Sunday ex ,iil3."t, cet-tcl by JOSH T. JAMES, PAID: .00. Tbre " iii.t Six tiiontlw, ? h;e month, 35 occla. J0?!? villi MT. ' C V . A part of the itr, at tho above j v.ivf r .. r:!r n ill ic,H.rt any end ... .u. J7 liivuic nas uic largest Jn 'b'u. nrc'daiion, of civj newspaper Louise is expected to The rfiurn Prince- to O.t.iwA. Canada, next week. .cw r!i clrielisht-tower at Hell i (, - "st j .Extensive t,r'rt and silver deposits j have ln discovered on the northern en'l of Vancouver's Island. Miss Dawcr, the daughter of Scua ur Dawes, is to become an editor on he riiitijld (Mass.) ITvening Jonr nal -t:. - la. the Department of the Interior ihereM'o 2,000 applications for oflice 'f. endorsed by an influ- ect;al man. Hostn will build a public library, wnich will co.-t with the land, $C30,0CO, am! the appropriations for the same have hcea made. Tcunes-nO ha1 )assed a law prohibit inj proprietors of billiard, bagatelle and pool tables from .. allowing minors so play on their tables without tho Yonaentof parents or guardian?. The projected Scottish Temperance Lite Assurance Company of Edinburgh, which ii to have a capital of 10(),iD0O, will Insure the lives of total abstainers "at greatiy reduced premiums.'' There are from ten to fit teen feet of taor in man? of the back streets in Qutbec and there is no indication cf .tcy immediate diminution in the quant ity. It is feared that when a thaw sets iu the floods will cause greatlamage to ! property. The ller. Mr. Hicks, of Washington, thiiteau's spiritual adviser, has en tered suit in tho City Court against thc American, for $35,000 damages, for a publication asserting that he disposed cf (luitetu's bone for a money "consid eration. : Col.' Cbas. U. Jenes, late Charlotte Observer, has been nifecdcd for nomination for of Charlotte. It was hard to of the! recom- j Mayor I believe ! that there were to be any municipal election ia Charlotte this Spring, so nuiet has it been there, until wo saw the name ofWm. Johnston suggested for tho position and thou wc know that it would be warm weather in Char- i'Xtosoon. 1 A return cf the shipping and tonnago j hick has passed through the Suez Canal from its opening in 18G9 ,to the -.m oi las: year lias been issued as a parliamentary paper. This shows that the amount for 1SS2 farexceedad that fany previous year. Of tho total of 3.198 ships (as against 2,727 in which passed through the canal in 1652, 1 PI . . 4 .,5f5 Were English, thpir miM tniinnen 1 being 5.7U5.561, as against 1,326,511, the j jrross tonnage ot the foreign vessel A young man has just died in Balti more, who seems to have compressed a wonderful amount of experience into - . t iC. i of -Hfc. He ... rprv evenly. euueatea iu ucrmany, wrote an;: N nnniH, ; r..:. i ! bones drop out -t v. 141 x ana auuaommu oi poe;:is i m London, spent several years in Mex ico a a a civil engiuecr, acted for a sea Mm in San Fran thwfm, tUht ! M N VUU T 1 mm LI: I III i I' w I f III' IIIo i aid finally reported for a newspaper. F.altimore ! Assistant SccrctaVf of the Treasury j ew expresses the opinion that First Assistant Postmaster-General Hatton will bo promoted to the Postmaster generalship. New and Hatton consti tute a close and vigorous mutual ad miration society. In case Mr. Folger resigns, Mr. First Assisstant Postmaster-General Hatton thinks Mr. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Xew would be tho proper man to sue cwd him. Yon tickle me and I'll tickle yen. A correspondent of thc .Philadelphia lr($s says the Rot. Dr. Talmage, in is recent lecture at "Greenville, South Carolina, referred to thc Yankees in decidedly uncomplimentary- terms. In lecture lie told of a man who was invited by a friendto take a drink, but declined, saying: "No, I thank J0U-1 ton't drink; but yon can give ae & cigar and flvo cents.' " "I dou't peve," said Mr. Talmagx?, "that you "iav aQy such mean, contemptible men hutc south, but that's the kind ot mca xe have in the Korth where I come from." The celebuM "Fi3h Brand Gills imnaia sold only at Jacobi's Hard- 1 i 11 Ti ) i hi I - 1 " - I j - ! ' : trrm ! - tu. - ' - .VOL. VII. General McClellan has been present-; The Egjr Hunt. , , All for JLove. i ed by the disabled soldiers in the nomej Thc Easter egg hunt took place ou The axiom that "the coarse of true at Fortress Monroe with a banner of i the premises attached to St. John's j love never did run smooth." was veri purple satin frineed in rrola lace. Gen. i church on Wednesday nftp.rnrton. It 1 fled nt fh f - . ' is the local manager of the home. army to which General j Lee belonged Iurnished more gcneral oflicers in I the late civil war than any other regiment in the service. Kb less than seventeen i officers of that rcgimcjnt reached thc ' different Grades of central in the Con federate and Federal scrvic. Ariiongst those on the Confederate side' were Robt. K. Lee, A. S. Johnson, W. J. Hardee, Earl Van Dora, Kirby Smith, John B. Hbod and Fitzhugh Leo. Jay Gould has retnrned to New York from the South. He finds Wall street in the blues and sees no reason there for. Tha Sim reporter says?; Speaking of Wall street alTairs. Mr. Gould said that from all ho had seen p.nd heard of late. Wall 1 street is the only blue spot in the country. He did not sco. why it should be blue. Tho balance of trade, ho said, ia vor. railroad earnings are constantly increasing, and points toward prosperity, j in our fa large and everything "I do not care to maku any predic lions." he said, but I believe that the country is in a much better condition now than it was a year ago.1' Mr. Gould looks for easier money, and with it he says there ought to be an improvement in the better class of se curities. ; .j . . Mr. Gould's family returned with him, excepting Mr. George Gould, who, with others of tho (party, stopped for some shooting along tho Chesapeake Bay. About tho niiddle of April Mr. Gould, accompanied by the Hon. Rus sell Sago and a -!few others who are laVgely interested! in thc Southwestern j railroads, will start on an extended trip 1 over that system. Air. Gould's yacht will not be launche'd before June 5. and several weeksjwill bo required to put in hor machinery and do the joiner work, so that it is not probable that she will be roady to go into- commission much before Sept. 1. j , LOCAIJ NEWg. IfiDEX TO NEW A0VERTI5IHEMT8. Sick JQcadncbe Cured j HnrNSBEaoEE visitors ' Vati;s A I-argo Stock W 11 Gueex Gartlea Seed Wm Gexacst Lager Beer Munds Enos Soda Water Waxted Situation as Clerk Or En a House Milton Noble S VasAmeisge, C 3 C-fLcgal a4 Geo M Ceafox, Afrt If You Want Joiik J HEDKicKEeckict Arrivals Stattmcnt of the Condition of the Prevalence, Wasbington Insurance Company - c ; r Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pioes. at Jacobis i t The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 100 bales. Mr. James C. Munds1 drug store is to bo handsomely adorned with a beau tifully painted ceiling.1 Hewlette's Humpty Damply Troupjo !ay in Durham to-morrow night, i j We notice that a great many young oak trees have been set out in different ! parts of the city in front of residences. i i i Fishermen report that the shad this j spring all carry a bundle of hairpins. lieu io inuu taus, wuiuu U3u- - air dlBW1 6llould any nf tb'eir re-: anv ot tiiGir lew The bright and almost blazing star. which now hangs like unto an electric light in the eastern horizon every morn- davdawn. iian astronomical bl - ,n - "vlul ? 1.4. ...nMlh A.l.t : The cay has been windy and the March1 duSt , ha' - "if I ? around quite lively, but in thc business quarters of tho city tho water works hnvn been more than a , match for old Boreas. . ' The lager beer campaign has fairly opened at last and Mr) Vm. Genaust, as usual, is in the front ot the fight. He has every facility now; for keeping that delicious Philadelphia lager fresh and cold.. . J Tho body of a white man. evidently a sailor, wa3 found in the river at Messrs Parsley & Wiggins' mill this morning, and the Coroner was notified and an inqnest held to-day, but tho pro ceedings did not reach us in season for publication in this issue, j Mike Glennan in Norfolk Virpiniaji: Wilmington has a new majror in tho per son of Col E. I). Hall, andl this secures a chief magistrate who will discharge the duties of the position with coartesy.firm ncss, honesty, intelligence and discre tion. O'Reilv who worked at pneumatics. Was crippled and lamed with sciatica; Again hq is well . ! I I r i And anxious io ten, j St. Jacobs Oil cured his rheumatics A lino assortment of Guns and Pistols nt Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f WILMINGTON. N. C. i r vras a pleasant afternoon onU the little ; loJts turned out in largo numbers. The ! stock of eggs provided lor thc occasion a . ' . was entirely exhausted and the yoang or die" determination to trot lifes hunters had a pleasant time of it. A neat I journey in matrimonial double harness sum was realized on the occasion. but the parents of the young ladyj op Spring: Iellcactcs. Here are some prices of delicacies from thc South iu the New York mar i i- . i - kets: wreeii onu so per crate; " I I A w . X.'C, roe shad, 75 cents to 1: buck shad, 50 cents; green turtle, IS cents a pound; Southern terrapins, $18 per dozen, and diamond backs, $30 per dozen. Canvass-back ducks arc .$3 per pair; red beads, $1.50, and mal lards $1. Mulberries from Florida sell for CO ents a quart, and; strawber- j ries are from 50 to 75 cents. ' Personal. Mr. William Tilley, formerly a clerk at the office of the Southern xpres3 Company, in this city, after an absence of several months, has returned with tin; intention, we learn, !of making Wilmington his Aitnre home. During bis absence Jie has visited the home of his birth place in England. He i? well and very favorably known in our midst, and we are glad to know of his inUntion to remain with us. He was a prominent member of the ' Anon Quartette Club, with which hp will again undoubtedly become identified. For Pocket Knives or Talile Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t New Steam .Launch. Mr. U. II. Beery has now under the courso ot construotion, at lus yard in this city, a new steam laurich which will be used by Capt. W. li. James, U. S. Engineer in charge of the Upper Cape Fear River improvements. The launch will bo sixty feet long over all by ten beam and when completed will draw only about twelve feet of water She will be ready for uso In a compar atively short timo. The boat is to be I built of the best material and will prove i a great convenience as well as a very i useful launch to Capt. James in h! 1 ; work on tho river. Street Numbers. -i j Messrs. Rioharda & Turck, who have made a contract with the city goycrii- ruent for numbering the streets, have made quite a notable progress in their work. They have canvassed the entire j Southeastern section of the city and also considerable ot tno isortiieasiern- por tion. They expct to begin affixing the numbers next week and will puah the work rigorously until it ia completed, which must be by the 1st of May next. rrf f r ti s: . 1 j me price iorioe oruiiur iiuuiuuta is thouch the tractors i morc ciaboratc flsurcs for whic s bac h a higher price will be charged shonld such styles be preferred. The 3Iarket House. . .There was a joint meeting held last night of thc committee of butchers and the committee of thc Board of Alder men) which; were appointed for the purpose regarding the Market house qnestion, but nothing defin; to resulted. The committee on thc part of the Board of Aldermen made a proposition that the butchers should have 'the use I of stalls in tho market houses, subject to no rent until thc 1st of October acxt, the close of the rental reason.. This proposition the butchers1 committee were not prepared to accept, but preferred to submit thc matter to the butchers of the city for consideration. Another conference meeting will be held at 8 o'clock to-night, when it is ex pected that an agreement will he reach- ed. - ! " 1 City Court. Davo MalJette. colored (and an old offender, was brought befote thc Mayor this morning-charged . with embezzle ment.. Thc tacts in the case as adduced by tho testimony show that the defend ant was employed by Mr. F. Mayer, I tho city detective, to arry a bunch of! fish to the hon?e nf tho latter and was i paid for the job. This Maliette failed ?g to do. and when Mr. Mayer went homei ccj tired apd hungry in expectation of a grand supper of fried fish, there were no fish not so much as a minnow - there, nor had Davo pnt in an appear ance during the afternoon. He bad evi-1 dently sold the fish and appropriated the money to hli own use. For this dereliction of duty Dave was required to clre a bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court. He is now in the cus tody of the Sheriff. ; IMmw, FRIDAY. MARCH 30. t au ,.. V.- UWl VV"U VI , ivn l-days since. 'A. young' couple' of -opposite I i 1 sexes had formed an 'attachment i for each other which had ripened into a "do posed the plan. This wa3 the condition ni o tXi Ji? -. T'J-. .i--.-ln-. r itC 1 . ,u u,i .i j xucu cue eictu iduicr, uuuuiaii: uiuluit ; "jand wanted -to-get-married daughter j were tradinir :n om, of the stor. aml the' young lover appeared upon the; scene, j He and his sweetheart started to walk out together when the father j interfered, and for a few minutes fists, knives, pistols- and siicks tvere used without any regard for personal conse quences J but, strange to sa no one wis tprirmslv damned U v fir-allv I wb fccrioubiy uauiauu. ii s ui.aa ' decided to adjourn to the woods and fiffht if ouf wifh thf iindprtandin" that uut ic out wiai Lue unuerraauuiiJo uai the better mau ot the two should take the Vgai." I We have not learned the result. It tho old man got licked, i gift a son-in-law; if the young man gat licked he lost a wife, unless he-goes back on his word. Our columns are open. for the marriage notice. A Good Mau Gone. We are pained to chronicle the death of Mr. Owen Fennell, Sr., which oc curred at his homo in Sampson county on Tuesday hast, at the advauced age of 80 years. Mr. Fennell was for fourteen years the sheriff of New Hanover county. He moved to hi3 late residence in 1853, and engaged in farming, which hehas followed over since to' thc time of his death. He was an honorable, noblc- minded type of sterling , manhood. and honored and respected by ail who had the good fortune of his acquaintp.nce. Of him it may truly be said. "A ; good man has gono to his rest." j JElmwood Shirts. Messrs. A. & I. Shrkr, 34 Market street, have been appointed sole agents for the well known1 Elm w6od Shirt which is undoubtedly the beat in the market.! Each shirt comes in a hand some box.GlveJe2n:jtal. t South Front. Mr. Geo. M. Crapoa, agent, at 3 South Front street, appears in a new s land attractive advertisement to -day j His goods are all fresh and newly re-; celved and tho stock is kept up to fam-1 ily requirements. Ho has had-a large experience in tho bufiness and knows ! what to buy and hcjw to sell. Dr. Mayo. Dr. A. D. Mayo, of Boston, is ex pected to arrive here to-morrow nibt. j He will nreach at the Tileston Hall on Sunday afternoon, services to begin at 3:30oclock. lie will lecture ftt t he same place on Monday night, com- mencing at 8 o'clock. - His gnbject will be "American Bfains in American Hands' - ! ' j flic Graded Schools. Vo learn that morcthan one hundred persons, of both sexes, visiter the Union Graded School during its session to-day. a largo portion of whontj were too parents ot puniis in attcnuacce. This is a good thing for the teachers as i well as the pupils and a very wise and judicious act on the'part of thc visitors. It encourages the first, stimulates tho second and mnst be a source of much satisfaction tp tho last. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque &ccnd Foyn, Capt. Berg cleared to-day for Cronstadt. Russia, j with "2.000 barrels rosin, valued at j $4.828l3-i( shipped by Messrs. Paterson. j Downing tc Co. ! " To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. Yon can get all size3 lowest prices. and the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. A I' SITUATION AS CLEKK Ol2 SALE3- oan in a mercantile bouse. Lon? experience In Dry Goods and Gnx-er- ie. can sire excellent l-cierences. Address H. tT . c. Lich 30-ltr IviewOflice. Lager Beer. ERGNKU & ENGEL'S PHILADELPHIA EP., on Ire. Have cliade excellent arracire- uit'uu iu iuu OUIUUIU4T iiititi, my ten bnlluln- arrangedepe elaJIrfor the pnrpo- ! Wil. GENAUST. Eonrth street, Just North of Boney Uridxe. ! SODA WATER. O N AND UTEK TO-DAY WE WILL! Lecp tho moat delicious lee Cold Sodi Pore fruit juieoionljr used. . founds Bros., Pispensln Phannac:u, I 1.4S1 BROADWAY, XEW TO UK, AKI WTJIINGTON, K. C. ' NO. 77 XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SICK HEADACHE. Tbe real and Cr-t caase of these ledacUca la to befouni in u j 'cor aud irapoverUlU coa-1 dition there arc irnvny local or exciting cause for th-5e keafiacben, &uch as fatigue, orcr ti..'L. v i. (. . i in . i . M mil. r M luir i:i kill. ki n usual men I. tslitaalaiuU. au1 - other thirjrs may brir on an attack, bat all because i j tho nervous system i run down. Now- for the , cure. . ". i. - '' CxC.kY. BEN S OA 'S ahc kill cuarfEAACMeru rmysL VEOtilGAJSfyoUSNESS n z 7 FAC SfMite S;C'ATURE CH EVER BOX. Tboufl-smls of 'tjcathnuuial.-) to prove the above ns3rt!m3. 'We kKc a few sample.: l llA! Nl CliLM AND SlCK .HEADACHE ' I UK klokai. os onita jlluicises , wori(D SOY CUIt!:i CLT yon: Cei.krt ) nn. s. ;. iiarburg. Ca-8twn, o. i iOK 00 TtA,:'- VI ?"wr ixtekvals, i nAi)ficK ih?am vrrir.. Yorj; Piieh have i 'Rji Hmw. iiKbhani, Maneh.-er. .Fmoii - VKU:, , 1!Ai(.,I(KilK!u,A,,u;. jicon; i-u.i.s vmi.u m;:.' .j. . jiuckit-r. .. ..... , jxoxo standi no. ner MV CASK VA! NE iV ur rii.i..s. i :onoi:i:k- (jJorrnriH .Minister )f the Gospel, Ltlio, O. I VI WANT VOL' TO KNOW HtW MI CH VOITK PILV HAVE IMPJ'ftVKI) MV. NEMVOfS -SYS tkm." Jlev. P.. K. Tavlor. IjvvrenrviJle, Pa. I I -' . - Dr. Ik'n-ton' Sit iu Cure i;Oii3i!its of Internal fiml external trtitnicnt at rame tbue! anil it uiates the j-kin white, sofc and Kmooth. Jt contains no pvMonoti drugs. 1 at lruggi?t. "Dk. Bessok. Yoirn Piles auk jltkk ExcELEKST. rot i: Skin CrnE also. It is FAST CrmXG MX UArCIITCk'S UINi woum, WHICH HAD SI'KKD ALE OM tt HKU tol'f." Mri. L. L.. It. Men-lain, lttuc'Hili, ta.3. . C. N. Crit teuton, f?lo Wbok-saUv Agont, for Dr. C: W. Benpon'd Kt-uicdtts, 11 Yu ton tt., .Now i ork. men 30 lw-AUi-fjiu IfouWant LION MAKSKT SP1CKD HKhF, 1-Jxtra Fat No. 1 Hwro Mai:kirt?l, -Sugar Cured Pi; Ham. 6ugar Cured Pii; Shoulders!.- tugar cured nrcaitiabt strip; I - And those well known CAKha, Ie4 the eitv also. i full Hue of choice FfiESIf FAMILY GltdCERIK i i . At popular prices1, go to GEO. M..CKAPOX, At.. 15 and IS aouth Front si inch ?-tf Recent Arrival. rniiK GOOD. LACES, KMBROlpEHii:, IjISei TABL15 GOODS HANDKERCHIEFS.. Ladies and Children' HOSIERY in great i, ! vai at T 1 . 'I . - . r ! j j OIT J. UK DJR IOIC . j ,nch j ! I ' ! Statement I g"fWING triE condition or Tiicj j rs-ovuienre Va.h;nirron irfimin Comptnr f of J'rovidnare, it. I., poeembersii-r., tw. - ASfjpJT.s : Uaud i state, alio all ottic stocks and bonds ab- , Kolate'y owned by th Company.... 5 ""i.lW.'w Interest due and accru-. ed on stockd and oth er tecUriticH i.V.). Cash hi CompaayN principal ofilco and belonjlnztothc Com rianv, uenoslted In Bank 41,TM.21 73,4! l.W Premiums or asei ments unpaid Premium or t3 ment loans und notes All othor n??ctc, detail ed in Eiatcment.J Tfttal A.,-eti j.nw.ej LIABILITIES , Losses uupaid, iur'ud- l tug thow." re'irtel. . . . Eefterve, a re-riulre! byaw ; '. . All other Claire....... Total JJabiiitie. .70 i .DO ' Cat itl Stock paid up. Total Income-. TotaJ Esicaditnres... Noiitii C.i:oli Inrsr.Ni:. LV JJ P.Lt3 written. . . .. .. Premiums Tecelvvd. . . I-, Losses paM on rUlts taken . Ix5tea incorrcd 4. $ C5i.iJl 1.709.OI None. Nune. President, .1. II. On WOLF. ecivtary. J. Ii. LUANCH.' Generalfrect JXO. f.GOi:iON A IlltO ' Wilmington, N. C. STATE OK NORTH CAUOLINA, Orncc S E.c n kt a ii v f state, . lNLn4!CCi: Dld'ARTMKST. i - Pak-ih, N. C, 2TUi March, ls3. i,i An Act to con- 'atc tbe Infturantc La of N E. ratltlcd Mareb 7U. 1 cer Oft Is Car.. 11 I8S3. ,1-SiLCerUfr h! tl,c!rrw THE CITY AliK JNVIIF' TO IlIE aboro 1 a true extract nicut o: iTovjittnce an;nxtoa intirance In thl Depirrment. - i -V; L. YAUNDE !. ' mchS-J s ; OecrcViry oi State Garden Seed I OEA5?. T.EANS, COItV, CAHHAGE. Tu ! tun KiHiifth fVilltttili I'iii.-h. .b I'or&alcby ! - W I LXLAilI. G REEN. . . Drcsjisu each c PLKASS NOHCIL We win bo gii tu reooiT coaaounSeatlar j from out frWndi on uy ind til tabjtdi of i KCiMraltBterMt but "-I I f The turn ot ihc wTlter mot alwaj b tit j cbhed to tho Rtltor. I, r I CoMtuttons must t wrltUa on oaly' loniaoof the patr. Vi I ; rj " i ' ( rersonCQcs mu&t bo ATolUd l , And itU eepcdAlIr.aiHl pextisUrlj tx&a H'xxt that the KeWWc not ahrtn cadcrte tie Tlnr of correiD4at VTile to stated la tho edltorUl columns. " SEW .VI VE RTISEMEinS . OPERA MOUQEv . Monday & Tuesday, Ap'l 2 & lt. aiilton rJobioc, I . . . - AR,,.lfby ,t!?.e "t talented Comae- 5?3? ocallst DOJLX.IB KOBUiS, m new and tlrrtnff Comtxlv i IISTTEKVIEWSi And on TUESWAY tVE.NlSG wAlboircent. pi the weU-known auU rornUr men 30, Zl. ' . SLito of North Carolina, . ; Superior Court. i Crorg Hall, Chas.l laur.rraa.l 1. If.hure, CrJnj;MFtan ' ' . ' i . . -I n r Shureamt S. W. Vki. 1 Tui. a moUon m.t.le for leave to Uue txt ' euiion 6u a juajrment obUIneJ In the rtrV cause for the sum of )!. wlih lntereal TftSu January Sfitn,. Is7l, mul It bolus tuaSe lio- ne. ana I), u. Miur, re non-roiUcnu. that ;a tnl Htato. nubjwt to the lUsn of Mia laa. inent, al that neimer or tbo defendants can. a''" "Jlnco, be founfl In tbU SUtft, now thla is to oootraand tue said xlefendante to uppear at ray oMc m the Citvot Wltolur toj, yn the lltu liv of Mar. 1Ss3 at laxt j exf i a. ni., to nhotr rati. If nnw thnv ..kJ rutlon bhonl t not Inc tbereooV ' ' - Clerk Superior Coiut New mc.Ji sp law cv .-.'. j S.VANAMR1NGE, n .mover uoivnty. - - - , j1'' '. ' v v r TmTiv Tm N, I . H If hi t ft AT I ! "7 1UJJ1V11'11 I , ! hvit iv:i x- ... ..'i.-L Cro44an.ITbtra ftrin t,, wlii make aurreyit. plants ebtlmate,, drawii.s, Uelr, and fUJ superintend tlu cynstrwetioa of buUdlnr. bridges, wharver?. ic- . Ternis uioiteraU anl eatiifactlon aured. -tr 1? Our Friends Remember THAT WK 601.1 1-1' ROYSTEE'S,, CANDY from ihi ftturt kt Thlrty-Fho Cents per oiiaJ, bu t- wera f orcctl r fb4i, i-icof to Forty j Cents, and then to Fifty Cent", -m Koyater' J tride in otter portions of tho Ma o It-omnlaln- ed at the lnw price wo wcn charging. ! Wc Jid not intend to reduce Wiiipriec, an ROYSTKIPS CANDV IlAfc A LW AT3 STOOI ION IT.-? OWN MKKIfS, AND W)LL JtRAR COMPARISON WlTli ANV CAKDr fN j THE COUNTRY. . . - V I j OTHER CANDV IMANUFACTUItEllsJ not ; coutrut with th rnstom they ote rtelrfftj',T Uayc rcd-.ired their rpt Cndr Forty Cent 1 per vonnd. -which act, U turn, has Lad aced jto KKDUCE T1IK PRICE OF ROtSTEtt (CANDY CrVt And Purest Mlxtnre) tr Ue present. tv . . . . ";35 Cents per Pound ! Or, Three Pounds for $1! Of nrwf! there 1j no mooey In thlf for us, ni -vr will if ihc old Mac, "Thei flttet friU pun ire", has any truth to Iter ikL P. L. BRIDGERS &r CO. mcb 1 . . '- - ' ! ' THIS DAY; A Oomplete Assortment -tOK- SPUING & SUMMER JTECKI VED TO-DAY, WILL VE OPK.N forln-peetion to-nvrTOw. 'm, , J ... J J ,' , V . Those of tny lady retainer wbo hro ben - i '-'!' i awaiting the anival of thce KwUto'l oih er -srill tlr.i among them the Netreit ni1 Litest and lrotUet Style and Dcfllss. ; A lare a-Mortraeut of tbe well known 4r ....... . . ' ' ..! '--i " ".'"' . ' 1 uaa Luaen conara all tyle. Ladle af Chil.Ireii. A call and an examtniihia nf .' i jipecrfoKy solicited. 7 iMISS E. KARRER,. mch li EXCHANGE CO&XEIL Visitor LIVE I'OOKSTOIIKH where crrrythldff Io j their a-tyanivt-e., will W. boiru lUcru, firg J theni In purrhaapi Hip k-.flt befrj Uit. : Thee frrt air t)m iu.t a'tt .iAtir p-n jn i thacitj. . : , ... -or - - - I I ASK tr It- ahofrn U nx.ile v.ur nor- I .; stromenia, Dook, .Ltiknery and Fauer litL ries wtlch wm be given XT la YSf?r ' Cirfh and on th mot literal trrx a k for UTcEciaii'tii:3h,-:-i