PLAd& .voric& rnsrj erro-, - ' jOSn'T. JAMES, mvtto a rsontTrros. - ASCRIPTIONS rOSTAGE PAIR 4 &U month. iiOO. Three i W, One month, SS cent. r will be delivered by carrier free STta ny Prt of the city. at too ave r'' rate low ami lvtla rate low ami liberal. ! ,Ktr will report any an Aj;;r. will report any and an tan. h circulation, of any newspaper Xshtd the ciiy of Wilmington. r1 L;wtion of Col. Hall as Mayor ftb0 city seems to give general satia tion everywhere and to everybody. short inaugural remarks - were ex tent uent and pithy, and they wilUurciy K-ar good fruit. Col. Hall was a ck sheriff an3 a good soldier and i: h if. him to rnako a good mayor. Barnnm. wakes a bjg show - to-night. In Kcw York, in the shape of a street arade. U is to be upon a scale of mag oifiwrce never ensiled before, and m-ii: represent a cafih Taluc of S1'000 000 containing, among other features, sercrn! co!cial steam chariots twenty x fex-t bih and costing each $8,000. Thero will be twelve kinds of music, twenty-nine elephants, some in harness ; thirty-three golden, chariots, Mother iioe wagon.Santa Clause chariot, foni hundred horses, ten giraffes, thirty-two rimf is. ten ostriches, sixteen open dens of wild animals, seven lairs oi animals f ..:,h . in each, handsome cages af bird, monkeys, reptiles, etc., knights in steel aftnor, ladies, cavaliers, lords, performers and hundred of curiou3 features. There will be fireworks all' along the line, calcium lights and over seven hundred torches carried in. hant? LOCAL NEWS. I8DEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. boi. Cbak Matting T ate-A Large fr toe 1 W H Grees Garden Seed Mcww Baos oda Water rejbHoer Easter Carda Crtiflcate of Election -Mrt Ward Certificate of Election irccond Ward CciUflcate oftle tlon Third Ward Certificate of Election Fourth Ward Ceitificnto of Election Fifth ard HoLUSoawoBTH & WitKEB Livery- and For other locals see fourth page. To day clones tho Lonlen season. D&y't length 12 hours and 19nutes Mi,,, - Full nuKin yesterday at 50 -iautes past 13 o'clock. . The almanac promj a yesterday bat we didn't see It bunset to-morrow evening at 19 minutes past 7 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 33- bales. Easter eggs, Easter cards and Easter niiiaic are sought for toiay. The interments in Pinej Forest Ceme tery this week were two adults. - Milton Nobles plays "A man of the People" in Raleigh next Thursday. There were two interments in Oak. dale Cemetery this week both ' adults. Who is going to the Petersburg Va.t Musical Convention? is tho query just now. There wag only one interment that of a child in Belleyuo Cemetery this wet. The Register of Deeds issued three aarriage licenses this week all for colored couples. ' , Miss E. Karrer will leave here on Monday for tho Northern markets, for the purpose of purchasing full supplies tf Spring and Summer goods. 1 . acq xong ijenton season is now over At last and to-morrow, Easter Day, typifies tho Resurrection. And yeU so far "as our observation has extended, there has been but very little vegetation nipped by tho recent frost and snow and ioo. ' - . - The result of tho elections in this city a Thursday will be found in full in our advertising colnmns just as forecast by In Thursday afternoon's issue. . supply of Easter cards In the tores is prettier in design and more aried than we have ever before seen. WQ J of them are reall y beautiful. There will bo services In SU John's Church to-morrow mtrning and cele bration of the noly Communion. In the afternoon there will bo Choral Ser- -Mr. J. I. Macks, of this city, has been appinted Commissioner of Deeds frr Masaachusetta, New York Pennsyl vania, Maryland. Virginia, Georcb. Florida, Kentncky. Tennessee. Ohio aad California. Rt. Dr. Mayo, who was . expected feera during the present week, has been caled to risit several places in the fMUrn section of the State. In conse qtteoce of which he will not arrive until oethae daring the coming week, due aoticeaf which will b ivan. - sd rai Hi 1 H J VOL. VII. I WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAECH 24. Mr. M. M. Kafz has returned jfrora the Northern markets! j! As usual, he purchased largely 'and is now in daily receipt of the goods. . , The long agony i3 over at last and peace and quiet now prevail in the clas sic prccincs of the Cjtyj Hall. Only Paddy's Hollow .niourria be comforted. 1 1 . . an4 will not i Wc regret to learn I thai Mr J. WJ Hobbs, a carpenter at the Wilmington Si Weldon Railroad shop3. had the misfortune to have three of the fingers of lib left hand bad lacerated! by a circular saw yesterday morning. ' Ed. Colvin and Thad Moore, both colored, and tw6 white girls, whose names we suppress fcjr the present, were arrested last nigbl for cohabiting together, and were committed to jail to await an examination which .will take place before" Justice Miliis on Tuesday next. , ! h i ' , : i Kizzie Moore, the poor demented colored girl who was sent to tho insane department of the County Poor House several months ago,' died of consump tion at that institution yesterday. She had been subject, all her life, toepilep3y but those attacks left her sometime ago and ever since she has declined rapid ly until death relieved her of suffering. We find, in the Marion Lamp Post a reference to the Fiemming House in that town of which CaptJ W. J. Calais, formerly of thi3 city, is the proprietor. Tho Post speaks ofj ' refurnishing going on there noW and of the reception of handsome furriiluro and states in the close that commercial travelers say! that on Capt. Calais keeps the best table- the road, 1 A youngster who lives up in Shasta, Jumped -onto :i car to go fatah; lie fell from the train, i Aml'oi such a sprain, ( ( St. Jacobs Oil only could raastah. Exports Foreism Br. schr. Equator, ' Capt, Albury. cleared to day for Nassau,) N. PJ, with 10,000 feet lumber. 112.000 shingles 100 bass, corn,. 50 bags jpeas and 17 packages merchandise, valued at $1,177 shipped by Mr. J. B, Farrar. , . For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to JACOBr's Hardware Depqt. t OakGroVe Cemetery. We learn that, in Oak Grove Ceme tery, or what is known as PaupeV's Burial Ground, the interments 8inc0the 17th of September, 1882. aggregate; 39. Of this -numbers there; were 2 white adults and two white children, niajdng a total of 4 whites; and 21 colored adults and 14 colored children,- making a total of 35 colored. These figures were given us by Health Officer James, and are undoubtedly eorrect. t r 4- j . . City Court. His Honor. Mayor Hall, held his first official reception I this morning. The first to call was Fannie Gore! of Paddy's Hollow, charged with an affray. She was required to deposit $5 for the bene fit of. tho city treasury, and costs, or be confined 0 days in tho city jprison. By a singular coincidence. Fannie wa3 the first person brought before Mayor Fishblate when bo entered upou the datios of his offico fivo years ago.J Marv'Lee, for the samel ofFenso, was the second person called to is morning, and tho result was the same in her caso Alary Jones, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was required to pay $5 and eosts or be confined 10 days in the city prison. She also went below This ended the Mayor's first matineci Brutal Assault.! Oa Tuesday last. Mr. Thomas John son, who lives ncarj Fayettcvillc, was joking a colored mau about some .do mestic matters perfectly innocent ia their nature, when Jthe latter became angry and seized a piece of wheel tir and struck Mr. j Johnson on the side of tho head, the end of tho: iron striking him in tho eye and destroying it. Mr. Johnson, knowing the colored man to bo a desperate character, started to run, when the latter seized a hatchet and gavo chase, and succeeded In In flicting two terrible blowi one on the calf of each leg by one of which his right leg was nearly amputated, and the other fearfully mutilated, j Tho txxU flan escaped and it is thought fled to this city, and tV.e offieers are on the lookout for him. There was no - provocation for the brutal attack, and it is hoped the assassin may be captured and pun ished. - 1 1 , , ' : To Builders and others GotoJxco - ii I i . bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors,! Glass &c You can got all sizes and at the lowest prices. ; ! THE NEW BOARD. J . - i Colonel llall Elected Mayor r Captains Savage, Cowan and Brock Re-elected Mayor Hall Address. In accordance with law, the j-newly elected Board of Aldermen met ' at the City HallVesterday at 12 o'clock J Mayor W. L. Smith in the chair. , At tho request of tho Mayor, Capt. Henry Savage, City Clerk and Treas urer, read the certificates declaring the following named persons duly elected as Aldermen of tho City o f Wilmington lor tno ensuing ierm : or tne irst Ward, Wm; Hi Chadbourn and Isham Sweat; Second Ward, Gabriel J. Boney and Edward D. Hall; Third Ward, John L. Dudley and Samuel Bear. Jr"; Fourth Ward. Wra. L. DoRosset and S. H. Fishblate; Fifth Ward. Valentine Howe and John J Gey er. John Cowan, Esq., a Justice of tho Peace, then administered the oath of office to the1 members of the .newly eleated Board, each of whom subscrib ed his name to the same. ' Mayor Smith announced' that the Board being now duly qualified, he desired to turn over to them the seal of the city and badge of tho Mayor, and all matters in bis charge.. The question coming up as to who should preside in the interim until the organization of the new Board, the Clerk read the law providing for a temporary Chairman; whereupon, on motion of .Alderman .Chadbourn, Alder man Fishblate was called temporarily to tho Chair. - . Alderman Fishblate took tho Chair ex Dressed his thanks for the honor - - - - , dune him. and then asked the pleasure of the Board. v j j Alderman DeRosset moved that the Board take a recess until 4 o'clock P. M. Adopted. 1 AFTEllNOOIf SESSION. . The Boanl met promptly at 4 o'clock Alderman Fishblate in the Chair, i The Chair announced the .first bus! ness in order to be the election ot a Mayor! whereupon Alderman DeRosset nominated Alderman E. D. Hall to fill that position. Alderman Sweat nomi nated Alderman! Wra. j H. Chadbourn The Chair appointed Alderman DeRosset and Alderman 2weat as tellers. I , A ballot was then taken and resulted a3 follows: j E. D. Hall received 6 votes. W.! H . Chadbourn received 4 votes. The Chair announced that l Alderman E. D. Hall had received a majority of the votes cast, and he was therefore de clared Mayor of Wilmington for the next two years. - t John Cowan, J. P., then administer ed the oath of office and Mayor Hall subscribed to the same 1 The announcement of tho result of the ballot for Mayor was receive by the largo crowd which, thronged the room with an outburst of cheers and applause! As ho took his seat loud calls were made for a speech, whon Mayor Hall rose and spoke as follows: Gentlemen of tlie Board ,of Aldermen of the City of Wilmington: - It is with profound emotion thatf I receive this mark of confidence at your handa. Please accept my sine ire thanks. . ... . I will promise to devote my entire time and ability in tho discharge of the duties vou have imposed upon mo. Coming, as we do, into the control of tne weiiare oi inis city lor mo nxc iwo years, uninformed in tho details and machinery of tho last administration, and utterly ignorant ot the wants of the future, it would ill become roe "now to make any suggestions or recommenda tions! to you. At some future time, when wo all have studied tho re quirements of our position, I will freely offer to von and receivo from you any suggestions that may bo for the benefit ot tho city. I trust, howevar, I may be pardoned for saving, from my experience as sheriff of New Hanover county, in collecting tho revenue of this city ad county for nine years, that by a thorough system of equalization of taxation and a strict enforcement of the existing laws for the collection of the revenues of the city,' the income to the treasury of the city will be largely in creased, the burdens of taxation will be equalized, and the present rat?s of tax ation will be decreased. I am satisfied that some interests are taxed too heavi ly, some too little, and many none at all. The true interests of this city con sists, first, in properly collecting what ever money is actually required to keep the credit of the city above reproach; then in judiciousK improving and beau tifying tho city. By a thorough under standing with the Board of Audit and Finance. I am quite sure that object can be obtained. The duties ol your department are separate and distinct from mine, and must be well defined.. You are tho Legislature and I am the Executive. It is your duty to make laws, and mine to see them executed, and I here pledge to yon that every oi dinanco ym in your wtednm may see fit to make shall be rigidly enforced. And t4 my fsllow-ciUicsa of the city Meview of Wilmington, represented here by this immense audience, cllected from all parts of the city, consisting fcef ail classes, colors and conditions, language fails me in expressing to yon the pro found emotions that swell i my heart near to; overflowing. I -have lived in your midst, boy and man. for near sixty years. I have by your kind suf frages filled many offices of honor and trust. My whole private career has been open to your inspection, and J am proud to believe that this great enthu siasm yoa manifest hero .to-day in my behalf is nothing' more nor le3 than the warm approval on (your part of my past career as a private . man and my record as a public man. As such I receive it with: profound appreciations Now, to .my . colored fellow-citizens. The very great interest that you mani fested all over this city in my behalf in this canvass, and that, too,! without ona tinge of party feeling, touches me deep ly a"nd is very dear to me. It shows that you truly know me and arc willing to trust mo implicjtly. Since you have been, made Jree men I have A'atched your progress with solicitude. I;havo seen you suddenly endowed with the great privileges of citizenship and suffrage, and that, too, profoundly unprepared for it. I havo seen you struggling to discern the difference botween liberty and license. I have seen your appreciation of the proper course lor' you to pur sue. I have seen you steadily, in dustriously and almost unaided pursa ing the onward course, and in many cases the aid that was offered you was pernicious and to your injury. ! I - have seen you eagerly grasp the aid offered you to educate your children and im prove your. condition. ' I havo seen you unaidecl erectmany and costly build ings for religious worship. I have seen alt these, and I seen all your short comings, and I firmly bclievo I in1 and have great hopes of your future. And I say to you now that in this conrt o: justice 5'ou shall have as equal and ex act rights as the best in the land. And .1 pledge to you that in all your effortsjto improve your condition and to elevate yourselves in the scale of manhood you shall have my earnest support, both in my public and private capacity' It sihali be my earnest endeavor to culti vate and stimulate a cordial and kindly intercourse between your race and mine, i Now, my friends, one and all, accept my heartfelt thanks. The address was listened to with marked attention, and at its close1 was loudly applauded. I V Alderman Fishblate moved 'tfctfr the same rule3 that governed the last Board shall be tho rules of this Board. Car ried. The Chair announced that the cie tion of other city officers was the, nexj business to come belore the meeting. and that nominations were no w in or der. Alderman DeRosset nominated Capt. Henry Savage, the present incumbent. as Clerk and Treasurer. Ths motion was put and carried by acclamation. . 'Capt. H.C. Brock, the present in cum bent, was nominated for Chief of Police, and ho was unanimously! elect ed.;" . j Capt. John Cowan was nominated as Clerk of the Police Department and unanimously elected. It Alderman DeRosset then moved that theBoard adjourn to meet on Monday night, March 26th, at 8 o'clock. Carried. Mayor Hall then declared tho meet ing adjourned. i Death rf3Ir. Holmes. - ' . : 1 . Mr. Owen D. j Holmes, ono of tho most highly esteemed citizens of Wii mihgtondied at his residence here yes terday morning, in the 59th year of his age, lacking only a few days to com Iplete the year. Ho had .been sick for w months but of late was pronounced bet ter and "was on tho streets only a few days ago. His dieeasejwas congestion of the liver. Mr, Holmes was an upright, honor able gentleman in every., sense -of the word, aud a sincere and devout Chris tain. In bis death there is nothing to lament beyond his departure from those who loved him. j His Easter morn will be a more glorious one than ours. Sunday Scliool Puzzle. j Here is an enigma the foundation and structure of which are thoroughly or thodox and the solving of which will therefore be an excellent Sunday task for the young: I am composed of ten letters. My first ii where John the Baptist preach ed. My second is the father of Joseph! My third was a centurion. My fourth ono who heard a voice of lamentation. My fifth is a vowel. My sixth choose the good part. My seventh was an apostle. My eighth was baptized with her household. My ninth was a pro-r phet. My tenth ia one of Iaban's daughters.! My whole is the name of a Sunday School Superintendent. First Installment. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, at 34 Market street, havo received their first, install ment ' of twe hundred and fifty Flannel Smta which they, warrant fast color! Each coat has a label with their toll name sewed on the collar as a gua antes to their genuine quality. Don't fail to get a etrit, NO. 72 j ... :- Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for j the week cnjtling with foot up 1,373! bales, J as compared with 1,649 bales for the correspond ing week last year, a decrease this week of 271 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 121,683 bales; as against 130,713 bales to sauie date last year, a decreaso this year of 8,630 bales. ----- r . . . - I Musical. 1 i Mr. E. G. Thorpe, director of the Ariori Society, has received a letter and ci rcuiar fimco ihs iPetersburg Musical Association, wanting liim to appoint delegates to take p&rt si tho misical convention of Virginia and North Car olina" to be j held iji Petersburg, Va., Tuesday, May 29, 1883. Mr. H. Nol tcnius. Chairman committee on music, is very desirou3 that our city will be well represented at the coming conven vention anr that the Anon Society (whose fame . seems to have reached Petersburg) wiil take part in a propos ed concert to bo given at the Peters burg Academy, as a finale to the con- i V . - i vent ion, Robbm'sr the Graves. We hear much complaint as to the depredations of thieves ; in Oakdale Cemetefy. Valuable plants are inlsome instances stolen, and in other the graves are robbed of the flowers growing there which lovirtg hands have .tended and kept.) It really seems r as though these rascals could be- caught if a se vere vigilance were inaugurated and maintained there. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Livery and Sale Stables, TJOItSES, BUGGIES, TIIiEIOXS ANL' UAKEIAGLS let at lovr rates. Also Board for Horsea. , 5 The finest Hearse In the city. IIOLLINUSWOKTU & WALKEU. i At tho Kevr Stahlea, mch . 24-tf Cor. ITijartb and Mulbsrry ta 9 CertUicalo qf Election. W1LMIXGTON, X. C, -.!-. r March, 22d, 1883. yE THE UNDERSIGNED JUDGES, duly qualified to hold an election for AUclrnien or tUe First Ward of the City of Wilmington, on the fourth Thursday of March, 1833, pursuant to an "Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, entitled an Act jto organize a Got ernment for the City of Wilmlajrion,"", ratiiled the sixth day of March, A. ii., 2377, ilo hereby certify that the following Is a true and correct statement and return dfsalcl election: W. H. CHADBOURN reclved 421 votes. 131LA.M SWEAT W. H. HOWE ' ! 53. W. D03IIER B. If. MORTON received 509 votes, received 163 vote. recclred 13d, rots. .- - I : reoelved "S "rotea. -. reoeivell 3 vote. GEO. I.. SHUTTE- i ' ! And we do hereby declare that W. . ClIAD-j BOURN an ISHAit SWEAT, havins recclv, ed the hlghest'ntrmbcr of rotes cast, jaro elect cd AMermro cf tha City of Wilmington from ths FIRST WARD, j T . J. D.1 ORRELL, Registrar. 3 W. M. EVANS. Registrar. - ... w. h.nash; is. ii. terkt, m. carrcl, J. W..KItiG, J. jVV. WIIITNEV, S'a. RICH ARDSON, JESSE IVES, ROBERT THOMAS, Inspectors ot Election. mch U-2t ' - ; Certificate of Election. WILMINGTON, N. a. March 2ftTHs3. "TTTE.THS UNDERSIGNED JUDGES, duly qaaliaed to hd an Election for Aldermen fcr the Second Ward of the CUy of Wilxalngtcn, on tho foiath. Thursday of March, 1843, per snanttoanAct of the General Assembly of .North Carotins, entitled 'An Act to organize a Government for the City of WilmLagton," ratified the sixth day of Mrea. A. D. is 7, do hereby certify that the foliovrinsr is a true and correct statement and re tern of aaii election: GABRIEL J - BONEY received S4 votw. i EDWARD r. HALL received 208 votes. JfCAtterins. - -. !;.' " ;" "afTotea..' And wo do hereby declare that GABRIEL J.i BONEY and EDWARD D. HALL fcavlBf reoeived the hfghtt numlicr of votoa cat, are elected Aldermen of th CTty f Wilnsinstoa! frori the SECOND WARD.: ' ' - J. C. LCMDEN, Ecciatrar JAMES G. BURR. Tf A. SBXPARD, GEORGE EL BORDEN, G. W. AVANT, In apectors of election. ' - ! . " ' BMLh U-U 1883. We win t e!a4 to reecTt oxaasslcitlcrj from our frtecd a aay aa1 all ri;jO ci general tatensct but - n ' T&e name of u vrKirmut artji ts fi-' luatodtottMZ&sor. -'". j !' .'I. '1 oopnmpioaaona mo ft tx wrtCSa ca tslj one tide of tho paper. , , . . I. reiBoaaSuea mujtbo aroltol i Aad It U efrvJially and pert2cB2irry cai- tood that the Editor doca aot ahrars caicrta to vlows ol correspoadeatt cajosa t9 ita to tlie oditorial'tolamna. - , - j j i n NEW ADVEUTI0EZIC:?T3. Cortlflcato of Electlca. WILMWGTOy, K. ' MarcJitlI,l3 T"C THE UNTmSIO"SI sZj qualified to hold an EUctioa t as AUcnaca t cr ' -I x - - ii i the Third Ward of tho Oty of WUalrjtca, tn tho fourth Thxunklaj of March. prrosa! toan Acof tho Gsaral Aaeamhlj of "porta! Carolina, cnUtled An Acl to orraslit a Ca eramout for the city of Wlimlitca rJ " the Blxth dy of March, A. D. lsni do hcreT certify that tie following It a true aad eormi statement tod Tttara of tedd eicctloa : ' I JOHN L. DUDLEY received tZi .votot. SAMUEL BEAR, Jr., rceiVed U3 vctil t r. UAJSCOCK ; ' reoelTtd 74 rota. F. W. FOSTER . wclTOd Vl vctM. And tvb da hcraoy decUre I that JOXX V. DUDLEY and. SAMUEL BEAK.-'i bitlai recclred tha hlghot urabor of rote east. arW ! ' . i 4 .. - - - , elected AWcnnen of tho Cltr o TTUa!sst from the Tfiias ward, ' i j t I A. J. -TOpp, fiestatxar ALKER ME ARES. J.) W PKtDSTT,; XT. Gj SAMPSON, D. A.8ADO.WAlt.'Xiu9eeiof of; Election.!' '' -,; " - i . 'I i i. Certificato of Election. WLLMINGTON, K. C4 i March J1.1M3 ! E, TnE UNDERSIGNED JUDOES(da37 qualifio J to hold an Election for Aldeimea f or the Toarth Ward of the City J Wilmington, on the fonrth Thursday of March, llSJttenra. ant to an Act of the General Aasetablxof Jtorth CaroQna, enUtled "An act to organise Got " - t " ! ernxacjjt foi tho City of Wilmington,", ratified I the sixth day of March, do herchy ttrU- fy that the foUewln- u a true" and! correct itatement ana return of aU election ,: j 8. H. FISHBLATE rooeivid 117 xoicJl WM. L. DeROSSETT received 7 vote. utv. tiADBOURN received 175 vetee. 1 A. ADRIAN ' rccclVcd I vote. ttossT and 8. H," ibi!BLATk lavJjjj ra- ceired tho highest comber of votea cast, are -. . ., ... elted Aldermen of . the City of WflaInftok fronitte fUUTH WARD. - ' . , JNO. J. FOWUUR, Reglitrar M. S. WII.LARD, J. H. WILLIAMS," J01XV G.NORWOOD, GEO. wpRJCE. Jr.. U- -t.. . .... ..... i J pectors of Election, mch 2t-itt -. I "IT' Certllicato ot Election TLMIXGTON.K.c:, iry-ti ' March t3d(!83i. ; rE.TtlE UNDERSIGNED f UDGZ3, daly qualified to hold an Electloa for Aldemta tvr the Flifth Wlard of the City of Wdtalaitoaj o the fturth Thxtraday of Maroh, 0tSt ptaaaa to an Act of the General 'A aombly f1. Xortti i ... .. r i i Carolina, entitled "An Aot to orff&aUe a Gov ern mo ct for the Cltr of WllmIaiton,M rttlid' the aixtb day of March, A. V. IstVI do "bereW certify that the following la a troo aad, correoC atatement aud return of tald election: ... ," , VALENTINE HOWE received 5VDv. 1 JOHN J; GEYER . received 3C3 yotea. - C. P'. LOCKE Y - ivcetved IwVoKW. A. B. COOK.; ; s recofved lU.vottfl. J. D. SAMPSON reeelved f3 vetes. And we tlo hereby declare that " VALEN TINE BO WE and JOHN J. aETEB,' btria received the highest camber of votes caat, are elected Aldermen of the City of Wlladagioa . from the FIFTH WARD. . " . !; ; BENJ. FAE30W, Eetrarj A. n0WE. Ja., J. Jl. HATfBT, J. D. B. KLANDSB. A. HUGOfNS, IaapeeM f mch 21-a " . Matting ! IttiDg.! I ; JpiFXEEN DIFFEETNT 8Tn3 FEOU Uc to 45 per yardx 44. 64. 6 4. Oil Oott. eleginfc In deaign; andlox f a price. ' I TURSISIf TaYe:T3Y ad Velvet Caf3 ant Mate. -- '.... VJ , . Flaeaaaortaaeatof Markcinw aad ctasptf White aad Colored Bed Spreads. " 100 Doz. German and IrIV Inen. Tcrifea BAtb. aal ch aper To-svrl. , - ' Como and wme, -rit x-kcre to afceir Good. boh. ui:f? mcht -.-.""v-i i ..".'? laSiarket'fit The celebrated Tish Brand7 Gilla Twine is sold only at Jacobs Ilarda

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