THIS PATER vC., every evening. Sundays .IOSH T.JAMES. rD:io:: aS3 FaoraiEToa. ril'TIUNS POSTAGE PAID: ex Six month", r-.W. 'icreo One month, 35 -cents. 1111 ' . , iit-frrv! lv carriers free ;. iti Ju view Ims the largest of cnlj ncwsDaverl z'f '. -i'ci. , 1 '. n'y r Vvilmington. ;-- ' .- .. . -ro' ."it'tl to hold an Irish Coe- M.mtrcal oa Dominion Day. er. K Uvr rcl Kvorctt Halo, of B03 S.f it Mexico for an ex will build more rail- -than-, in any rf-centj . . - j for whiskey and 250 j is c onsidered the proper Prr icot 01 Folice estimates cno'OO anamhis'5 and ni - rn.itcd States. : Montana mines, will marrv ; .."Senator Saunders, of! L j v;.o !.'- A rvKrtf thecity, atuioatovo v 1 . ' '.(.-. riil it i-Mit auy ari l all fa . i:f.-'.r pr-per r.inlarly. he other .day, on an n.130iUCWUttl 8l"tu ,v-oof.!i).o)0 .i year amazed a suns j fortune vi z iOl',000 ... .. ... . iius $l,H)e.-J93 m savings tanks I:-.iiar.:i $1,793,619, and Dela warc il. ''-"!, 7;0. whiie Ilhode Tlanl H'.-iic 1.-4. ;1I,000.000. ,m Tli'; .cibles may all immisrato to u:e Ui.i.t -.i States, but,--fortunately for New York, t heir plots will still be aim- to-,vUr,l the- Old World." ., rt"iiy-ij:v students in cmedicine Htic tn 'i-'v.iy diplomas at tho com- ionceiiifai cxt-rcises of the University ..f Louisiana last Thursday. The par value of seats in the New York Cottou Exchange is $0,000, but ;he otiier day a scat belonging to a bankrupt broker was sold at auction for 3,900. Mr. Clark, architect of the Capitol, widely suggests that the statutes placed in Statuary Hail be of the same sizr, a one colossal figure' dwarfs others of ordinary size. - Mr. Hayes rewarded all the in en' who stole the Presidency for him. It is iri order now for Mr. Hayes to make Kel lvVS Postni:istcr-General for services rendered in the Senate. On the evening of April 3 the leading artists of Mnph'son's opera troupe wil' jrive an entertainment in New York to a'd the endowment of Washington and L:c University . t : Th; Baltimore American announces that.Mr.CC. Fulton, the editor and rropr'atui of that paper, who has been .seriously HI, is now regarded by his physicians as out of danger. Judge Eiirerie Gary, the Radical can didate for .Mayor of Chicago, made a speech recently, in which he came out very Wrongly fur high license. The election occurs to-morrow. - . -,- . . The Overland Telephone Company capital $1,000.000 was incorporated in New York on Saturday, to operate tho latent ot Myron L. Baxter, ot Washing ton, for long distance telephones. ; : An Illinois judgo has decided that the directors of an insolvent bank are personally liable lor the bank's debts to depositors, on the ground that it is their businc33 to know its condition. Probably a million tons of coal will bo mined in Tennessee this year. The uut-put last year was 857.S79 tons. Tho eoal is largely used in making coke, and m that form enters into consumption. The irrepressible Tom Ochiltree, of Texas, was not elected to Congress by m ordinary constituency in vain after all. lie is to get his $500, and settle UP tne $10,000 he owes the government ater. The report is current that the cx Khedive. Ismail is preparing with his ons to avail himself of the permission flowed him to return to Egypt. It is "aid that he intends to take up his rci 'fcnee iu Alexandria. fio emissaries of the Mormon church ;in2 r"eetius with considerable success m some portions of the South. A party ot about 200 proselytes have receutly "ijsraiel to Salt Lake, the most of oiu yere 1oni Xortbcrn Georgia Bahama. The reruiatlon Li' .u:u 1 ...l?i0r f lhe uaIrm ot the British army ever since the days of Oliver tTmmiecll : - . .", ia 10 be laid aside and a S r t' imilar to that worn by r, is to be aubHituted. - 1 - - - - ', .i ! . - r- r1 "i : 1 : 1 : r ; m VOL. VII. I T--- LOCAL! NEWS. ,IKDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' G J Koney -Notice I Yates Just Iiccelvel II 1X3 BERGEE Visitors V II GuekS Garden 6wi Mods Bros Soda Water ' OTTEEBorHG Fine Clothing F C Miller A New Supply j Kkights or IIoxou Local ad Pnor. X. bcuiiiDT Tuning Pianos Walter G. McBae, Socty Notice G Eoxev & Soks Diasolution Notice M M Katz Spring and Summer Goods KERCnsrii &CALDKJ5 Eros Grocrric3 . G Boxer & Soxs Copartnership Notice Joux W. Kixg Attention Uou&eliecir5 J K Beowx, Sect'y Wll. i. F. Ins. Co. I Jj Bripgers & Co Unprecedented Unih if i To day the naval !storoKear of lfS3 f v - : begins. !, ! Silver Plated Snnn'ns And Fnrks. inv; t Col. Jas. G. Kenan, of Kenansville,.is in tho city to-day i - , , ( 'Ti.. : r ,i 1. I . I- 1 ' Herrmann, the Magician, will Ahow ; here next Monday night. Roe shad once sold in this market :( j St. per dozen. Fact-so ills said. For Pocket Knives ot Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Ilardvvaro Depot, t f , ; rr TT , We aresorry to learn that Mr. John : - j. Holmes is very sick at hiis residence ' in this city. ) This is the last month this Spring and Summer in which oysters' fere consider- eu ui- en to eat. Vegetation is at a stand-still and will probably remain so as long as this sort ot weather continues. Milton Nobles will lkld tho boards at the Opera House to-night in "Inter views" a play of his own composition. . The Steamer Passport will lay up for her annual repairs in about ten days preparatory tp resuming j her summer trips. Audrew Johnsonj colored, was sen tenced to five days in the city prison, by the Mayor this morning, for disor desly conduct. " J Quite" a number of strangers from the country are in the city, drawn hither j by the Criminal Court, which com- meuced its term this morning. Knl glits of Honor. ! i i Carolina Lodge No. 43. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. It. The last soundings taken at the mouth of the river show as follows: Bald nead Bar . 13 feet 6 inches Western j 11 " 6 1 " " , 1 1 1 Rumors wererifo.on the streets j yes terday of the killing of a man in Pad dy's Hollow Saturday night, but it turns out "'twas only an April 1001 joke" Hon A. M. Waddell is to deliver his famous lecture on "lorso and Maury" in the Court House at Rbckingham this evening, tho proceeds to! go to the 'Pres byterian church at that place. J f . ' The work of demolishing the old Union depot transfer shcd3 in the yard of the W. & W. and W., C. & A. R. R., near the foot of Red Cross streets, was commenced Saturday, preparatory to building tho handsome brick (ware house for tho Wilmington & Weldon Railrpad. - ' A lame Chinaman on the Pacific, Of pains and aches was prolific; Ho limped all around, ! Until he had found ; i i St. Jacobs Oil, the great 'specific. Prof. N. SchmittJof South Caro ina, is in the city and offers his services, through advertisement in another col umn, as a piano tuner, a business to which he has devoted a lifetime and for which he is thoroughly jcoinpetent. lie comes well recommended and it would be well lor those whose pianos need tuning to secure his services. Rev. Dr. A. D. Mayo is in the city i and will lecture at Tieston Hall to- nighU'.bcginning at 8 o'clock. His sub ject will bo, as previously announced, "American brains iu American hands." Dr. Mayo is an interesting and instruc tive speaker aud his lecture jwill un doubtedly attract a large audience of those who enjoy refined literary cnter- ; tainments. . i ! Messrs. A. & I. Shrior. 34 rarkCt reet, have been appointed sole agents J street for the well known Elmwood Shirt j which is undoubtedly the best in the market. Each snirt comes in a hand-! some box Give thm a trial. t WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. APRIL 2. T" ; A theory i3 worth investigating which j declares that plants in pots may be j restored to health by means of hot ! water. Ill health, it is claimed, ensues j trom acid substances in the soil, which, ; being absorbed by lhe roots, act as ; poison. The water, which should be j 145 Fahrenheit, washes out the hurtfnl i element. Tho following is the number; cias3. j i and tonnage of vessels arriving in this j port during the month 'of March jast ir.ded Amebic an . ...4... ...6 1 Steamers - I Schooners. 3380 tons 1693 " ijTotal American. 10 5073 tons i! Foreign. . .2.333 tons ; Iiarques i rfK3- . .1. ...3. . . i278 ! Schooners. . it 1 1 . t . Total Foreian 1 1 2,948 tons u -1 S ' ' Total American and Foreign 021 tons The H. aud S. Society. j The regular monthly meeting oi the I Historical aB Scientific Society will i be held this evening. The regular lec- i turer for tho occasion having failed to J q Burr wm.fiU the broach. by 1 reading I a number of very .interesting letters (written during the Revolutionary War. now in his possession, relative 'to the ' vin.flr.,. ., , - , , nrcDaro ms Daner in time. i;oi. .ias. . - -r Criminal Court. Ane,ipniiermotTtm3 tribunal con- i Biiwi -jlu iuu vxuri xiouse at xu o ciock this morning, His Honor Judgo O. P. Mearcs, presiding, and Solicitor B. , R. Sloorej appearing in behalf of the State. Tho hours of the morniog were om ployed in drawing jurors and other routine work preparatory to the !dutic3 of the term. The following is tho list of Grand Jurors for the term : F. n. Mitchell, foreman; John M. Clark, Elijah Lane, F. C. Sadgwar, Richard Beasley, R. A.! Kingsbury, J. T. Kerr, A. B. , George, W. 'M. Hankins. J. Fernberger, Eli H. Batson, W. J. Penny, A. F. Davis, George P. Lamb, W. W. Waddell, Jos.D. Smith, Wm. Cromwell, James Quinn. .1 i Celestial Observations. As the moon has now left the even ing sky, the comet discovered by Brooks on February 23d has again been ob served. It is fading visibly, but i3 much higher up i-n tho sky, being now near the Pleiades, and moving so ra pidly that in watching at intervals through tho tolescope one can seen it changing its position among the sur rounding stars. (The great comet of last year is also still seen, but it is too faint for any but a practiced eye to obf serve. There is also now to be seen iri the western sky on any clear, dark evening what is known as the zodiacal light, a lenticular-shaped column of light, rising up from near the sunset point and extending about forty-five de gress toward the south. Many theories are given to account for it, but none are really satisfactory. Future discov erics and labor ate yet needed to put our knowledge of this wonderful ap pendage on a sound basi3. The total solar eclipse of May Gth may give us some new light on this subjecfc, and as tronomers are hopefully waiting its re sults. I County Commissioner's aieet insr. The Board of Count y Commissioner's met at 2,30 o'clock this afternoon in regular session. Present, H. A. Bagg, Chairman, and Commissioners Roger Moore, James A. Montgomery, E. L. Pearce and B. G. Worth. The minutes of the last meeting were read and appprovod. The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of March, 16S3 ; general fund showing a balance on hand of $18,371.40, and exhibited thirteen bonds of the denomination of $500 oach, four bonds of $100 each, fifteen coupons of 15 each, twentv couoons of &3 each. I and said bonds and coupons were : destroyed in presence of the Board. Register of Deeds submitted his re port of fees received for marriage li censes for the month of March, and ex hibited the Treasurer's report for the ntnp t i i-k 'r t n j c.u r ' John D. Jay lor. U arden of the Poor, exhibited the Treasurers receipt fori S19.60. money collected by him - from " ColumbUS COnnty. . Tho following persons, were granted license to retail liquora : J. B. Nixon, , j w Gm T Herbert. A. D. w - The celebrated fish Brand' Gills Twino is sold only at J ACOBt's Hard ware Depot. : The Quarantine Board of the Cape Fear River he'd a meeting on Satur day, the 31st ult., aud organized by (he election of Dr. W. G.Curtis, President, and Dr. George G. Thomas, Secretary. The quarantine regulations of last year wero re-enacted for ihe ensuing year, and they will be published in a few days for the benefit of the public. Cotton. The receipts of cottom at this port for j the month of March, 'first closed, footi up 6.255 balca, as against 6,158 baleg f for the same month last year, an in crease this March of 97 bales. The t receipts of the crop year to date foot up j 1 122.794 bales, as against 131.669 bales dccreae this ! sfimft df Inst vrnr n ! year of bales. Vessel Bloivn Over. Daring the gale on Saturday . night tho German, barque Atlantic was ' ; blown over and she now lies on her beams end in about 14 feet .of i water. She was lying alongside of a wharf at the Empire Floating Dock undergoing repairs and had chains run out to float ing stifTenings which gave way , and the vessel was blown over on her side. Her porta being open for repairs she filled with water and sank. It is not known as yet what damage the Vessel has sustained. Efforts Will be made to raise her immediately. Personal. Rev. A. , J. Barrow, of Baltimore, j preached iri St. Jolm's church yester- day morning to a large congregation. His sermon was an excellent one and was heard with much pleasure. Mr. Barrow has been invited to assume charge of the parish and will remain here among us for two weeks before making up his mind in tho premises He is at present the guest of Dr. W, H. Green. We hope that his short stay in our cityif it is not to be prolonged-"-may be a pleasant one to him. ' To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doora, Glasa &c You can get all sizes and at tho lowest prices. Newton Enterprise: One would have supposed that' such cold would have destroyed all prospect for peaches- this year. But as well as wo can learn from others and from our own exam ination we find that whUe a larger pro portion was killed, some trees escaped with a right -respectable number of sound peaches. NEW AJTEKTISEMJENTS. Attention Housekeepers ! IF TOU WANT TOUB LOUNGE. SOFA, Parlor 8et Upholstered ; or your Furnltura Kepaired and Varnished; or if you want yer olci Mattress Renovated; or if you want a Hair, Moss. Excelsior, Straw Mattress, or any thing else done in your house in my line, give me a call. JNO. W. BESO, - apl-lt Corner Front and Princess sts Tuning Pianos, J)KOF. X. SCHMIDT WITH AX EXTEKI- enco of tweaty-flve years and now a resident of this city, lis prepared to tunc sand repair Pianos, Melodians and Organs and will uar- an tee satisfaction at moderate rates. ! Second street, between Market and Dock. ! apl 2-lm Riot ice IJ1HE ANNUAL MEETING-OF THE MEM bers (rolicy-Holders) of tho Wilmington M. F. Iaaurance Company, will bo held at the Office of the Company on Second Street, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, AprU 4th, at 8 o'clock. I J. K. BitOWN, apl2-lt Secretary Notice. rjIHE FIRM OF G. BONEY & SONS, AT Duplin Itoad and Wilmington, N. C, is thb day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts j due the firm at DnpHn Boad are payablo to the 1 1 - new firm of G. Boney & Sons. All debts due the firm in Wilmington are payable to G. .T. 1 - Boney. j G. BONEY, I W. J. BONEY, D. E. BONEY, G. J. BONEY. spl-2. 1XJ Copartnership Notice. rjIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY formed a Copartnership mwler tho firm name of G. BONEY & SONS for the purpose cf car- ryiuj on the General Merchandise business at! - oa. (t.j. boney' I u." e bonet! Duplin R.n:c, April 2, 1S. 1 ' nAtioA jnK AND AFTER Tni3 DATE X WILL carry on the General Co nun If si on bnsesaia Wilmington, under xny ovm name.' ; . . . G. J. BONEY. . TTllaljton."-,ArrU51XSS'.-'-';: It 1883. NO. 79 XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FIYE HUNDRED Childreu's Blouse Suits, ! i IN GRAY AND BLUE. f MAMMOTH STOCK Fine Clothing ! FOR MEN AND TOUTH'S VEAU. TREMENDOUS LINK' Fine Furnishing Goods !j INCLUDING Gauze and Lace Underwear. Otterbourg's, MEN'S. WEAR DEPOT,! npl 2 ! Unprecedented Rush FOR UROCERIK5 F ALL KINDS. CANVASSED AND UN CANVASSED, Sugar-Cured & Otherwise. Touwlll never starve whllo meat U so cheap aad plentiful. BREAKFAST 8TBIPS, COBl BtfilEF, c , Ac ROYSTEE'S CANDY I ! - still holds Its own threa poana for 1. Cheese, Cheese, Cheese, CHEESE from Bottcrdsm, CHEESE from Switzerland, CHEKSB from Yankoedom, Sap Sago, Xeufchatcl, Young America, Extra Cream, &c. ' Come early and you will bo suited. ' P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. apl 2 Visitors rjlO THE CITY ARE INVITED. TO THE LIVE. BOOKSTORE, where everything to shown them, giving them in purchases tho benefit of their visit, j These stores are the moat attrn-dlvc rUce In 1 tho city. j ASK to Ixi shown there tu make your pur chases of PUnos, Organs, or any Musical In struments, Books, Stationery and Fancy Arti cles, which will be given you in exchangofor Cash and on tho moat liberal terms Ask for HEINSBERGER'S, apl , Live Book and Music Stores Bacon, Lard, Molasses, - i Flour, Sugar, &e. 100 1,0X08 Smkoi aud D S. SIDE?, . 100 Tniw laud, 150 Uhds and Bbls. 3IOLASSES, 1,200 Bbls FLOUlt, oar popular brands, 50 Bbls C, Ex.jC aad Gran. SUGAR, 75 Bags Coffee, 'all grades, 200 Boxes Sosj,i 200 Cases LYE. IW Caes Can and Hall VOTA5H. For ale bf . KEttCIINER A C ALDER BOS. apl i 1 I Just Received A' N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Velvet and Eboay PICTURE FRAME, "--! BLANK BOOKS, suitable for CTery branch of Business. , PATER, ENVELOPES, ' I . PEN 9, INK.-, j SLATE. PENCILS. Ac, &c J and Paper Bag. YATEs BOOK STORE apl 2 TJotice. 'HE ANNUAL MEETING .or Tin: block - htliers of tho WIIINaTtJN COTTON! MILLS wUl be held at OSce of the Navaxa GaanoCo., on TUESDAY, ICta" April next, at 11 o'clock, A. 2L . WALTER G. MACRAE. PLEA1E NOTICE. :.'";.. 1. , . We will be glad to receive cocuacslcxEora from our friends oa u; a4 an 1 tahjecti ct goneral Interest but ; Tfio name ot the writer aut always be tat nlahod to the Editor. wBuauiMwuoai nssi oe written oa 1 caly j oae aide of the paper. j .PersonaBtlea must be avoided And It la especially and particularly -tsAa stood that the Editor doee not always eaca tie views of oorrepoodenU mJeee. so stated In tho editorial oolomna. . 1 i ! NEW AD-E1XTISEM1T0. S p r i n g & Sum mo r GOODS, 3r- -tsar, k: a. a?j z 9 . 30 Market Street JUST RECEIVED All the Latest Noveltios. COODG. Black anaC0iralltkik Ottomans, RWlaJM!, Brocade, Surral, Light Shade ; Fancy Silks, Satirs-iualiscw Shade. Sur Vciliog, Tamtio, Cashraeit.MohJUT8, Beigrcs, French Buntings, Sateea, Zephyw, Seersucltera.reir&Iea," Ilaen L&tvna, ladles Cloth. I v Honey Comb Sacklx, , I . Silk Tontee, tfv ! WHITE GOOD: I: IX KVERY VARIXTY. - Piquea, MarsoUlort, Embillerie, Lci, irl- ' 'j Point, tho beetaeaortmentam jrreatt Tflriaty In the city . .1- - CORSETS, Hosiery, Gloves, tace Collars, richtui. Tie, 1 -Vlllat9, llandktrchlefa, Blbhona, Crep. Housekeeping Goods !: Damasks, Spreads, ToweU, Tapkta, - ' - j LADIES, MISSES, MEV AND BOTS GAC8E M&KIXO UNDERWEAR. Men and Boys' Cwpicacrcs, Linen and Cottonade. ' Fall liilCS Of , STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to maution. All at prices so low that will give satisfaction for durabllitri qiial-' lty and ibeapncss, . j Call and save mosey by buying of IVJ. Twl. ICATZ', 36 Market Strcotl apl 2 - . --.. , OPERA HOUGE. Monday, & Tuesday, Ap'l U & 11. lUJilton Woblecv AsnUted by the young and talented Comme dieone and Vocalist DOLL IE NOBLER,. I and an excellent Dramatic Compaayj 1 in the new tuid stirring Comedy, i written by Mr. Noblc, ,1 INTERVIEWS. And on TUESDAY IIVENESG vrlllbeprecal- pu nn weti-anown ana popular PHOENIX. j f heat hoc 11 red at Dyer's. Trice 6J . . ,Tach30, 3t ! 1 JUST KECEIVED. K'EW AND HANlSOMF. t J i ' I ' I ' FRENCH MILLINERY OODU Jtwt rrrivi-! and Jar sale br i . Ml. KATE C. WINES, Secoud street, one dor from Postoflictv " A New Supply QF RED AN rj WHITE ONION jETM, Peas, Beans, Corn", Cabbage, Jte. - i Drnga and Chemlrals, Patent Medietas, Toitftt and i ancy Arttckw, Ac. x resenpuons suc'J at au hours, day aad nL?bt. r. C. HILLEU. V M m w w w 1 ... ... - German Drcsrriat, Conecr Fourth aii'i N en ats. each 21 Garden Seed ! AS, BEAN. OORN, dABILVGE, pEAS, BEAN. CORN, CABIUGE, Tn j nip, Mnai. Collard, lUdUh. Ac, Ac j i A line selection of flower e,i. - 1 For sale by WILLIAM;!!. GREEN.) yrcztUt, . mr It SODA WATER. QN and atei: today wh witx rounds EroG.J 1.401 i;::o iDAY, m:f Torjj,