THIS PAPER every evening. Sundays ex cepted by "- pubHB bed J OSll T. JAMES, EDITOR PROPRIETOR. c-BSCBIFTIONS POSTAGE PAID: E 14J. Six . month, 2.00. Three !) t no- One month, cents. ' wj; delivered by carriers free i irtceni frtt'" 1 . ....slow and liberal. i . .,,rS will report aDy and receive m'-" t " " " . tww TiM'tcw has ike lamest rtf- JhC aw . r j. -dilation, of any newspaper pihlishcd. in the city of Wilmington. 'c hundred cigar-makeM are on -strike in Cincinnati, forest fires are devastating the coun nae i ' - - try near Imcolneo xiic so und 0lscrver calls five thoasandHiilloia five billion. It 3 Fendieton iu Ohio as it is Mc Donald in Indiana. Tne Indiana is the Ohio idea. The New York Herald says that after j, ere Is to be no advance in rent in that city and that there are a great number of dwellings and flats awaiting occfl pants. . . The Georgia Democrats met yester day in Convention for the purpose of nominating a successor to Governor Stephens- Five ballots were had with out a nomination. -- - Toor Ireland! During the last 30 years 2,804,740 emigrants left her ports to seek their forlumss elsewhere. The population of Ireland now is only 5,- 400,(i00f and it is still on the decline. . The l)ui3ville lottery, project, in which the Willard Hotel was the prin cipal prize, has collapsed. Of the $60, HX50 taken in for tickets, only about $10,000 remains for division among the purchasers. . Having read that Gov. Butler had as- gertwl that he has "no Presidential bee in his bonnet," the Boston Herald sug gests that probably it is a, hornet. 1 We rather think, in view of the Tewksbury developments, that it is an insect with stilUnother name. -" HerrMost "shot off his mouth" in Philadelphia Sunday night and declared that "America wanted dynamite." So she does, so she does, .Herr Most. Just enough of it, for instance, to Are off your carcase on the toe of some hard hearted fellow's brogan. In the Connecticut Senate; the Fi 1 nance Committee reported favorably a bill compelling the railroading corpora tions in that State to transport, free of charge, all members of the Legislature from their homes to Hartford and re tun during its annual sessions. The cattle ot the Pampas are com puted at 20,000,000. They are the des cendants of a bull and eignt cows which were brought there by two Portuguese brothers in 1553, It is only near Buenos Aires that they have been crossed with finer stock. The old herds are ill shaped and ugly. The Memphis Avalauce has changed both its management and politics. . Mr. W. H.Forrest, eldest son of thelato General N. B. Forrest., is the new busi ness manager. The Avalanche was formally neutral in politics, but will hereafter cratic. . '- The shipment b? butter from this eountry for ten months ending Febru ary 23, 1883, as compared with the "ship meats for the ten corresponding months in lb32. show a falling off of over' 50 Dercent. TheJjTew York Commcrcis? Bulletin thinks the falling off is due to the holding back of producers in send ing their butter to market, and that they will lose heavily in consequence. People who will speculate must lake the chances of speculation. Ia an article on "Type-writing apd Phonography," published in Harper's Baxir, in the series "How. skilled work remunerates Women," the writer says: "The best private secretary is one who ean write shorthand and operate a type writer. The young woman who can write shorthand and operate a type writer is in demand to-day, - and she can reasonably expect to earn lroni sven hundred to nine hundred dollars a year, if, of course, she has had a good common school education." - - - Te notict, by a letter published in tbe and Observer, that the census returns have credited Chatham .count 448,000,000 feet of pine timber "t but 288.000,000 in Bladen, 141,- 000. (Wi : t. . . . m Brunswick. 2S8.000.000 m l !buS' .OOO.OOO in Cumberland. 4.000,000 in Harnett, 563,000,000 in Johnston, 504,000,000 in Moore. 96.000.- Ja Hanover. 864 000,000 in Robeson and C02,000,000 in Sampson. U len xjm considered that Chatham is a rod clay coanty and thafc OQe - - n7el ten ailes in almost, any direc hSl? a eUl"Pse tf "merchanta- i116 8 of the stated at Will be" understood and - apprcci- 111 i VOL. VII LOCAL NEWS. ISDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Mcnds Bros Soda Water James Wilsos Eent Dar .1 F C A New Supply -Yates Send in your Orders' W II Gkeex Hair Brushes, etc John II Peon Standard-Keeper Louisiana StAte lxttery Company t Cronlt Jfc HoniusTurniture at Auction Maj. Winder was1 in the city yestcr-i day I'- 1 ' 1 . The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 65 bales. " " ! For Pocket Knives or. Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t 1 i" 1 ' ; Rev. Mr. Barrow, of Baltimore,! who has beeii here for two weeks on: a visit to St. John's Parish, left yesterday on his return home. " Flies were swarming in the open air to-day, which is said to be a 'sure indi cation that Winter has gone! and that Spring is at hand. Depositions are being taken here now before U. S. Commissioner King in the suitof Mrs. Virginia Mathews. s the Carolina Central 11. R. Elder John liowe, of Georgia, will preach in the Primitive Baptist Church in this city, to-morrow evening, services to commence at 7 :30 o'clock! Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Ja com. 's I if i i The following are the numbers which drew the big prizes in the drawing of the Louisiana Lottery yestesday : 62,887, 72,599, 52,989, 36,502, 58,507, 25,335, 27,694, 50,116. 69,372, 97.878. Capt.T. M.Emerson, General Freight and Passenger Agent of the 'Atlantic Coast Line, who has been very sick for the past two weeks, has againr ' so far recovered as to be able to appear on the streets to-day. P. G., W. M. Hayesj was elected last of Cape Fear night, representative Lodge, No. 2. I. O. annual meeting of of O. F. to the ! ; ! the State Grand Lodge, which convenes at Raleigh on the 15th proximo. Steamship Regulator, CaptL Doaue, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at 10 : IS this forenoon. The river was so full of rafts and flats below and above .her dock that she experienced some delay xand considerable difficulty in reaching her moorings, but it wag finally accomplished. I . Telegraph poles cost about $1 jcach; the . w ire stretched on them costs jabout 15 a mile; the cros&.'arms cost five cents a running foot; the insulators cost two and a li$lf cents each by the hun dred for light wires, and seven to eight cents for heavy wires. With these figures anybody cau figure out the cost of putting up a telegraph line, adding lthc cost of labor. City Court: Alexander Evans and Cad Lowery two colored youths were arrested and brought before -Mayor Hall this noon charged with disorderly conduct. The testimony showed that the former was not guilty, and- he - was "discharged, while a tine' xf $-2 was imposed upon the latter, with the alternative of 10 davs in the city orison. He went sor rowfully below. . Severe Accident. We regret to learii that Capt. B. W Berry-met with uuite a severe ac-4 cident aesterday 'afternoon which will probably confine him to the house for a while. He was engaged in raising the barque Atlantic, which was thrown on her beam ends at the Dry Dock a few days ago, when a chain parted, a frag ment ot which struck him on the face cutting a deep cash besides inflicting several severe bruises.-! Dr. Bellamy was called upon andj made the patient as comfortable as possible. It was a very fortunate escape from fatal conse quences. A fine assort ment Of Guns and Pistols at Jacobs s Hardware Depot. , t .-" : , 1 . : Unprecedented. . We have been informed that a few days gsince : engine INo.! 31 (which was formerly known as! tho William ; A. Wright), with a lecori of 17 year's service, made the run from Weldon to; Wilniintou, 162 miles; jjneuding four stoppages, in 4 hours and 3 minutes, i There were. 17 minutes consumed in the stoppage which, made the actual running time 3 hours and 46 minutes. It Is stated that the run was made, In cluding a, return to iBiirga on one tender of wood. S. LL , Meredith was the engineer and Capt. Newell conduct or at the time. " -' ' i -' ' .i.-.r ; v" .:r ' WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY; APRIL Mr. Sprunt's ISeport. We thank .Mr.. James Sprunt, retir ing President f the Produce Exchange editorially and individually, lor a-copy of his report, snbmitted by him yester. day at the annual meeting of the Pro duce Exchange. This report is a duo decimo edition of 252 pages, which has been prepared by Mr. Sprunt during the past few weeks, and published at his own expense- It is beautifully printed, on thick paper, in clear type, and is an excellent specimen of the work turned out by the printers.Messrs. Jackson & Bell. Of the report itself we hardly know how to speak. We do not want to say too little and we could not say too much. It is a carefully prepared, elaborate statement of almost every department or institution of public interest in this city, presenting carefully arranged details in regard to everything. Nothing seems to have been omitted and although the subjects treated of have been famil iar in a general way to our jminds for years yet there is much in the details that has never before been niade pub lic and which is of absobing interest. The book is not only excellent as read ing matter and reliable as to the statis- .1 tics it furnishes, but it is very valuable as a book of reference and will no doubt be carefully: preserved by all who may be so fortunate as to become pos sessors of it. " ! To Mr. Sprunt himself we present; our warmest ; congratulations, for the task which his liberality and public spirit suggested to him has been faith fully and well performed. It was a really gigantic undertaking, and had it taken months instead of weeks to carry it out, even then it would have been quickly performed. - In this connection we publish here the resolutions relative to Mr. Sprunt's retirement from the office of President of the Produce Exchange, offered yes terday by his successor, Coll. Roger Moore, and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Exchange are eminently due, and are hereby, tendered Mr. James Sprunt for the very able and successful manner' in which he has conducted the affairs of this organization during his term of of fice.) Resolved, furtlitr. That for his very valuable contribution, presented to the members of this body, contained in his report, i "Information and Statistics Respecting ' WillmingtonN. C," which is copyrighted and in book form, this Exchange and the community at large are under very great obligations ; as it must prove invaluable for reference J containing, as it does, complete and reliable information of the business en-1! terprises and resources of our city. I t The Opera House. The next entertainment at the Opera House will be on the 1 9th and 20th inst, on which occasions Rev. Dr. Hogc, of Richmond, wilt lecture for! the benefit of the Wilmington Library Associa t:on. j Rev. Dr. Milburn, the blind preach eiY whose reputation is national, will also lecture at some date yet to be fixed upon. . ; Zera Semon, the lame magician, who did such a fine business here last season, has alsol applied for three nights but the dates have not yet been agreed upon. Application for dates has also been received from Prof. Ik Seeman, a cele brated spiritualist and prestidigitateur, who, our exchanges tell us, presents a truly marvellous entertainment. , Opening1 the Street. The following compose the jury to lay off South Water street, from Orange to Ann,1 and assess "the property value of the same: Dr.: A. J. DeRosset, Foreman, arid Messrs. B. F. Mitchell. James Wilson, Thomas Evans. Donald McRae, Preston Cumming, John H. Strauss. H. Von- Glahn, E. T. Hancock, John C. Heyer, H. Toilers, R. E. Heide. x j Tho street is to be 25 tect wide and is merely an extension of the present South Water street. It has been used as a thoroughfare for some years, but has never been laid off as city property. The jury will report in the matter on Thurs day (to-morrow) and the property will undoubtedly soon come under the control ot the city. The property holders are represented in the matter by Messrs. Junius Davis and Eugene Martin, while the city's interests are attended to by Mr. DuBrutz Cutlar. A couple who lived at Dundee, Fell overboard into the sea. They were stiff as a post. When they reached the coast. -i But Jacobs Oil cured he and she. . Mr. Henry E. Tudor, of the Brush Electric Light Company, is in the city to-day for the purpose of submitting 'proposals to furnish the csty witli elec trie lights He was in communication this morning vVitii Mayer Hall. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. this WE WILL BE GETTIXfc GOOtS, BT WE CAN OFFER SOME INDUCEMENTS. CHEAP , 1 i . JERSEY JACKETS OF FINE, LIGHT WEIGHT. ELASTIC MATERIAL. IN BLACK AND COLORS. TIIE&E JACKETS ARK "ALL TIIR GO", AND WE ARK PREPARED TO SELL j THEM CHEAP THE PRICES WILL RANGE FROM ' I , $S.75 TO $8.00. ! ' - i i Respectfully, apl 9 Presidential Visits. The assertion having been made by a city cotemporary that no President of the United States had ever stopped in Wilmington, we are induced to record here a lew facts. Janies Monroe visited Wilmington in 1819, Martin VanBureu, in' 1840. J amesj K. Polk in 1849, and Millard Fillmore in 1852. These two lust visits come under the personal recollection of the writer, and the others are vouched, for by a gentleman who recullects them well. President Polk spoke from the portico of the old Hill house, corner of Front and Dock streets, now owned and occupied by Messrs Adrian & Vollers, and President Fill more held a reception iu the parjor of the Holmes Hotel, corner Market and Front streets, 'now occupied by Dr. Jas. E. Kea. The last .Presidential visit to Wilmington was in 1864, when President Davis spoke from the bal cony of the large . building on Market street, now occupied by Mrs. Moore as a boarding house and at that time by Mrs. John Walker as a private resi dence. Enjoyment. There was not so large an audience at the Opera House last night to bear the Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Wilson discuss the above named subject as the theme, the speaker and the occasion deserved, al though many of the most intelligent, refined and cultured of our people were presentjto be edified by the scholarly ef fort. In the preparation of the lecture Dr. Wilson had evidently bestowed much careful thought, although there was none of the stiffnessjand formality and offensiveness of pedantry in its composition. Its logie, rhetoric and dic tion formed a trio ot exquisite harmony in which there was not a dissonant note to grate and jar upon the sensitive and delighted car. Those wh were absent missed a rich treat, and those who had the good fortune to bej present were made glad by a season of Enjoy ment" of tho purest and- best quality for which they owe lasting gratitude to Dr. Wilson, who prepared the least, and to the Wilmington Library Associ ation, through whosefinstrutuentality it was offered to our people. Exports Foreijrti. Nor. barque Abtl, Capt. Omdahl, cleared to-day for Hull, Eng., with 2. 200 barrels tar and 1. 100 barrels rosin, valued at $6,138.44, shipped by Messrs. Paterson Downing & Co. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c- You can get all sizes and at the lowest i . NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS. Standard-Keeper. . I HAVE RECEIVED TnE APPOINTMENT by the Board of Aldermen as Standard Keeper for this City, and am the only person authorized by law to inspect Weights and Measures. Will be prepared very soon to en ter upon the duties of my office, and will pro ceed to carry out the provisions of the law, i JOHN II. PUGB, apl 1 1-1 1 Standard-Keeper Fly Traps and Fly Fans, OR SALE BY GILES A MURCHISON, r rt and 40 MnrRhtMut Block i apl 11 By OKONLYA MOKKIS. U. CRONLT, AHCt'r. Superior Furniture at Auction. HAVING SOLD THE RESIDENCE ' OK Hon, S. II. rirbblate, upon Front street, we shall proceed to seU oa toaoTOW, (Tbu ra dar) 12th Inst , commencing at 11 A. IC.aad contlnuln nntli all In aoki, all f the Parlor, Library, Dintng- Room and Chamber rurut tare, with all Carpets, crockery and Glass ware. well as. eotlre Kitchen Outfit. ThU Furniture is first-class throughout, mostol it manufactured to nrtler, comparaiivery -new. and in grood coniItin. fc'ale by Catalogue, to he obt lined at residence on nsori-lr cf txld. pl li lt :', - ' NO. 87 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Week STEAMER AND BT RAIL, AND EACH DAT ! i SOME ESPECIALLY CHEAP AND GOOD. R. Sll. MclRlTIRE. Rent Day IS DREADED Bf MANY WHO ARK groaning under landlord rule. During tue past fifteen years I Lave soM a large immlcr of houses HU'I lots in this ity ou the instal ment plan, to parties w ho are novr living free and Independent of landlords. Some of them who started with very little capital now own two to three house. One iarty oum 'fix and another party wnsseven. It is wonderful how rapidly oranll amounts grow into Ma; Cgttres. To get rid of rent paying the instalment plan has proven a great success. Building loU for sale on ' the instalment -plan situated on Seventh, WIlsou, Eighth, Ninth. 1 enth, Dick lnson, Eleventh, Bay, Tweirth, Thirteenth, Castle, Church, Nun, Ann, Orange, Chestnut, Walnut. Mulberry, Red Cross, Gwvnn, Char lotte and Rankin streets!- " i Money loaned to those wishing to build, apl 11- Apply to JAMES WILSON. The Puttee it requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthty Capital Prize $75,00O Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. Louisiana State Lottery Company. 'We do hereby certify that toe supervise the arrangements "for aU the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Loi ter Company, and in person manage and con trol tlie Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ixe the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in Us adver Usements" ! Commissioners. Incorporated In 186 for 25 years by the Leg lslature for Educational ana Charitable pur poses with a capital of f 1,000,600 to whch a reserve fund of $3.V),000 has since leen added. - I i By an overwhelming i popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D.,1879. The only Ijotteryever voted on and endorsed by the pttplc of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Sikgle Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOUTCNK. Fifth Graud Drawing, Class at New- Orleans, Ttiesdav, Mar 18S1 l.V?th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, ! $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion, j . LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of 75,000 1 Capital Prize of..... 25,000 1 CaplUl Prize of 10,000 2 Prizes of $6,000 12,000 S Prizes of 2,000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1.000 J. 10.000 i 20 Prizes of 500 J. 10,000 100 Prizes of of of of 4 . a,uw i. 30,000 .. 25,000 300 Prizes 500 Prizes 1000 Prizes 100 , 50 25 .. 25.000 AFPROXTM PHIZES 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. fi,750 4,500 2,250 500. 250. 1,867 Prizes, amounting to. . - $2C5,500 i Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. - i- For further information, write clearly, glv-' Ing full address. Send orders try jsxpress. Registered Letter, Or Money Order addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C N. B. In the Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing of next J one tho Capital Prixo will be $150,000. j apl ll-wed-sat-4w-dAw . Send in yonr Orders. pAPER, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, cr. Aim, . BALLS, TOPS, MARBLES, . ' - r . . - - - - ; CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, HARMONICAS, Ac, Ac. , All at reasonable price, wliolesal and re t ill. at YATES BOOK WTOUK. I apl 9 - ' - - - - - 1' . H AIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BKU8ILES, NAIL BRUSHES, nouns - j MIKE KS, - I . DRESSING CASES, i ( ' JMCK.T BOKS. ' POWDER BOXFrPUFFS, r EX rEACTS, etc , etc. . r. - ' Frf:iV law. -' 1LLIAM II. :Gi:tEN. s UJ - Dr ' t. 11. 1883. We will be gial to receive rxxMauntr from our frteuds oa any and all subject of general Interest but - J - The name of the writer mutt ahrays be U nlshed to the Editor. ' ' ' i Coramunlcattons ranst be 'wrlttea ot .nly one side of the paper. ' : -PersonallUes must be avoided. r And It ts especUIly and particularly itder atood that the Editor dvs Rot always endo tbc views of correspondent milcsa so stated In the editorial columns. , - V If NEW AVI5UTISEMENTSJ d u 0E2STEX I I i' The Star Saloon. GEO. F. HRRBEUT, Pixnletor. is 3larkoi Street, Wilrolngton.ijN. I. v JCWLY FITTED. E V E R YT n I N G NK'aT,'" clean and c. . - ' U. Best of Ale, Wines, 1 iquors and Ci gars, domestic and Imported. - 1 I.'-.' - -'-i,- .1, j Tuning Pianos & Organs; PUOF. N. SCH.MITT, HAVING AN EXPE i - - ' j : -. (i nonce of thirty Years in America, Ur Tuning and Kepalring Musical Instruiiienu,"! eiia'llrd trtguaran ice entire satifsction. or make 0 charge The highest mcouinicndaliouu from Schools and Colicccs from tho Southern State at hand. Onlers lett at his residence en t-vr-ond street, letwecn M.rket and Kck siricl' and with C. W Yates anil Heloshcrger's lmL and Music .Store. aollikf, fS AND AFrEK TO DAY WK Wt l,L keep the. niont delicious Ice Cold Sod. , 1 Pure fruit juices only used.. i J flJ u n d t R rnc J Dispensing Phafmaclnui 1; . 1.4JII BROADWAY, NEW. VoUR.' AND WILMINGTOV, N. t,v . " ! m'h 17 ; - f..- . , f J - j 1 A Wew Supply KEI) A'l WHITE UNION' M:iS,' Peas, Beans, Corn, Cabhate, . Dntgs and Chcmictli. Patent Mcllcloos., Toilet sod Fancy Article!, ,tc. ' -V nijfbL F C. -MILLER, ' ! , iGernian Druggist, m,"h Cori'er fourth and Nun u. m-m m. 1 m - 1111 iiiiiN hi lit; i r mi riikii a m m. . 1 If You . Would be Happy j BtJVJ COOK!STOVK. V I I "The Golden Harvest," : ' cc CALUMET," I ' Or, SOUTHICKN OA It " I Of PARKER A TAYlHl rr Pure White Oil. r mch . A. & I SHRIER. 1..- Attractions for this Spring. 1 PERFECT FITTING AND CORRKCT . ' STYLKS OF i- l". :H cLOTHiiral - j ' T . ' for Men. Youth's, Boys and njildrenj at lho LOWEST PRICES. ' THE LARGEST KTOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. - A. & I. SHRIER, RELIABLE qi-OTIIIERS, , ' apl; 31 Market Street.., IJev iVlusic. r.ATEST PI FOES ,UdT RECK I YE Df. 1 J At HEINSBKRGEB'S. ,- j. iri hu'i .-untr r-vcry wnere : "Twai Only n Daky," ! know Tun f!r " " True Heartl, Farewell", WalU Scn , . -"Bird from ttvvr Ihe. st:n .1 rii( ptvtliefit WniucverpohlUihed, - 'uuy a i-andy luotnom, very popuifir, ! : NcUction from Lateat tvtraa- - . I - . .Vl-oLatOHt Fi e Cent Miiir. I . ! JgASE-KALl AND It ATS. Spalding's, :i From 5c to $l..V) and upwards ' -. . lor sale at- -1 ! IIEINSBERCER'S. : Uvc Book' and Mobic Stores.' apl 10 Bock Beer! Bock Be6rl! I 1IC I II Ul , llltJ OedbUH J rpiIE' BEST THAT HAS EVER BEEN known to le In Wilmington Try It for your-1 solf Prlvl fnn.lll.. .... .1 1 J." . . e supplied at a moment's notice by calling at j 1L PORTNER'S ' " Alexandria TIvoll Brewery Agency., I - ' j r j iurne a uioce, ecoua, retween I : 3Iarket and Priucess sis., ! Wllmlrrtmi ' V . I ? JUJjys leins. Agent. a. 10-tf city of wilmix;to., N. C, it" SI A YOlfjj OFFICE.1 I April 9th, Notice IN THE GENERAL LAWS OF THE SlaM the chapter relating to Towns read a fol ' lows "An tersoa or jcr)u olAlnrrnny Onlinanceof any City or Towh of tf .tat shall be guilty of a misdemeanor aui h ll be snblect 10 tie lnrovUlons of tbUcUi'U'rt' that means fine or imprisonment t U u( nir wUh to snb e t any citizen to nOdle trouble or annoyawc; but the cleanliuea ot he it' and the good h.nltii of tlx? rltLt-na njalnly " ilecutieuton the strict Wr ain!if the aii-. iury OrdinancCi. Now. therelorii ' Tn'l notice is hereby plven t- all jn-ra intereieii; ' inat oa me i uay 01 ay next. Urn HcmUIi OfUccrs of the city will be reqnir I u c in-f u ly insicct anl report upon tl tuduion of jtl private ink and privies, and ail peraon wh he wiliulty failed to hnvenvU e tMr" ouguly cleansed and'r'tcl ty. tint llai will subject theuJelve t ldw-titi-ia und -r the m1hvc ntmed Act. The naie .f the l-ltj" Scavengers ean l--e a-tccrtaleal by uvulhiUon U the Chief of Police. p i E. 13. II XI J A ; apU0 2t 3 layor. Bnggies ! Buggies! lEW AND SECOND HAND itt SALE Srttne Bargains. ; ; - t. j rourr

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