The Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARC1T 21. 1883. festered at the Poetofflce lU Wilmlaton.N. - as second-class matter. Over 88 per cent of the imports and export trade of Qmda is monopolized j bv two countries. Great Britain and '.Tit' ' i it.... r t. . . . .? 7lrlff rcnlations Ike trade with Canada jaiht be enlarged four-fold, to the mu tual benefit of both countries. A cremation society is to be ;forraed U Chicago with a capital of $100,000 It la intended to start a regular crema tory In that city, A3 it is thought there are a largo n timber of people in the -Northwest Avho believe that tho best and most economical method of iis- posing of the dead is by incineration. According to tho report of the Secre tary of War, the organized strength of the militia of the United States is 67,714, '" Of this number 6,533 are commission . ed officers and 81,031 are non commis- aioned officers, musicians and privates, Tha number of men available for mili tary daty. but unorganized, is 0,707,- . Pensioners who are entitled to in- erased pay under the act making fur ther provision for persons who have ; lost a hand or foot in the military or naval service, or who have suffered an equal bodily disability, can get the in crease they are entitled to without the Intervention of a lawyer or a claim aent bv application direct to the Pen sion Office. - The Tennessee, Iron Mountain. Caro. . Una and Virginia railroad is a proposed . .new line from tho Ohio river through Kentucky, Tennessee and North Caro lina to tide water. Mr. S. J. Kirk patrick Is president. The Jonesboro, ".Tennessee, Journal says the road wili form a direct aud unbroken lino, to . Charleston and Wilmthgton. A charter baa also been -obtained into the coal fields of Scott, Lee and other counties In Virginia. It is contemplated to be ' the shortest direct line from the Ohio to the Caroilnas. In view of the approaching corona ' tionof the Crar, the court jewelers of fit. Petersburg are now busy cleaning and repairing the insignia of the crown, the va(uo of which is, estimated at six " and a half million dollars. The crown itself, valued at $600,000. is adorned with magnificent diamonds, fifty-four eaormous pearls without a flaw, and a ruby of extraordinary size; it is of exquisite workmanship. It was made by Pawio, the Gcnevese jeweler, and was first used at the coronation of Catharine the Great. . Cr elevators, is rapidly increasing ( throughout the United States. The first one went into operation less than 25 - - years ago, and now between 45,000 and 60,000 are in constant use, New York alone having 15,000. It is estimated that for every new mile of railroad which is constructed, a passenger eleva- tor is built. The travel on tfyom is enor moos. The eight elevators in the Equi- Tltabie Building in lie w xork carry up - - ani down a daily average of 20,000 peo ple, while several thousand per diem is not an unusual number for Unto stores and hotels in our large cities. The Cleveland (O.) leader publishes what purports to bo an interview with a bartender at the Capitol in Washing . ton relative to the habits oi Congress men and some other newspapers, whose claims to decency are far in excess of those of the Cleveland, Leader have - copied the article. Hero are two para "" jrapha of lies concocted by the Mlrink' t mixer and eagerly swallowed by . the . newsmonger. Their extreme probabil ity will strike every reader at the first glance : - We have some curious .drinkers kers among the members of tho present tfouseV continued the bartender. "A member from South Carolina takes on the average about forty drinks a day. He fills his glass to the brim every time and tells the bartender his sight U bad and he can't tell how much there is in the glass till it gets full. like all of the Southern members he always drinks whiskey, and ho takes it straight. A member of the House from Kentucky wants three lumps of 6ugar, a . table " spoonful of water and a pint of whiskey for his usual dram. Dust a little nut meg over this and. says be. It makes a ; drink for the gods He can stand this ! several times a day and can repeat it! Any others Pn asked I. -Yes," responded the drink-mixer, inI Hranf T Vint a f ." enn o omamI ' and the way some Congressmen take ' drinks on tho sly and slink out when they think they are being seen makes nic sick. There is a member from North Carolina, a namby-pamby, utterly-utter, cesthetic Senator, who thinks all the women are in love - with him - and pretends to be pious. He never drinks whiskey when any of his . . . . t . T. : M . menus are in ine oar. nu camo in, look around, and if he sec3 any one be knows he will march up to mo and ask for change for a quarter and then slip out. In half au hour he will ecrse back again, and. if his friends era renc. he will call out for 'a -very rrctiy codicil, but to dca't xnind if 1 make it a little stiff." .He is an aesthete, you know, and wants his cocktail pret ty.' lie will drink three of these and then filling hi3 vest-pooket with cloves, ho goes off chewing them to hide hia breath. There arc a number like him, but he is the only one I know lrom the South.".- j . '! That all there is about it, and we breathe freer. We had thought to find some llre-eatin? Southerner auaflina: a goblet of aquafortis, eeasohed with dynamite and dashed witb"ia few live coals, ns we believejthat ia o :e oi tho choico beverages away down South in Dixie. The two-!eeged tailess canine of the Leader is "evidently no? an adept at the business of reporting. Southern peculiarities. But who is the 'sc3thetic Senator' from North Carolina? Messrs Ransom and Vanco can fight for that bone. For Thick Heart, I Heavy stomachs, billious conditions, "Wells' May Apple Pills" anti-billions. cathartic. 10 and 25c. PERSONA T Mr. Tyner, the-expostmastcr general, is going to open a law office fn Bis marck, and bideeyenta. Judge Jerc Black has been nominat ed for President in 1884 by tho Dele ware county. Pa., Democrats; Rev. Isaac S. Kellocti ha3 retired from politics, pulpit and publicity, to a cattle-ranch at Santa Cruz, California. An autopsy is to be beld on the body o Prince Alexander Gortschakoff; to ascertain if there is any foundation for the Btoryhat he was poisoned, j Miss Mildred Lee, the much admired daughter of the late General R. E. I&e. will remain several weeks in Charles ton as the guest ot Colonel: II. F. Young. jt : . j . Rer. Alexander Skeiser, of Ports ville, Pa., has been relieved of his "Rev." title. The church only found him guilty of unlawful intimacy, breach of promise of marriage and falsehood. I Richard Travcthick , of England, who inventod tho locomotive and high pres sure engine and died pcnnilesat Dart ford in 1833, is going to have a monu ment, and much goodofit maydohim. Miss Blanche Vaughan, who is play ing the part of "Billy Piper" this; win ter, in 'The Danitea,'' is said to belong to one of the first families in Provi dence, R. I., now in reduced circum stances. Touns or middle aged men j suffering from nervous debility, loss ot memory, premature old age, as the result of bad habits, should send three stamps for Part VI of Dime Series pamphlets. Address World's Dispensary Medical Asiociation, Buffalo, N; Y. w-s. SHOUTS. Biddeford. Me., has elected a cratic mayor. ; The Illinois House passed a Demo- bill to punish wife-beaters by whipping. is to have his nose broken and keep a barroom Several Chicago physicians have been detected sharing with druggists the pro fits of prescriptions. Hieroglyphics wcroused to inform the compounder when to charge extortionate (prices. The Falls of Minnehaha, inimprtaliz ed by Longfellow, arc now inclosed in a park of which the other attraction is'a beer garden. So one may get his laugh ing water and his fire water at one gulp. The wife of a Sydney (New South Wales) editor appeared at a fancy dress ball as "The Press," her dress consist ing of several pages of her husband's paper printed in colors on a beautiful white satin. j The New Orleans competitive drill wili begin on tho 17th May and close on tho 19th. For infantry companiea the first prize is gl.500; second, S1.C00: third, S500. - The lirst prize for artillery companies is $500 ; second. $200 ; third. 100. jLntnes will close MaysIst. It is announced that inside often days stages will be carrying passengers in 48 hours over the gap between the ends of the Northen PaciGc road, thus giving direct communication between the East ana fortiana without a sea voyage. Traffic to Western Iiiaho is practically opened. I Brlglit's Disease, Diabetes, Itidtiey, Liver or Uronary Disease. j Have no fear of any of these . diseases if you use Hop Bitttrs, as they will pre vent and euro the worst cases,! even when you have been made worse by some great puffed uppretended cure. MOONSHINE. Fifteen aioux inaians wno arc see ing Gotham amuse the people at a ho tei eating with their bands and dress ing outlandishly. As they wear silk hats they think they are civilized. This is a very common mistake among peo ple besides Indians. Lowell Citizen 'Oh, dear! I'm all tired out!'' exclaim ed Mrs. Shoppingham: you can't have parcels sent to the depot now without paying, you know, and in an economical fit Tve been lugging this all about tho city. And with a great sigh of relief she took a spool of cotton out of her pocket and deposited it on the table. Boston Transcript. j A school teacher asserts that scholars i who have access to newspapers at home outstrip those m their studies who do noi. seo the papers, becoming better readers and spellers, better gramraar na nnd writing the best compositions. besides learning geography and history quicker. Now is tho time to subscribe. Fkila. Neics. There was company of , gentlemen engaged'in a little game of cards in a prominent gentleman's parlor one night lately. It grew late, and fears werojexpressed by the party that they were trespassing upon the kindness of the mistress ot tho house, who, by the way, was not present. "Not at all, gen tlexnen not at aiil! Play as long as you please. ; I am Czar here." said the mas ter of tho mansion. ; Yesgentiemaa, piay as long as you please," Eaid ac sil- very voiced and all rose as the mistres of the house stood before them. "Play as long as you please, gentlemen! But, as it is near 1 o'clock, the Czar is going to bed?" He went. nan rancugo Argonaut. THE Themalla close and arrive at the City Pot office a follow : .. CLOSE. Northern through ma! la, fast.... '...'..09 P. M. Jiorthern through and wi 7 malls. . - A. M. ILalelgh .3.00 P. it. and 6.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and i routes supplied therofrom lnclud- lng A. & S. C Railroad a - 5.40 A. Jtf. Southern Mails for all "points South, dally ....6 30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. wtrn tn4ila f C. C. Kalhrarldallv. ( except Sunday) ......5.00 P. 3L i AD points between Hamlet and Hal- -elgh 5.00 P.M. Mailf or Clravr and Darlington Rail road 6 30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M, Mails for points between Florence and Charleston.... A. M. and 8.00 P. U. FayettevMe aud office on Cape Pear River, Tuesdays and Fridays. . . . ..1.00 P. M Fayettevillc, vb Lamberton, dally, except Sundays.... ,...5.00 P. M. Onslow C. IL and Intermediate offl oes, Tuesdays and Fridays .&00 A. M. Smithvllle malls, by steamboat, dally (except &unda). i . . .8-30 A. M. Mails for Easy 11 ill, Town Creek, Shallotte ana Little Rlvez, Tues days and Friday. -S,00 A. M. OPKN FOR, DELIVERT. WrLrhtsrille. dally .'.....'..'.8.38 A. M. Northern through and way malls J30 and 8.00 A. M Sout hern Malls. ...7.3 A. M oad 9.45 A. M Carolina Cen Mails col m street boxes every day at 3.30 P. M. BUmp OQe o from 8 A. M. to Is M., and from 2 to 6.15 P. Mony order and register iwavfmant smart afimA AJt fltJUYIYi mnCA. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office la closed. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on gundara from to 9.30 Ai i . t Quarterly Meetings For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Churoh, South :' ' " (CONCLUSTOy FIRST ROUKD,) Newton Grove Mission,. !.. ..ilar. fil Point Caswell Mission, at Providence I vMar.SJ7 R. O. Buetok. P. E Bishop L.yraair Appointments March 22 Thursday Rocky Mount. 23 Good l-riday rarboro. 25 Easter Day Wilson. 29 XhuKsaay bourn Mills, con secration. ! 30 Friday Camden. 31 Saturday Newbegun Creek. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, MISCELLANEOUS. HEADACHE BANISHED. 7Xo matter what cause, alck, nonrdglc, dvapeptic Which-la It ? effectually removed.. nerrons. It can be CK.C.W.B EM SON'S 7 CELERY & CHAMOMILE PILLS. PCAftrO MJCfMMLT TO CURS wiu, curs HEADACHE ah tmoa. 'EURALGJANERYOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA. They contain no opium, quinine, or other narmtui arug ana are oigniy recommended. Andrew's Bazar says: "A sensation ha often heen made bv the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stoi-d the test like ur. isenson a cciory ana Chamomile 11118. I hey really do cure as they promise." yonr Pills li&ve cured mcof nervous fa earache, which I've alwava hati." AI. Fannie Lock- hart, Ki&iBg Bun, Md. 'These I'llls are invaluable in nervous dla eaees." Dr. Hammond, of New York. "They cured me and I take great pleasure In commending them to all who nave neuraLjia." Mrs. Daniel C Hoppen, Clay Bon , Va. "For 7 years I had sick -headache. Your pills cured me." J. K. Buckler. Leesburg, Va. "Dr. Benson's rills for the cure of Neural gia aro a success." Dr. O. V. Holmaa Chris tianburg, Va. H - "I have found them just the thing for Neu ralgia, as you represent them." Mrs. 51. W. Grow, Kippey, Iowa. "Your fills have proved a blessing to me." Ii. M. Veazle,; p Franklin Street, Charles town, Ma$3. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure consists of Internal and external treatment at same time, and It makes the skin white, soft and smooth. Re moves humors and cures thoroughly. It con tains no poisonous drugs. $1. j O. Crittenton, Solo Wholesale Agent, for Dr. C. W. Benson's Kemodks, 115 Fulton St., New York. men IS lw-c-th-frm Wanted Teachers ! $100 Per month Steady employment during Spring and Bum mer. Addresa J. C. McCUBI)ir& CO., feb 26 4 w Phlla., Pa. TThea I m car X do not Btrl7 1 stop tfcm ft atlnM ad then tium ntura nin, I dms nSU tu cor. 1 bar sum tM IUmm t FXZB, xrnJCPBT or FALLING 8ICKMX8S 11 f a-Ion f etndT. wmMBf remedy to cor tbo wont cam. . Baen otlier 4m It to core tbo wont cam. Eaen ottarBC t&ild u no ream for Dot acrw raeelrtnc a car. fianda one for tretU n4 a Fr Bottt ot mr tefaUlUa romodr. G1t Xxpreva and Pent OfSoa. It cou roa ttotol&r for trial, ami I will tart ynq. - Add . B. O. SOOT, MS Pearl Bt., Kw York Free! Cards & Ohromos YTe will send free by mall a sample set of onr large German, French and American Chromo Card, on tinted and gold grounds, with a price list of over 200 different designs, on receipt of a stamp for postage. We will also send free by malt as samples, ten of our beautiful Chromos, on receipt of ten cents to pay for packing and postage; ako enolosea confidential price list of our large oil chromo. Agents wanted. Address F. GLUSOS & Co., C6 Hummer Street, Boston, Mass. feb2tf 4w Mothers Read This ! Stove Rilkje, X. Y. Tak Decpex Bhos. Doar feira : Yonr WoJtit Confections have been invaluable to us. Onr little boy, two years old, discharged over thirty worms in a few days, using only a few of yenx Worm Confections. I am glad to bear testimony to the value of YanDeusen's Worm Confections. Yours, ; Try them 25c a box. i ' VAICDKU8ES BHOS, fcb96-lw Kingston N. Y. ,:rllOORECOUITYGIT, CvKN LULLS AND UIUST0!IS, - (iT.T.irrrrn). iUtOIU4 IlltViUULU uzTLzsorioucm Ksrra caz:uxa cnirreri ca. Branch Offlas,-ajarfotts N. C Lime, Kainit and Plaster! BUILDING LliU:. AGIUCm-TUKAI, LIME CARBONATE OF LI1IE, ;KAINIT, LAND rLASTEH AND MARL. ' GOOD FEIITIUZER8,' I AND VEST CHEAP. Send for Circnlar Fiiiicn BndB.; w n m i m f m to m rxg-amtur sieNATuws on evewy box. T MISCELLANEOUS. New; Life given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock -of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the ; danger from , impure water ' and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c ! H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co. Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D.C., writes, Dec 5 th, x88t: Gentlemen : I take pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for m& laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. ' Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it Don't .be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good? The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore Md mch la-Xw tp-c-nrm 7) 55 95 M o 1 - - . o O O o S3 O r 0 a Pi Pi -s. 7 o S CD P f r o 09 L. Boatwright's 'PAROLE D'HONNETIE" I . I . f Roller Process Flour. For Beauty, Strength, Purity, and Bread pro ducing qualities, it is the highest attain able standard. Guaranteed In every Instance TBY IT, XT WELL, PBOVE JLLX WE CL U FOB IT. JOHN L. BOATWRIGHT MC1S : ; - . 20,000 NEW PEANUT SACKS AND 4 ; Buflhel Oat Sacllo. roaaiflCas &a is-tt MISCELLANEOUS. r- . 1883. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Uarprr't Jfaffozin beclne Its slxty-iith nme with tbe Deoembe- Number. It la only the mot popular illustrated periodical In America, and England, but alto tbe largest In Its scheme, tbe most bettctiful In Ha appear ance, and the best magazine for the borne. A new novel, entitled For the Major," by Con stance Fenlmore Wooteon, the anthor of Anne," was begun in the November Number. In literary and artistic excellence tbe Jlaffa zine improves with each successive number, bpecial efforts have been made for tbe lighter entertainment of its readers through humor-. oua stories, sketches, arc Harper's Periodicals. A-er iear: nxETEa'a MAGAZINE.. .4 IIarfer's Weekly.. .1..... 4 ILUtTES'S BA2AR... .... 4 The Thkee above publications... ....... 10 Any1 Two above named... 7 Harper's Votrsro Pfiorix.... .i... I Harpeb'r Maoaztke I HAHrEK'8 Yocio Pitoru! i 3 00 Habfer8 FranKltx Square Librabt, ' One Year (52 N ambers). . ....... .1 . . . 10 00 Postage Free to oU subscriber $ in the UrtUed State or Canada H The volumes of tbe Macazine beeln with the Numbers for Jane and Deoemberot each year. When no time is specified, it will be under stood that tbe subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. Tbe last Eight omroescf Harper '$ Maga zine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail. rmfltpHia. on receipt of ms oo per volume. Cloth Caees, for binding, 50 cents each by mail postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, ana Classified, for Volumes I to 60, inclusive, from June, lt0, to June, 130, one vol., vo, cwth, 9 w. Remittances should be made by Fost-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avo.n chance of loss, . IfeuiKTMnerM at not to com this advertisement tcitAout the express oraer of UARr&R & unog. - . t s . . . : Address HARPER & BROTHERS, dec 13 New York. " 1883. Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. Baroer's Weetty stands at the head of Ameri- i can illustrated weekly journals. By its unpar- Usan position va poiiucs. its numirapio liiustra - tions. its carefully chosen serials, short jatoris. sketches, ana p'ems, contributes by the fore most artists and authors ot the day, it carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of Americar. homes. It will always be the aim of the publishers 1 to make JIarper't Weekly the most popular and attractive inrauy newspaper w tne world. . Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: i Harpsr Weekly.... ..14 00 .. 4 00 ., 4 00 Harper Magazine... nAnrsK's- Bazar. ... The Thrrb above prtllcatloas 10 CO 7 00 Any Two above named. i - ..., Harper's Yocwo People . 1 50 Harper's Magazine Harper's Youko People, J j CO Harper's Frankum square LiDRARr, One Year (55 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to aU subscribers in the United States and Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly berfn with tbe first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned. It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. xne jat four Annual volumes ox Harper's Weekly, in nat cloth bindinsr. will be sent bv man, pu5tage paiu, or oy express, rree of ex -"a i . - . pense (provided the freisrht does not exw1 one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth La&es for each volume, suit; ble for Dinotng, win oe sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made bv Post-OMcn Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to cow this advertiemjnl teuww, tne express oraer of harper & Bros. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, dec IS New York. Fayetteville Observer. - O N THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1S83. the undersigned will revive the publication: of the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER. The observer wl'l be a lanre 2SAinmn weesiy newspaper, ana win he mailed to sub scribers, postage paid, at ner annum, al ways in advance. It will give ihe news of the aay xn as ampie iorm as its space will permit, auu uvm argiuar anu occasional correspon dents will contribute letters from the Capita on State politics and affairs. Dcmocr auc in pontic, tbe Observer will labor, first of all, to assure the prosperity of the Town of Favetteville. to dcvelonthn agricultural resources of its own and the ncignboring counties, and to nromntA all ht concerns tne weuare of the people of North Carolina. Opposed to such Innovations on the homelv ways of our lathers as, In the guise of pro gres, harm society, the I Observer wllf be zouna in run sympatny with the new things born of t&e ehanaed condition of th Smith which sound judgment or enlightened experl- As to tLe rest: it will strive to deserve the reputation ox the name it Inherits, io i . xi. J. 11ALG, JB. Commissioner's Sale. "N PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE superior Court of Brunswick eonntv. r"rli Term 1883, in an action of foreclosure therein pending between The First National Bank of Wilmington as plaintiff, and Alex. Oldham ana wue as defendants, the undersigned. Com miss loner appointed bv said decree, win mii t public auction, for cash, at the Court House in tmitb ille. on Monday, the 10th of April 1883. at U M, the following real estate, being in the cvuu v ui Bfuuswic, aujommg ine town of Wilmington and containing 7C acres, more or less. Beginning at a marble not in the itmnt. wick county line on tne South side of tbe great road or causeway across Eagle Island, and runs about South with the said county llneUo a cypress In tbe edge of the Cane Year rivr at the mouth ot a canal,' then along said canal about West to Alligator Creek? then up said creek to said great road or cause w ay, then along it about Eaet to the beginning. Excepting from eaid bounds two irrM mn. veyed to John A. Tavlor bv.T E. a deed of Jannarv 19th, 1HC4; and also excepting a lot lying 120 feet from the aforpjkl line and a ong said sreat road 60 feet, fmntinv ffiffiSttSSa with said Brunawiek ronhtv liiu wi.(.k 1... ... . . . z vv " last Jot was reserved bv Alfred Smith i thAfWH conveTing said land to the said Alex. Oldham. A.G. RICAUD, Commissioner , mch 9-30d Commercial Motel Wilmington, N. C, - -S9FL0SS Prop.: JIEST-CLASa'lN EVERT RESPECT. 2- Tlntixss ' Bar and RIUJLARD BA IXOSATTACSnX ? 27 MISCELLANEOTTc New Jork Wefc ONE DOLLAIt A T CIBCCLATION OF Tills i vol - xvot Tnsvtou ... - embraces special dlspatcbes trot W ; of the globe. Under the head ot - AMERICAN NEWjj j are riven the Telegraphic week f rom all pam of the vKSfL k ture alone makes WOKnL TlUjJ THE WEEILY IIERALO the most valuable chronicle in ik . )? tteapest. Every wwk uM ful report of embracing compete and comnn. ' patches from WaehmrU-n toriSf a ports of the speeches of eSi the questions of the hour. PUUcl x- "THE VAXfXt riv-Bn. 00 oo CO -7 ttlMEXT; of the Weekly HeraW elves the wi as the most practical 00 00 30 vegetaDK.; e., Ac vniW TJ. ------ ....v, . f ujirv. -l-i P.1 5? -frnnta uV depsrQt, widely copied, uStte THE itmfv giving receipes for practical dih making c othlng ana for keephX ivWi latet fashkjn at the lovZX? tti Item of cooking or economy eultrw deirtment is practioAlly tesied t"u fore publication Letters freo KS11" London eorrespondenu on is Llf fashions. The ifome lpartnonS ly Herald will save the Iloust-wifR I5LWwJ one.hundred times the rrireoT the 1 interests of ":,:o,tlP&ir.Dl, are looked after. mecha.lcs and 'labor tor?JSS coraea. There Is a nare fUti""? SLf of tbe busbnesa found In the epeciallv ns.1": dltloaa of unc THE PRODUCE MARKET Sporting News at home and abroad t-k er with a Story every week a nw eminent Mvlnl UiZr7r?,$n$l Personal and Sea Not : 'lJ" the world which contains M much ZwZS. ter every week as the Weeilv H?nwT 5S The New York Herald' In a Weekly form, OoeDolUr " a Year. "" '' ' Address NEW YORK-nroirn Broadway and Ann fctreeta.New A deelfi 1883. 1 Harper's Yonng People. i A IIaLiUSTKATED WEEKLT-15 ljufl. SUITED TO; BOT8 AM OlBU OF f0U VX TO 8IITEEK TEARS OF AOS. I Vol. IV. commences November 7, ia& The Young People has been fmmihAtm. successful beyond anticipation. .V . T. v ning Post. It has a distinctive purpose, to which ft itefcV lly adheres that, namely, of sapnlanoof ti vicious papers for th young with g ptper more attractive, as well as mors nholMomA.- Boston Journal. v For neatness, elegance of wumTlcr ini contents generally. It is unsorpuMd ljuj publication of the kind' yet brwgtt uw uoU.ruUbHrohGazeOt. TERMS: HARPER'S TOUNO PEOPLE, t tl I mr i ear, rostage rrepaia, ( T , ingle N umbers. Four CenU e&th. Specimen conv sent on recht of Tbrp Cu. The Volumea of Harper Tonng People tor 1831 and 1S32, handsomely bound la lUuffllu ted Cloth, will be sent by mall, poftUgepr paid, on receipt of $3 00 each. Coter .to Young People for S3 cent; portal, U cents additional. Remittances should be made by ?ot Oflt Money. Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lots. Newspapers are not to copy this sdrertim ment without the express order of flxirxi 1 Brothers. Address 1 HARPER A EE0THEE8, dec 15 yewiork. Hulbert BroB. Wholesale Price List. o. 4 Piano, met 7 oct square, roeewoed. carved, agraffe.... :1iT:i IV, . ',. 7 Plano.upright.7Vioct.,cabinetpana .t 15 Oin,4wtareeds,Sfltopsaadgixw organ...... .." Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13-rtops, eoop- ler. Bub-bass Our Pianos and Organs are war ranted first-class, ij 5 Violin outfit, box, bow, atrlng,com- cremona model, extra 4 Accordeon, 10 keys, haw box, tone 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 reeds, perfect. y';: Month Organs, Vienna concert, a 8 Mouth Organs, Gnatoe RlchterM holes, tJS..."...-v.".; 11 Month Organs. Genuine Conotn double M hokstG8!.;....-' 14 CaarloneVenutQe Martin, 17 Fife. In ebdn7Grman alive fersle 7I? I IOC l f s 9 IS 16 Alnslc iox, i tune, cran,u"" 10 . 8 tunes, wind with xrrtx large ........ 90 Violoncello, patent, 'machine hea4 .... M DotSSe BassV pitenV bead, 3 or 34 Guitar, maple, nrvchine heaH, v ! mwmm'Shtvm 2 .j I nnisn.. ....... 27 Banjo. 10 Inch, 4 bras brackeU..- 28 Cornet, brass cornopeon style, cw and crooks ""','1a Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Btrtor. " nrv. ; Sllrer VloUn, Guitar and Banjo 8tttac 1 BrOS "V'rxrL Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo 8trinx. - -i II Bros... : Gnt Russian, German or Italian, P Inatruc3oBookV," Howe's or W toae?. nu. ''Zritmt Havinor Inst mad a rood trade lor AtVzTa er Sewing Machines, wUImU themior- while they last. ' I Money is qu.te safe la commo plainly addressed. ' via tftU Terms strictly cash with order. "- , stamps. - . . , - . Cs Aarents and dealeri send for onr 4fl T9 alogue. ' - " ess On above net wholesale prices . make 100 per cent, profit. . . T j. I cau on us when yon come w -7 7 hef Referencee : Any bank or whofeO T tn the city. . d W Hulbert Bros., to the oixly Gener "r" aale house In St. LouU.- r.nn.. i xs uuve street. " jan 13-ly aMew.: Take I -a - vrOOP Morris hog cnou i , U Just the thing to cure or prfTei "r era and all diseases to wfcWJJgJ 4 ject; It will prevent that Sx known as Triehna. and wlU WJbtl a thrifts heaithT eondlUOa. Cf xrty.BeaiuiyeOTUiWM-.-T; rlte . neys, liver, &c . or worms vZi crL irorm ma tmtains given ttrl ogsof thi intofatte Each package iocoZ. pounds and wflL If grren J!er3rS directions. curelO hogs of the Cholera 20 bogs In a,cmxlltloa to fatten to o feJ- usual time, thereby saytagoi c- xtx The farmers of Pcplla coontr re tr sale .wboJeaale Aft&T? ' Glairs, DrursUt, Jlarketwfw 'Jjt -tf Xv. C. ... eries relaUng to tbe dmteTofT

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