THIS PAPER r vry cvn&. -Sunday er JOSH T.'TAMES .o iLlFTIOVS JtHTAGE rAID: : , rucvsis sornrr..- IW wi be 1,1 to wwrtr eoaatalcASL tram wr trlea! at in . tcfccJ i of I feor&l!mn'9t bin - ' ' v ' ; - i 1 . .W U writer ana UvftbOC4t t rdthM to tb &nuv. I . . - it ' : BXJl tt mouths n.00. Tim-e! ftr-,rIriUInTcreiy-crrlorM free j. io any prt of th city, at th abve Atvr'lr;l- and KVraL y rir wiJl report any aa.l all fatt- vJk: A'' rimtlaiion. of any ncwfqpcr sJAuh.ri. i i tkc cily of Wilmington. "Ft Senator, ami Itcpresentive-elect ' . . j : '-!rtIr! h-LS oeen inuictcu iui. wuffwi - acy in the s:nr route cases. . Jl is stated that Mrs. David Davis waJ born in Illinois 'and not in New England as sonic papers make it ap- iar- .... The Legislature of Tennessee has foil owed ike example of the legislature of Mi'-sonri and passed a law making gaiabliug a lelony. The centennial anniversary of Wash ingron Imni's hirthday will be on the 3rt o: April next, lie was one of the bealtjf American writers. Chicago had sixty nine murders 'in 182. arid one execution. One-third o! the murderers were drunk, andtwuitv seven o!' the merdered died in a quar- Mrs. W. R. Vanderbilt gave an im. mense party on Monday evening at her residence in New York. It was an ex pensive affair, the flowers alone costiiig $10,000. imtr Mrs. Lilliu Deveraux Blake is "talk ing back" to Hev. Dr. Morgan Dix. in which amusement she ha3 the most friend whether she has the better o the argument or not. Great alai m is ielt in New England because ol the unusual accumulation of ice and snow so late in the season. Immense and damaging ireshets are feared when the thaw comes. Mr. Burchard, director of the mint. gays that the United States $20 gold piece is the ouly coin which meets exactly the requirements of the law, the others either lacking ' or exaggerat izg the exact demands. - It is said that Mr. Gilru ore's render- la of "Home, Sweet Home" as the ashe? of Payne wero being removed from the City Hall, New York last Saturday, afternoon, will never bo for gotten by those who heard it. Boston spread herself in giving Sulliv an a reception. The city council graced the occasion, and thousands could not gain admittance into the great hall. "Lo! the conquering hero comes" thrill ed the souls of the enthusiastic throng. Jho Princess Louise is said to be so dissa.isfied with the soeiety at Ottawa that she and her husband will go home ia the autumn, on the expiration oi his term of government, when Lord Lorne will be called to the House of Lords. During 1S2 there wero; 4 i theatres destroyed .by fire. Of this number 17 were bnraed in the United States, 7 in Kngland, 5 in Russia, 4 in Germany, 2 in France. 2 in Spain, and 1 each in Belgium, Sweden, Bulgaria and Rou mania. It has been discovered that the pri-i mary cause of the breakin the canal at Windsor Locks, Conn., by which break mills were- shut down, 1,000 hands thrown out of employment and $100,-J oOOlost, was the work of a muskrat that burrowed through the embank ment. - v 1 9 The forthcoming exhibition ' at Aasterdara has thus far awakened but iiule interest in this country, but it is hoped that the attention ot' the public will yet be aroused to the importance of the United States ling well represented, Belgium has thus far engaged the most space, and is followed by Prance ancf England. Mr. Lippitt, who was Governor of Rhode Island once upon a time, has been talking to a New York reporter about the Spraguo hurrah. According to Mr. Lippitt, Butler and Pryor stand a good chance of pulling their man through, the ground being fa low for the seeds of discontent among tho Ke- publicans. Mr. Patrick Easan is seized with a 2xd and practicable idea concerning the relations of Ireland to England. lie proposes the re-siabl;shment of the Union as it existed before 1560. Ire land s relations to England would then teraore nearly like those - of Hungary 'o Austria than those of any other two States ia the world. Tho statement that a Lockport, N man has received a contract to con tract a part of the Panama Canal at million a miie, or seven miles for about seven million dollars will doubt less not only create an increased sense of direct American intcrcstsin this en terprise, but will seem to bo a guaran- tatrsy la positing it forward. VOL. VII. name3ot three members of the English bar Were struck from the roll j Schr. Pcmaquidt Capt.Wheeler clear by the Queens bench division at one e(j to-dav for Xassan. N. P. with 37.- tceviv. fciiung. m each case the lawyer had been cruiltv of fin?inrni ifOfririoUt v. - , - - - ; nicttunMcaso was mat ol a ionaon solicitor, who had received money to invest for the benefit-ojf the children of a client, and diverted it to his own ufc. ; i Dukes, the Pennsylvania girl betrayer and father slayer, is haying, as he de serve?; a rough time ofl it. At last ac counts he had not obeye( the brders to leave Uniontown, Pa!, within twenty-four hours.-Jjun kept hinself closely confined to his room. ;GIad are jive to bt lieve thnt no such villian would be allowed to intrude his pestelcntial ores encc in any southern community. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Heinsbebgek Victors Yates A L-rge Mock W H Ureex Uardeo bv&l Mcnds linos oda Waior E l Hall, iluyor Special Notice E D Hall, ' May. i ;calei rjoposak Cronlv & Morr: The &uc on Sat James Wilson Houses anl!oi3 for sala Mus" it Webb Floriculture and Hortl cu.iure. ; 1 No City Court this morhin The Criminal Court co 1 venes tiext Monday. There were some very tine trout market this morn in?. in Twenty-one males and four females arc conlined in the county jail. For Pocket-Knives or jTable Cutlery, go to Jacoki's Hardware Depot, f We understand that qu t3 a number of hogs have died and arc still dying in the neighborhood of Topsail Sound. Vith a few suish days a3 this 28th of March we shall begin to think the cold weather for this season has departed. Work on the new railroad s-hop build ings at the yard of the1 W. & W. Ill R., in f li?o 12 1 n T r . nrki.ilvr -i, c? Ii ft I I iit ting wiij t a iiUp ihjhuij yuaiicu. Steam boatmen report a rise of 20 feet m tho river at Fayetteville up to yester day niorning and the river was still ris ing. Strawberries and asparagu3iare being shiDDed through this citv from Florida to the Northern markets in large quan tities. - ' t We learn from a friend that throe of four cases of insanity have been de veloped near Laurinburg within the past week. Timber rafts are coming in quite freely and we , learn there1; are. still a good many more on the river bound fcr this-place. . ) ! I Silver Plated Spoonk and Fork.! loW pices, at Jacgiu.'s ' t The members, of the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No 1, celebrated their fourteenth anniversary this after- noonoya paraaej ana engiao pracuce A saucy school-boy otit at Newer! . look hold of the tailor aran-ell He lost part of his cheek. Bat was about in a 'week; St. Jacobs Oil cured Master Bnell. " Uev. Harry Ellis, colored, who was committed to-Jail a jfew da3s ago in default of bond answer to tho charge of bigamy, once more1 breathes the free air of liberty, ho having this morning given bond for his appearance. j Tho celebrated Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's JIard waro Depot. j I Messrs. Crouly &Iorris will ,e auc tion to-morrow at 1 1 o'clock a sell at at No. 18 Market Street a well selected stock of Marb'.e Art rwork t ' consisting of Statuettes, Etruscan knian and Greecian vases, etc etc. The ladies are especially invited to attend. Mrs. H. Webb; whose advertisamrnt appears in another column, has an cle. cint variety of roses and'otlier flowering plants in her conservatory, and cordial ly invites the public to come and see them, She also has omatoes and cu cumbers which are in a, flourishing on dilion, some ot the latter having young cucumbers already ,of considerable length. j, The uuly. pCxbltenient. i A rabbit chase by bench leg ( lice, a bob -tail ."sooner dorg" and fourteen ol the small boys was the Only fun onMar kct street this moaning-1 Alter a short, sham and noisy race by the fourteen small boys the bench leg fice took a short cut and got the, rabbitt by the head.while the bob-tail sxmer,went for tliq tail hold and dragged the small ipn eared quad ruped off wagging his; jcurr-Uil-ed ex tremity as he moved majestically down tho street. . t . WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNES DAY. MARCH Exports Foreiirn. 000 feet lumber and 35,400 shingles- valued at 793.96, shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Camming. ; Wires Iown. The telegraph wires I of the Signal Service here have been down between here and Smithville and la. the North of us, for the past two days, j Mr, Haney the officer in charge of this station repaired the break in the wires between this city and Sniithvil'.e yesterday and started to Scotts Hill this morning to repair the wires which arc down near that place. ! "Starriiis: It." The Rob. A. Hewiette Pantomime Troupe left this city this morning on n. tour through the State. According; to the Goldbro Messenger they appear at th Opera House in that place to-nisrht. We trust they will be greeted by a large audience'. The troupe starts out under favorable circumstances and are well equipped with mirth provoking proper- lies. They also are provided with brass band of t piuce3 of their own, composed ot members of the troup Success to them Oon't Like His Ways. Evidently the - wayward sinners o this community do not like the way our new Mayor has started out in punishing persons carried before his court. Notwithstanding the fact that Sunday and Monday were raw damp disagreeable days there was not a case of drunk on tho street, and persons who indulged in the 1 flowing bowl on the homeopathic theory during the! raiuy days gave the extra vigilant police force a wide berth, as they stood in fear of the Hall within thefaalU I Free Show. Messrs. G. P. Hill and O. N. Beam, agents for the Household Sejwing Ma chine Company, gave another of their magic lantern exhibitions on Front street last night. Of course their ob ject wa3 to advertise the sewing ma chine, buOn addition they showed other views I comprising the beautiful, gro tesque, landscapes, statuary, etc., etc., They are indefatigable workers, and always have- an eyo to business. They leave here to-night for some point South of us. Journal-Observer. The Charlotte Jou mal of Tuesday, the 27th inst., contains the valedictory ot Col. Charles R. Jonea upon his retire ment from the Charlotte Observer. The JourfioX nubli3hins company have bought the Observer, and the two pa pers will be merged and known hereof ter as the Joiirnai-Observer. : Col. Jones has been an able band in the field of North Carolina journalism and he has our best wishes for a suc cessful future, whatever may bo his undertaking. For the JoumaX-Obscrv er we wish all' tho success which its usefulness may deniacj3 from a large Hat of prompt paying advertisers and subscribers. Good Work. The Br. barque David G. Worth, from this port with a cargo of naval stores, principally spirits turpentine. arrived at Falmouth this morning aflr a raost'tempestuous voyage, with sails and rudder gone. , The vessel and car go are fully insured The Ltdia Pesj chdu sailed from Wilmington at the same timo with cotton and also arrived at Falmouth to-day. It was understood that these two Wilmington vessels would test their sailing qualities on this passage, and it is a remarkable fact that they should have sailed and arrived on the same day. ! The owner of tho David (7. Worth has good reason to be proud of her work, when the loss of her rudder and sails are taken into consid eration, i I Quarterly Meeting For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, South : s (SECOND KOUNI.) Wilmington, at Front Street. 11 AM April 1 Wilmington, at Fifth Street. i 7i P M - April I Duplin, at KichUnds....... .. .April 7- 8 Onslow, at Jacksonville. ...April 14 15 Topsail, at Itockv Point. . .p. April 21 22 o :.U..:i! 1 I ' A r ri I ". SraniwiSL al Concord..... S. I Clinton.-. flnkesbnrv ... . May - o I ..May W-I3 Newton Grove Jlissioa,.....3iay ia Bladen.... ...Til ay 19 20 Whitttville, at Whiteviile....May 2t District Conference, at W hiteville-! .............. .May 34 27 Waccamaw Mission.. ..May 23 Fair BluCf Mission. May 3ov li7Jtbeth. at Bladen Springs Juno 2- 1 Point Caswell Mission...... Juno 5 - B.O.UcKTcr,P.E ; The Butchers' Meeting. A meeting of the butchers of this ety was held in. the Mayor's office at the City Hall, thi3 afternoon. ' There were about twenty-five persons in at tendance. Some of them were in favor of using the city markets, while others objected to going to the buildings. Wo learn that those who favor using the buildings are a hopeless minority. The meeting was heldwith closed doors. Owing to the'lateness of the hour at which the meeting adjourned we will be compelled to omit j publishing the proceedings in thi? issue. Messrs. John f U; Melton." John. C. j Bornemann and W. J. Kellogg were appointed a com mittee to confer with the committee j tor the lioard of Aldermen. Snprenus Court. Onaries Maiioy et als vs 1 .J liroeucm et als, from Kichm'ond. No error.1 Judgment affirmed. 1 iato More. vs Daniel N Mclver, from No error. Judgment affirmed. Z F Lou;? v.- McLsan & Loach, from Rchmond. No error. Judgment' a:-1 firmed. Wj William Larkins et als vs John i'ul- i lard et als. from Sampson. No wrror. Judgment affirmed. i1 . John C Sinclair, vs Margaret Ale Efryde. executrix, et als. from Robeson. No error. Judgment affirmed. . State vs Ranee Itoper, from Rich mond. Error. ''Judgment arrested. , Branch & Pope vs Wilmington' &: Weldon Railroad Company, from Hali fax. . Error. Venire de novo. j John London, administrator, vs' At kinson & Manning et als. from New Hanover. No error. Judgment af firmed. ""I ' ' City of Wilmington v Atkinson & Manning et als, from .New Hanover. Action dismissed. I Choraw & Salisbury Railroad Com pany vs Commissioners of Anson coun ty, from Anson.! Error. Plaintiff en titled to restraining order. ! communicated, j Delta, N. C, March 26, 1883. Mr. Editor: I Dear Sir: It is my painful duty to chronicle the death of Mr. William Robinson, who died at his residence on tho night of the 20th inst., at 12 o'clock. ot a complication of nephritis a,nd cys titis. It has been only a few s hoi t weeks since his wile died ot pneumonia. A woman possessing many rare and excellent virtues; and now, in so short a time, he too, is laid beside her in the silent grave. ' : The subject of this sketch was in the 77th year of his age, and deserves more than a passing notice., In his early manhood he went to Louisiana and re mained there ten years; was an inti mate friend ot the late Governor Moore, the society of whom and other prom inent planters of that time, tended to sharpen his naturally brilliant talents. which, on his return to his native section, stamped him as one of its most prominent and highly esteemed citizens, possessing a genial disposition, anu the haoDV facultv of making himself agree able at all times, made him a welcome gnest on all ocaPions. I He was the very soul ot honor, nover trying to take the advantage of his fellowman inhi3 business dealings, nor would he ti y to make by their necessi ties, but endeavored to forward their interests as well as his own. i Endowed by nature with a most liberal and cheerful dipositon, he dispensed his hospitality with a lavish hand, never bestowing his favors grudgingly or with expecting reward. Thu has he passed away, leaving .to his children the noble heritage j of an honored and unsullied name and lamented and deplored by his friends and acquaintances, whose confidence and esteem he possessed m the highest degree, i To Builders and others Go to Jaoo Bfs for Sash, Blinds and Boors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the owest price. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sealed Proposals Y'IL1' BE EECEIVED IN THE Mayor's Office, until Monday. April Id. at 5 p. ta tor lettering the different streets of the c-ity. Plana and tpedQcations will ins t crihed cn appli cation at the Mayor' office. i Trie city reserve the right to reject any cr all bids. . I. II ALL, $m-h ?lt StarcApy Mayor. S. L. FREMONT, JIVIL ENGINEER, N. W. CORNK'd RED C os and Third streeu. will make surreys, plans, est'maie, dravtl-ss. lesi5:, and will Kiiperintcc i tbtt Construction of bolldings, bildt-s; whims, &z Terraimodjrata and eatiafactlon a tared. inch S if ! Floriculture fe Horticulture. JJATING EXTENDED MYGREEN HOUSE j "i'". ' tracXa for work ia the CoiucrTatorr, Pfcrtorre or Lawn, j A choice it of ltsiica for ImddLng a&l other plants alwiji ou Lib t. - ! ........ . -' .. .. - Soqneia. rioral Decors Uo&s lor Crci-c, Halls or kUepUon, a apecialty.. Orders by nxalX proncily auended to. l . MILS. IL WEBB, SotLth side Msrket street, door troxa career . ot serosux 6 tree t. C3h t$l . We publish below the op nions of the waifLm?rrJ1, cihuf??i wmorniUff at 11 T .. i i , . .. n , . flock. In snored. 13, 3I.rket Street 6ontI Justices, nlel on Monday, the 26th inst, j suieL) - wn cn are oi mieresc to ini atotton o. i ca.a Bosjan una Gx-coi.t vc. i-'arus. can! the State: - ;j Keel vers. Jewel lxef Mantel rnnmcnt3, 28. 1883. NO. 75 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. crrr of Wilmington, n. c., MA TOR'S OFFICE, j . March 2th, 1E33. Special Notice, JHE CHIEF OF POLICE IIA.S BERN IN eiructMto arrcet all boys, white or colored, rhomybe rwbt nslcg or havlcs la their IOiirsAlon wht U known as "ilirgt ShoU". This order will fce rfrMiy eaformi. Fr IK HALL. Qch2S-2t Star ccpr Mayor The Auction Sale of . ! All of Italian Workmr.tiehip. wc.l im. Uorlet'l an-l- Kuajrt-tcivi ia -evcrv -re-erect. ! .for siop :.t e oVL-c. , ih.nn fUv-s only. Say T.V.iYs Uy, Fidy and uia io-onur.ue uarniiii' aad evemuir fir CKON'LV A MOURIS. Aiotlcnftor. inch 23 it Visitors Q Till. CiTY AIUS INVITKD- TO - THE i.IVK BGOKsTORKa nhcrc ovciythiojf to their . udrautae wiil tlion tLcia, giving t&em ia purchases the bouefl't of-'tbeh- visit. Tlie&e fetorea arc the luvit, attrfictlvo places in tliC city. ASK to L-e ehow.u thtra to i.iaLa joi:r pur. chases of rumit. Organs, or any Musical In struments, lioo'k, Ptatloacrr aai Fancy Arii" cicrt, wnlch wl!l te given yoa, ia rxrhanzc for ccisn and on tiis uIktaI Unas Ak tor inch 28 Llvo Book and ilusly Jsiores preng Summer G O O DS, NOW O P E N AT 3 3E- AT Z 3(. Marker Street All the Latest Novelties. i., t DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, ! 1 : &C, &c, &c. TULLKli ADVERTISEMENT tN A FEW DAYS. 2" Call, KCt scltd, be pteaaM. aid thereby i , '.;.. i- i .' plea , j I - i ; -, Toar obdlcjnt. Mi a?. KATZ 36 IVJarket Street. im S9 I ' f . If You "Would be Happv , V BOTJA C04)E;,TOVE. it Tho Qoiden Harvest," HaA! 1 III! T II bftLuivir.1, Or. "SQUTllKliN OAIC," Of TARKEt: . TAYIXJR. rv Tun- wijiuj o.l.i r inch SODA WATER. AND AHKjl TODAY WE WILL k P the p.-; loiici'M l-e CVl H ' ' j , ' ' Pure (ruit jsk-esoiiiy iiwl j iVIunds Bros.y i.tJt p.eoAinvAY. .Krti loiiiC.! AND WILMlNttXON, N. U - I taci XT I Aot U la cped&Cy portteofcrty caio. la the editorial eolusus. ' - NEW APVEtCTI8E2IE;?T0. AmIUuoos wait upon htr. " T And fratler gear by eTerr wile TcAfajiurtjlodbyenorj ; Not for to hide It la a bdio. ': 1 Notfora train ttm,if. m - Of bing 'uadependent. JO ilAN OAK FEEL lxbzT12iLZZS who pats bsst. . cltuated m CbqrAh, Nan, Ann, Oran, CbcttnST loito and Kaaaia iitreeu. tr J7T.r ' te? oJ vrUULng tm nj. ricapf Apply to J AH WLLOK. Commissioner's '-Salbj; of Jg Y VIRTUK AN D IN rURStTASCE OY JL uc-ie of tbc fcupcrlor Court of New Hanorer Ccai.ty.rentlfcmt in fi. oeruin avllon thcwS leii ilt? between JaroUne D.-M: btrinU i , I i.t!jtia,.aud V. n, Strantt. otalam . Cd L'jT tiiti!yrffc. !11 so at u,c .o?jt llou Uooria. tb city ofi Wli' m-ngtou on .ManU.y. the 23d day cf April. ?. v.l:lfili :Uln., t.. . cd. LvLnr Mt a iolot i4t: JTaatern Ucoof Second &urvi-;,.v,Ia'7a iUi fald Una of &vutri fcV 'Ufa--t.VtHm , lln. Hllc' ru,i,4f taotco Koathwanllr parilcl with If runinrtek fcttNit, Ufet,theaM ' outhwanUy S2, ;t, ihnm JCaattraidly so feet. thenc NoU):wtriUy T7 fcrt to th Sosth crn cf Im jUj V alicy. lUpeo r6twariJT along taid -line of lieat!r4 nlW JiOfoctto seco.itetm'tHl:!! tntnla. - . J i t The tufcyud k,t, iHfKiuuiutf u.L .4int la the Lastm inn? of Yftil' Kircet 45 feet outh wilH; trom point br th Bald lin of sci-ona Ptrt-vt is jnu.rN;ctcU .liy the Houtoarn liDH oi tHAtiy ti iey, running tboco SonUs Lastsrn iinj of .-l?ciiiU mrevuwbtins tLe raU lino Of conU iniroct U luioraocted ir tho .Southern line of Hruneiriclr etrect, ninalar thence Southwardly niouK nrl lino of SecooJ . strict IM feet to the Northern line of lieattr tti;eyvihT1(U"i,:altrwltM of Boattv'a alley SO feet, thsncc North 155 fect to liroaa-. jricK atreet, thence It!t the Southern line of Urunwto tret VO ftt, to the thin ning. - "- . - 'Aw.r7aJof Pal0Tbc 0rt afa-l neooavt loU one third cash, bntance-in Mual lnaUlmeaU at olx and nine months.' , . t"9"" , The third lot will be M for caib, the mort- page debt, U paid oat, of the Pttrchae money.; ----,.. . i i , . , . ; This 21 at March, IftSl. ' . : ' J i " H V i MAU4DJCK EtLAld. inch 21 4 aw I w we ; Commissioner. : A Larere Gtdck OP BLANK D.OOX.H; jivi'Sj - I Paper 6d Kuvblop, School Hooks. -VrapiInR raper, Papor BftKs. . Txtlce, - m '2. " . , t ricturt Prain, Albcmn. Mnaiclln!tTanvnw, jtf Ac. mch. 28 a Vfi TATE3. THIS DAY. ' . ' ' ' ' A Complete Asrtment SPRING &STJIi3IER JECKIVED TO DAY. TTlLLitE OftQt fr lnser4io& to raorrew. ' Tboo of my lady ruatotten nrhp haro bet awaiting th a nival of lb goJU-la4 etb era will find among them the jfewert 'a&d LiUtand TrctUeat gtykaae4 Dc?!p.! " A lare ASflortinent of the wtsiMcaown Cr Uas- I4on CoIUrs till tyle." Ladlcn, and ChlWrcn's. - - , " ' i - A call and an oxamlnatloo ot rxX La rv Iectfally aolitfl i MISS E. KABRER; tarh IS KXCTTANGn CORJTEILtj r Cards.! : ALAU3E A8BORT5IENT. AU nttfdei ahjns. Krinred aft-iuafrtcg.)(L t'aJl aiid KO them at j : UEixiinwFmv Steel' Engravings! mem cf VVKKL, EW;ravish,! fJarM asi Wotj fraroM.. fr' Parlor Orraatnu. AtJ'.,. : - - -.A.. , .... ... j ... HEINSBERGER'S faro ik.k vr Html". .ft4r Garden Seed!' pEA3, BEAN. CORN C A ISBA-GK Ta ti. i'w'i. OTa.-!. Ud;e!i r:"A. ; Mi A aijstkfUjfjof riTtrtr Bfo-i j i ri:h 6 SHAD. SHAD. IIOEKH HOKTC ITSU AND ' - i .PKOMrrfVrrrxT.DAV xotttst il AtLT PliiCK, bT. . . pHraLVl with llrtrr sxvlrk trtvt. ic5 feet, Uouce .North aj fm, ihnuc? Vujtlw ut u tilaK&a of ?l,C00vllh inturcfit rrout lim JCth (tlVof