THIS PAPER erery evening. Sundays ex cepted by pu JOSH T. JAMES, KUlTOK ASD rBOrXIETOB. ..cTPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: 4.00. SIX inonms, s-s.w. xurcc "".per will be delivered by carriers free jae v . . rt of the city, at the above months, One montn, so cents. " or 10 cents per week. r estlslngratelow and liberal " j Subscribers will report any and all f all- r t.,m)Ctve their pater regularly, .i The Daily Review has the largest ST W ' . .. . f Tir-7....- ! Ushed, mine cuy oj vrr Bell, the telephone senilis. is worth $5.00000 J Oue Paducah (Ky). hunter has killed i i0 rabbits in the last six months. Mrs. Untry gave five lollars to a huijrj station. woman in a Kochester .rai.roaa fbe Salvation Army is said to have a briik sale of watches hoar ibr Jesus."1 inscr'-betl "every h,- annual sum received by the Prince of Wales iroiu the Duchy ot ( urn wall-ranges between j-o.i.uuu anu fhe cabbage shipment this winter In ni Wythe county, Va., will yield the roilhtj $30,000. The British war ship Iron Duke, hieh cost a million and a quarter of dollars to build, costs nearly a quarter oi a million annually to keep at sea. At a concert given in Barnum's Hotel. Baltimore, for the benefit ot 1'rof. Crouch, the author of "Kathleen Mavournecn," about $75 was realized. - Three hundred Germans have been introduced into Nansemor.d and con tijious counties, Virginia, as laborers, lute December, througk one agency. - - . It is said that fifty years ago shad w(e so plentiful in tbe Savannah River that fishermen exchanged them for corn at the rate of one ear of corn for one shad. The largest sheep ranch in the world is believed to be that in Dimnet and Webb counties, Texas," which pastures :!00,000 sheep and is composed of 300.000 'M'lU. The Navajo Indians in Arizona have fW.OOO sheep and 200,000 goats, the result of an Investment of $30,000 made iu tleir behalf by the government three or four years ago. - Nordenskj old is about ready to sail aw ty to the North again. He expects to ttava Gothenburg, Switzerland, in May. The main object is to search for colonists planted in Greenland in the tenth century. - A despatch from Paris says that rYime Minister Ferry has informed President G re vy that , the government had decided to take energetic action in Tonquin with the view of establishing a protectorate. Papers have been filed at Albany, N. i.. organizing the GloWe Telephone Company, with a capital of $1,000,000. to ikj a telephone business throughout the United States. The purpose ' is to Hse instruments that will talkver long distances. At the hearing in the Tewkesbury almshouse investigation Wednesday, GoTiruor Butler gave notice that he would offer evidence to prove that bod s hid been taken from the cemetery and delivered to persons who intended to skin them andtan their skins. - 1 fie principal pier at Nice was entire ly destroyed by fire Wednesday. Only ike iron framework of the bridge which connected the pier with the Jaml re tuaius. The loss is estimated at $1,000, uu The pier had just been completed. The lire was caused by a workman spilling tar on the pier, which became smied, and it was found impossible to tay the flames. Somebody fond of statistics has stated ilut the barnyard denizens ot France number 45,000,000, to which a value of i-1.000.000 is attached. The annual iVwtoen yield is 100.000.000. ot which h,oto,ooo are reserved lo'r purposes of rrppQvluetion,' 10,000.000 arb lost by dis R? or accident, and 80,000,000 are marketed. The sale of fowl and eggs rwliiei about $70,000,000 in the year. r ; oDieofthe evidence elicited in the ttiitony given in the investigation's iur boiug made into the management ftU Tewkesbury (Mass.) Almshouse. uaply horrible. Here is a specimen : lor 4a a Acuity in getting clothes L v;!8-Mrsh to lay out the dead, and tl,,,!,;! mates complain that eood ohd been taken from tbem. Iu LntT5ioU dead child it had been IwtfcJhly51" the fathcr came mthe JSm 3 a hk f wood was placed TTw fbod?Sand.,eCTi said over that out wlSLatllnsane girt-vhen laid 7w1ntv fi fats- Three hundred miTlL-?!?, Pounds ot butter were zta th iTTrrw. 1 uae Pountl a nay was To Cant ?f? 2LaDd lhe Wwe went furled tuJ? 3kim w" wlsSSi theJntes until complaint r H i ; TTOT VTT V VJJU. Y 11. , LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Just Received . LKCTrirr "Enjoymcnt.'j W II Gkkkx Garden Seed Muxos Bros Soda Water Miss K. Karrkk Millinery. Ukinsbkrgkr Blank Books i F C MH.LKK A New Supply Joseph Dkntk Tn ininfr. Jir nd Repairing Pianos Jaokson A -Bki.L Water-Power Printers and Binders " Silver Tlated Sooons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobi.'s t Day's length 12 hours ami 55 minutes. - 1 - ' I i We gain this ' month f3 minutes of daylight. ; New moon this morning at 22 minutes past 8 o'clock. i j Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 29 minutes past G o'clock. . The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 28 bales.; ! There, was only one interment in Oakdale Cemetery this week, an adult. There. -were two interments, both adults, in Bellevue' Cemetery this week. ;A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacori's Hardware Depot. t The Register oV Deeds issued three marriage lieenses to white and colored couples this week. three to Steam boatm en report about 12 feet of water on the shoals with the water slowly in the Cape Fear, falling; oft'. ! ; Jane Chavers, colored, was sent be low by the Mayor this' mornjng, for 10 days, for being drunk and down. There were ten interm nts in Pine Forest Cemeterv this week, live ot whom wero adults and fivi children. We had the pleasure of (meeting the Rev. W. M. Kennedy, of Magnolia, on the street to-day. He was en route for Masonboro, where he is to preach to-morrow. ; i ' 1 Some lady left a bunch of keys in Mr. Hahn's store, on Market street. They have been handed to us and the owner can have them, without; charge, on ap plication at this office The Rev. James B. iTaylor, D. D pastor of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. Frank H. Wood, of the Front Street M. E. Church, will exchange mil nits for to-morrow morninjfs ser vice. I Tt, is said that there is ah ancient maiden lady in this city who has never attended a. theatrical performance nor any other popular amusement j at the Opera House, but who intends to be there on Monday night for ;the sole purpose of seeing Herr marini "The celebrated 'Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold onlv at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. i ! The Grand Lode of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ot Nqrth Caro lina will meet in Raleiirh on the 8th of May next. Among its memoers are some of the most prominent gentlemen of North Carolina. The approaching session will no 'doubt be a large and interesting one. - There was quite a breeze started this afternoou near the coiner of Mart et and Second streets, which took a J general Northeasterly direction, and when near the Court House it amounted to quite a hurricane which raged with unabated fury until it reached tire basement of the City Hall, where it subsided. O! Badiah! ! ! In the Chicago billiard tournament Wednesday, Sexton defeated Wallace by a score of 600 to 407 Sexton's highest run was 82 and Wallace's; 73. Vignaux defeated Morris, closing; the game in the 19th inning with a run of 240, which is said to exceed the best run on record. His average j was 31 11-19, which is also claimed to be the best 04i record. Morris had 197 points when Vignaux closed the game! by run ning out his G00. Herrmann. ' The Xcw York Jferald savs of Herr- man. who appears here on Monday night: ; i "Merriment aud surprise alternating pronounced the Ilerruian performance last night one of the most enjoyable that could be desire! for .family entertain ment. NibkTs Garden never ! before presented such a scene of animation as it did when the inimitable Herrmann startled his vast audience by some inex plicable feat. lie deservedly! received round after round of applause. The character of the audience was a compli ment to the great magician that be.; apparently appreciated,, and it j will materially aid him on his traveling tour when the knowledge goes abroad. WILMINGTON; N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 7, Col. E. R. Brink is now deep in the mysteries of letter boxe3 and free de livery ot the mails. He has about sixty new boxes which will be placed in the most convenient localities. Everything is to be ready, if possible, by the first of Mayl .. ; - .. ,r ... We hope there may be a full attend ance at the Opera House next Tuesday night to hear the Rev. Dr. Wilson, who U to lecture en that occasion, his sub ject being "Enjoyment." Wc know' it will be an hour of unstinted literary 'Enjoyment" to those who may attend. ! Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foo up 609 bales as against 518 Vales for the corresponding week last year, an in crease this wreek of 91 bales. - The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 123,403 bales as against 132.187 bales to April 8th of last year, a decrease this year of 8.784 bales. Involuntary. A youug colored man, while fishing at Market Dock this noon J in casting his hook accidentally slipped and in his struggle to avoid falling into the river got hold of another man, and they went into the water "kersouse11 together. Fortunately they were rescued after they had floundered about for a short time, with uo further . damage than being thoroughly soaked A red-haired clerk in Savannah Slipped on a piece ot banana, Great pain he endured. But St. Jacobs Oil cured. He now goes dancing with Hannah. The Fire. . j A few minutes before 4 o'clock this morning an alarm of fire in the. First Ward was sounded. It was caused bj the burning of a new, unfinished frame dwelling on Fourth, betweenBrunswick and Bladen streets, the property of Mr. John Sylva. and an old shanty .which was along side the building,the property of Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr."; and was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary . The fire originated in the shanty and both building were entirely consumed. There was an insurance on the dwelling to the amount of $450 in the Fire As sociationxf Philadelphia, represented in this city by Messrs John W. Gordon & Bro., and on the old building to the amount ot $100 in the Star Insurance Co., of New York, represented by Messrs DeRosset & Jf orthrop, j The Planets in April. April is a dull month' on planetary" records. I Scarcely an incident of note enlivens its monotonous routine- An invisible eclipse of the moon ; an invisi ble occulation of Bella Capricorni ; an invisible conjunction of Mercury arid Neptune; an invisible conjunction of Venus and Lambda AquariiJ complete the unsatisfactory aspects of the planets. But all days are not field-days Stars must have their seasons of rest as well as planets and human beings. Before many months have passed meetings and partings on the celestial road will be as conspicuous by their- presence as they are nowj by their absence; life will be astir among our neighbors, the planets, and we shall welcome their re appearance, surrounded by all their former prestige. Even without exciting events, nothing can be more grand than the dome of Heaven powdered with stars; nothing more varied than the celestial picture nischtly unrolled over our heads. It is well for our apprecia tion of the shining picture that lit is sometimes hidden by clhuds, and tha1 it is not always seen in its most bril liant phase. Emerson says, and all who love to study the heavens will endorse his view : "If the stars should apppear one night in a thousand could men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of me cuy oi uuu iut u;u uwu Drs.Bickett & Griffin. Monroe, N.C.. says : "We invariably recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as one of the best compounds on the market." Castle Hayne. Dr.Thos. D. Hogg, of Raleigh, is still here- He went up yesterday and to-; day, accompanied by Col. T. C.'Mc' Ilhenny, to Castle Hayne. where he will plant this year between 300 and 400 acres of the plantation and may later on in the season put the balance into oats and wheat. The extent of the phosphate discor- ery is as yet - unknown J t was; fi rst found by CoL Mcllherinyr -who called Dr. Hogg's attention to the ficrf Some of the deposit was then taken' out and sent to Raleigh where it was analyzed and pronounced valuable.: There is enough of the rock to fertilize the pla n tation and measures to griud it wilj soon be put into ef. jct. Attention is invited to the advertise ment of Mr. Joseph Denck; - piano tuner, who will remain here a "few weeks longer to ..receive orders as. to work iu his line. V Inj spcakingi yesterday of Col. John D. Taylor in connection with" the office of city Clerk and Treasurer, the word "probably" was omitted, the insertion of which changes an assertion into the expression of an opinion. 1 Miss E. Karrar. has Just, returned from the Northern markets where shd purchased a large stock of the newest and prettiest and most stylish geods she could find. On Monday and there after she will, be 'prepared to exhibit them to the ladies. - y ; i' - - - ' 1 " . Messrs. Jackson & Bell have four presses hard at work every day in the week and they are all run by water ppwer.l They turn out beautiful work and in ' advertisement published else where in this issue they call the atten tion of our readers to the facilities they possess. t To Builders and others (Jo to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. --p.- i r-- - j'. .: Capt. Dick Patterson, who was in the city to-day, tells; us that the fruit on Black River Is apparently less injured than was at first feared. He thinks that 25 per cent, will cover the loss sus tained. The accounts, from the : Sounds and the intenorare; 4we are sorry to s&y not soavbraljle, -as there are fears iu many places of an almost entire de stiuction of the crop. Criminal Court. The proceedings to-day, up to the close of our report, hare beeu confined to the following case : Mary Hay, keeping a disorderly house. Jury out. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. - f- rXJliurcli Services , To-Morrow. St. James' Churqh, corner Market and Third streets. Rev. A. A. Watson, D. D. i Rector. i - Second Sunday after, Easter. Afril8th, 1883. Celebration at lz a. m . Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at UWo'ciocJt, p. m Evening Prayer at 5 'clock., St. Jahn's Church, corner Third-and Red rrnu ab-MtA. - Second SundaT after Easter. March S, l&B. :JEter. A. J. Barrow, will offi ciate' at 11 a. m. and $ o'clock, p. m . Keats free. . . -it : .j - St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market Btreetei Kev. r. w. e. res- chau. Pastor. Enariish services at 11 a. m. German services at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. - , First Presbyterian Church; corner Third and Orange streets, nev. uosepn it. uiison, D.J5., Pastor. Services at 11a.m., and i. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. Lecture Thursay night at 7 p. m. - Seamen's Bethel. Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt. W. J. Potter, Mlssiona rv to the Seamen. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and 4.30 p. m. Seamen and all others are cordially lnvitea. Seats free. Part ot the service will be in Norwegian, conducted by Capt. Chiisiiansen. st Thomas' Pro-CathedrsJ. First Mass at 1 am. Second Mass at .10 a. ,hl Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock p m. Daily Mass at 6:30 a m St. Paul's i Episcopal Church, corner of Fourth and Oranee streets. Rev. T. M. Am bier, Rector, i Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock j Evening Trayer at 8 oclock; Sunday school at 34 o'ciock.- oeais iree. Front Street M. E. Church. South, comer of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Frauk II. Wood. Pastor. Services at 11 a. ni. and 7 p m. Sabbath school at 3 p. ni.. W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Weilnecdav evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesilav evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'cloct. treats iree ana strangers and visitors cordially invited, j Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Xiin aad Church streeta. ltev. T.Pasre Kicaud. rastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7'i p ni. ; uiass ;meet- lng at 3 p. ni. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock. " - Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets. Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. r Services at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. ! sun day.School at 9 a. m. Prayer mating every Tuesday uight. Christ Church fConsresationalisDNun Ktreet, between Sixth and Seventh, ltev. D. D. Doige, minister. Preaching wen ices at 1 1 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 12:13 p. to. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday. 8 o'clock, p.m. Sunday School, S o'clock, u. m.. in Memorial HaUV corner 7th and'Nunsts.l i i 'v - "k First Bantist Church. (coV. corner of rif tb and Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor. Sunday school at 9Vj a. m.; Preaching at II a.-m., 3 p. ra. and 8 p. ni. Elmwood Shirts. Messrs. A. &. I. Shrier, 34 Market street, have been appointed sole agents for the well known Elm wood Shirt which is undoubtedly the best in the market. Each shirt comes in a hand some box. Give them a trial. t PACIFIC GUiiNO. I r'i vr Jvt received and 4r saJci . SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, AND Dissolved BonePhosphate. We never bare had tbe first; complaint of these Fertilizers not b rinsing a proltaWeJcrop Seoar Conn try. Ants. . .- v . . ALEX. SPHTJNT A RON. 2-d&W- 1883. NO. 84 . , NEW AIVEUTISEINTS. Tuning & Repairing Pianos. JOSEPH DEXCK, FROM COLUMBIA, S. C, will re nit in a few weeks in Wilmington to Tune and Repair Pianos, HeloUeons, Ueed and Pipe Orcaas. Orders left at Mr. Hein? bereer's and Mr. Tates Book Store will meet witn prompt attention. - I apl 7-3t j Jackson & BelL Waterr Power Printers and Binders, WILMINGTON, N. C. H AVIXG RECENTLY ATDKD WATER- power to our (Fonr7 Presses; our facilities for i r ' - "r ' ' ' executing Orders promptly are imsurpascd bv anr Office tn the city, n th apl 7 lwk ENJOYMENT. TheRev.Jos. R. Wilson, D.D. WILL LECTURE, For the Benefit of the LIBRARY ASSOCIA- TIOX, at ther OPERA HOUSE, on i TUESDAY, April 10th, at o'clock, I. M. Subject "ENJOYMENT.' , Admission 25o. No extra eharsre for Re sened Seats, which will be for sale at Dyers', Monday and Tuesday, April 'Jlh ami win. apl i-it . nac ..MILLINERY. i ... , Entirely New and Beauti- ful Stock I : HAVE RETURNED FROM THE NORTH- em markers and will next week open aucn- tirely fresh stock, NO JOB LOTS, and noth ingiald or out of date, but all from - i -THE FIRST IMPORTING HOUSES. The styles aae prettier than ever. ; Will be pleased to see my customers and show them the' most elegant line of Millinery In the city. ' . Respectfully, . , . MISS E. KARRER, apl 7 j EXCHANGE CORNER. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, I ; April 5th, 1883. Notice JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 'CITY Ordinance referring to the running at large of COWS and HOGS will be rtgidly enforced, j .- and when the offence appears to be wilful, that uhe full penalty will be exacted. E. D. HALL, apl6 2t Mayor. "To catch Dame Fortune's golden smile, 'Assiduous wait upon her. And gather gear by every wile That's justliied by honor. ' i Not for to hide it in a hedge, . Not for a train attendant, But for the glorious privilege Of being independent. UTO MAN CAN FEEL INDEPENDENT 1 WHO PAY'S RENT- Secure a home and be your own landlord. Building lots for sale on the instalment plan situated on Seventh. Wilson. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Dick lnson. Eleventh, Bay, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Castle. Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Chestnut, Walnut, Mulberry, Red Cross, uwynn, jnar. lotte and Rankin streets. Money loaned to those wishing to bnlld. - mch Apply to JAMES WILSON. Bacon, Lard, Molasses, i - j Flour, Sugar, &c. 100 Boxes Smoked and D. S. SIDES, 100 Tubs LARD. 150 Hhds and Bbls. MOLASSES. 1,200 Bbls FLOCK, our popular brands, 50 Bbls C, Ex, C and Gran. SUGAR, 75 Bags Coffee, all grauen, 200 Boxes Soaj, 20il Cases LYE, 130 Case Cannd Ball POTASH. For sale by KERCHNER CALDEK BHOS. apl - "COUNTRY - j 1 TERCnANTS AND EVERY BODY CAN ret suite! in quality and prices from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at Uhj New Saddlery and Trunk House of II. M. BOW DEN A CO., No. 49 Market St. 49" Manufacture and Repair. mch a Excursion and Pic Nic OEASON IS OVER. THE THEATRICAL and Ball eaaoa Is now opealur. Genttenien who are nsed to FIRST-CLASS work and a dean aad Comfortable Barbershop, will find U at . JOHN WERNER'S, Practical Barber and Perfumer. No. , 23 Market Street, between Front and Water Street.. oct?-tf PUB0ELL HOUSE. TTSDER 3iEV. JIANAGEMENT, wrxiirsGTOs, c ' XL L. PEHUY. Proprietor. Lata Prcrrletor AtLmti!? HoteL FlrstM 1 " '111 arpcistrLKitj. Terras JLtitt a PUCASS NOT1CK. We win be glad to rtcerre eoianlcaUot from bur friend on any and all nbjecta j ot general Interest but The name of the writer must always b fat nlshed to the Editor. - i Communications must be written on enl one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided.! And it Is especially and particularly trader tood that the Editor does not always endorse tke rlewB of correspondents unless so in the editorial columns. stated! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tuning Pianos & Organs. PROF. Ni SCflMrTT, HAVING AN EXPEV . - i - v ' . i i . rience of thirty years in America, for Tuning ami -Repairing Musical Instruments, is enabled to guarantee entire satisfaction, or make no charge. The highest recommendations from Schools and Colleges from the Southern States at hand. Orders left at his residence on Sec onil street, between Market and IWwk trAt and with C..W. Yates and Helnsberger'a Book and Music Store.. apl tt tf SUJJA WATJbiK. QX AND AFTER TO-DAY WE. WILL keep the most delicious Ice Cold Soda. v Pare fruit juices only used. j " ". nunds Broo9 . uispensing narmacisu, -1,491 BROADWAY, NEW YoHK, AND WILMINGTON, N. O. . Garden Seed I -pEAS, BE ASS, CORN, CABBAGE, Tu nip. Squash, ColWd, Radish, Ac, Ac. A Hue selection of Flower tfecd. For sale by - - r WILLIAMIH. ORJEKN. mch R Druggist. Blank Books, POCKET BOOKS, INKS, MUCILAGE, foott !.-'!. v tr Pens. Pencils, Stationery of every variety and style. Hvcry article In the line nef;esary to carry on any business. Mercantile or other; wih. t an be found at v ! THE LIVE BOOK STORE. PIANOS & ORGANS QIIEAP FOR CASH OR ON THE EASY NSTALM EST PLAN, at l T HEINSBERGEU'S, apl S Live Book and Music 8 lores. : Just Received. Jb X ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Velvet aud Ebony PICTURE FRAMES, BLANK BOOKS, suitable for every brffneh Of Business.. ; PAPER, ENVELOPES, PENS, INKS, . "- : SLATES, PENCILS, Ac, Ac. Straw and Manilla Wrapping Paper, , i . - . . - . .. . ( j . - and Paper ag. apl 2 YATES BOOK STORE ' S500 Needed. W ILL YOU nELP US? OUR HOUSE of worship, the First Baptist Church, on cor ner of Fifth and Campbell streets, is In great need of repair, and we are not able to raise the above named amount of money ourselves. Therefore, we come to the citizens of Wil mington ana community at large., will yon aid us ? Come to our relief and we will show our sincere appreciation of your free will of fering by publishing the amount you give In the daily papers of this city. He that hath dty upon tbe poor lendeth unto the Lord, and hat which he hath given will he pay uim again. He that glveth unto the poor shall not lacs, our pastor, itev. A. al. conway, is authorized to solicit funds for the Church. -; K. D. NKIL, - apl 3 3t - Church Clerk. S3.500 Xr ANTED TO LOAN THE SUM 01 ABOUT THREE THOUSAND FIVE IIUX. DRED DOLLARS (lfrper cent, more or less as Vessel may need) to be secured by Bottom . ! ry and Respondentia Bond, for German Bark ALBATROSS, of Stettin, now in distress at this Port, and bound from Charleston, 8. C, for Hamburg, Germany, with a cargo of Rosin; to pay for necessary Costs of Repairs -and x'ort Charges ana .Expenses, neaiea uias tor said Loan, with the Marine Premium given In per cents, to be forwarded before 12 o'clock, Monday next, the 9th instant, under addreu: "German Bark Albatross Bid for Bottomry Loan; care Imperial German Consulate, Wil mington, N. C. ' All Bids will bo opened at noon, Monday next, the 9th. instant, and the lowest bidder, on payment of tbe required sum, win receive the liottorary isomi. RICHARD SIEBE. Matter of German Baik Albatross. E. PESCHAU A WESTER MANN, AgU Wilmington, N. C. April 4. Ici. apl 3-3t er -JgERGNER & ENGEL'S PIirLADELPIIIA BEER, on Ice. Have wade excellent arrange ments for tbe Summer Trade, with my new building arranged especially for tbe purpo WM. GENAU8T, . Fourth street, just North of Honey Bridge. mch30-2w I j JUST RECEIVED. j-EW AND HANDSOME frkncd: Millinery good.- Jutrrceivel anl for aie ly MRS. KATE C. W1XES, J. Second street, one door front PotoQLce. ! mch 3X-tt A ilew Supply j QF RED AND VH1TE ONION SETS, Peas, Bean. Corn, Cabbage. Ac I Drugs and Chemicals, Patent M&llclae. Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. Prescrlptlous ailed at all hoar. day anJ njgbt. , r. CV MILLKK.. ' German Druggist, - j mch Z- Correr Fourth and San su. - Commercial t3otoi . Wilmington, N. C. MSCIILOSS, Prop. TIEST-CLASS IN EVritr RXSPrCT. I 'iirstcUsa Eir Jaad P.IJ.LTATID SA LCC:i ITAGllZIi Z?1

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