XHISPAPEB every evening. ceyted by JOSH T.JAMES. gprroB raorMBToa. trRlPTIOSS JPOSTAGB PAID: f4.00. d , oo- Qne month, 35 cent. deUverby carriers free e m rints per wee. Us-. or . , ,ta low and liberal. 'Sbirlrs will report any and .all fall. . !vc their paper regularly. r, . rrtiUi Pwiew has the. larrtejst tf- jne j y : - - ptfished' n.ih city of Wilmington Stack Theatre company.oi V ien- i.i r .1. The ! i a nrrsenieu IAJWiii iwui wiiiiu ,:IverSaurcljvreatlK ' j'ostraaster General fircsham is the t member of the Cabinet from In Jna since the organization of the government- jrds Wolseley and Alcestcr have ton voted an annual allowance of 2.- by the House of Commons for their prices durius the Egyptian war: Evangelist-Moody cays he does not fer infidelity half so much as he doea tbe'coM formalism which is creeping 0T,.r Christianity the want- of heart, lav. interest and enthusiasm. : ' ' Intemperance anions women is in- reasics in Great Britain. Some years :iit was live intemperate women to en men, but later statistics make it stand seven women to ten men - His Snobeliency was a devout wor shipper at three difl'erent churches -in Florida lastlSnnday. He attended the Episcopal Church in the forenoon, the ILonian Catholic in the afternoon and the colored Methodist at niarht. Tbi Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has earned five per rent, for its stock and $71)0,000 for its surplus during the last six months equal to net earnings of 20 per cent, per annum on the stock. It is about to build a line of its own to Philadelphia and New York. Mr. fcx-Congressuian Pound, of Wis consin, thinks ex-Speaker Keifer, of Obio. "a very strong and able man' and likely to bo the Republican leader in the next House. So k would seem rhal there is one other man in the Keifer' party besides Keifer himself. I ce Federation of Labor, au organi-5 nation at Washington, has presented a memorial to the President petitioning for ah extra session oi Congress to bo called at as eariy a day as practicable, ior the- purpose of considering the reln- tions between labor and capital? - The cenbiis report ' shows' that the South has less than fifty per cent, of white criminals when 'compared with New England. The census also shows that the South has a smaller percentage of inaano persons, paupers, idiots, blind and helpless people, than any other sec tion. Operations have-'commenced by "which at .a "cost of $1, 250,000, New Street station. Birmingham, England, will be converted into the largest rail way depot in the world. It will cover a total area of 45,000 square yards, or over eleven acres, and will have three platforms rach 1,000 leet long. K. .4 strahge circumstance, refative to spring floods, is thns told: After tho wheat came up, on a Kentucky farm, a sleet storm covered the field with ice Before this melted a flood swept over, and the ice. rising to the surface of . the water, pulled every blade of wheat out of the ground and carried it away. . . A Boston shoe firm has made arranger ments to move their shefe faetory and tannery, to Atlanta, Georgia. The su perior manufacturing facilities of the Sonth are rapidly but surely producing their natural-and legitimate effect. The South is bound to oecome the great BJromtacturing portion of the country. To our thinking the Norfolk Virgin ia is much improved in appearance by tho return to its primitive shape, form pas'ies An eight-page paper is an unweildy thing, unless glued and cut, which must sometimes, be very expen srre.The Virgin uncertainly loses noth ing of its vivacity and attractiveness by iho change. , . jen. Wright, Chief of Engineers, de lares officially that the failure to pass nKivcrand Harbor bill entails im mense losses upon the government, bo sides checking the completion of Im portant national works. He. says that a work once begun should be steadily continued until its completion for econo mical reasons. Either that should be done or the policy of improving rivers and harbors should be abandoned alto lether. The should handle this matter san peur. It would be more than folly to let im portant public works, now in successful prosecution. ruined for the want of timely aid. . democrats in Chicago did not run the campaisn in that city at the cipense of the itax-payers, and didn't fiare any government bonds- invested Tk The VOL. VII. W in their big victory. thi3, the Democratic As a proof of city committee make public their receipts and expendi tures in the campaign, which resulted in Democratic majorities of from 4,000 to 12,000. Their total receipts were $5,650, of which $1,000 was contributed by Carter Harrison, i $3,000 ' by John Doupy. and the remainder Jassesments and contributions from other sources, the individual amounts being given in every case. The amount received, and the amounts used and the' names of those who receipted for Jthem are made public. 1 " " LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Benson's Skin Cure I J B H J Ahkexs lee j Joirv T Patrick Wanted Mrs 15 A Lcmsde Ladles Munds IJros Sola Water F c Miller A New Supply Yates Sehd In your Orders HEn8BEHGER Blank Books James Avdbbsov, 6ert'y Notice The John E. Ince Company play m Charlotte to-night. jj The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 24 bales J j . - j r J Hon. A. M. Wadaell will de'iver the Memorial address in Charlotte. For Pocket KniVes or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot t A called meeting of the Board bf Aid- ertnen will be held this! evening. The wind has got around to South, and Spring may be looked for now in earnest. Mr. M. M. Katz left for Goldsboro this morning to attend the meeting of the directors of the Colored Insane Asy lum in that place. Mr. B. H. J. Ahrens has now in store a full supply of clear pond ice, which is offered to the trade, city and country, at his ice houses in this city. A driver whose name is Joe Glane, When badly frostbitten in Maine. Couldn't wear his shoe, P I So what did ho do? I St. Jacobs Oi) cured his chilblain . The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Carolina Central R. H. Company will beheld at the Com pa nys offices, in this city, ori Thursday, May 10th. We notice that the CharlotteVtmrnaZ Observer Advertises a card for one 'Dr. Robertson," of Baltimore. We trust that our neighbor's experience in this line may bo more pleasant than ours. We could never get any money out of him. An Italian count, with thei proofs of his nobility, a monkey and hind-organ, Iras been doing up the city tor the past two days, much to the delighj of a herd of small boys, who follow hyn and his credentials from morning to night. Mr.. J. Wash Lamb, formerly of this city but now ot Goldsboro, where he is conducting a livery and! sales stables, is in the city this week and it gave j us much pleasure to take him once more by the hand. His visits! here arc viery rare. Gen. Wright and Col S. Engineers, arrived in; Craighill, U. the city last evening and went down the river this morning to the government works, accompanied by Hon. A. H. Van Bok kelen, President of" the Chamber of Commerce, and several other gentled i .1 i men oi this city. Convalescent, i We are glad to learn that Maj John W. Dunham, clerk of the Criminal Court, who has been sick and confined to the house for some days, was very much better this morning, wfitli a fair prospect of his speedy covery. and entire re- A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Un mailables. The following is a list of the junmail able postal matter remaining in the Postoftiee in this city: j Mr. Lemuel Williams, care Graham, No. 6. Pine street; S. Gonzelos, La Row, 612 Washington street Boston, Mass.; Mr. E. E. Glanssen. Hath's Mills, Tettell county,; N C; Henry Taylor, Smithfield. Johnson co., N. C. i " i 1 . Look Before you! .Leap A. & I. Shiuer are now showing the best line of Men9, Boys' and Childrens' Clothing that has - ever, been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to j Inspect their stock of Spring Clothing; before purchasing elsewhere. 1 th . Silver Plated Spoons and.Forks, low pices, at Jacobi.' . ; I .t Miff ILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. APRIL Personal. Col. John M. Robinson. President of the Carolina Central R. R., and Capt. Wm. Smith, Superintendent of the Raleigh & Gaston R. JR. and the Ral eigh & Augusta Air Line, arrived here this morning in Col. Robinson's private car, and will leave here on the return to-night on the Wilmington & Veldon R. R. ! The celebrated 'Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold' only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. V j Getttuff Ready. The steam-yacht Passport is now on the marine railway undergoing some necessary repairs preparatory to her summer business. She will be put in tip-top order in every particular and will soon begin her regular trips. The season will soon arrive when a trip to "Smithville and the Forts" will be in j order and the services of the Passvort will be in demand. Mischievous Boys. Henry'Hili and John Watters, two colored lads, were arrested on a -complaint, raadej to the Mayor by Amos Alderman, that they caused him great annoyance by throwing j rock9 against the building in which he was at work. He had tried to stop them by coaxing fud threatening, but without avail,! and was reluctantly compelled to ask! tor their arrest. The boys were recognized for their appearance before the Mayor to-morrow morning, to answer to the charges and abide the result WJ, W. & O. K. II. 'The Board of Directors of the Wil mington. Wrightsville & Onslow Kail road met at the office of the General Superintendent, E. F. Martin, in this city, yesterday. ! The office ot Secretary and Treasurer was separated, and John C. Daney was retained as Secretary aud John O Nixon, of this city, was made Treas urer. The Board of Directors made an assessment on the capital stock of five per cent., payable forthwith. The .cap ital stock subscribed is $40,000, and the , pr.iaent assessment wiU-.be6ul!lclent in complete the grading of the road. It ia expected that the road will be ready for the iron in less than a month from this date.: Merely Incidental. t .' i fcthr Rvfin wb iinnArstann. wl very much pleased with Wilmington and such of its people as he met while here. He left Tuesday night for Au gusta, where he is also to lecture. On Tuesday Capt. D. O'Connor invited several gentlemen to meet him at din ner among whom where were several old Confederates. Capt. O'Connor himself having 'served with distinction on the other side, with Gen. Sherman The conversation turned, during din ner1, as a matter of course, on incidents and commanders of the late war and these contending forces, with their feet beneath the mahogany, fought over le t ween them many of their old fights and there was not a ripple of discord heard anywhere, only the flow of the mellow wine as the guests pledged each other and their host. This was practi cal reconstruction. YounerMrs. Winthrop. "Young Mrs. Winthrop." which you will see in a few days," remarked Mr. George L. Smith, agent of the Madison Square Young Mrs. Withrop Com pany, "has j ust concluded a ! successful run of six months in New York City, where it attracted the largest and most fashionable audiences ever assembled in a New York play house. The play is from the pen of Bronson Howard, and js written in his best vein. The play is one that should be seen by every mar ried couple, as it contains' a lesson must needs be studied by young people just entering their married life if they desire - love and happiness. The re" markable setting of young Mrs. Win trop must be seen. Words are inade quate to properly describe it. The play will be produced here with all ''the splendor which celebrated its run at the Madison Square Theatre." The Directors of the. W.. W. &. O. U.;R. went out this afternoon, in Capt. SoutherlandV four-hourse wagonette, for a trip on the line of the road be tween, the city and Wrightsville. .: Included in the cast of ; characters is Miss Maude Stuart as''Edith Chapin her original part, and played by her through the entire run of the play -i in j New York of over 200 nights. Mr. Smith is now In the city arrange ing with Mr, Dyer for the presentation of the beautiful dramatic drama on the evening of April 27th, when Wilming ton will have the finest entertainment of the season. - t Exports Foreign. Ger. barque Erna, Capt. Voss. cleared to-day for Liverpool with .1,880 bales cotton, valued at $83,755. shipped by Mr. A. H. Greene, and 600 bales cotton, valued at $27,000, shipped by Mr. Eugene McDonnell. jnakLig a total of 2480 bales, valued at $110,755. Tbe Blind Preacher. : As slated by ns a week op so . ago Dr. Wiiburn. the blind preacher, will lec ture in this city and the dates have now been definitely fixed for the 25tli and S6jLhinstM next Wednesday; and Thurs day. The lectures will be delivered in the interest "of Front. Street M.E. Church. , ." . Accident. Mr. Cliarles Bonham, who lives about 3 miles from the city, oo the road to the Sound, had the misfortune to have left arm broken last Saturday evening, He was going, into, the house with a bundle in his arms and his foot slipped on the step causing him to fall with the result above stated. ' - A War Relic. There has been a large quantity of old iron, among which are a boiler and portions of machinery, landed on ' the dock at the foot of Chestnut streets, where it is being broken up asjunk. It is a portion of one of the blockade vessels which was . run ashore! by the Federal cruisers during the War near Bald Head, where it has remained sub merged in watt r and sand ever since, until recently. 1 I.anrtK Wanted. MrC John T. Patrick, State Immigra- tkn Agent, advertise-nin this issue for j well-timbered cypress lands. lie has j an enquiry from u party of gentlemen .jj of means in Pennssylvania, who proposed to. establish, if suitable lands can be obtained, at a reasonable price, a fac tory for the manufacture of wood piping. They mean-business, and parties in this section who may have! such lands to dispose of on reasonable terms are re quested to communicate with Mr. Pat rick, at Wadesboro. or, -if more con venient, with the Editot of this paper. The atuation- of mir brethren the press in Eastern North Carolina is call ed to; this fact, with the 1 request that they make it known through their col umns to the owners of such lands in their own sections. , The Two: Lectures. Rev. Dr. Hoge. of Richmond. Va., arrived in the city this morning and is the guest of Mr. George W. Williams. He will lecture to-night and to- morrow night at the - Opera House under the auspices ot the Wilmington Library Association, who have done so much to furnish our cttirens with first-class lit erary entertainments. The subject of to-night's lecture will be "Tent Life in the East." while that of to-morrow night will be "Modem Chivalry." Dr. Hoge comes to us with an excellent reputation as a lecturer and orator, and we hope that a erowded house my greet him on both occasions as there is a promise of a treat of rare excellence in store for them. Southern Telegraph Company, j Dr, W. S. Morris and Col. J. H. Bryant are in the city in the interest of the Southern Telegraph Company, which is now pushing its way South by two lines the Coast Line and the Rich mond and Danville Line. At a meet ing of the Produee Exchange, held this noon, these gentleman were in atten dance and presented, in an entirely in formal way, the object of the company they represented, and the means, by which they expected to carry out . that object. There was quite a full attend ance of members of the Exchange and a full and free interchange of thought and opinion in the matter, which re sulted satisfactorily to all parties. The representatives of the Telegraph Company express -themselves as de lighted with the cordial greetings which haye been extended them from all with whom they have come in contact, and as gratified t the success which has attended the object of their mission. They state that the line is now com pleted nearly to Weldon and that it will surely come here at no distant day," and will oe extended to Charleston, Savannah and other points further South. .. We were glad to notice that some of our best merchants and far-seeing financiers were deeply interested iu the work, giving it encouragement and sup port, and we learn that the same spirit has actuated all our prominent business men and capitalists. ' ' To Builders and others-rGq to'JACp t si'a for Sftsh, Blinds and Doors, ias bc Yon can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. 19, 1883. NO. 94 Acme Manufacturing: Coni . pany. ; -1 '. - : At a meeting of the stockholders of the Acme Manufacturing Company held at their ofilce yesterday, Mr. M Cronly was called to the chair and A. M. Waddell, Jr., appointed Secretary. A committee was, appointed to as certain the amount subscribed to the capital stock, who reported that there were 1,520 shares subscribed, the par value of each share being $100, making $153,000." r'- I--'" . '.On motion; it was resolved to go into an election! of eisht directors of the corporation to serve for the ensuing year, which resulted Ih?the election of Wml Latimer, M. Cronly, II. G. Latimer, E. S. Latimer, H. R. Latimer, II, Savage4 J- G. Stephens and C. Ware. The directors met immediately after the adjournment of: the stockholders' meeting, and elected the following offi cers of the company for the ensuing year: : y' - '' ': Wm. Latimer, President-' H. G . Latimer, Treasurer. Henry Savage, General Manager C. sV. Ware, Managing Director, New York. H. li. Latimer, Bookkeeper. J. (j. Stephens, Superintendent Yibru Department. j L. II. Friedburg, Chemist and Super intendent Oit and Fjjrtilizer! Depart ment. fj. W. Warren, Ass't Sjii peri u ten- I dent, Brooklyn Factory. -j Thos. KadcltfiW Asa'c Chemist. A. M. Waddell, Jr., Purchasing At. Cronly fe Morris, General Agents. E. S. I-ntimer. Attorney. The Modern Aire I for May is in its way a model magazine and should 'find a place on every library table. Its new aerial beginning with this number might well iervc as a model for some of our American nove lists who are decrying everything in the way of fiction except what originates with their own particular clique. It is by Rudolph Lindau, and entitled The Calif(9rians, The opening chapters would show it to be smoothly and elegantly written without any sensation al or im possible incidents, yet presenting vivid pictures, of life and possessing an intense interest. A scholarly essay by M. Ernest Kenan, the great French cthnographist, is entitled The -Jewish llafic and the Jewish Religion, and the argument; for the suppression of public gambling at Monaco is presented an entertaining shape in the article Montfi Carlo. KihUiMic Sketches is com piled and translated from the new book by Stepniak, which gives the world its first glimpse into the inside workings of that mighty conspiracy which goes under the name of Nihilism. The Modern Age is published at Buffalo. N. Y. Price 1.60 per year, v ;! Kitchen Market. The following retail prices rule in this market to-day, April 19: Beef 10 15c per pound; veal 13i 15c; lamb 1215c; mutton 12J15c; Green pork, whole hog, 910c pef pound; cuts, i24ttl5c;corned pork 12a 15c r turkeys, alive, $11.25 each; dressed. 1618c per pound ; chick ens 3037ic each ; grown fowls, 35z& 40c; geese alive 75e each; dress ed $1,; j sausages 15020 cts,; pud dings 10815, j; eggs, 14 15 els per dozen,; butter, country, 2530c,; Northern, 40,: lard, 1315, ; Baltimore, hams, 16018, ; breakfast strips, 15016, ; N.C. hams, 1 4 17, ; shoulders, 11012,; sides,; 9J012 ; fish, trout, 2O0t50c, mullets, 15020,; shad. 75c$1.25 per pair,; scalded oysters, 12Jc. per quart, ; New River oysters SOc $1 per gallon; New River oysters, in shell, $2 per bushel ; Myrtle Grove oysters, in shell, 80c$l per bushel; clams.-per quart, , 12Je; per bushel,' 50c; cabbage, 15025c .per head; col lard a, 510c; turnips 5010c per bunch ; sweet potatoes, 2Sc per peck ; Irish do, 50c per peck; onions, 50c per peck; carrots and parsnip. 50c per peck. - v f :'; ! NEW APVEBUBEMEyrS. ICE ! ICE ! ICE! j WOULD BE3PECT FULLY NOTIFY the dtlzeas and the public generally, that I hare laid In a full supply of choice IC and am ful ly prepared to til orders to all points on Ball boads and Rivers, and hope to secure a rea sonable share of patronage B. H.J. AHREX8, Proprietor aplld-d&wSm New Ice House. Ladies- J AM .RECEIVING SKW- MILLIVERY I GOOTS KVERY WFEK. by Ball and Steamer. MES. K. A. LUJISIliV, 11 It It Xortb Front tret. n- ).-!" Wo will be glad to receive cooaatailcatloM from our frUndj on aay and ail subject f CC&eraJ Interest but I :". ' Tba naxne of the writer moat always be fa' ebbed to the Editor. : -j- Communications must bo written oca only ono aide of the paper. - ' ' PorsonaKtlos most be avoided.! And It la especially and particularly under tood that the Editor does not always endorso tko views of correspondents unless so stated ' In the editorial columns. , : i NEW ADVEttTISEJklENTS. Notice. THE KEGULAR ANNUAL 3IEETISG OF V " " '-'' """' j 1 - - ! - tne Stockholder of the j CAROLINA CEN TRAL, RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the Coiapany's OlUce. In th City of Wil mington, on THCRSDAT, maT 10th, at 11 o'clock, A. JAM ES! ANDERSON, spll-tm -:' " , Sccrelart Wanted. gY a coMPANir wno ruoro.SE TO . ' .' ;'; '" ;v . . v.; eitablish a manufactory ihereou, Avcll-tiial-sr-ed cypress lamia. Parties who may Lave ncu larirts to dispose of r rcqiteeted to coramual- - cate, with rae at.Wadctboro by letter or with Mr. Joah T. James. atWilmlngton In person. Full prrtculars a to exact location of lands, auiftber of acr1, probable yield of Umber to the acre-arid "lowest pike, adust be made known. UOlfN T. PATRICK. State Immigration Agtnt, u litf j Wadetboro, N C. . S ; r : "8.1 DR. C. W. BENSON'S ! Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TOTTERS HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, ft-ILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES & TENDE&HTCHINCS on U partaof Uia body. It makes ttto skin v&ito. soft and rinooth iremovos taa and &-eckle, and la tho BSST toilet dressing in THJ3 WOilLU. Elegantly put up. two bottles in ono panic. aee, conslaung of both internal and cxtep. na.1 iMUmcnL All flnt nluilniim.ta M R ca 9; 1 a a I ! liavait. Prloe, tl.for packc. "Mr ski.h wincn beex - covuitit W1IH fcCALV HOKfiS. HAS UKCOMi: CLKAN, SMOOTH" A.V1) SOFT AS A I.ADY'8 VKOM THH rsr. of 'vocn "jkix Ccrk." A. Jkl.' NohjV fcalem. S. C. . k i "FOR FOCU Vt.1Hf I flTFKKREH AOONT FUOit A 8KIV DISEASE. YOIJE S'KIJi CrilK cvkei mk." C. It. . AlcDonaM, Vlanterfillt'L Ala. . . j , i . "Five PH.'e: so ed of! jiecicixs,:! so HKLlEf. YOTJK $KIH CVKZ HAS aKJVKN AWAY AJA. EKCPTION8 AND I'M JCJIAftLT vtelu" ra J, V ounff, IlstnitltOD. J1L 2;ia'8i. "I'M HAPPr TO SAT TOUK SKIN CtHlE UAH . CUUEIi MT KCZKilA OF THE gCALF, OF FOUtt years STAXDoro." Jno. A. Andrews, Attor ney at Law, A eh ton. III. 4 6 '82. . "YOCTl SKIW CUBK ERADICATED MY I'lM fle. They useh to break out coktixc Aixr." . StcroT. Uarrlson, Koohctor, til Y.- "I hap Salt Bheum for 19 year. Foua i'ackaes or Tors Saw Cure ksttrelt. cured me." F. P. Lavdle, Merced, Ca I. 5 28 '91. . ' - .-'''' i " - - freehbijr obco in a while to flnd a medicine ad. Yirtlaed. whew stanpJc. Intelligible name In : Kozlleh at onco conveys to the reader an un-1 den tandlu of tho use and pun08C t the ! reraedv. A ntabla lnstaueo;of this kind' In I foun-1 In the medicines of Dri C. V. rnnn. i whos gKLf Cure and Chamomile riLts iaa. i part at onc. In their namea. either their pur pose or tho lnjtredlcnts which compoe thetn." "Headache banished by Dr. Benaoin'a Celery and Chamomile Fill nerrous or dyspeptic. r C. K. Crittenton. Bole Wltoleaale Aarent,for Dr. C. XV TtaniMMt'a Hair.1M h iik IT.;1 1. 1 New York. i . t apl Ifl ly!-th-frro r LECTURES. JinE RETVY MOSE3 J. JIOGE, OF KICH- mod, Tirginia, win lecture forUe beiiefltof the library Association, at tho Opera House, ... . , on THURSDAY and FI DAY, April 19ta aid 20tb: ' ' " ! '; ' -p- Subject for tbe 10th, j "TENT LIFE IN THE EAST." Subject for the 20tb, "MODERN CHIVALRY." Lectures to commence at BV, o'clock, P. 51. AdmUalon Fifty Cent. Notextra chargs for CeeerVod Seatsftrbteh will be for sale at Dyers' ou Wednesday, llth, Tbursday 19th, and Friday, 20th. ' i . apl 16-tt " nac . . . y . Soda Waterl Soda Water! riTii rvaK mvn juiced. ! ICE COLD I SEASON I-3. ' MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. ICE COLD'. i .. WILLI Ait IX. GILEEN, .Druggist. apl U SODA WATER. QN AND AFTER TO-DAY WH WILL keep( tbe most dellolous Ice Cold Sodr. i i Fere fruit juices only used. rounds Bros., I IMpensIng Pharmacists, I -- 1.4&1 BROADWAY, NKW YftRK, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. mcb 17 . K You Happv :P': UTJA 'CDOSSTOVK. jj. Vthe Golden Harvest,": "PABlVrRB i "CALUMET," Or, "SOUTIIKItX OAK," Of - 1'AIOKH 4 TAYLJiK. Pure White OU. aplta. PJLSASS KOTICS." I