THIS TAPEB vrv evening. Sundays' ex eeptcd by - JOSH T. .J ABIES, EUITOB AKI PROPKTETOB. .-CHlP9 POSTAGE PAH L 4 00 SI months, $2.00. Three ! 7ea! i oo- One month, 35 cents. nl0DU ' wlU be delivered by carriers tree f be P! llftrt 0f the city, at the above in "j i re3' . ...MtM low and UbeTaL 111 I 1 .iirrs villi report any and all ...I,- their paper regularly. fall- to rcio - , t . r.r 7is 7i z Inmost fulc circfd(Uion, of any newspaper iihed, inth Qf Wilmvigton. ' The worst snow storm of the season i'ed throughout Minnesota on Te;flav last. The recent operatic entertainment r r the benefit of Washington and Lee n i- 1 i; affiUei J. Kanuairiau mcrtwii tionof internal revenue taxation, in-nim-whiskey and tobacco. it is said that Howgate, the $400,000 ..fonltinsr sienal officer, was seen in Washington la Tuesday. How-gat he there? - . - ' . fnr two thoufend dollars k J,irht Gainst Tatti for singing les .7 w childhood developed the sons in . - - . fact that, she is forty li ve years of ace. The British national memorial statue 0f the late Earl of Beaconsfield will be .Wiled on April 19th", the anniversary. of his death, by Sir Stafford Northcote. Mart. . The report of 'vessels arriving afc Charleston from the West Indies with out clean bills of health is a canard. It has been officially and emphatically denied- '' . - liillee Chandler fell out of a wagon, the other day, down in Florida, and enrained his back. A wagon is dan- cwous and inconvenient in such cases. Aunt thev "tote" him on a shut- 1 11 J tcr- lien. John Tope has filed a claim for i-?fi fhr the diflerence of pay be tween that of a Brigadier-General and that of aMajor-General while he was on duty according to his brevet rank, from .April 1, 18G6, to Oct. 28, 1882. The Lord Provost ot .EdinDurgn nas mir.f i ha hoi ro. n ' . bility of creating a Secretary of State tor Scotland. Scotch business is now conducted by the Lord Advocate the Scotch Attorney-General. In 133() the winter was projected far into summer months, causing disas trous crop failures, Breadstuff's, for . .. - . j . . the hrst time in our history, were im ported from Europe. The financial panic of 1837 followed the ceneral par alysis. The official returns cive the value of the tobacco consumed in France in 1882 at 303,500.000 Irancs. Clears show a total of GO.500.000 francs ; cigarettes, 16,000,000; and chewing tobacco, 9, 000,000. The heaviest amount, 278,- 000,000 francs, was for ordinary smok 'ng tobacco. The Prpsidentini nnrfv will nrohahlv take water this afternoon at St. Augus- tine on hnnrd tVi TnllnnnAsn. This nnt known what the next move will be but 1 V - prooabiy to some spot where there are o curious people who may desire to saze upon the countenance of the great Presidential snob. ti Louis J. Jennings, the New. York World's correspondent, notices in Lon don a great weariness in the public mind on the Irish question, and hears hints that Ireland might as well be turned loose to shift for itself. The end, he thinks, is inevitable separation or a war .to prevent it. 5 : Henry D. McDaniel was recommend ed, yesterday, by a compromise com" mittce and wa3 unanimously nom" inated by the convention for Govern or of Georgia. The result gives general satisfaction and as the Republicans declare that they will not nominate at all, Mr. McDanicl will probably have anj easy rate to-run. i . Here is another extract from the tes timony relative to the Tewksbury alms house. One of the witnesses, a female nurse, testified as follows: l was in the almshouse two years, and naattie infant ward for six months. i acre were fifteen nf tha lrtw nhil dren. Dr. Helen Marsh was in charge. 1 lie babies died and the older children were seut away. The babies were fed on good milk. They could not keep it m their stotnachs. I. didn't know what sickened them. I have been ac customed to the care of babies, and "ever saw any others that all sickened te and died. From the infant ward J went into the Insane Hospital, where 1 as a nurse. The inmates numbered ienty-nine, all females. I have seen mem abused. One woman who was fought into my ward from Mr. S ard lived six hours. She nt,H ? d been thrown down stairs vmm00 the back- Another. 70 moi?t3 said she had been choked al Sffni eath-and showed the marks S em? ? r neck- Nearly all of of MrUplalned f cruelty at the hands SfSf. Frcnch. The woman who died sick irom dicoocn pi i i -i-0 r 4 W "You tickle me and I'll tic i ski e you" is the watchword of the Mutual Ad mi ration Press Association in this Slate. Mr. Carnegie, a great manufacturer. is of opinion "that the day is close at hand when steel will altogether super sede the use of iron. I i LOCAL NEWS. INDEX .TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J R Meltox To-Morrow I Mctnds Bbos. Soda Water Ukinsbeegek New Music F C Miixek A New Supply Yates Send In your. Orders W n Gbkex Hair Brushes, etc Thos r Bagley Mules for Sale S VaxAmringe, C S C-!-Legalad R M McIxttre Jersey' Jackets American Legion of Honor Local ad Horace A Bagg; Ch'mn Special Meeting : ! The receipts of j cotton, at this por to-day foot up 90 bales. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardwares Depot, j t 1 Several fiat loads of very fine wood were at the wharves and docks to-day. Clarendon Council,! No. 67, A. L. of -- H.. meets to-nisht at 8 o'clock. Better attend and not be suspended, j It i ' t There are a great many rafts of timber in the river, causing considerable ) in convenience to vessels in' reaching their wharves, . j Information vras received here late yesterday aiternoon to the effect that Mr. Patrick McGowan, of Raleigh, was better and tkat the anxiety of the family had been greatly relieved. ! j-i , : ' i . We are informed that the work of numbering the streets is progressing in an altogether Batisfactory manner, and that there is a strong probability that the entire task will be completed by the 25 inst. j Mrs. Margaret m. rope, uicn pquare savs: Drown s aiuh oittcia uuicu mo nPrlvanoncia nprrnilsnPSS and IOSS Ol 3, ' Thfi snbieet ot loreien missions win be discussed at the First Presbyterian Church to-night and it is expected that several of the clergymen in attendance upon the Presbytery will participate in" the discussion. The public are cordial ly invited to attend. ! Kfforts are being made to establish a market house somewhere in the Third Ward, and a petition haying that ob ject in view has been in circulation for the past few days and has received.a large number of signatures from those living in the Eastern section of the city. More than 300 names have already been annended to the petition byl citizens ol r i - ( that Ward and vicinity. - To BuildCTS and Others Go to JACO Bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices- Accident to aiWllmiugtonian. i .r . . li i.--ikfi rr v wo retrrec to jeam iuai MoTCenrie. formerlv of this city, but now emnloved in the shops of the W., C, & A. Railroad, at Florence, S. C, had the misfortune yesterday, while working at what is known as a buzz rianer to irettwo of the fineers of his t , D j w . left hand badly lacerated by the ma chine. The wounds are not dangerous, although painful, the end of one finger having been cut off and the other split nnAn for a considerable distance. He will'probaWy not be work for some weeks. able to resume Xoungf Mrs. Winthrop A note from Mr. Frohman, manager of tha Afojjon Sauare Theatre, in New York informs U3 that ;Mr. George L. SmitVi wnrejwntinff his" company, will arrive here in a day or two to perfect the necessary arrangements for the ap nearanoe here of the troupe. In con- nection with this fact tells us that the scenery in the first, second aud Mr. Frohman which is used fourth acts of "Young Mrs. Winthrop? at the Madi son Square Theatre is 'constructed ot wood and brass. The metal was cut by hand in India. for Louis C. Tiffany & Co., who imported it. ! In India this metal is used for decorating rooms ded icated to- special cerembnials. I The walls and ceiliug-bf the scen at the Madison Square Theatre ontain over two hundred oriental designs. Its full beauty can only be , appreciated bya minute inspection through an opera glass. It shows the kimtof house dec oration which the more! wealthy are now introducing in New York city homes. - A duplicate of this ; scene will be shown with the company soon to appear in this city." which is The celebrated 'Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard i VOL. VII. ' , i ILMINGTON. N. C. The Illustrated World Is the title of a handsome: new picto rial weekly, just issaed'by IMr. James Elverson, of Philadelphia, the initial number of which has been received. If this-first issue is to be taken as -an in dex of the whole, there will be no doubt of success. It is an excellent publication, and is sure to take with the people. It is only $3 a year. A gentleman named Montayeo, Made pencils out of plumbago ; He srot an attack i Of pain in his back. St Jacobs Oil cure his lumbago. Sudden Heath. A colored woman by the name of Lucy Jones, died very suddenly last night in bed, at . her house,, corner of Market and Thirteenth street, oi en largement of the heart. She was well yesterday, but had often complained of the nain in her heart, and expected to die of the disease. She went to bed last night about 11 o'clock.andhad been pre viouslv sinffinff and praying, and this morning she was found dead. Dr. Pot ter made an examination of the body and found that the left side was consid erably larger than the right side, show ing the nature of the disease. Deceased was about 35 years old, and leaves four children. Married. 1 On Wednesday morning, at Fayette- ville, Mr. Heman R. Hall was united in marriage to Miss Metar Huske. RevL Joseph C. Huske performed the ceremony which made two loving hearts one. The ceremony was per formed at St. John's Episcopal church. which nad been adorned with flowers for the occasion by loving hands. The groom, one ot Fayette ville'sj cleverest young men, and his bride, one of her fairest and most cultured ladies, left for Wilminorton. their fature home. Tne good wishes of hundreds of friends ac company Jhem thither. News and Ob server. - - - i Mr. Sliaw's Retirement. We have been furnished for publica tion with a copy of the resolutions adopted by the Board of Commission nr for Pender eonntv on the retirement from the chairmanship of that body and membership on tho Board of Mr. Daniel sh aw. who has bo ablv aua SO faithfully fulfilled the duties of the po- fiition for the oast six years. Jclis ser His vices to his county, self-sacrificing, de voted services, have simply been incal culable and it is to be regretted that the atfLtn of his health has compelled his resignation. The following are the resolutions alluded to: . V mm - Burgaw, N. C. April 3, 1883. Owinff to ill-health Daniel Sbaw, Chairman of the Board of County Com missioners of Pender County, nancied in his resignation as a Commissioner on the 2nd day of April. 1883, j where upon the following preamble ana reso lutions were adopted : ! . Whereas, Daniel Shaw, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Pender County, has this day resigned his membership as well as his position on the Board, and whereas the remain ing members of said Board feel so sen sibly the loss, that we. as well as the people have sustained in being depriv ed of his assistance in the management of tho affairs of the county, therefore be it i . ' I ' . : I Resolved, That we have watched his i course in the management ot the county and it gives us pleas ure to bear testimony to his valua ble services to the people of Pen-Ar- .nnntv. His strenuous efforts i n VrVi a 1 f o f the ieace and welfare of the county are well known to us all. No man could have done more. 1 m Resolved, That we tender to Daniel chownnrthnnks for the pleasant and faithfnl manner in which he has dis charged bis duties as Commissioner and Chairman and that we bear the t ttimAnvtAhia nnM most unequivocal muuiwuj w ity and ability. . t. . nnind. That these resolutions be spread on the records as bearing testi mony of our high appreciation of his great wortn. . i ItEokge v .voiujjtrx, Corn's James H. Aldebman, 5 j Dlstingrulshed Visitors Ex pected. '! When Col. Green, I Representative- elect to Congress from tfcis district, was last in the city, he informed us that ho had received letters whieh led him taextect that Hon. S. S. Cox (Sunset Cox) and Senator ! Vance would pay t,m vlaifc thia Snriner and that he would organize Jbr their benefit grand fishing frolic, at the same time inviting us (the Editor) to accompany the nartv to Orton. We now learn that the visit is to take place within a few rvcV and that the - VlSlt - Will Com- VMvp 1 1 Drise a day at the Sound, one at Fcder- al Point, one at Orton and on at WaC; camaw. at all of which points the party will ansie for fish. It is probable also. urn n nderstand. that one or two othef distinguished gentlemen arc to be in vited on the occasionnd a grand recep- ! tion in Wilmington is proposed. FRI DAY. APRIL 13. DNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JERSEY THESE NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS BLACK AND Ladies1 Collars and Neckwear, WILL BE CLOSED SUMMER SILKS, A Great Variety at all Prices. dont fail to see outt mattings, as . R. apl 13 Wilmington Presbytery. THIRD DAT. Presbytery met pursuant to adjourn ment and opened with prayer, after which the minutes of yesterday were read and approved. In th aiection of Commissioners to the General Assembly, Rev. A. Kirk Wd was elected Principal, with Rev. J. R. Wilson, D. D , Alternate and Ruling Elders John McLaurin and T. B. Hyman. Rev. Dr. Chapman having resigned as agent of Foreign Missions. Rev. J . M. Rose was appointed in his place. The Committee on Overture of Con cord Presbytery submitted their report, which was made the order for 34 o'clock this afternoon. The Second Presbyterian Church of Wilmington was chosen as the place for the next meeting and 7 o'clock on Monday night before the meeting of Synod as the timet j ! It was resolved to select the Comm it tee on place and time of meeting of Presbytery at each meeting. I A call for the pastoral services of Rev. J. M. Rose from the Golds boro church was submitted land placed in Ms hands. Having signified his ac ceptance of the same. Presbytery ap- pointed the fallowing commute to , in stall him : Rev. Si H. Isler to presidt and Tjronose the (luestions; Rev. R. H. Chapman. D. p., to charge thefrastor; and Rev. B. F Marabie to jcharge the people. The committee to employ Evangelists anhmitted their renort. which was ft cepted and approved Committee on Education submitted their report, which was accepted and docketed for future consideration. The first order of the day Report of agent of Home Missions was accepted and approved as amenaea. Revi Dr. J. B. Taylor, of the 1 irst Bantist Chuach. and Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, of St. Paul s Evangelical Lutheran Church, being present, were inyited to sit as corresponding mem bers. ! " Committee on Statistics submitted heir report which was received and ap proved. Committee on Nar rative submitte their report, which was received, adopt ed and a copy ordered to be sent to the General Assembly. I j Agent of Publication submitted his report, which, on motion, was referred baok to him, i ' . Rev. D. D. Dodge, of the Congrega tional church, being present was invited to sit as corresponding member. A supplementary report of the Treasurer of Presbyteryjwas submitted and was accepted and approved. Th roll of churches was called rela - tiva tn the contingent fund. PAromlft,'nn Rahhath snbmitted mM-m m w - - - fi a? Mnnrf rhifh wna aeepnred and approved. t Presbytery took a recess until 3. 30 o'clock this afternoon, when an interlo- cutory session was: held with closed doors. Proffress vs. Sentiment. The followins. which we clip from the Richmond (Va.) Religious Herald, relates to the father of Rev. , J ames , B. Taylor,1 D.D., of this city, and will be of interest to many of our readers: The genius of progress is dead to the claims of sentiment. At the extreme west end of Franklin street, in this city, there has stood for a quarter of a cen tury a simple framed building. It was erected by the late Dr. James B. Taylor, and occupied as his family residence for many years- In its neat anu un- 1 . M .nntftnt rA. nunderorthe tmanectea simpucuy 01 the man of God who had it built. Stand ing in the most bxjautifnl part of the city, and embowered in vines, trees and flowers, it was, even - to a passing stranger, an atractive home. Bat, as the abode of a lovely Christian house bold, it possessed yet - richer charms. Its gates were often JO. 3d NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JACKET S. FOB GENERAL , USE. ABE OFFERED IN ALL COLORS. 1883. Embroidered White Flannels, OUT VERY CHEAP. the prices make them go A FEW BARGAINS IN CARPETS, NEW RUGS AND MATS. '- ' , i - ' ' ' . TJJ. j entered by the! needy and I helpless, who there found sympathy I : and relief. Multitudes of worn serj rants of the Lord found cheer and shel ter beneath its roof. There, for years, the members of the family gathered in happy reunions. There was the sweet air of dmestic religion. There, in calm trust, one and another of the. family fell asleep in Jesus. It! was one of those places that one could wish might remain unchanged. It was one of the notable Baptist landmarks of Rich mond. But this world is not our home. Changes are inevitable. I Some years ago this house passed into the hands ot strangers. Last week it was demolish ed, and, in -a little while, the site will be occupied by more imposing structure Here we have no continuing city. City Court. Mayor s levee tnis morning was quite fully attended, and hi3 favors were bestowed with impartiality. The first to receive attention was David Brice. a white stranger, who was so well pleased with the strength of our whiskey that he got, drunk and yvao cu iu. vjwomhim. Aiioxajwi advised him to leave within 24 hoars r i. u ui if i , ... for the health and freedom which this citv could not promise him, and he left :- v ' r:. "When, in the course ot Human events," Thomas Jefferson, colored, got disorderly it became necessary for the police to take him in tow. He was sent below for 20 days. , Candyco Dunston, colored, for disor derly conduct, was fined $5 oroSO days in the city prison. She went sent be low. ;! William Avant, colored, for resisting a police officer in the discharge of his duty, was required to pay a fine of $2 or go belowlfor 10 days. He went. Royalty 'on Raftl. There is now on .exhibition at news berger's bookstore a large and beaut i- lully dressed doll, with a .handsome i bridal outfit, that 5s to be disposed of hv raffle for the Ibenefit of St. Philin's church, at Smithville. at the fair to be ! held there onthe27th inst. The trosseau (consists of a white satin bridal dress and veil, pink satin reception dress, green silk and velvet traveling dress, long white train skirt, short trimmed skirt, two flannel skirts, two pair trimmed drawers, two trimmed chem. ise, nignt aress, pair 01 satin suppers,, three pair of carriags, two necklaces, . . i! .1! gold hair ornaments and paper pat tern of dresses andi wrap. ! The doll is called the Princess Adelaide, and the chances are very low, only 25 cents each. Some little darling of the household will be made happy by receiving it. Names for members i may be enrolled at Hemsbergers. Silver Plated Spoons and-Forks, low i nices. at Jacobi.'s . t AJL VlA'ASiLt AO IT Or OaiC mwo very LARGE. FINE MULES. apllS-lt THOS. F. BAGLEY. OFFIC1T BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - . "'. : i. " - - 1 ' i " ' ' . FOR THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER A Special Meeting f THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS j ! for the County of New Hanover, will j be held "'" - 1 ...... . ' - - . . - j en MONDAY, the 16th Inst., at m o'clock, P. M., for the transaction of Important business. HORACE A. BAGG, j apl 13-lt Chairman. H AIR BRUSHES, TOOTlr BKLiit, NAIL BRUSHES, COMBS, MIRRORS, ! DRESSING CASES, . POCKET BOOKS. . POWDER BOXES, PUFFa, HXTRACTS, etc., etc t Forsale low. - " ! WJLLIAM H. GREEN, " , . Drugs let. apl W P LEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to reociT commulcaUooa from our frlenda on any and all subjects of general Interest but - J , The name of the writer must always m fa alshed to the Editor. Communications must be written on only one aide of the paper. , Personalities must be avoided. And It la especially and particularly under- stood that the Editor docs not always endorse t0TteoTOraTondenta unleaa bo stated NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . To or row TTE WILL HATE ON HAND FOR OUR customers some more of that splendid ; r BLUE GRASS BEEF, j for wtdch there baa been such a demand. This and SPRING LAMB arc our specialties now. Call early and get choice cuts and ha re pur chases deUvered promptly. ; 1 J. RV 1SIELTON, N. W. Corner Market and Second Streets, L Proprietor of the only Steam Sauaage apl Factory In tho S State. Superior Court, New IIaiio ver County. ; James W. Craig, Plain tit", j - J - - Against- '' rL '" Aanlo G. Craig, Defendant.' The State of North Carolina: 4 ' To the Sheriff of New Hanover County,- Greeting; - - - - ;i- , iou are Dcreur conuuanucu to satnmon Anuie G. Crals to arioar at the next 'term of Bald Court, to oe held at the Court House in Wilmington, on tne loth Monday after the Arst , Monday in March, lSjS, to answer the com-' Slalnt of the said Plaintiff, which was dnly led on the 18th day of ApriUl&SS, in the fiice' of Clerk of the Superior Court ot New Hano ver County. If the Defendant shall fall to ap pear at that time, tho Plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded la the complaint, together with tho costs of thla action. ! n Of this Summons make due return to the Clerk of said Court for the County of New Hanover. i ' "- . - i " Given under my hand and Seal of said Court, this 13th day of April, lb&1. -. I- S. VAXAMRINGE, hj 5 ahi 13-JawtJw-frl . Clerk of said Court . , Lager Beer;; TERGNER & ENGEL'S rHlLADELTHJA BEER, on Ice. Have made excellent Arrange- -. mits for the Summer Trade, with' my new building arranged especially for tho purpose. ; f ' WM. GENAUST. ir Fourth street, just North of Boney Jlrldge mch 30-2w . ; .' , -r'-'L'; SODA WATER. QN AND AFTER TO-DAY WE WILL keep the most delicious Ice Cold Soda. Pure Iruit julcea only usou. ; -;- rounds Broo-, DiaDenslns Pliarmaclsts. ' Broadway,. hew YoKK, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. j mct, 17 ; A Elew Supply YF 5eagt RED AND WHITE. ONIQN SETS Beans, Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. I - & Prescriptions filled at aU hours, day and night. JT. U. M.IUL2.H, German Drugglat, mch 31 Corner Fourth ; 1 ana i un ts. Wew PuTuGic- TT ATEST PIECES JUST RECEIVED. JLi At HEINSBERGER'S. Played and Sunsr Everywhere : 1 "Tw rinlv n. TJ.ilsv ! .A .! " I. 'I know Two Eyes ' '! ."True Heart, Farewell", Waltz Song, "Iiird from over the Sea" I t The prettiest Waltz ever published, "Only a Pansy Blossom," very popular, j Selections from Latest Operas, 1 Also Latest Five Cent Music. . ' ( ;' i , ; '- ' : ! B ASE-BALLS AND BATS. Spalding's, j From 5c to $1.50 and upwards. ! For sale at - (-"i" - i nEINSBERGEITS. Live Book and Music Stores. ackson & Beir9 Water-Power Printers and Binders. WILMINGTON, N. C. JJAVING RECENTLY .ADDED WATER power to our (Four) Presses, our facilities fdr executing Orders promptly are unsurpassed -. 1 - - 1 - by any OlSce in the city. api i iwk BOCK BeOf ! BOCk BOGr! The First of the Seasoh ! IJIHE BEST THAT HAS EVER BEES known to be la wummgion. 'xxj it ior your. self, rrlvate families as well asv dealers can -) -' - ' - , I -, n - A'" 1 be supplied at a moment notice by calling at R. PORTNEK'S , ! Alexandria titou Jircrcry Agency, Currie'a Blocic, becona, between .,-: Market and Princess st Wilmington, N. C. JULIUS LEINS, Agent. j . . apl 10-tf. Send in your Orders. J3APER, ENVELOPES, 'I ! BLANK liOOJK, i SCHOOL BOOKS, f STRAW WRAPPING PAPElf. PAPER BAGS, TWIXE, Ac. AlriO, BALIS, TOPS, MARBLE. " . . CRO)CET, HAMMOCKS, f -HARMONICAS, Ac, Ac. All fet r-.ivmihl nri-. wholald and tll,at YATES' BOOK STORE, apl 9 : - Fly Traps and Fly Fans, JfOR SALE BY : ; GILES & MURCHISON. Si ana 4) Hxircfclica Lloci apl 11 X" oi a man s boot on her back, i ware Depot. ... t." -

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