THIS PAPER . effery evening, Sundays ex cepted by t;." ;:,::: plica us xotic. v,(: :!. i We will be glad to receive ecjntnunicaUoM from our friends on any and ill subjects ol general Interest but . ! t The name of , the writer must always be fa jOSH T. JAMKS, EPITOR AS PROPWETOK. . ,.,twVS POSTAGE PAID: alahed to the EdUor. j Six inontns, 7z.uu. Anree Communlcattons matt bo or yf written on. oaly c ' 1 00: Une monm, w ceais. one side ot the paper. ? , PeroonaHUca moat be aTolded. ir will be delivered by carriers free ToC P in anv part of the city, at .the above fWraU'ilovvan.IUlKTaL V. s.bcriben 11 report any ami all fall- And It Is especlallj and partlctiiarrjr uader. too.! that the Editor ioea not always cndoie tke vlcvrs of correspondentB nnle&a j bo tuted In the editorial column. ; !, WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1883. NO. 88 Daily Review - 1 .111 fj r j - 1 : " . VOL. VII. Tl J. . 7, 7 . . J Senator Bayard will driver the ora- f thp Yale Law School com mence tion at uient. mt , he Kcr. David Lathrop Hunn of Buffalo, aged 03, is the oldest living Graduate of Vale. . . - It is virtually settled that the Marquis of Kipon will resign the Viceroyalty of India at the end of the present year. " . : Dr. Deems does not believe in indis criminate alms-giving to street beggars, who are often frauds and stool pigeons. - The New York Times conies to the reluctant conclusion that "the gas com panies do not compete with each other and the electric light does not compete To-day, Thursday, Italy will resume specie payments. Iler public ilebt is considerably larger than our own. Laat year her revenue was $137,580,805 anther expenditures $435,860,723. . Philadelphia has experimented with the new cable motor for running street car3 without horse-power- The success of the project was quite satisfactory. It lias long been in operation at San Francisco. . . At a recent execution in Japan it took thirteen strokes of the sword to decapitate the criminal. The edge of the instrument had. been purposely dulled, in order to make the death agony a3 great as possible. . . - A steamer in California keeps a sheep that is trained to go out on the gang plank whin a floek of sheep is to be loaded and show them the passage over ii safe, when they follow hini as their leader into the boat. Nashville, Tcnn., is scourged with smallpox. Thirteen now cases were reported on Saturday, and fifty patients are in the Pest-house. One school con taining six hundred pupils has been closed for two weeks. Chief Justice Appleton, of Maine, has been on the Supreme Bench' of that State for thirty-one years, and has held his present position for' twenty-one years. He is seventy-eight years old. Congressman J. G. Carlisle, of Ken tucky, whose name is so prominently before the public, is - forty-eight years old. He was born in Kentucky. He has long beem a lawyer in that State. General Francis A. Walker thinks that all the work of the census llureau will be ready for publication by the 1st ol next July. What a sham it is to publish the records and statistics of a census four or five years after it was taken! There is an an earnest attemptinak ing to root out the terrible disease of lep rosy from the Hawaiian Islands. Fifty lepers have recently been removed from Honolulu to the leper settlement at the island of Molokai, to be separat ed from their friends. imcl families for ever. There would be more marrying in the world if there were more girls like one living near New Orleans. She has chartered a steamer and is to be married on board. After the ceremony the boat will take all present up the Mississippi for a protracted tour, of which she bears all expenses. Mrs. Gladstone has received a letter (row the Queen, begging her to use her influence to induce Mr.v Gladstone to accept of a peerage. This, while lessening his labor, would enable him to continue Prime Minister. But the ereat commoner prefers to "retire from office altogether and to remain in the House. The Augusta Chronicle says: "We would not be a bit surprised if Mary land, Florida and Sooth Carolina fol lowed .Virginia temporarily into the ftepublicaa camp. But several of the great Eastern and Western States now Republican would gravitate toward ocracy. This would at least knock the bottom out of the solid North and Jud South, whUe electing a Democratic President We can't see the' basis for soch a "surprise." South Carolina go Republican, and of that fact we are sure, while it does not look as though Florida .had any -leanings m that direction. Nor "do wc sec any reason why a somersault should be ex pected in Maryland. It takes the gen eral elections to classify a State cor rectly, and the South will be as solid as JTr next Fall. v r- 77? I'flUy Ji'-VXKiv linn iiftt Mc circulation, of awj newsjtapcr A hllffe Strike of cotton mill rnr tivesat the East is threatened. The manufacturers! contend that they are paying as much as they can at present afford. I I ' The late Peters Cooper lived under every President the Country has had and through every war, except that of the Revolution.' He was wont to say that when he was born New jYork city contained 33,331 .inhabitants; not a sin gle free school, ejjher by day or night, existed in the city; Washington had just entered on his first term' as Presi dent; the expenses of ithe Federal gov ernment were not mote than $2, 500,000. Yet Mr. Cooper has just died, and dur ing his liie he saw the! cost of govern ment jnuch more in one day than it was in the whole year in! which he was born ; saw free schols not only in every portion of New York but all over the Union; saw that city contain forty times its population at his birth, and saw the country at large ujvanced in wealth and powcr as no othei ever was in even a much greater tirnc LOCAL NEWS. IKDZX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Benson's Skin Cure j Munds Bkos Soda Water IlEINSBERGER New Music jj" F C Miller A New Supply Yates Schd in your Orders W H Greex Hair Brushes, etc 1 McGowax's Saloox Last of the Season Ckoxly & Morris Furniture at Auction The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 97 bales j - A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at J acobi's Hardware Depot. t Stcamboatmen reporj; a slight rise in the Cape within the past few days. We were glad to receive , a call this morning from Mr. H. D. Williamson, Representative in the Legislature from Columbus county, j it gave us much pleasure to make his acquaintance. ; J , j i. The selection ol Col. 'John D. Taylor for the position of City Clerk and Treasurer is an excellent one and . will give general satisfaction, and this we say without any disparagement what ever to those other gentlemen who as pired to the position. . , For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware t)epot. t The rush of travel now is Northward, the health-seekers and pleasure-seekers in Florida being rn their homeward flight. The train which leit here this morning at 6:20; going North, took about 125 through passengers, nearly one hundred of whom passed directly through. An interesting event occurred last night in the Second Bapt" 1st Church, in this city. This was the marriage of a young couple, the pastor of the church, Rev. J. P. King, officiating. A great part of the attraction j consisted in the fact, as alleged, that the groom is only 19 years ol age and the bride but 13. To Builders and others -Go to JaccI Bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass1 &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. I We are sorry j to learn, as we j do from a telegram j. received here to-day, of the extreme illness of Mr. Patrick McGowan, a well-known resident of Raleigh and father of Captf J. M. Mc Gowan, of this city. Capt. McGowan expects to leave here to-morrow morn ing for attendance at his . bedside. City Court, j The only case lor he Mayor's con sideration this morning was William Hicks, colored, charged with throwing rocks. Two dollars fine or 5 days in the city prison rwai the penalty and in default of -the shekels William went bslow. The New Wires. j Articles ot incorporation for the for mation of the Wilmington,? Warsaw & Clinton i Telegraph Company were taken out yesterday. The incorporators are Messrs. F. W. Foster, jW. B. Mc Kpy and H. J. Charles, arid tho latter gentleman is now canvassing the lty in behalf of the enterprise, lit i3 calcu lated that it will require about $1,000 to erect the wires between Warsaw and Clintona distance of 15 miles, and one half of tho sums is expected here. We trust that Mr-Charles will be success ful in his effort as we see no reason to doubt that theinvestment will pay. A lovesick youth in Bellevue,. 'J. Hugged his girl black -and blue, St; Jactobs Oil prescription, : Cured her of the caniption, And this little story is true- . . - SUvcv Plated Spoons and Forks, lqyr pICC3,ttJACOCI?S 1 i tf UOAItO OF ALDEIMIEN. Proceedinirs j of Adjourned Session. The Board ot Aldermen met in ad journed session last night at the- City Hall. Alderman DeRosset offered a resolu tion, which was adopted, that the City Clerk and Treasurer, being tax collector, be required to furnish at his own ex pense j such assistance as, may be re quired in the collection of taxes. j A motion to go into an election for Clerk and Treasurer was adopted. AJderman DeRosset nominated Col. Jno. I). Taylor for, City Clerk and Treasurer. Alderman Guyer moved to make the nomination unanimous. The motion was adopted, and Col. Jno. Dh Taylor was declared unanimously elected. The commitiee on Lights reported, recommending that rfrnew oil lath p be placed on .the southeast corner of Tenth and Dock streets j. that the gas lamp near the corjier of Water street anj Gabie alley be exchanged for the one in front of the City Hall, and that it be placed so as to light the alley more effectively; that the oil lamp on the southwest corner of Dock and Eighth streets be replaced with a gas lamp ; that a new gas lamp be placed on Fourth street, between Hanover and Brunswick. The report was received and the recommendations were adopt ed. . . ..I The contract for lighting lamps was awarded to F. M. King & Co. ; Alderman Fishblate moved to sub stitute the name of R. II. Grant & Co. for F. M. King & Co., but the motion was lost. j The committee on Lights also report ed.awarding a contract to the Wilming ton Gas Light Co, Alderman Fish blate moved that the matter be referred back to the committee, i Alderman 1 DeRosset moved to amend by referring it to a special committee. The motion as amended was adopted, and the Mayor appointed as the special committee Aldermen Fishblate, Bear and Chad bourn.- : The committees for the various de partments were instructed to make up their estimates and hand the same to the committee on Finance. Alderman Fishblate moved to recon sider the motion referring the natter of gas to a special committee. Adopt ed, j On motion, the report of the commit" tee on Lights awarding the contract for gas to the Wilmingtonn Gas Light Company was then adopted. Alderman Dudley offered a resolu tion, which was adopted, empowering the committee on Markets and Fees to have the necessary work done to put the city markets in order for occupan cy. . j The majority of "the committee on Streets and Wharves reported adverse ly on the matter of opening the dock at the foot of Chestnut street. Alder man Guyer, of the committee, made a minjority report, recommending that the donck be opened, witli concurrence of the Commissioners of Navigation. On motion of Alderman Dudley the minority report was adopted. A resolution requiring the city scav enger to use air-tight barrels was refer red to the Sanitary Committee. ; A petition for a saw-dust sidewalk was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. A petition for opening the dock at the foot of Davis street and for the im provement of Parsley street, was re ferred to the same committee. A petition for a market house in the Third Ward was referred to the com mittee on Markets. ! The Board adjourned until Tuesday night, the 17th insfc. The JLast Drawiogr. Our attention has been called to the fact that the -figures published by us yesterday as constituting the numbers of the ticket which drer the capital prize in the Louisiana Lottery drawing on the 10th inst., are different from those published in the Star. The differ ence is simply in the terminal figure, which was given by jtheSfr fas a 9 and by us as a 7. It may be a small matter, but we know of at least one terminal prize in this city depending on these figures. The Review is probably correct, as the Raleigh Ketcs and Ob server and tho Charlotte Journal both published it as we did. - The following is a little fnller information on the sub ject than has yet been given: : Nov 62,887 drew $75,000; No. 72,692. $25.000;No. 22,989. $10,000; Nos. 26, 502 and 58,507, $6,000 each ; Nos. .25, 335. 27.G31, 50,116, 9.372 and 97.878. $2,CC3 ch; Nos. 37,537, 37.216, 3,202 andi7,c:?,ci,c:ac!i:h;-; Wilmington Presbytery. FIRST DAY. . This Presbytery convened in the First Church of this city at 8 oelock last evening. Religious worship was conductedy Rev. S. H. Isler, the re tiring Moderator. ( After these services the Presbytery was! organized for business-by the elec tion ot IJcv J. S. Black as Moderator, and Rev.'A. Kirkland and Rnling El der A. R: Hicks, Jr., as temporary clerks. The reading ot the minutes of the last session of the Presbytery was dispensed with, and after prayer the Presbytery adjourned to meet in the lecture room of the church thi3 morn ing at 9 A. M. . ' The: Presbytery of Wilmington con sists of fifteeninmistcr3 and one ruling elder from each of the thirty-one churches. SECOND DAY. Presbytery met at 9 o'clock this morning pursuant to adjournment and opened with prayer, after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Several ministers and lay delegates appeared in Presbytery and rendered satis lactory reasons for tardiness, which were accepted. A communication was received from Rev. Dr. Chapman, giving reasons for his absence, which was accepted and the stated clerk was directed to express to him the sympathy of Presbytery. On motion, a committee on leave of absence and tardiness was appointed. Presbytery proceeded to the exami. nation of Rev. J. M. Rose, who pre sented a certiGcate from Memphis Pres bytery, ahd he was received as a mem "ber of Wilmington Presbytery. Rev. Frank H. Wood, pastor of Frout Street M. E Church, being pres-j ent, Was invited lo sit as a correspond ing member. 1 ; The agent of Home Missions submit ted his report which was made the first order of the day for to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. nr. - J The agent of Foreign ; Misssions sub mitted his report, which was made the second order of the day for to-morrow. Report of the agent on Publications was made the third order of the day for to-morrow. The report on Sunday Schools was made the first order of the day for Sat urday. The Committee on Minutes of Synod submitted their report, which, on mo tion, was taken up seriatim aud ado pt ed. - '. j - It was ordered that hereafter Foreign Missions be considered at the Spring meetings, and Home Missions at the Fall meetings of Presbytery, and that an evening be set "apart for their consideration at each meeting. Rev. Mr. Jones.of the Baptist church, being present, was invited to sit as a corresponding member. Rev. C. M. "Payne was appointed Chairman of Committee on Narative in General Assembly.' - The stated clerk was directed to furnish necessary blanks for each session. Tlie treasurer submitted, his annual report, which was accepted and ap proved. The overture of Concord Presbytery to the General Assembly was referred to committee on Bills:and Overtures. The committees appointed to visit certain vacant churches.submitted their report, which was accepted and ap proved. . j The commission appointed Jto install Rev. A. McFadyen, having failed to perform the duty assigned them, pre sented their excuses, which were ac cepted. ; . Adjourned to meet again at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. -r j f i Madison Square. A letter received here yesterday by a. friend of Mr. Joe Hart, the popular Manager of the Madison Square. Thea tre Company, states: T will be with you on the 27th. with the same elegant company that played 'Hazel Kirke' and Esmeralda' in your city, ye shall present the latest great success at the Madison Square Theatre, Young Mrs. Winthr6pt bringing new scenery and effects, j In reply lx your inquiry, I will state that the popular actor. Mr George Beckworth, who impersonated Piticus Green and Esterbrook," is still with us, playing a leading part in Winthrop,' with great success." Wc arc glad that this popular company will visit us, and we are sure that a large house will greet them. . I - , Rev. A. McFadyen is appointed by Presbytery to preach in theFirstPres bytcrian Church, corner Third and Orans streets, to-night, services to be r!a r,t S o'clec!:. . . : ":: ' ; ; TJlie New Markets. , We have received a communication from Long Crek relative to the agree ment between Ithe city authorities and the butchers, for the occupancy of the new markets, .'which is disposed to verv strongly criticise the market regula tions here. We do not publish the communication, because it is unaccom panied by a name, but we reply to some of the charges made, because it is to tho interest of all of our readers that the city arid the country should understand each other well on this sub joct. - , The agreement which has been made, by which the citjr is to prohibit the sale of meats fish, vegetables, arid all farm and garden products at any other point than at the markets, is jerfectly correct and proper. It will amount, we pre sume," to nothing more or less thari the market regulations which were' in force here for so many years prior to 17 J, whereby sales were prohibited lat any other point thanj the market, during market .hours. These latter were 10 o'clock in the Summer and 1 lovelock in the Winter, and after tfcore hours the dealers could go off and sell wherever they pleased. There is surely no hard ships in this to .the producers. The same plan worked -well enough here years ago,! and why shouldn't it work well now! j ' . : - tv.' . Our correspondent's witticisms in regard to a want of room aud accom modations are not very felicitous. There is room provided especially lor the 'poor countryman," whereby his horse and his vehicle and . himself will be protected from the weather. As it is now the horse and man for the sale offish and vegetables, are exposed to the elements at all seasons of the year. As to the suggestion that cottpn and peanuts must be classed a farm pro ducts that is absurd. The market reg ulations will be simply for the sale of articles of food. We are sure that when promulgated by the Board of Al dermen they will prove wise and equit able and will not bear any harder on the producer than on the consumer. Chestnut Street Dock. , The action of the Board ol Aldermen last night relative to the Opening of Chestnut street dock is very strange. Two reports' came in from .the special committee, ! one, from the majority, reporting adversely to the opening of the dock, and the other, from the min ority, recommending. that the dock be opened, and the minority report, which was presented by Alderman Guyer (col.) was adopted. , It is only a few years since the dock ! was closed at considerable cost to the city. It is the only dock thus closed North of Market street and as it is now is a matter of much public convenience. To open it will be to open a nuisance, as it will be full of trash and filth at all hours of the day and night. As it is 'now, the movement for the opening of the dock i3 calculated to benefit the pockets of two, or three in dividuals- at the expense ol. the public comfort and eonvenience. Kitchen Market. The following retail prices rule irfn this market to-day, April 12: Beef 10 15c per pound ; veal 12 15o; lamb 12i15c; mutton 12415c; Green- pork, whole hog; 9 10c per pound; cuts, 12i15c ;corned pork 12i 15c; turkeys, alive 115 each; dressed, 16 18c per pound ; chick en? 3037ic each ; grown fowls, 35 40c; geese alive 75c each; dress etl SI,; sausages 1520 cts,; pud dings 10 15,; eggs, li15 cts per dozen,; butter, country, 2530c.; Northern, 40,: lard. 1315,; Baltimore, ! hams, 16 18,; breakfast strips. 15 16,; N. C. hams, 1 4 17, ; shoulders. 11 12, ; sides. 9 124 ; fish, trout, 2025c, mullets, 1520,;f shad. 75c 1 25 per pair, ; scalded j oysters, ;:12ic. jyer quart,; New - River oysters SOc $1 per gallon; New Kirer oysters, in shell, $2 per bushel ; Myrtle Grove oysters, in shell, 80c.$l per bushel; clams, per quart, 12c; per bushel, 50c; cabbage, 1525e per head; collar ds, 510c; turnips, 510c per bunch; sweet potatoes. 25c per peck; Irish do, 50c per peck; onions, 50c per peck; carrots and parsnip, 50c per peck. -.; ' v:' ' ' v . "I - Lager Beer. B EIIGNER A EN GEL'S PJULADELPIHA BisEK, on Ice. Have made excellent arrarge- building arranged eapeclallf lor the purpose. Fourth street, jnat North of Boney Brtdre. mctt 30-2W ' . - ; Fly Traps and Fly Fans, T70K SALS EY ' .'i - ' r X - rill : The liinitr JT TUB KESLDENCE OF . HON. S. If. 1hblMte. will be continued on to-morrow' (Friday) 13th lnu, at 10 a. m. , j Parlor, Chamter and other TtirnU tire, not yet reached.' ( i , i - CKONLY A MORRIS, pi 15-lt - Auct'ra Last of tlie Season. ' i i i CELEBRATED UOItSK OYSTERS WILIi BE, ON ICE from thin afternoon unUl Saturday nirhtat 1 P. M. COOL BEER A SPKCIALT1, at pi 1? It MCGOWAN'S SALOOX ' "This Terrible rj E U R A t (D I A Will Kill kel" "1 HOILD'M BK WI1HOCT THKM IKlllKV cost tl a pill. Thev curei mk ok Krr- KALGIA, OF TEAK JoWpll Snyder, Paxlons, PaM ;i0, Jm, 'Hi; I 1 CLftr& CHAMOMILE" VLJL SLj (aam rut, curffXMCtfrfirAU xnost AFIPJ FIA Amisrrrrrr-f e Ji 0 FAC SIMILE StfiNATURC OM EVEHV BOX. They contain no onlum. nnliilni or mhn- l liarmtul ding, aod are? highly recommended. AE JUST. THE Till N KOR'XKC- C D. rlyndraah, Rockport, III., RAUil.V." Thet ABE THE OXLT HKMKI1V lOU MT G. W. Overall Attftrnv t NECKALGIA " Law, Moollc, Ala. - , . .. . , ' rr TtAiiirni'i Plll am l..f.l.1. oua dlseaaea." Dr. Hammond, of New York. "Tiiet cures Mr wirs r.uiicriATKLr, op SEVET1E XEUKAXGIA." II. M. Cocklln, fchep. - -v-wmw. 0 ...o ... u I .til Ill rt mum mmr W . ' i - :,---r .v.-, .. f'A TWO BOXES CURE! A KUKKI WHOM TUB DH.'S ' II EBB COULlKT - HKLP. Ol' NCI. BALOIA, I'LL BEND FOIt SOME FtJlt M VtfKLF." - Cllflord Shand, Windsor, Nova Scotia. , ! r - ! "1 ' "Dr. Benson'a Pills for the euro 'of Neural gia are a Bacce8." Dr. G. P. Uolman, Cbrl-" tlanburg, Va. ;. j r - ... -;. - . - Dr. Benson' fikin Cure eonslsts of Internal and external treatment, at Bauie tima and It makes the skin white, soft and smooth. It cop Ulna no poisonous drags. : l at lmjfKlU. C. N. Crlttenton, Sole Wholesale Agent J for New York. - --"j- t - apll2 lw-o-thrfnn t r:; : : ; r. 4 - j SODA WATER. QN AND AFTKB TO-DAY; ,WB WlI.L keep the most delicious Ice Cold Soda. ' ' Pure fruit Juices onjy used. j , 1 v nIunds Bros., i ' - Dispensing Pharmacists, I ; i - 1 .491 BROADWAY. NKW Vrw ft ir AJ?D WILMINGTON, N. C. i -T I mch 17 , ; v f n. ; -! - A niew Supply r QF RED AND WUITE ONION I SETS, Peas, Beans. Corn, Cabbage. Ac. r ' ' ' ' Drns:8 ana Chemicals J Patent Mihum. Toilet and Fancy Articles. Ac. ' " Prescriptions filled at all houn , ilay ami night. ; , F. C. MILLER, . . - German Drngsrlst, mcb31- ; Correr Fourth ancTNua sts, 1- IUew Twlusic. T ATE9T PIECES JUST RECEIVED. ' ! AJ At UEINSBERGKR'g, -iaycu nnu onus r.vcrywnere : Twai-OiilyaDainy." h - 1 "I know Two Eyes' 1 " 1 -True Heart, Farewell WalU &ng, The prettiest Waltz ererpubllsbcil, "Only a Pansy Blossom," very popnlar,1 -Selections from Latest 0Xrai, .1 Also Latest Kite Cent Music. JgASE-BALLS AND BATS. Spalding, From 5c to tlJK) and upward. . For ale at j UEINSBERGER'S, Uve Book and M utOc Stores. apl 10 Bock Beer! BbcklBeer ! The First of the Season ! : ..... i 1 rjWE BEST THAT HAS EVER .BEEN known to le In Wilmington Try d for your, self. Private families aa well a dealers cn l-e upHcl at a moment's notice by calling at . ....... ... , .....-.- , 1... i , . i .. 1 ! B, POItTXEli'S : ' j i i .. , ,"i . .. Alexandria Tlroll Brcwety Agehcy, J , ; Currle Block, Second, between I , - 31arkctand Princrs at.. " Wilmington. X. C. JULIUS LEINS. Agent- apt 10-tf Send in yonr Orders. JAPER. ENVELOPES. BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, J STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, ' : PAPER BAG3, TWINE, AT ' - BALLS, TOPS, MARBLE. ; - : CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, " HARMONICAS, c; Ac," ! ! ;' ' i All at reasonable prieeitj wholcl re tui, at l xatev Book Toia:. apl 9 " ' . ' r- Tl AIR BRUSHES. n . TOOTH BMSHES, NAIL BRUSH E3. COJ1R3. MIRIT'R-V , J , DRLsSINtJ CASE3. POCKET BOOKS. . - ' , POWDER LOXW, PUri. EXT:L.CTM.t.t:-.,etr. . . . rr.-'1 (;

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