THIS PAPER publlahcd every evening. Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AND rROFRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: vear 4.W. Six months, $2.00. Three uionuw, . TLaipcr will be delivered by carriers free ot charge, in any part of the ity, at the above t nrlOrente per wok. . ' Advening rates low and Hleral. -ubfcrllcrs will rejwrt any and all fail ureR t., receive their paper regularly. 0- The IMily -Jit. view has the larfet : mjna fide tircuhition, of any ncwytapcr polished, in the city of 'Wilmington. JSS f The Lnntl Leaguers in Australia have j i.een orsanized. j - . ; ' It is announced that Henry Irving,; the actor, is to ho knighted. - ; . - Gen. W.1I- Cox and Mrs Cox, from-! this State, are in New York, "city, at j the Brumswick. on their way to Europe. . .-- -- . ; . C. 6; .Benjamin, a colored lawyer, i Was -tDDlied for and obtained a license j io practice law at the Alhemarta county j bar. Va. j : . . j Florida has overflowed with Northern i tors this inter, i aiaiKa aione has accommodate! I over 1000 during the past two months. .... . - -. . i'he Archbishop of Chicago has come out with a powerlnl appeal to the Iloruan Catholic peoplcto sustain the movement for high liquor license. r - It is reported that Princess Louise will not leave Bermuda until May, when she will sail lor Halifax ia .tdmirai Conimerell's flagship North ampton. . " i he largest national debt in the world i owed by France. It amounts to $4, k$3,&W.0OO, or $117.70 for every man, woman and child in the country. Next . oiiics Kussia with $4,3l4,fc07,59!). Mr. Gladstone is sper.dinr a few days with the Prince of Wales at Sandring. ium. It is beginuing to be geuerally conceded that lie will not appear, in the lioiibc of Commons after the present 4 new effort on a reduced scheme is io Le made to complete the lxmgfellow memorial at Cambridge. The proposed outlay is now set at $50,000 about a quarter of the amount originally and half the amount subsequently named. Howell's Newspaper Directory lor 1S3 reports a total ot 11,19G newspapers ami periodicals in the United States, i lie iucrease being There are i,062 tuaily newspapers, and the are increas ing il the rate of sixty or seventya year. ... .- 'I he report in New York is that Mr. Win. II. Vanderbilt said to his son on the night of the ball given by the latter: "I wish I could afford to giye such a ball;" to which the son replied. "Ah! but you have not a rich father, as I tme.v : Salini Morse has been again enjoined from presenting his Passion Play m New York. In the meantime there are 'ois ot girls, chorus singers and others, who have'nt been paid off in eight mouths - and who are in danger ot absolute want. - The Insurance Chronicle toots up the fire losses in the United States and Canada at J0,U0,064 for the year lSS.l Of (h total, $3i,r05,O24 is the amount of loss in the United States. During the past eight years the destruction of property by lire in the United States . amounts to $.93.4-J7,0ut). j ' Ine President of Mexico, in his mes- ! SAjje to the Mexican Congress, saysthat i he republic is in u, highly rosperous t'onditiou. The receipts of the national -reusury lor the first half of the pres- t'tit fiscal year exceeded the receipts for j beans, 3.50 to 3 per crate; new cab U;e same period of the proceeding year j bage $'2.75 to $3.50 per crate jand $8 to by nearly a million of dollars. ' $13 per hundred. . . j j : Tlie Hudsou river was opened for Will lie? liavigation last Tuesday, the river now One of our city mercljants advertises being clear of ice. Few people undor- "hats tor a soug.t" We wonder if he stand how important the navigation' of; win rrive us a brand new, latest style this stream has become to the com- j ventilator rim hat for a natural, but merce of the natiou, and the presenta- j superb renditon of "Mollie Darling a,,iAs lion of the statistics of its annual traffic a further inducement we will 'sing for exhibits its opening for the sjeascn as j him, ':Empty is the Cradle," vyith the ue?ent which deserves to be ecle-j variations and thrOw in a few measures wrated with delight" by the people of of "We never speik as we pass' by." New York. It is estimated that the j eommeree which floats down the Hud- j City. Court. u auuually amounts toJ0,000.000tons, I Thexe was a samenes in the procecd wurth $75,000,000, aud a fleet of nearly j ings before Mayor Haljl this mornipg luu.OOo boats would be required to j that became almost monotonous.' Tie move it at one time. The value of the j first case called was Alice Hall, colored, river a3 one of the links in the water; for disorderly conduct, ivho was rc: route between New York and Chicago j quired to pay a tine of $5 or, go below ito be greater this season than ever for 30 days. She went beloy., before. The distance from Chicago to ? Laney Moore. coloirel, for the same Uu'dalo by water is 1,000 miles, from 1 offense, was subjected to tlie same IhUVaio to the Hudson by canal 363 j penalty and Went down for icompajy s. and from the union of the canal ! tor Alice. aui river to New York 152 miles, mak- j Cari Davvitt, forf t le same ofl'eqsc ithti entire route 1,515 miles. Dur- I had the same treatment and he went 2 the winter the lit ids on has iriven Ort Olio e( iht nrron f irv pmnl i ork one of the rreatest iec crori: er harvested, but the season which! optica rueday will give that city com merce wonh more than the ice in all the storehouses of the world.- I For Pocket Knives'or Table Cutlery, eo to Jacobs Hardware Depot t r 1 ! VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS INDEX 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Vateh Jtut Received W JI Gkeex Garden Swd V. D Ham., Mayor Notice Tuning Pianos ani Organ Vf cGo w as eyster on Icei. j Mirxos IiuosSrida Water. ! llKlHHKKKR-l-Jilauk Hook j . : P C Mii.lei: A Ncjw Supply' f'. l U Mef.tov-blue '..raf Ileef Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low- pices, at JACorii.'s t Col. II. Ii. Short was in Xewbern on Wednesday. The Journal calls him the ''Prince ot Waccamaw," and somebody - smiled" thereat. ! ! . i -j - -w. x. uuuu, n uuu luuuij has accepted the invitation of the La li Mempfal Association to; deliyer the address here on IMemorial-Day. j x . Dr. Thos. D. Hogg, of Ilaleigh. is in I the city looking after his interest in j the Castle Hayne farm which we under stand is to be extensively cultivated this year." - j The Newbern "ayi" ?hll says Col. S. B. Short, of Vicomer Lake, and Mr. Worbeu, of Wilmington, werej at the Cotton Exchange to-day." And such is fame! I hat line beef hanging in front of LMr. Melton's meat store to-day has at tracted much ptteution. it is from I Tennessee, and is hard to beat. It will be on sale to-morrowj See ad. The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. 1 j i I . . j Mv. Jas. W. Barnes tells us that he has the prettiest crop oil garden truck he has ever had, though all ot his .crop is a little backward.' He jsays he has 04,000 as fine cabbage plants as he ever saw. 1 We learn thatllev.jF. W. K. Peschau, Pastor of St. Paul's Elvangelical Luther an Church in this city, will deliver the Suuday evening address to the students of Newberry, (S. C.) College at their commencement in June next. It is stated that thej pants which are to be fashionable this spring are as wide as an ironing board, and those you wear at present might make stripes to put down the sides of the new pair you intend getting as jthe weather opens. 1 1 j - Raleigh Visitor: The Rev. Father White left this morning for New lrork, in the interest of thejehurch property of the Sacred Heart on Hillsboro street. During his absence from the eity Rev. Father McGinjnity, ot Wilming ton, will officiate at, jhat church. Maleiyh News ad Observer: -We notice at the geological museum speci mens ot what is said to be Iphosphate rock, from Castle Hayne. on i lid W. and W. 11. 11. nearj iWilmington. It has been discovered there in large quantities, the mines being the proper ty of Dr. Hogg, of this city. An analy sis of the rock shows an average of eight per cent, phosphoric acid. The do- posit is said to be large'and to hajve been only repent ly discovered. ' " Karly Vegetables. In New York, at latest advices, cu cumbers were worth $5 to $8 per crate ; irreeti neas. 5:3 to 5 ner crate: string below limwood Shirts. Messrs. A. & I. Shrier, 34 Market street, have been appointed sole agents for the well known j Elmwood ' Shirt which is undoubtedly the best In the market. Each shirt comes in a hand some box. Give them a trial.. . t . WILMINGTON. N. C. Board of Aldermen. . The Board met in adjourned session at the City Hall last night. t s An election for standard keeper was ordered. Mr. John II. Pugh. was put in nomination and unaimously elected. The motion to in(Teh"nitely postpone i i ..... i . me ciaim oi Aineo.! HarnssL in reler- t encc to the schooner Ali:c Hearn, ; passed at .the late; meeting of the Board,- was recon3idered,anl ihe mat- terr referred to the Sanitary Committee Contract for feeding and keeping city ruuies antl carts, furnishing drivers, j Sic, was awaVded toT.! JSoutherland, - at his bid of $30 per month for each j mule and cart. H L I .; y J Contract for furnishing lumber fori the use ot the city was awarded to Northrop & Cummin i rr . thousand .feet."4'5' xne om ior mrnisnin'Tiras n or street lanms wftRi-AffrrilWf!nwmTtfnn r.n Lights. - l( S,Vll:l f Contract for" speVific printing was awarded to & f Hall, at his bid oi $67. Contract for feeding prisoners was awarded to W. W.,Mints, at his bid of 10 cents per meal. ' Contract for furnishing disinfectants was referred to the Sanitary Commit tee, i - ' i - Contract for scavenger work was awarded to W. M. Hays On motion an additional scavenger .was : authoriz ed,! and Beverly. Scott was elected to fill; the place. ' . Xv Contract for lighting and extinguish ing street -lamps, furnishing oil, &c, was referred to the Committee on LjghtsV. ' j " Bids for lettering and fuirnishing sign boards for.streets were opened and read, and on motion referred to the Coram it tee on Streets and Wharves;withpower to act. The resignation of Capt. Henry Sav age, City Clerk and Treasurer, was read, as follows : ,-- k - To tJit Honorable tfte Afaybr and Board of Aldermen of Wilmington, X. C: Gentlemen : I desireito thank your for the honor conferred on me In; elect-, ing me as City Clerk; and . Treasurer which office I have filled lot nearly six years; and also, fqv the complimentary manner iu . which said election was made. ' . . . ! Since my electioni howerer, I have made business engagements which would prevent my giving the duties of the office that close attention which is required, and therefore I beg to tender you my resignation. . I would be glad if my successor could be elected at such a time as would en able me to surrender the office to him about the middle of the present month. Very respectfully,' " Henky Savage, City Clerk and Treasurer. Alderman DeRosset moved that the resignation of Capt. Savage be accept ed,1 to take effect April l5, 1883, and that the election to, fill the vacancy be postponed until " Wednesday next, the 11th inst. The motion was carried." A resolution offered by Alderman Fishblate, that no cart bouse be allowed west of Ninth street and between Church and Campbell streets, was adopted regularly -licensed livery sta bles excepted- Alderman Boney offered aaesolution, which j was adopted, that the Chief of Police bo allowed to, use the old wagons belonging to the city until the new ones are received. j . I On inotiou of. Alderman Chadbourn, the words "selected oy the butchers," in the proposition made to J the butchers, was struck out. j The question of repaving Water street, from Dock to Mulberry street. was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. r The special committeje. to define the duties of the City Attorney reported, and the Clerk was ordered to filfrnish ' a copy to the City Attorney On motion, it was ordered that the X uiv a v a .a. v v &u on Water street, from Dock to Grange I street, at as early a day as possible. ' ' j Petitions for street lamps at the corner of Front and Dawson streets and at the alley oa Dawson strm near Mt. Olivet Church, were referredto the . . vummiucts u uiKuw Petitions to open the dock at the foot j of Chestnut street were referred to the ; committee on Streets and Wharves. ... . . ', t Aldermen Boney nominated J. fi.Ol - ueuuuuct A?,r. - Fire Iepartment, and he wrs elects by acclamation. Fire Co. was referred to the commits V UVUUWll lliv - 'i w." w. on tiro Department. j .uucu. .... ,jvft a' i next Wedneay. April llth,at8T. A mother-in-law out at Pii.cs'lVak; With sore throatcooli scarcely .jpoakj St. Jacobs Oil cured her. 1 Andthose who endured hen . Say she talked risht. along for Sk vrttx. FRIDAY.! APRIL 6, Criminal Court. The proceedings before this tribunal to-day werj unimportant, the entire forenoon having been1 occupied in a case of slander. The following is a ' summary of.thc proceedings:, Henry Cowan, larceny. Not t ( uilty. ! (Jeorze wed arc. ! slnnnVr. Jury out. The Grand .fury yesterday ffiternooh j made an ofiioial, visit to the eonntv Poor House. their official They have not yet made report, f in the matter. i though we learn that .they found eTery- thing io good condition And were well satifTed tbatthe" Snperjnteiident, Mr. Savewashttntivf to his duties and kepta sharp eye on the interests of the. county as well as tor the comfort of the inmates. says:. "We invariably recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as one of compounds on the market:" ' he best City Clerk and Treasurer. As will be. seen by the proceedings published elsewhere; Capt. Henry Sav age last night, at the" meeting of the Board of AldermeivJ tendered his resig a'atidti . JArCity Clerk. Jand Treasurer. The resignation is to take.effect on the 15th! inst., and -hie ; successor wilt be elected next Wednesday night. For six years past Capt . Savage has rilled the.position witlj singular fidelity and ability, and he leaves it now to ac--cept'ofthe position of book-keeper for the Hbre Company. He . will be suc ceeded by Col. John D. Taylor, a gal lant cx-Con federate who for the past Beven years, as. Clerk of the Board ot County Commissioners, has proved one of the most capable and courteous offi cials in the State.- ,: - ' , A Good Joke. There was such a good joke perpe trated upon sonie of the citizens1, of Rocky Point on the night of the 4th It was reported fchere on that morn ing that President hur would ipass by onTtne 9 o'clock p. m. ' train,1 on his way to Florida, -and a' good many of the citizens, wishing to take a' peep at him, gathered at'' ther "station a little while before the train was due. Among them was the P. M. of the place, who received a telegram purporting to come from the President, (oKcourso it Was bogus) asking the former to . meet the latter at the sleeping carv ' 'He very promptly obeyed and entered the car, hat in b,and, and enquired ' of some one present : 'Bees dis de car de President bees in?" The reply was, "Old man, this April Pi. It is needless tQ say that the Postoffice Department wasn't rep resented in that car longer thrva neces cary to make an exit. The postmaster, however, was not the only one who was victimized by the "April fool'1 ioke, for there wero uite a number outside trying to climb up and peep into the windows to see the President, : , Fayettevllle Presbytery. riUST DAY (CONCLUIEDl. j Wednesday, Aprilj4, 1883. r fhe Committee on Marriage, lielar tions submitted, through Revj. E. Mc Nair, D. D.. their report, for which, after considerable discussion, the folr j lowing was adopted as a substitute, viz : Jiesolvcd, That this Presbytery recom mend that the General Assembly take such steps as are necessary to extend the last elattSetjf Se6. 4, chab24, ot the Conlession-ofj'Paith. r c c i. Li . , . . , lie v. S. C. Alexander returned to the PfeshvtrvtherAl!of HftrnionvPhnrch - assigning reasons foi- not accepting the same. ... Adjourned to meet tomoiTow 'mora ing at; 10 o'clock. f Thuksdat, April 5. Presbytery met at 10 a. m., and was Mod r. S l'"t TCi Z HM The minutes of yesterday's proceed- ings were read and approved. j The Committee OU Devotional Kter- ' 1 T1...I it.' !' jciiuuwiueuineirreporx. ! Her. II C. Hill anl PMrrd Innri ) J , . , " ...' o. m. s . r ... , . . , : dicrvcuf ic, vi linemi onaga unurcii, in. irr a -co oi u ! ! and W, J. Ste wartjof Carthage Church, appeared in Presbytery, and after ren- idetmg satisfactory reasons fortardmcss, 5 j . ' ; Trea3Urer Iter. W. S. LacySsubniit - his -wpo ahowing the finMceg ot ui, PrKvt.r. f iw i- i,.,imr, i -- i - m . 'jr wff ' .Knn:BfMi ..mnA appointed .and the Jsessi onal .reports referrettl ;thc apppriate committees. I T To Baildera and othprs tn .1 aro frtfj Ti;a h twt-, riT. -, - ... - f 1T- ! m-A You can get all sizes and at the wr?t& pneca. 1883. NO. 83 President Arthur President Arthur passed through this city last night, in a special car, on his j way to Florida. He did not leave his car while the transfer was being made, and consequently was not seen by any of our citizens, not even, by the employ es of the railroad company, it is ex pected that he will be absent from Washington about ten days, returning probably by some other route! ; .Baseball. The 4Alert5,, and "Unus:" two base, ball nines composed of young meu of this city, played a match game at the Athletic G rounds yesterdayjwhich was declared to be the Jest and most hotly j contested ever played here. Nine in- i ninrs were -nlfiv4l. t.h timn fnniiTil being one hour and thirty m in ntes, and at the close the score stood 3 to 2, the "Alerts" being pronounced the victors. We understand that the "Unus," the defeated nine, propose to challenge the 'Alerts." the victors in yesterday's con test, to another I trial of skill ou the same grounds, the match to come off sometime during the coming week. Due notice will be given of the day and hour, so that all who may desire to wit ness this exciting game by good play ers may! have an opportunity. - Magistrate's Court. . i ' Peter Furman, colored, was arraign ed before Justice Millis this' morning, charged with carrying a deadly weapon. The charge was sustained and he was required to give a bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the present term of the Criminal Courts in default of which he was committed to jail. Robert McKenzie, colored, was brought before Justice Gardner, this morning, charged with the larceny of two cook pots' from Jane Macks, also colored. In (this case the testimony es tablished the 'guilt of the defendant, and he was required to give bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the present term of the Criminal jConrt, in default of which he was committed to jail. j . ' . ! -'-j. This defendant was tried and; convict ed at the last term ot the Criminal Court for the larceny of $5, ) but was discharged on account of his youth. A fine assortment of puns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. . t, ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OYSTERS ON ICE. T?RESH LOT, RIGHT FAT, and on Ice.' Draught Beer on Ice - - ' -i Oyster season nearly out. Eat while you cad. Good liquors, Wines a!inl Cigars, at' apl fc j McGOWAVS SALOON. Tuning Ijianos & Organs. -ppOr'J N. SCHMITT, HAVING AN EXIE- rience of thtrty years in America, for Tuning ami Eepaiiiof Musical InHtrumentH, is enabled to guarantee entire satisfaction, or make no charge The highest recommendations from Schools and Colleges from ihe Southern States at hand. Orders left at his residence on Sec ond street, between Market and Dock street, und with 0. W. Yates and Heioilerger's Hook and Music Store. j apl w tf CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, April 5th, Notice TS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY ardinance referring to the running at large of I j I COW and HOGS will be rigidly enforced, ; when the oflence appears to fce wllfnJ, I that the full r enaity will t. exacted. E. D. MALL, I Mayor. apl b -2t Blue Crass Beef ! j 1 mnE finest you ever saw Jr' It ESI I. 1 ( froi Tenner lo, a Al of TeTy ! flu mutton and lamb. j Unusually fat and tojlhsome. i veal, PORK, sausages, A- c. I I ! . . K. -MKLTUiN . S VV. Corner Market ainl Second streeu, ' n . . . 1 " . . . rropnewroi inn ni oirim .wtua ji: apl -l Factory In llie state. SODA' WATER! "V N AND AFTER TO-DAY WK WILL i Vp the most delicious Ice Cold Sols. rrefruit juice. only v. I' HHii fl Art RfAft..' i - ' A T-l i lji ttj. i&HSttt7tir y0ek mrh it - 1 nmAgn QpoH I harden 660 I ! T3EAS, BEANS. CORN, CABBAGE, Tu nip, Squash, Co Hard, RjulWh, Ac.; Ac JL fine selection of Flower seed. . '.For sale by - , ; i WILLIAHIIL GRUEN, ilTf PLEASE NOTICE.! We will be glad to receive omnnralcauoia from our frUnds on aay and" all subjects of . tuiuMuiwmi mil f The name of the writer tanat Uwtya be fa tdahed to the Editor. ; Commnslcatlona most he wrUten oa oaly one aide of the paper. ' ; j Penonalltlea meat be avoided 1 .' And It Is especially and particularly under tood that the Editor doea not alwaya endotso tke views of correspond cata unleaa ao aUted in -the editnrUI rnlnnni ' ' "... i 14 ; , J?EW ADVEKTiSEatEMTS. OPERA, HOUGE. ONE NIjGIIT pNLY ! MONDAY, APRIL 1 t HERMANN The world's farnrH. lctjtri h rt4..i led Comjany of Specialty Artists. The beautiful and acroianlkhed ADD1E, In her wonderful sleep, rxsrrroRTED is hii .!, x&iau, ui hvt hip u ko piriures or - "THK FLOWER GIRL" il ' . THE GODDESS OF IdBERTY . , I The famous Japanese Prluce A WAT A KATS NOSK1N, consln to the Mikado ofJa-'-pan, who will appear la his won- :! I derful feats of balancing. I1 Also, the WONDER FUL SPIRIT CABINET, lutrotuclng the greatest of English medi- . mus, HOWELL and DA ROW, who will give remarkable auperaatnral i s manifestations by gaa light, j ' General admission 50 ctnUi Reserved seat tic and 1. Sale of reserved seats begins Fri day at Dyer's. - , pU"t vr-f-m . , ': u"; Blank Books, TOCKET ROeKS, INKS, MUCILAGE, -oll Pens. Pencils, Stationery of ercry1. JL variety and style! Erery article In the lbii neceaskry to carry on any kindness, Mercantile, or Uner wise. Can he found at THE LIVE BOOK STOHE. I PIANOS & ORGANS 1IIEAP FOR CASH OR ON THE "EASY i i i. INSTALMENT " ! . x-j.a, at i p t- HEINSRERGER'S, F.lro TlfWiV ami ftn.1 apl i Just Received. ! i - t i :i ' ' N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP . . .Velvet and Ebony PICTURE FRAMES, RLANK BOOKS, suitable for erery brnck of Business. PAPER, ENVELOPES, SLATES, PENCILS, Ic, Ac. . i "i Straw aud Manilla Wrapping Paper, 1 j ' and Paper Bags, apl 2 ' XATES BOOK 8TORE S500 TJeedod. i "YyiLL YOU ITELP US ? OUR HOUSE of worship, the First Baptist Church, on cor ner of Fifth and Campbell atrects, la In great need of repair, and we aro not abla to ratio the above named amount of money ourselvea. Therefore i wc come to the citizens of WU mlngton and community at large. . Will yon aid us ? Come to our relief and we will show our sincere appreciation of your free will of-' . 1 k. - M lenng uy puuiisuing me amount you giro in the daily papers of this city. lie that hath pity npon the poor lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he hath given will be pay him asrain." He that riveth unto Uie noor hall not lack. Our pastor, Rev. A. M. Conway, Is - authorized to solicit funds for the Church. i E. DJ NEIL. ' ai13 3t Chwrch Clerk-. S3.500 . "Ty ANTED TO LOAN THE j SUM, OF ABOUT THREE THOUSAND FIVE UUN. 1 f ' I I ' DItED DOIJLAR8 (i per cent. uorc ot less as Vessel may need) to be sccuretlby Bottom , ' -- " ' , - ' 1 - i ' " 'h. and Respondentia Bond, for German Bark ,BATKOSS. of Stettin, now In distress at this Port, and bonnd from Charleston, 8. C, for Hamburg, Germany, with a cargo of Rosin: to pay for necessary Cots of Repairs and Port Charges and Expense. Scalea Bids for said Loan, with the Marine Premium given in per cents, to be forwarded before 12 o'clock, Monday next, the 9th Instant, under addreat: "German Bark Albatross Bid for Bottomry Loan; care Imperial German Consulate, Wil mington, N. c." All Bids will be opened at noon, .uonuayinexi, uic vin is sum, anauie lowest bidder! on payment of the. required sum, win receive tne receive tne Bottomry jsona. RICHARD SIEBE, Matter of German uai k Albatross. E. PESCHAU Jk WE8TERM ANN, Agt Wilmington, N.iJ. AprU4.1Wi. apl .V:t i Wanted. A SITUATION AS CLERK OR ALES- , - t- t ' nmn in a mercantile house. ! . I Ixug experience In Dry Goods and, Grorer le. j Can give excellent reference. IJ I Address If. J. C. mrh 30 lw Review Oflice. BERGNER ENGEL'S PHILADELPHIA .-' ' . ' .-' BEER, on Ice. Have made excellent arrange ments for the Summer Trade, with my new building arranged especially for the ptupow. . . V3L GENAUST. Fourth street, Just North of Boocv Bridge. - roch 30-2w j i I JUST RECEIVED. VrEW AND HANIKiOME f - FRENCH MILLINERT tODS l Ju?t received and for sale by j ' ' MRS. KATE C. WINES. . i I ; . Second street, one Uo from Postoiflice. iich3l-tf ! ! . A Wew Supply: F RED AND WHITE ONION SETS, o Pras. Beana. Corn. Cabbaae. Ac Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Mdicinc, Toilet and Fancy Article, Jtc r-u PrtMtrrtptionfl flilod at all boufa,tIay and night. F. C MILLER. - . .i German DrugrUt, ' Wh 21. " Correr Fourth and Nun U. Commercial CHIotol '''' - i ,; - 1 1 ' Wilmington, N.;C, . ! M. SCniX)SS, Prop. piEST-CLASa IN EVERY laSPECT. X3- rtnt-eUia xraa4 IULLLAI1D? flA UC21 ATTACIH1D. tTl