The ! a i I y R e v i e w . MONDAY. APRIL 23 1883. The Daily Review has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. JB MB. 1 A UN ELL. Reasons why ho Cannot come to America Aim of the Ex plosives Bill. London, April 2i. Mr. Parneli tac itly admitted to-day that the explosives bill made it at least imprudent lor him to attend the Philadelphia convention of Irishmen. Sir William Harcourt, the mover of the bill, is reported to have said, yesterday, that the explosives bill would do more to disarm the Ir ish in America than all else ever . done in that direction by the British Govern ment. Mr. Parneli does not deny that up to the 9th of April he had strong hopes of being able to attend the Philadelphia convention, nor that, at the date, " he had completed many preparations fc r an extended absence from London. He declines to state whether he had engag ed with any committees in America to go to Philadelphia, but he frankly says that he very much regrets that circumstances have arisen compelling -1 lei e t nas been manifested yet, but we have no doubt that muqh good has been dene.' ' 'v; :y.:-. j " Ashcville Citizen: I We learn by in formation irom Maaison county ot a most unfortunate occurrence which took place in the Laurel section a few days ago. One II. K, Gilbert was sitting on a fence flourishing a pistol. His little child was behind him. It is said that he lired to frighten ia horse.passing by; anotner account is that the pistol was discharged without obiectV At all events, the ball entered the brain of the unfortunate child, killing it instantly, j Charlotte Journal-Observer: Noth ing has yet been done towards tearing down the condemned steeple of the First Presbyterian church. ! It will cost nboui $3,000 to replace the steeple. Tom Smith, (who threw a brick into a window of . the Carolina Central train, a few days ago, near Matthew's Station, has been arrested and commit ted to prison.- He lived at Stout's, on the-C. C. Railroad. I -The brick walls of the new, Biddlc Institute COMITEItCIAIj NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. WILMINGTON MARKET. T April 23-4 P.M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 42 cents,; with sales of 100 casks' at these figures. I ROSIN Quoted firm at $1.30 for Strained aad $1.35 for Good Strained. TAR Quoted steady at $1.60 per bbl f280 lbs., with sales df receipts; CRUDE TURPENTINE Quoted steady at $1.80 for Hard and $2.75 per bbl for Soft. COTTON Quoted steady. No sales reported. The following are the offi-i cial quotations: " Ordinary.... ........ 6 13-16 cts Good Ordinary 8 1-16 Low Middling. 91 Middling Good Middling........ S p r i ng&Summer GOO D S AT 36 Market Street. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. BLACCC SILCC GRErJADirJE I A OF BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS BROCADlL VJ OTTOMAN BROCADE GRENADINES JUST RECEIVED 10 All the Latest Novelties. Passamentary, with and without Jet.. I Laces in great variety. - ' , " Lace Curtains, Adjustable Cornice. : i. Oratones, Damasks, 4c. DAILY RECEIPTS. building have now reached a considera ble height and been' seen from the city. It is to be an exceedingly fine building. Cotton. and as a publicrstructure will not;be sur- Spirits Turpentine. . . passeci py any m me state, with the ttosm. exception of the postofhee at Raleish. ICS COSt Will DQSO.UOO. i r There are living colored, women. Hannah Ediott. Fayeltevillc Gazelle in this township two Hannah Murphy and Tar. Crude Turpentine. . . . . 56 bales 167 cask 1167 bbls 302 bbls 505 bbls GOODS. i - - r. . - rT SOME GOOD BARGAINS FOR YOU. MARINE NEWS. VAJIUUCIUU I 1 - - , - . ... - " himtniWIinA thn. sfrnnr in viratmn luS onme plantation O Mr. 1). extended to him by nearlv all the Irish M McDonald and the other adjoining sarifttifts in Amprira lt'.w.uo have, respectively, 24 and 18 ' Sir William Harcourt, now that Englishmen begin to look more close- - ly into the matter and to accept the more recent explanations for the ur gency of the explosives bill, seems to be overshadowing all other Brith politi cians m favor. Sit William in an interveiw did not hesitate to declare that it. was the opin ion of many well informed persons that Mr. JfarneU was proving to be too much: for Mr. Gladstone, and that it was his own opinion that while Mr, Jfarnell dexterously kept the Premier's attention bent on Irish remedial legis lauon, tne true policy lor i.ngiana was to secure some kind of legislation that would cut off the Irish agitators in England and Ireland from 'the great strength they possess in their close re lationship and alliances with the Irish in the United States. On Sunday, April 8th, Mr. Parneli was about to go to America to attend a Fenian convention. On April ytn, tne explosives bin was passed, and on Tuesday, April 10th, the bill was approved bv the Queen. and children ! An old citizen of Fayette vine, taorougniy lUentihed with its interests and a man of ffreat "business shrewdness, tfte ether day expressed the opinion tnat real estate here had in many instance advanced 2q per cent., and that there was a general increase of value throughout. A short time since Justice Adams of Carver's Creek sent an omcer witn a! search warrant tor stolen chickens to the house ot Robt. Jones, colored. Jones hastened to the house on being called, and when he got i I . 1 I A 1 t M - uiciu iuos. a vervneanv arms or water men ne turned and tell dead. A few days ago Mr. Priest of Little River lest a poeket-book containing $320 on luiiujabi aoouL uavis s henre. nn llaymount. and Andrew McKavj colored, found it.1 He took it to his wile s lather, and on consultation thev carried it to. Mr, J. ML Smith. Sr., who advertised it in last week's Observer. lhus Mr. Priest recovered hia taionev -w tti.M-'U.u , 1 .i :jr -rr 7 ; Mondav. r. u K"eiuusiy assea jfticivay to name bill was1 own Price? Dut me latter refused too anu as too mucn, and would tate only $ 10. Tne redisricting of 1 1 Mi A. W WV J . . UUU l.t . .1 - ' O became a law. On Wednesday: April l"e &cate nas cnanged our Congressional lltn. Mr. rarnell announced that he " wu ouiers, ana renders necessary a meeting of the Dis trict committee The former cha r. man, uapt. V. V . Richardson, of Columbus, is now i in the Charlotte district, and Capt. K. J. Braddv. of Bladen, next on the list, will next week issue a call lor a meeting to be held Wednesday, May 9th. on 1 . . - -a i a couia not go to tno rnuadeipnia con vention: the same day Sir Wm. liar- court is reported to have given it as lys opinion that Mr. Parneli dared not go to Jfniiaaelpnia. The reason given lor Mr. Parneil's change of mind and for Sir William IIarcourt'sxpression cn- cerning it, is found in the nature of the explosives bill. The second section make3 it a felonv punishable by life imprisonment for any person to unlawfully and malicious ly cause, by any explosive substance. - l r an explosion oi a nature nseiy to cause serious injury to property, w hether in jury occurs or not. I he third section makes the conspiring, in any way, in m the JNew Testament Scriptures (not ner Majesty's dominion, or by asubiect le iNew Kevision) bvlMav 10th. 1883 . l.lJ ".f il I 1 I Ol 1.1 x !' "I " i . -uu5iuBoi wiem, 10 prouuee sucn ex- ommm two or more correct answers plosion lelony punishable by twenty be received, the reward will be divided. Vftars' RprvitnrlA II np mnnov will H frirTn i. - - . I . J " iytiiwu W TTHJ TT rriQ . v-. . 1 Section 5 reads : "Any person who winner May 15th. 1883.! Persons trviW I " A AAD hand- oy me suppiy oi, or solicitation lor, i me rcwam must send 50 cents in money, the providing ot promises, the silver (no postage stamps taker!) with supply of materials, or in any manner their answer, for which they will re wnatsoever procures, counsels, aids or ceieve the J une Monthly, in which the A $20.00 Bible Reward. The publishers of raitleduea'Mnnthh, ouer iweive vaiuaoie rewards in their Monthly lor May. anions which ia thn lollowmg: ! i We will give 20 in erold to the nfirsnn telling us wliich is the shortest chapter I ARRIVEp. U. St mail steamer Minnehaha, Bis bey, Smithville, Master. Steamer North State, Green, Fay ettcville, Worth & Worth, i Schr John A. Griffin, Rice1, Philadel phia, Geo Harriss & Co. i Schr Margaret C Lyons, Smith, Bal timore, Gep Harriss & Co, with coal to lowler Morrison, CLEARED. " TT t? n -i. - i i t. u . o. uiaii sbcamer jmnnenana, ris bey, Smithville, Master. ... Steamer North l State, Green, Fay- ettevuie, wortn & worth. JNor baraue Sasa. Iarsen. (iranton. ocotiand, u K Murchison & Co. 1 Nor brig Varnaes. Petterson. Liver pool, Paterson, Downing & Co. ; JExports. ' FOREIGN. Gran tou, Scotland Nor barque Saga ,4D4 ddis rosin. Liverpool Nor bris Yarn aes 2.775 ddis rosin . i WEEKLY STATEMENT STOCKS ON HAND APRIL 21,-1883. Cotton ashore, 5,622: afloat, 48: total. 5,070. Spiritsashore, 3,022; afloat 90: total, w Kosm asnore, 73,115; afloat, 13,20 ; Tar ashre, 7.135;'atloatt 1,400; total Crude ashre, 963. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 21. Cotton, 467: spirits. 799: rosin. 7.983 ... Cl 04A. 1 -v-. " ' ' ii s,o; cruue, kd. lOKTS FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 21. DOMESTIC. " cotton, as; spirits, 462; rosin, 3,468: wj; cruue, my. FORBIGN. cotton, a,49; rosin, 2,411; tar, 1.801. Black and Colored Silkg, Ottomans, Rhadames, ! - - i Brocades, Sorrabs, Light Shades Fancy jSilkg, Satins in all New Shades, Nun's Veiling, Tamlse, CashmeresMohalrs, Beiges, French BunUngs, Sateens, , Zephyrs, Seersuckers, Percales, Linen Lawns, 1 adles Cloth, Honey-Comb Sackig, ! Silk Ponirees. &c apl 21 B Wanted. V Y A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO establish a manufactory thereon, well-timber ed cypress lands. Parties who may have such lands to dispose of are requested to communl- R. w. nicirjf ire i NewTork & Wilmington Steamship Line.' I WHITE GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY, i j Piques, Marseilles, Embroideries, Laces, Irish Point, the best assortment and greatest variety In the city. i I C O Ii S E T S, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Collars, Fichus, Ties, Veilings, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Crpes. ing! Goods ! Bamasks, Spreads, Towels, Tapkins, LADIES, MISSES, MENIAND BOYS' , GAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR. cate, jvvith me at Wadeaboro by letter or with Mr. Josh T. James, at Wilmington in person. i FuU prrtculars as to exact location of lands, number f acres, probable yield of, timber to ! - . : , - j the acre and - lowest price, must be made known. I JOHN T. PATRICK. I State Immigration Agent, apl 19-tf I Wadeaboro, N. C. If You Want JpULTON MARKET SPICED BEEP, Extra Pat No. 1 Shore Mackerel, Sugar Cured Pig Hams, "I Sugar Cured Pig Shoulders. - Sugar Cured Breakfast Strips,' And those well! known CAKES, best in the city; also, a full line of choice FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, - - : - . i .- At popular prices, go to , GEO. M. CRAPON, Agt, mdi S-tf 16 aad 18 South Front it V, ' STEAMERS X , i . 1 STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK eVeM SATURDAY. atS'clock, P. H, ! ' REGULATOR..... s.fn. .. . ..Saturdajiurena ' ...Saturday, April J ...Saturday, April 14- beJnefactar. ...... regulator. ........ BENEFACTOB........ REGULATOR. ........ BENEFACTOR. ....... . -"' - - i i - O" Through Bills Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points in North and South Carolina. I For Freight or Passage apply to f i THOMAS E. BOND.Snperlntendent, 1 THEO. G. IER. Fre7gSA , ...SatnrdayJpriia ...Sararday4 April tt ' Lading and Lowest Full tar. Men and Boys? Cassimeros, Linens and Cottonades. lines of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS I I ". too numerous to menUon. All at prices so low that will give satisfaction for durability aual. Nil MR F PAf!lFIP HII AMH PACIFIC GUANO. Just received and' for sale, First National Bank of Wi! i , . I mington.: CAPIT.1L STOCK. 8URPLU8 FUND...... ............. fWJwV C8,0Ct New Spring Styles i j. . . aDeta, or is accessory to, tne com mis sion of any crime under this act, shall be guilty of felony and shall be liable to be tried and punished for that crime as if he had been guilty as principal." ejection nyo is the section which, it is argued, would have made Mr, irarueirs attendance at the rhiladel phia Convention a felony, punishable under the explosives bill, provid ed the Convention should have " adopted or approved any policy which the British government should choose to act. ' Engliihmen are beginning to believe this new and acute move on the part of the government will bring about the complete disintegration of the Land League, National League, and kindred organizations by making it nearly .im possible lor American members to even communicate with those remaining at homejas British subjects, without sub jecting the latter to arrest, confinement and punishment under some section of the bill. name ana address of the winner of t,h reward and the correct answer will be j published, and in which several mof vaiuaoie rewards will i be offered. Address, Kutledge Publishing: Com pany, ii,aston, renna. 1 i ! some Trimmings, Feathers, Flowers and Rlt bons in all the New Shorten aw t.h(.. Furnishing Goods, Torchon and other Laces, &c 1 or sale by I a . MBS. KATE C. WINES, 1 1 8treet one door from Postoffice. 3pi Jo-tr f ity and cheapness. Call and save money by buyiug of rj3.rji.KATZ', 36 market Street. 1 AND MILLINERY. ICE ! ICE ! ICE! V STATE NEWS. Uutherfordton Bawier: A luckv tick - et holder in Shelby has . drawn 2,000 dn the Louisiana Lottery, and now that section will send 'cm several thousand back. . Lauriuburg Exchange: Rev. A. D. Cohen, assisted by the Rev. Mr Harri son, of Rockingham, is conducting a series of meetings at the Baptist Church ia this place. Ijewbern Xut Shell: Our market was flooded with oysters 'this morning There were so many in market-that-the owner of one cargo of 700 bushels ot fine Portsmouth oysters,, finding it im possible to effect a gale at any price, left with hia cargo, intending to re plaut them in the rive below Newbern- Tarboro Guide: Two colored men on J. W. Draughan's place, near Whitakcrs, quarreled. Wm. Lett threw Wilson Whitfield down, struck him with his fist first, then' gqt a piece of ' ience rail and struck him twice- on the head, "while lying on the ground. Whit- , field died in 3 hours. Lett is in Tarboro jail. ' ......... . Newton Enterprise. North Iredell has been the scene of another horrible murder. John Redmond was on Wednesday assaulted by his cousin, Lum Redmond, and killed. II first shot and then stabbed in; the breast. 'The dilficulty arose from a disagreement as to the Qwncrship of a cenrain tract oi iana. lum has not yet been arrested Rockingham Rocket : The fruit is no t all killed by a large majority. Rev. Alexander, who has been, pastor of the Pres oyterian church here for the past two years, has gone to Texas, having bedn appointed by the Presbytery to preach out there, v - There has been n revival of religion going on at the II. E. Church tor tsvcral days. : Littls in-! THE MAILS- incmaiis close and arrive at thp mtv Pnat , .n , i - j j Northern through mails, fast.. .8.00 P. M. Northern throusrh and Wiv in nil a m a r Ka'eigh 5.00 P. 51. and 5.40 A.71&. Mails for the N. C. Rjiilroatl and i routes 8umlied therefrom includ- lnjr A. & N. C. L iii a xr Southern Malls for all points South. wily fi 30 Al M. nf a m t r Western mails (C. C. Railway) dally, i" AH ioints between Hamlet and Kal- i eisrh.. 5.00 P. M Mail for Cheraw and Darllnirtnn RiinV road....... B.' nnisnni xr Mails for points between; FlnrAniA and Charleston P.S0 A . r. r nnn u FayettevillC'audoflice& onCaiA Ffii4 ' River, Tuesdays and Fridays i Fayetteville, via IJ.nmbrton, daily, except r?unaays ..5 00P Onslow C. II. and intermediate nffl. C-8. Tueslavs and Fridava. . L ; cmi xr Srjithville malls, by steamboat, dally (except Sunday) J......J..I..8 30 A M Mails for Easy 111 11. Town " A' M' Shallotteand Little I lllv- days and Fridays. . .1 .6.00 A. M. OPKX FOR DKI.IVKlfV ' ' Wrishtsville, daily. ,...i.30 A. M. lurtuciu inrmign ana way malls l c u 1 7.30 and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails. ...I; 7 30 A M Carolina Central Uailroad.l. "9 "45 a" M fif01.11 from Btm?t boxea e'very day Stamp Ofiice open from 8 A. M. to i2M.. and from 2 to 5.15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale in small quantities at general 3 t iiu ew&iup uuic-Q IS GIOSCU. Entirely New and Beauti ful Stock! W WAT7T ti I wui,u KaansuiTULLY NOTIFY the citizens and the public generaUy, that I hare laid in a full srmnlv nf rhnlpA ww. .ni o ly prepared U fill orders to all points on Rail Koads and Rivers, and hona V.l 1 . v uuiuiy Hiuire 01 patronage , ahkkns, Proprietor apl 19 d&w 3m xew Ice lions I Dpn wiawa- -w . ... . 1 " .iiu win iiexL wpp k ntwin o am. i i. i VX'" v I .1 TTQTTT nnr) Gnls O "LI . . L jjx v vjx v ailU uaiC OLtbUitDi irvn 81ck. job LOTS, and noth- 1 injf old or out of date, but all from THE -FIRST IMPORTING HOUSES. J HAVE RETURNED FROM THE NORTH- ern markets and will next week Dissolved BonePhosphate. we never have had thej first; complaint of these rertilizers notringing a profltablelcrop See our Country Agents. . I ALKA. 5 P RUNT & SON. 1 DeposlU received and clleetkna: nvUTjn all acceeslble pplnfa In the United Statas. feb 2-d Aw- E. B. BURRU8S, A, MARTIN, DIRECTUM D. Q. WORTH JAS. 8PEUST, Bock Beer ! Bock Beer ! bsxs B. F. HALL. orncKBS): I - j ! The First of, the Season ! HPHE BEST THAT HAS known to be in Wilmington. E. E. BUERUSS.. A. K. WALKER. ... JJORSES, BUGGIES, CABRIAGTjS let at PHAETONS I AND low rates. Also Board 1.00 p. M. M. General delivery open from daylight to dark and on Sundays from 8.30 to 9.80 A. M. 1 A GREAT JOB. qniK of Hamburgh- LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST LOT in the city, comprising 4.C00 jarda Ed. tngs and Insertinrs on fine India Lawn, at 25 per ccut less than New York ' val for Horses. " 1 W The finest Hearse in the city. HOLLINGS WORTH . WAT frTPi? At the New Stables, ' mch 24-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sts Distiller's Glue, gTANDARD TURPENTINE CASKS, JIOOP-IEON, NAILS, ! RIVETS and BUNGS. For sale Uy 1 HALL & PEARS ALL. One Second-Hand Still, 2 y BARREL CAPACITY, J For sale by apl 21 j HALL. Jk PEARS ALL. Old Newspapers pOR SALE VERY, CHEAP. The styles are prettier than yer. i i Will 1 1 j ! in uo pieaseu 10 see my customers aad show them the most elegant line of Millinery in the city. I Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, . apl 16 EXCHANGE CORNER. EVER BEEN Try it for your- self. Private families as well as dealers can be supplied at a moment's notice by calling at 1 B. PORTNER'S Alexandria Tivoli Brewery Arencv . .vuuro d mwk, owuna, Detweea j , - - Market and Princess sts., JULIUS LEINS. AgentWllmlngtagpnb Farmers, Take Notice. Piesldeat. Oualar W. LARKINS - apl 23 A'?t Cwalor Labokatobv OF State Assater axd Cbxxist, COPJEaat Grace Street. Richmond, Va January 30th, 1888,' Mr. N. Ezekiel has made known to me the composition of his Hair Restorer and I hare also subjected It to chemical examination. It contains no lead or silver, substances very commonly employed In making preparation for the hair, nor anything harmful,! and may therefore be used without apprehension of in jurious results. I WM. H. TAYLOR, M. D., 1 I State Chemist. !V1 vii.ii.xa UHOJjERA COMPOUND Is just the thing to cure or 1 Whilst thanking you, Mr. Ezekiel, for the Hair RAfttm-Ar vnn an kind It sent! me. I take cia auu " aiseaaea - to which Swim ir h. V1Qi zz-, -riSi. r unnar. - - - M-w vuuuMI UinU Ul T Will M v v w x : FLEMMING HOUSE. uvnu oo AiiijUiUH. N 11 1 1 wi TMir a 2J5?S hey conditio crmrtbekid" neys, Uver, of worms and parailtea acn package contains rn oni 1.-1 pounds and will. If dvpn f w " " i.J 0 " r ' j... "l " vnoiera ana put ln condition to fatten In one half the Apply to apl 20 tf this orncE ne. 100 dozen Gents' White German Linen Hand kerchiefs, at 50 cents on the dollar. - AAA T j ! -ai.e eub corsets at 50c each, worth one dollar with many other bargains. JOHN J. HEDRICK. -apl 21 . I j F. P. JONES, piUJCTON. N, C. ATTORNEY AND Coui- eellor-at Law. WIU practice la any part of Buggies I Buggies I TEW AND SECOND Some Bargalss. ITAND -rOR SAI-E T. J SOCTIIiniTJLirD. Matting! Matting ! ! piTTEEN DIFFERENT STYLES FROM 15c to 45cper yard ; 4-4, 6-4, 8 4. Oil Cloths, elegant In design, and low In price. TURKISH TAPESTRY and Velvet Rugs and Mata. Fine assortment of Marseilles and cheaper White and Colored Bed Spreads. 100 Doz. German and Irish Linen. Turkish Bath, and cheaper Towels. i vomc ana see me, a great pleasure to show OUU BEAR. s Blue ITU w. J. CALAIS, Prop'p. 1 i ... i xu.x ax AxJJS VBKI FOOT Of the usual time, therehv ir Ci The farmers of Dunlin v- . 11 . 1 . 7 "v6nuiii it, fiowc. - xarmers snould bnv a. ruj-k. Or Sale .WholMAlA mntt Mf.ll t xwr tr'! upon my hair have been so appar ent as to attract the commendation of au my friends who have noticed It. I . i It is In my estimation a treasure, which the toilet of none who have used It wi" be complete. Hoping It may realize you tne pecuniary success you so richly deserve, - I remain, very tfnv WlIt Rlr.hmnntt Vi VS W 1SK7. I r or saie by all druggists, rnce n i 1CV tie. BUTTER I nt 1 1 ... juure. wiiain surnc and mdv .C 0 . J v yWcuii,fic mosi xamous peaks. The Roan MSutlte11olheT PInta ot interest are near. Delightful air, salubrious climate and excel- I will be pleased to comonnmi tk ?E.GILT"EDGE-iVERY.CH0ICE. rTJLLV V-08 an( prompt service feb 10-6m ' 1. Goods. men 24 30 Market St Excursion and Pic Bic CEASON IS OVER. THE TJIEATRICAL "juBeam ia bow ot wno are used to IRST- r. . Gentlemen work and enln I-erSck? t'.ZX?? trcct. t:r-cca lrcnt aal -.Water JUST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE; WART ! j ED. OLDHAM'S WJESTEKN SENTINEL. a few.packaces for sale by I - (Established 1851) S hould be Read at Every Fireside In Eaestern D R O S C O t i , North Carolina. i 1 . iuuwicw,(Iuo, vienerai information and' I Something to Interest Everybody. SEX 54 CENTS AKD TEX IT TUBES XOXTHft. I NEW PEANUT SACKS ..iai " Apt 4. Sslf Tuning Pianos & Organs. PROF. N. SCHMITT, HAVING AN EXPE nence of thirty veafs In America, for Tanlnr and Repairing Musical Instruments, is enable1 to jruarantee entire Rati a faction, or make o charge The highest recommendaUns rrow Schools and Colleges from the Southern Btatw at nana, orders left at his residence on ond street, between Market and Dock treei. and with U. W. Yates and Helnsberger's bo and Music Store. Pli'tf O o m m e r c i a I - H p t e I Wilmineton. NJ C. 1 1 M. SCHLOSS, Prop. THIRST-CLASS IN EVERY; RESPECr. A. mch 9 First-class Bar and BflXLiEZ? &r C O . LOON ATTACHED. 20,000 V Oi 10). TJoppill. TjyDERTAKTni, CABESET 1IAKER AKD CARP3OTE2. 012ce and Work Shop on Sec end street. orTos.ta Remthiru? -rJlrii00 R?ect:sIlyoIlc:ts orders aai rSS s! AND 4 Bushel Oat Sacks. For sals at Fresh Arrival Q HOICE WATER-MILL MEAL CORN AND EASTER HAT, Dry Salt and Smoked Sides. Dry Salt and Smoked ShonMeri, Heavy Mesa Pork, North Carolina Laid, North Carolina Hams, ' All grades Good Hoar, . O" At Close rrice. r--r HALL ciPEAEG ALL cct-7-tf J.'.a 13-tf

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