The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. MARCH 26. 1883 KnUred at tho Postoffiee at Wilmington, N. C, ' as second-class natter. ;Tba Kcw England cotton-mill lords are Importing: cheap female labor into their ostabli shraenta... Gno lot ot 50 - . cirls has just been brought into Ner . Hampshire to run American labor oat and redaw the wages, now below the British standard. In Connecticut the barons hare bean importing Swedish girls for the same purpose. How sedu lously the protected sect look after the interests of the American people ! . It has been computed by a oorrea pondent of the National Eepnblican that tho railroads' are keeping 138,000. QQQ acres of unearned land out of the . market." This is a territory four times as large as New York with enough be sides to da plicate New Hampshire, ilassachasetts abd New Jersey. You could set Penrisylrania, with, her. 23, 000,000 acres, down in ono corner of this ensrmous territory, and bavo land eaough left to cut up into States the size of Ohio. Illinois. Indiana and llalnft. A movement anticipatory of the bat tle of Dorking took place in England last month by tho combined forces o Shomcliffc, Dover and Canterbury, upon the approach of the roads to Do- Ter. The purpose was to test tho prac ticability of protecting the mouth of the Channel Tunnel from the risk of sudden invasion, and every manoeuvre had that . result for its object. Thii demonstra tion will form a ver? important portion ' of tho evidence to g given before the Mlect committee on the tunnel scheme. The opinion of tho officer at the con elusion of the strategic work was inim ical to tho tunnel. John B. Marston, confidential clerk for the Equitable Trust Company " of Hew York, has stolen $80,000 and gone froodbinewards with his wife and child It Is said that Marston Jias lor years past pocketed a regular percentage of j tho money which passed: through his bands, and that the " amount ho thus embezzled on ono or two occasions was - nearly a thousand dollars; For four years he kept up his thefts, living in the mean time in good style, and managing to disarm all suspicion, finally, when he saw that he could ho longer conceal his dishonest operations, he ran away. .Well, this is tho old story again, and it contains the same old lessons by which ' both clerks and employers can profit if they will. Senator Van Wyck, shortly before adjournment of Congress, had passed a resolution calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury for copies of tho vouchers audited by ; the department of justice for special attorneys' fees since January , 1882. Tho principal object which t- w i i i AXTm w aa u jck wan unueraiouu iu uave i mww www oswiwim m? wuuuius that have been paid to the attorneys in I the sUr route esses. The document con taming, wis tiDionaauou just iMsen printed, showing an aggregate amount ot fees paid to sial cousel since that I data of 15115.8517 This does not include Jttn Vw f i'nnaena vivmw I . otter -court expenses. The total amount to ueorge Jiliss is sa.uoy ; to-1 tal to Merrick, $20,000; total to Ker. CS3.019; amounts paid Wells, Gibson and Cook make up the $115,854. The Washington correspondent ot the Louisville 0?wrter-JornaZ says: "It is stated more or less authoritatively that Jay Gould, the Western, Union Telph Company d th. Bel. Tele- paono Vxompaay are eucu m xaoTemeat to cet control of the telephone TJnioa Company Is beginning to realize that tho time la, perhaps, not iar distant when the telephone will largely super- fiede the telegraph, ana it is arranging to savo itself. The Western Union aiyl Itell Telenhono UomnanT Dr0D0S8 toatiaiaiu ior one j. inroad and the local companies which own the ex changes shall water their . stock to the amount of a third of iu present value and give their stock to them . In return they propose, first, that the Western Union wires shall be used by the tele- p b no companies, and eecond, that the Bell Telephone Company shall sell their isstrnmenta to mo iooai companies instead of renting them, as now. The scheme.. is. a grand one. "When the Western Union stock begins to decrease In ralna the telenhono stock will bo in- j creasing all the while." , Y nnV c a i The sale of 40.000 acres Of land in m-iAm Uxr Afr A T Under gtut.ts j ... i f Thil1lnti?'i- dnrinsr -a recent ! ,r !' . tl if v.a Knn fnllv ronsumrhated bv I clty 00011 luuy consummati oy i toO Payment Ol ICO money lO tUU Xiuii- . , , t ' da Iand and Improvement uompanj, i-namoro f thfl l.ind. An exehance v.r. - w i says that the land is m orange county and the syndicate is composed of lead- tbeir lands is compreheasire and rath . Tfi Tsrholft tract will bo 1 lv divided by General Manager ! Undcr- man into twenty-acre farms, upon each of which a frame dwelling hcuse will bo erected. At least two acres on each tract will be cleared, by the company. The larms will bo sold to emigrants at ! saw eaciJ. wJuca will lnclutio all im provements made byj the company. The payment will be made in easy in stalments. A stronz I effort will be! made to induce Italian emigration, 'for the purpose of introducing Sin Florida tho growth of tho I silk-wprm. On the land of the company fruits of all kinds, eugar, rice, cotton and early veg bles lor the Northern market will be grown. It is thought I the settler wili be able ta earn a. g6od living during his ; urai years resilience, l lie company will furnish for the use of thej- colonists mm m ' ( at once a library, and a lecturo-hall will be erected, wbero tho people will be enabled, by the liberality of the managers, to listen to: discourses on subjects which will be" useful to them in their e very-day life as agricultur- ists. ! Buchu-Paiba." Quick, complete cure, all annoyinsr ruaney, isiaauerana urinary JJjscases $1. Druggists. j PEItSONAfi. Senator Ravard will sopn go to Flor- j iaa to meet his wile, who has been tnere lor several weeks. Brady admits that he conspired with Dorsey to carry Indiana that was the only tiiao. but swears Mr. Blackbourn is reported to be willing to retire from tho canvass for the speakership, provided Sir. Carlisle will promise not to oppose his Senator ial aspirations, j j The President, it is said. i3 annoyed at the extravagance joi the Dakota Ter ritorial Legislature, which ho fears will lead to ultima'? repudiation. And yet ho trains with Mahone. Lord Dunraven 'intends to propose at the present session of Parliament motions in favor of legislation on be half of Irish laborers and lor a lanrt- scheme of emigration m order to pre- vent a recurrence ot distress in I re land. I i jt 13 saw mat tne tusseritins: opinion of Mr. Justice Field "in J the Virginia bond case is to bo disseminated all over the countr in the shape of h, tastefulh gotten np pamphlet printed in bold and nrrriof irrt trno firvrvn moo miOA!.rrl vr vfci av kt v j uvu viuu is. a sjut cu kJc per. it isaiso pretty certain tnere wti be a wide call for his dissenting opiniori in the Louisiana bond case. Mr. L. S. Wood, Newborn t N C. says: "I have found Brown's Iroi Bitters and excellent tonic and appe tizer. MOONSHLNE. Tho nowsapapera often print the "Iasf words of men" of men, but never those of women. The latter would lake too much room and croud out all the ad vertisements. " A Brooklyn lady caneht a burglar in her room, aad cbnipe.led him to marry I CI' .1. . I f : uur. -oiuce inis lerrrtoio ounisnnjeni there has been a creat fal ins oftT in the number of robberies in Brooklyn, and it is proposed to cut dow n the police torco one half. Customer IIavo you any first-class musical instruments P'1 Shoemaker "Yes, sir ; best stock in town, sir ; can't nnnt u hAat. nh ?l .WV unmoH i . -:: ' .t drum. uiucer Jones, wnen are you on guard at the powder magazine, and a i ? . . - raa passes smoking a cigar, wnat do throw it away Officer And then?" Jones "I pick it up smoke the rest of it myself. A witty nobleman once asked a cler" icai cenueman at, iiib - ooiiora cu inu fan ft wh V thfl ffonift. wnon f hnr wna nno Wft -iWJ,va runpr next to t k rr-' Keally, my lord," said the elercyman, "your qncstion is somewhat difficult t answer and so remarkably odd that I vow 1 shall never see a tr6ose aeain without being reminded of your lord- Wliat Seven Gould not do. Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1681 II H Warner & Co.; Sirs Seven gESj SnTi coruplishcd. - llopetessly sick wkh kid- ncy diseases, it restored me to perfect THE MAILS- I Thtrmalls cloee and arriro at liie City Poet o5ce 1 as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, faat-. s.0 M. route euppliod therefrom Laalud IxiZ Jl. &S.C. Railroad a-M ..L. Ji0 A. M. Oally ..5Sja.ji. &mt a.CXJ i, Weetcrn maila (C. C.Iiailway) daily. M. (except Sunday)..- s.O!j r. All points between Uamlet aiwl Ka- eisrh. 4 J . 1 . I. M. Mailfor Cuerawand Darlinten XaX. road ..? m a. aij anrl s.oo Y. M. ilalla for itoints berween, Florenje and Caarleston.....50 A. M. a id 3.00 P. U. SLVtS 2.00 P. M. FayettevlDo, via Limbertoc, toilyt exceuS Sundays... ..........i. ... ...S.C0 P "M. Onalow C H. and intermediate olfl- ce, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A- JI. Smitlivllle mails, byBteamboat, daily (exceit Sundays). ; S.S0A.M. or tfy Hill, Toyrm Creek. Shallotte aim Little River J Tues day and 1-Yidays ...i. .e.CO A. 31. Wrtehtsviiie, daily 4 .3.20 A Northern tarougb. and way raaila 7.30 awl S. OA A. M southern Mails i 7.30 A. M Carolina Central,..i 9.45 A. M Maila collectea Irom street ibexes everyday StamP Office open from 8 A. M. to i25T;, and from 3 w 5l5 r Mi Money order ami liegistsr ijepartmens open biue na eiamp oumx. Stamps for sale in small quaniitica at reneral delivery when stamp office ia closed. General delivery oien frpmdayli;bt to dark and on ounoars iron ou to a. jvi. Don't bo Alarmed and lastingly euro jon, and it is the onr thizz that will. - i MISCELLANEOUS. browns IRON - BITTERS will cure dyspepsia Jieartburn, mala ria, kidney disease, liver complaint, and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and . purifies the system; cures weakness, lack of energy, etc. Try a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that does net color the teeth, and will not cause headache or constipation, as other Iron preparations wUL 3 BROWN'S IRON BITTERS I ' Ladies and all sufferers from neu Talgia, hysteria, and kindred com plalnti, will had it without an equal. ti-p-irpi GUNS AND CUTLERY ! A FIXE ASSOttTMEirr or I Muzzle and Breech-Loader Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition, SILVER PLATED SPOONS & FORKS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. MST Popular prloea to au!t all a N. JACOBI'S, t HARDWARE DEPOT, iee 22-tf No. 10 South Front St y the industrious. Best busi ness now before the public. Capital not needed. We wifl start you. Men. women, bora and eirls wrasatett everywhere to work for us. ; Now is the the time. -You can work in spare time, or s$v e your whole ! time - to the business. No otier business will pay vou nearly as well. S one can fail to make enormous pay, by - en araginx at once. Costly outflt and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Ad 'ixees True & Co. , Auguta,'Maine. W ountai n B u 1 1 e r . A FEW PACKAGES IN ROLLS AND TUBS. FOR SAIX AT LOW P8ICE3. H A LL & PEARS ALL mch 12 I .. r Marvin's Celebrated JpiRK A2fl BUBOLIt PBOOF 8ATES, AllSLees and Prieee, tram fSO.OO to Acknowledged by tbeivont aataorittcsto be the BE3T SAFE MADE, . Extract from SdrrtJjlc American editorial of Fclk HLh. l&si: MQo are also a&ked as to Uie best lire proof safes . We tay MABVDrs.i A A. WILLARD. dec 1'J ! Aeeot at Wilmington. v Foreclosure Sale. B Y TTSTUE OCT THE POWER F .SALE containcja la a certain deed made by J.J. Ellis a fid wife to T. B. Lippltt, as Trustee for Koatw right & McKoy and tneir neirs ana s Mfms, and recorded la Book P PP. pajre 232, of the Records of New Hanover county, the U' derizned as Attorney for i he said trus tee, t rill sell to the Highest bidder for cash at the C rt House door in the city of Wilmlnjr ton, on Monday April 2nd. 133, at 19 o'clwck, il the rollowlos described property sitvato in sai city, beginaini: at the? Northwest inicr see'iSon of Tenth with Chestnut street, ru"8 thence North with the Western line of Tenth street 50 feet, thence West along Erambertfs line 16 po'es to Hunt's line, thence 8outh 60 fett to Chestant street, thence along the North line of Chestnut, street 15 poles to the begin. nie. J, D. iJELLAilY, Jr., lach VA3 " : AUomey. MISCELLANEOUS. Jolin L. Boatwiifflifs 'PAE0LE D'HONNETJR'f Roller Process Flour. For Beauty, Strength, .. . '- i Purity, and Bread pro- ' J-:': : v . :; ' . . 1 ducing qualities, it is ! tlie highest attain able standard. Guaranteed in every Instance TRY IT, XT WILL PROVE ALL WE CL4 M FOR IT. rfOHN L. B0ATWSIGHT dec IS New Restaurant. rUE UNDERSIGNED WOULD SE9FE-CT1.. fuDy annotmoo that be has just fitted up at No 3, Granite Row, South Front eL, a restaurant for Ladles and Gentlemen, where laeala aac refreshments may be had at ail honra of tb i i day. Everything is new and first las&. Io lite waiters and oonrteoua attendants. IVGame and Oysters In season. iFlm ! : . ' I. Wines, Liquors andlare. HOT 18 F. A. 8CHTTTTE. Prrtp f n fl people are always on 2if li li! liT the lookout for chan jLja ZL iO3 'Increase their QES imii i iearniiicrs. and hi time' eonie wealthy ; those who do uot improve i:eli opportunities remain In poverty, vve ol era great eh - nee to ma e money , We want many men, woreen, boys and girls to work for iw right .n their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. Th basin' ss will pay more than . ten ! times ordi nary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free So one who engages fails to make money rap idly. You can devoe your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full in formation and all that la needed gent free. Ad dress 3tin on & Co., Portland, Maine, nov HUJAw tf. " FINE WINES AND LIQU0ES. H. BRUNHILD & BRO., No. 2 Granite Eow, Wilmin gto n , . C . Tr-OULD JRESPECTFULLT ANNOUNCE to the public that they have lately imported from, first handsHn Europe, and which la now in bond at Custom Tlouse. ; i i NOTED VINTAGES- ALSO A LARCp QUANTITY OF Delicions Sherries, Ports of the Finest Boliauet, And most celebrated brands. They have furthermore added to their full and well selected stock a complete line of FRENCH CORDIALS AND LIQUERS suitable to the palate of the most fastidious. ; The Rochester Brewing Company, through Meears. Henry L. Becker & Co., have driven then the agency for their "Export Beer" and whloh does not want fo praise from all qnar- tcrs. They solicit patronage. octl Electric AppUaAcet are sent en 30 Days TrlaL TO Mtfl OflLY, Y0U?aQ OR OLD, -tttBO a.m rofferinc trim Kkrtots Debuxtt, V I""st VrrAi-rrr, Lacx. or Seutx ; Fosce asu Viooa. V.'Aartsa Wzaxxxsses. and all tUr l!eaet oS & PEESOKil. Xatcbe ruUinsr from Abcs3 and Otkeh Cacsej. 6pdy relief anl pompitt re?to- , ration Of HlUXTTI.V I'KS &Drt iiAMICJD V ""TT ED. TUe ndest dJTrr of the Sineteentb Cntary. . Bend t oaco for IUaitra.til I'araphlt Iroe. Addreed j VOLTAIC BUT CO.. MAESHAll, Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. JiL SCHLOSS, Prop. IRST-CLASS IN EVEBT KESPECT. JT3T IlrsVclass Ear and CTTJ.TATtD &A ATTACHED. ' ip S7 V-v- DR. Y??2c l BEFORE AND AFTER 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper Magazine Ofrinfttalxty-ixtli vol nme with the Ixfmlx:' Nnn.bcr. It is not olniy the nijat popular ilmstratct perlolical In America and Lcgland but also the larpetitln Its schf me; the most beaiutifnl in it3 appear ance, and the best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled 'or the Major," by Con stance Feoimore Wotdeon. the author of "Anne. ".wna begun b. th- November Number. In literary and artistic exceHenre the Maga zine improves, with each succosive numler. pet ial efforts ha c been made for the lighter entertainment of Its readers through humor ous stories, sketches, Ac. Harper's Periodicals. Icr Year: HASrER'd MAOAZIKE..1..... 4 00 Harper's Weeklt...J...... L.. 4 00 - - . . . i llABPEK'S BAZAB. 4 tO 10 00 TOO 1 GO The Tiieee above publications. ......... Any -Two above naraeil. ...... a ......... . IlARrEE's Xouva People.............. Harfer's Maoaztkb ! t I Hakver's oto r'EOriE Harper's Franklin Square Lierart, i - i ' i One Year (52 Numere) 5 00 10 00 Postage Free to all mbecribert in the United Stale or Canada, ! I The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and Decepiborof each year. When no time is specified. It will be under stood that the subscriber w ishes to begin with the current Number. ! - The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine. in neat cloth Mr-ding, will , be sent by mail, postpaid on receipt ot $i 00 per volume Cloth Cates, for binding, SO. ceDtseacl by mail postf aid. j Index u Harper's Magazine, Alphalietical. Analytical, and classified, for Volumes I to GO, inclusive, from .Tune. 1--50, to June, lt&O, one vol., --vo, Cloth. $4 fO. i hemitiances should be made by Post-Office Money O der or Draft, to nvo.d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement withoui the express order of Harper &'JJro9. Address i - . HABPER & BEOTHERS, dec 13 New York. 1883.. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Ameri can illus'ratvd weekly journn Is. Byitsunpar tisan position In k11Ucs. its dmlrable illustra tloi'B. its carefully -chosen serials, short storip, -ketches. mo p'ems, contribntel by the fore most anujta and authors ol the day, it carries instruction and entcrtainmt nt to thouands of Amerlcai. homes .: It will always be the aim of jtlO publishers to m;ke7arper? Weekly the most popular and attractive family uew-?pxper Ld the world. I.. : . -.- ---Tj. " ;:. Harper's Periodical?. Per Year: Harper's Weekly.. ................... .$4 00 Harper's Magazine........ ............ 4 00 Harper's Baar-.L. 4 00 The Three above publications.......... 10 00 Any Two aUove named............ Harper's ocxg People.. .... 7 00 .... 1 50 Harper's MAOAzrxE . Harper's Young people, .... .... 5 00 Harper's Franklin square Libbart, One Year (52 Numlle8). ........... 10 CO Postage Free to all subscribers m the United Slates and Canada. . ; - The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will le understood 'hat the subscriber wishes to commence with the. Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in n at doth binding, will be sent by mail, postage" paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided: tlie freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), lr $7 00 per volum. " Cloth Cas'8 for each volume, suit ble for binding, will bejuent by mail,, postpaid, on re celnt of $1 00 each. , . lemittan es should be made bv Post-Office Money Order or Drafi, to avoi-1 chance of loss. Keiospapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Bros Aliroftft I ItARPEK & BROTHERS, dec 12 j - New Vork. Fayetteyille Observer. QN THUESDAY', FEBRUARY 8th, 18S3, the undersigned will revive the publication of the FAY'ETTEVILLEj OBSERVER. . Tc Observer wi 1 be a Jarge 28 column weekly newspaper, and will be mailed to sub tcribrrs, postage paid, at $J per annum, al ways in advance. J will give i he new of the day in as ample form as its space will permit, ami both n gmar and occasional correspon-r dents " ill contribute letters- fiom the Capita on State politics anJ affairs. I Democratic in politic-, the Observer will lab r, first of all, to asnro the protperitv ot the T"wn of Fayetteville, tol develop th vast agricultur'l resources of its own and the neighboring counties, and to promote all thai cot cef us iLe w elfare of the people of North Carolina. Oppueed to such Innovations on the homely ways of our fathers as, in th guise of pro gres, harm society, the observer will be found in full sympathy with the new things born of I e ( banned condition of the South which sound jurtpment or enlightened experi ence find to ha also good. As to he rest: it will strive to deserve the reputation of the name it inherit, ff-b 10 K. J: HALE, Jr. Commissioner's Sale, j 1 JN PURSUANCE OF A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of Brunswick coanty.'at Fall Term 1S8-. in an action of foreclsnre therein pending between The Kl at National Br k of Wilmington s plaintiff, and Alex. Oldham and wite as defe- dants, the undersijf ned; Com missioner appointed by said decree.wlll e 1 at public auction, lor cfch, htth court itouse in p-mithviPe. on Monday, the Sin of April at 1- M, the following rc:il estate, helmr in the coun v of Brunswick, adjoining the town Of ittilmlnKton and containing 7l acres, ciore or aces. BeginDing at a marblepost In the trun. wick county liie on tne Souiu side of the great road or -causeway acro'l-agle JliBrd, an?! runs about Soatb with the said , county- lie,t a eyprees in the eoge of t e ape J-car river at! the mouth ol a canal, then t along said caial about West to Alligator Creek, ths n ti said 4 reek to said great road or caue ay, then along it alon. Kast o the beginning Kceuting from- feaid bounds two acres con vey ed t John A. Taylor by 4. E -Gregg by deed of January l&th. l-y4; and also excepting a tot tying 120 feet trom the aforesaid cis ty line and a tmg said great road tiO feet,fronng the same an i extending hack 100 feet prllcl with said Hrunswick lire, which 'las lot wa reserved by Alfredismith Ii the deed, conveying sail land to the f-aki Alex. Oldham. A. G RICAUD Cctnmiieloner. mch DOOdi PUR0ELL HOUSE. -J-JNUER NEW 31ANAGE1IENT, WILMINGTON, ft. C BJ"L. PEREJ", Proprietor. Late Proprietor AUaatlc IIoteL Flrst-Chns In all Us. EppotntsBcata. Terms (Xfid to f.Ca a Cxt t toht MISCELLANEOUS New York Weekly ONE DOLLAR A; rpnE CIRCULATION OF Tim P??1 constantly itt!. J J wiuia u uw leaning news of UwT and la arranged In handy SSi . FOREIGN NEWS ! embraces special dispatches from in of the globe. Under the head ftf i AMERICAN NEWs I week from all parts of th cure aione maMa THE WEEkLT HEtSACD : the most vahaabl cbxd- Us In tK ,J iiu t?nvi . j . 1 Wiai. POLITICAL NKW3 embracing complex and comtn.k. . ' 1 patches from ahmgt. n, "fex port, or the shee of em the questions of the hour. . P01111, ! THE FAUM DEPARTMENT ' of the Weekly Herald iTe the w 1 ?!,iL4Cm.f(tJ:,:Hr.t.ic' euw-u..Df lSuH ! ucm 01 coo King ot economy pd.., ,'"77 department 1 practically tca.t b, Si J? fore publication. Letters from our fC . i t n 1 . I . raehions. loo Home Iepartrocnt of ili lr Hrtrf will ani iK fVra?nAof w . . vviivLuvuutun . 111 r rv. . . interests of . m. p;, SKILLED LABOR, jj are looked after, and everything rektWi. nucha Ic and labor vine Uf.Zi? corded There Is a page nd in the specially ' THE PRODUCE MARKET. J Sporting News at home and abroad Lw cr wlib a tory very week, a Sm,m eminent divine. Literary sfnSKfcST Personal -and 8ea .Not sT Thorelt mS?! the world which contain .VSuVi Mi ter every week, as tho Weekly lb rjS7 whki is sei.t, pastage free f or oiie DolIarVZ subscribe at any time. Y? f The New York Herald, In a Weekly form; One DoIItr -': : : a Year. 1 1. ':"'T' Address NEW inrcn- nnnt. Broadway and Ann MrecU.Ntir York; 1883. - : !, ; Harper's Young People. AJU llLLSiKATED WEEKLY 1 tft, SUITED TO BOTS XSD CIHL8 OF F0M Kt TO SIXTEEN YEJLES OF AOK. . I VoL IV. commences Kovembsr 7, list Tho : Young People hss been from the fir successful beyond anticipation. N . I. iw ning Post', It has a distinctive purnone, to whk;hltst4. llv adheres that, namely, ol npnlnaUm tba vicious papers for th- young wltn -ajuper more attractive, as well as mors hoIewne. Boston Journal. I For neamcss, elegance of ennrinr, contents generally. It la uneuriiaued ty my publication of the kind yet. srouxbt toosr Bout-G.Jfutsourgn uazeue. . TERMS: flAKriiUa YOUKU I't.UlLE, itr i ear, ruHLflgc j rcpaKi, f -, NGLS NtJHBEKS, FourOnts carl. Spc imen copy sent on rei-eipt of Tbitf Ct. - 1 he Volumes of Harper's Yoonir l"eopl for 1881 and 1S82, handsomely bound la lUutslss- ted Cloth, w ill be sent by mail. pfUfpri paid, on receipt of tZ 00 each. t'OTcr ka Young People-for 18fc2, 33 cenHj'poiUfB, U cents additional. ' i - Remittances shonW be made by PoMOfi Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of leu Newspapers are nt to copy this .sdrenl ment without the express order of BiXf W Brothebb. Address I 1 ' HARPER A BEOTHKna, j dec IS hew York. Hulbert Bros. Wholesale i Price List. P6I Piano, 7 oct., square, rosewood, I I 1 Plano,oprlgh?,7ioct.,caMDetgiaDd jW 13 Cgap,4set8reeds,98topsandgiand - orsran . Organ, 6 seto reeds, IS stops, coup- i ler, enb-bass.. our runos ana wgana m war ranted first-class. , 1 Violin outfit, box, bow, strlng,oon . plete.. 3 Vloun cremona model, extra nns 4 Accordeon, 10 keys, bass box, fins tone. i. ...... "' 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, I step. reeds.perfect. ;; iloutb Organs, Vienna concert, u 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine Ricbter 10 holes, ii S. '1!: 11 Mouth Organs, Genuine Concert firm 10 S 1 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keys, boxwood.. v"V"HT im 17 Fife, In ebony, German alive ferules J 5 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, nns.... ; 19 44 " 8 tunes, wind with tefcr - tf large.. ............. 20 Violoncello, patent, machine neaa ! good........ ........... , 23 Double Base, patent bead, I or ff ! strings........ 1 t 24 Guitar, maple, nnchlne beM, aa" i finish......... 27 Banjo, 10 inch, 4 brass bracket-- 28 Comet, brass cornopoon style, c and crooks 4 too 198 Gold Violin. Guitar and Banjo. Strtrtf. u 8averVInn. OuYtAranaBMjfstrw. j, Steel VIoUn, tiirnar and Banjo Btrmgi, j n Bros.. '"'.'""Ct Gut, Russian, German or IUlian, qijam-...............-"-'v; InstrucUon Books. U owe s or -1 9 any instrument.. j .". v filar Having Just made a good fradelor er Sewlifg Machines, will sell tbemfortf while they last. I wmt If Money la qu.te safe la eatsaas plainly addressed. ' tna tU . Terms strictly cash with OTd "T ( stamps. 1 -..'- v Agents and desJen tend lor our 40 pC aboTe net Vbolosaie prfce lt3! T make 100 per cent. proUt. Tit4- j ,; Call on us when you come to Bt .frrp Referenceej : Any banker wholes lathecltyi L.i ir iiuibert Bros., u tac muy w- . . .. , sale house in at. juotaa. . nttni. 923 Olive Street, BsJut Lou-. Ian ta-lr SGOOO NEW PEANUT' SACKS 4 Bushel Oat Saofc roralat Heralj for ralMi.K Cattle, Poultrr UrwT7' egeubles . &c, ic , with . ; !: keeping b.dlaings UrVJi Rn.T trvi tAMriJi, vsniKif copiea, under thfl vT - THE nOME, giTing rectlpes for rracllcsl dUhk v.,, . 1 making e othing and for kecpitjifltn kwT latct fashions at the wJl. k. "P l-o . i iri a

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