THIS PAPER ..M.hAi every evening pHWUD ccpted by JOSH T- JAMES, cBcCBIPTIOKS POSTAGE PAID: ear $4-00. Six months, 2.00. Three JontiiB. $1.00; One month, 25 cento. paper Will De uemciPi uj wuiren i-ruo Jhargc. ln any part of the 5lty' at tbe above 1 or 10' cents per week. 5ve6tislnff rates low and liberal. ' ...wribers will report any and all toil er' v rcc6iyc their paper regularly. ''JhTiailyJlwiew fias ih largest tyrvi fidz circulation, of any nefoepapcr published- tilth city qf Wilmington. Leprosy caused sixteen beath3 in the t',Jfp(J uun'i0 v-v-tiju- rhe Wilson Sif tings has concluded to lS-.ce an enlarged daily edition; with h.) cress despatches. Success to it. iheKariof Rosebery will shortly enter the Cabinet as Ixrd Privy 4a! and as Minister for Scoteh Af- ir5- . - Cotton oil is extensively' sold in highly prized by the people, as it is much cheaper. - , Louise Michel has been committed ;or trial at the next Pans assizes on the ilnrgs of inciting to riot. She will coadnct herown defense. r 5ew Tork and Brooklyn are making active preparationsfor celebrating the opening of the Bridge by a grand civic and military procession. , ' Postmaster General Gresham k get UDf praise from all quarters for his reiusal to ride to Washington in a spe cial car and as the ffueat of a railroad corporation. .. Even the Northwest will not remain empty long if thera are, as reported, 10.000 people arriving at St. Paul every week and moving on by the Northern Pacific and Manitoba lines. 1 bill has been favorably reported in the New York Senate which proposes to double the fees of county clerk which, say i the Rocoester Democrat and Chronicle, "are already large enough to make the office a bonanza." m President Arthur has formally ac cepted an invitation to attend the one hundred and fourteenth annual banquet of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, to come off at Del- Monico's on the 8th of May. Fred Douglasi, the noted quadroon, whose wife died about a year ago, is reported to be married soon to a young ottoroon woman. Douglass is about TO years oM and has much money sav- 1 from lucrative positions. m Dr. Cox, of Laurens county, S. C, iKmtsof a cow that gives six gallons of milk a day regularly, leaving a suffi ciency for the calf. There are said to be men in Texas who own thousands of cows and yet use condensed milk. Ex-Governor Hendricks is In New Yoi k, on his way home from Florida, where he passed a month or more. To a reporter he said recently : . .''Don't ask me about the Presidency ; ! am out of the race altogether. I am in no seuse a candidate." The gold annually taken Irom the Si- j berian uiiues is estimated to be worth $0,000,000. The first discovery of the metal in that country was made at the beginning of the present century. The average cost of an expedition in search 4 of gold is estimated at $3,000. The pnblishers of the Baltimore Daily nnd Sunday Xews have not authorized any one to receive subscriptions and collect money in advance for their psper, and warn the public against a man who is making such representa tions in the Southern States. - The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle ventures the prediction that one young man who is destined to make an honorable record in the history of that State at no distant day is Goodloe Yancey, of Athens, son of the late Hon. W . L. Yancey, the ''silver-tongued orator ot the Sonth." The Xorddcutscke Zcitung. of Berlin, implying to comments ot the French press on an article which it published recently, says that if the monarchy should be restored in France it is not ery likely that Germaay. would declare war against the former country - forth with. ' -. "' Uusian florists are in San Remo and Ventimiglia contracting for tne pur? hae of all the flowers in ihe principal Pirdensforthe festivities in Moscow. The flowers will be forwarded every Morning by a special train of refrigera tor ears and will be used mostly for eoorating the Kremlin. Owners are wanted of $10,575,000 bonds of the United States now ' past due. The Treasury fficials think the bonds have been mislaid or destroyed. It Is also stated that $15,000,000 of the $49,000,000 of fraetional curreney used during the war, and some $26, 000,000 of greenback notes Issued sine 1 863. have been lost. Sunday ex- ' , v , . , r"" ' - J I v m i i - w : 1-.TOv;Mm'W:v it 11 11 U A llf JLi U 11 Li A ALT Jt UJ U 1 V 11 11 J I V V 0 ; VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 21, 1883. NO. 96 : . . . . : t - : ' : ! i : : Farmers in the United States have $15,210,253,363 of capital invested in their business. lnis sum includes Farms, implements, live stock, fertili zers and fences. Massachusetts fisheries employ 25,117 persons, and at least 100,006 persons are supported by this industry, which has just passed through an unusually prosperous year in 1882. A Turin jeweller; has made a tiny boat formed of a single pearl, which shape it assumes in swell and concavity.- Its sail is of beaten gold, stubbed with diamonds, and the binnacle light at its prow is a perfect ruby. An em erald serves as its rudder, and its stand ! 1 is a slab of ivory. It we;ghs less than half an ounce; its price is $5,000. For the first time since Mr. Ray mond's death, the editorial columns of the New York Times are Controlled by an American. The retiring editor. Mr. Foord, is a Scotchman. ; j better trade in Brooklyn. lie made a Besides his salarv, S8.000 a year, he hasj on the Union-Argus, a controlling interest and 25 out of the 100 shares made over to him. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TC NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Western Sentinel Mckds Bros Soda Water F C Millee A New Supplr Yates Send In your Order . Hklhsberger Parsons j Laws Johx J ITbdrick A G feat Job Haul A Pbaesall-I-DIs tillers Glue Kobeht McDouoAr-LBeeB for 6ale H M McIxtibb Black Silk Grenadines W H Greex Soda Water Jliaeral Water Mbs S .T Baker Millinery and Fancy Goods - Dav1s length 13 hours and 24 minutes . ' : t There were no interments in Oakdalo f Cemetery this week. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 40 minutes past 6 o'clock. Full moon to-morrow; morning at 13 minutes past 6 o'clock. j There was one interment, thaifof an adult in Bellevne Cemetery this , week. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobx's Hardware Depot, t The celebrated 'Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. I ' . p i - There were five interments in! Fine Forest Cemetery this wcekj alljol whom were adults. The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licenses thss week, both of which were for colored couples. Mr. James C. Lumsden has reopened for the Summer bis ic cream saloon on North Front street, hear Chestnut. f i Rev. Dr. Taylor, of this city, was in Raleigh yesterday and preached to a large congregation in the Baptist Church last night. I We saw yesterday a couple of lemons, grown in the conservatryj of Mrs. Thomas W. Brown - on Orange street. They wero the first we have ever seen hereabouts, and will compare with any raised in Florida. I , v- i Mr. John E. Ince, the j head of the Inoe Comedy Company, served .as a powder-monkey on boarc thej Con federate cruiser Shenandoah, under Capt. JasVI. Waddell, daring the late war. Mr. Thos. L. TullocK, the new post master at Washington City who was recently appointed to succeed .Mr. Ain ger, is here on a short visit with Mr. Horace Springer, and is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Springer, on Market street. I ; We were.pleased to receivej a call this morning from Mr. John J. Conoley, formerly of this city' but now of Bruns wick, Ga., where he forms one ot the Cape Fear colonists established in busi ness in thatthriving city . j ' A bullwhacker named Tom Melling, Got cold in a wound at Fort Snelling, It disabled his arm. But then, like a charm, St. Jacobs Oil cured up the swelling. It has been growing perceptibly cooler all day, and there is danger, if the wind subsides, of a frost tolnight. We have had frosts for so many years on the full of the moon in April, that a good many feel sure that year. - it will occur this The following have been appointed mail carriers under the new delivery system which is to go into effect on the 1st ot May: A. A. McLean, .J. J. Hopkins, E. E. Green. Thos. C. Miller, W. F, Lessnian and F., C Sadgwar.- Legs will tell. .1 1- ' i i Exports Foreign. Nor, barque Sigurd Jarl, Captain j Olsen. cleared to-day for London with j 90 casks spirits and 3.724 barrels rosin, 1 valued at $7,282.55, shipped by Messrs j Paterpon, Downing & Co. . j In Distress. Schr. Melvin, Capt. Tolson, from! Dominica, W. I., with molasses and j fruity bound for Newbem. N. C.,put in herejthis morning short of provisions, and made the best of her mishap by selling a large portion of the frnit with which shs was laden. I Cotton. The receipts of cotton the week ending with at this port for to-day loot up 4G7 bales, as against 839 bales for cor responding week of last year, a decrease this week of 372 bales. The receipts for the crop year to date foot up 124, 381 bales, against 133.784 Dales to same date last year, a decrease this year of 9.403 bales, Dr. Hofre to Preach. Rev. Dr. Hoge will preach irjt the First Presbyterian Church of this city on to-morrow morning; - At night he will, by request, repeat a discourse re cently delivered in the New' York Ave-J nue Church of Washington ; City,-on "The Finality of the Scriptures," being a vindication of the Bible with reference to the latest popular assaults upon t The Odd Fellows. On Thursday, the 26th inst., the ani versary celebration of the introduction of the Order of Odd Fellowship in the United States will take place in this city, on which occasion the Rev . F. W. E. Poschau, of St.! Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, will deliver the ad dress. The proceedings will be public. Katie Putnam Katie Putnam is to play in Charlotte on the 25th, in Lena, the Madcap. Could not some of her former admirers in this city induce her to show here? Perhaps if she were guaranteed there would be no presentation of watches. immortelles or prize package jewelry j she would come and give us little Nell in Old Curiosity Shop. We would be glad to see her once more, however, under any circumstances. j The 'Cash Carrier." i Aside from those who visit the dry goods store ot Messrs. Brown & Rod dick for the purpose of faking pur chases, a goodly number have been attracted thither to-day to see the forking of their newly arranged "cash carrier." It is the only one of the kind South of Washington, D. C, and be sides being a curious and interesting novelty, it shows the energy of the firm iu keeping abreast with every im provement of the times. , A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t A New Craft. i Sheriff Manning has had a fishing and hunting boat constructed recently which is something of a novelty. Itis a flat bottomed, square-ended, scow built craft, 40 feet long by 12 feet wide, having a cabin 15 by 0 feet in dimen sions. There is a small caboose for cooking and a wash room.1 each sepa rate, from the cabin and from each otherl The cabin is divided into two rooms of equal size, in one of which there are sir berths lor sleeping, and the other is to be used as a sitting room. The windows and doors are provided with moveable blinds by which to keep out the sun, and wire screens to pre vent the entrance of mosquitoes. There i are to be awnings over the va- forward and abaft the VUV wsww cabin, and everything made as com fortable as could be wished. The craft is to be propelled by oars, is built in the most substantial manner, and is peculiarly suited for the enjoyment of a few days' leisure in gunning and fishing. Ono of our subscribers, a farmer, who lives a few miles irom the city. made ' us a brief call this morning. and while here stated that the crops were looking well in hia - vicinity j and wherever he had been, and i that the corn, especially, was looking exceed t i ingly well and thrifty. Lrook Before you JJcap. A. & I. Shrier are now showing the best line of Mens, Boys1 and ChildrensV Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here bayers will find it greatly to .their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing ! before urcbasing elsewhere. tt. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. : . 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . BLACK SILK GRENADINES of BBAirrirui pattkbns brocade. OTTOMAN BROCADE GRENADINES. PaBsamentary, witt and without Jet, Laces in great variety. , Lace Curtains, DP .A. 1ST O 2sL' apl SI Humpty Dumpty. m published by request No doubt you've heard of Hewlette's "Tri-Mammoth Humpty Show." It would take a giant to rule it I In the fly towns where they go. In Newbern they had a large house To Witness the grand display Of animals trained, if only a mouse. But soon elsewhere they took their - way, . . I Misfortunes in Charlotte were great, For they expeeted a first-class show. But they hissed and hooted until it was late, i And Humpty says : "Now, d n you, go!" . To Florence they had to go. Rifling in a first-clas3 car. To close engagements with the show ; Oh eom. el. here la pa. . Now, you may possibly wonder ' Why the boys no money made! They took their toddy asunder, - And of course the money was paid. No, boys, I tell you candid, It's nice with a first-class show ; - No doubt you like it splendid, But sUy home, Humpty, don't go. J. I. a. Modern ChlTalry. Dr. Hoge's second and last lecture at- the Opera House, last" night, was well j attended and his treatment of the sub- j ject, "Modern Chivalry", was keenly , enjoyed and1 highly appreciated. jit was a1 scholarly, production which re ceived the most unqualified .praise ot the most severe critics. Dr. Hoge is one of the best lecturers, as he is ono of the most accomplished scholars, in the whole country and his effort last night added materially to his already well earned laurels as a writer whose diction is superb and as an orator with few equals. The subject, always interesting and;nj5tructiyewas made doubly so by the splendid and original manner in which he presented it to his hearers. j He worj their ..profound and earnest at tention at the outset and kept it to the close We hare not the space in which to attempt a review of the lecture or to give even a synopsis of its many rich and poetic beauttes. e can only say that it was an elegant and eloqeant production, possessing the music of poetry, the interesting truths ot history and a rich mine of instructive ideas. ! Anotlier Veteran Dead. Mr. Richard H. Bordeau, wUknown itx this city, where he resided lor sev eral years past, doing business at the corner of Market and South Water Streets, -died very suddenly in this city this morning, at his residence on Sixth, between Dock and Orange streets, of angina pectoris. He bad been suffer ing severely from pains in the heart for more than a year past ahd frequently stated his end would be sudden. Yes terday he was seen on the streets ap parently well and at 7 o'clock this morning he was a dead man. It seems that Mr. Bordeaux was ill and suffering duriit&ihe night, and this morning, about 7. o'clock. 'he arose sud denly from the bed and rushed out into the yardjclutchint wildly at his heart and gasping as of for air. Hejfell and was then, raised and carried back into the house, where he died in a few min utes, lie was, we thin e, about 40 years of ageand leaves a wife and six child reh in what will, we fear, prove -to be destitute circumstances. Mr. Bordeaux was a native of old New Hanover.-now Fender county Ho enlisted early in the war, in the Third Regiment, K. C. State Troops, and was made Sergeant-Major of that gallant command. He was captured at Spotsylvania.;; He was an excellent soldier, brave, chivalrous and daring, ana hia death adds one more name to the long list of heroes who sleep Ithclr lEleepJa O&xdals;. " V NEW AfcVERTISEaiEN!i:S. Adjustable Cornice. CratOne DaUiaSkSj &C. j J T IT X IN" O S, SOMS GOOD BARGAINS FOR YOU. R. TJ3, niclNTIRE. Bees lor Sale. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE T Twelve Colonies! of strong, healthy Bees, In Patent Hires, "jvill be sold cheap. Can tie seen any time la the day at his residenoe on Sixth street, between Princess and Che snout. apl21-3t I ROBERT McDOUGALU Parsons' T AW3 OF BUSINESS FOR ALL i l ? - THE STATES OF THE UNION AMD THE DOMINION OF CANADA, j With Forma and Directions For all Transactions and j . .t Abstracts of the Luw of all '- the States on Varioua Topics. r - - -i . - Greatly enlarged and improved. 375 papes. r Only $3.7S. At HEINSBERGER'S, apl 21 Live Book and Musio Store A GREAT JOB. jrpHB LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST LOT t Hamburgh in the city, oomprialDjr 4,t0 yards Bdtngs and Inserting on line India Lawn . at 23 psr cet less than New Tork Tal we. . . 100 doen Gents' White German Linen Sand lerchlefH, at 5 centtj on .the dollar. ' MO Large size Corsets at "c each, worth otro dollar with many other bargains. JOHN J. HEDRICK. apl 21 .. Distiller's Glue, s TANDARD TURPT5NTLNE CASKS, HOOP-IRON, SAILS,' RIVETS and DONGS, 1 ' " For sale by . - - . ) . HALL & PEABiALL. One Second-Hand Still, 25 -BARREL CAPACITY, i r i . i For sale ty sp!2l , HALL & PEARSALL. JUST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE WAUT ! ED. OLDHAM'S ' . WESTERN SENTINEL. EetabUshed 1S52. 6 bouW be Bead at Erery Fireside In Eaeatern North Carolina. Foil of News, Fan. General Information and Something to Interest Erery body. SEKD 50 CEXTS A1TD TKT IT THBBK MONTHS. WINSTON, N. C. apl Si 1 Millinery and Fancy Goods. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED a beautiful lice of HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FICHUS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOOP SKIRTS, and all kind of LACE COL LARS, all of the latest stjle. Ladlea wUl find It to their lnfertst to cim ine before pnTChaalna; ellaewhera. Ton can secure good baxf alas by doing so. MRS. 8. J. BARER, 122 Uarkei ctrcet spl21-lm Old Newspapers T70R 9AXE TEST CHEAP. Apply to apltf THIS OFFICE F. P. JONES, VlLLNTOS, K. C. ATTORXEY AJCDj Ooos- BUor-at Lw. Wffl praeUoe la aay'part of tt Stata. itpedal atteat&o lea,u Ums eo rt1x " Buggies .! , Buggies I N EW AND SECOND HAKD FOR SALE eoo Earxalna. T. EOtTTIIEIILAND,' Lrrtrtri; 3L:i-': ,1 r e win bexUd to recclvo coomunlca Uon from our frUnds on any and all subject 'of J seacraliatereskbnt 1 The xulqq of the writer tanat ahraya be f . n!abed to the Editor. - - ConunnnlcatSona mnat be wrlttea on osty PLEASE NOTICE. t? one aide of the paper. . t i PeraonaEUeamnatbe, aTOlded." "i .j And It la eepcdally and particnlarly nnder- atood that the Editor does not aiwaya endorse the Tlewa of eorresiondenta nnleaa' ao atated In the editorial eolomna, i ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY. LEntirely New and Beauti-' , ful Stock ! J HAVE RE'rUK'NKD FROM TIIE NOBTH ern markets and will next week open anea tlrely fresh stock, NO J"OB LOTS, and noth ing old or out of date, but all from j TIIE FIRST IMPORTING HOUSES." The styles are prettier than brer. wul pleased to fay cntomfra a ad i show them the most elegant Iuks of iUllitry In the city. , Reiectfuny, MISS E. EA11RER, spl 1G . EXCHANGE, CORNER PJotice. 5.' rjME REGULAR ANNUAL. .MEETING Orj the Stockholders of the CAROLINA .CEN TRAL RAILROAD COMPANY will -he elU at tfca Company's . OClco, In miixgtou. on THURSDAY, tbe City of Wit-, MAY lOtb, nill o'clock, -A., M. -apl lU-tm ANDERSON, .t ! - 1 Seeretanr Send in your Orders. TJAPKK ENVELOPES, - " - BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS. TWJNE, &c - ... " Also, - - , BALLS, TOPS, MARBLES, , I ' ', CROQOET, HAMMOCl!5, 4 ' HARMONICAS," &c;, c. An m reasonable prices, wnoierajo ana t tall, at YATES BOOK STORE. re apl i .. -.; . . i 'l . The Place to Buy, ijORPENTINE T(K)M. PULLERS, DIPPERS, . i HACKERS,' I. w i r u tt v tf a HACK-WEIGHTS." Ac . Ac. Ac Reet of goods at Rock Bottom prices. I A' fall and complete etoek of Uardwaro c&wnyt on hand. i W. B. SPRINGER A CO.. 1 -Succeeaors to John Dawson & Co., i ' apl 18 , 10.21 and 23 Market fetrect A Wew Supply QF RED-AS O. WIIITK ONI flON SETS, Peas. Hearts. Corn. lahbaBro. A;c. - I , Dm?; and Chemicals, Patent Medicine, ! Toilet and Fanov Articles, Ac, . I Ci Prescriptions illled at all hours, day aod . niKht. F. C. MILLER, . ! German Dmg-prUt, I ! mch 31- Corrcr Fonrth and Sun sts. . : .. l" I New Spring Styles I N HATS AND BONNETS AND HAND , - , . , . - - I ftome Trimmings, Feathers, Flowers aod i Rib bon a In all tbo New Shades. Also, Laaiea ; FarntehlDg Goods, Torchon and other Laces, i i'-c. For sale by - t . I MRS. KATE a WINEVl ! Second street, one door from Postofflce. r ' apll8tf jlCE! ICE! ICE ! J WOULD RESPECTFULLY XOTUT the citizens sod the pnbllc generally, that I have laid In a full supply of choice ICE and am ful ly prepared to flil orders to all points on Rail Roads and Rivers, and hope to secure a rea aonable share of patronage . R. H. J. AHUENS, Proprietor . apll3-d&w3m New Ice House. . ; - i i .:' Soda Water! Soda Waterl "If FITH TUBE FRUIT JUICES, ' TT SEASON mineral water on draught.' ice cold. v ' William tl green. - apl 14 ' Drnzgltt. SODA WATER. o N rAND AFTER TO-DAY WE fTLL . keep the most delicious Ice Cold Soda. Pore fruit juices only use!. Ylunds Broo., Dispensing- I'carmacuts, i 1 Jill tUi M 11W A Y WW VaW j AND WILMINGTON, N. C. . ! mch 17. ilf You Would be Happv BUIJA. COOK fcTOVE. j "The Golden Harvest,,,l ICALUIV1ETI,, Or, "SOUTHEHN OAK," f Of PARKER TAYLOR- ' Pure Wnlte OH. aplic Livery and pale bta Dies. HORSES, BUGGIES, rHXTONS 1 '- y-y -w"". i--. 'r- - OARRIAGLS fet at toir rite. Alia lard f er lloTse - - . ;"; - . Ttva fwt inrGin tun ruy. At t-3 J-ewr fc,tics. nt-ti Ccr.rcrri!taatIulV:rTy!

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