..... every evening. Sunlays ex- oepte4 by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR A2D rOFKrETOH. . crBSCRlPTlOXS POSTAGE PAID: 14.00. Six months, t2.0u. Three iW J61 .1 . r,o mnnth. 35 cents. t hi 1 W, -tolr will be delivered by carriers free" tae pap1 . nf thc ctt, at tbe aboT6 'fJTiOcenU per week. tlLlsln? rates low ami liberal. Subscribers will report any and all fail- t..:i.. Te4itin his iJic. Invites! rW" Jilt yyrty v i fide circulation, of any newspaper pMshed, in the city of Wilmington. &L BeefteSa3 hfen prescribed lor insomnia- Senator Don Cameron is reported as allJost completely recovered from his recent illpc In Paris men wear bracelet-. A fa mUU3 Bey wears one of diamonds val ued at seoo.oeo. - Usafatida i3 now on thc Iree list, imberser cheese alone being able to compete with it. The Germans of the East and West will decide the next presidential elec tion. They are drifting to Democracy. The entire Tan Handle of 'Texas, a trad of 5,000 square miles, has been sold to an English company for grazing purposes. The Democrats in Louisiana smile a knowing smile when it is intimated tb&t thc Rspublican3 will carry that. State next year. The New Orleans Picayune makes an ingenious statement to prove that tke various American syndicates engaged in building Mexican railways will reap, on 12,850 miles of track, a profit of $31)3,500.000. A German correspondent writing to a New York paper states that a cook in that country gets $20 a year wages, which is an advance of fifty per- cent, hi the last twenty-Gve years. Nurses get three cents a day , . Tie halt brother of Napoleon, King of Home, Prince Frederick Al bert de Mottenuovo, aged 62 (son of Mario Na poleon the First's wife, and her second husband, Field Marshal Count 'Neip preg), has just come out. completely cured lroiu the madhouse w here he has beta confined for the last two years. He is now with his son in his chateau ofSteinatu Anger. m List Sunday's edition of the New York Htrald was an octuple sheet, which is the second instance of the kind in three week3. In this issue there is ihe enormous total ot 132 columns of advertising, equal to 22 full pages of iix columns each, Herald size and Htrald type, and yet even this tremen dous pressure is not allowed to in any measureKmrtail the production ot news and hesfee the octuple sheot. Let us see: 132 columns of ad vertisine means (we estimate roughly) about 275 lines to the column and this.at the ordinary rates for advertising in the Herald, s $110 per column. At this rate,; then, assuming that we are correct, Sunday's issuo contains nearly $15,000 .worth ol ad Yd tisehients. If tkeHerald could pub lish tliii same issue every Sunday during the year, or could average it. thm its business from this source alone would be nearly $800,000, without any reference at all to the other six-sevenths of the week. Thc octuple is truly a stupen dous issue and it is gratifying to out aiders as it may be taken as a sure in dication of a good trade this Spring and of substantial business prosperity The New York Suji says thai "the Democrats of North Carolina are rep resented as being still in favor of the levation of Mr. Tilden to the seat which he was prevented byjraud from occupying." On the contrary, we doubt if there is a corporal's guard of tilden men in North Carolina. Air. Tilden was elected once, and it was not only "fraud," but1 timidity, thr.t prevented him horn taking his seat. Our opinion is tiiat the masses of the people in North Carolina prefer W. S. Hancock to any living man, but as it is the boss es, and not the masses, who are repre sented in convention, it is hard - to say now Hancock stock really is. But Jjorth Carolina will send her quota to lrv! electoral college to vote for any good Democrat who is selected, no matter keter it is Tilden, or Hancock, or Ueaveland, or Seymour, or McDonald. But there isn't a first-class Democrat in JUe State who will support Beast But r hutd that which we look upon "impossibility become an accom- BaO iLaCt; shouId' il1 other words, endoby?!- or accepted or tho m a xemocratic convention, reft?;epeoPle in North Carolina will elfr!?-from the P01 and let the Sf Hn thlS So by default, and rnomW TUl not hesitate fdr one Sa?1 such; a course of cu,pmanks, ophers. 15c; - ! - .. . . " i I - .'; . ... mrm TTh a it w r VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Musds Bros Sotla Water Hkinsberger New Music E D Hall, Mayor Notice F U Miller A New'Siipply Yates Send in j-our Orders W H Gkeex Hair Brushes, etc JrLira Lkixs, Agent Bo?k Beer Alv.x Spklxt & Sox--Ship Notice Fine rain last night. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices. at.lACoBi.'s t Turner's almanac promises frost this year as early as October 1 . - Charleston strawberries were in market this morning and were sold at 30 cents per quart. Mr. II. K. Bryan has purchased the Hickory Press, and will assume the publication of that paper in a few days, , ) j For P(x;ket Kniveor Table Cutlery, go to .lACOni's Hardware Depot. f To-Nifirht. !j The pleasant weather promises well for the lecture to be delivered this even ing at the Opera House, for the benefit of the Wilmington Library Association. Dr. Wilson will undoubtedly present a delightful literary treat, And we feel sure that he will be greeteu by a large and appreciative acdiencei Bock Beer. The first bock beer of the season is on hand now and it'lis said to be better than, was ever known before. Why this should be so-it is difficult to under stand but it is said to be p. fact, never theless. At the Portner branch estab lishment here, of which Mr. Julius. Ieins is agent, large shipments have already beeu received. . See Mr. .Leins advertisement elsewhere in this issue. Getting: Ready. ! The steamer John Dawso7i will not leave for Point Caswell until to-morrow morning, and after her arrival there will undergo a thorough J overhauling and repairing, preparatoryj to the Sum -merfi and Fall campaign of colored camp meetings. Cajjt. Sherman has great faith in the good; obtained at these gatherings, for thereby lambs are gath ered into the fold, and pockets. Selah! shekels into his Last Niffht The entertainment presented at the? Opera House last night by Herrmann and his assistants was one of the most pleasant that has ever been known" in Wilmington, and it that so few persons is to be .regretted were present to Jen- joy it. The sleight-ff-hand was very fine, thc best, we think, we have ever seen here; the cabinet and jierial suj pension tricks were j excellent, and the exhibition by the Japanese with the ufipronounceableinaiiie was of the very best order. Mad Dog. j A fine setter dog, the property of Dr. W. II. Green, yesterday manifested snch signs of being mad that its owner determined to kill it and attempted ! to do so but the animal escaped from the promises. He was overtaken and kill ed, eventually bv'a policeman, at the corner of Front and Church streets. This is the first case we have heard re ported as occurring in the city this year, and in fact for a number of years, although we have recently hoard , of a number of cases from the country and in one or two instances we have heard of hydrophobia resulting to those who have been bittenby mad dogs. So Sad. She was fair and beautiful to look upon as she passed usjin the street to day. The eighteen winters of blighting frost and summers of burnins sun which had evidently passed over her head, had only served to heighten into charming womanhood the lovely maid en whose cheeks werej iust faintly ting" ed with the healthful glow of rosy beau ty, as if mantled by a blush of pride a1 the ponsciousness of her own loveliness. Her mild blue eyes seemed looking dreamny into the distance as though there was no thought of ithel love'igbt wmcn sparkled m .those texpressive E orbs. Her step was free and elastic and carried her perfect form with ele gant yet. unrestrained and hnpdless graced Her rich masses of "flaxen hair were in perfect keeping with here pure blonde complexion.! Her' mouth aud nose were such asj a sculptor might opy. Herappaal. though "not rich, showed her fine form to exquisite ad vantage, and from one of her pockets the corner of a spotlei handkerchief protruded in the'daintiesfc manner tpos siblft while irom the other there were visible a lot of tooth brushelstLnd a trial package of snuffFact, --h:-::--:t Mi ; VUil i r ' 1 WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. A PELL 10. i i ' - Numbering. Mr. Dnkes, one of the gentlemen who have the contract to number the houses in this city, tells us that he will have the numbersjon by or before the first of May. He has already taken over; 2,000 orders and will commence to-day to place the numbers on the houses. When the work is completed the curious of the city will have an opportunity to ascer tain the number of honses within the corporate limits. M - Election of Officers;. The members of the Produce. Ex change held their" regular; meeting, for the election of officers to serve for the ensuing year, at their rooms at ' 12 o'clock to-day, with the following re sult: ; President Roger Moore. . Vice President J. H. Carrie. Board of Managers II . C. McQueen, A. H. Green, B. F. Hall, 11. E. Calder, A Martin. ' Inspectors of Election K. W. Hicks, Oscar. Pearsall, W. W. Ha rriss. Mr. James Sprunt, the former Pres ident, and Mr. H. C. McQueen, former Vice President, were renominated for their respective positions but declined a re election. i Wilmiusrton Cottou Milts. The annaal meeting of the stockhold ers of the Wilmington Cotton Mills was held at the office of the Navassa Guano Works, this morning,' with Mr. D. G, Worth in the Chair and Capt W. G. MacRae acting at Secretary. ! The annual reports were read and ac cepted and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President Donald MacRae. Vice President Wra. A. French. -Secretary and Treasurer -Walter G McRae. r. Directors Donald MacRae, Wra. A. French, Edward Kidder, Jks. H.Chad bourn, John . W. Atkinson, F. "VV,; Kerchner, B. G. Worth and Walter G. MacRae. ; The Penalties. The following persons were senten ced to terms of imprisonment for the crimes with which Ihey were respec tively charged at the term of the Crim inal Court, which closed its labors on i Saturday last : s Miles Cooper, larceny; 5 years in the penitentiary. Kit Foster and Henrietta Nixon, lar ceny, the former 2 years in the peniten tiary and the latter 6 months in the County House of Correction. Thad Moore aud Catharine Black, fornication and adultery. 18 months in the County House of Correction. Edward Colvin and Lucy BlaCk.Tor nlcation and adultery, 18 months in the County House of Correction ; Mary Jones, assault and ' battery, 2 years in. the County House of Correc tion. A hotel-man by name of Ransom, Who tried to peep oyer a transom, Wouldn't tell what he saw, 4 But his battered jaw, St. Jacobs Oil made it quite handsome. I , i Phosphate lhiuds. It may be that there are some very rich phosphate deposits underlying this section, the rocks) found at. Castle Hayne seeming to establish t lis fact to a certain extent. The Xeics aiid O0 servcr thinks that the discovery is an important one. It has given some 'time and attention to the subject and in commenting on the find, says; The indications are that the bed is extensive, while the analysis demon strates its richness in phosphatic ele ments. There are many beds of cop rolites on the lower waters of the Cape Fear, but those heretofore examined have not been of sufficient j importance to juFtify opciating them, Green sand is also found, while, as is well known, marl of great excellence abounds Phosphatic rock, however, is of a dit fofont fftrmation. The orisin of the phosphate beds in the coast region of bouin Carolina is ia uouut. iu uwu satisfactory theory that we have met with is that when this continent was yet young the gulf stream passed still further inland than at-present ; that its channel widened on reaching the Caro lina! coast and the current slackened; that this loss of momentum refilled in a settling of the rich phosphatic sedi ment, which the gulf stream rought with it Irom the topics'. Hence the present deposit. If this theory be cor rect, then unless the gulf stream was deflected eastward by some headland to the southward ot the Cape Fear, there should also be similar deposits found in the Cape Fear region. An ex amination of the Rocky Point district, just North ot Castle Hayne, "indicates that it was at a comparatively recent date covered by the ocean, and that af ter the coast line had changed. - it re mained an arm ot the sea. What , the coast line was when the sands of Mt -Misery were being piled up, is a mere matter of conjecture; but considering the surroundings; it is highly probable that in that region beds of phosphates exist of sufficient extent to justify work ing, r... . , .; i , , '.'.,'".' t 4'v-"'.. - 1 ' ' - v ....::-..' ' ' ... lEflEV, NEW ADVERTlBEfllENTS. T H I S WEEK WE WILL JSV. GETTING tiOOHS, BY STEAMER AND BT KA1L AND EACH DAT ; WE CAN OFFEK SOME INDUCEMENTS. f ! J ERSE Y OF FINE. LIGHT WEIGHT. ELASTIC MATERIAL. IN BLACK AND COLORS. THEsE JACKETS ABE "ALL TUB GO", AND WE AUE PREPARED TO SELL THEM CHEAP. THE J? RICES .WILL BANGS FROM r $3.75 TO $6.00. " " ReSpectfully, i A Pleasant Hour v Mr. Gregory, f Marblehead, Massa chusetts, through whose munificence the Congregational Church, on Nnnj between Sixth and Seventh, streets, and New Hampshire Memorial Institute, onthe corner ofNun and Seventh streets, were mainly established, has been in the city for several days', with ; some others of his Northern fr.ends, and to day held a sort of informal reception at the City Hall. There . was1 quite a gathering ot some ot our most promi nent citizens and a few colored persons in attendance. Mayor Hall introduced Mr. Gregory to the audience in a' very happily conceived yet brief speechl The speech of the latter occupied about 15 minutes in its delivery and was listened to with marked attention and interest. His line of argument was that in pro per education the heart the virtues mus be taugh as well as the ; mental powers; that to educate the latter with out caring for the tornier ; ;was to fit man for a vicious life;. that: the - whole mn mentalr physicalJ ancU nioralt .should be properly and V thoroughly trained at one and the same time. Rev. Drs. Taylor Mayor Hall made and Wilson and brief, . "appropriate speeches, after which the meeting broke up. "i - 'V;:.- ' We must not forget to mention ' that a party of gentlemen from New Haven Conn., were also present, among whom was the venerable SUias Pierpont, who, although an octogenarian visits ' our section now for the first time and ex presses himself as highly pleased and agreeably surprised at what he has seen and heard while in our midst. Dr. A. B. Fuller and Mr.. M. E. Osborne, of the New Haven Register I were the others from the New England "City of Elms." The Langtry waves are the newest for the front hair. These long-curled waves are very ! effective, and differ from the Saratoga, curls being the dis tinctive feature. The hair may be parted oh the side or the centre with this style of dressing These waves have not as yet rolled oyer Wilmington to any very great extent. List of Letters; A list of unclaimed letters! remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, April II. 1883: A John R Anderson &i Co. B Rev A C Bunn, M D, (2), Ben Brantt, George Burnett, E W Uailey, Harry Brewer, James Bell. Sylvester Burress, Selh Belden, William Bolivcr, Lewis Beldotic CCE Cowan. John Clark. J J. Clemmon3, James L Cowan. Neill Cos tin. Billy Caiips. . D P B Deans, Minerva Dickson, Susie Dickson " '.j FDollie Figuars, L J Fergus, H H Foote, Betty Gore, Lizzie Green, care Geo W Green, George W Green, Mary Gardiner. (2), Phorbe Garrison. H Harriet Hill. Alfred Hall. Alice Hall, Alexander IIicks,David Howard. Donnon Harriss, George A Hooker. J Holland, Minnie Henry. Mollie Har riss, N B Herring, Rachel Hines, Wil liam Harriss. (2). J E D Jones, Pennie Jones, Virginia Jenkins. K Louis Kempel. L Ben La ban, J F Ianier, S. C Larkins. i M Jam 08 E McDonald, (3). Jno N Mintz, Fred Muller, Hannah McMillan. Francis Moore, Charlotte Manguni, J McKnight. Minnie Mack. B S Murray. M E. Morrisey, Capt Thos K Murray. William Martin, Maggie McLester, RnbtMorriS3, Rachel Mel vin' N Melissa Nichols. O Sara ueF Oten . P L T Palmer, Bobt Phianey, Anna Perkins. U Susan A Redd i nr. Wm' II Ran som, Susan Robinson. Roseanna llcy nolds, Mary F Robinson P G Riddick; Henry Robinson, w .j - S Alice Simmons, in care of Geo W Greeni , -:s -a-.w a T James L Tucker. i W Willis. Wootcn J AV . Woodside. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;M if not called for within tea days will be sent to the dend letter eCla r.t :WchinTtont- Df i T 'P ft NO. 86 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 80MK ESPKCIALLT C11KAP AND GOOD. JACKETS R. R3. rJlclPJTIRE. Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY" - '.JUI tlOTIftd a. n ll - fnmirilrnrwl against harboring or cretliting auy GEORGE DAVIS, Maeumber, "SSSS" oi uie crew, or imtlgli baraue jawier, as neuuer me aiaster or Consignees will be responsible for any debts contracted by them f ALEX. SPRUNT X SON, apl 10-lt Consignees. H AIR BRUSHES, . TOOTH BRUSHES, COMBS, MI KB Its, DRESSING CASES, POCKET BOOKS. POWDER BOXES, PUFFS, EXTRACTS,; etc., etc. i Forsale low. WILLIAM H. GREEN... apl 10 . .j Druggist. IJew rjJusic. LATEST PIECE3 JUST RECEIVED, At HEINSBERGEB'S, Played and 8ung Everywhere f Twas Only a Daisy' "I know Two Eyes , ' True Heart, Farewell", Waltz" Song, "Bird from oyer the Sea" - - The prettiest Waltz ever published, "Only a Pansy Blossom," very popular; -Selections from Latest Operas, .ALo Latest Fit e Cent Music. r ' r - ' i gASE-BALLJs AND BATS J Spalding's, ; From 5d to $1.50 and upwards. , x or saie ai HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Stores. apl 10 Bock Beer ! Bock Beer i - - - i , i !:,- The First of the Season ! rjlHE BEST THAT HAS EVER BEEN known to be in Wilmington. Try' it for your- ; - f- -: " . jJ-.-'.-. ' - ' self. Prirate families as well as dealers can be supplied at a moment's notice by cailiug at i B, PORTNER'S Alexandria Tiyoli Brewery Agency, Currle's Block, Second, between Market and Princess sts., i r Wilmington, N. C. JULIUS LEINS, Agent. ; apl 10-tf CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, . MAYOR'S OFFICE, . -April mh, JdB. Notice IN THE GENERAL LAWS OF THE SUte the chapter relating to Towns reads as fol lows : "Any person or persons violating any Ordinance f any jUty or Town of this Stale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter;" that means fines or imprisonment. It is not my wish to sub ect any citizen to needless trouble or annoyance, but the cleanliness of the city and the good .health of the citizens are mainly dependent on the strict observance of the San itary Ordinances. -Now.. therefore: ample notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested, that on the 15th day of May next, the Health Officers of the city will be required .to careful ly Inspect and reiort upon the condition of all private, sinks and privies, and all persona who have will ally failed to have snch- places thor oughly cleansed and disinfected by that time will subject themselves to Indictment under the above named Act. The names of the City Scavengers can be ascertained by application to the Chief of Police. i E apl 10 2t D. HALL, Mayor. Kerchner & Calder. Bros., WHOLESALE GROCERS, O1 FfER A FULL LINE OF H I; ..... , - nEAVT AND LIGHT GROCERIES, STILLEK'S SUPPLIES, - l 1,000 BUhUc!of hZEl RICE, ' . - -: -- - - Ami arc Agent for WILSON. CHILD'S A CO'S PHILADELPHIA WAGONSj ' f i CARTS and TRl'CKS. Jackson l Bell, Water-Power Printers and 1 Binders.: WILMINGTON. N. C. JJAV1NG, RECENTLY ADDED WATER power to our (Four) Preses, oar fseliltie for executing Order promptly, are uBAurpafsed by office In the city.. J ai171wk ' -. i. - - . . - - Buggies I Buggies I N EV7 AND SECOND HAND FOR SALE Some Bargains. . v w 1 1883. . i PLEASK NOllCK . We will be glad to recelro comnmnicaUot) from our friends on any and all subject of general Interest but The name of the writer must always be fa CommunlcaUona must 1m written on only one aide of the paper. f ! i Personalities must bo avoided.! And it is especially and particularly under. stood that the Editor does not always endorse ... i : - . - i - - i tke views of correspondents imless so stated in the editorial columns. ' j . - NEW ADVEKTISEaiENTS. e Star Saloon, V GEO. F. HERBERT. Proprietor, j 13 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. JEWLY FITTED, EVERYTHING SEAT, clean and nice. ... Bcstot Ale, Wines, liquors and CI.' rJotice. rpjiE DIIZECTORS OF THE WILMINGTON; WRIGHTSVILLE ONsUW. 1L R. Co!, will meet at the ORlce of the General Suieiln- tendent, April l.th Inst., at 12 M: Bulnes i Importance. - . i . :t ; E. F. MARTIN. Gen' I Supt. nplft 't J. C. PRiLE,jjPresl(tcnt. You Will Find T i TO YOUR INTEREST TO LEAVE your orders for Frtrnlluro Repairing, Uihott cring, Cleaning, Vamlshlngi, Mattna ilaking ni jnpairiDg, uanging susucs, iMnuing laid an(l aB House Decoratii:g work with ! The Paper Hanger aud Awbing Maker. No. , cw M.nrkei oiiiiiau aened.! ! WorK guarautcol. apl 2t m s Tuning Pianos & Organs. -pROF. N. SCHMITT, HAVING AN EXPK- neiicc of thirty years In America, for Tuning and Hepairing Musical .Instruments, is enabled t guanuiiee cntli-e satisfaction or make no charge The highest recommendations from Schools and Colleges from the Southern State at hand. Orders left at his residence on Kec ond 6treet, between Market and Dock stivet, and with O. W. Yates and Helnsbcrgcr'tt Itook and Music Store. . -j--, apl 0 tf SODA WATER. QN AND AFTER TO-DAY . WE , WILL keep the most delicious ice Cold 'sddf . " Pure fruit juices only used, r (Vluiids BrooL, rt f m . t . I i mj 'ibis :u bu ijt, x luiriiiav.iatB, j . : t 1.491 BROADWAY, NEW YUK, ASiU. W ituttlJSU'IOiX, IS. J. mch 17 i ' " ' Tuning & Hepairing Pianos. ; "I- - I - c, will remain a few weeks ln WJlmington to xune ana uepair 'ianos, -teioueons, . JUicd and Pipe Organs. Orders left at Mr Heirs-. bergerfa and M)r. Yates Book Store will meet -i apl7-3t . , ; ' " ';'-; ; . ..; ! : " fXF RED AND WHITE ONION SETS,' Peas, Beans, Corn, Cabbage, &c ' Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, a w -4 !. t kkvauDy ct; Prescriptions llllod at nil hours, day and night.- F C. MILLER,j i , German Druggist,1 0 k mcli 31- Correr Fourth and Nun sts. If Tou Would be Happy . ! BUYJA COOKISTOVE. "The Golden Harvest;" it CALUMET," Or, "SOUTHERN OAK," Of PARK Kit A TAYHI ! Pure White Oil. mch I ENJOYMENT. TheRev.Jos. R. Wilson, D.D. WILIj LECTURE, , J.;v For the Benefit of the LIBRARY XSSOCIA- 1 '"'-- : f ' ! TION, nt the OPERA HOUSE, on TUESDAY, April loth, at fii-t o'clock j P. M. Subject "ENJOYMENT." i . i. ' t " Admission 2.V;. No extra! charge for Bp served freaU, wlrtch will be for sale at Dyer. Monday and Toes-lay; April Vlh and luih. apl 7-3t nac . . , -- ,. j - . . a7 & iThrier. Attractions for this Spring; PERFECT FITTING AND CORIIKCT STYLES OF cx,oa:aE3:i3sro- - for 5Ien. Youth's, Boys' and Children at the LOWEST PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. " V A. & I. SHRIER, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. apl 9 S4 Market Wtrci't. Send in your Orders. pAPKR, ENVELOPB. j BLANK BOOKS. SCHOOL lM)n?S, STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, . PAPER BAGS, TWINE, Ac BALLS, TO PS, MARRLKS, j I CROQUET, II AMMOcks, : i ' HARMONICAS, Ac, 4r. ' f All at re:uugab!e pricen,. wholesale an J

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