poor heilriildpn,' invalwl wife, sister, mother, -or; daithter can ! mad the pittur- of hraJth; by a ? law bottles of- Hop Biiters.coft fns, ttifc S trifle Will yea lctthesi Eur. MISCELLANEOUS o - ? ' t Z sr . " er C r r H 2 ' S. ' c 5 a. 3. 1 tl 1 1- ' mm - ' I " ; S" 1 I O . o -' S -; 9 - mm- S , 3 i u 3 2 a i OH c' a C r 5 3 o M 05 2. S ts O mm k r 0 CO 2 J olm h. Boat wrigli t'ls 'PAROLE D'HONNETJIl" Roller Process Flour. For Beauty, 81rciiglli, Purity ; and Bread pro 1 1 u 1 c ,-i i iliti es, it is the highest sittain able standard. (Stiaranteed in eri 3 IiJri c TRY IT. II .WILL PROVE ALL WEiCLA M ! j " You rr. 4 01 1 X L. 11 0 AT W H I G I II ; Uec Is. -. . L " THE liKST LINE OPFWE WHISKEYS, WINES, &c. IN .NORTH CAROL NA. :-.,-.w, .,-.r.;f ... j- - . ; Capo Foar, $7, tuarfH ICyc, $4, Virginia GUicleH, $4 - MartellV $3. North Caro Una Pure Corn IfOR MbtilCINAL I'URPO E UEXJKLt D .PEACH AND HONEY I. V- ' " - 7 . ,- ' : '.i''" 1 PUR COlGtlS, COLlS. Jtc , btstCer than any medicine in the country. ' A e also rccom mend "ur B CK AKD KYE or the ROCK AND CORN, FOR GOUGUS, COLDS, Ac IufaUi btoCure. - :-- -L. - - '- ' n '--':': ster's Candy. SKUrCIlATEL, ESGLISff DAIRY, TOUG AMHICA and tntt CELAM CUtESE.1 - FRKJn IN STOCK. Pi L. BRIDGERS &f CO. mrh H f: -Foreclosure Sale. c "gV YIRlUK Or TUL POWER OF 8ALE ooutaine t in certain deed made by J J HM'e and wife to T. B Lippitt, as Trustee tor Pontirr'fht Mr or and their, helra and a 1)cn. "d rcrit rt tn lhk P - P. re the Kerprdj of fr .Ha Ter m tj. tle ttefvljrntd n Attorny rtr he Mid im te will el the lgu-t btd er for - theC'o rt l'oietoo In the dtv or ilral g ton.;iy- iril iiwl ti3. at li "o'cl rk, M. the oltw L g 1eMrii di'0e t eituate In t-al1 clu . hedm ing- ttie 'N.rth mt in cr rtin orimtti with Cbiwtnat nuei t, ru thence North with the Wh, tern line of Ip th treei SOfet-t, ibew wgt . lotijr rra'rtV line 18 io c U l i nut's li. lin-uw -ouih .VO f t to Ch attnit Hreet. thenee lo g thrt nb Hne ot bectnnt street 16 poles to ih bcia nig. . J D UfcLLAMVi J... . nch J . ' t or ey PURCELL HOUSE. JJXDEK MCW MANAGEMENT. . . Wtl.MtVUTON. N. ; - ' B. L. P K R K 1 . Ini.rieur. ijue Proiit-ur Ailaotk- llotei. ilri-Cl ut all It iKttlinnt Term f to .01) a the lookout, for dune ce to Inn-ear; tltcir fa" tAntr il..... jb- m , uHr wimi i uif luiitrorv their ofpiri unities remain in poverty v i e ot frrtrb ncr Unithe:'nMtir7. U'e want manymen; wr.H.ti. imyi. aixl idris b work for rtffbt.n tlM-irown kcaUtie-.. Anj-ne chd do the work properly from the Civt start The busln as will ny iimre than en tbues onll nary wa2es.r. hxieniTe outflt fun-Ubeil free No one i bo entires fail- to make mo.-y rap J.4ly. - You can ?er e your whole time to the work, oronjy y, ttr -inre raoment. Full in dress Tne 05 a Co PonlancL iiiiia. M ISCEI.L A XEOUS. ' V ' 1SS3. Ilarper's Maiffaziuc. ILLUSTHATEI). . " - . -: " ... .... ITarprt Magazine liegtim ! s ixty-lxh vol ume with tle i--wmlw Number It I not oulv th- ni5t I'Opular II hairate" irlo!l al In AmciicM aivi l-npkiui. but w tLe larej-t in lt .-h. iu lle mwt ..baut ful ! lt piear sin e, an I the Wm mag !zbc f- r he hont. A new no 1 fiitithi i o the .Mnj"r," by i on tilnnie renlmoie ! to o- len the anlhoi " of Anne " was bejnui It. ih Noeler $ nml r: n diem mt a.tli-tt; rxi li-n v II iluffa zine iitinivi- m iti ea-l ' i--ei-lvc num4T ? Lil effort. hac Urn made for the! UjfMer eiiUitMiiitnenl ot ltreais tbiouh! humor ous fclorie, fekub-het! . 1 ". ... - ' Harper's Periodicals. IlAKrER'S MAOAZISt......"......... Harper's WEEKi-r.... ....... ....... IUrfei:'s Bazar... ...J .$4 DO . 4 00 . 4 0 .10 0 . " 00 . l ad The Threb above pnt'IioatloDs. Any Two above namod. .......... ....... Harper's Vouko People.. Harpe t'a Maoazixk A Harper's o o People 5 00 10 Oti UARPbK'8 KRANKUK -Ql ABE LIBRARY, One Year (32 Numb i). Pngt-age Fret to all tutmcrSbert in (Ke United State or Ceuiada. . The volnm- of the Magazine begin Vlth th Numbers for June anl IX einlierof ear U year W ln-n no time is ie- Ifiel. it ill ta umler (itHMl ihat the tiiltciiber to with the current Numlasr -,- I- The hot fciirnt Volnn'es cf IJarpera Mtvja tine. In reat-cloth hi dltijr, will-e ent b mall, potaid. on fe ci.t ot i ' Oil p r volume C'oth i jim for bli.tilnjr,. AO eei W eci by tnnil ost aid. . Index t ' Harper Magazine, Alphal'etical. An H.-al ,anr l;rsia-d, br Volnroesl to0 Iiwluhive ri-nm Jun. I M,m June, li0, one voi , vo, loth, ft 0. i i.eniltiances htikl b made bv Pot-f18' e Money der or Urali. lo .vo.rt ehan.eol Iocs. XejrujHiprr art- not to copy thin adrertiimnent trithoui the exprts order ot HaRPKR & llUOo A oil rest I " II VhPEK & BKOTIH-R. dec 13 - New oik. . ISS3. Harper's' Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ! narper' Weekly standa at the head of Amrl ran iifun rab d weekly -journal..' Ryttsunpar-ti-ai position In iolitU't jits dmiraldc iliustm to 8 U-carefully i'hni. erlal-.shrl utvTi-f, -ketches. no p-tma. contrtbitied by the fore imtt ar'Ii't and ant nor-! o! line ilay. Ii carrh 1 8ii'urtin hd eiuci tainru ; tit to tho sands ot America hom ' li w 11 ai s Ik the al of the publishers io n ke Harper's IV eeklyWw mo-t p. polar and attractive l.inily news-paper in the world. r's; Periodicals. IVr Year: Harper's Wekki.v. 00 HARPER'S MACiAZlXK 4 00 IIarpkk's Hazak. .... ................... ; 4 Wl The TllltKE above put-llcationu 10 00 Any Two aWve named . ........... A .... 1 1 A h P K h S V I IT N O I KJ 1 LE." . . . . L .. . . . . . . llAKI'KK' Maoazine Harper's oi'n ibiple. V T " , 7 00 1 .V) 5 iXi Harper' Fkanklin "uake Liisicakv, One Year (52 Numei8) .....j... C CO Ptage Free tn all unbtcriberi in the Untied States and ( a tuida. j j The Volumeti oAhe Weekly .icgrin with the Urst Nun!ier for .la' uary ofenehyear U hen no time Ih mentioned. It will tte'iindt-rsloixl hat the u tctter wl-he to cnimenee with the vumler next alter (he ie-ei I f or r v Tin last Four "Annual V hnnes f Ilarper's ir ei-kly. In n at cloth himlin, twill le sent y mail4 otape paid, or by expivs free of ex i ense (.roidetI;the fre'iaht oe not ex-eed one ilollar i-cr volume), f. r 7 K) pr volum ! loh aj H lor e eh vol ne. suit ble for bimting w IH e -ent by mail, postpaid on re- eint.f $1 OOearh i : - .. ! v 1 Iff mittan-es ho Id la made, bv lot-ffie Money Onleror Ira(! , lo av I chane of Ions Xetrspaper are not ' to copy thh adrertitement without the expres order of Harper A Bkos f Adtlrtjbb f .- . , HAKPKK RKOTIIEU. 1 New Vork . y.iy et f e vi 1 1 e Observer. Q" TIIUUHAY, FKBUUARV 8th l8b3, bte un etsigned will revive the pu' licatl-w ot the FAYriTTEVlLLE 'BskkVU. , j- j T e Observer wl 1 ; le a" larg- 28 eoWimn weelly w pafaar .nd will laj milled to eub-'-crib-rsp Btaiie paid,! at jn-r annum, al ways tn artvance. I will give he ce v- of the daj in as ample form a. it 8ia o will permit; an ioti r- g ar-an: :occa-ionai . oirf-p n 'enU il -eoi.tiilmte lei ers tliei apit. on Mate. an afl"iir. ' I H3mV. alic i'V Klithi . the BSERVER will ab r, tiriit of all, to axgure tre t.n-peiit ot the T wn of Faettevi.le, to develop tlv va.t apricultur J resource jof Jts own and the tieignboring cAun e. and t p omote all iha c ce ns t e w elfaxe of the peoplo of North arollna. " j i Opp i-cd to sneh Innovations no the homely was-of ur fthei-s a, in th gu e of . io irres. harm sKdeiy. the dsesvku vlli 1m tmtn l in full sympaih with the new t ings born of t. e han..el conditlm of the -uth ! wn cn rounn ju iment r enl ghtenel experi eoee flno to b aldo goo 1. . A 8 io Ite est: It v ill st rite to det-erve th rcput:ition of the name it inherit-. '! " v.-K -1. IU!,K..lK . Commissioner's Sale. rS PCR-CASCE OF A DKCItt E IF TI1K lerior onrt of Rronsrri k county, at fall "enn 1832. in an a-1 Ion or foreel Mire then In peti'i gb tee h 1 1 t National . I. k or Uiim ng on s pliitiff and U-x. Ollb-im and wbe s defe dant- ibeu d rsljned. om nil-.--oner n poi n ed bv ,U deetee I I r I at pu' die auction forerh. till Court l-ouw In mith lie on MoimI.x . ti e 1H o tptll 18 at 1 M, the foil; wing real . i te, lKn.g ., the cMin y of It umwick.- adjoli Ing ihe lown . f t-Ilm:iijntn and conta nlng 7 acn-e, more or less . H g nul g at a marbl i -ml in tee Itnm- ck roui-tv ie ..n t ei-u hideoffh-great oad , caus way a- roi- , ax'e--l nn ami run-h -ut u'h 1th ila s ii eountv li e t a c.t p tMin the c g.-f t a ape - e ir river at the mo'ith i a ean-il. Iheo alng.S3tll can laon West to lhrator nek. th n . id. rek to- Id great roid r.r&iu ,ay, Ihen'a ong i aiou bit . ih eginnl g - c piii.K irom l 1m kU two am-x on 1 t Jolm TatLr l.v . K ;ree br doet of 10th. 14 ; atal L excep fug ot y iu 1 feet ! the afo e- r u tt 1 ne and a .-dj r I gr at road l f 1 1. frt.n log exieiHdugb ck 100 feet p n llel wlih s .id mi trw ick -umi. tv II c w hh h $k l..t mM m - .Auw. . .'t 1... .1 ... . - .- i.ori.niui ir. 11 -nnin 1 . tiM n ei cnr. log jiid laul lo the said Alex IdU .in. i G RICAUO, oaiialssloi cr. mch 3-oOd Com me rci a I H bte 1 piIOTCLASS IN EYESY RESPECT. C First-claas Ear ri HI I.I.I A m SA LCCII ATTACIiriX ; 7 p n VT. YT ' I."'. tpHE CIRCCLATIOS OF l n,s tains all the leadl. ne, Vt ' and Is arranged in haial, SXW FoitMGV nkws k embraces special dlupatcb mn of tie globe. fiHier the itea.1 ttt a - AMKKI AS nhvV are gi-en the T. lejnvpi le f . ll iiu oi the UwJv TJIK U H.H v tt... . the moj.t v. Juabl chr id le in n ilh. lMaie.L Leiy weaVlt.0 . ful report of - tkWK P ITICAL Mws embracing omplet ai1 conu-Jk. patclHti..m rnhli'.Ci lu SlVbi ir. t of . he .,-rlH-s ,.f enihS i the qtietslloiiaol the lur - r0I1,'i, . Tlir. KAb.M lr PAUTMCnt 1 of the Weekly Herald Ie the Ul1.i at. tlw im.t i-rrtical i.i,Ke B t-ric r t the duiW of hJ for raw - V t ti le. pUltrt ri.l-K kejpingb. .lj.Ing. and famMR , p i.. this is up 1 ttMi,ui l.r . ' k de arttn nt, wUI-ly co kil. oiaier th, l ?rf 4 THE HOME. -giving receipet for i.mcr,rii 'dfrk,.-makin-f colhiMj! aLd lor IaUt fashions at lw iolwLl Item of cooking or e-on. niv T. dep .i tnn-nl I poetically t. foie nubUcation lA-ltcrsa Ijomfon cvnttobondente on ih. i . 14 fat-bions. 11e Home l ei.artnw.nT .7 ly Il.rawi will ve ,he ftSSSRS1 c.. c h mired tinie the price 0 Z 1 Interests or w ,lH: Pwnn . v SKII.LEH LABOR, , j yre loot r alter. ! and everrtliin, corlc'l Then,' U . ' S5T' 1 Tl I E PKOI UCE M A RKFT. er whh a -b.r even week V W cm nent divine uUtSS&S P. rs.M, yH x.u s. ! There bJ the wo4d which contain. m mt erever wei k. Ua Weekly li.n5f VB ul)M-l1be at anv iim. w . . . , The New York Herald. In a AVcckly rorni, One Dollar n Yrnr. - ., . .... . ... n o en in. 1 con i - f 1O00. I-. ! narpcr's Young Pcoplf, AN IL1.UTUATKI v y KKLY 18 npt SL'ITEI T BOV(' AKIl t.Ihlt ur riul U T SIXTEEN VEAKK P AGE. Vol.1 IV. coiiiineneeft November T, ttl The Fowny People h been from thr irt suc-c88f' 1 beyoud' HiiUclpiiUon.-A' . f. in ning Pott I . -. It he iidislInrtlvcnuno-e.tosMrhllitn II v adheres that, nainel. of tupil.hiliig the victouf paers for th -Nounx miih 1 ir more altractite, a well as more boh8e- , Boston Journal. , . . ' , . For' ix-a iic8. elesrance- of fnrrarter. and : cMit b generally. It Ih uneuiiwwe-l bjmtj I p I. ligation of the kind jet btvagbl to out I notl- e.-i'Utaourgn ;azette. TKirMS: !.''. HARPERS YoiMi i t ti LE, Per Year, P. stage Pn j.alfl. " INGLE NUMBKISH. K U' tVntf earh. ?! i linen eonv iciit on tv ell I of Thnf C't : 1 he Volumes of ll,ricr Yiung Pctslr ft I8fl and 188J, hatxltxin ely U.uml to lllnnlr tel Cloth, v I 1 1 ini lv mall pi-Tlit fthl, on receipt 'of W 00 ecb Utnr Young People lot liteS, 35 ixijU; plage. 1 enb additional ! ' ItemittaiiCeHnho M lmalc ly rvtoffi Monty nier or l-afl. tnifllrlunrr nf I I Newsni-ia-ri are not to rf thU Uenli ineni without the exi rew oiurr of lUKi'Ml ItKOTHERS. Adlre ...,'. t i iTakpkr MtnrttfK. Hv It1 ,fw.rl. H albert Bros. WliolesalB i Price List. - ... . Awand. carvea. agrauc - i-i. 7 Plaiw.uiMighUwL.caMiirtpwl M IS Organ,4Vtsree,9tov,rD, a rganHebT wi.wp 1- low j.llbliUUl,. - "I lei n mctv : ... : Our Piano. and Organ are w . , . . ranter I arewbiiMi. '.f rwjlln outlit, box. how, trlnpr,ooin- 4 Aooonleori. 10 key. ba x.lh f tone...... .,V-l"VUii ; 6 Acconleon, 6 key, 1 I. reeUi.irfect '""A Mouth Organs, Vlsnna eonrert, , 5 afomhrganrGenuinV K1" tl ilouti! OrgMM.'""!! Cowjrl . . f. . ... .... If M I aOUUU 1A Wild. ' m imn. t4 Clarionet, genuine waro.- - n btjcwooa.....-..rv-;ui 1 IT Fife. !, ti eiauiy . oermau 1 1 ilc Box, f tune, c""' " 8 tunes, wind wiU - f tb Musi 7 IO larce..... ?:"''L'2a 30 iobnce goot f! rWnlil 24 Guitar, nutphs. nrnchlne he B 1 - - tiniab... ...... . .. I . win., a -....... : lianjo , in incu, rar , I 11 ........ " a.Jntt. Silver VI0H1.. Gnlurand Banjo 8iru. I -' II llros.... ""SrK 5. eel Viotli., ;ultaran.l Itanjo 1P I II lros..;;..."..'....Vil""btt 4iut; Russian. German or 'uUji,.. I natrnr tUlh piL'.kfi ' I lowe's Of .. . .. . .-"? cm -i any Instninieni....'",''.'!! Ha ving just made a g-N-I tj; JH-wblg Marhlnes, wlUseh" the w1 trhile they lat;. , . . ' rS 1 Mane) is ue safe to common ( iHalnly a-idrei-exL 'JAmj fl3 Term strictly cash with ott. ( taioiM.' . - -T- '--'' ' -iatsi - Agents and dealers send for our f logue. . ' - iff9 on al-ove net wholesale-prv j ake im per cent, pmflt. . U- l ull .... a. a art?.n vim niTIlm t' . l. I n the elty. v . iJnnJ 11 n 11 - ri itrosT hi the only Geoe iaie house in su uoui. n olive irreet -n t-ij Fartiiei-s, Take J.t,cC 1 ..-.O .m rouRiHoa cholera to juttt th thin tAcureofT2 It !fi era and all disess. bi bT "iJl-rtful . ... . 1. 11 . . . .ht ore1" --'' jrvi, a wii i"t.o "-: 7.: tfIt .owf-'t known as Tilehna., and wljl JgLfj.g U a thrifty, healthy rn.niIon. cm--1u oey. liver. Ac f worro-sU, - Fach; pakape n-vo. pounds ami will. If F VW' dirertiona. rmr 10 bogr of V i0 og In a condition to f '"uTf ib, nuaftia e. ther bv " V rfnf, re . The farmers f !'J5afI the pralio., AU ianitJ- - - ( If. 110,, patent, ui."' j ft'natent bead, J"'

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