THISFAPKK haadaya er j VTe will be v, rocei i ctjniatct254,SUft trom r frfKl on aay iwod aij wibieeU of orr tl by Tb- RArae of the writer mtiM hr b ftur I I E J V " " S. .... W Ml ... r - THE J) 4. FLY KEY! E W j ' ' ' ..-j . . ". t : '.,;'.: .... " '-j ' i .... ' ; ;' ,. I- - '- i- . - - i - ' - jOSHT. JAMES, fi. Mx months. Clue. Ton: t'l&l On nMmUi, 55 com. will b" delivered by carrier free l!. n anr lrt of city, at the abore jirHlrci'ortanyaaa an rau- I v i st7y Bvieic has the largest 'listed, in the eily of WibningtonGL There are thirty-five counties in Ken tucky without newspapers. There arc miles of telegraph .vjrcs in ParWall under ground. - Insiient Artbifr is going on a ten uv fi-hi:--' excursion to Florida. - I J here are 3,000 professional acrobats in rhp north west provinces of India. n aopeal has been issued in Ixndon for the relief of suffering in Scotland. " Queen Victoria has twenty-six grand cbi.tlrcn, of whom only two are mar ried. . - Tho unhappy Democracy, as usual cannot agree. This time it is in Rhode hlar.J. I; i3 !aid now that R. Conkling. Esq. wlli itot canvass Rhode Island ". thi- Sprinff. . . . n Ex-Goreruor Reuben E. Fenton has been spendiug some time in Southern California. . Statistics show that there are 6,000, 000 volumes in tho public libraries of Paris, and 4.500,000 inits provinces. The Crar has received more letters threatening him with death unless he pardons the imprisoned nihilists. According to Geo. 1. Howell's direc tory, the newspapers aud periodicals published in this country number 11, ltftt Ex-Secretary Columbus Delano is spending kis old age In luxury at his jarjre sheep farm in Knox county, Ohio. Governor Boynton, of Georgia, used to bo 1'resideut of a oase-ball club ; so did Senator Edmunds ; so did Governor Pattison. Jdnelstis the time fixed for the opening to travel of the bridge across East River between New York and Brooklyn. The eteamship Burgunda, irom Mar seilles, with the body of John Howard Payne on board, arrived at New York last Thursday. The people of Lexington, the capital oftho blue-grass section of Kentucky, have to pay thirty-five and forty cents per pound for butter. Professor Gabriel Campbell, of Bow doin College, has decided to accept tho chair ot intellectual and moral philcso phy cf Dartmouth College. The Sprague men, in Rhodo Island. ey it will tako about $200,OQO to beat him for Governor. Billy is in earnest and is dead to windward ot his ' oppo nents. The cotton crop of 1882 is officially estimated at 6.800,000 bales. Texas heading the list with 1.329.C00, aud Mississippi coming next with 1,012.000 bales. Senatoi Logan and Secretary Lincoln I are said to bo on bad terms, tho trouble having arisen from tho latter's Presi dential aspirations and his fear ct the former1 ambition in the same direc tion. Mr. Paul Tulane, of New Jersey, will denoto 1.000,000 to New. Orleans to found a college lor poor boys, on con" diiion that the entire fund be exempted from taxation. That will be done next yar. Canning oranges is tho latest Florida itlea. It was started by two maiden ladies, who. finding no market for thoir oranges conceived the plan of canning them like other fruit. It was a perfect success. Pennsylvania has had hitherto the anaopoly of anthracite coal. .Colorado has developed immense beds ot this important article. The anthracite coal of Colorado will bo more valuable than her p liver mines. Gen. Ben Butler is helping Spragne to run his campaign in Rhode Island. The lat time R. C. put in aa appear ance at Canonchct Sprague was not inning for anything; it was Mrs. affinity who made for the jamb tfthe fence. Frank Hard, of Ohio, eavs the tariff fight his only just begun ; and ho pro-J Poses on the first of tho scssien to re new the conflict by introducing a bill reducing all duties to a revenue basis, aad levying a duty for revenue oa all -artkles cot predoood ia this country. VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. IXDEX TO FCEW ADYERTlSEHEMTs! G P II ill Wanted 1'ate A X-argeFtock W- II GrtEESf Garden Sed Mcxis Beos Soda Water Heinseeeger Easter Card- j II all A PearsalLi Fresh Arrita'a No city court this morning.' For Rocket Knives or Table Cntlery, go to Jacori's Hardware Pepoi t if Mr. I. Shrier who has' for the past two weeks been visiting the Northern markets has returned home locking well. . Wood continues scarce arid hi Vi the price, from flats, this mornin z being S1.10 per dray load, Hiiar ter of a cord. equal to a shoit Rev. W. T. Jones, formerly of. thi3 city, but now pastor of the Baptist church at Wilson, is here i on a brief visit to kindred and friends. The storm signal wa3 flying again to-day but the sen va3 if bright -and clear and there were no indications, in the heavens, to a casual observer, of a storm. I The United States flag was flying at half mast from the Custom Houke this morning as a mark of respect to! Post master General Howe who died at hi3 home in Wisconsin yesterday, ' i I Our old friend Mrj Gl l Hill j adver tises in thj3 issue for a reliablej energetic man to take charge in thi3 city j of! the Household Sewing Machin?. A rare opportunity for a young man With soma 4get-up and git" about-him. i j 1 The members of the j Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co.j No will celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of the company to-morrow afternoon by a parade through tho s t roots. f The with Little Giamt will" evergreens. bo decorated The burning out ot a chimney of a residence on Front, between Princess and Chestnut streets,"1 about 9 , o'clock J last evening, caused quite a commotion for a time. The fire department turned out promptly, but the "tempest in a teapot" subsided before tho engines ar rived. YY e thought the weather vas gloomy and disagreeable enough hero yester day, but it was comparatively nothing to what it was in other portions of tho State. At Greensboro the snow fell lo a depth of two feet; at Henderson it is three, feet, and at Jiiltreirs the roofs of several houses feu in from tbn weight of the aacumulated snow, i i Snowr- 1 Quito a severe snow-storm followed the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad yesterday from Wcjdon to Goldsboro. The snow averaged about j four inches in depth and, doubtless would have been deeper it the ground had not been wet from the rain 3 i of the dav before Literary The regular meeting of the Literary Club of the Wilmington Library Asso ciation will bo held at the Library rooms to-night, commencing at 8 o'clock "The following is the program mo for th occasion : j Orator J. B. Aaron. Decaimers W. Rutland, Jas. Budd. Readers G. S. Legrahd, G. R. Dyer. Tho public aro cordially invited to attend; ! i Found Dead. i The body of a white man, supposed to be a tramp, was found yesterday in a very much decomposed state in the Pee Dec Swamp, fourteen miles this sido ot Florence. The attention of passers by was attracted to the body by the large number of buzzards which had congregated about the place where the corpse was tound. A dilapidated valise was tied around the man's body; Who the dead man is or how he met his death ia not known, properly interred. The remafns were A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at J.txoiu's Hardware pepot. t I The Hibernian Sociable. As is their wont our friends of the Hibernian Association spent a very eujoyabls evening at their festival held atGennania Hall last night. There was a plenty and to spare of the tempt ing viands spread for the I benefit of the inner -man. Music and dancing were freely indulged in and the guests of the Association were made to feel at home by atteution shown them byjeach and every one of the Hibernians. The best ot good feeling prevailed;" ill in at tendance, declare 'twas the happiest moments of their lives. ; 1 WILMINGTON..' N. C. TUESDAY. MARCH 27, HOARD OF ALDEIWIFJS. Last Night's Proceedings Election of Officers and Ap- i .- pointnicnt of Committees. Tiic Board ot Aldermen met at the City Hall last night pursuant to ad journment, all tho members, being pres- j Mayor Hall announced as unfinished business the election of additional offi cers. . Alderman DeRosset nominated as Chief of the Fire Department, Captl C. D.jMyers. Alderman Howe nominated Capt. F. G.jRobinson. 6n the first ballot Capt. Myers re ceived six votes and Capt. Robinson four. The Mayor declared Capt. Myer3 elected. Alderman DeRosset nominated E. G. Parmaleo as Assistant Chief of the Fire Department. I Alderman Guyer nominated R. Lit gen. Mr. Parmalee received seven votes, and was declared elected. Alderman Fishblate moved that tho office ot City Attorney bo reestablished. Adopted. A resolution that hereafter the City Attorney shall be required to be present at every regular session of tho Board, was also adopted. J . Alderman Boney move4 that the sal aryofthe City Attorney be fixed a! &300 per annum. Alderman Fishblate moveil to amend by fixing it at $500. The amendment wa3 lost and the origi nal motion, fixing it at300, was adopt ed. Aldermau DeRosset nominated Jno D. Bellamy, Jr., for City Attorney. Alderman Howe moved that the election be made unanimous. Adopt- ed, ed. and Mr. Bellamy was declared elect L. M. Williams wa3 elected Clerk of tho Market, F. Mayer, City Detective, and Chas. Murphv Superintendent of street carts and force j Alderman DeRosset moved that! the election of the other officers be postpon ed until the next meeting of the Board, to be held Monday. April 2nd, 1883. The Mayor announced tno loiiowing as the regular committees: Finance and ExpendituresMayor Hall. Aldermen DeRosset and Chad- bounu Police Department Alderman Dud ley Fishblato and Howe. Streets and Wharves Mayor Rail Aldermen Boney and Guyer. I Public Buildings Aldermen Fish blate Dudley and GTuyer. j . Fire Department Aldermen Boney, Boar and Howe. liicht Department Aldermen De- Ro3set, Dudley and Chadbourn. Market arid Fees Aldermen Dudley. Boney and Sweat. Ordinance Mayor Hall, Aldermen DeRosset and Chadbourn. Sanitary Department Mayor Hall. Aldermen Bear and Sweat. Board Managers of Hospital Alder men Bear and Chadbourn. A communication frdm Postmaster Brink, relative to numbering the streets, &c, for tho purpose of establishing a free mail delivery, was received. Alderman DoRosset Vflered a scries of resolatious relative to tho number ing of houses, &c.. as follows: J Resolved. That the names of the streets of tho city be plainly posted at each of two corners of each intersection of any two streets. Resolved. That the numbering of the houses on the streets with & view to securing free postal I delivery through th8 PostoSico I)epartment be referred to the Streets and Wharves Committee with full power to conclude the terms of a contract between the city and ; provided, that tho proper numbering of the houses shall be done without ex pense to the city and provided further, that said contract shall not prohibit such persons who so desire to have the work of numbering done by other par ties, i Resolved. That tho work done under said contract shall be executed in a neat and workmanlike manner, and under the approval of the Mayor. Resolved. That tho following system shall bo carried out in numbering the houses: Upon the streets running from the river eastward, beginning at tho street nearest the river and to Front street, the numbers to be from 1 to DO? frriin Front to Second. Nos. 1G0 to 199;fnm Second to Third, Ncs. 200 to lrom Third lo Fourth, Nos. 300 tO 399. &ud S3 on. - I j L'UIU IUU 04.4 tUUUIilC rtk IUUI angles witn tne last nataeti streets, tne numbering (beginning at Market street, and known as No. North or South Front, Second. Third, Fourth, &c.) shall bo the samtf as above say from Market to Princess and Doek 1 to 99; Princess to Chestnut 100 to 199, &e.; Dock to Orange 100 to 190. dro. ' Such streets as do not. ran in a gener ally parallel direction to Market and Front streets shall be numbered ia like manner as above. On all streets even numbers shall be on the right1 s:d3 and odd numbers on the left side. ' On motion of Alderman Boney the whole matter was referred to the com mittee on Streets and ; Wharves, with power to act, following tbe plan pro posed in the resolutions. A communication from Mr. II. . A. Bagg, chairman of tho Board of County Co.nmissioners, relative to the division wall between the county jail and the city pound, was received and referred to tho; committee on ; Public Buildings, with power to act.' I A petition from the Fifth Ward Hcse Reel Co., for the privilege of using the engine house on Ninth street, was re ferred to the committee on Firo Depart ment. A-motion by Aldermau Boney to refer the matter of the removal of the city pound to tho sanitary committee was adopted. j " A motion by Alderman Fishblate to have the site of the old market bouse, on Market street, enclosed, was lost. A . petition Irom property holders to have Third street, between Orange and Castle streeis, graded, was referred to Committee , on Streets and Wharves On motion of Alderman Gujer, the limit was extended to Queen street. - Aiaerman ifisnolate uioveu ito tho question of opening the doifk at the foot of Chestnut street to the Commit tee on Streets and Wharves. Adopt ed, j. :"." -I Alderman Fishblate moved that the Chief of Police report to the Board if any obstructions exist oh Front street between Market and PrincessJ streets. Adopted. j Alderman Chadbourn moved the ap pointment of a special committee .ot three to confer with a like committee cf butchers, to perfect some amicable ar rangement in regard to the occupation of the new market houses. The mo tion was adopted and the Mayor ap pointed as said committee Alderman Chadbourn, Boney and DeRosset, Alderman DeRosset moved that the matter of trash accumulations on the streets be referred to the Sanitary Com mittee, to report such! ordinance as maj be necessary for the proper dispo3it ion of the same, . ! i On motion, the Board adjourned. Church Election. The following is the result of the elec tion of Vestrymen in the different Episcopal Churches of this cit3 with tho exception of St. J" amp.9 which wo published yesterday. ' i 8T. PAUL 8 CHURCH. Vestrymen DuBrutz Cutlar, R G Rankin, Heide, F II Mitchell, W G MacRae, II A Burr. R B Wood, W H Bernard. Mr. Du Brute- Cutlar was reeleced Senior Warden, and Mr R G Rankmj Junior Warden. The following delegates were appoint ed to the Diocesan Convention : Dn Brntz Cutlar. Wm ,H Bernard, R T Rankih and F II Mitchell. Alternates R B Wood, R E Heide.' W G McRaa and H Aj Burr. , ST. JOHN'S CHCKCII. Vestrymen John L Holmes, W H 1 i Green, H G Smalibones, Gabritl Holmes, Chas D Myers, John E Lip pFtt, S L Fremont, O P Meares, Jr. J Alexander, W J Gordon. j ; st. mark's church. Vestrymen S W Nash, Samuel Rcid, John H Davis, John O Nixon, Joshua Holland, Wm Hunter, C W Avant, E F Martin, John H Roan, Alex Fennell Senior Warden John. G Norwood, Junior Warden John O Nixon. Delegates to Convention John G Norwood, John H Davis, John O Nix- pn, H D Sampson. Alternates E F Martin, J D Sampson. Wm J Stewart, John J Guyer. Exports Foreign, j Swedish barque Eilthx, Capt. Jonssen, cleared to-day for Antwcp with 3.442 barrels rosin, valued at $5,873; shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchisoa & Co. Norwegian barque Tell. Capt. Tversen, cleared for London with 2,623 barrelj rosin, .valued at $3,917: shipped by j Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co. Nor- I wegian Caique Oscar 11 Capt. Iiaa- I gensen, cleared for Bremen with 1,100 bales cotton, valued at $49,000. shipped by Mr. Eugenc'McDonnclI; 790 bales,; valued $32,445.71, shipped by Messrs: I A Knr.n ifc f!- 150 h-W knltW .. j $6,904.03, shipped by Messrs. Potter & Co, and 100 baled, valued at $3,658,93, shipped by Mr. A. II. GrccE. htaking a cargo ot 2.140 bales, rained at $90. 248.69. V To Builders; and othrs4jo 10 Jaco ) El S lor bab, 151I2KL3 axul Door-, (Jlass 1 &o- Yba caa get all sizea. 'and at the lowts prices. NO. 74 There is an nnmailable letter in the Postoflice addressed to Mr. C. T, At wood, 13 Wesi Oth, St. New York. I Wo learn that the "Easter Egg Hunt," at St. John's Church, will po& itively take place tor-morrow afternoon, and tho' children of Wilmington are cordially invited to attend. We regret to learn of the demise of Mr. Junius D. Potts. His deatt oc curred this morning at tho residence of hU brother, Mr. Samuel Pott?, at Fiemington where he has been for sev en months. His death was caused by that fet! disease consumption. . First Installment. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier,' nt 3t Market 3treet, have received their first install ment of two hundred and fifty Flannel Suits which tht warrant fast color. Each coat has a labol with their lull name sowed on the collar a3 a guar antee to their genuine quality. Don't fail to get a suit. ) The celebrated ih Brand' Gi Is Twine issold onlv at Jacoki'S Hard ware Depot. DIED. POTTS TLIs Inikninv, at ilemlDctoc, JUNIUS D. PpTi'K,s.-ei4l irri. The fuuwai services will Like v-lac to-aaoi-rnw (Vii20w.i.iT) 'taoi ni.-ir, st To o'clock, at tlic rcsUeEC. of Mr?. L. Walacr, thr nee to (.?akdale t,cih8trry. The fri-i!i ol faaiily rs reapt:lly lii'vi'Hl t attvm!. .- NEW ADVERT1SEME.NTS. Wanted. to hanlle tbe IIOUSJCUOLlO-EWISO MA- CHINE In this city. It has no eual in sim plicity, durability, light running and hand some uulsq. to G. I- HILL Tra vp11Ib Agent, At Turcell Uouao. mch 27-1 1 Fresh Arrivals- QUOICK WATB-MIkL 11KAL CORN AN I EASTEKN HAY. pry Salt and Smoked Sr.tea, pry Salt and Siaokod Shoulders, TteaTy Mess Tt-rk, Nrth Carolina Laid, . North Carolina name,. All grades Good Flour. At Close Pricej HALL & PEARS ALL ntch 11 ! Spring & Summer CO ODS N O W OPEN AT M.7'M. KlATZ'. 36 Market Street All the Latest Novelties. -IN DRESS GOODS, . ' .1 ' ' WHITE GOODS, ' &.C-J &c, &c. FULLEU ASVE'riaSTEKT LV A rtW DATS. 5r Calla ge: fcuitc-J, t-opJeaied.-uiJ tberct-y I-lea;c - I Your ibf 'Uicnj. j M. KATZ', 36 R2arket Street.! 'Ian ? 1 SHAD. SHAD. J QCDILl SOLICITXU AXIi ,lOiIPTLY i iLLs. If AT LOWFT ilA UK ET PlilCE. by 9da S3 3 ' j a. IX PICKETT. 1883. An-I U la epeiat!y aJ parBcoUrly csd& oo.i that tbn Rtlwr dtf, ahm iji earss tic tlevr of tv r-n-oiktonti irdteiM ao"atael In the editorial col ama. ( NEW APyEKTI3ISini?Ta. Garden Good I J)EAS, BKAN9, j CORN. CABBAGE, To nip. Squash, ColUr-l .Rudith rc A fine pelocOou of Flower eood for sal by WfT.TJAM'TT; cian2f,! men 6 A Large Stocfc 4 QF BLANK BOOKS, , , Taper and 2ar-ekpc. School Booke. ' - ' ' " . I p-vicc; :, : .. , Picture Framcji, : T Allmnss. " -"".; MnsicalJIiiR'runieatd, Jjtt Jt'e. THIS DAY 1 j - A Complete -Assortment or- TECEIVE1 TO HAY, WlVLTlyST tftRK -Iff . l no-w or my u-Jy '-a.toiaifr who hve hiax awHliln tlve antral of the' doUa aud cth cr3 will fl&d arr.oii-thon the Norct '. ' ' 5 ,h f A l uge asfior-iactit of th wU kWwn C liai" Linen Collan all hi y lea, LadK al Chlldrcn'H. v : .u A call and ftr Ajr?imintUn ' ot-tiGc&it roi MISS E. KAItltER, mch is j , KXCIIANGIS COCNpHQ CITY Vl WILMINGTON, X. C, I it a y iu3 o rriCB, MarohS,lS. SEALED PROPOSALS 1 yiLL pe Ueckiveh : ;ron; itisil- Id the city of Wllaitrufton vth Labor aad Material, . 6pocir4et ll(jr, contract to com mence April Snl. 1S.S3, ai?4 continue until April lat, 1884 tsrt5 h!dito be opened at the mectins uf tho Boivot of Aldenaouoh Moadar. April 2nd, la3, at 7iy o'clock, 1 il. " 1st For furnishing; dri few., feeding axul shoeing mnlw, w.d keep'ng carta and hamea3 in ood orticr. for altijr numbof of CArt Uo city jnay employ, . . - t. , , ; .. - . 2nd For faruisuini roatoriai aud koeptBa- to repair the city Btrc:t lampe; alo. for Ughtiiir ' extiusuishias ad clcantcg all city lamp, ani tilling lamps when oil la vsed; awo, for far Dishing: oil, wick and chtmneya for ail lamp not suiplled with j?aa ; aliu, lor furnlahlcr an r Hinps erderd, ot size and quality known at j 8taid.ardtret Laiaps. . . .; ;. r I- 3rd Kor dghtlng ibe eky vrith g& or 'Other- 1 wLe. '. ."" ' .. - 1 - T- r j-," 4th Fnr Ina-tbfer ir l.&A ioctl ottatwchint. able quality, atvi in qua-atlUiw a rcjuliTl kr . 3tU Por ecaTCtigcr rerk. '- r.,"-'fJ ' ' " Cth For printing aid adrcrtUinjf. i J r 7th AlAfrnjairh city xrjta thxitie lights. : r . , . . - . i k. b; hall. mch MSUiac mn ts . Ifayrrf Star copy TuUy aniFrtcUj T Matting!; Matting M, pIFTEKN II FFEKIiNT STYLES Ibc to 453 per yard ; 44. 8-4; 8.4, OILOotha. elegant ia deahjn, and low la price. -' 5 j ' rrjRIn TAPE3THT wi Vrrtt Hust and . . . , , .. Flna aMortjnent oflkftrBCSle jcveojer White and Cblored Ued Sprea-lal 5 C 1W Do. GeraiAji and Irlb Llnetw Turkiab Bath; and cheaper Towels. -Come and jwn, a itrcat pWnre to iUvw - Goeds. f BOL. UAB, Jnchii ' SOMarketflf . Easter CiardG. A LAJtGE ; AUSOKTXENTv All nctr cte- algii. - Frlm a? t nof rtngwl. Call K34 ts thew at Steel Engraving3r JUT BKCEIVLO ANOTHER : ASSOBrJ mcntofssTLKL, KN'iiUA visual framed and not frarrL for Parlor Orr.ntneoti. , A: HEINSUEltGER'Si Tho.Placc to Euy I:1KVTIXK THSJi. I IIAt J-..WIttilT. .v , x., i Jkst ot ?.is- ai iw 2;--.-ti- tr a I iail sik! couri Uve t-x-f ot il-n-:.rv clvaii j e n hnd. - - ' - ; , ' - - r 1. . - sfiwtosiitt tit J-run A. tV., i I hit a iz 13. 3? and SI VUxiiet hir,t j . SODA WATER. 0S A'1 A FT K it -1 0-1 A la Wj hi WILL th Vl-.H ili-J'.'HU 'I- '' Swt . , i . Pyre ir.i'.i jnUv u-.-j. ' VJunds EroG - DisiwufiB lrarraarbt, . I.4.U Itlfiafi-VAY. MW T02JL". V