y i III5 .35- m ? M , H - ". u f- 4 J 1 2 " I . , t i- 4 I V i f t ;f:. e Daily Review JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. APKIL 23. 1883. Entered at the Postofflcc at Wilmington, N. C. as Bccond-class matter. - More thfi one-half of 45,000 children lately examined in (Germany were found to be suffering from defective vision. In some schools the proportion of the shortsighted was as high as 70 and 8(5 percent. In the Heidelberg gymnasium it was 100 per! cent. ; every lad in the school had bad eyesight, According to Professor Pfluger, this state of things arises from insufficiently lighted school rooms, bad Friat aQd bad paper, the method of writing in vogue and ill contrived desks. A vigorous movement is about to be made at the commercial exchanges in favor f the projected Florida ship canal. The president of the company, who has recently besn enlisting the support of the New Orleans and Mobile Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade, willbe in New York .this week in the expectation of enlisting Northern capital for the prosecution of the work which, it is Iclaimed, will shorten the distance between the Gulf and Atlantic ports nearly eight huudred miles. :: . The LeMore Brothers were French makers of crav cloth. The New Or leans branch house supplied the Con federate army. After Butler captured New Orleans they continued to send crav cloth to the Confederates For this he arrested them and punished them without trial. A ball and chain was put on one. They brought a clajm for reparation before the Franco American claims commission which has awarded $10,000 to the one who wore the ball and chain and $4,000 to the other. The movement for putting all the electrical wires underground in New Yrk seems to be taking positive form. The committee on underground wires has issued a call for a moeting of the twenty-one electrical companies doing business in that city, with a view of finding some feasible plan for putting all their wires underground, as is now done by the Edison Electric Light Company. The circular of the com mittee says it is reasonable to hope that an inclusive single system may be found which will take in the telegraph, fire alarm, district messenger and tele phone wires. For each company to have a separate system would involve an unbearable expense, and would seriously disturb the use of the streets. There are 350 devices already patented, and these will be considered by the committee. It would seem that two of the offi cers for the Tallapoosa got a much de served drubbing at the hands of an in dignant citizen of St. Augustine- while the steamer was lyiug at that port. The Jacksonville Herald gives the following version of the affair: On Sunday night in St. Augustine an emeute occurred that may result in tho dismissal from the United States Navy of Offiicer Reaves ami another officer of the U. S. steamship Talla poosa whose name we have not learn ed. As nearly as we can gather the facts from tho sources of information at our command 'two officers of the Tatlapoosa went ashore on Sunday night, and in a state o semi-intoxication were grossly discsurteous to two la dies walking on or near the Plaza. The, ladies were near relatives of Messrs. "I. Conova and Morey Irwin, of St. Au gustine. The first of these was near enough to the parties to hear the ollen sive remark. He immediately chal- . lenged the officer to know what he said. The latter repeated his remark "when Conova pluckily pitched into both of them, and but for the interfer ence of bystanders would have gotten the best of the fight. The officers re-' tired to their hotels, and shortly after ward Mr. Irwin, hearing of the affair, repaired thither, and personally invited them out for a second difficulty. This challenge they of course declined. So far as we could learn public sentiment is strongly against the naval officers, and many good people of St. Augus tine applauded the action of Conova. The afiair created considerable excite ment for a time. The officers were up - on Monday bcloro Secretary Chandler and Commadcr Kellogg, of the Talla poosa, and no decision had teen reach ed on Monday noon. It is probable the officers will be eiher suspended or dis missed. The Savannah Xcics, however, "pub lishes a different account, which it de - rives from the officers ot the ship. . There is much less of probability in this account than in the other: Two officers of the Tallapoosa, while walking in the streets of St. Augustine, within a stone's throw of the hotel where the rresmcnt and Secretary of the Navy were staying, were assaulted by a man named Conova. lie accused them of saying something to his nieces The officers were astonished.. With them at the time of the assault was a gentleman from New xork, who was thunderstruck, lie could not understand why tho assault had been committed. "He was with the officers, and assured Mr. Conova that he was mistaken ; that not only were the officers gentlemen, but that he knew that they had not said one word to any ; one. Conova was either mistaken in the: identity of the men or else was disposed to get satisfac tion for the alleged insult from anyone. "Capt. K.cllo2, of the Tallapoosa, took sreat pains cext day ta investigate the 3 matter, and reported to becretary Chandler, who was so well satisfied that the assault was entirely unprovoked that he dismissed the whole matter at once. . i' - .' . -! . i GOOI DIVIDENDS. At the annual meeting of the Granite ville Manufacturing Company.- of Au- usta. Ga., held Thursday, the report of the president showed that tin; profits of Vaucluse for the year were $63,000 and ofGraniteville $103,000. making a total of $160,000. I The expenditure of the Graniteville factory were $36,000, and of Vaucluse $5,000 The net pro- fits were $125,000. The dividends paid during the year i,werel $60,000. has been Fpr ex new machinery $28,000j pended. The President says that not withstanding the unfavorable year just passed' we have made near .21 percent net on our capital, after paying all nec- essary expenses and $21,000 interest This is interesting reading to the people of the South, though we doubt whether it would be remarkably enter taming and encouragiug to those of the North. It shows of what this section is capable, and will undoubtedly give a fresh start to cotton manufacturing enterprises here. Already we hear of many new factories in ' contemplation some of which we are assured will be built immediately. A ibort time since the leading business men of Florence, S. C and vicinity begun to agitate the scheme of a factory in their midst and in a few days $100,000 had jbcen sub scribed. Darlington, S. C a few miles from Florence, is now working for the same object, and with a fair prospect of itsacco'mplisbment. Both towns are in the midst of a rich cottonj producing country and everything looks favorable for the projected enterprises. But cotton factories are not all that are needed. The manufacture of; furniture, carriages, hats and . paper can be made as profitable here as the I manufacture of cotton, and the growing importance and extent of this latter enterprise calls imperatively ior many dependent in- dustries which must j be established here, which are essential to the full de velopment of the profits to be obtained from the manufacture of the staple. Lady Keaittifiers i Ladies, you cannot make lair skin, rosy cheeks,' and sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics ot France or beauti fiera ot the world, while in poor health and nothing will give you such rich blood, good health, strength and beau ty as Hop Bitters. A- trial is certain proof. PERSON A f . Ex-President Davis will deliver the opening address at a meeting of -the Southern Historical Society, which will be held in Vicksburg, Miss., May 21. ; v j , During the absence of the President, young Arthur runs the White House. The other night he gave a grand din ner in the great dirimg hall to the Princeton. College Glee Club, j The Louisville j Courier-JowrwaZ charges Senator Logan with jvmaking ancient history sick of its existence" in addition to his! repeated crime of "putting dynamite under the country's grammar.1! ! I - Ex-Got. St-Jonri, of Kansas, had better stick to lecturing outside his State where they appreciate him. He has added to his exploit of beibg feated for Governor of a strong publican State the achievement of de Re - be city ing defeated foi mayor! in his own of Leaven worth. Commander B. A Newman, who died in England on April 1, aged ninety years, was the last surviving officer of Admiral Strachan's squadron which captured Admiral Dumaboir's French fleet at Ferrol in 1805. Burins Bona parte's imprisonment at St. Helena he! 1 . it ! 11- A ! was auucueu io me guarusnip sia tioncd there. T A celebrated .Case.f It seems probable that Mr. Michael O'Connor, ot Galesburg, is not related to the celebrated Charles O'Connor. He says: "SamarUad Nervine cured me of dyspepsia and g'eneral debility." MOONSHINE. Mrs. Domesticity calls at the kitchen furnishing store. "Have you Cook's stew-crs:"' she asks. The dealers is dumbfounded till he is shown an ad vcrtisement of "Cook's tours." when ho directed her to the nearest railroad office. " I i 1 Ten residents of Waverlv. who wouiuu t no a nay s worK ior any thing, recently hauled over twenty cords of wood to get n red squirrel that wasu't there. Then they cracked a commandment. Ostveyo Accord. Why is it that whiskey straight Will make a man walk crooked? Boston G 160c, Why is it? Why, it is because you drink it. Did you never think! of that? lou leave the whiskey in the jug, and it will not make you walk crooked. i j , j . j Don't blame the rookter for bragging over every egg that is laid in the fami ly. Only hunaan nature, nothing more. You remember that when that bounc ing boy arrived at your house it wasn't the mother who went about I doing the crowing. An Indian came to an agent in the northern part ot Iowa to procure some whiskey for a younger brother, who! he said had been bitten by a . rattlesnake. Four quarts!" repeated the agent, with surprise : much as that?" "Yes." replied tho Indian,! "four quarts ; snake very big." . ; : - U",Golden Medical Discovery" is not only a sovereign remedy for consume tion,but also for, consumptive night sweats, bronchitis, ; coughs: influenza. spitting of bloodrweak lungs, shortness of breath, and kindred affections of the throat and chest,::"" By drugsists. - v - J. W. Gery, Esq., Statesville. N. C. says: "I can recommend Brown's Iron Bitters. I have-used it with gratifying results." . It Li a curious thing, y but when a man slips up he always slips down. ' mm t Catarrh of the isiadcler. " Stinging irritation." inflamation, all Kidney and Urinary Complains, cured c.y "Buchu-paiba." . $1. Never count your chicken before is catched. Picayune, . it ... A specific, and the only one too for alt forms and types of skin disease, i3 known the world over as Dr. Benson' Skin Cure. It is not a patant medicine, but a reliable, certain remedy. Drug gists. . Quarterly Meetinsrs For the Wilmington district of the Methodist E. Church, South: 1 (second round,) Brunswick, at Concord April 28-29 Clinton .. ...... ..May '' 5- 6 Cokesbury.... May 12-13 Newton Grove Mission,. May 15 Bladen.-.. .May 19-20 Whiteville, at Whiteville-. . .May 24 District Conference, at ! Whiteville. May 24-27 Waccamaw Mission. . . . k -. .May 29 Fair Bluff Mission... May 30 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs June 2- 3 Point Caswell Mission. .... .June 5 R. O. Burton. E MISCELLANEOUS. ?" ? DR. C. W. BENSON'S 2S o - t j ca 14 pi I- u M C4 09 SH """JWarrantedoCurel ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES & TENDER ITCHINCSonaU ports ofthe body. It makes the ekin white, soft and smooth : removes tan snd freckles, and is toe BEST toilet dressing in THB WOBLD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one pack age, consisting at both internal and exter nal treatment All first class druggists have it. Price, 91. per package. MYv.SKTX ACfllCH HAS 1SKKX CaVKKEl WITH SCAI.V SOKES, HAS IJJECOMK (.I.KA.X, SMOOTH AXP SOFT AS A UI)l"S KKDM THE USK F VOI R "SJvIN CrRC." A. M. 'b!c, Salem, Jv. U. "For koi'K vKAiis I sitfi?kreu vgoxy FROM A SKIN DiSKASE. YoPR SKIN (JlTUE citkkt me." C. !. MrDonalfl; rianterville, Ala. "Five Dk.'s: no eni ok medicine: no relief. Your Skin Ci kk has driven AWAY AIAj ERUPTION? ANI I'M NEARLY well." Ida (J. Young, Hamilton, I1L 2-10 '82. "I'M itAPr-Y TO SAY YOUR SKIN CURE HAS cured my Eczema of the scalp, of four years standing." Jno. A. Andrews, Attor ney at Law, Ashton, 111. 4 6 !82. , 5 "Your Skin Cure eradicated mv pim ples. They used to break out continu ally." Steve T. Harrison, Rochester, M. Y. I iiad Salt Rheum for 19 years. Four PACKAGES OF YOUK SKIN CURE ENTIRELY cured me," F. P. Lavelle, Merced, Cal. 3 2682. ; s .. The Baltimore American says : "It ia re freshing osce in a while to find a medicine ad vertised, whose simple,! intelligible name in English at once conveys to the reader an un derttanding of the uses and purposes of the remedv. A notable instance of this kind is found in the medicines of Lr. C. W. Benson, whose Skin Cure and Chamomile Tills im part at once, in their names, either their pur pose or the ingredients which compose them' I "Headache banished by Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills nervous or dyspeptic !c. N. Crittcnton, Sole Wholesale Agenti for Dr. C. W. Benson's Remedies, 115 Fulton t., New York, apl 19-lw-c-th-frm The Pume is requested carefully to notice the veto and enlarged Scheme tobe drawn Monthly Capital Prize $75,0000 Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. 11 Louisiana State Lottery Company. 'We do hereby certify that tee supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Companp to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, initsadver usemenis. Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable par poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to wluch a reserve fund of $550,000 has since been added. I By an overwhelming populai vote its fran chise was made a part of the Trp.AP.nt stats constitution adopted December 3d, A. p., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. . j Itnever scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Fifth Grand Drawlne, Class h . at New Orleans, Tuesday, May ?, 1SS3 156th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars .Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. ! LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of... 1 Capital Prize of... 1 Capital Prize of 2 Prizes of $6.000 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 .25,000 25.000 5 Prizes of 10 Prizes of SO Prizes of 100 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 1,000.... 600..... 200..., 100..., 50. a a APPRO riXATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " ! " 500. 6,750 4,500 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to.. $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company la New Or leans. . , For farther Information, xrrit tog full address. Send order by Express, Registered Letter, or Umu Dnir .Xwxl Only to - - - 't - i -' - - . M. A. DAUPHIN, orM. A. DAUPHIN. ; ' 07 Seventh St., Washlnrton, U. C. N. D. In tho ExtraordinArv &Tnt.innnl Drawing of next J une the Cp!Ul Prize will be fiso.ooo. api llAred-eat-tTr-d&w- MISCELLANEOUS. theecret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bittersjs sim ply this : It is the best Iron prcparauun ever uiduc , compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, jand does just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thoroagh and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost healtrFin no o'thor way can lasting benefit be obtained. 79 Dearborn Ave, Chicago, Nov. 7. I have been a great sufferer from a very weak stomach, heartburn, and dyspepsia in its worst form. Nearly every tiling I ate gave m distress, and I could eat but litde. I have tried everything recommended, have taken the prescriptions of a dozen physicians, but got no relief until I took Brown's Iron Bitters. I feel none of the old troubles, and am a new man. I am getting mnch stronger, and feel first-rate. Iam a railroad engineer, and now make nay trips regularly. I can not say too much in praise of your wonder ful medicine. D. C, Mack. Brown's Iron Bitters does not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi-. gestion, heartburn I sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. j r . - - Use only Brown's Iron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark on wrapper. apllG-lw tp-c-nrm GUNS AND CUTLERY ! A FINE ASSORTMENT OF j Muzzle and Breech-Loader Guns, Revolvers and Ammunition, ! SILVER PLATED SPOONS & FORKS, k VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, f Table Cutlery. & Popular prices to suit all at N. JACOBI'S, HARDWARE DEPOT, dec22-tf No. 10 South Front St Marvin's Celebrated P IRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, All.Sizea and Prices, from $50.00 to $2,200.00. v - ' ! Acknowledged by the beat authorities to be the BEST SAFE MADE, ' H . . Extract from Scientific American editorial of Feb. 11th, 1882: "We are also asked as to tho best fire proof nafes. We say MARVIN'S." A. A. WILLARD1. I Ajrent at Wilmington. dec 19 LYGW&HEALY State & Mcnroe Sts., Chicago. Win send prepAKl toany addreat their .tor 12, i00 pjr, xlO KngTKvnTgjj BAUD CATALOnUP. M 1 iwrnmrau. mill, ( apn, lIM, Pom Don. Emnleti. ; Cut-Lunn. Stoods. brnra Major", Stuff, and HsU, Sundry Bo4 Outfits, RepoHnf tercfee for A malm r ILtBd&. and a i feb3 eodlyd&w PTTR0ELL HOUSE. - "TJNDKR NEW &IANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Jjite Proprietor Atlantic UoteL Flret-ClaM In all Its appointments. Terms 42.50 to $3.00 a dv i Ph8t Cecbic Appliance art tenton 30 Data TriaL TO MEN OHIY, YOUflO OR OLD. ' J Asnsi oV ea rasc. and all thos dJee T7, " Xl mi au romniet rest-: rauuaot Health. iwstad HxyvoooiivlmASmi The craadert tUrery of the intenth Centary. 1 1 I 11 m Dram " (BEFORE AND AFTEF?S' MSCELLANEOIJS. " John L. Boatwrighfs 'PAE0EE D'HONNEUE" Koller Process Flour. For Beanty, Strength, Purity, and Breald pro- dncing qualities, it is the highest attain -able standard. GiiaFsii.teed in every Inslaiice TRY I IT, IT WILL PROVE ALL WE CLA M FOR IT. JOHN L. BOATWHIGHT dec 19 1 1883. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Ameri can illustrated weekly journals. By Its unpar tisan position in politics, its admirable illustra tions, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by the fore most artists and authors of the day, it carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes. ' I It will always be the aim of the I publishers to make Iai-per's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper in the world. Harper's Periodicals. . .. t Per Year: . - . HAKr er's Weekly. J. . . HARPEK'S MAGAZEfE Harper's Bazar........ The Tn ree above publications Any Two above named. Harper's Young People......... Harper's Magazine I . ) Harper's Young People, ..$4 00 .. 4 00 1 . 4 CO . . 10 00 '. . 7 00 .. I 59 . . 5 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Niimbers).... 10 CO Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States and Canada. I The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is- mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order, The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by xprees, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $ 7 00 per volume. - Cloth Cases for each volnme, suitable for binding, will be sefit by mall, postpaid, on re ceiut of $1-00 each. - . y Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Bros. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, lee 12 i New York. ! 1S88. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper s Magazine begins Its sixty -sixth vol ume with, the December Number, It is not only the mostpopular Illustrated periodical in America and England, but also the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful In its appear ance, and the best magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled "For the Major," by Con stance Fenimore Woolson, the author of "Anne," was begun In the November Number. In literary and artistic excellence the Maga zine Improves with each successive number. Special efforts have been made for the lighter entertainment of its readers through ; humor ous stories, sketches, Ac. j '--r. V '"' Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: I Harper's Magazine.. Harper's Weekly.... Harper's Bazar. 1 : . 1 . ........ 00 t...' 4 00 4 00 The Th ree. above publications.. ; 10 00 Any Two above named 7 oo Harper's Vodng People 1 50 Harper's Magazine I ' Harper's Young people "" 5 00 Harper's Frankxik Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) ......... 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United 1 The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for J unp and December of each year. When no time Is specified, it will be under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. 1 The last Eight Volumes cf Harper's Maga zine. In neat cloth binding, will be seht by mail, postpaid on receipt of $3 00 per volume Cloth Cases, for binding. 50 cents each by mail postpaid. j . iie BaZ'' ?JaQane, Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified i tor Volumes 1 to 60. inclusive, from June, lt50, to June. 1880. one voL, tevo, Cloth, $4 00. . ' Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo.d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement witltout the express order of Harper & Bros. 1 rli-l Ma o ! HARPER A BROTHERS, .New York. dec 13 500 IDids. New Crop j Cuba Jiolasses, J-OW LANDING, EX-BRIG "ANTELOPE" direct from'.Matanzas. ForsakIow. ' :' . . " ' " ' " '. ' ' . . - Ttr. Orders solicited. 1 - ' YORTHTi YOHTII. Jan 21", . ; New York Weekly Heraia ONE DOLLAR A YE and Is arranged in tuuidy depmnTeS fc14 j . a r - FOREIGN NEWS ' 'V embraees special dispatches from all ' W r t of the globe. Under the head of I AMERICAN NEWs ! week from all parts of the Union ture alone makes n. Thl, f. THE WEEkLY HERALD I ' the most valuable chronicle In the wnrtt f Is the cheapest. Every week V P ful report of. , ; B1Ten fl . POUTICAL NEWS j embracing complete and comprchenslYr a F patches from Washington, Including fti, I porta of the speeches of eminent nouUcuL " 1 the quesUons of the hour. ""claiuoi . I THE FARM DEPARTMENT H of the Weekly Herald give the latest m. i as the most practical suggestions anil m eB erics relating to tl dutieTof tte farmw t?v for raising Cattle, Poultrv, SraiS I Vegetables. Ac.; Ac. with 8uggcMknV7' keeping; buildings and fanning -nteiSK V ' pair, jhdsis supplemented b a Se 1-eiiw department, widely copied, under the ISM THE HOME, . giving receiiies for practical dkhep. hinu making c othlng and for keeping up with ?S latest fashions at the lowest prick i v ' item of cooking or economy suejreati !7 department Is practically tested lyyexnerL forepubUcation. Letters from oltuh London corrcepondenu on the verv fashions. The Ilome Department of tue wf ly Herald will save the housewife mon&x interesuol11 thC prlce f the raw?. lS SKILLED LABOR, i after, and evervthlEir wim1 ! ar looked mechanics and labor saving iscarerulr corded. There latest pliases of the husmess markets? Crim Merchandise, Ac. Ac. A valuable; feature ll dmo2s of 61K:cIal,y rcrtetVPriaSu I THE PRODUCE MARKET. Sporting News at home and abroad, tojteth er with a Story every week, a Sermon hv fm ' eminent dlvinl. Literary, ffl DraCtSc Personal and Sea Notps. There Is noiin?r fi the world which contains so ranch i nei-i tcr every week, as th wkir nJ- w Is sent, pastage free, for One Dollar. You S Duuoviiueniiuiy lime. ; The New York Herald 5 In a Weekly form, One Dollar a Year. Address NEW YORK HERALD, . Broadway and Ann btreets.New York. A Hulbert Bros. Wholesale Price List. ' !' " Price 4 Piano, 7 oct.. square, rosewood. carved, agraffe ...159 00 7 Plano,uprIght,7 oct, cabinet gi and 174 00 J " 13 Organ, 4 sets reeds,9 stops and giand ; organ t J. 69 00 Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coup ler, sub-bass ...1 4. Our Pianos and Organs are war ranted first-class, i 73 00 2 Violin outfit, box, bow, 8trlng8.com-' piece........ ; 3 Violin cremona model, extra fine . i Accordeon, 10 keys, bass box, line ( tone...... 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 sets 1 reeds.perfect L... Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, 24 i holes I 8 Mouth Organ, Genuine Ricbter 10 holes, GS.. ....L.i...4 11 Mouth Organs, Genuine Concert - double 24 holes, GS.......U.... 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keys, boxwood I 17 Fife, in ebony, German eilve ferules 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, fine 3 00 9 00 . loot 101 ' - J h 24 I 00 100. ;i 10 19 " tunes, wind with lever large.. 4.. 23 00 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head ' gvuu... 22 Double Bass, patent bead, 3 " strings.!.. , 10 00 or tr9 AI 24 Guitar, maple, nnchine head,j fine finish 27"BanJo, 10 Inch, 4 brass brackets 28 Cornet, brass cornopeon style, case ana crooks 30 Drum, brass, Prussian, ornamented Gold Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, H Bros Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strines, II Bros..... Steel Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings, H Bros.......... Gut, Russian, German or IUllafl, best quality..... ..p....;...... Instruction Books, Howe's or Winners, ftnv inntmmrnt......L. 4 00 00 Having Just made a good trade for 100 Sing-) cr Sewing Machines, will sell them for $25 each -while they last. , . i ! ,f Money is qu.te safe In common letter tit plainly addressed. Terms strictly cash with order. Will tske stamps. ' !' ! -. Agents and dealers send for our 40 page Cat alogue, i n above net wholesale prices agents can make 100 per cent profit. - . . ; Call on us when you come to 8L Lonls. 1 ' References : Any bank or wholesale house In the city. . !, .lA. Hulbert Bros., Is the only General Whole sale house In St. Louls. . WJ ' f HULBERT BROS.. 923 Olive Street, Saint Louis, M0. jan 13-ly : , Fayctteville Observer. ryi THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, lfe3, the undersigned will revive the puthcatlon joi ... the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER. j . The Observer will be a large 28 cfto, weekly newspaper, and will 1 mailed to ub scribers, postage paid, at $2 per "m K ways in arvanSe. It will give Mwsoftbe day in as ample form as its space willrmu, and both regular and occasional JreP?' dents will contribute letters from the Capita on State politics and affairs. JlJ will Democratic in politics, the OBSERVES .m . laborflrst of all, to assure the V'" theTownofFayetteville, to develop t ; agricultural resources of Its own anl we neignboring counties, and to PWih concerns the welfare of the peoplo of onn Carolina. - - , t,nme!t Opposed to such innovations on cJiomejy wayVf jut fathers as, in vthe guise ot V gres, harm society, the OBSKKvr.R win be found in full sympathy with the new ttdng born of tue changed condiUon of lh JJJJ which sound judgment or enlightened expen f ence find to be also good. j ,. tu " As to the rest: it will strive to deserve we , reputation of the name it inherits, j A week made k- inrfmHAiu. Best 1"I ness now ueioro W0 n.nital not needed. rr.rrr the punn will start you. Men. women, doj-- h .wanted everywhere to work for tho, r give your whole time to tiywtlL other business will pay vou nearij es. No one can all to make tnarmooa V9Jtrt. dress Trite & Co. , Augusta, Maine . . JUST 9 00 . 10 . I . : 15 SO j 7 The Star Saloon : - GEO. r. HERBERT, Propriety. 13 Market Street, Wilmington, . C -pgETTXY FITTED. EKYTIIlNO .XEAT clean and nice., , fl,nor asd CI XV liest of Ale, Wines. IWon nuu v Cars, domestic acd isporU'J. ' , , apl y -

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