XHI3 PAPER eeptod by JOSH T. JAMES. -.cmpTIOyS rOSTAQK PAID: HV" Boitb. tl-00; One month, S3 oenU. ne pper will be deUrered by carriers free rfcbarfce.tonyPartof thedty, attbebrre riorlOcent.perwak..A ; tliu? ratefl low m4 UberaL TMlwrlbi will report any and all fall- rr W n.w . . . t- r . tj r. . l 7 j ruttish&i, iilA cuy of Wilmington To IJnilders and others Go to Jaco bi' for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass fy You can get all pizes and at the 9 There are 1G2 cities and incorporated towns in Arkansas. It is said that there is bnt one licensed saloon in Jessamine county, Ky. Hl Xewberry, S. C, is to have a cotton mill and has subscribed $63,000 al ready. A Kentucky hunter affirms that he has killed 0 160 rabbits Uuj winter, and it was a bad winter for rabbits. t In a county in Nevada is a hilt of moving sand four miles long, a mile widn andfrora 100 to 400 feet high Within a few years the hill has travel ed a mile. . Prof. See ol the l!otl Dieu say3 that tUnotv pvinrtnl lilv of the valley is tw W.- -J - one of the most important remedies in heart disease known. It i3 a powerful poison. 5ew York city has 460 niles of water pipe, 391 miles,of sewers, 824 miles of r,;rvp fourteen and a half miles of knJ fr-"' steam pipes, and fifteen miles of under ground electric wires. A paragraph is going the round3 to the effect that a Mrs. Ella K. Trader, who spent $100,000 ot her own money ia aiding wounded soldiers during the war, now lives in poverty at Ashoville, K.C. Professor Langley, the astronomer, says that at a height of three mile above the snrfaco of the earth the sun's rajs are of a bluish color. The suu, be thinks, is a blue star. . There is a movement on foot to expel the assassin Dukes from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, ' of which he is a member. Dukes was elected by. a Democratic constituency and a Democrat has very properly moved from his expulsian. Ho will be kicked out. " Sullivan, the champion of the prize ring, had a tremendous benefit at a sparring exhibition given by him last Monday night in Boston culchawed Boston. There wero 18.000 persons present and several thousand .others were turned away from tho doors. V unablo to gain admittance-. .The greatest social event of the age I the fancy dress ball to be given by Mrs. H II. Vanderbilt in New York on Easter Monday night. Announced fully six weeks ago it has been ever moe the uppermost social topic, and mm-that 'tho eventful night draws near fashion&b'o excitement has reached a Pitch of interest and curosity hitherto n n k no wn . As u. ay read ily bo i m agi n 1. preparations for the ball are on an unprecedented scale ot elegance and magnificence. Tho Mail and Express, .eellent authority on tho subjecttells Qithat: The loading modisteif tailors and luiuersoiiHisana nexgn boring ciLi ties are overwhelmed with orders of the kind not lim tel by expense, and the Cunard steamer Catalonia, which ar nveu on Wednesday last, brought some gorgeous historical costumes ordered by cabu. and made irom tnodeU in the British Museum and in Hampton Oitirt Palaee. Tho entire Vanderbilt mansion nill be thrown open from t p to bottom, and a temporary pavillioii erected in tho rear to afford increased or additional accom nidation for the guest. The floral display will be the most -profuse and the iu&t magnificent ever seen in New York, and H,.rit- have drawn upon Boston. Philadelph a tue rose and violet pn .duets of nurser :es on Ung Islaml and in Xw Jei Jy fcave been bought, and there is al jwuiy a corner in smilax and tropical Pinu Calculating gossips havo esti niatea iho cost or the floral decorations .orplayat$5 000. and the estimate oy no means extravagant. The or- S1-11?' "! tive aml twenty -niusiciins wt.i piay fntm ihitid a screen or cu ian)f6nulax and under a canopy nf anu throughout the house will be w pyramids of roses, tropical trees, Jts, vines and hanging baskets. i uwtj win ne what is known as a con "JQ"us supper served, and it will be to muse the , highest gastronomic ntntisiajni among epicures and the ?pies of Samuel Ward. All the 4?, P"n the ornamt-ntai pieces, .ne number of invitation? issued is ?JI?s ?f one thousand, nnd as an iT?? that many arc disappointed, it to be stated that Mrs. Vanderbilt has iSiXfyi?1 rny writle" applications for St vSi a uim PP13 whom the does Jjow, and whom she cannot with J51!?. gratify. Thes9 peppl who wuiesand delicacies tlat money can JJtnat social influence can 8cure Will DA RorvAst mtA ..A -l.y. f 1 U H ft A. TTir TT "T H n -rrnTrT-n iV sin t -r - 5 I l; II 12 .1 Ii 11 ft 11 11 : W i , .. .-.II-. II II 1 11 11 1 I 1411 J . - i w. - I i I i i u i : f i ii in zi . i 11 in i i. i n ii i ii t i - n nun, v a i i nur.; w i n, vv i Three JA U M -mLS 1 14 it 11 - U- H Ui 11 J f 11 ' 1 1 A V V 0 I VOL. VII. j ; have humiliated and 'compromised themselves have allowed their ambi tion, perhaps curiosity,! to gkt tho better of their good judgment and common sense. It is told of one lady residing ir. the reputed conservative city of7ks ton, that she offered Mfs. Vanderbilt a picture by one of the "old masters' in exchange for a card 'off invitation, and of another whose wealth is iii excess of Lher pedigree, that she gave as ax reason why she should bej invited that she had known the deceased Commodore Van derbilt for many years, and. her father had h,ad business relations with him. Features of the ball will be an opeta boutt'e quadrille danced by four . go s representing characters in opera 1 bouffe with which the gener.alty of theatre-goers are tolerably familiari ( The co tumes. hav been made. under j the su pervision .of the Grau1 ai-d Mapleson c'stumers. and will includejthe Grand Duchess, gllose Michon, La Ifclle He lene and Girlle. There will rjlso be a Mother Goose quadrille in which all the ever familiar nursery pictures j will be shown, a Dresden china lnctTs. and a minuet danced by modern imitations !f -lords and ladies of the (time of the naughty George. The nmsie tor these da'cesvdl he appropriate, ot courae, sind consequently hirjiioni(us. - . Am one the characters will bo one of Queen Elizabeth, the eo-tume having been made by Moskovhch at a cot-t of $12(:0. lc is modeled from a piciure in thegallery of Mr.i Belmont,; and is described as a "poem in satin j brocade and lace. ' .j ' There isi mystery about the reported assault on Lady Florence Dixie' that ii is difficult to understand. There are many who either doubt or disbelieve outright, progress. Au investigation is now in The hold whijh Queen Victoria has upon lire affections ot her pople is well illustrated this time. She H suflering now from a slight full! on the steps at Windsor Castle by i which jsome in- juries to her knee, morej serious than was at Tirst appreliended, were sus tained. Immedialelyi upon' its being known that she was injured, a panic of tear overspread the entire country and in London business was ialmost entire ly suspended, so deep t was the anxietjT on her account. The. announcement yesterday -afternoon that she was in 'no immcd'ate danger served ' to allay, in a great degree, the fears' of tbe j people LOCAL NEWS. t . INDEX TO NEW ADVEBTI3Efi3ENTS. Benson's Skin Cure ' ! -Yates A La re Stock -W II Gbeex GanlcaSeed i ; Mckds Bsos Soda Water IIeiksbekoek Easter Canli J It Me LTOX Mountain Meat Miss E Kakreh Good Friday R M 'MclNTiRE Mattinffs-rCarpcts Sociable Fliberr.lin Benevolent Society THOMAS E BoD,i Sup't-N Y & W 8 S L!ne Thorcceiptsof rosin at this port to day foot up 2 341 barrds The receipts of cotton t this port to-day foot up 473 bales, j j i 1 1 i The flurry of snow thi morning will tend to benefit advancing i (Vegetation, rather than do it injury, c ! , 1 There was a feeble attempt at enow, balling sport this morning,! bui it was short in duration factory. and not very eatis- Tho Daily Review will not be published to-morrow, in ! ; acpordance with our usual custom. Bat' look for us again on Saturday, Said the Governor of North Carolina. To the Governor of South Carolina. For all pains we endurei St. Jacobs Oil is the cure. We heard a thirsty young mah from the country declare, this morning, that he would never come to Wilmington aain cn an clecition day. The Banks and the Custom House and the Postoffi.ce and the city ) offices and the county ffices will all, close to morrow and some stores will do like-, wise. - ""'"'! '!--' Capt. R. M. Mclntire leaves to-night for New York, where he will remain a week or ten days for the purposoof purchasing new goods. He will talk to the readers of tho Review on his re turn. ' I i The total c ipse of the sun on May 6lh next will last six minutes, and no longer one will probably occur within the next hundred, years, jit will be partially visible in many places. Ibi t fjw wilt see it in its entirety. jas. its path lies almost entirely through the bcetc . If any one should ask you who'wrc to the lines commencing;' with. Oh! the snow, the beautiful) snow," ydu may tell them it was the late Edwin M. Stanton. Secretary ot, War under1 Lin coln's administration, !and you will bo apt to be correct. j - i ' -. A fine assortment of Guns and Fisiols W ILMINGTON. N. C. THTJRS DAY. MARCH 22. 1883. ! Easter and Its Origin. The last week of the Lenten season is rapidly passing away, and on Sunday the gladsomo Eastertide will come again. Fasting will cease and the constant attitude of devotion be aband oned when the Festival of the Resur rection has passed by. Society will again don her garb of rrierriraeht and balls, routs and other jollifications succeed each other in :xapid! sueccssion after the forty day's - cessation in . the indulgence of the fashionable world. Easter being a season of general rejoic ing, brings happiness to many hearts and minds which "are strangers to religion, besides being a season of holy joy in Christian households. There is, probably, a small per centagc ol the whole English-speaking people ac quainted with the origin of the jword Easter. It lias come down to us through i , . . . all the various changes of time from Jie phi Saxon word oster or osten, mean ipg risins. The German word osten i ijuost like that of the ancient tongue. It has, however, been thought, that tho English word Was ' taken from - the name - 'of the Teuton's scoddes8 of Spring, Ostera or Eostre. in whose honor a festival was held annually in the springtime. East er was, hi the early centuries of the Christian faith, celebrated on the. Sun day following the fourteenth day of the moon in March, although some people observed the festival on the fourteenth T - . I day of that moon. Much trouble arose from these different opinions in regard to the day to be observed in memory of Christ's resurrection, and in the year 825, at the council of Nice, under Con stantine, the rule was adopted making Easter day always the firatSunday after the full moon happening upon or next after March 21. It the moon falls on Sunday, Easter day is the foLowing Sabbath. All over the world divers sports and ceremonies have charac tenzeu tne uueen ot f estivals, as Easier is often called, for centuries. One of the oldest, and doubtless the best known, feature ot the season is the:cu&tom of dyeing eggs for child ren to use either as ornaments or in the popular juvenile sport known' as picking.'! In the time of Edward I., oi Ji.ninana, exes were Deauuiuuy orna mented and given j bv friends to each other. Of lata years the demand arose for some other sort of symbol to be used during Easter week, and the East er cards were introduced They are an outgrowth of the Christmas and Now Year cards, which jwcre first introduced about five years ago from England, where they had long been used. Now many of the finest designs arc made in America. In general appearance Eas ter cards much resemble those used on the anniversary ot the Saviour's birth, but they aro of course differently orna mented. Owing to tho increasing de mand for the beautiful emblems, man ufacturers havo been engaged - during the winter in designing and - preparing a number of new styles for the season soon to be at hand. j Very Quiet. , Votfns at the several precincts, dur ing the early part of tho day, was rather slqw. Everything j was moving along quietly , and at the Second Ward polling place in the city Hall, there was no stir to indicate that any thing unusual was taking place. We heard one gentle man remark that there was cot stir eaough to indicate to a man, not welj acquainted, where the voting place was. Spring" Poetry. As Spring poetry is now in order, we give a stanza from an old hymn, which becomes remarkably appropriate to the condition of the weather this morning r "The hoary frost, the fleecy snow. Descends and clothes the ground ; The liquid sti earns forbear to flow, In icy letters bound." Our supply ot Spring poetry is nnu sually large and varied in its style and character, but we have been constrain-' ed.v very reluctantly, to discard, the entire lot and olffer the foregoing as a substitute on account of its greater - fit ness for-the occasion. i j - - Fire in" the Country. We learn that a fire, originating in tho woods, on Tuesday last swept across the plantation of Mr. Stephen Graham, near Kcnansville. entirely des- a 6hort time his. dwelling house was in imminent danger but through thoefforts of the citizens it was saved. Vc have not been able to learn further particu lars nor the amount of the damage to UIr. Graham's property.; al hough it must have been considerable, and an especial misfortune at this season of the year. - For Focct nuuviur lttole Cutlery, ) go to IIcrdTT 3 Drpct. t 3TEW AD VEBTISElirErNTS. MA TT I W G S ! SOME GOOD LOOK I3ST -AJSTX E" NEW OILCLOTHS IN ALL Sociable. The Hibernian Benevolent ' Society fl . ... . , j will hold a Sociable at Germanla Hall next Monday evening at which there will be music, dancing, a plenty to eu1: at reasonable prices, and lots of fun. The management understand just how to make the evening pass pleasantly and will do all in their po wer to accom plish that purpose. . For particulars see advertisement in this issue. The Elections r The elections to-day, at all of the polling place?, have beenjj very qniei pAs we close t before the polls do we cmnotofcour.se. give figures,, but it is safe to say ; thati tho entire Demo cratic ticket has been elected In the Second, Third and Fourth "Wards. In the Second there was no opposition, and hence it was a walk-oyer for the Democrats. In the Third Messrs Hancock and Foster, were run but met with but little appreciation, as many colored iaen.Y0ted the Democratic tick et, and in the Fourth Ward Mr. George Chadboum received a large vote. , but not enough to elect ibim. The - Repub licans, of course, carry the First and Fifth Wards, electing their' regular tickets. - ------ Exports Foreign Nor. barque Sivah, Capt. Henrick sen, cleared to-day for London with' 2,805 barrel3 of rosin, valued at $4,500. shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Nor. barque iPeter Lind, Capt. Nielsen, cleared for Hamburg with 3 744 barrels rosin and 700 casks spirits turpentine, valued at $21,873.90, ship ped by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co., and 300 casks spirits turpentine, valued at 7.036, shipped by Messrs. D. R Murchison & Co., making the totaj value of the cargo $28,959.90. Swed. brig Victoria, Capt. Conyerg, cleared for Cronstadt, Russia, with 950 bales cottton. valued at $43,401, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. j - , Unuiailables The following is a list of the unmail- -abld postal matter remaining in the Postofiice in this city,: I .Henry Hankihs care of W. J. Toomer. Battles Warf Mary, Wmt?; Miss- Belle Fugh, Box 116, Wind sor. N C ; Messrs West, "Johnson & Co, 911 Main St, Richmond, Va ; Mrs Catherine Ryan, 811 Asylum St; Rob ert Coscn Whitery, N C ; Messrs. True &Co., Augusta. Mo.; Mr. Buck Per cell. Ludburv. N. C; Nelson,! Chess- man & 5Co., advertising agents,. St. Louis, Mo.; Catherine Branch, care. Allen Branch, Duplin county. N. C; postal, no addres, beginning Miss Alice ending, by Bettie. I r-rry J Kitchen Market. Tho following retail prices rule in this market to-day, March 22: , Beef .10ffll5c pr pound; veal 12i 15c; lamb 121ffll5c; mutton l215c; Green pork, whole hog,. 9010c per pound; cuts, 1215c; corned pork 15c; turkeys, alive, $11.25 each ; dressed. 164518c per pound ; chick en? 3037e each ; grown fowls. 35 40c ; geese alive 75r. each ; dress- el I. ; sausages 1520 cts, ; pud dings- 10 15,; j eggs, 14C15 cts per dozen, ; butter, country, 2530c. ; Northern. 40,: lard. 13315,; Baltimore, hams, 1CS18, ; breakfast strips. 15 16. ; N.C. ham s, 1417,; shoulders; 11 12,; f ' r V . . onU-.l I 514,; fish, trout, 90fi2ac, J sides. 1311 mullets, 1520. ; shad. 75ce$l 00 per pair,: scalded oysters, r12ic per quart, ; New . River oysters 80c $1 per gallon ; New River oysters, in shell, $2.pcr bushel ; Myrtie Grove oysters, in ' shell. 80c2r$ 1 per bushel; clams, per quart, 12c; per bushel, 50c ; cabbage, 1525e per head ; collards, &si0c: turnips, 510c per bunch; sweet potatoes, 25c per peck; Irish do, 50c per peck; onions, 50c per peck; carrcta aad parssip. 0c per NO. 71 NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. CARP E TS B A p G A I N S ! GET POEUCESII WIDTIIS- QOOD FBIBiY. . 1 ! 1 f Y feTOKE. WILL B!i tLOSED TO-MOR 11 m i t Kurt Uood Frldixj-. Wjil be upon on atur. daymprubg " MIS3.E. KAliRElt, . nicb 22-lt Exchange Corner ociable. rjmE MEMBERS dP Tllfi IIIBEUNIAN liENEVOLLXT SOCIETT will give a Sociable at GERMAN! A HALL, Easter Moaday Eve nlDg, March 23th, 18S3. The Italian Bard U engaged for dancing. The Ladies will furnLjh refreshmcn'ts. Friend of the Society aro respectfally iuTitod to at- tencl. . , Ad mUsloa Gentlemeo, 50 cesu. Ladles and Children 25c meb22-2t th-mou N. T. & W. S. S. Line JO GOODS WILL BE IjELIVEEED frcm thia wharf on to-morrow (Friday) 23rd. uiat. ' , THO it AS E. BOXD, mch23-lt , fitni'L mt p. Mountain RIeat! yi5 ARE DISPLAYING THIS WEEK the most BEAUTIFUL BEEF that baa been eeeo here thla atason, And1 It U as Juier and flTreet a It ia fat. ' .;,T -' We have1 made SPECIAL PREPARATIONS meet the requirements of our customers thia week and , -.---- i SATURDAY'S MARKET - - - - ! - ' ' .1. will show it. We keep all kinfla of FRESH MEAT? and guarantee aatisf iction to all- J. R. MELTON, S". W. Corner Srayket and Second Streets, Proprietor of the onlr Steam Sansare moh23 l 1 1 Factory, In the frtate. ? DR. C. W. BEHSOfl'S H C4 Is Warranted to Cura ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOJJ8. INFLAMMATION, MILK CRU8T ALLROUQH SCALY ERUPTIOM8, ca ",8"o wr If Aim AND SOALP. TENDER ITCHIMCSonaJlTMrteofttu. f4 4 body. ItmAkea .vn v- .-m. m aoothxretno-roa tan and frecklM ii EcgaaUy put up, two SotUcm in onpaokZ till trfiat-ront. Atl m ?rf CAvait. Price, fLperimckii-. "I had Salt Khenm for 19 years, packages of your Skin Care entirely cared b." v y Layelle, Merced, Cal. , . i - A.drclvs Bazar sars: "Xo improTe people, appearance reat riiks are taken; areenic mercury, or h'ga-found tit tod named; aatelel -conuiiiin these death dealing i dme are taken m hopes of getunjr rid of nil these troub les. In many cases, death 13 the rcsnlt. o auerUtion of the burring; hraUng, itchlor aod ioaamra&tion Is given. M1 troiAied suonUl knwtbat there I tope for them in asrrc perfect and elegant reme y, known as 'br U. W; Uensor,s ckja cuie.' , --y sKifl, -wr.icft nas ijen covered with .scaly eorea. itaa become e'ean. ezaooth and oft as a lad6 fruii the cse f 3 our "ikia Cure." A. 3L NolL', a.,:a, . C- Tho7(Wi Jwrn-Jt&Y; "Dr.lc. W. Ben ton has ln 1ecn wc.i kcovrn as a saeee?eful ioybicuin anu surgeon ami Ms Jife slnly h been tb diejea vt oflbeekin." tho ncrrobg tjtem and fur .'tin Care tas enred my t tznua of ihotaip of four jcars ? andlog.' Jap. a. Aidrewa, Attorney at Law. Asfaton, HLi ,1 The Kichmocd Dirpaick i3j Thire Is bnt one "Skin Cnre'Vwhtch ran be rcUiNl 00 and ttatls pr. Ikra, and ii, name U aa earn est of it worth. Jtlnot a paJeot nvd'cJnc bat te reou;t f l.i- own cx-eriencc and nrac' lice, and t a sim ca- e Jorthe sUl rutfa,e for which it I oSer&L" , . - i " " -Dr,Df8'sr!erfau,l ChaaiamiiSai, care heatlaelie cf every i&f .r? promptTy, C. K. Crliifatos, Hole v, iikn Pr. C V7. Cesson Ileme!;, 11 New York. ' : - mch 22 Iw-c-th-fna , i v Agut, for Fut-t r. Tho celebrated FLsh Brand Gills Twice is sold only atiJACori's Hard- rUCAK kotict. wm be gUd to rfcgir t our uNaoi on any aai n citju i ( f gtxxnl laterret bnt r Tbexiazneaf tbe vrttermoM atraya ta rsi mabod to the CslUor. AwiKM eapecuu7 and tr2cur!j xszi too4tMttte Editor uoca not ahayi cssa tie vlcwa of cnTwroTM5ant iratesa t9 tiztii to the editorial oolazms. ; ; . , P new Am'TumsET.xcirTa Bacon, , Lardf Hoh::::, . Flour, Sugar, to. 100 20X69 8moked x Eirnr, 130 Tab LARD, v' - . I 100IIhd3andlhMOLASSZ3; Jij 1000 BhlriiuR,cnurpoimlaxtraa4, ;r 50 BbU C, Ex C'aad Graa. 8UQAC, 100 Bags COriXE, all ffradca. ii 600 Boxes CAKDLES, l- f ',- j 100 noxrs SOAP, u . . i I CO Boxes STARCH. For Bale b I mchl9 gERCnXER & CAEDES BtOsi Don't Pay HJont. DURJXG THE TASfX FIFTEEN f c? 1 tae sold a larjro niun- r A . brr of hfTuM and Jou In thh c!ty on pi r. 7 thtn6Ulraent fiau to -parties who tf, r; r aro now llvlnc frco and iB.l.twrut r fi' ': amounts raonthlv. sow tJX& ,TJ bousca ;, oca pailyowua aUw) aDoiher own seven, ro begin .on an upward path the. la uliueat plaa has vrortn h be a lo kma tt. Cvds. it .a wouderf ul how, rapidly emMl amonntsg ow.into Wfr fpirri" liuil 'uyr Uu for fcale on the lmttlmcue plan fcltua&d on Sevmth. WiJgon. iiFMh. Moth. 3th. Caaile, Church, Jun, Auu, Oraare. ChtQut! Vamut. Mulberry. Kwt KXOMVuvjiZ Chi! lotto and liaaklastroeta. - J jl - : ilopev toaacd to thoo vrbhlnff tci brsIVl. mch lo-lm vApply to. JA&U.3 IS DAY. A Complete Assortmont SPRING & SUMMER JJECEIYED TO-DAY, WILL BE OP for inspection to morrow. ' ' - - Those of my lady .iatomra who hare beta awalUn the anlval of theae good-na ia r will find arooig them the -Neweat aai ' ' - !, - - - i. i -Latest and PretUeat Style and Dcan. ; f A lare aesortment of the well-known Cr lias" Linen Chlklren'a. Collar oil strlea, Ladlea twi A call and an ccomlnaltaa r.t tyvv MISS E. KARRER, , roeh IS : , . EXCHANOE COE2IE2, Garden Gccd ! PEAS. BEANS. tXIIX CABBAOeI Ttt nlt, aquaah. Oollartl, Itadiah. Ae. A floe selection of Flower Heed . ' For sal9 by " '. wiLiiAAt n. Qixsxr ! . mch C v : , . Irozsltt. If Tou Would be :Happt , - ' vr a coo k rtoye..;--' j v f , "The Golden Harvest,!1 f cc "CALUMET," "SOUTHERN OAX., PARKER Jk TATIflP MM'. Or, Of Pare White OH. t hh , A Large Gtoct: QF BLANK BOOKS, i Paper and Enroloptw, l School Books,' 1 Wrapping Taper, Paper Bags,' - ' " - ' -" - - - , ' y. rirtnrc Frarmcs. 1 A hems. .. 1 " ' " Musical Inetrtmenta, Ac, &c 1 men 13 CW. TATCi. Easter Cardo. LAUOE AWOXrnfENT. All B01T6. us. . Fringed and unfrlDged. Call and u " HEINSBEBGEIi8. Steel Engravings, JUST KECIVED ANOTHER AStOZLT' ment of STEEL. ENGBAYINGS, framed aai not framed, for Parlor Ornamcnta.' At HEINSBERGER'S, mch 19 Li va Book i.nd MuaI- ?t 4 SODA WATER. QN AKI AFTIS: TO-BAY VTE WTLL k rp tho m-st deCclous Ice ColJ Bodr . , ' Pure fruit cc wniyuw:!. Hounds BroGV i - - -Dl4pife!cFham&ci4ts, :; -'ft AND WTLMLNGTO.V, N. C. T'. mch 17 , ; - ;- ;--... - S-' ; la l- Jcy, I Umt I 'U (TW( vfTLJ ti-LT ttrr, t i U -1 r -1 1. o. -v i--. i ; f.i .io:a-:s, Q LINTON, N. C, ATTOU-EY Ai;r Cv eUcr-&t Lavr. vnu prsctt-a Li -y rart: cf t.3 t-t." tipocf? I i :t' r. ' (-mm --A C C-