--.-,H -" --T-- ii j. nujTT.' ".in" W) J i i.t ewrr Tenig, Sody ex- We win beglad to rocclr ocaiaczlciSaaa from our friends on any aad all aj&ctj of TnTUlBtfPCibUt Tlxs nam of tho writer moat ahrara to " t nJabod to tbeXtfUor. ' 1 ! . Coiarnualeationa nut be wrlUaa ca caJ I ooe !ic of the pajw.' : ' : . '.r.i I ceri by ; JOSIIT. .TASrES, EDITOR ASP FttOI-KtETOB. wtTV-CRlPTION3 rOfTAGK PAn. f0"- f,x "wwtns, fiOO. Three; Ono mooth, 35 cent. Tii papr w111 tifllT'rc1 h7 carriers tree j orLinro. la an7 lr of c4tFt at tb above . v,, or 1" cento icr wtk. " ' ".. . ! ' v.iv,tifin? rates law aiwl KhcraL ! T7TT TrTT t-r.nl-cTlber will report any and all fall- j J jt - Y JlX. PcraecAHttce aat bo avcUM4 - stood that the Editor doee not always eadcxw tke views of crrrcpondeaU tsatee m tt&Ud In the editorial colasuaa. WILMINGTON. N.'-Q. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21. 1883. NO. 70 TUTS PAPRB Jj M I Egttf ;:$m ww', ; 1 ! zf- The Daily Hf.vicw Ms Oic largest The Tennspivania Railroad has 1,-M-i ciradtiiion, of tiny newspaper j -JCO.OOO invested in oil cars. I rrnhiisJu'U in the city of Wilmington. Jg ' ;l j 1 CITY DEMOCRATIC T1CKI2T j KI.EOTION, Thursday, march. 22. j ? ! FOR ALDEnMEX: ' F.COJU. WARP. j. hoxf;v, K. D. HALL. THIRD WAHD. JOHN L. DUDLEY, SAMUEL BfcAR, Ja. S. H FI-nBLATE. W. L. DEKOSSKT. Canada has a member of Parliament who i six feet five inches high. "The Hogs of Bunker I Sill" has been ?vdled to Governor liutlerV other tilles More than $30,000 have been sub-j .crileii tor the Burnssldo monument at rmvidenee. ! Th murders in the United States last i jear averaged two a cfay, the executions ! l l O & "Ith. . . . A restaurant palace car is -Lrun from I Paris to Rome, and for 20 -excursion tickets to Italy are issued from Paris for Holy Week. . ' An estate of some $40 000, said to be ! all honest savings. Is left by an aed colored woman who has just died at Bridgeport, Conn. Oliver C. Black, a colored mcss&engcr 'iatheoSke ot the Chiet Naval Cou btructor, complains. that he has been ilHmi'St'd because lie did not act as a domestic servant for that ofticial. There are now thirty trains a day running between New Y rk and Phila delphia on the Bound Brook and Pennsyl vania railroads. Before the - former line was built there were only--about tire trains a day. The Rev. Mr. Talmngo lectured in New Orleans last week, and in talking with a reporter said that the changes in all pliases of Southern life since ho vis ited the South five years ago amount to almost a revolution, and hi some par ticulars to a resurrection. Tho Rev. Dr. S. F.Smith, who wrote "My Country, 'Tis for Thee," has re turned to Chicago from a long tour, through Europe, the East Indies and Buruiah. lie wrote the hymn while he was at Harvard College fifty years ago, The dividing line between tho North Carolina Insane Asylum at Raleigh. ami tho estent Insane Asylum at jiiuigauiiju, runs irom me Virginia line south with the western boundary litx cf Kockinghoa, Guilford, Ran dolph, Montgomery and Richmond counties, to tho South Carolina line. The Scientific Avicricaji says that the haulage of our railways employs over 17,000 locomotives, and that the aggro . frat cost of running them, such as fuel, ater, repairs and engines, is about $30,000,000. or rather more than $5,000 2fir each engine. The item of fuel alone is $33,000,000, but the waste in fuel i3 'noruious. " Tl- n .. .. i f mrroiore, is O.IW.IHV, IVO. or IttS toi every man, woman and , child in the United States. 1 . The report is authoritatively" made ! tUt no less than 5.000.000 have Deen j invited by English capitalists 13 alleged fold minna Ji Tiwlin r. i old mines in Tnrl?n --AfYn- Q,,T t w ...- i:s , . . , K ui oiKinS me imai yieiu ci j those mines does not reach 500. ... If ! Senator PnerVi Via, n hiss vr.tn of tro. 1 rondeus depth, and a correspondent I iLinV. 4U I .1 11 ... i uimks his throat must be coiled up like J xce stem of a brass horn in order to get j it into his body, ample as its propor-i tioua are. When he says "no" during j rol'oftiiir 1 .1, win sounds as it the voiee came i urouch the traps from thesub-bascV; ance answers 4,ye3" or "no" 'with a hearty cheerfulness eminently suS?s tive of the highly entertaining stories he tlls ia the cloak-rocmv - which provoke so much laughter that it is oitcn neces sary to close the cloak-room doors so t tho business of the ; Senate can proceed. "-.-'.; -h.---- xao wwncreiai uazaic estimates ino j . Every artIcIo iu the-Anrii Number of quantity of old whiskies in bond at S0,-t Harpers Magazine tit one reason or 000.000 gallons. This is not .what is j anolhcr, invites especial notice, and no eahed the whiskey of commerce, but is J br Number, from jan artistic point of expected to be used as a beverage It j vIevVf Jlas cvcr bcen iS3aed. The front Peaces the number of drinkain a gallon j ispiecc i3 an engraving from the portrait atf4 The number of drinks in bond, j of : Washington Irving by Gilbert Stuart neuitn ot this money had been in-! magnum s lounn paper on uoiiana u fa . - hy lo the family and tested in gold mines in North Carolina j reUUves of the deceased in the great the result would have astonished spine- Ftosame quaje afflicUonrand Mv. ' jthnf rhftmp:..riy ih! ut rvJnni m. whilo reuiiciDg with them m the " iiinson: in H e sixth chapter o Tu r,c!l Tjtf'T norable Tho x ..... -v' it--T . .l 4. : . - . ... . . mpmnrv m h! nseiul ana nonorauie i.ui. itunu, says iuai American iiisiorv. cntiiieii rvn Kr.. ,ut-nvOfrhe Capitol. - Senator Sawyer chapter .r secret History connected with iifo ha.s ci tri, u -Maximilian's unhappy rejn in Mexico, stohdtl i - S ton he re Miss Woolson's -Fod theAIajor." and Jnas to his name it sounds like a man Black's "Shandon Bejis" are both con- c,ii00lnz through th wnnrl.3 sptint.-p rJnrif-il in this XamhW fir.il vprr Milk retails at Acw York at 10 cif.J"" per quart in upcri measures and )2 ctsj of in bottles. The dealers pay 3 cts. per i iu . 1 L. . . .VlV.J 1. Ii j quart and the recent difierience between jtnem and some of the .dairymen was j that the latter demanded 3$ cts. i LOCAJNEWS. miX TO SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! v li GitKEX tiardeu ScoS Mrxis Bkos Soda Wtcr Hkinsjjekoeh Easter Cards Kcport of tha Coadition of tho First Nation al Bank. ! s Mvii'DEV HELtAMV, Coru'r Commission r'H S.le of Uc-il Estate III! Nothing doing at police headquarters t jay Wiiraliistoa will be a; dry town to- morrow. ThG steamship Benfaclor Caj.t. - Tribon, from New York, arrived at her ........ i ! . wnart m tins' city this morning. There are 700 lock j boxes in the Postoflico in thi3 city, besides lock drawers, and there are nearly 100 call buxes, A handsomo U. S. hospital ambu for the j lanco li:i3 been received ! sole rind exclusive use b here the Marine Hospital at this place. In the case T-Crawford, the tramp, which was reported' yesterday, judg ment was suspended upon condition fiat he leave the city forthwith. 1 i At a meeting ot the Democrats of the Fifth Ward, held last uigljt, it was de cided not to bring out a candidate for Alderman. i We understand that Mr. illopkins has withdrawn from the contest for Alderman in the First Wardi and that Mr. E. W. Doscher will run instead. In the Fifth Ward Mr. Lockey declares that he will 'iek." Exports Foreign. Br. schoo:ter Jltittiei i?., Capt, Cann. cleared to-day for Nassau, N. P., with 41.029 feet lumber and 01.950 shingles, valued at $1,440.94. shipped by Messr3. Northrop & Cumming. k 31 rs. Stewart. We are glad to hear thar there has been a marked improvement in the condition ot the venerable Mrs. Stewart of Smithviiie who, it will . be remcni- Lb&rcdtwas afflicted with p. Ume Sh( sq f iralysis some far recovered as to be able to sit up and to feed her self. For three weeks sho lay' in bed unable to sea fit all, and now :&ho has recovered her faculties and bids lairj to recover entirely, which we trust may be the case. It is pimply wonderful. Mrs. Stevatt is S8 years old and her vitality is marvelous, i A little boy living inMsiuc. Rode a stick-horse on a cane. When the cano broke in two. He was bruised black and blue, But St. Jacobs Oil cured nil his pain. Harper's magazine. Y,.frtn nnKUtW ,nmr.ASfi,. j r t j centenary of Irving's birth. Mr. George j William Curtis gives, in the Editor's E'ls'J Chair' an lnteresttS.jand appre- Native sketch oi tncYriter, whom He styles jncw lories "imost lamous son." Pnebe .arie txibbonss "English larm V 15 C'05C ssmhr of rural lifa m Sussex-, and Mr. ReinhartTs sketches of the subject are delightful. George II. ylih Nation." rrivas a coinf-is mih! mm prehensive review ohel early English settlement in this onntry. Mr. George Ticknor Curtis contributk-s the first of two papers on "The Treaty of Peac and Independence," ratified n century with six portraits. 1 he lion. John Biclnw; in an article entitled '.-The Heir-Presunintive -to the -Imperial Croivn of Mexico." gives an interesting stronrshort story 13 contributed by 'A Working-Girl." Pemsare contributed by T. B. A Id rich, R. H. Stoddard, and John B, Tabb. Besides these," there is a quaint liitlo sUirv in verse, entitled "The Little V White Be-gars." The Kditori.aj Departments are lull of timely and interesting matter. The! Drawer for thi3 month 13 conducted by its earliest editor, Dr. S, I. Prime.- IN MEMOKIAM. Joint Meetings of the Chamber Commerce anfi tho Pro- - . - s luce Exchange and - Resolu tions Relative to the Death of Mr. Gilbert Potter. Rooms Produce Exchange Wiemixgtok. N. C. March, 20, S3. - A joint meeting of the :Chamber of Commerce and Produce , Exchange, called, by order of ' tho. Presidents, was held at noon this day ; j- On motion of .Tames Sprunt, Presi dent!ofthc Produce Exchange, A. H. YanBokkelen, President 6i Chamber ot Commerce, was called to tho Chair. The Chairman called the attention of the joint meeting to tho anuouncement of the death of Gilbert Potter, of New York, and stated that this meeting had been called to tako action thereon. On motion of F. W.JIverchncr, Messrs B. G. Worth and ! John L. Cantwell svere appointed Sceretares of the meet4 ing - ' j; " ' v " On motion of Dr. A. J. DeRosset, a committee was appointed by the Ghair to submit to the meeting suitable reso lutions. . . ; -; . The Chair appointed Dr. A. J. De Rosset and "Messrs B. F. Mitchell, Al fred Martin, it. E ; Calder and Henry C. McQueen as "said eonimittee. The committee retired to frame reso lations. In their absence Mr. B. G. Worth spoke of the deceased and hfe virtues and his good qualities as a mer chant and gentleman. . . , Mr. Ai H.jVanBpkkelen spoke ofxhe deceased merchant and" his business connections with Wilmington and vari ous points ia the South and noted that with the exception of Zophar Mills, Gilbert Potter was , tho . oldest naval store merchant in New 'York city. Ho also stated that the deceased retained the warmest aiiection for Wilmington, and that while liberal in hU charities at home, he had often contributed to the relief -of friends in this city. ; The Committee on Resolutions hav ing returned, presented through their chairman, Dr. A. J. DeRosset; the fol lowing preamble and resolutions; The committee who have been charged with the preparation of some suitable action by the Chamber of Commerce and Produce Exchange ot this city, now assembled in joint meeting, in regard to the death of Mr. Gilbert Poiter, merchant, of tho city of New York, respectfully present the following report, and recommenouts adoption oy this meeting: This community, in which tho late Gilbert Potter was widely known as an upright and successful merchant, a kind-hearted and charitable citizen and a consistent Christian gentleman, was shocked and grieved by tho unexpected announcement of his death, which oc curred at hi3 home in Brooklyn, N. Y., on the night of Sunday, the 18th instant, at the ripe age of three-score and ten. W A.- X" He was personally Known io soihiyji us while a resident ot this place in his eariy life (from 1S33 to 1S44). during which time his active industry in labo rious occupation and his high-toned character a a man, gave promise of tho future success and elevated standing to which ho attained. as a citizen and merchant in the great metropolis of our country." I ! Those considerations, and the inti mate relations which have existed be tween Mr. Potter and many of the peo ple of this city, render it highly appro priate that the bodies composing this meeting should not allow an event of so mueh interest to our community to pass without adopting and recording in their minutes some expression ot their sense of the loss which has been sus , tainod b v the death of such a citizen. - It is therefore ordered by the Cham bcr cf Commerce and by - th Produce Exchange ot the city of Wilmington that this minute be entered in their respective books of record, and copies of the same be turnished to the news papers of this city, the Now York Jour nal of Commerce and the -New ' York Shippiiig atvl Commercial List, for pub lication. " i " Resolved, also, that wo tender our life, and in the blessed hope of eternal life for himthrough the merits ol-.tne Saviour 'whom he believe and trust- f Afi. - - - i On motion the preamble and resolu- ( tions were received and adopted. On motion the Secretaries were in structed to 'forward a -copy . of these resolutions to the family ol the deceas ed."' . , - j , , " " " i Oh motion tho meeting adjournel. John L. Cantwell, B. G. Wokxh - i ; , i i - ----- - i 'Secretaries. t 11. r wt t, i i A called meeting of the W limtagtoal , , , & , ,. . x nxiuce xxenaue was ueiu lmiucui- ately after the joinff meeting which was called to order by the President, when t On motion of John Daniel it was " Resolved, That sj a mark cf respect to the memory of the late ' Gilbert Pot ter, of New York City. thi3 Exchange close from 1 o'clock this 20th day of March, until 12 o'clock on the . 22nd day of March, 1683. Adjourned. Jonx L. Cantwell, Secretary. j Fish Culture. Within ! the last two or three yearsf many of the farmers in different sec tions of the State havo devoted consid erable attention to making lish ponds and stocking them wi,ta German., carp. Previous to that' time, lew had made ponds and stocked them with the tish common to our ponds and streams, in j order to have fish upon their -tables when desired, without the trouble, fa tigue and uncertainty attending a Ashing excursion to a distance; but the rcsalts, as a general thing, were not satisfacto ry. Since the introduction of carp cul ture, however, complete success has resulted from tho experiment- '" Several farmers of our acquaintance have en gaged in the enterprise, and in no in stance have we heard of a failure Their succe3 has been so pronounced that others have been induced to try the experiment, and it will be but a few years before, every man may have his well-stocked. fish pond, from which he can draw at pleasure a generous supply of good) wholesome food. The cost of making and-stocking the pond is so very small that it becomes almost nominal. Among those who haye recently em barked in the enterprise is a friend and correspondent at Shellgrove, Pender county, N. G., who has prepared and stocked a pond. His fish were secured from Mr.vR. L. Beall, of Lenoir, N. C, a letter from whom concerning fish culture " has j been handed us, lrom which we make the following extracts : ' Lenoir, N. C, March 2d, 1833. Dear Sir : Yours received last night and i cheerfully answer your inquiries. 1st The area of my pond, containing 3,000 carp is three-fourths of an acre ; greatest depth 8 feet; average depth 3 feet. -. 2nd-The nature of tho bottom is clay and loam. J 3d Th'e ponu is made by a dam on a very-small stream,- and is protected from floods by surrounding ditches, and from inflowing sand by an auto matic gate. ! 4th When placed m the pond (June. 1881) the carp were from 3 to 5 inches long, and by September, following, they were from 12 to 20 inches long and weighed from 1$ pounds to 4 pounds. The largest will now weigh from G to 7 pounds. 5th They were not fed from J uno to September. I feed them now, as tho pond is crowded, with corn mush.scraps of bread and refuse from tho table. - 0th They like to take their food as tra floats on the surface and will come in schools for it, and will take it from the fingers. The very young see.n fond of sucking floating sticks, trash and scum, and as. they grow larger they seem fond ofTooting in the mud among the flags, grasses and other water plants. These plants are important, as m the process of spawning all the eggs that produce fish become attached to them, and those egg3 which fall to the bottom are unhatched. You'cannot hope for success in carp culture if your pond is infested with predatory fish, such as eels, catfish, perch and river trout, j As to eating qnalite3 I will say that, in flavor and in all other respects, they equal any fish I ever tasted. : Rolisrlous Services "At St. PauTs Evangelical Lutheran Church there will be services in English every afternoon, at 3 o'clock, expect on Friday and Saturday. On Friday there will be German service at 11 a. m. and English service at night, commencing at 7.30 o'clock, at which confirmation will be administered to a class of 16. "of which 10 will be males and G females. ThUjwill be the largest class ever con firmed at any one time since the exis tence of the church here. On Sunday (Easter) morning there will be English service, commencing at it oclock, at which one adult will be confirmed. These confirmations, with those " who have been confirmed and added since last Easter, will make a total of 49, a I greater number than was ever confirm- ed in this church in any previous year 0f Us history -: We are clad to learn that ilr. J. W, Avera, of Rocky Mount, tlie young man i who was changed with complicity in a mail robbery, was honorably discharg ed al the hearing before the C S, Com missioner yesterday at Goldsboro. J 1 First f iihtallment. Messrs." A. & I. Shrier, at 31 Market j street, have received their first install 1 meat of twe hundred and - fifty i Flannel Suiu which they warrant fist color. Each coat has a label with their . . , ,. lull name sewed on the collar as a guar- antec to their scnaine quality. IXon't fail tozeta suit. ; - . : - " ! HUM I i.M.ll 4p IIH-IIWlll lil ! ...... . t . A fine assortment of Gens and Pistols tX Jacqsi'b ETardTrare Depot. . f - Literary Club, Agreeable to announcement the above named organization met at Li brary Hall last evening. The question, "Will Railroad Com missions Benefit the South," after dis cussion by Mr. B. G. Empie, in tho affirmative, and Mr. G. P. Macindoe, inyjthg negative, upon a vote being taten, was decided m the negative. ' The Club was agreeably entertained 1 DVMr. Henry I'mcus, of Philadel phia, a young man possessing rare elocutionary and recitative powers. j 1 tioo wno naa not; the good lorlune of listening to his attractive prtr grannno of reading, recitations and sketches missed a treat. By the unan imous vote of the club he was ledercd a vote of thanks and we hope that - we may soon have tho pleasure of hearing him again. Upon requss; Mr. G. P. Maclndoo recited, in his usual agreea ble manner, one of his numerous se lections. Mnj. J. W. "Dunham : hav ing tendered his resignation as Presi dent. Mr. B. G. Empie was tlected bv acclamation to fill the vacancy. . The appointments now stand as fol-' i lows:! . . . - March 29th Orator J. B. Aaron. Doclaimers W. Rutland ami James Budd. 1 . j ; Readers G.' S". LoG rand and G. R. Dyer. 1 . . . " - - April 10th Query "Ought a Repre sentative be bound by tho instructions of his constituents?" -Affirmative W. M. Gumming and G. H. Smith. Negative H. W)Maiky and W. S unggs. NEW ADVEltTISEMESTS Report of the Condition QF THE FIRST NATIONAL ! BAXK OF WIIAUNGTOX, r!t "Wilmliigtou, la tho State of iortU Carolina, at the close of business. ifarch 13tb, 1SS3: . i RESOUKCZS: ' Loans and discounts $W3,ft53 50 Overdrafts ..... y,781 32 U. S.-Bonds to eecurc circulation... 50,000 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages i 87,685 40 Duefrom approved reserve agents.. 93,632 58 Due from other National Banks WJ Due from State Banks and bankers. ' 1,615 01 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 7ft, ITS (J Current expenses and taxes paid.' 6,227 12 Bills of other Banks, 1 30,85100 Fractional paper currency,' nickela, and pennies...... 328 59 Specie ,r... . 42,076 60 Lejral tender notes.'...........;..... 15,28 00 Bederaption fund with U. S. Treaa- urer, 5 per cent of circulation. . . . ' 2,250 00 Total ..$1,053,037 71 LIABILITIES : Capital stock paid In.1 ....$2oO,GOO ce .... 33,407 tO .... 52.153 20 8unlus fund Undivided profits. ...... auonaiJianK notes outstanding... 4 44,900 CO Dividends unpaid ; 2,270 50 mtuviuuai ueposus suuject toehock 287,121 94 Demand certificates of deposit. . . . Due to Qthcr National Banks. Due to State Banks and bankers. . Koten and bills re-discounted. . .:. . 2i),00fl.35 25,335 62 ! 2,897 39 50,404 1 Total. ..$1,003,667 71 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) Cocxxv or New IIanovek, fis. j ; I, A. K. WALKEK, Cashier, of the abpre named bank, do solemnly Bwear that tho above ' j : etatement is true to the bestjof ray knowledge nd belief. .a. R. WALKEE, Cabbier. f Subscribed and 8 -worn to before me this 21st day of Marh', 133. J. HOWELL, Notary rubllc Correct Attest : E. E. BURRUS3, :RUS3, ) RTH, S MARTIN, ALFRED X'. K. Ul 1 XI Directors. men 21 Commissioner's Sale) of Real Estate, BT tleciee of "the SujMjrlor Court of New Hanorer county, renaerea in a certain action therein penaisg tetvreen caroUDe u. 21. gtranas s Administratrix of J.-W. Strau3, dfceased, aa i-jaimin, ana nr. n. Biraus3, et aia as iXfcnd aaU, tho undersigned. Commissioner appoint ed by aald decree, wlil sell, by public auction, at the Court Hbueo Door ia the city of Wil mington, on Mondav, the 22d day of April, ls3, at 12 -ii, tbose f jts or p iroela of land sit uated, lying-, tbd being in thecityofWjlmlng toTalresaid, and bounded and described follows: The Sirst lot, which is subject to the dower of the widow oi J. W. fctrausa, deceas ed, bcguiEdag at a point In the Kastern lice of fcccond 6tree.! when the said lincof Bccond street U ia terser ttd by tho southern Hneef Ikaitj'ij al k?y , runol.iif thence froutcvrardly with ivxDi gtrcct 4S feet, Uiencc Easiwanlly parallel with Uruo.vw-iek street. 1jC feet.thence ctouthwanliy 32 fet, thenre fcastwaidly 3o feet, tbeccn Northiranily 77 fct to the South ern line vf JJeatty'B aiSey, thenc Westwanily along taid bne of Beatty'i ' alley lei feet to eroi 3trc, the !e2ijiran,r. f The feocond lot,; beginning at a point in the jiasufm 01 ."eeona Birtct 45 lect SoutS- wraiy;roma point v hem the- aid lino of ufot Say's SiiSiuf uSd ?kuthcrn , :q HTJll-1 waruly aiong -econa slrec-t 32 feet, thence Ehs. raralieHvUh HruLs-.vSkfctrret.l-) Icct.theiu; I North 32 feet, thfcncs itrj itei 10 tbv era ae 01 soJii.i direct, 12a 1 cjinnimr. me nun: of il,JM vrtih dth intcrtfct from tho lUh day of ; iril;tcginniugt.a pourtla tte J ebruary, iastern ilise f cec.Jiid trce-t' where tha. -a' l line of becotni ttet li lateroctetl byfeei Southern of UruutrJ. ?trtef. nuLnUig fcirtet 1S5 lect n thf .Northern 11:ks of Becty' -i alley, thence r ast with t-ald of Ik-atlr S'8 'a t alle ley: ick W feet, tbccw North feet to limns V Wt'st-wKh tb ftOUlhtrra f &trvt y 5 ite i, t' the begin - une of iirucewicji. ninr.- i -" - - Terms of aleIlia.! first aud Wi.t'loi4?. ono-thlrd cash, bcianco Iu eejual lnt?isxt4i at six and nine it.o:t:i-. - . . . gage debt to bo. paid out of tie purehac 5STHst Mareh: idC: V- 3; . new AmramsmjjcOTa. Bacon, Lard, : MoIauEOoJ Flour,; SugaV&c:; 150 Tut LAUD. 4 ; .v' 100JIhd and TSbU MOLASSES, 1000 Ebls FLOURourpopalAr traad, SO Bbb C, Ex C an4 Grn. BUOAJt, 100 Bags COFTEB, Ml grmdV1 200 Bore's CANPLES, " " .; iix rx& SOAP.- M Boxes STARCH. .Tor ule by tach 19 KERCHXKK & CALDEB BWS. DbnH Pay Rent XJ years I have sold a lariro mim- K ber or tiou08 and lots la tbi city m JfT Ti tn lnstaliocnt lan tt th lnstalpjcnt plan to psrtios who are now Uvlog froe and independent YL Vl of landjorrts. If not for that dsn "mSZjZt them w:on'.d etlU 1 mTlrtr rcntan.l: nih. . uoner lauuiom ruk- Others, br tarW mn amounts nioathi, now 6va two . to ttirtxs iyuM: ;nun partr oitms ix ad another owns seven.! . To.bctrln on an npwpd pau the la ' stalmcnt plnuhai pmvca to 1 a kJoiIous eue- -ccpS. It U Wondcrfulfbow myHly: email amoucu pow Into b!gr G&xreB. , lfalliinx lota -for fealo on the InsUi&ient plan situated ou ?0Z' dev0wth.' r.'trwelfth; Thlrenttj. U-o t 3n,?iir' un. Ann OnW. Chestnut. , ahiut. Mulberry. Jtod Cross, Mwte. LUurt lolte and Kazitio uti-eets. . - ft Mouey loaned to those vrlshlnar tn bnl!4. mcb l-lm Apply to . JAMEd WlLiiOX.; THIS: DAY. A 'Complete Assortmont -OF- SPRING & SUMMER JECEIVED TO DAY, WILL Ji ) OPEC - ror laspoction to morrow. ' x Those of my lady ruetomers who hive t awaiting tha anltal of these .goodand th cm frill and among them tb Tcat a&d . Latcfet and Prettl;r9 fylii'and De&!gna. Alar,jeaiisortm5tottbweU luwifa Cf j UasM IJndn Co11iw--a11 ttylM, X&&M ' ad I "Atshll and an eXnmi&tilfoH ' ) aloc Is r- epoctfully BoMclted.-"-.j--:( r, r.? r MISS E. KAItRER, mch 15 SXCUANGK COBXEJL I Garden Sfeed ! IpEAS, BEANS. ; CORK. , CABBAGE, Tu jxlp. Squash, ColiArd, Radish.' 4,, Av . j A lino Belcctloa of Flovrvr teed ,. For nalo by . ' . . ' ? -'!; WIIXIAM XX. ORKEX, njcli 6 If You Would be ' Happv HUT A COOK STOVE. ii- The Golden Harvest." "CALUMET,-: I Or, "SOUTHERN OAK,- PARKKB & TATU3JL nr inrc Wluw oil. ; . f - :-. a A Large ptibek OF BLANK BOOKS. V;;-! r ., , ! Taper and Etsrelopci, School Books, i Wrapping Farmr, . ! .... - . . ; Taper Bags, ?. '7 : - U.- ' . Picture Frames, ! Album. . -' , t 5 , Musical lEBtrnmeata. Ac, Ac ; Cardd. A LAUGL ASSOKTMKNT. Al!'iinf Of uigus. Fringed and unf ringed. Call 'and ' them at : m :.',.;; ItEINSBEEGZCS. Steel Engravings. Jt"iT UKCEIVED ANOTirEh Asonr ment of 8TKEL KNOILWINGS, ftaaaed aod not fra med. ior Parlor Orjvamcuurt IIEINSBERGER'S, men 19 , Uv8 2Jook andilaalc Store SODA ArATER. A 01 AND AYTElt TO-DAV Hfi WILT aen the oit delirtjn Cold Sdr. i jrure irttit ui'M otl nmtl. 1 Rlu rids Bros AND TVUllNGTON, N. C. . 4 , i Wch l - ' X --i " r f. j." . tt(fPnfiFH?T?,X!71 f U g5 U Z?i V? lH t ' U ii. ? r. 1 I i n a ta iaes93ixaK tm ( in war. i s:&a a& irz thr - u mVALVAbUi IHKAHHit ee izt- cit r-4pr 4 r. o. ot ia i wnwj, tut I -wltl eHf Two l-vmLi TZU W f. P. Jo.M-y,,: (J W axO nsirbp Coca rlAW, W1U; practfeft la unf part of ,.