MISCELLANEOUS. Wf& THE GREAT GERMAH' REWiEDY FOB PAIN. Relierea ui cure. . BIIELTIATISjI, - Neuralgia,. Sciatica, Lumbago, . .EACttACIlE," IE1P1CT. T00TEiCi3, sore throat; QCTSSY, S ELLIXCS, Somas, Cats, Urates, mOSTBITE3, DCR5S, SCALDS, Aftd kll other tartily kc'ucl and y.iiu, nm cms 1 bottls. SoM fcy !! Irnrtt nt Pcah-rx. iiroctiuu iu 11 UusuagM. 71s CLslss A.VoEl:r Cs. ' (becrrwor, t. A. Vos;t A Co.) Iiltisiorc, 314-1 L. S- A. TheDaiiy Review. TO ASLIt'PKlt.j When my great great-great grandmamJ ma - p ' I n Way but a maul of sweet s xteen. Tin5 slipper., jaded notv ank frayed. Was hers in nrido of satjri shrcn. 'T hath danckj in stately minnet, AncVas it twinkled in and out Breath her brocade petticoat. 'T h-ith tortured many a1 h - doubt. pi any a1 Heart, no irti I. THAT SETTLES IT. IJroiiulit Into Competition witli the World, tlio Best Carries ft'tlie Honors. jxt the great Ccrtenn!al Exhibition of 1373, ,yu i .a,j;n- pro I etc of all the branches of ihe Joi'. !' tii'Juftry were asviuhlcd at I'Mlx . i-. Toarrynffa prlz la the face o: ih.t tn nn ivSouft'corarctHlon w-s a taste of ho or!in.r;-'liffl ulty Iiivontlon3 and prcpara- i.His for the alleviation of pain and the cure of iti'ftM; were pre-it lathe greatest possl-. M vat i. ty, roirecntlng the skill and the pro found-st flu iy of the age, and It may be of viul l:n:Krtanec to you, personally, to now U it the higha a-nt the o ly medal ijiver to rubber 1'orus placer, was awarded l the BnnurctKn.r of CKSSOS'-S C PCINE PO-UU-i I'LVTKK. by .thrf following jury: Ir. tVM. UOTII. arijeon-Oeneral, Prussian A mi v. .r. II. THOMPSON, A. 31.. 11. D., Washing ton, M C O H. WHITE. M I).. New Orleans. h. sn -T Lfc-iSCII. M.. 1., Au-tria. ' Thf 'i'TU-'.'ia was afterwards conllrmed-by tri; Tri"tLc:ii jtiry at the last Paris ExpoitLin Kr.'inf the v.il ie cf 8irh high and unbiased tt. t!i)"ny, the medical profession, h th in the Cnltod !tAi and in l-uropc. quickly thr:v fc.;-lotiie old, slo-.v-artinz planters they h.nl tn Ling-, anil adopted Benson In their retfu'ar j.ractle. Thit phjuician.-s ami mir 01 of the brra lest reputations dl I this, d'u tuci'y proves the Intrinsic meritof theartiele. li U no m re than just to a id that the aTcr gephriiinof to-diy U not dominated by ,thj pnJudli- which retartlod the prosre8 nd laKilfltvl the ' succe-ses of his prode-ws-trs of n.tt more than twenty-live year ag-. Ue accept hints from all quarters and eudors w and adopts deinoutrated healiox agents wherever he fln-L them. The riifht of Benson's Caprine Porous Pias ter lo -tmil at the head of all external appli cation whitsoevor, for the mitigation or cure of iLira.ie, Is n lomrer questioned. Lei th? p irehaser, however, le on Ms guard against imitations. The genuine has the word CAPCINE cut in the middle. tj.h iry & Johoson, Chemists, New 1 ork. feb2C4 It hath a small, unsteatly heel. And such . a curious fwnnted toe, S Tnat with a staangely mincing tread j ilust she ha ve heen constrained to go. Yvt I doubt not her powdered hair Vui tlai.cins; e es accordcil well l With these same marionetterlike step.-. And made her lovers1 bolorus swell. I j My dear great-rcat-great grandraam ina j ' ' Long since was clothed in heavenly ' Stii.se; , j For spitu this elipper frivolo'js - i She walked this wjorld in gj otlly wise. BoHcn ICouricr. Ui A Kace for a lii.ssJ Abutter-poller jrom Ilosiny Lake prelates with murh glee: howi n m il - b rd'hi3 was cured t t" t iVcaiUiiiit tipping jrin-bitN?..i Thi4 iifintm uiarrletl si yotuig.--t:u"u!ifin; jtml ;piiit--d lm'ly. :iml:lr a. iiiuiiili or two i all went wiIS in iho l;uc jatul jab-'Ut lh t'ariu ; then the huslmml led b.jek jnto ms old 'tricks. The utl'e 'reiimnst rateii t; il tor a liine the lnis6:itul 1 n I'i hm?I. I 'resent ly. howerer. s!j; bt e.one s:i.lis tied I hat Uie ! 4ltlt-ti plMriii"'' was a.uii. noiii;N'n. When .-he s$oke, to her lius Intud about the mittter lie swore that the aro!.ita" iie detected Was that ol a c ic medicine he was taking, lie hjav ing developt'd ;i mo-.t initaetahie clie. i.-r the ndiid' of whieli lie had' hiouh' home and paraded tt. bojile of medic) nc. The wife was -Confulent thai then was kept soniewhere about the piv- li i es a cousuferahie slbre. of a Vi-ry dillerent kind of meie.ne. . She j kept ln-r own cuiinsi'l anil al';the same tiui s:rict waieh. In 'li day or two she dis c verel imder a mailei in Uu; barn the -ecret hoard. Sl e yaijili nothing of the tliseover' t her hubani'. j ' Son after the husbaiAl had business at a iH'iiihbor's mie tvvo niiles away. On hia return lie was (soiuevvhat sur prised at seeing :i( note pinned upon lji. tVont iloor. lie hastily advanced aim read as tIlows: I ! "liKN;: You will tint) the key 'of thf house where you keJp your colic medi cine. I have taken Kitty and gon lnme to my mother. Father and brother Bob will coine to-morrow I'oi the trunk in whitih 1 have , pa'ketl my things. j Nkllik." ' The husband rushed to pic barii. Ai a !aHce he avv that Kitty, his wifeV -mare, arnl the sidesaddle were one f W A R N E W Sgf 9 Wa. r- 5 I-sv-5 I'lcs'els an effect, not a CAue. Itoiifrin wtuiln; lu manifestations without. Hence, o cure the disease the CAUSE must be remov al, and In no other wav can a cure bee fleeted. H akNEU'S SAKE IvIpNEY AND LVVEU CI- KK le etablieued on juet this pricclpk. It ppilltea that Darting to the man iiis ilemijonn i from its neck ft Kmc: I1 seed half a &er lie hauleti out Kin. and isuspencieu the key' of the house Seen ring the pey, he,; sent .the demi ioin vvhi.z:niiar.I erasliing against a post ofthe b:irn lioundinsr.mrth. he ranJ to and mounted the horse Jie , had le.t standing in trout of his house, j j ' Away he tlashid.' It was) ten miles to the house ot his father-in-law, and he was determined tcovei take his. wife before she could reach it or kill H horse in the attempt. j Said the butter" tian: "Now, Hen's wife come over the hi i. milesouihofmvhou.se. on I her little nuife Kitty, anti begin to perrorm some queer abolutiohs. After she'd got over the brow o' tlie hill she paccd ; up an' down the road lor a time; then she rid up and looked over ihe ridge tora hi!c After iookin1 a, bit she j.urncU ahoutahd rid up and down the road a fewl' times; then went up to the browj o1 the hill again. So the kept doin an' , pneo or twice she not off aud led Kitty tip to the lop otthe hill. , I was puzzled as o whet her jshe was waitin' lor somebody or had lost 'something-while oil her way to her father's place, some lour luilcs-1 beycjnd my housd. I was just about to wktlk out that way when I seed hjjr wheel Kitty round from the brow o' the liill atid be'Q to play her whip, ill In half a luiuule she wasflym' past my place like a Wild woman, t stood at my front gate b the roadsid, ready to holler out at Her to know what was up. but, bless you, 'she never! looked t '"ards me. Her eyes seemed 'sot in her head, her face was pale and at every jump she let into Kutyi wit ii war. her ridin'-skirt fairly she bounded past-.' .J ist then l iheercl a ciatter behind me. t m,i .11. 4 , , ti seed. Ben a-convin over the W.t and it strikes at once at the root of the "ill on his big biack h'SS, itinculty. The elements of which It Is com Iom1 act directlv upon the jrrciit organs, tKih MaFOUand ftESTOltEU. and bv placing them In u healthy condition, drive diccsc and lain from the system. . - For the Innumerable trouble caused by un hsalthy KMneys, Liver and Ualnary Organs; tor the distressing Disorders of Women ; for -Halarta and for physical derangements gener ally, this great remedy has no equal. Beware of imposUrs, imitations and concoctions said to be just as gooL For Diabetes ask for WXEH'S SAFE ABKTES CtUE. F or sale by all dealers. II. li. WAUNEIC CO. ?tpl 14dm i'a yhip. I cracked as a kisaf and gi via' Kitty a ctit that made herbcundtcn feet, ho ealhird out to Ben : 'Come on ! A race u the top of the hill for another P amj away they both went. " I . A That was five years ago. and I pevr er knowed the meaain' of that wild, harum-scarnm ride till Tbout; three months ao, when the story 'boat the colic medicine' leaked out among the wimmen lolks.- For a good while after the ride, howsamever, I remember of the neighbor men tvonderuV what had como over Ben that he had shut , down on his gin all ot a sudden land wouldn't c" ranch as-take a glass ol Oregon ci der. ' ! ' - ( .r " ' " To this day no doabt Ben thinks he had a, desperate chase alter ;Nell and a r.arrer escape ot her geUio1 intri the home den 'long with her big brother, her father and his mother-in-law; and I've never said a1 -word to him 'bout how she fooled 'long under the brow o the hill. virqyiia CUy Letter. MISCELLANEOUS. j Catarrh of the rsladtlcr. Stinging irritation, inflamation,! all Kidney and Urinary Complains, cured cy; uuchu-paiba. ol. Girls tTeeclecl. i A distinguished platform speakfr used t deliver a very earnest lecluio on' ihe subject ot - What . shall uo tif with our girN?" Jt was a. hard ques tion to answer by the lady lectunr. littj tser an.s ver( has now eonie. A ft:asi LlitirCf is a chance for some tlte ijirls. Here isthe pathetic pleaot th'j Uurau. C.'IJ. libcord: -"Wo want. girb! Gills wlni cm tt themselves up in good shape n go to a dance. The- boy's are g'liiiiu t.'rtd ot receiving iuvi(aTioii with a request that they 'OriuV ladies Tuey are nke ' ''ranges and ajples veiy scarce: We waiiUirls who will go to ch'nvh and to Bible elas oit Suudyk a.ul that kind who 'can d e v a cn2.r.r gallon o thetrther .ex, and '--'who' wd lake a bugy rule alter the lesson i. Wer. ;Thi will Jielp he livery business.' aad wilfaiso hasten the sale of residence is. tf busies are the vehicles in which' homes are tirst thought of b m:.uy people. W wantgirls who can wa. t on the table, and who can smile us into an appeiitu. when stomach bitters are impotent and who wiil make the Ij arders'regular at thtiir meals We want icirls for sweethearts, so that when we get an arm shot off, or are kicked by i indie, or.are thrown from a bucking horse and are laid away for repairs we may hear a gentle voice -and see the iriuter of a crystal tear, spoken and dropped in unconscious sympathy for our pain. We want tat and tunny girs to make us smile ah over, and lean and fragile ones to hang upon our arms, and ,etite blondes who show themselves on uunydai3f and stalely brunettes, .so beautiful in the twilight. We have mineral enough, and plenty of coal and oxide of iron. The only lack of our re sources is those potent civilizers of their pioneer brothers." , I - ,7Xe JvtKtcianjutttd cartful to notice C ntyo and ndarotd jScJkoie toU drotm ifonlXl Capital Prize $7S,QOO Ticket only $f. Shares in pro-' porUoti. ' J - r Louisiana State Lottery . Company. JTe do Juertbv certify Hunt toe rtrperriM fhe arrangement for aU the Monthly andmSemi Anwml Dravnngi of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Dracig themselves, and that 'the same ure conducted with honesty t fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and tee author ize the Company to use this certificate, teith fee similes of our signatures attached, in iU advtr Commissioners. Incorporated in 1S66 for 05 years by the Leg Iijjturofor Eilucattonaf ana Charitable pnr Foses with a capital of $l,OC0,000-i-to wh.ch a reserve fund of- $550,000 hi since been tddedi ' , ( ! By an overwlielmlng populai vote It fran-, cblse was made-a part of the present State' Constitution adopted December 2dL A. D., 187a. The only Lott-ery ever voted on end cvdcrtrd ry the people of any State. - It never scales or poftponie. . ItS CiHANP SlXGUi NCMDEK J1RAW1S0S taie plnce raonthlv. i I I A SPLENDID, OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A j FORTUNE. Fo'unh Gntnd Driwlug, i Class I), Rt New Orleans, TaeMiaji, April 10, istv iDatn opthly Drawing. i Capital Prize, $75,000., 100,000 Tickets at Five Iol lars Each. Fractions iuFiftlis in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. ! 1 1 l i 5 Prizes ot 2.000 ;J 1,000 500 200 100...... 50 25 WHOLESALE rFICES. Xr Taw foHowtug finovrUooa; represent wholeaalc )pr.c gee rally. lt raikins'tsp im.il! order htjher prices hare to bo cluugeu 00 15 io a u oo o u ivo' is oo a u 'III ' - .;' !-. !Hfc43 14 00 & 11 75 i tt 1 KS 901 SS 2 00 eo i w 20 & 23 2Q m AO 2 9 SO 00 CU 00 i r - - 'Fiv doctor; no end of mcdecine; no relief. Dr. Benson's tiJcin Cure and has rm driven away all eruptions nearly welly Ida C. Young, Hamil ton, Ills. , , , - tremendius Tutiiin' about. 1 1 atcii ot the like a wild Comanche. Ho w as ridin'J with loose reins, leamn' away for'ard.i and diffgiu' his big spurs into "his hoise;likc he'd rip his insUes out . "He passed by. with hair and coat- tails sail in back in tl)e wiu'd, and never turninir his Iiead lo riirht thought I seed munien in tell ou, a million' thou PI-1 ihrtnigh my brain in a 'second. - i torics I d ever heard! aboui a I'Mianu ano nor left. ,1 and insane f K-hPst r. s.y. i taioii-h my heatl id a luinp. and '. j b.- eve if I'd my gth in ! my hand iWSTBIAIi r f DR. . I BEFORE AM n AFTFR -AND AFTER Lctric AdIhiccs ara sect oi 33 Da s Trial. TO. MEU OHLY, YOUSG M OLD, TTEO wffricj from Stiurocs PrBrtrrr. k Vitautt. Lack or Nmvit Force xsa ;'WAT,WAxKKa. n4ail thodise ? lKa-vAt X'atcex r-ultio from Aor&S nd orata Catsjcj. Snctr rtl irf an 1 complete roto. diVoverr c( tn NirM-t-enth Century. Hooo for lUiiitmu-a I'Mre rvo. AiXdrvt XlVXm till 60.. MARSHALL MICH. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low plOCS,fctjAXOSI3 ' f his eye. U uts went All the t ictlon- husbands- went I d I'd -shot i at him on .a Hiu laKcn a win: S tShicion. i - "I seed .Nell l6ok back onpe and then lay the whip tin Kitty hoi Urn ever. len wr.siiii' like tlie wind. I knowed Nell was heat!et fof her lather's, aud I seed plain as day Ui:t In would get her 'fore she as safe landed. 'A last lie was: upn her. It was then . neck and neck tor a time,1 wiib Ken reaching out fr Kitty's bridle. Ai lat he td it. and the two horses gradu ally slowed up till they finally stopped. I mounted my gate-post all of a trim readtul talkin' I setj ver thf issin ble, vx pectin' to see sometliin i .happen.':- . j. - "They, stopped in the road niah onto half an hour: then Ken lean over and iNell lean ov thar two heads come tbiiether. "What the mischiet J' says I, instead of killinV Well, th it Isort of iracas gits meT After! the head-burap-inl the pair' turned nV'Ut and came slowly jogfn along back. .; -9 "As they passed nie I called oat to Ben to know what in the name of the living jingo it nil meant Ken besanto "stammer something, 'bout half of which never got through his big beard, When 2Tcil sisrs out to xuo : Ouly a race for It is announced that ftjside of ten daya -tages will be carrying passengers in48 hours over ihe gap between the ends of ihe Northen" Pacific road, thus giving direct communication between the East and Portland without, a- sea voyage. Traffic to .Western Idaho is practically opened. .. ' . Mr. P. J. Alston. Jr., Newberne. N. C, says: I have used Brown's Iron Bitters saccessfully.for indigestion." Ke member This. If you are flick Hop Bitters will sure ly aid Mature in making you well when all else fail3. IfjTou are costive or d3speptic. or are suffering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you re main ill, for Hop Bitters are a sover eign ramedy in all such complaints. - If you are wasting away with any form ot Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. I r If you are sick with that terrible sick ness. Nervousness, yon find a "Balm in Gilcad" in the use of Hop Bitters. I r (If you: are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all coun tries malarial, epidemic, biliious, and intermittent fevers by the use of Hop Bitters. ' (If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad . breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally. Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health and comfort. I (in short they cure all diseases of the stomach. Roweks. Blood, Liver. Nerves Kidneys. Bright's Disease. $500 w.ill b paid, for a case thoy will not euro or help. ,' (That poor, bedridden,; invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter can be niade the picture of healtn. by a few bottle8f Hop Bitters,' costing but a trifle Will you let them suffer.' . Imch 12 I m 1 1 BAGGDTG ' I- - tiOdard 170 1 2 p HM liTih li a B A CON-Nortli Carolina : . . HarnsV i- HhouWers, & S.... h? Xb ....... ..... . . WESTERS SMOKED Hams.. ...... ................. . Rides V lb--1 r- i I ShouMers.. ...... ..... ...... DRY SALTEIV- ! fcideo. r It ..' I Khonlders, & fb BARRELS Splrlta Turpentine, ocona nana, eacn. .......... New New York, each.... .... rir pi f-y riy- V BEESWAX, fis.... BRICKS, f M BUTTEK.V'tN- r North Carolina,...-. Northern. ..4.... . ... Wllmirigton. Northern - CAN DtLES, 8 Sperm..... Tallow............... Adn mantlve. CHEESE, V fe Northern Factory.. tairy, Cream.. I. .. State ...L COFFEE, V lb Java Laguyra RIo.i. CORN MEAL. V 1ms.. In sacis COTTON TIES, V pxxxtdls 1 domestics i SheeriD. 4 ft , 1 ydi ......... i . ; Yarns. f biuich.. ...... 1 EGCiS, doion. ....... ........ PISH -1 Mackerel, No. 1, V bbl ...1 Mackerel, No, 1, V half bbl.. 8 Mackerel, No. 2, & bbl..,. .. 9 Mackerel. No. 2, & half bbl.. 5 Mackerel, No. S, & bbl ;.. 7 MuJL:ts,.WlJ. :i Muiie-ts, Pork bbls. ... ...... . 7 N. C. Roe.I5errlr.sT. kes:.... 3 !... H IB as oo 3J '7" IS tt 114 3 H SP 13H io es 25 12 i 15 14 im 12 "T" 18 Ob 10 CD 14 10 6d 13 770 SO 50 1 75 FEitTa.TZLP.r 1'eruvi.vntiu 01 (V (A ftO 60 00 75 00 00 00 5 60 1 30 & 25 62io es tf10 00 CD 5 50 6 d 3 .'.0 : 11AITJIOAD3, ZLC Omca or Gnroui. gcrtArsimvuy, WUsxlajrUm, H. C. ?frr. ltUs ISX II l":"ict "D( Change of Scheduled ON A5T AJTEB SOV. ISta, 1CCV T23 j follow in k CjcncQote will t ovrtscl ca tii Uaibroad i , i - -- '.-"-( ' j rAssEKGEs, UAiLAypExrrirsTHT:, Jjczxt Wlhntarton aC.XlI P.K. Arrtr afChaxlotto atM....T.43 A. LL, No.L t I... Capital Prize of Capital Prize of....... Capital Prize of.. Frizes of $t,ooo... Prizes ot 2,000... 10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes tJOO Prizes of of of of 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,0X 10,000 10,000 20.000 30.01X) 25.0CO 25,000 j APPROXIMATIOJC PKTZES. 9 Approximation Prlzea of $750. 9 9 500. 250. ,750 4,500 2,250 l,i37 PTLtt-S, amoautliiR to . -. . $265,530 Application for ra tea to cluba ekonld only be fuaoe to tbe cilice of tLe Company la Xew Or leans. -. For further Infortaatlon, write clearly, gtv-ing- full addrcsa. Send orders by Expres. BeglaUred Letter, or Money Order addrossod only to i 1 . ' VL A, DAUPIITN, New Orleans, L&. OTM. A. DAUPinX, . , tJ07 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. Jf. B. Io tho Extraordinary feral-A nnnal Drawing of next Jane tho Capital Prize will be 9150.0CO. i each 14-wed-eat tw-lAw ' ' T"" ' 1883. !.: H arp e r's Bazar , ILLUSTRATED. I This popular Journal la a- rare combination of literature, art and fashion. Its atones, poems, and ee Bay 8 are by the best writers of Europe and America; IU engravings posooaes the highest artistic excellence; and in all mat ters leriaining to fashion it is universally ac knowledged to be the leading puthority lu the land. The new volume will contain many bril liant novelties. v . 1 Harper's Periodicals. 'I I Per Year: I , - .1 UAErES'SBXZAn $ 4 CO Habfer's Maoaztke 1 4 00 IIahpeh's Weekly. ...... 4 0 The Tubes aboro publications 10 00 Any Two above named. ....... ...... 7 CO Harper's Yoxtsg Peopus. l rsc Harper's Maoaztke m Habpeb's Youno People, j ' w HARTEK'3 FEAXKLIN 5QUABE LlEKABT, ! One Year (52 Kumbers). 10 00 Vo stage, jyree to aU rubecribers in the United States or Canada. . - , r . The Volumes of the Bazar begins with tbo first Number for January of each year. When no. time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of orderi The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar. In neat cloth, binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense f provided tho freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth i Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by is ail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Kemittances should be made by Post-Offloe Money Order oi Draft, to avoid chance of loss. - yeicspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Habpeb & Bros. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, -doc 12 New York. P. M. Hale's Publications. .'.57 50 m CO CO 00 00 150 ' tl i U'ijCi Jv Baxifh'e PUosi-i'.alo. . .... . .'. . . Carolina fert".liar ,-iS Ground lJie....r .....'sO Bane Meal 00 Bono Flour ..! - Navassa Guano -.40 Complete Marnue ..1 00 Whano's Ptiosphato....;, 00 Wando Phophato. . . ....... ..00 Bertrer A Butz'a I'hiwphato. .00 Excellenza Cott-n fertilizer. 55 French's CirlKr:ate of Ume... trench's An-ituUoral ULaiO.... FliOUli, f bbi Fin. .'. Northern Super. ......... . . . . Extra l Family Glrv Mills Extra. . . . J ; Family... " Extra Family.... 6 GLUE tt.i.. ...... GRAIN, bCshel I Com, from store, IwigB.vthlts. Corn," cargo, In bulk, white.. 1 Com, cargo, in bags. whit.. 1 Com, cargo, mixed, La bog.. Oots, from store.....''. , CoW Peas '.. HIDES, a ' Green........ Dry.... HAY, & 100 fcs , , Eastern 1 Western 1 North River. L HOOP HtON,"Ton...........80 LARXWIb-- Nortneni.. ............. North Carolina UME, 1 barrel.. J 1 LUMBEE, City Swed, M ft. Ship Stuff, rosawed. .IS Rough Edge Plank ..15 West India Curgoes, according to quality 1.13. Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 Scantling and Board. comn..l2 MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop Cuba, In hhds..... " , In bbls Porto Rico, In bhds ' " -i In bbls Sugar House, In hhda., -, 1 T " icbbla..1 , Ul iut, 111 uuo. ....... NAILS, Keg, Cut. lOd basis. OILS, gallon , Kerosene... Lard J Linseed... Rosin.......'. Tar v. Deck and Spar.. ........ ...... POULTRY Chickens, live, grown ' " Spring L.-. ...... Turkeys ..J PEANUTS 1 buahe! .... POTATOES, bushel , ftweet. Irish, & bbl PORK, w barrel City Mess ; Prime.- ' Rump Rough. Y bushel EAGS, fc Country City ROPE. ft SALT, V sack. Alum... Liverpool I Lisbon SUGAR, Hr-Cuba. Porto Rico A Coffee...... J.... B ' C , " Ex O . Crusho! SOAP, tf" S Northern t SHINGLES, M-Contract..f 5 Common.... 2 . Cypress Saps.. 4 Cyprees Hearts............... 0 STAVES, V M -W. O. Barrel..I2 R, O. Itogshead 00 TALLOW,? ft TIMBER, V M feet Shlpping.12 li 9 m 4 6 5 0 1 1 ?2 50 CO fij-'il ijC' t?o y. &m oo 00 -07 00 00 1 G45 00 00 6jX1 00 a?7o oo x 00 eo oo ct i no 090 00 00 00 oo 00 50 v. Leave Chariots at..... .;;..73 P. It. S Arrrro at WUmtegtoa U.-..lC0 A. Lt, Tralnl Nos. 1 and 2 stop at regular- aUilcra emly, and point designated la U QocrpcaT Tlnto Table. s . , j i j Train No. L, Daily except Sunday. ; i Do. No. 2. do.' do. Saturday. . ., SHELBY DC7IS10N, PASSEhUEJtj IIATX EXPRESS AXD FREIGHT. 1 ." Dally exoept Btunlayi. -, Leave Charlotte....:.........., J.V.. A. TZ. Arrive at snciby.. ..........12.20 P. It. IjeaveShelbr... iA3 P. IL. Arrive at Charlotte......, Vf IL Trains No. 1 an! 2 make close cor.nectltm at Uihilet with 11. A A. Trains V and frora Ral eih, and at Ch;lo(to with Shelby 'TH vision Train. : : : , :x i (t Throoih 51ecpIJ Cars tetwcM WlJailagtoa and Charlotte and Raleigh and Chnrtotie. Take Train No. I for StatT!o;.MlPns WefeU rn N C R It, AfchevlUe and print V etc Also, Tor Sjinrtanburg, iJrer.vIlal Athera. i . . U .:.. ' OJTtX- rbv!3 Wiliiiingtou & Welder Omo! or General fiuicai WUzaiaton, X. C, Nov. 5. 'USi ) 00 50 0 75 50 11 as 6 oo C 50 & 8 75 bfi 6 50 1 (5 CO & 7 50 & n 70. fb 75 G ti3 13 01 12V & 65 57 & 6d 75 ( HO 4 a io e 12 0 0 1 25 00 (ED 1 10 75 1 & 85 00 &?& 00 is a it 00 & 14 10 & I 50 00 00 00 416 00 00 & 00 ?22 00 00 15 00 00 -tt: 43 00 0 00. & 00 (it) oo an 40 en 41 5 is 82 SO 0 00 & S 75 ioh 1 10 d 45 90 K0 1 00 w en l oo 00 ffl 20 oo a 22 S3 & 55 20 n m 75 tb 1 25 60 1 10 ... 3 f ...1 ...17 i0 50 Of 75 0 3 72 5C 00 00 ttXJM 00 (13 00 95 (58 1 15 UiG 4 HitS 'J 14U( 22 00 fli 75 SO 00'-' 75 00 00. 1CH if oo 50 00 50 Change of Sqhedule.i ON AND .AFTER NOV. 5, lSfi, AT e.et ton & We Won Railroad will run aa toUowa ;T DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TBl D4JUUT i - Noa. 47 Nonrrn amd 44 SorrtL,.- ' Leave Wlhtinpton, Front St. Depot, A, tL. Arrive at wetao.n.r.rrrrr.'J .. 120 p. il- Leave Weldon.. ............. I tOP. JtL, Arrive at WUm'gton.FroctSt.p'pt, 90 P. tL Fast Thbocgh Mail & PAJszsaEa TxLir) DAELT NOS. 43 NOBTO AXD 49 SotmZ. i ' IxvoWUmlngton,Front SL, Depot,' lUS P. M. Arrive at Weldon 1.10 P.M. Leave Weldon...........,....... P.tt. Arrivoat Wllm'gtoo , Front SLIVt lOuMP. U, MAIL AND PASSENGER TILA1NS-: DaJXT. ! .. ,v' Nos. 45 orth and 42 South, h i Leavo WUmlngtoa..-Ji.".....J... a.C0 P. It. Anivo at Weklon ........I... 4.00 A. tt. Leave WeWon at. , 1.2a A. Arrive at Wilmington... ' "ijn a. M.i Train No. 40 South will stop only at itocJcy Mount, Wilson, Goldsioro and MajraoEav I Traina on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Roekj1, Mount for Tarboro at 12 M. and 7.15 P. Ill 11aPiT- 1,lu"1! Tarboro at ft0 A. it. and 3 P. M. Dally. 1 ' - v,. : r .-, ":-m-I , , . Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road lev Halifax for Scot land Nock at ,8a P. Hi , Ce turning leave Scotland Neck at 10 o'clock, daily.- -: - . , ;. , -, , Train No. 47 make eloee connection at Wei don for all points North Dally. All rail Tti Richmond, and d&Uy . except Sunday via Bx Line.- . i -! ' - -.,'1 . j r' Train No." 43 runs daily and toakoa '&mj eon. notSon for all polntj North vta TKr.hmAr l aa4 Waahlngtonl No. 47 makea dose eonseetlon for Tarboro. 1 - , ' - All trains run soLd between Wlrnlatt an4 Washington, and haw Pullxaaa Pml&oo 81oe ersattachod. - v t . join? r. nrviKS.. 1 General Bupertntendezrt. T. M. EMERSON, Geaoral PaaeennrAxnil - nov 5 - ., ' - -li- oj CO 00 00 00 s es 9 et lOUf 5 tt at es tt WISE Stste & Ucnroe Sts.. Chicago. . jr WIU fcixl nmM to eV .itm thir i I BAND CAT ALOUUE. for 133, -HO .10 tjir.e l 1 Of i tutmrarrU. llt I Belli. ' k uuuis. Dram J i! Milt mivi 1'Htlt. &aiMlr Hu t Outitv. KrnlrW people are always on the ooknut tor chan ces to Increase thelx earnings, and In Ume bea-onae wealthy ; thoe who do not imirove their opportunities remain In poverty. We of fer agruittch nee to mate- money. We want many men. wor.en, boys and girls to work for u right .n their own lcaUUe-v. Any one can dp the worV proierly from the first start. The bueint-sa will nay more thair ien times ordi nary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free No one who engages, fail to make mooey rap luly. , You can lcvo-e your whole time 10 tiw wort, or only your parc moments. Full in formation and nil that Is needed sent free. Ad dress stx ox A CO.. Portland, Maine, nov 16-dAw tf . I ' 1 Excursion aiid Pic Nic . gEASON 13 OVER. THE THEATRICAL and Ball aeaaon la cow opening. ' Gentlemen who are used to FIRST-CLASS work and a clean and Comfortable Earlier shop, win find It at " JOHN WERNER'S, Practical Barber and Perfumer. No. 23 Varket Street, between Front and Water Street.. - ' ; - - - - , oefctf- WOOD S AND TI3IBEES OF NORTH CAROLINA. Fine Shipping. . - Extra, do Mill Prime ...... Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY. gai Northern. North Carolina WOOL, b Washed .... Unwashed.... Biirrv 00 00 50 00 00 00 b 00 25 50 50 50 Off 00 CO C-0 25 21 10 7 0 2 CL 5 IS 7 018 Of) , 4210 00 . & 6 514 00 etiz 00 12 00 S 50 a 7 (f) & 6 00 et 4 00 5 00 4m 2 50 S S Ct 22 & 15 WilnUngton, Columbia & Angnsta BL R. Co. Otttce oy Cskebal BrrpTBDrrxxtOry. ; Wllmuutra. K. a No4. 8,;US5,-;: BUTTER I 1 1 vol. 12mo.,.clelth, 0L25. The publication of such facts In a shape that makes them accessible. Is the very be t service that the pub'Ic spirited men in the 7-outh can do their States." X. T. World, l he very thing neeld. A ve-y important work ior the Staie. ITiminon Star. A timely and valuable vmblicatiou. Must jr"ve f n-at service to the slate." Char lotte JovrnaL , "Mr. ilhle ho (Lwihe State a great eer xice "Biblical Recorder. . Ot such thorough excellence thnt It Ut eerves th" witeet cjtcu ation.-i-A'ajSrt CTenn. Lnmiscrman. ; ..' The b-xk is ell pVinted on Unted paper, la h&nd--omelv bound in cloth, ontdns 2,2 pges and n accurate nd beautifully execute. I map of the state, with all its railroad ionics Ce fined. . KVERYBOOVS BOOK. Answers to simple questions frequently put to lawyer by Laymeu. lV.ints In Law ot vlue to every man In North Carolina he Profevlooiil man, the Farmer, the Mechanic, ihe Landlord, the Tenant, the Cropper, the Ltborer. 4 12mo . vaper, Price (Flv Postage Stamps) 15 cents. , ' - .-. .... For sale, by book sellers generally, who may be supplied In quantities on favorable terms, by either fin underLrneL , If not to be had at your local book etore, mailed poet-paid on rec Ipt of the price, try fc. J. HALE Jt SON. , Publisher. Book-etlers and Stationert, NT. T.; r. ,1L Hate, PuLIlAfcex, PuV-Igh, X. C. fib4 " . ' -.-' -.j .; -.;'-'-. -- -W: G1LT-ED6E--VERYCH01CE. a rxw i'Acr.AGrs rn satx by eRpsset Co. I tach 9 . . 1 - Positive Bargains JN BLEACHED COTIONS, ltfi ShlrtLa;, Countcirancs, JTfcolc Daita' and Totre, Change of Schedule, KJ 7.25 A. M.. the foUowlrg Paaaenzcr Scbod- c . will be run on this road : j" NIGIIT EXPRESS TRAINS, DATLT-Noa. it - Wcctand47Eart.' ' ''X' ,i Leave Wilmington. 8J PJ fU ieave Florence. 1.53 A IU Arrive at C C A A. Junction.. X... 6.23 A. li. Arrive at Columbia e.40 A. It. Leave Columbia..... ..104 P. 1L Titave C, C. A A. Junction.... 10.23 P. It. Leave Florence ......... lJ'-O A. If. Arrive at Wilmington............... 6.2 A. U Nio nr Matl ast) Vxtnzxazz Tbaix, Datlt, No. 40 West, ajcd Dat 3IAH. axo Pa fsxcek Tbatx, No. 43 EaL - Leave WUrrdngton........ ;...;.;.;.11.10 P. tt. Arrive at t lorenee 2.i A. If. Leave Florence.. ............ ........12.55 P. M. Arrive at WunUngtoa.. ...... .....6.25 P. IL. . MAIL AND PASaZNGER TRACES DATT , '- Noa. 42Veet and 43 Eaat. ' L. . 1 j - Leave WU!aiEton.v......"..........7.25 A. II Airiveat Florence........ .;.11.S0' A. l Leave nroco a;.... 43? p. K. Arrive at Wilmington...... ..9.0iP. If Train 43 stops at all F tttlo os. - ... 1. ' No.40stcson!y at FloaLSrtcn, Wiltor::! Fair Blur and Marlon. , . .. . j I'afsenen, for Columbia axdall pofa on G. A C. IL IU C, i lL 11. Sutiosa. Atkin -.luco tics, and all itTli boyoii'l. stoull tike S NUht Expre. . . - ' - - ,r . . . 1 evarrao Pullman &9rpxn t or CiarSesxc All traina run solid bt.-trv.n lThrt.m.t.:,n H - , -'..'"" JOHN F. DFVINE.'I ! t - - Geacra! Superiutvfvt. T M. EMERSON, Uxeral PaanrA4j:. nov 5 - j i - -- -1 . - SOME MORE." Wfcic Good?, Hamburg ar.d Irish Point Trimmings, Warner's .Craiiot-, Health,1 Ab domical and M. H. Cvrsets. . . Alsorthe best ONE DOLLAR KID tSLQVl. in the city. - - ; "'- aCilS - - - - ----- TC8T RECEIVED. ANOTlTEB LOT 6? thce ELEGANT HAVAIA CILEHOOTl?. WarTAntO'l Hi's 1 . . "'!"'' FITL CENT ClGABj . . , , In thclty. k ', - f' ' 1 : ;."';! At A lit ' USE OK . i Tobacco & Tobaccb'Goods. ' (-- '. :'- CalC take a aaoke. ' J . , - . . ..-1 K. GTtSCrrWALD, So. Front StJufct;tkrtr Px - -1 crrr r; das 14 . " "

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