The Daily Review, JUSn. T. J AMES, Editor . & Prop. . .WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH 21. 1383 Cntsred at the roe to nice aVUmingtoa.N. C, .as second-class matter. . Almosttefore wc realize i: tho world vrill be called upon to Witness two frf ffintie'engineering feaU. It 13 estimat ed that within a year and a half the tunnel from England to France will be completed, and .probably in the coarse of fivo or six years DeLeascps Kanama canal will be open . for busi .nesa. .Modern engineering will ere long change the face of the world. .Tho result of " a recoct election for county officers in FaUs county, Texas, Was determined by tho Totes of snren teen naturalized Chinamen; and the defeated candidates arc teatksg tho elec tion upon the ground that a State law. ostaaed in 1675. limited the issuance of naturalization papers to white foreign ers, and, it is claimed, disfranchised 'Chinamen who had already; taken out naturalization papers. There is In Illinois a family named Hiakey, whoso azgregate 2, - 587 1 pounds. The father weighs 480 pounds, the mother 385, tho oldest .daughter 30; the: next 221, the third .230, the oldest son 520, the second 202 "the third 260 and the fourth 176. The paterfamilias has two sisters who tip the scales at 310 and 270 pounds re spectively. Such a family carry great .weight la any community. . ' The New Orleans newspapers express , alarm, at the probability that the Miss issippi river will, at .an early date, be diverted into the Atchafalaya. and that xiew Urleans wii be lett on a shallow pool meditating sadly over her lost grandeur. The Atchafalaya channel, which is woofng the old father of waters from his accustomed path, runs directly to the Gulf of Mexico at a point seventy or eighty miles west of New Orleans. -Chicago's record of crime for tho past twenty-six months is a horrible one. and its record of killings for the same time is"most 'ghastly.- Tho facts as boiled down into headlines by The Inter-Ocean show that there have been In the"twenty-six months covered sixty nine murders, besides justifiable homi cides; that less than one-fourth of this number nave been imprisoned, generally for short terms : another fourth have been let loose by the grand jury, seven remain uncaptured, seven died of their wounds or suicided, and but ono suffer ed the death penalty. Add to this the long list of murderous assaults, robber ies, burglaries and other crimes and it . will appear that the great city of the West has earned its distinction of bein "the wickedest city on tho American continent. And yet, with this showing, the sanctimonious press of the North write about tho crimes of tho South without a blush. A grand celebration is proposed on and particularly among the trades of tho two cities. L. It has been suggested .that a procession representing all the important industries of the city form at some point in Brooklyn ; that a similar procession bo organized in New York a.nA nt n. civen atonal tho firinsr of a cannon,tho two processions begin mov- ing and pass each other on tne oriuge. Each procession, it is proposed, shall include the Mayor and Common Coun cil and other officials, and on arriving a the centre of th river span both proces" slcns shall halt and tho Mayors of Brooklyn and New York with tho mem bers of the Comwon Council, shall de scend from their carriages, when a pro clamation pronouncing the structure open to public, traffic shall be read. After this the processioDB will move on. the Brooklyn procession making a tour of New York and the New York pro cession making a lour of JBrooklyn. It ia helieved that this will be a fitting way of celebrating this cvont of great iroportance to the two cities. The following is the manner in which WiHUV UVIUUU kTCUH.V, VI iO IUUUUC1 VI tho New York Her aid t announced' his intention ot marriage: :Tq the Readers of the Herald: v I am coin e to be married in a few days.' The weather is so bcautitui; times are cettinc so cood ; the prospecis of political ana moral reiprm-so aus-j .. pickma, that I. cannot reSst tho divine instinct of honest nature any longer; so VI am going to be married to one of the most splendid women in intellect, in heart, in soul, in property, in person, in maancr that I have yet seen in the course of my interesting pilgrimage urougu uuiu&u uiv. ' I cannot stop in my career. I must falsi that awful destiny, which tha -Almighty Father has writtem against ray name, in the broad letteis of life, against ,tho walls of heaven. . I must give the world a pattern of happy wedded life, with all the charities that s prinsr from a auptiai love. Iu a few days I shall bo married according to the holy rites' of the most holy Christian Church to one of the most remarkablo, accomplished-- and-" beautiful young women of the age. "She possesses a fortune- I sought and found : a fortune a largo fortune. She has no Stoning tca shares or Manhattan stock, but in parity and uprightness v she is worth I half a million of pure coin. Can any .... lit -l 1 1 ,mIi3 In swindling oanu maw ut,ui i good sense and elegance another half a million; in soul, mind and beauty millions on millions, equal to the whole specie of all the rotten banks in the world. Happily, the patronage of the public to the Herald is nearly twenty live thousand dollars per annum, al most equal to a President's salary. But property in this world's goods was never ray object. Fame; public goods, usefulness in my day and generation; the religious associations of female excellence; tho progress of true industry these hrtve been my dreams oy night, and my desires by day. ; . In tho new and holy conditions into which I am about! to enter, and to enter with the reverential feelings as I would heaven itself, I anticipate some signal changes iu my feelings, , in my views, in my purposes, in my pursuits. What they may be I know not time alone can tell. My juxlent desire ha3 been gthrough life to reach the high est order of human (excellence by the shortest possible cut. Association, night and da v. in sickness and in health, iu war ana in peace, wim- a woraani produce some curious results in my heart and leehnjrs, ana tnese results ine future will develop in due time in the columns of the Ilcralk. Meantime. ' I return my i heartfelt thanks for the enthusiastic patronage of the public, both of Europo and Amer ica. The holy estate of wedlock will only increase ray desire to bestill more useful. God Almighty bless you air. James Gordon Bennett. A few days after, the marriage was announced at the head of the' cditoria columns of the Herald in the following terms: MARRIED. On Saturday afternoon, the! slant, by the Rev. Dr. j Power, Peter's Catholic Church, in! 6th in at St. Barclay street, James Gordon Bennett.! the pro prietor and editor of thejeM7 lorc Her ald to Henrietta Agnes Crean. What may be the eliect of thi3 event on the great newspaper contest now waging in New York time alono will show. PERSONA S Charles A. Dana; editor of tho Sun, has bought a residence on tho'corner of Sixtieth street and' Madteon .avenue. New. York Citv, for !$ 150,000. Mr. Henry Irving will be tendered a public banquet in London on the eve of his. departure for America, at ; which Lord Coleridge, who is also coming hither, will preside. j ! J.' F. Burrell, formerly grand sec retary of the grand lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, of Illinois, is being-tried on the charge of embezzling $7,000 belonging to thej order. The report ot Mr. Tildren's illness is denied. An inquiry at his residence at Yonkers on Monday last elicited the statement that he was in perfect health, and alt rumors to the contrary are false. ' J Mr. Henry Clay Thurston, of White Oak, Titus county, Texas, fifty-thred years old, is 7 feet 7 inches in heightj and claims to be the longest man in the United States. lie had nine brothers everv one of whom was dyer 6 feet id height. '! j The pleasure trip of ex-Senator Cam eron ant! Mr. Charles A. Dana, the ed iter of the New York ) Sun, has been postponed for two weeks, in conse quence of an accidental fallby which Mr. Cameron's back was strained. Mr. Dana has paid a visit 6f condolence to Mr. Cameron. I Don't 13 ic iu the House. "Rough on Rats". Cleais out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs,! flies, ants, moles, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. 8UOICTS. When Adam went a gardening, In Eden, long ago, t A cabbage from a turnip The old fraud didn't know ; He couldn't tell an elephant b rom an adder or a bee, j And the devil had to show him How to reach tho apple tree. A Pawtucket schoolma'am, in order to be sure of punishing the pupil who had whistled, gave every j ono of the fiifty-eight in the room five blows In Baltimore, on St. Paul street, is displayed tho sign : "Charles J. Bona parte, attorney-at-law."j This grand nephew of the great Emperor is a busy member of his profession. Tho Washington City dog-catchers', a few days ago, captured the favorite terrier ot Mrs. Secretary Chandler, and an exchange says there will bo sure enough work for the navy. now. . The Chinese are making it very un comfortable for Americans in the Celes tial Empire. They arc probably pro ceeding upon the idea tbas sauce ibr-the goose should be sauce for the jgauder. Mr John L. Sullivau, of Boston, the champion bruiser of America, is repor ted to be drinking heavily. If this is tho case Mr. Sullivan has found his match. Whisky wiil knock him out if he has the sinews ot Hercules. Au Indian woman who cooked for Andrew Jackson when he headed the engineers cutting a road! through! to Florida, and still has the pots and kettle used in that peaceful campaign, is liv ing at Kilpatrick, Ala., aged 120 years. There are things that some1 men iear -worse than death; so jWilitam C Crump, a prominent lawyer at New London who died Monday iraade a last request that the New London county bar should not passrresolutions about him alter h had gone. Twenty-Four Hours to Ldve. From John Kuhn. Lafayette. Ind., who announces that he is now i 1 Ver feet health," we have the j following: "One year ago I was, to all appearance, in tho last stages ot Consumption. Our best physicians gave my case up. I finally got so low that our doctor said I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased a bolt?e of DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, which considerably ben efited me. I continued until I took nine bottles. I am now in perfect health, having used no other medicine. 7 Any girl will tell you .that gold ban gles are warmer than worsted wrist lots, Picavunz . Don'tjbe Alarmed at Bright's Disease, Diabetes,- or any disease of ibe kidneys, liver or urinary, brgans, as Hop Bitters will certainly and lastingly cure you, and it is the on ly thing that will. MOONSHINE. "Methuselah Smith, age one year, is the legend upon a small gravestone in a Pennsylvania cemetery, j A little fellow, three vears old.- who I had never eaten frosted cake, asked at k .... m . m . 1 the table tor a piece 01 "that caue wun plastering on it." V Although blind. Dr. Barrett, the old est physician of Le Roy, in this State, still prescribes for patients, and some of them recover. World. Whether the baby boy's name should be John Frederick or Edward Gordon has caused a divorce snit in a Chicago court between Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The Boston City Council has appoint ed a committee to discuss the' Treat ment of inebriates. "Treatine" is what help? to make inebriates. Lowell Courier, j - A young iady applying for a situation a3 a teacher in Speucer county. . Ky.. In reply to a question said: I ain't much of a arithmeticker, but am an clegsnt graramarest."- no Young or middle aged men suffering from nervous debility, loss ot memory, orematuro old are, as the result of bad habits, should send three stamps for Part VIi of Dime bencs pamphlets. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. x. w-s. I .. (The new French rifle will carry over two miles, and the bullets will travel nearly as fast as a scandal.-rifa Uimore News. Mr. L. S. Wood, Newbern N. C., says: "I have found Brown's Iron Bitters and excellent tonic and appe tizer." . " . 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Wanted Teachers ! 100 Per month Steady employment durinp Spring and Sum mer. A'idrees J. C. McCUKDY & CO, f eb 28-4W 1 -' - "- - -Pnll.. PL- When i r car 1 do not mean merely to stoptiscm hx Itimo aad then bar them return sgaln. I mean m rxU lal enre. 1 bare mad tb dieeM of FITS, EPXLSPgT er FAIXlKO SICXNSS UI-lon sMdy. 1 warrant rof remcxlr to core the worst cases. BocaaM othar hv Xallsd is bo reason for not now raestvlng a care. Send enca for treatise and a fre Bortla of my InfalQbM remedy. Giro Express and Poet OtSoe. 1 16 eosta :JwH VothlliR fur a tr1"L wnl I will cure -fan. I ..' Addrsw XL Q. BOOT, 1(8 rarl 8U 2tw York Free I Cards & Ohromos Wc will send free by mall a sample sot .of our large German, French and American TJhromo Cards, on tinted and gold grounds with a price lint of over 200 differ nt dosigna, on receipt of a stamp for postage. We will also send free by malt as samples, ten of our beautiful Chromos, on receipt of ten centa to pay for packing and postajre; also enclose a confidential price Hot of our large oil chromos.. a gents wanted. Address F. Uleabox & Co., 66 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. feb26 4w r Mothers Read This ! . STOKi Ridge, n. Yi Van Deuskjt Ueos. Dear. Sirs : Your Wosm Confections have been invaluable to us. Our little boy, tw years old, discharjred over thirty worms in a few days, using only a few of your Worm Confections. I am glad to bear testimony to the valuo of VaoiDeusen's v orm confections, lours, - Eev. J. Ij. McNaih. Try them 23c a box. . - VaKDEUSEN BROS, feb25-4w Kindlon Si Y. fflGORE COUNTY GRIT" GW!H MILLS AND MILLSTONES, (JLLX,BZZS. I BESTINTHEVORLD SAK7LE8 07 KZXL BEST CB APrXZCAIXOV. HORTH CA23UHA MIIUTOXC CO. Branch OfHce,Ch5T!otte, N. C. tif-MFNTION THIS PAPEK Lime, Kainit and Plaster I BUILDING LIME, AGRICULTURAL LIME CARBONATE OF LIME, KAIXIT, LAND PLASTER AND MARL. GOOD FERTILIZERS, AND VERY CHEAP. ! Send for Circular FRENCH BROS., feb.26 Rocky Point. IN. C. ST 09 ra 53 S O a E n o tt rn 5 a r r ? (Si 9 r o Pi 3 n 3 5 . 9 2 9 a a -t o S S3 - SB U " a t O c c -X. m o H gr ta 5 t 5 c 5 u B e c o 5 T s z. X. I a 5 OS Marrin's Celebrated JURE AND BURGLAR PROOI" SATES, au size xaa Jfrtoes, from Xk.0Q to 1 2,200100. Acknowledged by the beet antlwrltlMto be tne BEST SAFE MADE, T . -" Extract from ScUiUific American edUorlAl of Feb. 11th, 1S83: "We are also asked a to the test fire proof safes. We aay MARVIN'S." ! ' A. A. WTLLARD. " dec 13 . Ajcent at WUmlnxtonl , BISQUE FIGURES; XOTIIER LOT JUST RZCEIVia). "And for sale by ? '-. . ..j. . GILES XTCIlCIHSOsT1 ' mcblS 3S and 40 UoreLon ISock MISCELLANEOUS. ; New Life 28 given by using Browns Iron Bitters. In i the Winter it strengthens and warms the system ; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; .in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping, the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney arid Liver Dis ease, &c. H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C. writes, Dec 5 th, l88i: . Crntlemm: I take pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "Just as good' The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. men 19-lw tp-e-orm John L, Boatwrigjit's 'PAEOLE D'HONNEUR" Roller Process Flourr For Beauty, Strength, Purity, and Bread pro ducing qualities, it is i the highest attain able standard. Guaranteed in every Instance TRY IT, FT WILL PROVE ALL WE CLA M FOR IT. rfOHN L. BOATWKIGHT dec 19 1 - , Hew Restaurant. A rpiTE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE8PECTI faOy azmeunee that he baa juat fitted uptat No 5, Granite Row; South Front sc, a restaurant Ladle and Gentlemen, where meal ana i i.".- ' - - refretineuta may be had at all boars oi th day. KrerythlzLs la new aad first elaaa. Po lite .waiters and courteous attendants 0Gam and Oyster la aeaaoa. Tine Wines, Liquor aodClgar. nor 18 r. A. 6CHUTTK. Prop 20,000 NEW PEANUT SACKS Ar 4 Bushel Oat Sacks. rorrsala.'at Willard'a jaa llt-tf Commercial Hotel VVilmington, N. Ci - - M. SCHLOSS, Prop. jpZEgxCXASS 1NEVEBT RESrECT. -O" first-class Ear ad OIIJLIAZm BJL LOC3 ATTACHED. ap 27 MISCELLANEOUS. IHarper's Magazine.; I ' ILLUSTRATED. Harper' s Magazine lef?lnfl Ha sixty-fclxih vol ume with the LKmlicr Number. Jt is not only the moit jtopnlar iliustratei perkxlical In America am! England Lot also the largest in its eeheme, the most betutifal in ita appear ance, and the best majrazine for the home. A new novel, entttled "i'or the Major," by Con stance Feclmore Wolsori, the author of; "Anne." was begun ir. th November Number.! In literary artistic excellence, the Maga j zine improves with eachjauccesslve number. I)ecLal efforU have been made forj the lighter entertainment of ita readers through bumor- oua. stories, fcketchea, c ;. " ' j " Harper's Periodicals. Ier Year: HARrnt's Magazine.... J........ 00 Harper's Wekkly.......!.... 4 00 HARrEii'i JIazar ........ 4 CO - - - i The THRKEabwe imbticatione. ......... 10 00 Any Tro above named... J...... 7 00 Harper's Vocso rEoruj. ... 1 50 Harper' Mao&zineI ' Harper's y ot o Teople v -- Harper's Fkaxkus square Ltbrart, 5 00 One Year (.r2 Kumber?). 10 00 PoeUxgt Free to all subscribers in the United Stains or Canada. s The volames of he Magazine- begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin With the current .Number. The last Eight i Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine, in neat -cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poetpald, on receipt oi 1 00 per volumo Cloth Cabes, for binding, 50 cents each by man postpaid. i Intl3x to Haroera Maoazine. Alphabetical Analytical- ana Classified, for Volumes I to 60 mclusive, from June, lr50, to June, 1880, one voi., J-vo, tiotn, io. i Keraittancea should be made by rogt-omce Money 0 der or Draft, to avo.d chance of loss, A exespapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order cf harper & aros Address . j y HARPER & BROTHERS, dec IS I New York. I 1883. ! Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Ameri can illustrated weekly journals. By its unpar tlsan position in politics, its admirable iMustra tions. its carefully uhoeen seriaki short stories. sketches, anu p'Hjms, contributed by the fore most artists and authors or the day. it carries instruction and entertainment to! thousauds of Americai. homes ! It will ahvavs be tho aim of tli Tinbllshnrsi to make Harper s n eekty tne most popular and attractive ramny newspaper in im world, -x Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: Harper's Weekly..:. ......t4 00 Harper's Magazesk... . ............ 4 CO Harper's Bazar 4 00 TheTnREE aljove pubUcatlons. .10 00 Any Two above ramel.. ...... .......... 7 00 Harper's Yoitng People.............. i 50 T-f iTt,T' 1 fi k crrv t l HARrER's Franklin square Librarv, One Year j53 Numbeis).... ., 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United states and Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly berth witli the iirat Aua'uer ior January or eacn year. vnen no time is -mentioned, it will le understood mat ine suuscnoer wisnes to commence with The. last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's it" - - Z.T.. 1a. . A. 1 4 . . -a . . tfcvKty, m ii-ni cioui mnuing, win oe tent y iuii.ii, pusuifse piim, or py express, tree oi ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), fur $7 00 per volume. Cloth t'a's for each volnmesult ble for uinnmff, win be sentry mail, postpaid, on re ceintof 1 OO'e.ip.h. i i Remittam es shodd bo made by Post-OIBce Money Order or Draf r, to avoid chance of loss: Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement --" acyrvas vraer or HAM.1? Eli & J5ROS Address HARPER & BROTHERS, dec 12 New York. Fay etteyille Observer. rN THURSDAY, JFEBRUARY 8th, 18S3, the undersigned will revive the' publication of the FAYETTE VILLE OBSERVER. The Observer wi 1 be a large 28 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to sub scribers, postage paid, at tt per annum, al ways in advance. I .will give ihe news of the day in as ample form as its 6 pace will permit, and both regular and occasional correspon dents wilt contribute letters from the Capita on State politics and affairs. - Democratic in politic, the Observer- will labnr, first of all, to assure the prosperity ot the Town of Fayetteville, to develop the vast agricultural resources of Its own and the neignboring counties, and to promote all that coi cern3 the welfare of the people of North Carolina. f ( Opposed to such innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, In the guise of pro gres, harm society, the observer will be found In full sympathy with the new things born of tne changed condition of the South which sound judgment or enlightened experi ence find to be also good. As to ihe rest: it will strive to deserve the reputation of the name it inherits. ieo iu k. J. HALTS. Je. Commissioner's Sale. JN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE huperioT Court of Bmnswl-k county, at Fall Term 1882, iu an action of foreclosure therein pending between The First National IWk of Wilmington plaintiff, and Alex. Oldham and wife as defe dants, the undersigned. Com missioner appointed bv said decree.wlil sed at public auction, for c hh, attao Court House in mith illc, on Monday, the Sta of April 1883, at U Ja, the following real rstnte, being in the coun y of Brunswick, adjoining the town of Wilmington and containing 70 acres, more or less. Beginning at a marble post is the Bruns wick county line on tne South side of the great road or causeway across Eagle Island, and runs about South with the said county line to a cypress In the eoge of te Cape r ear river at the mouth ot & canal, then along said canal about West to Alligator Creek, then np said creek to said great road or causeway, then along li about Jiast to the beginning. Excepting from said bounds two acres con veyed t John A. Taylor by J. E. Gregg by deed of January 19th, 1304 ; and also eiceptlng a lot lying 120 feet irora the aforesaid county line and a ong said great road CO feet; fronting the same ana extending back 100 feet parallel with said Itrunswick llne, rhlch Ias lot waa reserved by Alfred Smith iu the deed conveying said land to the said Alex. Oldham. A. G. RICAUD, . Commissioner. mch 0-COd PTJR0ELL HOUSE. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, - WrLMTNGTON, S. C B. L. PEBUT, Proprietor. . Late Proprietor Atlantic HoteL First 4?lasa la ail its appointments. Terms $2.b) to fOQ a day. - r. . : . : . febet MISCELLANEono New York WeHe ONE DOLLAU A YEA HE CIRCrjLATIOK or lui, pojT ! newspaper is constantly , tains alftbe leading neM-8 JfSL)"- it 1 and is arranged In Sg embraces special dispatches f,., A of the globe. Under the nea.J of ,e"i .W!. ASWjj are given the Telegraphic 7 week from all park of the W ture alone makes Lon- TiJ THE WEEkLY HERALri, the moat valuabl cbr..niric j- " is the cheajst. Every w.t .; j rtd u. ful report of . 17 Wek I( POLITICAL News embracing complete and comnri.' w patches from Washlngt. n toffif h poru of the speeches if eroiD?J U& the questions of the hour j Pliu J THli FARM DEPAKTMEST I of the Weekly Herald clve the wf! ! as the inoet practical Biigtre-tiB !e9 eries relating to tl duties of tbS faL18 for raising Cattle, Poultry r!?Taer.k! veget,bter. ic , JS, keeping bt,l dings and farming ; SJJ f plr. 1 life is supplemented bV a h ; TOP ti-..... v UfM ------- v"p"ui1 On Uif! vm- fashions. Tlieillome UepartnienrAfn7 ly Herald wlllsave ihe lloii'S one hundred times the prie oittJ intereUcf t" 01 thcPIM 7 SKILLED LABOR, are looked after, and everything rkn . mecha. ics and labor EHvln-ou JSrtiP to wivic. mere 13 a pa5 devote "A ,Jr latest phases of the imsineH i nsJSt? Merchandise, &c. c. a vahiai.illl. found in the specially reuor.1!- altlons of ma eo THE PRODUCE MARKET f Personal and Sea .Not e. Ttei n'' the work! which contains Xffffi " ""'. pnwc ine. ior one Dollar Y . subscribe nt tw iimi w- W fU " - " J . ,w Tho New York He aid,1 fn TT f "' ' ' ' , i iurm, une Dollar -. a Year.: ? f V. , " una ar.KALJJ dor TroadTray aad Ana fctreets,Kew Yorl. M883. I Harper's Young People aji iiuaiKAiisi) WEEKLY 1 l aje. SUITED TO" BOT8 AND CIK18 OF TtOM tH TO 8IXTEEK YEAES Or AOti' , VoL IV. commences November! 7, 1st I The Young People has bees from the Hi successful beyond anticipation. A. T. r ning Post. . . . I . It has a distinctive purpose, to which ItJtea ily adheres that, namely, of rnppbintlaf Utt vicious papers for the young with i paper more attractive, as well as more nboleeooe. Boston Journal. For nearness, elegance of cngrvlDr, a! xenis generally, n is ttsaurpasMa ojtnj llcation of the kind yet brotrW uou raouvQ.fuisourgi vazette. TERMS: I ft TJTCTQ --rTT X-1 ' UX. f DT V " I ' - icr l ear, rostage rrepaki, ' w Jjngle JspuBEKS, FourOnts each. Spr ci men c rpy sen t on receipt of Ttjrf Cu. The Volumes of Harjcr, oanr People fur 1881 and lS!Ubandsomely bound In lUumlnt ted Cloth, will bo sent bv mail, poetafrepn paid, on receipt of 3 6o each. Corcr la Young People for 12. 55 cent; posture, U cents additfanaL' 1 ! Remittances should be made by Tost 0ft Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of ou. XotranniwrR XTetint to COUV thi idveTUM ment without the express order of flxsres Brotuers. Aqarees HARPER t BROTJTrW, dec IS . ., . Sew Tor k. flulbert Bros, Wholesale Price List, 4 4 Piano, 7 oct, square, oa'tlM carved, agraiTe : 1 Piano,uprlght,7Hoct.,cabiDpa4 174 a 13 Organ, 4Bet8reeds,98tops and fiaad organ. Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, emp--r- - ler, sub-bass i Our Pianos and Organs are war- li ranted first-lass. j j 5 Violin outfit, box, bow, Btrlng,eoBr , . plete ....... j 3 Vlofin crcmona model, extra line Aeoordeon, 10 keys, bass box, flas 9 tone V 1V!1I1 . 6 Aeoordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, J sew . reeds,perfeot. Mouth Organs, VIsnna concert, A l holes.... ".""li 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine Klcbter holes, G 8 '""HIZX- 11 Mouth Organs, .Genuine Concen doubte W Doles,G8i....."-"" 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 7. j tf boxwood ?.VJ:VIm 17 Fife, in ebony, German y;cruJ6, 1 9 16 Music Box, 1 tune, 19 8 tunes, wind wua TW jj g mn vrt -vjfTn "o(pnt. mAChioe Ds4 -I 12 Double Bass, patent bead, i or ffl strings.. .... .y. 24 Guitar, maple, unebhie bea. w 4 finish. V:'" 1 27 Banjo. 10 Inch, 4 brass brackett- 28 Cnrnt. brass cornopeon atyie, s 30 Druni. bwSrussUnVoraaB Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo bvw i jj Silver Violin, GuiUr and Banjo 8txion. . w . - M TV. - - . Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo atrial. , u Bros...... w Gut. Bussian, German or Italian, Instrucon Books' Howe's or Wtonef. t any instrument. "j:7I, iuO KC TTavtnv nr mo.b emfni trSUS IO eT8ewWMachliies,wlllseUUjefflfof-- wnue tney iasu' mnn ' v?Jx Money Is qu.te safe la coauaoa plainly addressed. - rg Mi Terms strictl v cash with order. , tAents andealers send for oar W p C Jogue. - - , ' ests On above net wholesale prices make .100 per cent, profit.-- I ' UlMr can on us wnen you cu ULiiiJs V Befereseee : Any bank or Who- f 1 the city. t- nrtl HtiIVut4 Tim.. la the OBIT Gt1 i I sale house in St. Louis. - eO-i 1 3 Olive Street. . jan 13-ir Firiners, kcoil OEBIS HOG CUOjM?. U just Ue thing to cure or PJJJlrt era and sU diseases to bTSal x-aca paeasge couw xrnJ oounds and will, if glrea strWtr tSs4 rf j directions, cure I0 bogor V nogs la a condition ? JV of usual time. thanebyMytaSJ, jid5 The farmers of DPi'fnW vvf the praise. All fanaers fl or-'aaJe;wholetSa GJLZZS. Draslst. ilsxae stn2ao ldl

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