jlISCELLASKOUS: flTrnGOBg-tffl. i 'S. 4sk? hfca THE GREAT human re CURES Rheumaiism,Neura!gia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, kni Tkroat. 8wHlnc". Rr'li. llnde. Jlara Mall. Frot Kite. tU ALL OTKZft BODILY PAINS AM UHtX. U-t.l- VlTV.ltnM in 11 Lm!i". tiii: ciiaki.k a. vouelkk ro. .1 to A tUlttaaar.. -, C. S. A. THAT SETTLES IT. Ilrouirlit into Competition with the World, the Rest Carries ott'the Honors. ' At tbe groat Ccntennlal.Exhlliti-n of 1$7, hc folding products of all the branches nf the World' industry were assembled at Phila delphia. To carry off a pri.3 in the face of jat trenteu'louH competition was a task of no rrtt'.naryiiflicuUy. Invention and prepara-.iftii-i tor the alleviation of pain and the cure .f disease were present in the greatest possi ble variety, representing: the skill and the pro toun-lerit study of the age, and it maybe of Uud importance to you, personally, to now that tbe highest ami the only medal giver to mM'fr Porus plasters, was awarded to the Bnufacturers of BENSON'S CAFCINE PO Kt'i I'l.ASTERThy the following: jury: Ir. WM. ROT 1 1, Surgeon-General, Prussian Army. J. U. THOMPSON, A. M., M. I)., Washing tun. P. C. i;. H. WHITE, M. D.. New Orleans. KRNKST FLEISCH, M. D., Austria. Tt .kvislon was afterwards couflrmed by tiie medical jury at the lust Paris Exposition. Knowing the value of such high aud unbiased tmttiutony, the medical profession, both In the fuliM States and in Europe, quickly threw jULU- the old, slow-acting plasters they had breu lining, and adopted Benson's in their rvjculiu- practice. That physicians and sur fooa of the broadest reputations did thls.'dis-. rlr.rtly proves the intrinsic merit of the article. It L no more than ju?t to add that the aver-u.- phj-j-lrian of to day is not dominated by Hi. preJuiUi'en wbl.'h retarded the progress Mid modliled the successes of his prede-t-eaors of not more than twenty-live yoara ago. tie areepts hints froni all quarters and endors ee aud adopts demonstrated, healing agents w herever he finds them. t! The right of Ecnsou's Ca peine Porous Plas ter to Btand at the head of all external appli cation whatsoevor, for the mitigation or cure uf disease, is no longer questioned. l-ct the purchaser, however, be on his guard gainst Imitations. The genuine has the word CAFCINE cut hi the middle. , Seabury A Johnson, Chemists, New York. reb 20-4 w J - i "'c-ny t j vV I 32"&;i '1 9 - . wwue u tin eitect, not a cause. Jts origin wublnjlL manifestation without. Ilcnec. thit 95 Per Cent. 4u'iu Jn a healthy condition, .trtve dlVeiJ an-1 t'nr ttv Innumerable troultW cansoi' ,vm hra thy Kidneys, Elver and IJaW oSkS?? r ue uwinwiiir liiMnlers of Women : for '. ftai rOAl AKKTKsrSk fr WER'3 SAFE DI- orUe by all dealers. lulll im U " AiaiER CO., METi OriLY, YOUnQ OR OLD, V ,? ffwinjc from Kekvovs Dibiutt, vLI m it nAuir. Lack or i.tiv Force ajto itr,.0,llt X-ke rvtiiltins' from Atciu mud rttifJjt.18"- slly rebtr d complete reto o!lJ too and MAxtiooa urtmxriiB. s.T.i 1 u--"ry f tto iiuvt-mh Ontnry. YBIU18 IUTCD..HAK8HAU.l.HeH- Sil ver Plated Spoons and Fork?, low locs.atJAcdw.'s: f '5 ' piiifiiflll; - -v . aa uitAb must be remov- w'v-lw'r wav n a lc ousted. l Kb Is eUbU-!iM on iMt thU nrln.-tv.l.- Tt !. eJlorIsc flvnmjw.i:kMner8 and , r a,"(l 11 5?"lk- at once at, th. rHt of 1 1-c l ili.nilty. Tho elements of whic h it is oora- !' tl III! TSim n I I iUv. thw great remeiy has no equal. Beware tlteS' imlutio concoetiohsuhl iBEFCIRF Akin acttoY 1 i The D ai ly Re vie v. eyes vjutstxs r,us. ! -MyJadjs Hps. so ! Hav iealt to i curved, so solt. i - I Nw saJt I. lhUH denied and scofiei. - Which hide her wondrous eyes from : . me. r And it: lespoofco there Hashes" back , . A glance, which shall 'in v answer U Curved bows are lips Whence arrows fly To wound, to rend, bjjayhap to s-laj; .itcep wells are eyes wfcera trnth uo:i lie i I Tiiey will to me her heart betray. Dark, tender eyes, your liffhr. denies The proud lips1 curve. Ab, rapture lie u ithm tiiose pure, eicar depths For : ' mi-.. -..(.' J . j , Nor snowy ltd, uor jelly lash i Cart longer hide the-tlow and Hash Of love's tide welling full aud tree, Red lips, to haughty mocking lent. ri?cs j-nau oe your pupistiment. Jexni'e S. Jri)ox. Trips the Fast Clippers Made. About the 3Tear 18 U begun the most important era in the history of Ameri can ship-building. Our Liverpool pack ets had already demonstrated the capa bilities of our builders and mariuers. The clipper ship Canada, ibi example, under the command ot Clint. Macy, .made her trips almost with the regular ity 01 a steamer. Irom iourteen to sixteen days was the average length of her voyages between jthe two ports. This may have been an; extreme case, perhaps, but the fact remains that these liners made a remarkable record. With out discussing the question concernmg the respective merits of our clipper and foreign ships, it is not too strong! a statement to say that for the 'period ( of perhaps fifteen years, during which our vessels circled the globe in jtheir voyages and spread their vast expanse of can vas in every sea, the runs made by American ships have never been sur passed by sail, and rarely equaled by steam. Donald McKay, about the year 1811, commenced to win his world-wide reputation for building clipper ships of a size aud speed hitherto Uoequaled. The clipper ship James Baines, built by McKay, ran 420 miles in 21 hour.j The Red Jacket, built by Deacon Thomas, rat Rockland, Me., in 1853, became cele brated after her first ! trip, when she made the remarkable run from! New York to Liverpool in jL3 days, i hour and 25 minutes, then the fastest time on record for a sailing shipj and it has not been beaten since, I believe, except in one instance. The Fjlying Cloud; Mc Kay's most celebrated ship, once made 374 knots, or 433 miles in 24 hours and 35 minutes, equal to 17.17 miles an hour .11 you are iluined n in health from any cause, especially from the use of any of tho thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long fictitious testimoeials.have no fear. Resort to Hop Bitter3 at once, and in a short time you will have the mo9t ro bus and bloomjng health. 1 Ioctors of tho Period i A short time ago,1 when travelling, the celebrated Dr. Barthez vas i taken sick, and according to the?narmer of all physicians, he called -in a felloiv practi tioner to attend him. . ( When the strange doctor put in aa appearance, Barthez discovered, to his stupefaction, that his colleague was none other than air old servant of hi3j 'IIow is this? vou a doctor ! Since when? and what can you do?" e medicine in great success "Sir, I picked up a htt your service, auu a jiu. Here." . - j "Is that possible?" "Yes, and more so than you coma have yourself." I Ami seeing me asiumsiuu old master, he continued : "How many inhabitants t,;U -fUro tntvn nnAr),, nd seeing the astonishment of his do you thiuk this town numbers? lit J li 1 Cf rAit nnvl.nnf- T I ' - "Yes.. about that manv. 'Anu now many do you think are really intelligent and . capable of . appreciating your merits ?' ; "I do not know,''" - "Let us say a thousaud, and that is ample. Well! the thousand arc yours, and the rest belong to me." Barthez became thoughtful for a moment and then answered;: "It is true, and you are right. And this is the way of the world, notwithstanding it constant improvements ; in Jspite of the recriminations of all honest and modest doctors, the multitude will always j be long, be they great or small, humble or exalted, politicians or doctors, ignorant or wise, in health or sickness, to char latans, who are invariably gifted with that imperturbable assurance, j which, under the name of 'brass, fascinates and conquers the public, whof accept their theories ami cower before their assumed superiority, inrencj impcr, AT,.C -T.nlii T?pi1 nf Afathp.wsl Xi. C. says-' "I received great benefit (from Brown's Iron Bitters in general debili- ty.' ANerr Jnocb, "Whatre vou doins here!" demand ed a noliceman of a chapfwhom he had caught peeping in at the window of a Furraan street house last night. . NothinVT replied the man, jamming his hands into his pockets and gaziug Hp at the sky. j "Didn't I hear a woman yell in that house a few minutes ago?" continued the policeman. " I J 1 "Shouldn't wonder," returned the man. carelessly. "In fact, I know you did, for I heard her myself." 1 - "What's gyimzonin tbire?" queried the policeman, peeping in.! ! "1 guess he's licking my wife," sug gested the stranger, j I " I "Do you live here?" asked the police man in some astonishment. "I used to. but I kinder fell out o' the habit lately," was, the indifferent re sponse. . ; " , "What kind of a man are you to stand out here and let another man lick your wife?" demanded the policeman indignantly. . : . I: : rv : '.: I ; -1 r i "I think he can do it better than I can," growled the stranger;. "I never had any luck at that kind of a job. and if there's any one can make a success of i It I Prom Out her beau teems presence go? M Not so proud lips, your lovely scorn tg I Within -my breast shall plard no thorn, I Till !eeo I've cased Priealh lashes black it Im not scotns; to interfere with his f un ow. yen bet!" ... r v ' 'if ; V v "Who is tho man ? Do vou know him?" - " ' "Xcvcrsaw him before," replied the stranger. s "I gnes3 he and she thinks he' hr husband." . And it's your wife?" lSure! Only I'-e been away a loti time shipwrecked, you know and I just got home I saw 'em at it. and I thought I wouldn't interfere." "Io you want me to arrest him?" in quired the policeman, contemplating the returned husband in amazement. "lust as yoa like," returned ithe other "only iton't mention my name in the matter." . ::- A. ; . "But don't you propose to do thin? about it?" , anyt "Well. now. yoa just bet! Just as soon as that man winds off that job he's going to be dry, and if I've1 got a quarter anyvrhere he's ffoing to get a drink, and douTt you interfere now, you hear rue?" And the policeman strolled off down the silent street, while Enoch, bending low his chin unon . the window that contained Annie, . absorbed v the scene, then turned him round asVPhUlip ramc the while a little ahead of a flat-iron and took him by the arm. i And so they went, and Annie left alone wot not that Enoch had been so near, and had him shekels in his pocket where-with to assuage the great grief of Phillip. 3on't Die in tlie House. "Itpiigh on Rats" Cleais out rats, mice!. roaches, led-bugs. flies, ants. moles, chipmunks. jEODhcrs. 15c. ! Missouri is about to spend 50,000 in geological researches, with a view to- ciiscovcrinz more about her mineral wealth. What Seven Could not do. (Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1881. ill! WARNEtt & Co.: Sir Sevan physicians could not do for me what yotirSafe Kidney and Liver Cure ac complished,. - Hopelessly sick wkh kid ney diseases, it restored 'mc to perfect health. TJACOB MYERS. Near Grand Reinet. South Africa, an ostrich broke a horse's neck by a kick. it had meant it lor a man. Manv herd- ders have been maimed for life or killed in this way. ! A first rate kicking mule even would find an ostrich a tough cus tomer. i"Zr. Benson? Skin Cure eradicated viy pimples.' They used to break oat continually.' Steve T. Harrison, Roch ester, N. Y. j $1, at druggists. Kemeniber This. If you are sick Hop Bitters will sure ly aid Nature in'niaking you well when all else fails. Ityoxi are costive or 'dyspeptic, or are suffering froni any I other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you re main' ill for Hop Bitters are a sover eign romedy in all such complaints. If you are wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment and turn for a cure to Hop Bittet&t J U 5.. . If you are sick with that terrible sickr ness. Nervousness, yon find a "Balm in Gilcad" in the use of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all coun triesmalarial, epidemic, billious, and intermittent fevers by the use of Hop Bitters. . If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin,: bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally. Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of the stomach, Bowel3, Blood,"Liver, Nerves KidneysJ Bright's Disease. $500 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. ! i That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter can be made the picture of health,' by a f ew bottles of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer. mch 12 lm I BUTTER ! GILT-EDGE--VERYCHOICE. A FEW PACKAGES FOR SALE BT 1 DeRosset & Co. ich9 j . " f ! Positive Bargains J JN BLEACHED COTTONS, Shirtings, j Counterpanes, JTable Damask and Towels, . i i White Goods, Hamburg and Iriah Point Trimmings, Warner's Coraline, Health, Ab " " , ' ' f , ' "f ; J dorainaWaml M. M. Corsets: " ' AlsO, the best ONE DOLLAR KID GLOVE in the city. - . JNO. J. HEDRICE. . mch 12 . - i lOO Sets o F HARNESS JUST RECEIVED, and wil Iuto another large lot of Baggtes n a few . ays. Give us a c-,-. - - - ' -le a a " GKRQ A KT A CO- LYOHoiHEALY State 4 Monroe Sts.. Chicago. TTil t A Pfpnil Uliv m-1 drrm thtit J BAND CATALOCUC for Ijvi. xV " Jii f I mutu. Suits CM H FUbiU. Dmm MajarS 4 f . V f J not. Hie la sweeping I CP J I 4a V! -J by, go and dare bo I f I r.,oV I I " fore yoa die, some Li Li I nVc U thing mighty and sublime leave behind to conquer time." $66 a week in your own town, fo outfit free. No risk. Everything new. Capital not required We will tarnish yoa everything, Many are making fortunes. Ladles maka as much as men, and boys and -girt-make great pay. Reader, if yoa want business at which you can make great pay u the time, write far partlca. art to II. llAiajbTT A Co., Portland,- Maine. . nov lG-d&w tl. ... - Si f 1 mm " - r "r MISCELLAXEOUSr " ! -- . .- it ii ji , n ,- , , : . ' T?MISCELLAXEOUSr For the Cure of Coushs, Colcis, Hoarsened, Br6nchit:.CroiiP.Inrni icnza, Asthma.WlioooIiia Couch. In4 I . . ........ w . . fcipicrtt Consumption and lor the re- iltctof ronsc ot ive persons in ad van - ;cctt staler, ot the Disease, i or bale j byalir t'aTcrK-t-Price 2$ Cents. WHOLES AL PFICES. The. folio wing quotations rerreBent wholesale prlecs generally. In making nn fmalordera higher Jrteshaye jo be chaagcu BAGGING Standard. . t - IS . 2 tb 1U lh -.1 BACON North Carolina: 11 Gi Hams, V fii , Shoulders, V lb. Sides. V lb 00 10 15 11 14' 18 15 114 124 IlSl 85 00 90 2 it WKSTEU3 SMOKED Hams. . -17V. 00 (ft. 10V..J8 00 6i SideB, V lb.'.... '.:..;..-. Shoulders DRY SALTED Sides. V lb. ........ Shoulders. V lb.... B.VRREL8 Spirits Turpentine, - Second Hand, each 1 75 New New York, each... 1 no New City .each. 1 60 BEESWAX, Vib 20 BRICKS, M BUTTER, V fla - ft) & its North Carolina.. Northern. Wilmington -Northern. CANDLES. V ib 28 20 7.50 O 00 00 33 (B 950 ee4t oo Sperm................ 18 a TdOMT. .................. . . IIU Adamantine. .....v. .......... ' 14' 19 CHEESE, ft Northern Factory 13 Dairy, Cream.. 14 Stete 1Q a 25 12 15 14 14 12 COFFEE, V 135 Java-: - Laguyra.,. Bio 18 10 10 8 28 14 13 80 CORN MEAL, V bus., in sacks 77ifc COTTON TIES, V bundle.... 1 50 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, V yd 7 Yarns, bunch 1 00 O EGGS, & dozen 09 (cb 1 7i 75 ,7 10 25 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, W bbl lb 60 &n 00 ' Mackerel, No.' 1, V half bbl. . 8 50 10 00 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl...: .. 9 60 10 00 . Mackerel. No. 2, V half bbl.. 5 00 G 5 50 Mackerel,' No. 3, V bbl I 7 75 & 8 00 MulletSi V bbl..... . ....... L. 3 00 S 3 50 Mullets, Fork bbls. . . 7 00 0 8 50 N.CKoe Herring, keg.L 3 00 ?? 4 00 Dry Cod, ft. ;. FEKTrLIZKBS. V 2.000 fts 5 & 9 Peruvian Guano, No. 1 ..57 50 - . " No. 2...... .36 00 am &o 37 00 Oftl 00 jam oo '50 00 G4Q 00 45 00 6&n 00 - &15 00 &n oo 070 00 tfrTO 00 tux 00 aco oo f7 50 9 0 Loboa.... ..00 00 B&ugh'B Phosihate. . Carol ina Feru tlzer . . . 00 00 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal.'....'....... 00 00 Bone Flour.. ............... ..00 00 . Navassa Guano. ...A. ...... i.. 40 oo : Complete Manure..;. I. oo 00 Whann's Phosphate.... 00 00 Wando Phosphate. 00 00 Bersrer A Butz'a. Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellent Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 French's Carbonate of Lime 7 00 lYench'a Agricultural Lime. . . . FLOUR, V bbl Fine, Northern Super. Extra . Family City Mills Extra Family... Extra Family.... GLUE V ft GRAIN, V bushel ; r -Corn, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo. In bulk, white. . Cora, c&reo. in boars. White. . 8 50 - I. 0 00 5 50 6 00 7 00 6 60 5 75 6 50 11 5 00 C 00 C 50 & 8 fob 6 n 6 & 7 75 50 CO 50 13. 70 a 75 SO 12 1 10 (Bbl - Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. . Oots, from store Cow Peas... .. . ,.;'. HrDES. yib-i 57 75 4 10 (cb (Eb e 0 tireen.. HAY, V 100 fts Eastern..... Western North River. HOOP IRON, V Ton. LARD. V ft Northern.... 1 20 a 1 25 tt! 1 10 tb 85 fi?S5 00- 1 00 . 75 .80 00 . ,n , 00 . 1 10 14 14 50 North Carolina.'! LIME. V barrel ....... LUMBER. City Sawed. V M ft at Ship Stuff, resawed.. 18 00 Rough Edge Plank.. 15 00 Wee t India C&rgoe,accordiDg to quality..... ........IS Oo Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 Rcautling and Board. com'n..!2 00 MOLASSES, r gallon" ) . New Cxoi Cu"baIn hhds....J - 00 20 00 ei6 oo i 22 00 M 41 rotfoltfoo, firnndJ.:... In bbls. Sngar House, In hhda i. on & 7 " lcbbla 00 ttt Syrup, In bbls 40 t NAILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basis. . 0 00 gg OILS, V gallon , Kerosene.......... 10 Lard.. ....... 1 10 6b Linseed 00 ft Rosin... 90 Tar 00 at Deck and Spar... ... 00 it POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... 33 Spring 20 . Turkeys......... 75 (to PEANUTS V bushel... ....... 90 & POTATOES,- bafihel . li f Irish. V bbl 3 60 & PORK, T barrel i City. Mcas. . x . - . . i -..23 5C (Bfl Rump.......1 17 00 m RICE Carolina 'V ft-.- V4 Rough. V busheL 95 (tt RAGS, V ft Country y& City... lVs ROPE, V ft......... 14ts SALT, V sack, Alum oo & Livenool. ............. 00 a - L&bon:...r..vv.;....t.f...... oo a American.. 00 & SUGAJLV ft Cuba........... - oo o Porto Rico 00 a A Coffee. oo a B t... oo et f It il M 00 (9 75 00 a 80 oo a oo 00 it 75 00 ft 00 oo a oo oo a io4 00 tt 9 8 8V -9 a 3U lotto u Ex C Crushed. uuai t id .iviukiui... w mi uif SOAP, V ft Northern..... SHLXiLOs, y i contract.. tw bv , w Common... U (; 2 50 Cypress Saps.. Ii. 4 W 5 00 Cyprees Hearts...-...".......' 0 00 & 7 50 STAVES. V M W. O. Barrel.-12 00 (ttl 00 R. O. Hogshead...:... 00 00 TALLOW, V ft. 5 TIMBER, y a! fcet-Shlpping.ll 00 010 00 & 6 014 00 4213 00 4212 00 49 S SO e 7 oo 6 0C 4 00 a 5 oo & 550 et 26 a 15 j-inr-QJiippmg.. ....... ...ai m Extra . do .......V M Mill Prime... . Mill Fair Common Mill. 7 50 8 50 5 00 0 00 1 00 1 00 23 , 21 Inferior to Ordinary ft mm v WHISKEY. gal Northern North. Carolina..... WOOL, ftWaheil....... unwasnea.... ........... ' Barrr.., .............. ......... 10 : The celebrated, Fish BrarId, GWU Twino ia sold only at , Jacodi's Hard waroDcpot. : m 1 1 tm& ! MISCELLANEOUS- FINE WINES AM L10U0KS. II. BRUN1IILD Si BItO., No. 2 Granite 'Kow, W i I m i ngton , VI . C -o- "yyOULD JRKPKCTFTJLLY .ANNOUNCE to tho public that tliey lm vo la tely lui rortcd from first handin Europ "and which U nw tn bond at Custom House, 5tKCI3STE "WUSTESJ NOTED VINTAGES' ''' " - AISO A LARGE tfTJANTITY OF Delicious Sherries, Ports of the Finest Bouauet, And roost celebratci brands. j - ' - );" They have furthermore added to jthelr full and well selected stock a complete line of FRENCH CO RDIALS AND LIQUERS suitable to the palate of the most fastidious. - The Rochester Brewing ' Company, through f . - j Messrs. Henry L. Becker ft , Co., have given them the agency for their "Export. Beer" and which does nitf want' for praise from all quar ters. They solicit patronage. oct!9 . ; P. M. Hale's Publications. ! - . I rTlT"fT-! WOODS AND TIMBERS OF NORTH CAROIJNA. ' 1 vol. 12mo., Clolth, 1.23. "The publication of such facts in a shape that makes them accessible, is the very best! service that the' public spirited .men in the! South cau do their StabW Ar. Y. World. The very thing needed. A very Important work for the State." Wilmington Star. "A timely and valuable publication Must prove of j great ee rvice to the State." Char, lotte Journal. "Mr; ''Hale ha done the State a, great ser vice." Biblical Recorder. 'Of; such thorough excelleuce tliat.it de serves the widebt circulation. Xa'tkiiUe (Tenu.) Lumberman. The book is well printed on tinted paper, is handsomely bound in cloth, contains 272 pages and an accurate and beautifully executed map of the State, with all its railroad routes de fined. I EVERYBODY'S BOOK. Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyers by Laymen. . Points in Law of value to every man in North Carolina the Profeapifvnal man, the Fanner, the Mechanic, ihe Landlord, , the Tenant, the Cropper, the Laborer. " 12mo., paper, Frloe ' (Five Postage Stamps) 15 cents. j ; . ', For sale by booksellers generally, who may be supplied in quantities on favorable terms, bv either ot the undersigned. .-('- . ,'Itnot Ui be had at your Jocal; book store; mailed post.pald on receipt of the price, by ' " E! T. HALE Sfc SON, 1 Publisher, Booksellers and Stationer?. N. Y. ; or, P. M. Hale, Publisher, Raleigh, N. C: people are always on the lookout for chan ces to increase their earnlnc3. aud in time' uecome wcaiiny; inose wno uo noi improve their opportunities remain in poverty , Woof for a great chance to make . money, We want many men, worsen, boys and girls to work for us right .n their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten time ordi nary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rap idly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only Vor spare moments. Full in formation and all that is needed sent free. Ad dress Sixssox & Co., Portland, Mainet nov lG-dtfw tf . 1 1883. Jir p c r ' s E a z a r ILLUSTRATED. II i This popular journal ia a rurc comblnatloii of literature, art - and fashion. Its etone. j poems, and essays ar by the best writers of i Europe and America; Its engravinga poifiscssca j the highest artistic excellence.; and In all mat ten? iertaining to fashion it universally ac knowledged to be the leading authority in the land. The new volume will contain many bril liant novelties. -' : Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: 7? liAnPKU'SBAZAK. . . .i . : .. . . . . HARFFJi'S MAlizr5E....:i.V.......; HAnrEE's Weekly. ... ............. The Three aboTe publications...... Any Two above named.....,........; IIarpeu's Yocxa People. ....'..... UasrEk'fl Maoazink ) Harper's Youso People, 4 -oo . 1 00 4 0 . 10 00 oo j HAEFEE'S FHASKLUf SQUARE LIBRA It V, Y One Year (52 i Numbers) 10 00 i . Postage Free to all vftT&crt in the United ' . ! The Volume of tbe Bazar bgin8 with the ' firet Number f ot January of each year. When jno Urns is- mentianed. "it .wllhbo undertoo.l j that the suborUer wishes to eommeace with ! the Nuntlter next after tbe receipt of order. , The la.-t Four Annual Volumes of Hmrper'i Bazar. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, iOtetage paid, or by cxprets free of ex lene (provideil the freight does not exceed one dollar pcrVolumeH for 7 00 per volume. Cloth Caees-for .cadi volume, suitable for bindin;, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. j Remittances 6houid be made by ' Post-Oftlce Money Oqder or Draf t j to avoid chance of Joss. . A'etctpaptrt are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper ft Bros. Address 1 ' HARPER BROTHERS, dec 12 j New York. Marrin's Celebrated jpiRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, AlCSIzes and Prices, from foO.OO to $2,200.00. Acknowletiged by the best authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, Extract from Scientific A wierican editorial of Feb. 11th, 1S82: "We are also asked as to the best fire proof safes. We say MARVIN'S." A. A. WILLARD. Agent at VTUmlcztaa. dec 13 i Carolina Central. JI.1? It, j - H- Vi .- .'1 j Conipatiy. y OmcK Or GfcSEJtAb SCWiRlStTESOKST, KST, e.- J'l Wllmlttrioo. N. a. Not. 12th. 1S32. J CHariga of ScHeduIe. Q? AND AFTER NOW lOthlSS Till following cncuuic will bo operated ca th!s Kallroad:. . .'.'; f.- . t" ; ". . I) PASSENEli, MAI LAND EXPRESS TRAIN; - . DAILY. ' ..jj ;- X0 1 I Lcavo Wlhnlnjrton at. til P. Mi -lm i Arrive at Chaxlorto at 7.40 JL. U. No f. Charlotte at ....7.U P. If j - Arrive at.Wllmlngton at... .9.C0 A. ttJ Trains Nos. 1 and 2 'atop at regular ifatloaa ' onlyj and points designated in the Company Time Table. .r- -.j... , -4 ' , i j - Train No. 1. Dally except Sunday.": tii-1 i Do. No. 2. do. do. Saturday. , ;t SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER, UATU EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. . ' . juiy exceps ounaaya. i . -Loavo Charlotte. ....... ... . . A. If Arrive at Shelby 4...JX.2OP.M4- LoayeSbcIbv... I.OF, M. Arrive at Chariotxc.. ."0.40 p. kl. Trains yo.l and 2 make close connection at - - - m ... -..o.rio vr .itu ANXI m eigh.and at Charlotte with Shelby- Division lraw. ,r .... .... :.7.' i . Tiirongh Sleeping Cars letween Wllrilnxton and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte " Take Train No, 1 for;SUtsTille, Stsrions A extern N C It R, Asheville ami points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville. Athens. Atlanta and all points Southwest. ; . . ; , . , L, C. JONES, I i H ! f ' Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General -Pasecnger Agent .EOT 12 . - : Jk - i - v - Wilmington & Woldon Railroad OmcK or General SurEmNTtNPEjrr, Wilmington, N. C.'ot. fi, 1883. e of Schedule; n N AND ""AFTER NOV. 8 llW-iT x amvimr 1 ruins on tae M lunini ton Weldon liaifroad will run a follows : a. At., i-asscnarer iTams on tl Wllm ng- DAY MAtL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILT Nos. 47 NoRTir akd' 48 'South. Leave WIlmingtoB;FrontSt.repot, G.40 A. It . Arrive at Welor, ,.. 12.40 p. j. Leave Weldon... L.......:...;ii.1. 8.30 P. M. Arrive at WUm'gton, Front Su l'lt, 9.Z0 P. kt. Fast Through Mail & Passes gkr ThADti Daily Nos. 43 North Ajrp 40 South. ! Leave Wllmlngton.FroptSt., Depot, 5.43 P. M. Arrive at Weldon..... ; , 1.10 P.M. Leave Weldon i .... ...... c 10 P. M . Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front SLD'p't 10.55 P. J. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAINS- DAILY. Nos;-43 North and 41 Soutfr. v ' j Leave Wllminn.'...f..'.f.;.,i;. .'30 p, M Arrive at Weldon. . . . . . . . a .. "4.00 'A J M Leave Weldon. at.., 1.20 A hC Arrive at Wilmington... 7.w a i M. Train No. 40 South will etoii only 'at Itocky Mount, Wilson, Goldsboro nnd Magnolia, i Trains on TarboroUranch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. andXlS P. uL Dal.lv' rcetunlnfc. leave Tarboro at 9.00 A. 1U and 3 P Mi Dally. 1 f 1 Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leve Halifax for Scotland Neck at ,30 P. M, Re turning leave Scotland'. Neck at 1 0- o'clock daily. -, - v " " "Train No. 47 make close connec'tioa ' at Wel don for all points North 'Dolly. .Allall t1 Richmond, and tlally- except Sunday j via liaj Train No!' 4.1 runs daily and WkcsiiUaa coa. ncction for nil pokits North vIa Richmond and Washington. No. 47 makes close connection f or Tarboro. . , . , : T. AH trains run 'sol d between wi4ington and ashington; and have Pulhmm Palaeo Sleep ers attached. . i... - . . ;.. I.: t JoirN r.rDrVTKic, 1 " General tJuperlnteadent. T. M. EMERSON,- General Pawenge5SstJ T rr- Wil minion, Columbia . . . . . . , ' - , i t & Augusta It. Itflo. ! ,1 OiTICB OF GKkfcKAI .surtaasrHKOEsii. j v - WiinJngtii.'lT. C. yov; 8, ISSfc -" ! rt ' - . .rgs?y-fn i 7 f f 0.. I A - t ;;Change:of'Sthedulo. ON i ANI !AFTiat ;NOV. 5TU L352, A 7.23A. M., the following Passenger Helaed ui will bo run on this road : r ' - MGnT KXPPSTJOAINSDAliV . .. t f ' ' 'Wert and tf TixU Z 1 : I la.ve W llodrgUin. .. . ; .v: ;.; 1fc50 P.' M, Lave Fkren..i...iw.i....... 2.55 A. M. Arrive at C. CV A A. wl auction. 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Colttfublai...;r..'..r.".t G.40 A. M. Leave Cohrml ia. . U.r. ...... ,10.) p. M. Leav6 C, a K A., JunalOD-.;,...,jat0 p. M. Javfi l"lorece..t. ..r.,... 1.50 A. M. Arrive at Wllmi-igtuu.. . ...r..X f5 A. U Nronx 3f ail"asl Passenger T'jtArrf, Daily, No. 40 West, As r Dat-Maii. 'ax Pas SESOKK TAUf, -No 43 Eac ; . j Ieave Wilmington. ..;:....,;.11.10 P.-M. Arrive at Florence..... A. XL. Leave Florence. ..r..,.,,.. I...LT.M P. if. Arrive at Wilmington;;.... ...... ;.;'C25 P. M. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRA INI TATtir Nos . 4 West and 43 Easj: " - j Iave Wilmington... .7.23 A. M Arrive at norcnce.....M..-..i.tll0 A. M Leave Florence aU...i...,.....t..v4iO P.M. Arrive at Wiimlugton..' ,....$.03 P. II I Train 43 stflps at all Stations. - No.-40 stops only at Flemlngton, WMtevllle. Fair BluiTand Marion. . i r. Passengers for Col arabU and all points on G. ft C. R. IL, C, ft It- R. Stations. Aiken Junc tion, ami all points beyond, should tako 4S Night Express. i -,- - . - i feeparato Pnllmaa SJeepera foe Charleston ana tor Augusta on Train 4.. 'V I All trains run solid between Charleston and ! , -4 JOHN T.JtVBntf T. M. EMERSON, General Passeager Agest SOME MQRE J S t. -,. JUST RECEIVED, ; ANOTnKB . X0T OP those ELEGANT HAVANA CItECOOTS. Warranted tho Tst FlVfc CENT CIGAR, : I a the'eity. i - ; ALSO A rj ; LINE! OF. : Tobacco & Tobacco Goods. CallSand take a imokc 4 ' - ..- . .i. ' 0 A " -' " N. Gr.r CNE WALD, So- Front SL JJtuCxJow Exciac-3 Ccn,:; doc IS . -,. . - . U i.iiU xr "

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