THIS PAPER trMrT aventag. Sundays eer0 T : JOSH T- iTAMIa orToa A.n rsorxnrroe. postage paid-. 14.05. Six months, 2.00. Thie atfothi. fi.wi "" t ftprT will be delivered by carriers free .'rlfrt in an J part of the city, at tbe above or 10rn per to. ' .r'-ir ratc-e 1 &fcd BbcraL iborlhere wUl report any and all fan- tc tbHr -paper regularly, on 11 7V 7i7v fieciao has the largest i., fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the ctly oj wumxnon. Senator BetOcand Mrs. Beck have gooe to .Florida. Kentucky has a colored fern ale tea -pcrinco lecturer. Kcncins all the go in Paris just now, for ladies an well as men. The Pake ot Newcastle lingers at Jacksonville. Fia., until Spring shall come. xy A large number of boys and girls in Saahvilio. Term., are going into silk culture thin Spring. . The total Ios.hcs by fire in the United States iluring January and February re cfetl.oiatrd at B 1? S50.0O0. The reigning beauty or Ireland is a B lfart mill girl. Crowds, it is said, Hirronnd th mill daily to see her as she takes lu-r departure. Tha Princes lh;lMrouki has taken a superb mansion in Paris for two years. rd proposes to live there quietly with her children, takius no notice of Rus sian politics. The average stay of servant girls in families is said to be less than seven weeks, taking the country over. In Wilmington it would hardly average eren days. The whipping-poat for wife-bearera is to be set up in Illinois. The law not only provides that any husband who as saults his wite shall bo whipped upon tLe bare back, but that he shall pay all costs ot prosecution. The four German ofliecrs detailed ta organize the Sultan's army have, by permission from Berlin, entered the Turkish service, and fifteen Turkish offioers are to join the German army for experience. - Kansas is to have a railroad com mission. The business cf the com mis 6ion. as outlined by an act which, has just passed the Legislature, is mainly to see that the laws affecting trans portation are enforced. Passenger fare 8 limited to three cents per mile. The Bloomington Paragraph heads its account of Judge David Davis's wedding as lollows: "Bloomington's Big Jude, in IKking Over the Gar den of Womanhood. Selects the Burr, Probably Because he Realizes that She Wiinitick to Him Through Thick and Tain." Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt's Easter balj continues to be the topic of conversa. tioa m New York society: It is esti mated that the diamonds to be displayed by tho ladies on that occasion will represent a value of five million dollars The entertainment will cost ndt less than fifty thousand dollars, the cham pagne alone costing two thousand dol lars. A bill has passed one Hons? of the Missouri Legislature reducing tho pres ent legal rates fqr freight on railways a that State by 35 per cent. It is backed by what is called the Farmors' dub. The St. Louis Efvublican, the ieadin? Democratic pa per of Missouri. ay that, through competition, freight rates are already reduced somewhat below the legal rates, and that, if the bill -becomes a law, it will inflict & -.serious-blow to the prosperity of tho State- It is said m New York that Mr. Ru tas Hatch, who is now in London, has negotiated with English capitalists to purchase 3.000.000 acres of land from the Northern Pacific Railroad in Mon tana, and stock it with 5.000.000 worth ot cattle. This has long been a pet scheme with Mr. Hatch, but ho has not teen able to induce New York capital fcto join him. u"6 ,tAtesve tonkmark aserts ti&t neither Judge Bennett nor Judge Ashe, whilo on the bench, carried tree railroad passes. Is the Landmark sure .where of it speaks? Some ycar9 smcc we heard a " gentleman who is sure to have beeu pretty well posted on th subject, remark that there was but Jud-eot the4 Superior Court in orh Carolina who did not carry a Uroad pass in his pocket. Wo can ot blame a Judge who is compelled to JJU the circuits of tho State, from Uttntuck to Cherokee, with a salary 01 &ly $i,500. out of which he must cot only support his family, but pay H of his own expanses, if he does at J" railroad passes. Tho wrong, if rong there Is, isroperly chargeablo to the niggardly policy called economy on th pxrt o! oor State, . ii 1 u J - VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWSJ 4- INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISE MCMT8 I Cure Fit Consumption poo't Alabastine K II Pickett Shal Moore County ;rit Cap:lce Poraa Planter $100 to $250 per month. Yates A Large Mock W II Gueek Garden J-ecd Muds Baos Soda Waier Otteuboueg Doti't Stand Heissbeeger Kater Cards Water Proof Building Manilla Giles & Mckcuisos Facy Gooda K M McIntire An Attractive 6st-v:k M M Katz spring and Sumraor tioods ET) Hall, May. r Sailed Proposals Kerch n es & Caldee Dr s Groceries P L Bridgees & Co .Jojojis Greeting For other locals see fourth page. Wood was very scarce! and very high to day. Will we have a free mail delivery in this ciiy? Farmers in. the country complain crrievously about the: wet and cold W at her. JudgeMcRae was in the city yester d iy, theguett of his brother in-law, Mr. V. L. Smith, Jr. Our thanks are due to Senator Vance for copies of tho "Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies" during tho late war. - " I j Mr. R. IT. Pickett gives of-fish al notice in another column that he is pre pared to supply a hungry people with substantial shad-(oh's) at reasonable rates. A ew postal regulation, requires each renter of a post office lock box to deposit 50c. with tho postmaster as security for the safe keeping of the key or keys to his box. Heretoforo the amount of this deposit has been within the discretion of the postmasters. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHAD. SHAD. O UDEB3 SOL1CITND AND .PROMPTLY FILLED AT LOWFST MARKET PRICE, by mch28 3t. - R. II PICKETT. Easter Cards. LABGK ABSOETMENT. All new Ue- falgn. Fringed asd m fringed. Call and sec them at IIKIXSBERGEK'S. Steel Engravings! JCSt- RECEIVED ANOTHER ASSORT - i i meut of STEEL ENGRAVINGS, framed acd not framed, for Parlor Ornameata. At j HEINSBERGER'S, mch 23 Live Book and Music Store ftlotice. ; "yrTE OFFER, AT WHOLESALE, A FULL line of HFAVY GROCERIES, embracing Baco-v, Floor, Sngar, ' '' CofTtK). KiOH, Mole8, ! salt. Crackers, Canly, I" Soap. !tarch, Cnndic. i heetc, .oJa, Potash, i Burgs Wrapping Paper. Wrapping Twiue. Hay,; Bagging, lies, Jtc , Snufi", Tobacco, Krilld, HK3p Iron, Glac. Oat?, wxlc-ureaw. j KERCHNER A CALDER BHOS . Grocri and Com'n Merchants, Wilmington, N. C. mch 2 DON'T. STAWD ON THE ORDER TO COME.; , BUT COME AT ONCE 1 1 And 6c what we can do for you In the way of tnpplying your requirements for J i- Spring and Summer. , ! Whthyonr tastes be plain or fastidious, I i no matter; re hare provided liberally for both extremes, and also for thoe which run betwocn. ' Every garment we offer Is of recent raanuf acraro and W latet desijas. Our price . ; ! ar THE, TERV LQTVE3T, aad epeak for thjCmslTe. ;. Purchasers ot GOOD CLOTHING have only to the Goods and Prices, to koow that the adTantajroa that wo offer ARE pXPBECE- . .v ! ., DENTED. KING CLOTniER, Wllaatartcif, N. C i 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY; MARCH 26. new! advertisements. Spring & Summer GOOD NOW OPEN AT 3 KATZ'. 36 Market Street. All the Latest Novelties. i . 5 - 1 i ! - ' ' IN ! i ' DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, &C-4 &C. &G. PULLKR ADVKBTISENT IN A FEW DATa. fRr cU, get aoltad. t plaase4, a&d thereby Tour odlo&t, M. RJ. KATZ', 36 fliarket Street. Ian 28 j A Joyoiis Greeting ! WE OFFER OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS AXD WISH THKM A BRIGBT AND HAPPY EASTS R. ... o EOYSTER'S CANDY i i In many vartetlea, for the Baster-Tide. Walnut Cream. Cocoa Bars, Smatbcrcd Cocoa, TTalout Taffy, Bulldocer. Cbooolate Cream, Caramel, Japan Fruit. Ac, Ac. ' Valencia Oranges, Elegant flavor, larga and juicy. Equal to the Florida Orange ALMOST. !' o i I ' French and Turkish Prunes. la two pounders, (U Frail, to the pound.) GERMAN SWEET COOCOLATE, ! i BAKER'S rRESn CHOCOLATE. Pi L. BBIDGERS & GO. mfth 20 CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C., " MAYOR'S OFriCE, March 26, 1SSS. SEALED PROPOSALS TILL BE RECEIVED FOR FURN13H- lng tue city of Wilmington with Labor and Material, spedflrl helow, cost 'act to com menne April 3rd. 1SS3. and continue uotil Ap 11 1st. said bids to be opened at the meeting of the Board of Aldermen on Monday, April 2nd, 1SS1, at Zy o'clock, P. M. 1st 'For furnlahing dri crs. feeding and sbolng mules, and keeping carts and harneas In good order, for any number ot cans the clt. may employ. Stid For furnlshiss material and keeptcg in repair the city street lamps; also, for lighting, extinguishing and cleaning ail city lamps, and ailing hunts when oil ! used; alo, xorfvr oishlng oil, wick and chimneys for all tamps not supplied with gai; also, for furnishing any 1 traps ordered, of sLre aud quality known as Standard Street Lamps. 3rd For lighting the elry with gas or other wise, . - , . '. ' 4tti For lumber perl.OCO feet, of merchant able quality, and in quactlUea a required by tne city. 3th For scavenger work. 6th For printing and advertising. 7th Also for EhUng the dry with electrio lights. E. D. HALL, mch 23St-nao mon-th - - Mayor Star copy Taeeday and Friday SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AN ATTRACTIVE STOCK! WITHIN A FEW MAKE A DISPLAY OF MANY NEW THINGS! And every department will in New York to suit inch 28 VARIOUS QUACKS. WH0-EACHWITH HIS OWK PET SCHEME-CUl I TIVATE THE FIELD OF HUMAN NATURE. ! . i 1 There have always beea quacks : legal j i i i qcicis, theological quacks, scicntluc iquache and medical quacks. Some f tke are bland, oily fellows who argu and smild tfcej world Into believing la their favorite bit of humbug. Others are pompous ajid pretentious parasites. But they make It pay. Men seem to love to be swindled, stipulating only that It sh&U he neat ly done. The dear public are equally liberal to the electric and magnetic fraud. This fellow la a genius In his line. He will put a magnetic belt around your waist, a magnetic necklace under i . your chin, or lit you! out with ac entire suit of magnetic clothes, warranted to serve the pur pose of ordinary garments1, and at tho same time to cure all diseases, from whoopia-cough to hasty consumption. Most of these have no more electric or mag netic powex about them than resides in woolen blankets ar In girdles of sackcloth. Only when applied by an expert Is electricity of the i i i i slightest use as a medicinal agent, and even . . i then its value Is grossly over stated. What Is the strongest possible presumptive evidence in favor of a particular remedy ? Clearly that it should have been prepared by responsible per sons of acknowledged skill in the treatment o: disease. Squarely on this foundation stands BEN SON'S CAPCINE . PORUS PLASTER. En i i dorsed by 3,000 physicians, pharmacist, drug' gists and chemists, it seeds so further apolo gy nor Introduction, i It is the one and only true and tried external application. Quacks of all kinds pay the Capcine the compliment cf their dislike, as Satan Is said to hate holy wa ter. Look in the middle of the piaster for the word "CAiciJv'. i'rice 'a cents. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, inch 26 4w " IgB-RUILDiria MANlLlfi i uis wner-prooi msieruu iwimuiai use wiuaer, is uwi fov roof,out?kle walls of bnildixva. and iid in plaot plo6free.(Etabae86)V7.n.f AlalfUi DOW'T Fail to ue ALABASTINE for renovating ycur w alls ana ueilxxg. is is rapidly superced ing 11 other t Inish. For dcb abilitt, boauty and economy, it is without an equal and can be" applied by any on. If not for sale in your neighborhood, send to SEELEY; BROS., 22 Bulling blip, New York. men 26 4w II CO When I My cars 1 do not man nartiy t stop them !et SUoxeaad thon bars them return asla, I mesa a rsdl- fel rare. I bsve tnsde the disease of FITS. EPILEPSY FAINQSIC&NXSS a lire-long stady. I warrant xn LI v remedy to ears tbe worst oases. Because otben na failed Is no reason for not now rolvlae a cora. Send failed Is so reason faro ot sow rsot viae a cora. Sends! oooe for-a treatise and a Free Bottle of my tnfalliliM roraedy. Glre Kxprese and Post Offloa. It cota you nothing for a snd I win core yrm. Address . H. G. SOOT. 133 Pearl SX. "sw YorJt SI0OIS25O er Month rSURp. ita jubilant wita itncccM everrwhera our new oraiaea BUTrr .uoain ire Clothe LI nrw Lattt forever. Ftverrur't. Wamntd Bolls remh y at evry hone. Srmpf tr irm frt fcy noC Address aiSA&O Will SOUS, rbilada.. Fx. eisDQFirioE I tare a posUlr reoMdy for U4 above disease; by it Bae thousands of ease of tbe worst kind and of lav standln? bare been cord. lodged, so stroor Is or faitc tn liseOcacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FHj;E. w rvtber with a VALCABLS TBEATISB eotbU d.mfc. t any safiorer, OleCzprws and P. O. address. v 2. 2. ATSLOCUil. IZl Fecrl Sw. rY "faOORE COUNTY GRIT" CCSN U ILLS AND HIllSTOfJES, CAXXiSZZZSL 6ESTINTHEW0RL0 " oh ApruoaxioK. BaatK CASSIUIA URlSTSSf ZX Rrrjrh Offirs. f-r!a- H. r. If You Would be Happy BCT A COOKTOVE. uThe Golden Harvest," cc uCALUMET,v Or, "SOUTHEltX OAIC," Of PARK Kit & TAYWR. Pure White Oil. mch Fancy Goods. GOOD UPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. GILES A MUDCHI50N, rachCX 9 1 NO. 73 NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS. DAYS WE HOPE TO 1883. . be supplied with such desirable goods as we canTind the tastes and requirements of our customers. R. M. JVIclNTIRE. ociable. rjUIK MEMBERS OF pits HIBERNIAN BKNEVOLENT MCIET1r will give a Soebbio at GERMAN I A HALL, Easter Monday Fvc nlng, Maicii 2Cth, liSC. Thu Italian Bard U engaged for dancing. Tho Ladled will furnish refreehuinw. Friends of th oci3ty aro respectfully InvitC't to at ten i. ' j Adia3in Ge-utiemen, 30' cento. '.. and Children 25c . i -1 inch 22.2t th-mon Lad its A Large Stock QF BLANK BOOKS, ' Paper and Envclopea, ' I 1 School Books, t . Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Tvflne, Picture Frames, Albums. Musical Instrument, &c,, Ac. " mch 28 C. W. TATES. Certificate of Election. WILMINGTON, N. O., March 21, ie&5. "YyJS THE UNDERSIONED TUIxiES, duly qualified to hold an election for Aldermen for i- ' : .- . . . i .. ' .. the First Ward of tho City of Wllmirigidu, ca the fourth Thursday of March, 13SS, purecant to an "Aot of tho General Assembly of North Carolina, entitled au Act ,o organise a Gov ernment for th8 City of WilmUigion," rstlCed the sixth day of Marca, A. D., 1577, do hereby certify that tbe following is a true and correct ! 1 f statement and return ofkald election: : W. H. C1IADUOURN roceired 421 voM. IilVM HWEAT W. U. HOWF. B. W. POSHFR S. TJ. MOSTON GEO. L; S BUTTE rtoeiTei CDO vctea. resolved 183 "ote. received 138 o't. reechfd 73 votes, rocolvtd 3 vote. And we do hereby declare that W. IT. CHAD B9URV sn4 ISHiM SWEAT, having recelv ed th highest number of votes cat, are elect ed Aldcrmfra of tlw Citr of Tllralngton from th) riSST WARD. J. D. OREELL, r.cpitrar.S W. M. EVAN, Registrar. . W ri. NASH, 5. H. TEEUY, M. CAKRCI., J. W. KING, J. W. WHITNEY, S. A. RICH ARDaON, JKSSE IVES, ROBERT THOMAS, Inspectors ot Election. mch H-?t Certllicato of election! j WILMINGTON, N. C, March 22 I, TrE, THE UNDERSIGNED JUDGES, duly . IT ! qaallHod to hold an Election for Al.lcrrocn lor the Second Wunl of the City of WilaiingtcB, i - oa tbe 1 Xourth Thurisy of ATarch, lss3, pir aumt to an Aot of .the General ?.ss;Tably ef Nftb Carolina, tntltied ",An Act to ori-an!ze a Goveraateiit fort&e City cf WIlraiufcton,t rattled tbe sixth day cf Mircii, A . D. 1S77, do hereby certify that the following La a true and correct EtaUancat aut return of eaid ck'cfen: GABRIEL' J BON EY recelyM 2Mvot-. EDWARD I. HALL r.?c-!v4 2H vot. Scatrtrijr, 3 .rotes. - A :id we d oirtby declare ttat CATiRfrL J. BOXEY and EDWARD I. HALL living received the highest comber of vot-ja cait, are elected AWenncn of the City of H'UfltLngtoa f.-rmtbc SECOND WA DP. 4 j C LCMSDEN. Rig AU-ar JAMES G. BUKH, T. A. snEPARD. GEORGE E. BOEDEX, C. W. AVAST, IrJ epectors of Election FLKA&K KOriCK. !'. Wo will bo glad receive ecaaszlsaSlssi frcxa our friends ca any &n4 u schjetii d J general taierect bet TiO BK30 OX VX9 trrltT CBXUt HwJ fc fa awd to t& 'WBefc- . ; . -;. . rciBouaBOeanotbo aroMod Airt It U erpecUSy aat parOcttluty csioi- i tood that tbo IMJtordoe ot ahrari escrrt ! ko Ttewa of correrioodc2rU & to stated i la the editorial cohunas. i- -.-r " ' I NEW ADVEirriSEmXTTO. CortlQcato of Electlorie j "TE, THE CNDERSIGSZ1 JUDGS rjajy qaaliflcd to ho w an Election tor AWcnacn f dr tho Third" Ward of the Cty of WUcTjajtca, cn the fourth Thnreday of March, 1881;- nxUt to tkt Act of the' General Amribly of Korth Car allna, cnUUed "An Act to organize at Cv. erarueut for the City of Wilmington titlZea ! thS sixth day of March, A. D. 1377,'do tcroby i! certify that tho XoUowtng is a true and correct statement and return of said election : -V JOHN L. B-UDLKY rcceirod'tM Votes. SAMUEL BEAR, Ja,. Weired W votes. T. HANCOCii.- roocived 74 votes'. F. W. FOSTER rectlvcd 73 vote. And wc do hereby declaro that JOIIN L. DUD LET", and & A MUEL BEAR. " Jr.. hATtn receivel the hlgiwxt number of votes cast, aro elected Aldermen of tho City of Wilmington f rolrn the TJIIP.W WARD ' I A. J. YOPP, Registrar WALKER MEARfeS, J. W . PEED ETf, 2t. G. SAMPSON, D. A. SAJX3WAR, Initort of Election, mch 24-st Certllicato of Klectlon. H-ILMINOTO, H. o.,! " March S2.US3 XAE, THE UNDEUfilGNED JUDQE3, dly qualified to hold an JClection for AUrrrvra for tho Fourth Ward of the City WUmiatoa, on tho fourth Thursday of March, I8o3t vwm ant 10110 Aot of the General Assembly of Storth Carolina, enritlel An act to ctganlM 0 eromont foi tho City of WIlJnIngtoa. ratUcd tho slath day of March, 1377, do hereby certl fy that tho ' following is a true and correct tatomen t and return of said election :r..r- t ft. II. FISH11LATB received 111 toti I WM. L. DEEO6SETT rceclred ill votea. 1 GEO. cnADDOUHN. reccited 173 Tisies. . . A. ADRIAN reoolTed 1 rote. And wo do hereby doclare that WM, L. X B09SET and S. H. nsiIlJLATBl Wrii In oolved the highest number of rptes) east; ire elected Aldermen of tbe City of : WUmlagtr from tbe rottRTH j WARD. - JNO. j. FOWLER, Eegtitrac M.S. WILLARO, J.s. WTLrjAM JOIW G. NOaWOOD. GEO. W. PJUCB, L . specters of Election, mehat-st Certificate ot Rlectlon. f 1 H I . nJirXTOTON, N. CL, I iarcit2d,XS23. . E. THE U5DEE5IGNXD JUDGr3,-t5a!r quallfled to hold an Elecai for JLIderBca tor tie Fifth Ward of the atyof "wjrxiagt, itn the faurth Thursday of MarohlSSS, proat to an Act of the General Assetnbhr of Kortk Carolina; cntitlM "An Actio omsize0s. ernaierit for th Citr of Wi'mlugton,'' ratUSed ths sixth dsy yf March, A.' D. 1177; do hereby certify that the following is a trua andoo'rrtsct stitement and rotcrn ef raid eJccUoV: ' A'ALENTINE noWE received ftTotea. JOHN J. GEYER . received aoj votes. , C P. LOCKET raceired 198 votes A. R. COOK: received II rotes! J. D. SAMPSON ; received j Z& rotes. And we do hereby deslare that VAEEF5. TINS HOWE and JOHN J. GEYER, "haViac revived tbe highest curabcr of votes casti are elected AHcrcwncf thcaty ofj WUmingttB fxduxthe Frfn WARD. , i ' . ; BKNJ. FARROw RcgUtrari A. HOWE, J2.r Jr H. IIANBY, J. D. KLANDE2, A. JIUGGINJ, iiscctorf Of Election. E3Ch2i-2t :. . -1 Matting ! Matting I v Uc to 45c per yard ; M, ft. - i. Kl Clnhi ' cJcgt t la do-ijmV and loln irtx. V : TCESISfl TA PJTaV ii V yjvei jzjf -j "iiiav-, ; .' v ;:.. Fin j a?sonni-nt f MaraJ3k- and rhtapr White at Colored lied ptesdj. - f lmo. Gt;rrrrui aa l Irt.b UUn. TuUs j Bata.enichaperlWeL. ; : I - ! Coma an I tee nj, 4 .-vi-.t pore t.- Goods. 901 ltiui. . Market It . Tho celebrated Fish Drsrd GUb Twina is cold oh! j at JACcrja Mz?. i 1

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