IHB FAPKB " every evening, Sundays ex cepted by billed JOSH T. JAMES, BPITOB AXD FKOrKIBTOK. .rrBSCBlFTIONS POSTAGE PAID: 5U rjy months. i2.00. Three ... (inn: One month, 85 cents. 0IJ ' wm be delivered by carriers free the psp rt nf tha cltT ftt tne abcve t"' . , .t! low and liberal. Subscribers will report any andIl fall their paper regularly. T7 Til.i fl oifin hftx the. laraest r- 1 nC swy -..v. " n. -mdfttion. of any newspaper kTlishd in the cily of Wilmington. JBL There are 00.000 orange trees at Bay Lou?, . iM,aid that the hints of Gresham " - . Presidential canaiuaie are annoy '. Hon. Reniamin Harrison of as Indiana- .... The Sew York ifern states that gam tiiriv in New York un- 0'"'o . i - njolested, ana were never uumg -ui-gf basiness than mnv. lladamc Scalchi, of the Mapleson Company- has been engaged by Abbey t'Be small compensation- of 5,000 per month. ' Victoria has ordered Gen. Sir Oueen turn cercoionies at St. Petersburg as one oithe representatives of (Ijvercment. the British is becoming Oeoiuarganne is Decoiuui ou ui r . nf French industries. An authority over there says : . "It is high-: !v appreciated, because it is cheaper than butter and is much less liable to turn rank' - . Oat of a population ot 25,000,000 England sends only 5,000 students to her two great universities. Scotland, with a population oL 4,000,000, has 6,500 university students, and with a population of 43,000,000, has 22.500 stu dents in her various universities. . . The Aujusta Chronicle is moved to say a kind word for the mothers-in-law. It never broached a more solemn fact ye5 than when it says that "the mother-in-law is slandered, nine cases in ten, by the uncanny son-in-iaw who is no better than he ought to be. As a rule, the man who abuses and derides the mother of his wife is a sorry fello w and aslameles scamp." A German paper furnishes the fol lowing figures of the consumption o champagne in the chief countries of the world: England heads the list, drink in 50,000,000 of battles a year ; the United States, Canada and Mexic con" sumed 10,000,000; France, 2,500,000; Russia, 2,000,000; Germany, 1,500,000'; Holland, 600,000; Italy and Belgiumt 000,000 each ; Spain, 300,000, and Africa, 100,000 bottles. ! Gunnison. Col., is to be the site of big steel works, built by New York and St. Louis capitalists, who have bought two thousand acres of land at Crystal Butte, twenty miles from Gunnison, the tract containing large and valuable de posits of iron and anthracite coal. The iron is said to be equal to the best in Missouri, and the. coal superior to the best in Pennsylvania. In consequence of the dynamite scare, the Guards have been placed, for the tirsttimein two centuries, in protection of the courts ol justice. There are two sentries at the entrance to the great hall; a sentry guards the judges' en trance in Carey street; another is post ed at the corner of Carey street and Bell Yard; while a third is placed a the door of the guard room at Somerset House . Ilere is an example which we find in the Augusta Chronicle, of what enorgyand pluck and a fine reliance ou one's own resources can accomplish : We understand that, in our vicinity, a Frenchman, who started farming quite poor on worn-out land, is now moderately rich, lives in an elegant house and has one of the most fertile larmsin Georgia. The secrets of his success are these. He worked himself and so did his family. He made hia own manures, nursed hisland, ploughed it deep, cultivated it carefully, did not overcrop himself and never speculated with the proceeds of his industry. The recipe is a simple one but how few lolliwit! . Supreme Court. In this Court, on Saturday, the follow ing were among the cases disposed ot : Stale vs. Crumple & Hall, from Sampson. Argued by Attorney Gen eral Kenan for the State, and E. T. isoykin (by brief) lor tho defendant. State ys. Crumble & Hall, from Sampson. Argued by Attorney Gen eral Kenan for the State, and E. T. iwjkm (by brief) for the defendant. Mate ys Sylvester Lawhorn, from Jjupim. Argued by Attorney General Kenan for the State, and Strong & kmedes for the defendant. Look Before vou Lean. A. & I. Shriek are now showing the best line of Mens. Bovs1 and Childrens Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here Buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before urcnasmg elsewhere. tt. 1 VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. IRO EX TO NEW JUYERTlSErSENTS. "Moore Coanty Grit" j $100 to $250 per month j j Mark Twain's New Book J O Llmsden Ice Cream Mukds Bros Soda Water E G Blair Virginia Meal F-C Miller A New Supply Otter bocrg Fine Clothing" John MoEachers Notice Benson's Ca peine Porus Piaster Yates Important to Merchants Heinsberger Pianes and Organs Cbosly A MoRRifsMarket Stalls Opera House Young Mrs j Winthrop j P L Bridoeus & Co Rqyster's Candy; Kekchskr & C alder Bros Greceries Wli eeler A Wi LSON-j-Sewing Machines W II finEEif-Soda Water Mi neral Water May Day next Tuesday. Katie Putnam is booked for Raleigh this week. Tliis has been a blue Monday with a ven sreance. . M i I This is the last week for! oysters this season. The excursion antl pic nic season is near at hand. , The receipts of cotton at this port o-day foot up 56 i bales. Vcnnor didn't guess this - storm and no niore did the almanacs, but Uncle Sam was to the lore, as early asj Satur- day.night. The stalls in the new market on So. 5" rent street are to be rented at auction o. morrow morning, commencing at 11 o'clock. - , V. These rams have been north a great MKai LLP LI1C UCVPlu Ul tlllO till til buu T, uj I otplcaning the streeis and .washing out Wc regret to learn that the condition of Mr. John D. VonGiahn is considered hopeless and that his death is almost hourly looked for. ' The storm signal was displayed Saturday night and yesterday and las' nisht it was taken JoWn to be raised agaiu this morning. In Mexico City a story in verses. Is sold on the street; and it rehearses, That each son of toil, , 1 ! Br St. Jacobs .Oil, Is cured of all painful reverses. Two sailors were brought before the -. : h;o- orderly conduct. A ITe S2 each J . .1 i . I was imposed which was paid and they were discharged. M r i, I Mr. E. G. Blair, on Market street, be- tween-Second and Third, is Offering to the public some very fine Virgiaia meal, ground coarse or ffne, and in lots to suit. See advertisement. r r t cf wWriaR-hP.fm on a trip south looking aaer his business con- nections in Charleston, bavannan ana Brunswick, Ua., nas returneu nome uu we,are sorry to learn is connnea 10 mo r m a 4. 1. . 1 house by sickness. 1 j The regular meeting of the J jTiiterary The Rev. Lr. Hoge left for his home Club, to take place to-morrow evening, at Richmond, Va., this morning, carry will be one of a purely business charac- mg with him the reverential affection ter and the members are earnestly requested to attend, three thousand houses in this city. We yn.b all know definitely th first of May i -J . j u exactly now , many uuu ai corHuraujiim.iaauun vuvj , t ia rltllin Mr.Munroe Horton.the engineer who died at Laurinburg last week, was a member of the Knights and Ladies oH Honor and not'ot the Knights of Honor n rftn,i Uxr na thoso hflinp1 jiltosrether as stated by us. these being altogether different organizations. The correction is made at the request ot iur. it. i. Clark; Keporter ot the iAage oi i. U1 H., at Laurinburg. f j Exports Foreign. J I Nor. barque Stiqa-i Capt. Jarsen, cleared to-day for Granton. j Scotland, with 3,454 barrels rosin, valued at $5, 868, shipped by Messri. D. R. Murchi son & Co. Nor. brig Tanwcr, (papt. Petersen, cleared for Liverpool with 2,775 barrels rosin, valued at $4,067,- 31, shipped by Messrs. Faterson.LJowt ins & Co. j . JJew Formation. Dr. Chas. W. Dabney. State Chemist was in the city a day or two ago exam ing the phosphate finds near Ihere. At Capt J. V.- Nobles' place, about- two miles from Wilmington 1 on the Old New Berne Road, a formation was shown him which seemed to interest him very much. He i3,w understand, to send some one here in a shorts time to make a thorough examination of the phosphate bed. iWo learn also that Dr. Dabnev was here with a view- of car rying out a theory of his own in cbnnec tioa with tho beds. I . -. . , -: -, , j. ; f - - - ' - -j . . . WILMINGTON. N. C. Memorial Iaj. ! We understand that a meeting of the members of the Cornet Concert " Club will be held at their , band room to morrow (Tuesday) night, at 8 o'clock, to consider the matter ef appearing as a musical organization on 'Memorial Day." It is to be hoped that there will be a full attendance and ' that their deliberations may result in a deter mination fo" appear on that oc casion. , - ' j For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi's. Hardware Depot, t The Storm. The gale which commenced here yes terday evening was unusually severe along the entire South Atlantic coast, although we have as yet heard of no marine disasters. At Cape Hatteras, where the gale seems to have had its greatest force, the maximum velocity of the wind was 58 miles an Macon it was 30 miles ; hour; at Fort at Smithville, 34 miles, and here it was 29 mile3. The Hues are down North of Cape Hatteras I somewhere between that point and Kittyhawk so that we have no infor matiou from beyond the former place The rainfall in the last 24 hours at this place was 2.25 inches. In the 8 hours ended at 3 p. m. to-day, the rain fall at Smithville was 1.86 inches; at Fort Macon it was 1.20 inches, and at Cape Hatteras it was 3 inches. A New Industry A company has been formed in this city for the manufacture of the various I vr-rliif1-a nPnnr tnrnontlnA trtAS VlV : ,. . ff, , , . i 1 . 1 ; The incorporators are Messrs H A. Burr, e p. Bailey and James Sprunt, of this city, and Messrs Leonard Beilingrath, (the patentee), Edward C. Beilingrath and Lyman A. Red wine, ot Alabama, and the capital stock 0 100.000. Th F.-r" - footof Castle street, and have com- meiiceu worK on me necessary uuuu- mgs. inese win De pusneu io coui pletion as rapidly as circumstances will 1 1 i 1 1 a. permit, and it is expected that they will be ready for occupancy in three or four weeks. The main building will be 3i Ma nil t.hrf stories a , i "'sui'. - w.w - "J U t U ..rill Kr nonooanro IAf thfl ftffnm- I r kT, m. . . . i ness. - xne enterprise is k oe suuwu as tne. 'Wilmington Turpentine Manu- facturing Company." The "patent pr0cess" used in the industry has j been in operation in Alabama two years and has been entirely successful, so that its success here is almost a forgone con- elusion. A fine 4 of Quns and Pistols rm' Hardware Depot. t 1 ir Hoge's JTJepartuf e. Gf au who had the good fourtune to hear him, e'nher in his lectures at the Opera House, or in his sermons yesterday at he preacneu tw.c-... airain nisrht. I IMW1i, lM.ouv morning had i X Ii3 v;uiai.ui ; j wvuj n . ,n HnHnM many au Uiiusuanjr : churches 'being drawn trom i otner tnitner to listen to tke eminent man of r t who had edified them in his two T , - . ! . lectures. His sermon was intensely atnetic an(i at times there was hardly . . -.o;i-.r, triot w nnt . the congregation that was no" dimme(j wjth tears, and there were some . actually sobbed:, so wrought upon wpre their feelings by his tender ana ' anhlime oathos. At night the church n..i-iwi fr. 5ts utmost caDacitv, and WSb9 JO.Vtt.v- the delighted listeners were regaiea with a discourse which for eloquence, power and graphic descriptive beauty, has been seldom heard in this city. He toolc no text and spoke without notes yet it was a sermon oi logicaL ioree, chaste rhetoric and consecutive thought, such as it would seem .impossible to deliver without the aid of the written words. We have been inform ed that Dr. Hoge never writes either a sermon or a lecture, but speaks extem poraneously upon every subject) he dis cusses. If this be so, (and we have no riht to doubt it,) he is one of the most remarkable men of the age, and one whose equal could hardly be found in this or any other country. Spring vegetables are very slow in coming Into -mark et. " To BoHderS and Otherso to JACO ,o fnr- Rih Rlinda and Doors. Glass, rr. vrtrI W'-il fiizea and at th3 10VVC-- i-iiw.-. ': . MONDAY. APRIL 23, "Sunset" Cox. We learn that the lecture commit tee of the Library Association, in riew of the proposed visit Of Hon. S. S. (Sunset) Cox to this city, have written to him, for the purpose of ge-.ting him to deliver a lecture at the Opera House while here. No reply has yet been recived, but as he has recently lectured in other cities in the South, it may be presumed that there will be no -difficulty in getting him to lecture in Wil mington. . ' ! -The celebrated Fish BranPV TJilb Twine is sold only at Jacobi s Hanl ware Depot. JDIEO. BANKS SocMenlr. on the 12th ins .. at Ja- venswoofi. Orange county, Florida, ANNIE, eldest daughter of John . and Ann E. Banks, aged Y7 Tears, j NEW AOiVEBTISEiHENTS. notice- 1 the Stockholders of BKLLEVUE CEME- TERY will be held at the Little Giant Engine j ttousc. corner mnn ami : jrnnceiw O O CIOCK, p. IU., W CU-DtStHiaV, M1 IUB.- .XCJ J I jjoi owDtrjs requeuieu w e picwui, oo yi"- Tir. li rrr i i 11 1? D V api ss-n secy and Treasurer VI KlYl N I A M H A r AM OFFERING THIS SPLENDID MEAL, (ground cmrse or fine) at bottom price?. Every bag warranted to give satisfaction. Car lead or js'ifile bng orders solicited- De lirercd free.. E. G. BLAIR, - apl 23-2 w Market Street By CBONLY& MORRIS. - M. CRONLY, Auct'r. The Stalls N MARKET HOUSE UPON FRONT ST., will be rented at Public Auction on TUES- a v vnvfn hul n. 11 AtnU.W A "M" i)&Al uto lust., at 11 U UVV A. w, ova.. vAmfm Ana half AT whlAh will be required to be paid in casn as ine oiaiis i are oia on. This timely notice is given that all may come prepared to corawy. ioere wm be no excep tion to the rule, apl 23-1 1 OPERA HOUSE. Friday, - - - April 27th Madison SquareTiieatre Coi Will nresent its last Great Success, i . m TAn. tTAnronl antliAT nt "Th "RATI V. ers Daughter, ITOIIIIS MrS TVlntlirOP 1 THE PLAY WILL BE PRESENTED WITH SCENERY MODELED AFIEB THE FAMOUS MADISON SQUARE SETTING. i i Scats on sale at Dyers', commencing. Wed nesday, April 25th i apl 23 3t m wth FINE CLOTHING! OUB SPECIALTY ! V ITTE ARE SHOWLNti atiio BtA3u?i, LIKE WE ALWAYS D J, the finest and handsomest and largest array of Nobby Gar! ments n thectty or wumington. we are m POSSeSSlOu OI UW praise vm. vuo Kcwiai H1"""' for Taste, Reliability and Cheapness, and irlorvlnthe knowledge or tne iact inai we Seritsueh acompllmlntat the hands of the people, we ciaim .L ao i -ci in mo wxuwuui v www Avn STTT.rsiT GOODS-buv- IngNO job lots or old reruse siock me siyie o?WcdcS ShlCliSuKotu i - ' 1 . . ; -v the best and moat Unrabie clothing, manucac- s vra f- mannfstrnMri nr. rtas NAftn. We claim Cheapness, because our Clothing does not Kip, Fade or get ont of Shape Hence there is f-0 per eent. more wear in well made. VyiS We are no Tailors, but full fledgod Clothiers. throwing our capital, our brains and our en- ergles Into one exclusive department, Beliering in this very good rule as many can tell, . r "Do one thing at a time, and do that thing reil. Fellow-clUrens come ami see us you'll nd ns wide awake and ready to serve you. We'll treat you well, so wea intact it wiu ue nnnew sary to ass you vo -xrnic '" natural incUnatlons will be sure to carry you to tne I amous iron i ntui, oiuic, will have the personal, and undivided atten- uon oi Yonrs. truly; ' OTTERBOTJRa, I KING CLOTHIER, And his Va-t Army of Able Assistants. apl S3 Important to Merchants, ALLOW US TO FURNISn ESTIMATES FOR Blank Books AND - : : Office Furniture, before sending off for It. It may be. to your K aBU straw Wrapping Paper. Paper ! , - . . Ea8 Twine, c. : .... - ... NO. 97 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. JIBE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE !TO Inform his customers that he haa reopened his ICE CREAM SALOON for the j season tie . - - j . - i only first-class Saloon In the city. ap!231t I J. C. LUMSDEN. Rice, Bacon, Flour, &c. 500 T"BS Cnolce SEED BICE,- "f 5 Bhls Choice BICE, .; iotc ;do uq. y 00 Boxes Smoked and D. S. SIDES, 75 Tubs LARD, 56 Hhd? andj Bbls Cuba Mola-scs, 200 Bbis FLOUB, all grades, 75 BbU Golden C and Gran. SUC5AK, 75 bajra COFFEE1. ; - For ssWhr ; , aplV KERCIINEK & CALDERBROS A I- a f 1 iTrial Has Convinced OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS OF THE SUPERIORITY OF flovsters Pure Candies. Every one knows that CANDY equal to Koys ter's is sold in New Y'ork, Philadelphia, Bal- timore and Richmond at 73 cents, and l per pound, and In selling it at .V) cents in M'ilmiiiff- ton the price was considered very low. j To satisfy the demands . of our customers, I however, we reduced the price to Three Pounds for $1.00 . wmch is strictly cost price. If CANDY is sold at 23 cents,, or five pounds - - . - - - i fnr T Ht-a miwt 1 an inforinrituin th rfiial. I ity. for men nowadays know better than to sell below cost. ' - We leave the PUBLIC to ludo-o of ROYS, TER'S CANDY,, and wiU continue to sell it. er the present Three Pounds for $1. 6ROCERIB8 OF ALL KINDS AT LOW EST PRICES. 1 i - i P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HOME COMFORT. - ' - " ! - I"- v AFTER A RAINY RIDE A COUNTRY PHYSICIAN TELLS WHAT HE THINKS OF SOME PEOPLE. I 'I wish to gracious some people would learn I i . I SSAV UWU Cfc UVVWA .AUU TV UU. UWJ WU exclaimed Doctor E . as he entered his ho,MCla aoo8eylittlevlllsge in the Interior of the State of New York, after a tedious night nde of manymUes. "I have been down among many miles, "l have been down among the mountains to see a man, who the messen- i - ger said, was very sick and not likely to lire 'till morniner. unless he had immediate heln: attack of colic, which his family might have reUeved In ten minutes, if they had a grain of ' J .. . sense and two or three simple remedies in the house. But no; they must remain ignorant as pigs, and when the least ache or pais takes i them, send for a doctor, whether they ever 1 pay him or not." L , "w,hr, Doctor, what kind of simple rcme- .eBf you tnem uoyou expect pcopfe to i J keep In the house?" asked his wife, as she i . , poured him a cup of hot tea. rn tut caa answered the doctor "If in lIils,ca8e. , answered me uocior, n i . . i they nau only put a tJCNSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER on tbe man's stomachy he uM all ri ht ,a, h I w saved-me a dreary ride " ,', . In all ordinary complaints It eures at once. All dlaease. are eliminated from the system oy i what may be roughly called expulsion or . - . . , , , L extraction, or by a union of the twoproci wn-u"- -"'.. " '"" the torpid organs to act, actl sends its healing - ! j sooiliinjjinnueTicc itruuga iue in jnau purc oi iwnu. 1 tfent to wait They give mm hope Tor to roor- - 1 row Benson's plasters rives him help to-day. i Whwh u hotter do vou think Bur the CAP- which is better, uo you mink. . jiuy ine vai i auvi cciinu - w..-. . j eirj & Johnson, Pharmaceutical Chem- , ists. New York- apl2rj4w- I0Oto$25O PerMnlli HTTRE. Amta jubiUnt -with tuieceHi TtrjnrbfT liiTtKcnT new omasa rurr mark twain'Sbook . "UFE OM THE MISSISSIPPI" u proving the gronAest $cce ef all the Twain i aenee. . i i A GEVDIXE BOXAJfZO Book Agents S ! BRU3., 55 NP:th St., For terms and ternto Phibx., Pa. v i, i 1 -v- - - P 4W "L'OOHE COUNTY GllIF COKMliaiSOL'USTCS, "":z57i:m:2iVL:m ) r 1883. FLSASS KOTICS. . Tfe win be clad to reoerre eommtmlcat2o& trom our trtaada on any mad all subject ' ot KsnenlrAteresttrnt The name of tho writer matt always be tu al2iedtothedUor. Commnhlcatlons mtut to wrtttca ca only one aide of the poper. - - PersonAnueemnatbe avoLied. And It U especially and parttonlarly tmdex. tood that the Editor does not always endorse tke rlews of correspondent unless so stated In the editorial eolnmns. " " .. ! i : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . PIANOS & ORGAftS QHEAP FOB CASH OR ON THE EAST INSTALMENT PLAN, monthly or eeklyj at ! 'UEINSBERqEB'S, . Live Book and Music Stores. Battle of '31. NEW G A31E THE LATEST NOVELTY, It excels in popularity its famous predecessor the Fifteen Purzle. Price 3Tc by tnall S9 ... For gale at , . , HEINSBEItGER'S, apl 2a . Lire Book aad Music Store i ; . . . tf I HAVE BEEN RUNNING; Sewing Machines for the last . twenty-lire jeans until the :... -.:. . V ' - bloom of youth haa well-nigh ' worn from my onrerosy and . dimpled cheeks, and the Jus tre of my eye dimmed by the, toil and.worry with those old , . . i - " , woman killers, and I tell you my dear sisters, that if I had. ' ! us -id the lmprorel Wliccler & Wliuon No- S, i . i . . . ; - I would .be yonnff looking and handsome woman to-day. His sold on such easy terms that no onc can affopiUo be wUheufit. It Is thc i,e9t on earth. ( ' I opftpf - FVNS norK ' . princess Street J - 1Bn: t mnn wiimihrton. x. r.. M;Mnery and Fancy Goods.: HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED WeaUUIUI line OI jHATS - BONNETS, FLOWERS, FICHUS, . HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, aJiiuAO, ana an ainas oi lawhwj,- LARS, all of the latest styles. t Ladies win nod it to their Interest to exam- lne before purchasing elsewhere. i.Tou an r' secure good bargains by dolog so. . " ' MRS. . J. BAKER,, -123 Market etreet apl 21-1 m Notice. rIHE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the CAROLINA CEN TRAL RAILROAD COMPANY will beheld t the Company's Office, tn thc City of W11-. mlngton, on THURSDAY, MAY 10th, at 11 0'Ci0ck, A. M. JAMES ANDERSON, " c apl 19-tm Secretary The Plaoe to Buy - DIPPERS, WIIKTTERS, , II,AUK:wl!?G,nT1?; - J Best of goods at Bock Bottom prices. A full and complete stock of Hardware aiwayi on hand. TV . UX m. NVT.ji Successors to John Dawson A Co., - .. apl 18 , . in, 21 and 23 Market Street A Wew Supply, XT Xfi CDDTVnPD . rf 1 O F RED AND i WHITE ONION 8ET8. Peas. Beans. Corn. Cabbaze. Ac Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines,' Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. j- Prescripuons tilled at an hours, asy ana ght. F. C. MILLER, German Druggist, nich31- Coreer Fourth and Nunsts. Soda Water I Soda Water ! "ITTITH PURE FRUIT JUICES, -t ICE COL3P 1 SEASON 13. . MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. ICE COLD. WILLIAM 1L GREEN. apl 14 Druggist. SODA WATER. QN AND AFTER TO-DAY WE W1IX keep the most delicious Ice Cold Sod, j , Pure fruit juices only used. - - DUpeniDg Pharmacists, ! 1.491 BROADWAY, NEW YoRE, AND WILMINGTON. N. C. 4 mb 17 i -' " ,. i If You Would be Happv BUT; A COOK STOVE. The Golden Harvest," If cc lrAi iimct n UHLUIfiL I , ! i Or, "SOUTHEUJi OAK,". Of - PARKER A TAYLOR- P. Pure White OIL . apiis Bees for Sale. I rpHB UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE Twelve Colonic of strong, healthy Bees, In Patent IHtes. Will s' to' c!;eai. Can Ve aeea any time la the day at hi rcai lesccc u Elxth street, ttvrccn Pr.'-'"i t C' ' -u.t. : r L j

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