. . ,:-r . t"" ' "1 T ' ' " ". f ' please Notice. ;.- v THIS TAPES - ynkshd every evening, Sunday! 'ex cepted by jOSH T. JAMES,. BI)jroB AXD PROPKIETOE. TBSCBIPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: sv six months, $2.00. Three ihie yer .. n. ,,, month. 35 rent. l.W, ' I r will be delivered by carriers free ! TW! '!!! m anv part of the city, at the aboTe ori"c:i 1 ribcr. ill report any and all fall- V Ulj. V 11. ihrir naucr regularly. j - .' I V 9 v. . ' ' : ! will be glad to - receive cotancnlcitloiis f 1 If II n i TV A W U "V T N 11 T1TTT tT-Tl TIT! Tt T " j frocmr friends on aaj aad aU tubjecti of - - !-! II AY ' I I ' ' M WW r j general Interest but t " H 1 Z 'W XV W""' A' i ! Ttoneof the writer mut always be fat J V iVi J II I 1 1 I W t WW i fnlahea to the Editor. . li LL-J-LJ il ii J JLL J 1 i vJ Li J ' V 11 LI A Y V 0 . 1 ! ocm anst be" written on only j-.i - r--; " :' , - ;. - - ' ' -l . PersonaHUca must be avoided.: - : rrrr.:.rr:T,,',:,"i-.:.,,.:-l.i:. :t ;-- ' !' - 1 " . . : - '. '.: 1 n': f" r . -":s ; '-' i'i And It Is esrcciaUv and narttcnlariv :! J mr rr -rw-imT 'v . rwT- ; I r. !-.'. .. .. , stood that the Editor docs not ahraya endorse i m . -wrmi m m tmm i mj u - i at m i m m u m m. m. r i m a ' 'V v r m . -k- rx rsr 'fhe iMtit Jitrif tt' M' the largest I JTi fide, circulation, of any newspaper i?Md. in the city of Wilmington. -3 . W. (Jorcoran, of Washinff- Mr. . io in II. it I, treuiendoii hurricane completely j 'mneH the outbreak oi'clmlrra at Ma- j -'I i Tii ihc I i t ot Irish landowners is Frederick 'Kennedy, 2t,350 aj?rcs ; vai-1 . . - - llahojjany,- ebony, rosewocxl and cwlar arc used as fuel by the poorest reonle in some parts of Mexico. -- About 450 miles of thread are made each day in American mills. Thirty vtirs a?o it was all imported- ' - - : Over 18.000 head ol buffalo have been killed cast of the Yellowstone River, in Montana Territory, this season. ; . - - Grace Greenwood, writing from Tar is, says that the average American drofesruaker is more clever than the wo men of that calling in France. L'our pounds of gold , worth about jl.000, were colleeted irom the soot adhering to ihe inner linings of the chimney of the Royal M Int in Berlin. Prince Bismarck owhs some 30,000 acre3, but does not deri je much income trow them. Hi's whole income is prob ablj $70,000 a year, official salary in cluded. , Tostniaster Pearson, of Iew York, recently sent a requisition to Wash !aton for 3 1,230,000 stamps, represent ing a value of $453 000. It was the largest requisition ever made in this country. . ' .rchbishop Kenrick, of St Ixuis, is beloved by all religious denominations of that city. He keeps aloof from con troversies and all purely worldly affairs He is tall, erect and benignant looking, aut makes every one his friend at once The British Association for the Ad vancement of Science will probably meet next year in Montreal. There is a in o teuient to make it an international conference by inviting the American Association to assemble at the same time and place. The eensus report shows that the South has less than fifty per cent, of white criminals when compared with Xer England. The census also shows that the South has a smaller percentage of insane" persons, paupers, idiots, blind and helpless peop;e, than -any other section. New York journals are repenting of their spasmodic display of virtue in op posing the river and harbor bill. The Hurald complains that the Hell Gate improvement in New York . harbor must stop by reason of the failure of Con jress to make provisions for its con tinuance. Hy an electrical invention. Doctor Uuidr.ih, of Victoria, can not only peak with a distant friend, but seebim well. A description of a test of the mad line in the prcseuceof forty scien tific men-at Melbourne is U1113 describ ed: "Sitting in a dark room, they saw projected on a large disk of white-burn iihed metal, the raee-conrse at Flemj iugton. with its myraid hosts of - active beings. Each minute detail stood out with perfect fidelity to the original, and as they looked at the wonderful picture through binocular classes, it was diffi. eult to imagine that they were hot ac tually on the course itself, oud moving among those whose actions they could so completely scan." The Xctvs and Observer insists upon Jt that a billion is ten million and wants to know if we were taught difterentlv at school. But nevermind about that, Rro. Ashe. It is so long since either you or I were at school that it is difii wlt to remember what we did or did ot learn there. There is but reason and common sense in the enumeration e have given. You go by tens until" yu get into the thousands, and then you must necessarily go by multiple of the number itself to get out of thou nds. a million is the sum of l.OOOx l.W0. and a billion is formed on the me principle, l,600.000xl,000,000. e best writers on finance, so far as our reading has extended, have always spoken of the debt of the United States many thousand (or hundred) niMIons, instead of billions.: and this is otrue in speaking of the debts of oilier countries. Tbe celibrated -Fish Brand' Gills TWuiais sold only at Jacom's Hard wart Dpot. LOCAL 'NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munos ItBOS Soda Water F C MlLLEti A New Supjilv M Y a TKrt Send la your Order I'KCTtrkKcy Father Kyan ! Hkinsbebckh Gottpel Hymn? Mn E A If MSDKK Millinery f Gilts MrnvHlsos riy Fai ' K H Kin;, 17 S Com To Tottaoco balers W II Orekx Sola Water tteral Water Day:s length 13 hours and 10 minutes. ' Sunset to morrow afternoon at 35 minutes past 6 o'clock. The receipts of cotton at! this' pott to-day foot up 71 bales, i i 1 i JThere was one interment in Bellcvuc Cemetery this week ; an adult. , i , There was one. interment a child in Oakdale Cemetery this!week. t-ii i A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hani ware Dpot. j t . i" 1 Mr. Jhu R. BearaanJ .one of the substantial men . of Clinton, Sampson county, is in the city, and will remain until Monday. j The Register of Deeds issued four marriage licences tht3 week two of which were for white i and two for colored couples. There were three adults and one child interred in Fine Forest Cemetery this week, bat it is proper jto state that one ot the adults was brought here for in terment from Cape Fear township. , Mrs. E. A. LumsdeiV has returned from the Northern markets and notifies tho ladies, in this issue, that she has a magnificent stock of millinery goods which sh8 will be pleased to exhibit to them. . i. 1 ' There wilFbe no German services at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church to-morrow as the pulpit will be occupied by Rev. S.lH.Tsler, of the Presbyterian Church, iu the morning and by Rev. K. McDonald, ot the same denomination, at j night. There wll , however, be the usual Sunday I School services, at 3P M. Exports Foreign. Nor. barqve Freg, Capt. Halversen, cleared to-day for Glasgow, Scotlandt with 2,411 barrels rosin, valued at $4, 103,00 shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. Magistrate's Court. John Garrason was arraigned before Justice Millis this morningj charged with an assault and I battery on Sarah Garrason, his wife. The defendant was found guilty arid the assault was proved to be of an aggravated char- acter lor wnicn ne was requireu io pay a fine ot $10, in default of which he was committed. ' i j i --44 : Cotton. . i The receipts of cotton at this port lor the week ending with to-day foot up 5 11, bales as against 758 ibaies for the corresponding week of last! year, a de crease this week b f 247 bales. The ire- ceipts.of the crop year to 123,914 bales, as against date foot up 13415 . bales to same date last year, a decrease this year of 9,031 bajes. T ay light -Excursion. A grand all-daylight excursion, on the Carolina Central Railroad, from Shelby and intermediate jpoints to this city, will be made on the 26th ofMay next. under the the auspices of Messrs. Berry Gleaves, .Toon L, MaflUt. and J . A Corbet. This arrangement will give the excursionists ample opportunity to take them down the river and, to those who desire it, to the black fish grounds. A big crowd is expected and a glorious time is anticipated. Rev. Father Ryan . We are pleased to learn that Rev. Father Ryan, the j'poejt priest." will lecture at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, the 17tninst. The lecture will be given under the auspices of Hibernian Benevolent Association,5 and the ; pro ceeds will' be devoted to I the fund for liquidating the indebtedness on : their new hall. Father Ryan has a national reputation as a speaker And as a writer of prose and poetry, in the latter of whicfi he has few equals. His name ' is dear to every Irishman and his poem of the "Conquered Banner" endears him to the heart of every Southern man or woman who was devoted to the1 "Los Cause." We feel sure Ijiat our people will extend to the gifted divine a cordial welcome and an overflowing house. Col. D. K. McRae. it is understood, will "' introduce the .speaker to his audience. The Committee of Arrangements are Col. John L. Cantwell, D. : O'Connor, Esq., and Mr. T. Dolan. r IrVilmiiiffton Presbytery. THIRI) IAT. Presbytery met pursuant to adjourn- ment and was opened with prayer, af- i !. : r . 1 ter which the minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read, and approved, as j . . , l amended. i The Treasurer was directed to pay the Commissioners . to the General As-1 sembly the sum of $50 each, to defray t .-.u. rt.-:..- xt:. ! . na wna i : The Committee on Systematic Be nevolence submitted their report which was adopted and a copy, ordered to be sent to the General Assembly- i Committee toem ploy Evan&e'ist sub mitted report which was adopted.! The request of Moore's Creek Church to employ Rev. C. Shaw as stated sup ply two Sundays in each month was granted, as was also the requests of Clinton and Mt. Olive churches to: cm. ploy Rev. B, P Marable. Committee on Sessional Records sub mitted report, which was accepted and approved, with exceptions. Committee on Ieave of Absence sub mitted report which was approved. . The Agent of Education snbmitted report which, together with- an ac companying resolution, was adopted. Reports of the Evangelists, j Revs. K. MeDonald, S. HI Isler and A. Kirkland, were submitted and i ordered to be placed oh file. The Judicial Committee submitted their report, which was f accepted and the Committee discharged. The clerk was directed to have an abstract of the Proceedings of Presby tery published tho Isfortfi Carolina Presbyterian. "'' :." The Commission to install Rev. A. McFadyen pastor of Mt. Horeb Church, were discharged and the folowtng Com. missioners appointed : . Rev. C M. Payne to preside and propose the con stitutional questions ; Rev. J. Si. Black to charge the pastor and Rev. A. Kifk land to charge the people. . Revs. J. M. Rose and S. H . Isler, and Ruling Elder T. B. Hyman, were ap pointed a committee to prepare a Pres byterian Man ual, and were directed to report at the next meeting of Presby tery."; ; '(," ;.. .V ' 1 On motion, a vote of thanks, was tendered to the First Presbyterian Church and to citizens for courtesies extended during the session. The Stated Clerk was directed to write to Rev. D. B. Black, expressing the sympathy of Presbytery. t I Adjourned to meet in the Second Pres byterian Church, in Wilmington, on Monday evening before the meeting of Synod. - : ' . . j Closed with prayer land benediction. A sick man whe went in cold water, Was crazy -so said his daughter; Rheumatics seized him, And nothing eased him, Till St. Jacobs Oil cured as it oughter. ! Services To-Morrow. Services will be held in several of the churches to-morrow by Presbyterian clergymen as follows : First Presbyterian Church, by Rev. J. M. Rose at 11 a. m.. and Rev. A Kirkland at 8 p, m. Second Presbyterian Church, by Rev. A. McFadyen at 11 a'l m., and Rev. J. M. Rose at 8 p.m. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutlieran Church, by Rev- S. H. Islerat II a. m., and Rev. K. McDonald at 8 p. m. First Baptist Church, by Rev. A. Kirkland at 11 a. m;, and Rey. Geo, McMillan at 8 p. in. Bront Street M K Church, by llcy l. F. Marable at 11 a. m., and Rev. J. S. Black at & p. m. First Presbyterian Church, colored, by Rev. K. McDonald at 1 1 a. m ., and Rev. Si H. Isler at 8 p. m. First Congregational Church, by Rev. A. McFadyen at S p m. Outrajreous. 1 " A elub of 50 financiers of this city a short time since bought a correspond ing number ot one fifth tickets in the April drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery. With such a strong combination they. would be sure to secure a fortune and possibly might "bust the concern into smithereens." They were in a measure saccessml for one of the tick ets drew for them $20, which divided among 50 gives them 40 cents each, just enough lor a hair cut and a sbaye. It is possibly however, that they may con sider the speculation as a very neat and close shave. It is too bad. We sym pathize with them in their misfortune, and if we were m their places we w&old let the doggoned old slab f lided lottery go to thunder the" mean old thing. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, as Jacoht.'s t Kep'airea atul Cleared. German barane Albatross. Cantain Seibe, which put. into this port in dis-L i tress a few wceksr ago. bound from irkaptaetnti O C r T T t j Charleston, S. C, for Hamburg, with a cargo of navi fetorcs, has been rc - I . i . . i , , ,- , '.pane!, ana was cleared to day tor her j destination by Messrs. E. Peschau & j Wcstcrmanu. p - - jRebllte - onlrolTiwco, Clears, &c, j 1v application to the proper depart- jment at AVash ngion, JJ.C, dcafers cigarettes on hand on the first of May next mav i secure ithe febate allowed under the neW tanff bin upon those articles. The reductions areas ollows: 8 cents a pound on tobacco; IP ccns a pound on snuff; from $1 to $3, a thou sand on cigars, and from $1.75 to $1.25 on cigarettes in paper. U. S. Commissioner King is in possession of all necessary instructions, and all par- j ticulars may be obtained from him. . . , .,. - ,. . Col. L. C. Jones. The Fayetteville iug of Col. Jones' pbscrccr, in speak- , resignation of the position of Superintendent of the Cape Fear and .Yadkin Y-alley R. R., says: We think we may safely say that no citizen of a community ever left it, who left behind a higher reputation for in-r tegrity and) manliness and neverfailing loyalty to his duty, and for. the posses sion of a thorough knowledge of what constituted his duty and of the . proper method ot performing it, than this ad mirable gentleman leaves m the town of Fayetteville. j ; . :. That the public may. know that those whose late relation to Col. Jones fits them to speak with authority on this subject, entertain the same opinion of him, we print the following; resolu tions: n BY TnE STOCKHOtDEKS- On motion of Mr. A. A. ! McKethan. the stockholders ot the C. F. & Y. Y, Rail way, at their recent annual meeting on the 5th of April, unanimously, adopt ed the following resolution,1 via : Resolved, That in parting with L. C. Jones, Esq who has been so lonsr con nected with thiaf company, we desire to give expression to our estimate of his politeness' and efficiency in business matters, his ability and integrity in office, and his high moral worth as a man. We tender him our best wishes in his new sphere pf action. and .direct our secretary to spread this resolution upon me minutes, ana sena air. Jones a copy thereof. BY THE RETIRING HOARD OF DIRECT- ors. Whereas, Col. L. - C. Jones Chief Engineer and Gen. Supt., has this day tendered his resignation with a view to severing his official connection with this comnanv. and accebtinsr: a noSition of fered him by another company;. there-. fore; : : :' ', T ' 1 ; Resolved, That it is with deep regret we accept Col. Jones' resignation of the position which he bias so faithfully filled in. the service of the company. ,i Resolved, That Col. Jones i carries with him .to bis hew field of labor our sincerest wishes for his fiiture prosperi ty and. happiness, Jsuch- as we feel as sured must ever be the - reward of dili gence in the perfornxance of duty like that which has alwavs been i shown by Col. Jones during the entire time of his 26 years' connection! with this company. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the -minutes and: that a copy! thereof be delivered to Col. Jones oy ine secretary Quarterly Meetings r For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church,1 South: I i Onslow, at Jacksonville. . . .April 14-15 Topsail, at Rocky Point. . . - April 21-22 Smithville, 74 PM ........ April 25-26 Brunswick, at Concord April 28-20 Clinton...........--..-'. May 5- 6 Cokesbu-y. . ....... J . . . . . . May 12-13 Newton Grove Mission, May la aWMtV.VrlSJ S district Conference, at! Bladen. May 19-20 1 Whitevillc. . . U . . .. . . . May 21-27 ?,M5w,.xuIsslotr Fair Bluff Mission.. I......: May 30 twt if:..:. L . .. rrt . r Elizabeth, at Bladetf Springs June 2- 3 Point Caswell Mission. . June' 5 ' R. Cy Burton. P. E THE MAILS Themalls close and arrive at the City Poet oflce as follows : - j ' CLOSE. Northern throTjyrh mails, fast 8.00 P. M. Northern through and xns malls.... 5.10 A. M. Raleigh .5.00 P. M. and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C Railroad and rontea frtrpplled therefrom lnclud sttdd! Ing A. i Southern JtN. C. Railroad at- .5.40 A. M. i Mails for all points South. daily ft SO A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Western mails fC C Railway) daUr. (except Sunday).. 0.00 P. M. AD points between Hamlet and Ral- elfh....... A00 P. It. llallf or Chera w and Darlington Rail- ' t road. .630 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. XIaiis for points between Florence - and Charleston. . ..&S0 A. M. and 8.00 P. 11. Faretterllle audoOcea on Cape Fear Clver, Tuesdayi and Fridays. .... .LOO P. If . FmTetteriUe. via Lcmberton. dalhr. except Sundaya...... 5.03 P. U. I fvsatow k. mx. too. xnverTnoi.w8 uu ces, TnesKlaya and Frldaya.. ...... .8X0 A. M. EaUhvlIk malls, by steam Seat, dairy (except Sunday? )....... A. U. tliila f or Easy Ilia, Town Creek, - . h3otte and Liil EiveT, .Ttjea--v. ,i - . dija and Fridays. 6.C0 A. 11. OPii YOU DZLTVUIlY WrlThtsTine. dairy .23 A. II. I?orUera throcsa sad way mails ; 7)and8.C0A. JI Soctbera Uailau... 73 A. II Carsllsa Central Il2llroa4... 9.45 A. 11 NEW AOVERTISE3IEXTS. ; ir -r a. -r 1 I e, x, A -LUlSlltIl j t XT ! AS JrST RETURN EI FROM SKW j York with the handtomcst ami cheaprat stock Lf P,vVr,.vrir tn ttvi-'Vi'lJ' J of rlK rKENCll MIlvLlNElil ever offered in tblacitr. The iadicare rMpectfunr inTitol to call and examine. aid 14 Fly Fans. K UY ONE' for TJTKSK GREAT HOrSK- hold comfort from GILES A MURUlilSONY Sftand 40 llurehiaon Block ; 3pll4 1 - - Soda Water! So da Water! flllH JTRE FRUIT JUICES, ICE COLD I SEASON 1S83. , , Oil NERVAL WATER ON OKAt'OlrT. ICE COLD. : WILLIAM H. GRKKN. P1H j Druggist. TO MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN TO BAWD, CIGARS, SNUFF,' ix CAPE FEAR REVENUE DISTRICT. 1JNOKR THE jrjBW TARIFF BILL which goe into effect ,May lat, is, a Rebate is al- lowed on all Taxe; paid on Stocks of above goods on hand May let, 18S3, which Rebates must be prosecuted before the proper Depart ment at Washington. . Having made ai range inenta for a prompt prosecution of these casoa, l am supplied with the necessary Treasury blank forma and instructions, which can be had on application to - E. H. KING, , ' Attorney at Law, ' ! apl H it and U. S. Commissioner LECTURE! . ; AT THE OPERA nOUSE, BY .i m Rev. Father Ryan, THE POET PRIEST,' ON TUESDAY EVENING, April 17th, at 3 o'clk. Tickets 00 cents. Reserved Seats can be obtained at Dyers' without extra charge. V s . J. L- CANTWELL, ; .... -X. O'CONNOR, tL- T doslan, : . apl 14 2t ' I Committee. Coopel Hymns, NEW EDITION.! Noa. I,' S, S and 4; coin bined in one Book. SPIRITUAL SONGS, with Music, for use in Social Meetings. Sele-.ted and arranged by Eev. Charles S. Robinson, I). D. i THE SERVICE OF SONG, for Baptist Churches New and enlarged edition. J Just received and for sale at 1 ' , " ' HEINSBERGER'S, -J apl 1 Live Book and Music Stores. j A. & I SHRIER. Attractions for this Spring. PERFECT FITTING AND CORRECT istyles or CLOTHIlTGr, for Men. Youth's, Boys' and Chikbcu at the . LOWEST PRICES. THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. A. & I. SHRIER, i RELIABLE CLOTHIERte, apl; -. U Market Street ' MILLINERY. Entirely New and Beautir ful Stock ! HAVE RETURNED FROM THE NORTH- j ern markets and will next week open: an en . . - tirciy fresh tock, o job and noth- ! In old or pat of date, bnt all from . THE PTRST IMrOBTTNG nOCSES. The styles are prettier than ever. ' Will be pleajsed to see. my customer and show them the most elegant line ffi Millinery in the city. -; i : Reepeclfulfy, mSS E. KARRER. apl 7 - EXCHANGE CORNER. Arrival -rynnB goods, LACES, .EMBROIDERIES, ' . LIKEN TABLE GOODS, ' j ' - JIAJlDKXRniErS, - ; ladies and CIdren's HOSIERY In great variety, at low prices. JOHlr J. HEDRICK. meii T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. er: Beer. j JJKltGXKR.ft KNGEL'S lMIILAPELPUIA Ske!:, o i?o. irav . , menl for ihe Sunn o mado excellent armojiv- t -.'...;. ' i, ? umtner Trade, with c-y no bulldini- arrnngrd ciccially for lh iet.icciaMy for tho pnoe. I WM. GKNAU$T, jnt North of lioncy I!r!de. i Fourth atrct men 30- 1 ) I) A V A I M . I fS ANi AFTER TO-DAY WIS WILL keep tho most lelicioiif Tco tcM Rv.- 1'uro fruit iulces onlriJi?pd- Twlunds Eros., uiprensinff rnarmacisut, : 1 1 1.431 BROADWAY, NEW YoRK. AND WILMINGTON. N. C. ' fi"' mrh 17 I A PJew Supply QF RED AND WHITE . ONION vjsETS, Peas, Boans, Com, Cabbajrr, Xc. I.; Drugs and Chemicals, . Patent Melicines, Toilet and Fanct Articles, Ac. i . Pioscriptlons filled at all honrs,'day and "'KUt. , F. C. MILLER, , German Drugarlst, mch SI Correr Fourth and Nnu tte. If You Would be Happy buy; a cook stove. r "The Golden Harvest,1 I ec it CALUMET," Or, "SOUTHERN OAIX.' Of PARKER ft TAYLOR. i- Pure White Oil. mch I JUST OEISTEOD 1 The Star Saloon. GEO. F. HERBERT, Proprietor. ' ' ! 13 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. , VEWLY. FITTED, EVERYTHING NEAT, clean and nice. i . J93T Best ot Ales, Wines, Liquors and CI. gara. domestic and imported. , - apl 9 Livery and Sale Stables. JJORSES, BUGGIES, I'HiETONS AND CARRIAGL3 let at low rales. Also BoaTd ror iiorscA. ' c: "mw The llneMt Hearse rn the city. - . 4 HOLUNGSWORTH & WALKER, I At the New Stables, ' m O 4 - M a t .1 w . . . 'I. lunu mt-u. vr. xuuriu anu Aiuiuerry sis j u I- COUNTRY!! TyjERCHANTS AND EVERY BODY CAN get suited in quality and prices from the large stock of SADDLERY GOODS, at the New Saddlery and Tronic House of u. m: bowden a Co., .j No.. 40 Market St.". ' 95t Manufacture and Repair. mch 5 JUST RECEIVED: J-EW AND HANDSOME ' j . ' , FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS Just received and for. sale by '' ' I MRS- kate c. wines k Serond 6tret, one door from Poatoiiloc. . mch 81-tf 1 - If You Want T7ULTON MARKET SPICED BEEF, Extra Fat No. 1 fchore Mackerel, ' ' ' ' " 1 ' Suar Cnrcd Ph? Hams, , Sugar Cured Pig Shoulders, . Sugar CureI Breakfast Strips, r- And those well known CAKES, lest In too city; also, a full line of choice . , i . "' FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. At popular prices, go to , , , GEO. M. CRAPON. Art.. mch SO tf . Iff and 18 South Front sit Bock Beer! Bock Beer ! The First of the Season ! rjlHE BEST THAT HAS , EVER LV2.EN known to be in Wilmington. Try It for your self. PriTate families as well as dealers can be supplied at a moment's notice by calling at R. POBTXER'S . - - 9 AIeTanlriaTiroli Brewery Agency, , , Currie'a Block, Second, tetween I , Wilmington, N. C. . JULIUS LEINS, Agent. - apllO-tf Send in your Orders. -pAPER, ENVELOPES, J BLANK BOOKS, . SCHOOL BOOKS, ,1 STRAW WBAPPIXG PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, ei ' . AbjO, I';' BALLS, TOPS, MARBLES, CROQUET. HAMMOCKS. HARMONICAS, Ac, Ac. All ai reasonable prices, wholesale and re tail, at . YATES BOO K STO RE. 1 , spl 9 ' ! h The Place to Bny. T URPENTINE TOOM. PULLERS. JI ACKERS. DIPPERS. WUfcTTKia, HACK.WiaGUTS, Ac; Ac., Ac. Best of goods at Rock Bottom prices. A full and complete stock f Hardware u'troy on hand. ' XV. E. fePniNGH!I A CO.. frcccyr to JjLn 1 1 & Co., 1 .-1 t-