THIS TXTKU rB3iW WT trtml, Sundays, ex-! JOSH T. JAMTO, .raSCRlPTiONS POSTAGE FAIl of rfT n4.. SU month. $J.CO. Three ft paper will bo delivered by carrier free j rJur Ia B7 Part rt y. bOTe Arretiigratclow and liberal. j jobiberswlU report any and all fall-;- . .1 m i The Daily Kcview has the largest fidt circulation, of any newspaper Polished, in the city of If ilmingum. CITY DEMOCRATIC TICKET iXR-T10N, THURSDAY, MARCH 22. rOR ALDKBJdEX: JfECOSD WABD. c;. J. BONKV, K. D. IIA1.L. TniRD Ward. JOHN I. PUDLET. SAMUEL, BEAR, Jn. P. HnSHBLATK, W. la. DxKO&SET. Corn Is knee Hernandocoun ty, Florida. Gen. Grants bearded phiz will orna ment the two-cent postago stamp. Ap propriate; The present cotton crop of Texas - i estimated at 1,300,000 bales. This is tho largest crop Texas has erer produc ed. Miss Ioaisa Evarts, the daughter of the i.Seretary of State, will be mar ried in Hew York on April 3rd to Dr. Charles Davis Scudder. It Is rumored in Washington that Secrstary Folger will succeed Allundi Joe Bradley on the Supreme bench, Bradley beiog in failing health. Our Cousin of Wales has written do dining tbe invitation to visit tho Cotton imposition at Louisville, because he is not coming to America this year. mm mt lrince Bismarck is negotiating for the purchase of 1,000,000 acres of land la Mexico, his object being to enctfur age German emigration to that coun try. The city of St. Louis has raised $G00, M0Q towards the erection of a permanent industrial exhibition building, and 170,000 additional subscriptions are looked far. Col. A. L. Hives; general manager of the Mtbile and Ohio road, has been uodered the office of second vice-presi dent ol the Richmond and Danville Company. , Taeai has been a great rush to Flor ida daring the past week, a.nd the sup position now is that thero are 30,000 atransers in the State. . There are a million of robins at ' tho rcosts in Buford county, Tcnncssoe. Two hundred of them were killed by ne man a few days ago. M. de Isep3 has embarked for Ta uis to direct surveys in connection with the project to convert the desert of Sa kara into an inland sea. v The fact that the dividend declared hy the Western Union Telegraph Com pany recently is the largest in the his tary of tho corporation, is evidence that they will not be liable to "bust0 1 this year. Miss Waite, tho daughter of the" Chief .lattice, organizing some private theatricals for the benefit of the Wash iHgton Dispensary, while the old man, Her'dad,M is organizing another kind ot entertainment in South Caroling. The Republicanswill make desperate fforts to earry North Carolina. Louisi ana and Florida in 1864. .They.rcganl Virginia as sure for their ticket. This. Uwever. Is doubtful aud North Caro lina is more than doubtful. It is sure tfce other way. Who haa not heard "Kathleen Ma yourneen"? Tho author of this charm ing ballad,-F. N. Crouch, is old and in great need in Baltimore.,- A penny apiece from all who have lingered over he notes of the old song would do' lis author awtsl4ef good. Senator Logan wants the whole li lor tax to go for national education. Here is the Belgain plan: An alms W for the secular schools is a recog aud feature of every place where liT quor U sold, and every customer drops sou as regularly as he fees waiter. If that execrable scoundrel Dukes, the ducr and murderer, had been bora. "Carried, tried and-acquiUed in tho Sooth, what a howl tiiere would have n! But, had the two first supposi tious been facts, the last, and. probably f-h third, would nercr have beenre- eorded. The gross rcceipts)f the Suez Canal year 'were orer twelve millions and U1 warrant s dividend of 20 per cent. A dividend of 13 per cent was paid .daring the previous year! A reduction f half a franc a ton at the beginning of hjar took off $700,000 from tbe ttt -irTT V JJ, XJL. W TTT Maj. Gatting of Raleigh has bet appointed Receiver of the !A. & X. C. It. ; R. ahd Mr. Best failing to come to time j the Receircr has taken ch arse of the road. Exit Beat.- I ; Minnesota raises: tho liquor license i - i fee from the present minimum of 25 to a minimum of $200, and from the present maximum of $100 to a maxim urn of $500, with a provision that it shall not be less than $100 in cities of 'less than 2,000 population merely a good plan to make . This is old. topers thirsty, for the greater the altitudilum the creator tho thirst. I " LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTtSIMENTT. V rflAw t vna lore f i twmm v v w tr f j a id Tate A Large Etocit W II Gheex GarJea Seod. Mckds Bbo Soda Water II BDi beroeb -Kastcr Cania j . . J If VL McGowax, Chm'n-llhh Ward j XT L Smith, Mayor Kotlee to Liquor ;Icl- er 'j MaxRT S ayaqe, Clerk Notice te toieetorf of Election ! There is but one day lett in which to register your name. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 412 bales. Register at once! To-morrow 'is the only day remaining for that purpose. t.j .. j - Such weather as this is " far more suggestive of Springer than of Spring. . H ' There aro numbers of Democrats in the Second, Third and Fourth Ward3 who have not yet registered. Mr. Charles D. Russell, formerly of this city, but new of Savannah, is hero lo-dai on a short visit' to i friends and relatives. It is rumored on tho streets that the opposition will run Messrs $. P. Col lier and W. H. Gerken for Aldermen in tho Second Ward. ; Wo cannot impress too forcibly the duty of registration. ; Every democrat should perform this duty to-morrow, if he has not already done so. y f . A pain-stricken farmer of Worcester; Who couldn't walk as he uster, Tried St. Jacobs Oil And this man of toil Now kicks sky-high if he choseter. Friend Melton has just received a car load of mountain beef of very fine qual ity which came in on the C. C. R. R: It came from West of Shelby, and will bo on sale In a few days. We trust that there will, be a full turnout at the Democratic meeting in tho Fifth Ward to-nisht. at the Hall1 of the C. M. Stedruan Bucket Company, as Important business 'is to bo trans acted. We saw to day, at MrJ Yates' book store, a number of beautiful Easter cards and designs which bad been painted, mounted aud ' framed by a young lady in this city, everything ftbou1 thorn being her own handiwork. - , I " I ' Thanks to Mr. J. Dickson Munds, of Munds Bro?., 1,491 jBroadway, New York, for nn invitation to attend the 53d Annual Commement of tho Senior Class of the New York College of Pbar. t raacv. to bs held in Stein way Hall to day. President J. M. Roblnsop, Gcucral Manager John C. Winder, and Super intendent L. C. Jones last week made a thorough inspection of the jCarolina Central Railroad, devoting nearly all the week to their task. It is said that tho road is to bo at-once put in the very best of order. Mr. C. D: Morrill has just compieted and shipped to the new Catholic Church at Farmer's Turnout, a beautiful piece of work, which is in the shape of an altar, fashioned after that nowji use in St. Thomas1 Church, in this . city. Mr. Morrill was assisted in the work by Mr. Samuel L. Yopp. Exports Foreign. V Ger. Barque 2farie9 ! Capt Permien, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 2,150 bales cotton, valued I at SI 00, 850.30, shipped by. Messrs. A, Norton & Co., and JEugebe McDonell. Br. brigan tine Signal, Capt Williams, cleared for St. John's Porto Rico, jwith 810,356 feet lumber and 50,050 shingles, rained at $4,247.60, shipped by Messrs. E. Kid der & Son. First Installment. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, at 34 Market street, have received their first install ment ? of r, two hundred and fifty Flannel Suits which they"' warrant fast color. Each coat has a label with their lull name sewed on tbe collar as a guar antee to their gsulne quality, j Don fail to get a asjt. ; ' LMINGTOK N. C. TUESDAT. MARCH 20, A8erious Loss. . Mri D. P. Shaw; who Ics basinew at Toint Caswell, bat. who resides a; Still -Bluff, three- miles distant, met I with a -serious Ios3 Sunday i m orning. Accompanied by his tvifc he ;had gone over to a neighbor's, leaving a large amount of money, 4C0K locked in a trunk in his room. Tfben be returned ho found that the house had been enter cd in his absence and that the trunk had been broken open and the money.- afc stracicd. iTbcro is no positive clue to the thief, we understand, although. -ausiHcions are eutertidned. ' - Instcat Kniertalitmeiit We learn that Prof; Van Lear will at an early date give a: u;usical cner talnmcut at the.OperalIbje,".the wu ale being rocal and instrumenlal and furnished mainly by hit pupils. Ik Is expected that other musical talent ifi the city will aid in making the entertain ment a grand affair, bnV the principal feature of the exhibition will bo given by the pupils of his class. Some of his pupils have attained remarkable pro flcloncy, and their efforts will nndoubt- edly be very Interesting. , j Titer Storm. Tn a mtrrw f i nil ,tLil mA in Inorvi ftrif w.-tt TiTr was general aloof the: South Atlantic Coast. Tho rainfall m this city frona last, night, w hear it commenced, to 7 o' clock' this mornitix' was 1.04 inches. At SmithTiDe the rainfall was less, although the - wind blew with much greater! severity, reaching 30 miles per' hour aa its maximum velocity. At Punta Ra3&ar Flan during the 8 hoars t ended at ,7 o'clock this morning the rainfall aggre gated 9.50 inches. We have heard pf no damage to' shipping along the coat, although disasters may reasonably be expected. m - , ' - . Political Trouble. There U ouch excitement in . the Fifth Ward regarding the candidates for Aldermen. Howe and Gayer claim to be the Republican nominees, while Lockey and Sampson will run aa. inde pendents, claiming that it was owing W fraud at the primaries they were pre vented from securing the nomination. Both sets ef candidates are in earnest and both have strong adherents and partisans. Each party talks confident ly of success, and bets are freely oftered on both sides. It is a Republican fight in which one faction only can win. aud it is of rcry little consequence which ia vlfttorions. - . '-(irtte'.Kew:FivoCent Piece; A new device for the live cent nickel piece has been adopted by the Treasury department. It was .submitted by Superintendent Snowden. of the Philadelphia mint, who designed the original coin,' and iWho changed it to meet the "wishes of Secretary . Folgcr. The changes in the coins are confined to the reverse side. The legend, "E Plnri bus UnutDt" has been taken from; below the wreath and placed above the 'same, and thf word 'ccnts" is inscribed below the numeral V. The superintendent ot the mint at Philadelphia -has been in structed to commence the coinage of the new piece and issue it as soon a-s praclicable. , - ( v - Pog dogs as pels have bad their day among the extremely fashionable, but colds never go out of fashion, so that ! it Bull's Congh Syrup is a sore cure for all cough and colds.. Tfte Railroad Commission. - There will be a meeting of tho Liter ary Club of the Library Association at the Library rooms to-night at', which the query Will Railroad Commissions benefit the South." will, bo debated with Messrs. W. S. Briggs and J. Me D. French in tho ' xfTrmatlve, Vnd Messrs. G. P. Macindoe and W. Weill in the; negatire. i ; S Mr. Henry Pincus. of Philadelphia, has. kindly consented to avor the Club with selections from some of tbe popu lar plays of iho day. and we learn tha he is quite accomplished as an elocu tionist aud his recitations will, giro a variety to the exercises of the the evening. . The public are cordially in vlted and we hope that a good audi ence will be present, for We aro well aware that interest, instruction, und mental improvement will be4 eombinod In the features of the efening, and- that the hour devoted to attendance will be well spent. . " i The folio wlni unmailable matter re mains In tbe PostofUce in this city : Messrs West, Johnston & Co., 911 UalniU Richmond, Vaj Mrs Rose C. Ethcrcd2d,- Pcrtxadtlti, Ta, ; Mrs. Belli Pnjh. Box 118. Windsor, N. C; rs. Cathsrineltyan. iZ7 Asylum st. Itesolatf ons of Itespeet. j The Chamber of Commerce and Pro duce Exchange held joint mectinpr this noon and passed resolutions of respect to the memory of the late 31 r. Gilbert Potter, whdsc death - was announced yesterday. f- ' Afterwards - the Produce Exchange met and resolted upon closing the Ex j change to-morrow as a mark of respect to Mr. Pottcr'a roemory. The pro ceedings with the resolutions could not be gotten ready in time Ion this issue but will appear to-morrow. ' Magistrate's Court. William Crawford, a seedy aud1 d&si- pated looking tramp was brought bMS fore Justice; Gardner this afternoon charged with offering fer sale what he claimed was a charm which would en- able the possessor to win the affections oi woman or maae mm snccessim in a Search foY gold. He claimed that the charm was found three miles below the surfacbf the earh by tne light of a diamond.- It looked t ery much like a'piece of wick Wrapped in tin foil. Tbe testi: mony ehoWd that he offered It for sale buUherewasno evidence that a sale was j effected. He was remanded ' to m.i nntV. lrt VrwV' frv.rfvrrrtwr morn. IT - - - T W when judgment will be rendered in the case. ""To Builders and others Go to Jaco Bta for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass ' &e. You can gt all &izo9 and at the lowest price. -I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pyoters.. -piXX5T THIS SEASON. GOOD LlqaersV Cood 6 caata Cian. . Call at MCQO WAN'S SALOON, Mill 6 T. Sf.f'We4M4ay.' -JZ':-.L aeh d-lt FIFTH WARD. rjlKE DEMOCRATS OP THB FIFTH Ward are requested to meet at the Hall of C M. Stedman Baeket at 8 o'efoek, abarp, for toe purpose ef ir aaactln imaoj tant baalneaa. J. M. McGoWAST, NOTICE. To Liquor D ea I e r o MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF WrLMllfGTON, N. C. March 20th, 1SS3. rpnc ATTKNTIOK OF LIQUOR DEAL era l eallcd to tbe tolloyrby; law yt lh State f North CaroUitH "S ierori oT persons shall ervc awar in aLey uhtto place, retail oc sell, -evcept - upon -', t ' " ' ' - ' " .' pirscrpilon of a praeiuHiit" -physician, and for. mcdSclnaJ porrpoM's. any intoxicatiiur liquors,: at &tit time withtir cwre hom-s next preceding o suredln4t any public oltioM, ortkjrtiHr hoWtojf. thereof,' at mj place I within tire miles X any election precinct. "Ait peren or persons violating the pro visions of the preceding seetloa shall be de- e4 guilty of a aalademeaaor, and punishable i - - wit a floe of not lee than one hundred nor j ;r i . more than ooe thousand 4Hars." J?otici hereby glitm that io accordance with the aboie kir, ail Bar .Booms, and places ! ! . - where tatoxJeattn liquors are sold, shall ba ? t i " ; ' 1 . ' 1 . ; ".'"' ' : - " - ---- - " V ' . eloed at S o'clock, F. M., on Wednesday, March flat, aad reoala cleeed until o'clock, A. M., on Friday, Hare S4. i 1 -.v- - . ; .... ! " ' j; . , ' Aay vjolatlon of the above law at the eaa lag election, on tbe Sid ol March. 1S3, will be vigorously proeeca'tesL WM. L SMITH, mch. 321 V Mayer rr-r i 1 txtim pofclT wiser U tao n&ar coseiw; cy ca Cm tbosvuM r oiM of t be Ua4 a4 of be; saita-? t mo tn carl. ia t ryfi U H cy, ttlr- i 5Tru-aPRS,v- 1883. NO.. 69 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice to Inspectors of i Election. rOLLOWiXG NAKED PERsRJNS feATing bem appointed InepcctiB of the city election to be held Thvrsday, March 27b1, arc hereby notified t appear at the City Hall, WednerrtaT. lst Int., at S o'clock, I. U.y to fqn.t v ? " fr : 5 - . f r,t -vrm ..wtix or tihst wbi. - ' j.-- - f - - t 4 VTV- or xowait uivtstox ok rTB.rr n .iBi J. W. EfN( vr n. 'xsn. I s. n. moeton, . oiluart wixgate. FOB SECOND WABX. jab. g. jicae, GEO. J : . 1 T. A. SHKPARt). C. "VrOK TUIBI WARD. ! WALK Eli 2kIfiAUL3, i W. FOSTKU, JXO. W. PBDW, JjiO, TAYLOR. FOK rOBBIM WABtt. a. i dehosskt, ,?so. a. xobwood, M. S. WILLARD, GEO. W. lKICE. JOS. H. II AN BY, A. HOWK, Jr., J. D, M. KLAXDRK, ALKxi HOGGINS. HENRY SATAGK, mch l-lt City Clark and Treasurer, i SUte of North Carolina. Superior Court. ('nnfy of Columbus. Daniel L. Basiell.1-' . - .. TS. ' - ' - Ednrard Caubvell, Kdward Cantwell, Jr., John Cantwell, Fred Caarwell, IllUe Lueasnd husband Benjsmln Lucas. Nellie Mntfaon and husband Uenrr 1. Munson, William CantwelU-Wate Cntll avd fed ward Cant well, Guarls of William a tataCant- ; trell. ! T1IW rSAN ACTION. FOK SHE FORE, closnreofa mortafire of real estate and It appearlor to my satisfaction that the De fendants Edward Oantwef, Edward CantwelL ; 'r Fred Cantwel', I illie Lucas and husband Benjamin Lucas. Sellle Man eon and husband j Henry P. Munson, Kate Captwell an Ed-; ward Contwcll. Guardian ef William and Kate CanrweU, ttre on-rcaldenta and cannot, after due diligence be found la tals State, and that they li.iTonn interest In the! action and are proper parties thereto, now therefore, this Is to oramand eald defendants to appear at the next term of tbe Snperler Court to be held for tho connty of Columbus at the Court House In Wbiterille. on the fttn Mondar after the 3rd Monday in February, 18SS, and answer er dc: mnr to me complaint, or jcagmentwtn be reu dered against them according to law. This the 5th day of Febrnanr. 18S3. K W. M. BALDWIN, Clerk. feb 13 law-0w-tues. I A Large Stock QF BLANK BOOKS, Paper and Enrrlopet, School Booki, . Wrapping Parr, Paper Basf, Twine, ricturc Frame. Albums. j - Musical Instruments, Ac', Ac' I f - iiiCh 13 i C. W. YATE5. Easier Cards. A LABGE AASOUTMENT. W new de- H . i - -: signs. Fringed and unf ringed. Call and see them at HEIXSBEKGEE'S. Steel Engravings. TCST RECEIVED ANOTHER' ASSORT- ment of STEEL ENORAVINOS, trained and not frame!, for Parlor Ornament. At HEINSBERGER'S, mch 19 ' Lire Book and Mnslc Store ' SODA WATER. fS AND lAFTEK ; TODAY WK WILL j V-r . I.'.---.-kop Ue moat tielicious Ice f :jH Sod: Pure fruit Jnioeo only used. rounds SroG., XKsnsin.7 X'narTsaU, l.51 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, AND WTLiUNOTON, N. C, ; m be gbul to - mcfir coasss2lciwixui frosa our frlcad n tar aecUall i general tatcrwtbul of Tb name of too writer intat tltrays fc f2i ; tlabcd to Vbo Editor. 1 h , ComistuilatlonaiQttUtb wrlttea ca alj one aWe of the paper. reraooallUea nrtat b tol4edi- 'J. And tt U epccSHy &! parUcnlaxly tsiex tooi tMt the Editor does aot aUrart cs4wie tic Tleirs of corrcivpoDfJents mJeia to atd la tho eiltorlal tsohuntta. 1 -f tis-! j L -; !-j NEW AD VEItTISEimilTD. Bacon, Lard, -vMolasn; Flou Sugai 6c. ; ! 100 BXe Sake.l and XX, S. SIDKS, . 150 Tubs LARD. ' ' 'lJ ' 100 Hhda and Bbls MOT-ASrS ' ! lood Bbls FLOJ7B, ourpopalar traadj j j M BbU C. Ex C and Graa. EUOAlt, Wlitags COrrEB, all udes, , 100 Boxoa CANDLES, ; A " loo Boxes SOAP.- n' - nJ,4 . So Boxes STA1IC1I. For sale by ttch lS KEacnXKR A CALDfra ; Easter Hats BpnoQf and beautiful line of roods:; v V ' t II AT8 BON N ETS WJtEATllS," JLACfi CAPfll FEATHERS. L,1CE of all decriptlosj J - AU kinds of HOSraRYfor4IU j -J nd fZMXrv:, i 'I---'', The L.T4leCarc inTiUtl.toexaaixwiny itocli : wilt take pteaenrc . iu showing vnt. Alio a lot of TOTS 'Just rcrjjix eU : Italr ork tBA I to oiaer. : tuntry erUcra promptly. tJjded mchl.-at 45 Market kt. 't Pav Rcnt. ber of houses and lots in this city oa! T j' the Instalment plan, to parties n-ha ' e now liring i veo and indepct3ei.t 1 l "ujoru. -ii not ror mat plaa' ..ay or f ham nl.t -.111 t r - r uuuer mouioru ruie. .Others, b aroounn mocuilr, now own J onf Party own six and oiivtL.r owns seven, lo besfiaaan'-upward-path the tn euiiaidat plan La. proves tots Krlovs soc . cefls.,) It U wonderful-how i-apidly smrfU' amounts grow into.big- nures. ; aTuililM lou .1Lo Ulawnt plan utuaSUon iloney loaned to thoaewlAtaj? V l'ki: mch ie lia-,. Apply to ; JAil ViLiON. ..S. i-vu.. 'it-Mi .-T4 " A . : Complete;: Assoitment -OF- SPRING &: SUMMER .JKCKIVEI) TO-DAY. for Inspec-tion to-morrow. BE'OPKX 1 Tho6e of my ktdy '"iietonJcrs herhaTe been awaltlBK tho antral of thclt 'ffoods-ahd otlx era will .find among thcxh 'the Newest ani Litest and Frcttieat Styles '4nd DeslffnW . A large assortment of the waU-koona ''Cor Ilss" Linen Colliri-alI stfW; LadWs sb4 Children's. ;! AC A call aud an examination nr tf i spectfnlJy solicited. - ' . ?t j MISS E. KARRER, mch 15' ; EXCHANGE CQRSV5L BISQUE; FIGURES. xoinER lot jLpT7ui:cEtyjEi5; i j And for sale bT ; i qiles & arracinsoN. nu b 12 r ..; . in and 40 MuTctispi Xlodk ' Cfirden SqocJI j! PEAS. BEANa,, COUX, CABBAGK. Til - nip, Squash. Collard, nadlsh.cAe,,'A' A ftne soieetion of Flower oead' V: . :! . ! WIT.t.TAtfTT titfiftrv mch B The Place' to Bay.". TURrkNTlNlJ TOOLS. ' ; V 1 1 t DIPPEIIS, i WJXKTTElfs, - -HACK-WKIOUTa. c.&e.. eT ! Best of goods at Bock Bottom, price. A full and complete stock of Hardware ctirgu on hand. . ;V , , WV E.. SPRINGES A CO., I i Successors to John Dawson & Co.. mch 12 13, 21 and 23 Market etroot If You Would be: Happ? BUY A COOK STOW. ! "The Golden Harvest," cc 99 Hi CALUMET.11 Or, "SODTHEItN OAiv or ' PARKER A TATTjvTi Pure White OH.. . mat BUTTER! Q.U.TETX1E, . t . OLEoilAROARINE. "i "-TEAS, , coffees, - t ; r j . ; MOL.laEsjte., Ac. 1c . AcJ 1 Tor sale at low prires hy DeRosset Cl Go. t : dee ia r . -.' . f- ; - v PUE0ELI HOUSE. TTNDER NEW ILvNAGElIENX S4 . - b. l. i-KEi' y llrf.r?Lt. 7 NyinTfiraJl two. t(. thrift o ia jwon, t,igmu u th, TeatiDicjfc. SSm' Tetni B4y.,.l'welfihri Thirtfieath, w(f&t?rah' Xun,t rantfe. Chestnut, Walnut. Malborrr. KsiI mi:i iiMm' rv.- 1.3 I t

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