THIS PATES pabHBbed every evening. Sunday ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, ! EDITOR A3TD rBOFWETOR. crBCBlPTIXS POSTAGE PAHX j vtZX v'w' ' O1 . .1 Art- Oim month. 35 cents. mOIJWJS, . - ' .TrI. will be delivered, by carriers free , rhlrW, in any part of the city, at the above j r.o or lOCenve - . AdvesttfilDS rafcc -Subscribers will report any and all fall .ivp. their paper regularly,; VTt W"-' H Tii . r3r The Daily, Review has the largest i ,n Me circulation, of any newspaper 0O'llt ' i . ., . f tTT'l l Ci Texas is figuring out a population of 4,000,000 in 189- r Xne bis meteor story from Texas proves to be a first-lass sensational fraud- . . The new (ierraan minister of marine is a general of infantry .and the naval menarc disf 1 be other day "a Florida couple, aged sixty years each, rode thirty miles in a 'r;"nsics3 cart to get married. It i3 said that the garden-truck raised about Norfolk, Va.. this season will re quire 1,000,000 barrels in which to market it. (ieii. Fitzhugh Lee Is making ar rangements to hold a reunion of the survivor of the Army ot Northern Vir .riaia at Manassas next summer. Ua'eiish voted yesterday for street improvement and Wake county voted at the same time on the railroad appro priation question. Both propositions were defeated. ' - The p'Donovan is having the tattles turned upon him. He has received a warning, signed with a dagger and a cross, accompanied by a hint that it is time for him to say his prayers. - : : ' . It is said to be a curious fact that the inhabitants ot Auckland, New Zealand, all have big noses, and even strangers going there do not remain long until they begin to notice an increase in the sizeof their nasal appendages. ; The official canvass in Michigan has resulttd in the destruction of the last hoi ot the Republican brethren in that '.ftn Thn fusion Candidates for Supreme Court and University Reports were elected by 4,000 to 6,00 majority. except one only, whose majority was cut down to 1,000. .. The Philadelphia Press announces a Jugular discovery. It is that the use of irarlic conduces to an hallucination of the brain on the part of the indulger that he is possessed of valuable secrets which it is his conscientious duty to impart to others, by putting his mouth eloe to the ears of his victims. Travellers along the line t the three railroads terminating here have often noted the imniense bogs and bays lo cated not far rom the city and have wandered what they were fit tor. This has at length een ascertained. Much, of it will produce rice. Upland rice will grow and mature as far North as Kentucky and Virginia.! Fitly bushels bushels to the acre is a good average. worth one dollar per bushel. The straw is relished by cattle. ' . Dor Augustine do Iturbide, the heir' presumptive to the Imperial Grown of Mexico, arrived from Europe on the Germanic on Saturday last and is visit ing a friend in New Y ork. In an ar ticle in the April numb er ot Harper1 Monthly Mr. John Bigelow tells the interesting story of this youth prince, whose grandfather was Don Augustin Iturbide, the JSmperkmfirst of Mexico. His mother was a Miss Alice Green, of Washington, and he now holds a com mission in the Mexican Army. Jay Gould is 47 years old, and he has scooped in a cool hundred millions daring his time. It is now authorita tively announced that he will retire from business altogether, just as soon as the big job now in hand, the pro jected connection of his Pacific road with the East Tennessee lines, is com pleted. He owns but very little real estate, compared with his estate ;as a whole, say about $5,000,000 worth, and tho bulk ot his wealth is in stocks and bonds. He has $20,000(000 in Western Union and the same amount in Mis souri Pacific Railroad bonds. His in come is estimated by some as high as a million ! a month, which would be $33,333.33 "for every day in the week, $1,388.89 an hour, $27.15 a min ute, or 45 cents a second. It is possible, however, that it doe.s not equal much more than the half of all this, or say $700 an hourJ;, Mr. Gould's eldest son. George, just turned of 23, will tako charge on Wall street. The great finan cier is a thoroughly domestic man. iiohassix children. Look Before you Lcqd. a. & I. SrjRiER are now showing the test hue of Mens. Boys' and Childrens' Clothing that has eyer been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find H freatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before 1 HE VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS, i INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munds Bros Soda Water V Heide & Co Ship Notice. F C Milleu A New Supply Yates Send In your Orders, ! IIein'Sbekoeb Father Ryau's roem 1 Mr Kate C Wines New Spring Styles "Young Mrs. Winthfop" is in Char lotte to-night. 1 A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Sheriff Tayior, of Brunswick, arrived safely at Raleigh yesterday with his three prisoners. The wind has clung persistently to the North nearly all day and it is still cool enough for fires and overcoats. 1 , The John E. Ince , Comedy troupe have applied for dates at the Opera House and will probably show here soon. 1,1 The cucumber which we cut from a vine in Mrs. Webb's green house on Monday was as crisp and palatable as any wp ever ate. i 1 Our correspondents "Mellie," "Jack',' and "South Front" are hereby notified that the answers sent in by them to the b puzzle yesterday are correct. The1 an swer is 15. It is an old 1 15 puzzle, not the new one, and it is not very difficult of solution. - Mr. H. W. Finlayson, formerly of this city, but for years past a resident of Cheraw S. C. has removed to Birming ham, Ala. Mr. Finlayson hast been a subscriber to the ReView for nearly four years and at his request it will JVll a ' 1 t ionow mm io nis new no me, wuere we trust that he may succeed in his enter prises. QiTlteSick.i r - i s : . I i I We exceedingly regret to learn that Mr. J. D. Von Glahij who has been in failing heatlh for several months, is now confined to ijiis house and bed, having become seriously worse within the past few days. We hope that the present attack may be only temporary and that we may soon be able to an nounce his convalesence. j "To Nassau." , ' Mi 1- AVe learn that Mr., J.B. i Farrar de. livered quite an interesting lectureJast night in the vestry of the Front Street M. E. Church, his subject bing "A trip to Nassau and return." Owing to the condition ot tho weather there was not a large audience, jbut-j those who were present were well Pleased with the interesting discourse., i Abolished. 1 .- i The office of city detective was tem porarily abolished by 'the Board of Aldermen last night, for the present at least. It is presumed that thq gallant 'drum corps" will pass j the customary rptmlntinns and then adiourn to the free lunch counter where they will per fhrm. with variations. "When the 8 wallows homeward fly." For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t An Old Enginoer Dead. Mr. Monroe Horton, one of the oldest engineers in the service of the Carolina Central R. R., died at Laurinburg day before yesterday, ot consumption. Mr. Horton had been on the C. C. for :ten years past and was one jof the best en gineers and most trusted men on the road. He leaves a wife and six child ren, and leaves tor them a benefit in the Knignts of Honor for $2,000. Have ArriVed. The uniforms for the city letter earn ers arrived this morning. he mater r srVii!i t.imv nr' coniDosed is o reculation cadet gray cloth with black stripe descending on the outside seam of the trousers. Those who have boxes wil have their mail placed therein as here ofore, which means they will be ena- thpir letters and papers considerably earlier than they can by waiting for carriers to bring them. Accident to a eiierable Xady. The venerable Mrs. John Brown while crossing, about 1 ofclock to-iay. from Exchange Corner o Solomon's Corner, at the intersection of Front and Market streets, slipped and fell to the ground. She was picked up and taken to Mr. Solomen's store where sne remain ed a few minutes when she was placed in a carriage and carried! to her home. She complained much of her hirj and we arc afraid she has sustained an in jury which may proye quite serious to one of her advanced age. Silver Plated Spoons and.Forks, low Mffil I . . - WILMINGTON; N. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL Magistrate's Court. William Sampson, colored, was brought before Jnstice Millis this morning on a peace warrant sworn' ont by his wife, Sally Sampson. This cou ple do not live together and in ihe in vestigation of-the facts, the charge ap peared frivolous and without founda tions and the defendant was discharged and prosecutrix assessed with the costs. A Serious Delay. j We hear much complaint as to the tartly delivery of mail matter from this city .to Point Caswell. It takes four days, they tell us, for let ters and papers to go through. It is surmised that the fault must rest at Rocky Point, where the mail is thrown off for the carrier to take it across the country. We trust that the delay will be investigated and remedied at once. Down where the climate is torrid, The sting of a hornet is horrid, . It strikes with surprise, , Betwixt the two eyes. St. Jacobs Oil cures the sore forehead Rock Sprmsr Water. , - Mr. James W. Stroud, formerly of .v. A , f this city, and well known to many of our residents, is now located at Flor- ence, in the W., C. & A. R. R. oflices, but with a longing desire to get back i .r., . i u i" u to Wilmington, a desire which has probably been intensified by the im- mense amount of Rock Spring water cn u utm A,;ntr tha thrtL swallowed by him during the three years of his near location toj those i a- mous waters. We have just received a etter from him, renewing his subscrip- i m,x,., -n u c,a I ion to the Review, wherein he says. I look for it as regularly as I do for hash.' and when it fails to come, the grumbling thereat is similar. ! Through f its columns I learn a great deal of the ups and downs of your lovely city, Something has been pulling at mo ever . ' T nf-t wiiminatAn tr cr haft since I left VV ilmington .to.get back arapBg you all again.' . i r a muiu. The Board of Aldermen met last night pursuant to adjournment, and the bUowing were the proceedinssr ., The Committee on Streets.on grading xniru sueci, rciuoTiujj uubiiuv-uwhb rom Front street and repairing Water street from Dock to Mulberry, were cranted further time. The adoption of the proposed ordi- njinf nnnrmi nar markets was recom- meuueu uy m vixiiit. and adopted. , The Board then made appropriations for current expenses for 1883.4 as foi- lows: Streets and Wharves, $ 10,360; Police. kl8,926 ; Fire Department. $7,- 61 : Public Buildings, $2,425 ; Feeding Prisoners, $250; Lights, $6,850; Star tionery and Printing, uu; oanitary, Heun.. tin;-i I finft WfltPT jjjit.uyu , Lxwyi. . , - - " Works. 6.750; Markets. $1,650; Mis- cellaneousand Extraordinary. $1,150; S Claries and Fees. S5.400, making a total of S66.532 appropriated, subject to " " " I the approval of the Board of Audit and tinauce. ; ! lAldermen Fishblate, DeRosset and Chadbourn were appointed a Commit. tee by the Mayor, to investigate and report to the Board in regard to the city debt and the issuance ot $40,000 or more bonds, and in regard to the bond oil the Chairman of the Sinking Fund as j called for by resolution. Mr 1 T,o?a.n R. Ives was elected weigher and grader of "cattle. - 3 1 The office of city detective was; temporarly abolished. AQjouraeu. . Tho Market Matter. Tho Mmn of the Board of Aldermen at their meeting last night, in appoiat- A UW V me Jir. xves a v.w city, excited much indignant comment to-day among the butchers, as a result of which they held a meeting and nsitA resolutions, which will be :i.!,.,M; thia is;ti(. eallin&r upon the Board to rescind the appoint rn.nt nfMr.Tres and ffive it to jar. tt j lu tKohrtioof t.h butch ers. This, we suppose; the Board will aorelv do. as otherwise the arrange- ments made with the butchers for the occupation of the new market will fall through. . It is hard to understand Ihe action th Board ot Aldermen in this matter. T. 1 ua loocf nnwiu e.nd im ll.WH woaj " polite. It was wrong, as is freely at- tActedbv the terms of the agreement made between the Board and tne wora And strh milted to and received the Board of Aldermen at the meet- ing held by them on the night oi ine ana Jnct: .'--. .h The following is the clause relaUfe the ancointmentofa cattle weigher: ! 4th. To appoint one inspector, to selectea oy xne oaicaera, wuo &v bona as requirea or iue shall inspect, grade, and weigh - all cattle sold on the hoof ; feea far - which 7 Li V RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY A CALLED MEET ING OF THE BUTCH ERSDF OUR CITY. Whereas, at the nieetlnsr of the Board of Aldermen, held on the night of the 17th inst., they did elect Mr. Logan Ives to be the weigher and grader of beef cattle for our city, and whereas, weeiaimthat it was- contrary to an understanding made between a com mittee consisting of Aldermen and Butchers.- adopted by vthe . Board of Aldermen ; . said understanding was that the Butchers were to suggest a suitable person to be confirmed by the Board of Aldermen, to be Grader and Weigher of cattle ; and, whereas, we believe that such a person should be disinterested, and be a competent judge as to the quality of beef, also as to what cattle will net. according , to their ranges and place of raising; also tweeen grass fed beef and stall fed beef; also, that he should not be a butcher nor cattle raiser ; ; one ' that , should be competent in every respect, because when cattle are graded by the grad r there js no appeal either for the seller ortbuyer; both must abide by his judg ment; that we should have a man of more experience in cat tle and not inter ested in any way with the trade. Resolved. - That we condemn the ap pointment of Mr. Ives and the action of the Board in appointing him. as we be- Hve that he is not competent to grade canie anu was noi recommenueu oy me butohera in meeting and certainly must have some interest in the trade, Resolved That we have pledged our selves in good faith with , the Board cl Aldermen, believing they would go ac- cordmff to affreement to encourage and establish markets in our city, and to have them supplied with good healthy meats, which cannot be accomplished unlesswehave a competent judge to grade the same. We claim that we are ourselves better judges than a private citizen as to a suitable person witu experience io giau cauie. 1 1. A nrAirioPmo tn annul thp appointment of Mr. Logan Ives and to insert instead the name of Mr. Thos. W-Howard, as he having beenengaged st0ck upon this market for the last twenty years and having the confidence of nine-tenths of the countrymen and butchers interested, was unanimously BgtobyonMWmbWd-togeti er. which we claim to be for the inter- est of all citizens. i Signed. E A Orell. J R Melton, J vv Tirinfr n-ro v Tiiiov w Hinty. Josiah JCumber, I John C Borneman, W.TW .2." ffiSi Mumford. w J Kellosc. Tsham Young, Aiireu ivioore. Star copy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . . rr i lUwllCwi canfcioned.and forewarned against harboring or crediting any kt! them. heide CO., - Pl l ' Jft w grirmff StvleS N HATS AND BONNETS AND HAND- i - - t. I infflA Trimmlnffs. Feathers. Flowers ana Kit- CZr 7- , , th. ' vw Shade. AIM. Laaies Furnishin Goods. Torchon and other Laces, rorsaie oy . Second street, one door from Postofflee. L.pJO't Blank BOOKS. i r . , pKET boobs Note ana Dtart wof)Kt, Receipt Books, B1113 payable and Receivable, j . Time Books, Memorandum Books. Letter Paper, Legal Cap, Bill and Lodger Papers, Cap and Note Paper, m large variety, Just received a large stock and for sale at lowest prices. Please cau at IINSBERGER'S, apt 18 Book and Music Stere J lUUUCs mire steamer John dawson will off heryoute, for about two weeks, for re I .... . M Btt6,neM win be contin- uea by Flats. Apply to hakki it. is. a jjx. Pv FanS XtJY ONE OF THESE GREAT inousE- I noid comforts from cjtt.tca MITRCHISON. - anl!4 Wand 40 llurchlson Block j . ftnrTSale StaWOS, illVery anaOaiU.OUeUloa, ttobses. buggies, phjstons axd caRRIAGLS let at low rates. Also Board . fnrHorsee. 01 r The fine Hearctty. - ALKER, . t thA Nir su.. , - mch 2Hf Cor. Fourth ana aiuioerry , : OTTNTBY v u j. in J- -acEECHANTS and x, tn anallt and nricee frbm the lane . . ffir 'rm a TiT l-&g&lg? " " T . . u. .."tftZsZTi. . I f AmtVrtnrn and Renair. . BXCfl to TjTTIJriTTrT TJnTTQP - X U AU JlLxil X1U U Ofi. be 1 -pfDEs'iiiw 11AKAGMNT w i kj WTLflNGTON JS. C K rKSTTtWtXor- pxoSiSrjf Atiaattc HoteL rcias ua appotntaenta. Terms 3-U to txta a HE 18, 1883. NO. 93 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WE FIND ' eoystebs candy EXCEEDINGLY POPULAR AT '. Three Pounds for $1 iOO A large supply Just received by Express. i.- . - "- ' - Como early for wba you want. Elegant French Prunes, IX TWO POUND JARS. PEACHES. APPLES AND PRICES.' CHEESE. NEUFCHATKL, CREAM AND KNGIJ3II DAIRY, DUTCH-HKA D AND ' PINEAPPLE. TALENCIA ORANGES AND LEMONS. A select stock of . FINE WINES, WHISKEYS, Ac. Especially for family use. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. api 16 MILLINEliY. Entirely New and Beauti- t ful'Stock! ! HAVE RETURNED FROM THE NORTH ern- markeU and will next week open an en tirely fresh stock, NO JOB LOTS, and noth ing old or out of date, but all from THE FIRST IMPORTINGl HOUSES. The styles are prettier than ever. ' Will be pleased to see my customer and Bliow them the most elegant line ot .Millinery in the city. - , I' .- ; , - ' ResijectfuHy, MISS E. KAKRElt, apl 1R EXCHANGE CORNER. S. Li FREMONT, C IIVIL. ENGINEER, N. W. CORNER RED ViUBfl AUU 1UUU DUCln, " Ail JUOAt, DUlltjn, plans, estimates, drawings, designs, and will brfdi nmena the construction or puikudkbi ds. wharves.' Ac t Terms moderate and SJitlsfaction assured. men 5KHf I - v Cospel Hymns, NEW EDITION. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, com blnerl in one Book. PIRUAL SONGS, with Music, for use in Social Meetings. Seleted and arrapged by Rer. Charles S. Robinson P. D. I THE SERVICE OF BONG, for Baptist ChurchesJ New and enlarged edition 5 Just recelred and for sale at HEINSBERGER'S, apl 16 " Live Book and Music Stores. Send in your Orders. TAPER, EX'ELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, i SCHOOL BOOKS, ' - . STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, l - ' 1 . PAPER BAGS, TWINE, Ac Also, ; , BALLS, TOPS, MARBLES, CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, HARMONICAS, Ac, Ac . All at reasonable prices, wholesale and re- tall, at YATES" BOOK STORE. apl 18 Bock Beer! Bock Beer ! ofli The First he Season ! rpHE BEST THAT HAS EVER BEEN known to be in Wilmington, i ry w jww elf. Private families as weU as dealers can be supplied at a momen ,'s notice by calling at - R.'pORTNER'8 Alexandria TivoU Brewery Agency, ; . f Currle's Block, Second, between : - Market and Princess sts., ' I. Wilmlogton, 3L C. JULIUS LEIN3. Agent. apl 10-tf Handsome Lace Fishus ; I and 'Handkerchiefs. T USCHINGS, ELEGANT EMBROI DERfES A Foil stock of . WHITE . ... , ... : NEW AND CHEAP. THE BARGAIN OF THE SEASON IN 5.000 Yards Percale, Ate cenu per yard, worth 10 cents. JOHN J; HEDRICK. ' ?IT6 i ';- I-?'- : I; ' We will be glad to receive eoanicnca&o&i : from our friends on any and : all subjects of general Interest but -Vj-w ; ,1V' Tbe name ot the writer must alwiya be U Blahed to the Editor. V .:"!;' Communications must be written on only one side of the paper. - . . , Personalities most be avoided.? " And It is especially and particularly utder itood that the Editor does sot always endorse tke Tlews of correspondents tmlesa so stated In the editorial columns. . ! NEW ADTERTISE3IENTS. LECTURES. fJiHK 11EX. JIOSE3 D. UOGE, OF RICH MOND, Virginia, will lecture for the benefit of the Library Association, at the Opera House, on THURSDAY ana FRIDAY, April 19th and 20th:. ;; ;i - Subject for tho IDth. . . "TPVP iTPf rwmnt" view , Subject for iho 20th, MODERN CniVALltY." . Lectures to commence at 8l oVlock,' P. M. AdralMion Fifty Cents- No extra charge for Ecservetl Seau, which will le for "ea'o at Dyers' on Wednesday, ISth, Thursday . Ifcth, and Friday, 20th. ; . , ' 1 ' l ... - - apl!6-4t nao .. t . . The Place to Juy rjlUUPENTINE TOOLS. D1PPE1W. i . W1I fcTTElis, 3 HACK-WEIGHTS, Ae., &c, Ac. i Rent of Kootts at Itocfe Bottom vrlceit. A HiTr.T.K.w. it M-trt-tt- f uU and complete stock of Hardware aitcaya on hand. 1 : , i W.'E.' 9PRINGER & CO.. 8ucc8dora to John Duwson A Co., apl 1 ID, 21 and. 23 Market Mree SODA WATER. QN ANI AFTER TO-DAY WK WILL keep tle mrwt delicious Ice Cold Stuli . . Pure fruit juices only nc'. ' , - (Vluncis Bros., 1 ' DlspenRinj? Pharmaclsta, I I 1.491 BUOADWAY, NhW YoUK, AND WILMINGTON N. C.-'-- i meh 17 ' . j. ' ' A Wew Supply F. RED AND WHITE ONION JSKTrt, . O Peas. Beam. Corn. Cabbaee. Ac. Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. - -1. " W Prescriptions luied at all hours, day aul . night. F C. JJILLKR, - tertnau urugpiet, , mch :ll- Coreer Fourth und Nuu RtsL Soda Water! Soda Water! riTH 1TRE FRUIT 4HICKS, IOfeCOIlDl .. SEASON 1S3. I MINERAL WATER ON DII ATER ON 1 DRAUGHT. TCECOLD. ' WILLIAM H. GREEN, ! r , HrnjrRist. apl 14 1S83. ' H Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLT-10 Taye. SUITED TO BOYS AJfO OIB1A OP FttOM BIX ; . TO SIXTKEN YKAKS OF .AGE. I Vol, IV. commences November 7, 2. The Ycmig People has lccn from the nrst successful ljeyond anticipaUon. A'. Y. AV ning Pot. 1 It has adlstinctiTC purpose, to which it stead ily adheres that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers for the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome.- Boston Journal. v For neatness, elccr ance of enirrarlnsr, and contents generally, H is unsurpassel ; by any publication of the kind yet brought to our notice. ruiDitrgn uazeue. TERMS: HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, S t. TL TVr Ypjir. Pofctncre Prepaid. f "r f . ,SrjGLEN umbers. Four Cents cach.i for 1SS1 ted Cloth, will lie sent br mall. rostasre rre paid, on receipt of $3 AO each. Cover fot Young Peonie for 1S62, 3." cenH; postage, 13 . cents additional. i - i Remittances should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, toaToidcbanoe of loss. Newspapers a re-not to copy this advertUe mcnt without the express, order of Uxspsb A BaoTHCSs. Address - i HARPER t BROTHERS, dec 13 New York. , A week made at home by the industrious. Best bust ncss now beforo the pnblle. Canltal not needed: We will start you. Men. women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Js Snwimen codt sent on rccemt or xnree t-is The Volumes of Harper's Younjr People and 1682. handsomely bound in IUurAlna the the tune, xou can worx in spare ume, or sive vonr whole tlmo to the. business. No - other business win pay you nearly as well. No one can rail to maae enormous pay, uy en gaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money-made fast, easily and honorably. Ad drcss True & Co.. Augusta, Maine, j novl&d&wtf. . ' ii LaBOKATORr of , state Assatkb asd Chemist, COfEast Grace Street. Va.. January SOtb. l.Cl Mr. N. Kzkkiel has made known to me the composition of his Hair Xentorer and I have also subjectea it u cnemicai examination. ti contains no lead or silver, substances very commonly employed in making preparation for the cair, nor anyunng narmrui, ana rosy therefore be used without apprehension ot in jurious results. , , ! ! 11. TA1 IAIU, ni If., I ! State Chemist.! . WhiUt thanking you, Mr. Ezeklel, for the Hair Restorer you so kindly sent me. I take great pleasure in saying to you that its. bene' Ddal fclfecu upon my hair nave been o appar ent as to attract the commendation of all my friends who have noticed it. It lata mr estimation a treasure, without which the toilet of none who hare used it will be complete. Hoping it mar realize you the pecuniary success you so rlchiy kicrTe, -I remain, very respectfully, : . Mlt-S. A. kH V. WWE. "Richmond. Va.. Feb. 27. Isu7. For sale by U druggist. Price fl per bot- lie. - ' ic" F. P. JONES, pi LINTON, N. CL. ATTORNEY ANDj Conn 1 aeUor-at Law. ' WIU practice In any part of !'' tttaaclalau.- sept I9lf purthasing elsewhere. . tt. pices, at Jacoci.'s Vs9 ae J m

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