this paper putiiabed erery evenlag, Sundays ex cepted by j; JOSH T. JAMES, HDITOK AKD fBOnilTOR. gUBSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: yesr $4-00- 8ix months, $2.00. Three months. $1-00; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carriers free of chrgt, in any part of the city, at the above ntes. or 10 cents ier week. Vdvestielng rates low and liberal. -Subscribers report any and all fail jjg receive their paper regnlarly, . The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, tn the cUy oj Wilmington. Queea Victoria wrote with her own hand the copy ot the notice ot John Brown which appeared in The Court Circular. Xew Orleans last year erected over 300 houses costing $2,600,000. New York at the same time in vested $49, 000,000 in 2,691 houses: The New Orleans Picayune is satis fied that cremation of the dead bodies will ultimately become a necessity in order to insure the welfare of the living. 'I he New York Commercial Bulletin rcmind3 Prince Bismarck that the more he shuts out the American hog the more Germans will come where that hos is an institution. . .. 1 T ! J il The national uzpuuiican conuuenuy counts on Maryland and North Carolina being "truly" tloyal." like Virginia, in 1384. It has hopes of Mississippi. It seems to thiuk that there is still some . good stealing left in the South. . n j The subscriptions raised in Great Britain after calamities are often aston isMy. large. That for the relief . oi the Jamiiies of the 167 fisherman who per ished in 1S32, off Eyemouth, amounts to Ofcr $250,000. i . "" The prominent lumbermen of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island, representing an annual output of 350,000,000 feet of lumber,, have formed a protective association, and a committee was appointed to draw up a schedule of prices for the coming season. Mayence, Darmstadt and Giesen may safeiy be called "too good for this world." A woman left $100,000 to the Grand Duke of Hesse ten years ago for a foundling hospital in one of these places, but the municipal council of each city has rejected tha bequest with indignation as being a slur, on their morals. The Augusta Chronicle says : We state positively that most of the cooks in the South to-day are ignorant of the elementary principles of the culinary art, and that they are either too stub born or too stupid to be instructed. A practical branch of cookery taught by an expert would be a valuabe addition to our public school system." Truer words were never spoken. Returning Northern travellers gener ally complain that with exception of "Aiken and Jacksonville, Southern Hotels are "mighty poor." We are afraid that there is "much truth hi this statement. And yet, the hotel men are not altogether to blame for this. Rather set it down to a sparse population and a consequent slack demand for- ac comodations. The Courier Journal, alluding to the crisis in cotton planting and its drift to. bankruptcy, says : "The South knows something of hard times, but. we tell the Southerner that to buy grain at present prices and on credit means individual and general bankruptcy and ' harder times than they have known, unless by improved methods of agriculture they largely increase the yield per acre." - iltl The Augusta Chronicle remarks : "If the majority of men would, only re member that at ninety-nine saloons in a hundred the drinks are adulterated, dangerous and poisonous, much good to the temperance cause would be automa tically accomplished.' And Mike Glen nan, of the Norfolk Virginian, who knows all about it hiiaself, retorts that "the tnuble is that when the majority ofjaen' want a drink they don't , ask Who.lllPr it- ia C OrltOtmnl rA As. nit- w M4UlbV4tkKU AUU VftWU V care a continental whether it-is or not," f ' , ' The Augusta Chronicle has this: "We hare no doubt ; of the efficacy of hot water in helping to cure dyspepsia. Nor have we the slightest doubt that much physical and mental disorder arises from pouring cold drinks into the stom ach when unprepared for such a polar wave. One of the healthiest of North Carolina Congressinen keeps tne integ rity of his body and mindlby hot water drinking" This is a strange theory. Why is so much of the dyspepsia in the South laid to the consumption of hot bread if hot water is preventive? And iUe North CaroUna Congress man who takes it hr every time? S. L. FREMONT, QIVIL ESGISEER. N. W. CORNER RED SSS SffiS dSS8' m me "urVeys. snrC deslfirs, and wUl VOL. VII. W LOCAL NEWS. . INDEX TO NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. Samaratine Nervine h Household Blessing ( 1 R H Paddisox Notice Muxds Bros Soda Water F c Miller A New. Supply ; liECTURB Rev Father Ryan Miss E Karrer Millinery 1 Yates Send In your Orders Hetnsbeboeb Gospel Hymns Lectures Rev Moses JPlIIoge 1 P L Bridgers. & Co Candy, Ac Otterbourg Capping the limax ' Mrs Kate C Wrsis Just Received Jotix J Hedrick Lace Flscbusj Ac W E springer A Co The Place io- Buy r arkei & Taylor If To4 Would be Happy j j In two weeks we will have a free mail delivery. .Third -street is now boulerarded from Dock to Nun streets, j ! y r f I I The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 155 bales. Business men on the wharves com- t plain bitterly of the dullness of the times. . There were large congregations at alj the chtrches yesterday, and especially large at those places of worship occu pied by our Presbyterian friends. . To-day is the anniversary of the oc cupation of Forts Johnson and Caswell, in 1861, by State troop? from tins city, under commaid of Coi. John ll. Cant well. . U J The Hickory Press comes to us this week under the editorial management and control of Mr. R. K. Bryant, who will, we propheiy, make it one of the very best papers in the State. " r By reference to our advertising col umns,, it will be seen that! the "House hold Sewing Machines" have arrived and are on exhibition at the store on North Front street formerly occupied by Mr. S. Jewett. Tli Fruit The News and Observer seems to think that we are yet to have some; fruit this year. It says : "From all portions of the State our-exchanges give us good news about the fruit. It appears to have suffered little if any from the the sudden and severe and changes of the weather in March. In this section there ij every indication of a fine crop of i fruit of all kinds. City Court. Rena Pearsall, colored, was brought before the Mayor this morning, charged with disorderly conduct. She was proved guilty and required to pay a fine of $5, in default of which she was sent below for 20 days. - j j Laney Moore, colored, for thersame offence, was sent below for 20 days. Anna Strauss, colored, charged with the same offense, was discharged.' For tlie Pen. Sheriff Taylor, of Brunswick county, was in the city to-day. havng come here from his residence at Town Creek to meet three convicts1 from Brunswick county, sentenced at the last: term of Superior Court for that county, and who are to be taken to the Penitentiary by tho Sheriflv These 1 are Ji ; Dyson, lor larceny, two years;j John Wanet," for larceny, four years; and Andrew McNeill, larceny, for j one ear. The convicts are all colored. Xectures this TVcek Three lectures at the Opera House during this week will: give our friends an unusually good, literary treat. To night Father Ryan, the "poet priest," will lecture under the auspices of the Hibernian Benevolent with "Pilate's Question Association, on tne True, the Beautiful, and Good it as his sub-j Friday night ject. On Thursday and the Rev. Moses D. Hose. D. D., of Richmond, Va., will lecture with "Teni Life in the East" for j his first, and "Modern Chivalry" for his last subject. A big-mouthed boy at Gray's Peak, Bit his sweetheart on tne cheeK, SL Jacobs Oil brought ! Relief, and she sought, A smaller-mouthed beau that week. j An April jlay. - It was very pleasant in the early morning hours of toMay, although there were indications that a change of weather might be expected before night. The change came somewhat earlier than we expected, and at about 10:30 this forenoon we were visited by quite a severe squall ot wind; accompaied with rain; which made things lively for the short time it lasted. One. of the Sraith Yllle pilot-boats was in1 the stream nnder way, and received the full force of the blow, but with no further effect than to showlier fine sailing qualities I I ILMINGTON. N. G. MONDAY. APRIL 16. Home From the Wars. . We welcome "Hewlette's Humpty Dumpty and all Star Specialty Com-! pany,"to the land of their nativity, "wiser but better" boys, we hope. We understand their entire parapher nalia, including trained animals, is for sale, as they state positively they will not aceept any engagement next season. The educated hbg can 1 be bought very cheap; Harlequin says he has grown considerable since he was lifted from the penjon the morning of their depar ture. ' .. ' A - - : A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobus Hardware Depot. t The Ner Stamps. Third Assistant Postmaster General Hazen has received from the American Bank Note Company of New York, the new designs for the : two-cent postage stamps, which will be submitted to the new Postmaster General in order that a selection may be made without 'furth er delay. . Gen. Hazen says that the three -cent stamps in stock after the two cent law goes into effect may be used for packages of third ; and ' fourth class mail matter. It is now not known whether or not the' department will continue to print the three-cent stamps after the new law goes into effect, but it is quite probable that this will be done if the demand for them shall war rant it. - Personal. 1 Rev. Father Ryan took our people somewhat by surprise in arriving here on Saturday night, .when he was not expected until to-night. In speaking of the matter t him he pleasantly re marked that it was a sort of "Stonewall Jackson" move. He is the guest, while in the city, of D. O'Connor, Esq. , . Dr. W. C. Green,! a former citizen of this place but now a practicing physi cian of St. Louis, is in the city ; on a short visit to relatives and friends He is accompanied by his wife and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Worth. 1 Mr, Sol. W. Weill, a son of Mr. AJ Weill of this city and a student a Chapel Hall, is home on a visit. Maj. Ji C. Reiily, now of Farmer's Turnout, is in thej city to-day ilooking well, we are pleased to say. i County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met at 24 o'clock this afternoon, per- suant to a call of the Chairman. Present Mr. H. A. Bags, Chairman! and com missioners, Moore, Worth, Montgomery andPearce. I In calling the meeting to order the Chairman dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and stated that the object of the present meeting was to act upon the resignation of Col, John D.Taylor, as clerk of the Board, which had been tendered to take effect to day, V j . The resignation of Col. Taylor was then read, and is as follows : . j Wilmington, N. C. April 12th, 1883. To the Board of Commissioners of Xew Hanover County: I GENTLEMEN.Therewith tender my resignation as clerk of the Auditing Committee and Warden of the Poor of New Hanover County, to take eftect on the 16th inst. Permit me. gentlemen, in severing my official relations with you, extend ing through a period of four vears, to thank you for the uniform kindness you have ever shown me, both officially and personally. I Very respectfully yours. John D. Tatlob. On motion the resignation was . ac cepted, after the m following! preamble and resolution were adopted ; I Whereas, Col. John D. Taylor has been elected to the position of city Treasurer and severed his connection with this Board, j Besolved, That in parting with him we have lost a faithful and efficient offi cer, and that while we rejoice atr his promotion, we deeply regret the sever ance ot a connection which has been so uniformly pleasant audi advantageous to the best interests of the county. Besolvcd, That-these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, and a copy of the same be handed to Col. John D. Taylor. . j The Board then proceeded to ballot for a successor to Col." Taylor, which resulted in the election, on the eighth ballot, of WW. Shaw. j V Application of Alfred Mulligan to sell liquor 'for the space . of 3 months,, was granted. .-:). It was ordered that the Chairman of the Board be empowered to sell the boiler belonging to the county lying at the Poor House to the best advantage possible. ' 0 ' i- : Adjourned. . , , ' " The Rev. Moses D. "Hoge, D. D who is to lecture in this city Thursday and Friday evenings of this weeki is ex pected to arrive. Wcdnerdsy n ih t . and will b tha-s-jc;:-cf : rr. G. Yi'; T?tfi . Doll for Raffle. ; At Heinsberger's there is a beautiful doll for raffie, the same as 'mentioned by us last week. It has been contribu ted by a member of the parish of St. Philip's Church, Smithyille, to the Fair which is to be held there on the 27th Inst. We"hope and believe tne1 chances will soon be taken, the object .being a most praiseworthy one, It will glad den the heart of some sweet . little girl to be the successful one. Would ad vise that the most popular young girl not over 12 be voted lor, the largest vote deciding. I Immense Cucumbers. , By Invitation we visited, yesterday, the green house of Mrs. Harry Webb, and while there cut a cucumber 18 inches long from the vine on which it was growing. It was not the longest or largest one we saw growing. There were some cucumbers fully 22 : inches long and which in appearance were not yet more than half grown. ' The vines looked healthy and some of the leaves measured fully 12 inches in width. The seed from which the vines? grew were imported from England at a cost of 6 cents each and were planted on the 9th of February Mra. Webb has recently added to her green houses with a view of extensively cultivating cucumbers for Northern markets. She expects to make her first shipment in a few days. Southern Historical Society ; Papers, j The April and May number (com bined) of this valuable magazine has been received. It is ah interesting number as the following table of con tents will show: I j "Stonewall Jackson," by the Rev Dr. R. L- Dabney ; "Reminiscenoes of Services in Charleston Harbor," by Col. Charles H. Olmsteadj "Battle of Ckickamauga," Report of Gen. Long street; "Dairy of Rev. J. G. Jaw; "Confederate !Privateersmen" Letter from President Davis ; "The Death of Willie Abeii" Poem by Rev. J. C. Hiden; - Sketch of Third Battery xt Maryland Artillery" Capt. William L. Ritter : "Sketch of Dr, G. W. De- Renne, by Col. C. C. Jones, Jr., "A Defense of Gen. BraggsJConduct at Chickamauga," by Gen: W. T. Mar tin "Letter from Gen. Martin to - Gen. Bragg;" "Gen. Bragg's Repert of Lookout Mountain ' and Missionary Ridge;" "Sketches of the History of the Washington Artillery;" "Rminiscen ces of the Siege of Vicksburg," by Ma jor J.iT. Hogane, of the Engineer Corps, 1 besides editorial paragraphs . on J subjects of interest and importance to all who feel an interest , in preserving the thrilling history of the Confederate struggle. .....;- uv';;:J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LECTURES. rpHE BET. MOSES D. HOGE, OF RICH MOND, Tlrjrtnia, will lectare for the benefit of the Library Aesolatlont at the Opera House, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, April inth and . Subject for the 19th, 'TENT LIFE IN THE EAST," ' Subject for lb 20th, '3IODEBN CHIVALRY." Lectures to commence at SH o'clock, T. M. Admission Fifty Cents. No extra charge for Reserved Seats, which wiU be for sale at ! Dyers on Wednesday, 18th, Thursday 19th, and Friday, 20th. . ; - , " " ' - apl lS-it nac-- J - WE FIND BOYSTER'S CANDY r I i . EXCEEDINGLY POPULAR AT Three Pounds for $1.00 A large supply just received by Express. Come early for what yea want. Elegant French Prunes, IN TWO POUND JARS. PKA.CII Kg, APPLES AXDl PRUNES. CHEESE.. NEfTFC IIATKL, CREAM AND ENGLISH h DAISY, DUTCH-HEAD AND j" PINK-APPLE. -VALENCIA ORANGES AXD LEMONS. . . A select stock of ; ". , " ? V -TINE WINES, WHISSEYS, Ad s ? - - - - - --. EfitcciAllTforfainiJr ufc. : 6;- 1883. NO. 91 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. just received: JpEW AND HANDSOME j FRENCH MILLINERY GOODS Just received and for sale by MRS. KATE C. WINES, . . Second street, one door from Poatoffico. apl 19-tt 1 ' , The Place to Buy rjTCRPENTINE TOOLS. , PULLERS, j- HACKERS, DIPPERS, i WHKTTERS, HACK-WEIGHTS, Ac, Ac., &c. Best of goods at Rock Bottom prices. A fall and complete stock of Hardware alicays on hand. i W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Saccessors to John Dawson & Co., apl 10 19, 21 and 28 Market Street Handsomeiiace Fishus ; and Handkerchiefs. JJUSCHINGS, ELEGANT EMBROI DERfES A Foil stock of ) W idLXTE C3-003DS, NEW AND CHEAP. : i THE BARGAIN OF THE SEASON IN 5,000 Yards Percale, At 6 cents per yard, worth 10 cents. ' JOHN J. HEDIUCK. apl 16 - " Gospel Hymns, NEW EDITION. Nos. l, 2, 3 and 4, com hined in one Book. SPIRITUAL SONGS, with Music, for use in Social Meetings. Selected and arranged by Bev. Charles S. Robinson, D. D. THE SERVICE OF SONG, for Baptist Churches. New and enlarged edition. Just rciTel and for sale at I HEINSBERGER'S, apl 16 -i Live Book and Music Stores. Send in your Orders JpAPER, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, r - SCHOOL BOOKS, STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, Ac. Y Also,. : BALLS, TOPS. MARBLES, CROQUET, HAMMOCKS. HARMONICAS. Ac. Ac. All at reasonable in-ices. wholesale and ro- tall, at ATES BOOK STORE. apl 16 MILLINERY. Entirely New and Beauti ful Stock ! J HAVE RETURNED FROM THE NORTH era markets and will next week open an cn tirely fresh tock, NO JOB LOTS, and noth ing old or out of date, but all from I THE FIRST IMPORTING HOI SES. The etyles are prettier than over. j ' Will be pleased to teosmy customer . and i show them the most elegant line of Millinery in the city. Respectfully, MISS E- KARRER, apl 16 EXCHANGE CORNER. A SPEOIFIO FOR Sr EFILEPSY, SPASUS, C0OTISI02S, FiUIHa SIODIESS, ST. VITUS CIHOE, ALCHCL'jLISLI, GFIUI1 EATCIS, Skills, sc::FUU,nn2S0fii, U2LT ELC:3 UREASES, DTSFEPSU, CEEYCUSnESS, SICK EEADISHE, EIEUZATISU, CEE7C0S UEAKESS, - XEHCUS FEOSTEATIO:!, : chid tor. elc :d scs. EIU:USr.ESS, CflSTTiinESS, llETTIirJZLES OiEEUULniTIES. Tie DT. S. L :WB23l 'MCt aWtttOT 1 ;.4 Correspondence freely answered by Pcysiclsns. For 'tetfcif.!ilianiei?cn54ri iscnd stami. f Mi ot V . ..1, (coriQUHionp ' t . .. : f ' t PLEASE NOTICE. " ' .Y-5 'J. : ' ' ' . - Li We will be glad to receive eommajiauon ? ; : r from our friends on any and all subiecU of general Interest but '"."v: u' VY - The name of the writer must always be fa nlshed totheEdltori-Y Yl' '-:-- Y'-:- 1 -; - - Communications mnst be wrtttea o oe one side of the paper. h;i ! PersonalltSesmustbo aroVled.' 1 And It ts especially and particularly tinder tood that the Editor does not always eadpxse tkc views of correspondents unless' o stated in the etlitorlal columns. . I - ! ;"'v''WotceBl7Y' rpiIE STEAMER JOHN DAWSON WI LL be off her route, for about two weeks, JTor re. Pf- j;hc Freight Business will be conUn." ucl toylTlfita Apply to HARRY LOEB. Act. apllCt R. n. PADDIsnJ . .Household Blessing !- ; 1?IE CELEBRATED HOUSEHOLD SEW- 1NG MACHINES,. haTC arrived and ; can be 1 - - -- i . ... , r . -seen at No. 27, Front street; (Jewett's bid stand). Buy no other nntll yotf havo exam- Ined this household gem. CAPPING TEE CLDUX AND Clothing the. People ! . : ' ... )!:-:: OTTERBOURG ' IS LEADING THE MARCH THIS SEASON. :' ' LL' lA;. as is his general custom. BEAUTY, STYLE and DURABILITY are tho three features tna!t Y:r i Y; ! predominate In the tuake-up pf his extensive line of ' ' . - - ' " J . ' ' r Fine Heady-Made Clothingi and LIBERALITY IN ALL DEALINGS' is hU standing motto. f i BIG SPECIALTY IN SUITS at $10, $10, $10. BE8T FLANNEL and CASSIMERE SUITS at 12.30, t12..')0, 412.60. V CHILDREN'S I J LITE BLO U IKS froniVi. lip. MEN'S WEAR DEPOT, 1 22, M, 26 and 28,. -, North Front Street, Wilmington N. C. apl 16 - 1 1 If You Would be Happy I - BUYjA cookstovk;" me uomen Harvest," UFABMEK," " CALUMET," 1 Or, "SOUTHERNJOAK," Pure White Oil. f V apl 18 ' LE C T U REM j AT THE OPERA HOUSE, BY - ; Rev. Father Ry&ii, TUESDAY EVIING, April 17tb, at t o'clk. Tickets .V) cents. lie served Scats can; be obtained at Dyers' without extra charge. ' 1 ,C jJl. cantweli,' n. O'CONNOK, I ,,t a, : . T; DONLAN, aplUtt " Committee. A.'& I SHRIER. Attractions for th is Spring. -. y -o- v i PERFECT FITTING AND CORRECT I STYLES OF" ' 'I -i for Men. Youth's, Boys' and Children at the LOWEST PRICES.: THE LARGEST STOCK EVER BROUGHT - - .... ! " I' j y J . r Y ... TO THIS MARKET.. r';;'j A. & I. SHRIER. j RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, ! apl 9 W Market Street. SODA WATER. QX AND AFTER TO-DAY WE WILL keep the most dellciousce Cold SoUt. ' f Pure fruit Juices only used. . jf rounds Broc, ' , Y Dispensing Pharmacists, iwl BROADWAY, NEV YoRK. AND WILMINGTON, N. C. YJ . men 17 - , . , ., , A Wew Supply QF RED AND WHITE ONION SETS. Peas, Beans, Corn, Cabbage, AjI i C: v Drugs and Chemicals, 1'steat 3IellcUe, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. ' Prescriptions filled at all hoars, Ur and night. , r. C. MILLE1C. 1 ? i - . 5 German Drngtrist, ' . mchSl- Correr Fourth and Nnn tta. Soda Waterl Soda Water! -1TTJTH PURE VtSUIT JUICES, i " IOECOLD1 ' SEASON JESJ,'. . - - ; . .mineral v,t:: on fi'ui i.'r.-j .-?. ..?? J';" V ! ' 1 L t to: 4 t:ii;r. 1 S ..lit'

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