t -- - - - I I . . " I . I.. I , , I cepted by jOSH T. .TAMES trou y raorarETOX. KIPW GE PA fiJ'V Sli month, fi.00. Thr"e 0 f l.; One month, 35 oent. 353trT nil! be iVUvrl by carrier free "I? my r-nrt of ue city, st tixyabove " ,A,W TXT H-". i.r rnt kw n.l liberal, .'rr thrtr pm regularly. 7V Prtiy Revive has the largest JZifLU rireaMion, of any newspaper i'h- d, in M ctty of Wilmington. uZ2 d Igl.ind elects Billy Sprapie Tb arruV of the Kins of the Ilawai . jel&r.Ucomists of forty-nine -men. pisbop letter's brother. Knight Pot jhftsjust died at Lyons, Wia.,-at It is estimated that tho winter ' wit eat fcrvt will i "iy 75 Pr of a averse crop- . - r Xba estimate now is that the Star Koute trials will cost the government bif a million of money. Uli ' Uncle Barn's farm grew two-thirds of the 150,000,000 bnshels of wheat im ported by Great Britain last year. The President intends to go to FJori . U tomorrow. Secretary Folger will probably'go to tho Bermudas this week. MUs Mary Ann Conkling, a sister of ex-Senator Roscoe Cpnkling, is in tho city Hospital at Rochester and is said to to dying. She has been ilUwo weeks. "A rsovement lor Episcopal govern, neat Is gaining strength in the Luther an Church. All the pastors in the Eas ton (Pa.) Conference have declared in fayor of bishops. The mother of Oscar Wilde has a kmf poem on Ireland in the Boston Pdot. Her conclusion is that the Irish people, driven trantic. "will take their it&nd in a mightier land, bsyond the Lroad Atlantic.1 A German, English syndicate is re ported to hare secured ior the settle ment of German emigrants, 1,000,0000 acres of Mexican lands in the States , of Nueva. Leon, Zacatecas, San Luis, and Potcsi, and to be also negotiating for doe additional millions of acres. Mr. L Austin Spalding, of Lockport. N. Y., has succeeded in securing a con tract for digsring seven miles of the Panama canal at $1,000,000 per mile, ?regating the neat sum of $7,000,000, which he expecU to supplement with an additional three miles at tho same price. The New York Sun commits the lingular mistake of calling $1,000, 000,000 -a billion f dollars." A billion mean a million millions, a thousand thousand millions, or ten hundred thousand millions, and is expressed in figures thus: i,rj00,0()0,o00,000, A ijht difference. Cicero J. Hamlin. of.Buffalo. N. Y., is president i a consolidaiton of five mat glucose factories, with a capital of $15,000,000, of which Mr. Hamlin owns and controls $12,000,000 This combination includeaall great glucose fartorieflin the United States. Tbo mayor of Charleston. W. Va. tts a salary of $50 a year for his serv ices, and he has no perquisites. Unless the history of his election ia falsely written there was not quite as much of scramble for tho mayoralty "of Charleston as for that ot Wilmington oa a recent occasion. The Anglo- American ball at Genera took plaoe with greAt eclat on Monday, the ISth inst., says the London World, The challenge thrown down by Ameri ca was taken uj by Scotland, in the ahapeof a-lovely-blue eyed "lassie," ae-both looked and danced to perfec tion, while the appearance of two fair Americans created a sensation which S'.ay extend to London. A proof of tho new. two cent postage Ump, which is to take the placo of the three cent stamp now iq use, has been received at the Postofiice Department. It contains a portrait of Washington. od the ornamentation is different from thfct now employed. It wiii be ncces Ury to design a doable rate, or four woi stamp, and do away with the lire fifteen cent stamna, except for for fen correspondent. EPublisiikd Br Request. o nfiR1,1 to anoutce the departure ot nb?Li?miJ?ton, to danjhters, lrBto rgen Point, X. Y., FrU ft a ftnmw where she remain we wote5 behind er, and o?rd??4i5? surprised if some ol beLwInrT?rs Merchants should soon be off fo? of their clcrks, who will htr J?rn PoiRt. She aUended &l J$n ?n Thursday night, at w lTSo?Lt0her- Y hPe that she wU SvSf0 h 1 friends, who Tie . D ailt ; Eetie v. VOL. VII. W LOCAL NEWS, INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XATES-Just Received I UEXN8 BEROS Visitors -W It Grkex GarUon Seel Mois Bkos &xt; Water 1- C Miller A Kew 8uiplr G 8 Love k Co KoUce to Shippers The receipts of cotton at thia port to-day foot up 149 bales. 1 . , Silver Plated Spoidnj and Frrk, low pic8. at.lAComg ! f- ' f ' The steamship Benefactor, Captain Tribon, arrived 'atijier wharf in this city this morning from Kew York. The river was still rising yesterday morning, and at that time , there was about 35 feet of water on the Shoal3 We are glad to learn that Mr. .fohn L. Holmes, who has been quite sick, is reported to-day ai3 somewhat 1 better. 1 ' ' .J. . The John PL I nee Comedy Company are booked for the Opera House in this city on the Friday of Inext week, the 10th inst. The steamer Bladen did notjleavo to day on her regular trip to Fayetteville. She has' been detained for repairs and improvements and will be ready again in about two weeks. I ! ! Mr. Geo. F. Herbert has rented No. 13 Market street and is fitting it up very handsomely as a bar and saloon. The doors will be thrown open to the public in a lew days. A gentleman from Polkton, in Anson county, who was in our office this fore noon, tells us that, in his opinion, the result of recent examinations of the trees, there will be a fair frnit crop, af ter all. The first large shipment of straw berries this season from Charleston, via the Atlantic Coast Line, passed through here this morning. ! It! consisted ot three car-loads, bound for Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. On Saturday, Aril, -7th, Bronson Howard's brilliant ' society i drama "Yotfng Mrs. Winthrop" will conclude a most successful run ol ' nearly 200 nights at the Madison Square Theatre, New York. It will be presented here with an excellent cast1 and a representa tion of the original Madison Square stage setting. : ' j 7 We understand that the liabilities of Mr. Julius Hahn, whose failure was an bounced last Saturday, will amount to about $33 000. The assets are not stat ed but Mr. Hahn tells us -that he hopes to be able to pay.out all right. There are preferred creditors in this city, with claims amounting to something over $8,000. who are secured. lender Items. The Magistrates of Pender county met at Burgaw yesterday and elected Mr. Luke McClammy one of the Coun ty Commissioners, to fill the place made vacant by tho resignation ot. Dauiel Shaw, Esq. ' I i The question of au Inferior Court has been agitated considerably, but no no tion lookinsr to that obiect has been taken as yet v 1 Sales ot Ileal Estate The entire real property belongingHo the estate of the late Henry Nutt has been sold at pubfid auction, by Messrs. Crouly & Morri3. The Bladen county property brought "s2,900, and eight lots at Smithvillo sold lor $1,000, and the balance of tho estate, located 1n this city, brought $31,645, aj tota- of $26, 445. Tho prices " realised are all low. but the Kile wirprobabfy bp confirmetl. - i i - M-mr mi hi u mi. i- r j m ' Satisfactory Result. The result of the call made . by Hie ladies yesterday fori contribution to Mr. John Sneeden were veryj encour aging. The affair was well managed and Mr. Sneeden and Ills mother have both expressed themselves as deeply gratified to the kindj -ladiei : who inter ested themsel ves in their beha!f,a!aUo to tho generous donors who have ai5t cd them In their distress. ) Personal.! Williams. T. Bannerman, Esq.. the hard-hearted, cold-blooded Clerk of the Superior Court of Pender county, was in the city to-day, and confessed that he had not yet obeyed the imperative rule of the court in his case, which Is one of peculiar wickedness and shows an amount of depravity hardly expected from a young man of his age. W hope the Solicitor, at the next term of court, will pray judgmont f against him. He nchly deserves iL j , ; The celebrated. Tish Brand' : Gills Twine is eold only at Jacoti's Hard ware Depot- V . -'';v'-i"' ': ILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. APRIL 3. Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in regu lar monthly session at the City Hall last night. i . , "The committee on Police Department reported the following nominations for the same, ail of whom were elected : Captain A W Wigga. , 1st Servant G W W Davis. i 2nd do Robt Green. j 3rd do II M Capps. ' Privates E Allen. G W Bishop, W B Bowden. B K Bryant.! D 8 Bender, M F Costin, J F Everett, Geo W Gafford. Lewis Gordon, R Grantl W 11 Griffith, Sam'l Howland. B F Latham, T E Mayer, M McCali. H J Mints. J M Nelson. FT Skipper. M 3 Walker, W T Williams. H Woebso. .p II Bat son, J D Orrell, W B- Smith. Wm Martin. Day Janitor J D Poisson. Night Janitor W W Mint, j - Committee on Streets and Wharves reported that they had made a contract with Messrs. - Richards & Turck, and recommend that the plan ot numbering the housea be changed, as follows: Numbers to run from 1 to 100 and from 101 to 200. The report "was received and adopted. " Same committee were granted further time in reference to grading Third street. Resolution adopted at last meeting in reference to sign boards ior streets was repealed, and the whole matter was re ferred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. Petition from citizens asking that the dock, foot of Chestnut street, be opened, was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. j Further time was granted the com mittee on Public Buildings in -reference to the division wall between the county jail and city pound. t Committee on Fire Department made the following report: ! . ! 1. That the horses of the fire com panies be not used in the old street wagons, which are reported to be ex cessively heavy and so badly worn out as to be a load for the horsesj without anything in them. Adopted. 2. That $100 to $125 be allowed to the Little Giant Co. to exchange one o1 their- horses, which is lame. Referred to Finance committee. 3.1 That when fire company horses are worked on the streets the receive credit for the same at $1.50 per day. Referred to committee. 4. That the drivers or nre company horses receive the same pay per day that street hands receive. Referred to committee. Mr. E: G. Parmalee declined the po sition of Assistant Chief j of the Fire Department to which he was elected. On motion, the election of his successor was postponed until next regular meet ing and the matter referred to the com mittee on Fire Department. A petition relative to the removal of the portico of the National Bank build ing on Front street, ;waa referred, to gether with tho report of the Chief of Police on the same, to the committee on Streets and Wharves - The special committee to confer with the butchers relative to the occupancy of tho market houses, reported an agree meat by the terms of which tho butch ers agree to occupy the public markets on the 1st day ofMay. 15S3. The report was received and the committee dis charged and tho report was referred to the committee on Ordinances, gh Mar- j kets aud Fees, and on Finance Alderman Fishbiate offered a reaolo. tioni tnat tne irinanco yoniiiiee oe employed to effect some arrangement with the City Clerk and Treasurer, so that a deputy tax collector may be ap pointed. TAeferred to Finance Commit tee, j A resolution was adopted, calling upon the Treasurer to furnish state ments ot the debt of the city, April 1581. and . April; 1&83; the amount of tho Sinking Fend; what constitutes the said fund ; if in city bonds, by what authority they were issued ; also if the chairman of the said t and furnishes a bond, and to what amount. Col. S. L. Fremont was nnanimansly elected City Surveyor, and Dr. F. W. Potter was unanimously re-elected Su perintendent of Health. . . It was ordered that the Mayor ie al lowed to appoint a messenger for the use of the city bfScials. Adopted. A resolution, was offered that the City Surveyor be instructed to make such surrey of the streets of the city by which the grades of streets may bo es tablished. . . - . A claim from Geo. Harriss & Co., relative to totraj cf cchconcr Mice Hcarn, was. ca motion, indcSnitcly pestpenrd. ' -: . .. . ' " Wharves were instructed io'confer with the authorities relative to afiordiog proper accommodations for passengers arriving and departing by rail at tho northern end of Front street, j The committee Wharves were ins; on Streets and ructed to buy two new wagons, suitable for street work. j Aldermen Fishbiate, Chadboarn and DeRosset were appointed j a committee j to denne the duties of City Attorney. 7! ! Adjourned to Thursday night next. U mailables: Tho following is a list of the.unmail able postal matter remaining in the Postofiice in this city; j Tweeds & Co.. Richmond, Tnd., seed men and florists; postal addressed to A. N- Walters, Corner j county; Susan H. Scarborough. Ocracoke, Hyde coun ty. N. C. - ' - - Criminal Court. The cases before this tribunal thus far have been such as to be ot very little interest to the general reader.' Several parties were arraigned on the charge of selling liquor to minors, and fined one penny and costs. Miles Cooper. - Larceney, judgment nisi. John Roderick. Misdemeanor. Not guilty. Thomas Randall. Asau!t and Battery. Dismissed. John Martin. Larceny. Judgment ntiiV -' '. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Ja corn's Hardware Depot, f The Hewlett. Troupe. The Goldsboro Messenger says that "Hewlett's 'Humpty DumptyT had but a very small audience, and these were much disappointed. The performance failed to come up - to the expectations formed from reading the notices given them by the Wilmington papers." How this can bo we fail to understand. We have not one word to retract, of all that we have said of the performances, here. They all did well more than well and the delight ot the audience was testified in unmistakable terms. Why they should not have doue as well in Goldsboro as in Wilmington is some thing that we cannot understand. Dr. Mayo'a Address, The above named gentleman deliver ed a highly interesting lecture at Tiles- ton Upper Room -J last night. His subject, as previously announ ced, was "American Brains in Amer ican Hands." In an able way he showed that it was the in the hand that jhad brain working contributed so much to our country's rapid advance ment. The address was delivered in an effective manner and will long be remembered by those whose good for tune it was to ba present. The Doctor has seeo much of the South ot late years and ho speaks in high terms o'f what i3 being done by our people in behalf of educrition. We feel sure that his ad dress did much good and we hope he will again visit" us. County Coramissioners. Tho following proceedings of the Board; of County Commissioners, at their meeting yesterday afternoon, were too late to be included in yesterday's 'issue of tho Review" and are therefore pub lished to-day : j I The following Tax ; Listers and An gessors were appointed : Wilmington Township Tax List Receiver Jas G Burr. Assessors O G Parsley. Jr., J P.. R S Radcliff. Jas G Burr. ; ' ! j I ' Capo Fear Township Tax List Re oeiver Iredell Johnson. Assessors W O Johnson, J P., O M Fillyaw, Ire dell Johnson. " j Harnett Township Tax List Receiv er A A Moseley . AssessorsA A Moseley. J. P-E W Manning, C H Alexander. Masonbom Towship Tax -LUt Re ceiverJames. A Montgomery As sessorsJohn A Farrow, J P.. Rich ard Bealey. Elyah. Hewlett. Federal Point Township -Tax Ll? Receiver Jacob H Home. Assessors J cob Home, J 1 Joon 1 Uiaaie, Stephen Keyes. The report of Commissoner Roger Moore. manager of the City Hospital, ! was received and ordered spread the minutes and placed on file. Kim wood Shirts. nPa I Market Messrs. A. & I. Shrier. 34 street, have ben appointed sole agents ; and th rate wu apply to all new - i n-. c-; j heense obtained before the expiration for the well known Elmwood Snirtjofa qnarter. nndcr any-of the four which is undoubtedly the best in the paragraphs of section thirty-for;r of the market. Each shirt comes in a hand-1 some box. G ive them triaL f , To Builders and others Go to Jaoo El's for Ssiu Blinds and Doers, Glass lc-- Yen en rrt ell size : ar:d at the NO. 80 IntervIeTr. Mr. Milton Nobles iannearcd at the , Opera House last night in his new play of the "Interview," and was supported by hi3 company in a very creditable manner. The piece perse does not be gin to compare with Thoonix,1' the one in which Mr. Nobles1 has won his laurels, but hi3 fine acting and tho gra cious support given hiin by his compa ny made quite a hit. . His character of "Quill Driverton" wa3 admirably con ceived and excellently enacted Mrs. Nobles met with favor, with th0 large audience which had , assembled la3t evening. Schwarts, in his character of the German waiter, was good, but tho character did not give : his mirth provoking proclivities as wide a scope as is granted him in his inimitable character : of Sheeny in the Phcenix. The other members of the troupe sus tained their parts well and did all. that was to bej done to show up to the best adrantage. To-night the entire' troupe will appear in the inimitable spectacu lar drama of the "Phoenix," with No bles in his quadruple characters, and Schwarts as the irrepressible Sheeny. (Jrood day to you, Mistress O'Broine, An' how is the pain is your gpoine? . Och, divil a bit Have I of it. St Jacobs Oil cured it np foine. - JThe Stat Guard Law. The following is the act, passed at the last session of the Legislature, for -the encouragement of the State Guard : 1. That the (governor is authorized to pay to each duiv organized company of the State Guard, which complies with all the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the active militia, the sum 6f one hundred and fifty dollars per annum,-for tho payment of armory rent and other necessary expenses: Provided, The number of said compan ies shall not exceed in the aggregate twenty-five, and that said companies shall be located on or near the. lines ot communication by raiiror.d, or steam boat, or telegraphy 2 That the Adjutant General shall b4 appointed by the Governor, and shall hold his office for the term ! of four years: snail execute a bond ot two ihousapd dollars for the faithful per formance of his duties, and shall be paid an annual salary of six hundred dollars. " I 3j That any officer or enlisted man failing to pay over any fine imposed on him under the generall law and regula tions, or uude the by-laws of his com pany, may be proceeded against the same as for ordinary debt before a justice ol the peace. Judgment having been obtained, cxecutiqn shall issue and be levied and collected as in ordinary cases the money when collected to' be paid into the company fund. - 4. That Hie lawsi of 18TG-'T7, chapter 272, section 2, shall iJo amended by adding the words, "And the Governor may, whenever tho exigencies of the public service require it, detail for spe cial duty any officer of the State Guard, and his expenses aud compensation therefor shall be paid upon the the ap proval of the Governor and tho war rant of the Auditor." I 5. That the Governor shall have power to make such use use of any ap propriation maqe by Congress jfor the militia as he may deem for tho arming, equipment, support, maintenance and discipline ot tho State Guard. The ex penditures shall bo made under his di rection, by such officers .a. ho may di rect, and a report of the same shall ap pear in the annual report ot the Adju tant uenerai. Tho Revenue Act. The following circular has been sent oat by Treasurer J. M. Worth. It will be of intercut to many here and will serve to explain fully the construction what has been placed upon tho pro visions of the revenue act passed by the Legislature at its recent session : The following aro the provisions in brief with a construction lot section thirty-four. Schedule B, of "An Ac: to Raise Revenue : Every person, company or firm, for i selling spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or medicated bitters, i3 taxed as folio ws : 1st. For selling in quantities less than a quart, twenty coiiars ior eacn quarter. 2d. For felling iti quantities of one quart atd less than five gallons, twelve dollars and fifty cents for each quarter. 3d. ForsetHng in quantities ot five gallons or more, fifty dollars far each ijuarter. 4th. For semng man liquors ex jcsively. five dollars for each qnar- xhfi tares ara to be naid nvartirlv In advance on the first days of January, April. July and October, and the li- 5 J m w oa LU Licenses heretofore cranted to Dcrsona to retail liquors which expire during a j cuarter, can be rene wed to operate until the first day ot the succeeding quarter, joy paying the proportionate amount of present law "All druists dealing in liquors arc required to conform to tho abovo law, except only in casesi where lienor is nod in com pouncing in eaicnev I 1883. , PLKAAK KOriCE. : ' "' ' ; ' ' v !".!! - Wc will b glad to xtogIto eonuatuicailsc from our frteod oa any tad m s&ttctl ' cl SQ&er&l later ; ' ? .. j '' Tb name of tt writer raiut aJwara ta ta alahcd to tlw Edlt. jl ..' I Communlcatlont mvst bo vtUtea ca CZij one. iiilc ot Uie paper., ' ' Ierso&ailt!4 most bo avoldod4 . , amu opclaliy aad p&rtlculaxtj tiirj.' ood tlut the Edaor doea iut always eact9 tte vlewa of correspondc ata tmlo&a so In the editorial oolcmna. . Narrow Escape. A little son ot Mr. Joseph' Lewis, t fisherman, aged about fivo year. tt leraptea ro cross Aiarket street, ca tla West side of Second, thia just in iront of a horse and coTcrcl wagon, and was knocked down tr3 hurt. , The driyer'was so seated' la do wagon that ho could not see tho lad until he was aotnally under tho tcrra loet. He immediately jumped oat, tad taking the boy In hi3 arms, carried hirx home, where ho said that if any injury was done he would soothat it wis pall for. Dr. Potter was at once called zzi hA KfaffHl fliaf. tWex Knn nr.ci i U!UJ UUa iiiJUiUU, Jurther than a smali fiesh wound uzZzx the chin. The horse was j walkinr tt mo wiuie vi tne zicciaent, ana no fcifw in tho matter can be attached to' the driver. ' .. .-,!-,-, J , ' i i . NEW AIyERTI8E2iniIT0. Notice to Shipporsi TOE STSAMER BLADE3C HAg detolrod for repairs and hnrroTaincata. TTQl reanmc her trips la two wpfka, I :- .. aplSlt C. 3. LOTB A CO; " Tuning Pianos, i : PuoF. n. w: nir idt with an zxpzzi. ouc of trreatr-flve years and now a reddest of this city, l prepared to teae and repair Planoa, Mclcxllans aad Oraaa and wlU jreii ui.vu cuiiDionuji mouernio raiea. ' t Second Btrcct, bctweon Market and Dock. u apl S-lm i . j TUK C1XY AUE INVITED TO TCS L1VE noOKSTORE. where ererytaln i9 their adyantRpe will bo. bhown thomi gtrter them to purchases the benefit, of their tUIL These ntorei are the most attractive places la the city. -' ; . - j j j ASlk to bo Bhowu thoro to make yonr-tmr chases of Pljno. Org:an9, or any Mualeal ! strumenU, Books, SlaUonery and lcyArt.: cioa. which will bo alren you In exchange for Cash and oa the moat liberal tmai Ak for ' I r . HEINSBEUGEE'8, Pl2. Lire Book aad aloaio store Bacon) LardrMolasseg, Vtr: j Flour, Sugary &c. 100 00X08 8moked anJ D- s- BIOES, 100 Tub IJkim i i mi liuua and Jibla. MO LASSES. ' i 1.200 BblsFLOUB, our popular brands.' itul C aadCfran.3uaAit, 75 Basra Coffee, all gradef, j 400 Boxes Soup, : . ' ; r 200 Cases LYL, 1 - 1W Caea Can and Ball POTASH. Fcr ftalo by . 5 j : . . . . . KERCirNElt Jk C ALDEIt BU03. apl 2 Just Received. k. X ELEGANT ASSOBTHEKT OF Tel ret and Ebony riCTTJHB rSAlfXS. BLANK BOOKS, suitable for arerybrxae of Business. . i PAPEB, ENVELOPES, v i ' PENS. INKS, J . . ! , ; SLATES, PENCILS, &C,&. Straw and Manilla Wrapping Paper, .1 and Piper rr aplS YATES BOOK 8T022 JUST RECEIVED. N EW AND HANDSOME ' FRENCH 31 HXINEET COOD3 Jost rpoelvod and for sale by ;j ME3. KATB a TtTNxi, " ?oconJ street, ona door from Poctoea mch ai-tf If You Would be Happv "The Golden Harvest," "CALUMET," ! Or. "SOUTHERN OAH. Of PAEKJta 6 TATLOi, Pure White Oil. xacA A Wew Supply QF BED AND WHITE ONIO CH. l'ea. Beac. Com. f!iukr a-j. I Drugs ana CheraWU, Patent HcCca. TonetandFancyArtklet.ee. , , " lrc3crlptIona flld at all horrra.day a4 nLrht. P. C. MlLLEllT 7 . . Ccnnaa lrarUt, men 31- Correr rourth aad Nan sta. Garden Good I pEAS, BEANS COEN, , CAXBAGS; Ttt - aJp. Siaah, Collard, Baliaa, 4tc, a. A toe election of Flower fed. 1 For or Diwt,--t SODA WATER. . QN AND AFTER TODAY TTS T7IUL keT the rcst deffcMa lee Coll fiodx. arc irui justs' oiuy u"!ea. - j r j l m Ci kj . l.-T.U 3 .'it . 4 ,

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