XHZSFAFB -every evening, 8aday ex cepted by FLSASS KOT1CH. ' We win be glad to zeeelve eceuauzte&goca from oxa frteda en any and en subject of feaexaJ Interest but . !- i .. JOSH T. JAMES, dTTOB AXD rBOPWETOK. - The name of tho writer must always be fax 1 wtpTIONS POSTAGE PAIDi I CeramnTilcettons xaust be written on only one sMe of the paper. - " . a Ws SLr montns, xnree rear ' h. 1.00: Oncnnwi,wcsno. -rn h delivered by carriers free Personalities must be avoided TbLe in any part of the city, at the above or 10 cents per week. nnWti9lnS rate low and liberal -iU rmnrt ativ and all . fall- And ft Is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse tke views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. 0, THURSDAY. APRIL 26, 1883. NO, 100 -nbcTiw - . Hi iril !M II II 7 i AY fk-U U VA I JLXLl'J i U iJLl J .1 . JLlklLJ V 1.11U VV o : ii i S" Th)ay Renew has the largest JfHtfide circulation, of any newspaper pt lishcd, in the city of Wilmington. Th census report of 1880 shows that there arc 3,000 actors and 2.000 actresses .'" -T';fwl States. The figures quoted may account for the frequency with Vch actresses change husbands. Mr Ueesc, one of the Representatives ia Coozrcss from Georgia, gains popu Uritv In Barke county ty wrestling wiih the country lads. His back was miuc distressingly muddy in a tussle tlie other day r The -Vewa and Observer tell us that Col "W. H. Pryor has been appointed Chief Engineer of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley K. R. Has Maj. Atkin son resigned, or was the news of his appointment to this position premature?- - Frederic N. Crouch, the composer of Kathleen Mavoureen." has obtained tninj'urition to restrain a Baltimore fimi from selling photographs of him fct U. He thinks that if any money is to be made in that way he ought to make Only eight insane asylums had been built in the United States in 1830-4, being State! institutions; by 1840, six teen were built; by 1850, twenty-four; by lfK, forty-four, and by 1880, ninety, of which sixty-six are supported wholly or in part bj State aid. , . The rivalry between Kansas and Ne braska this spring in regard to Arbor Day has been a commendable one. The Governors of bpth States issued proclamations in favor of tree planting, and in the single town of Ellsworth, Ktas'is, arrangements were at once made to set out 2,000 shade trees. Other State vould do well to imitate these. 1 ifierei3 great danger that Boston will soon be called upou to mourn the loss of one of her most illustrious sons. It is stated that John L. Sullivan, is . now lying dangerously sick At his home in that city. Should his disease prove a to! it would be a sad day for the peo ple ef the "Hub," who so , delight to show honor and reverence tor her dis tinguished sons; but we doubt if the peace and good morals of the country will suffer materially by his demise. Jay Gould has selected Capt. John VV. Shackford, of the American steam ship Illinois, to command his new jacht, the Alalanta. Capt. Shacklord has been given entire charge of the lit Ung up of the vessel. He will have the selection of every article of furniture, o! tableware, and ship stores. He will audit and pay all bills, and render a statement weekly to the owner. The yacht will be finished under Shackford's directions. Tho two years' voyage will not begin before October. The first winter will be passed in the Mediterranean. Thence the -yacht willproceed to India and China. Noth ing definite has been decided on regard ing the itinerary of the cruise, but it will include every port ot interest in the worUL inc omcers of the Louisiana Asso ciation ot the Confederate Army of Northern Virginian propose establish. ing a soldiers' home in New Orleans, the said officers having been constituted a board of directors for that purpose by the last General Assembly of Louisiana. Gen. Francis T. Nicholls. who lost an arm and leg. besides being badly wounded otherwise, in the Confederate service, is the president of the Home". Contributions will bo voluntary, but such is tho interest shown in the scheme that its projectors are sanguine of ac complishing muoh good, providing homes for many worthy men who were disabled in the war and are unable to take care of themselves. A similar scheme has been discussed by the Vir ginian division of the Association of the i!7?y Jf Northern Virginia, and it m probably soontake positive lonn. We glean from the Durham Recorder the following report of the Baptist Con. terence held in that-town recently, a notice of the call for which was pub hshed in the Review at the time : ,v e were pleased to see among us last i, h so. many reverend gentlemen of T "aP"si Jhurch from different parts St&te- As a 'body, we do not nesitate to riv tK-f vnM Kdot- Jb , comparison with an, equal S ffi- frtm My other Christian asso nf m l-h.e knd, and too - much can-touching- the intelligence mmS-P181511 culture by which our S!i?JLnity i refreshed durin their xV y aonS us. .ises. as is usualwere con- n4 i::. TT' -,iuu al uizu. mum ff themes, and the develop SL0.1?086 Pciple. so essential in rr.1i"J ot as are set aiart for the tVe noticed among some of tho most prominent the Rev. I)r. B. Taylor, of Wilmington,1 Rev. J)r- JTheodore Whitfield, of Goldsboro. RevijDr. Nel son, of Shelby, Rev. Mr. )Eason. of Newbern. Rev. A. C. Dixon, bf Balti more, and Professors Charles E. Taylor anl W. B. Royail. of Wake forest. Oar community cannot soon forget the soul inspiring sentiment that fei from the lips of some ofj t,hese distin guished men; and we t trust that no common good will result from their so journ among us. Tiie body was pleas antly entertained by the Various mem bers of the Baptist Church4 and also, those of some of her : sister churches. It i3 indeed pleasant to note the broth erly feeling existing between ihe differ ent christian denominations of our town Harmony among christians1 is the mainspring tb suceess in the devel opment of religion. ! LOCAL NEWS. rHOEX TO NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. Sanson' Skin Ctire ! Munds Bkos boda Water F U Miller A New Supply. G L GurBBs Tou Will Find j -Yates Important to Merchants James Coruett; Sect'yi-Kotice Hetxsberqkb Pianos and Organs i SV II Greek Soda Water Mineral Water Horace A BAGO,Chm'n-i-To Liquor Dealers The receipts j of cotton at this port to-day foot up 148 bales. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . t Mr. H. M. Bowden has been chosen Musical Director Memorial Day. ' for he services on A lame old nagj they called Dot, Was cured right! up oh the spot, And in every race, I . He got tlie first place. St. Jacobs Oil helped him to trot. . 1 1 . There will be a meeting this evening, at Mr. Darby's plllce,1 of the Wilming ton Branch of the Iiish National. Land League. , , ' A young lady correspondent, only 13 years old, writes us from Burgaw. send ing a very ingenious solution of the egg puzzle published byjus a jwreek or so ago, but it is not the correct solution, 15 be ing the answer. . j F -r John Richardson; colored, ' wa s brought before the Mayor this morn ing charged with disorderly conduet. He was found guilty, but as- he was a stranger here judgment f was suspended upon his promise'to I leave 4 the city at onoe. - ' '" . ' j Very heavy rains are reported along the line of the W. & W. Railroad, and especially between' Goldsboro aud Weldon. At the latter pace the Roan oke river is said to be higher than ; at any time since; the bridge was washed away some years ago. M j ; Exports Foreign. ' Swedish brig Urna Capt, Pahlberg, cleared to-day for Greenock Scotland, with 2,300 barrel tar,' valued at $4,600; shipped by Messrs.1 Robinson Sz King. Jack Frost. -.- H- - r There was a t heavy frost all the interior portion lo tiougb( ughout tlie State yesterday morning,- and itj is feared, that the growing crops have been: seriously damaged thereby1. This morning there was a slight frost in exposed localities in this city, and in thejeountryi a few miles from here, in every direction.! it was plentiful and severe!. Truck Far mips:. ' Green peas wjre quite pientifu in the market this niprningi and, speaking upon this subject, wfe arc informed ihat Mr. John R. Melton, at) Love Grove, has Si acres plaated in ihat succulent esculent, and that they are 'now being picked as rapidly as possible for market. He ships them to Baltimore, Philadel- phhia. North New York, and even as far as Boston, and! is now giving employment to a large number of per sons in picking and preparing them for shipment. j j; -j-i : . TlieMaybrfsKoom.fr We are glad to notice that some much needed improvements have been made in the Mayor's office. , There is now a nice carpet coyeringja large; por tion of the floor with maUing laid down where there would j necessarily be the most wear to the floor. The chairs and other furniture of the room have been newly varnished and repaired where repairs were needed j and the entire room renovated and repainted, so f that it now presents an appearance worthy the city. . Look Bef ore you Licap. f A. & I. Shrier are now showing the best lme of Mens, Boys and Childrens Clothing that has eyer Irenjjbroasht to this Jrafket. j 'Here buyers -Will ' find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing j before purchasing elsewhere. -i , tt. Ker. JDr. Milburn. f-" "Sargent Smith Prentiss and j Flush Times in Mississippi" was the theme discussed at the Opera Hquse last night by the Rev. Dr. W. II. Milburn. There wa8 only a fair audience, when the house should have been, crowded, but those who had the good fortune to bo present were some of the most intelli gent and cultured of . our r citizens and they were delighted and captivated by the interest surrounding ihe character as wellas by' the elegant, manner in mt1i?Vi f!ia efn.t urna rll . Dr. Milburn was introduced to the audience by Rev. Dr. Wilson, whoi stated in the happiest manner iraagin able that 4tho distinguished speaker, although blind, had seen more than many who were blessed with sight and much mors than some it even they had been Argus-eyed." The speaker opened by giving, a des cription of the "Flush Time3 of Mis sissippi," their" main characteristics and the causes which produced them. Into these scenes in an easy graceful and interesting manner; he , introduced Sat gent S. ..Prentiss,' describing his personal traits and characteristics, hi3 unexampled success as a lawyer; his brief, yet brilliant, career las a politi cian ; his generous hearty bin weakness es, foibles and follies and j his death. 'i ' Each of these was illustrated by some anecdote showing the -character of the wonderful man he was jdescribing and whom he knew well and loved sincere ly... Throughout the enlire lecture the audience was spell bound, both by the interest attaching to the subject and by the wonderfully j magnetic power eloquent oratory h of the speaker. and No one thought ot fatigue, the flightof time nor of anything else but lo drink in everv syllable which fell like sweet music upon delighted ears. We had heard much ot .the meteoric career of Prentiss and "were ex peeling a ' rich treat, but the feast far exceeded-ourex-pectations. j . - jWe remember reading many "'years ago what purported to be an episode in tlie lite of Prentiss and the times and Ucalities in which he lived and - was , a conspicuous actor, that, whether cor rect as to facts or not. fairly illust rates one phase of his character and some thing of his surroundings, which we will AndAAvor to relate. ! It ; was about as follows : 1 ! Prentiss and several other lawyers, in travelling one of tke judicial circuits pf Mississippi, arrived at a country town where court was I to be held the next day. As usual upon such occasions 'here was a largecrowd in attendance, some drawn thither by the duties of the court, but others from curiosity, tne purposes of trade or to have a "good time." The hotel had poor accommo aationsatthe best and with such a crowd there were hardly any. When the time foj: retiring for the night came, Prentiss and some of his legal friends were shown into a large room in which there were several: beds, where they were to spend the night as best they contd. To pass away the time for awblile they indulged in games ot cards, stopping-occasionally to-take a drink,' until towards morning'when they blew out the lights and retired. But uot to sleep ; for hardly had they laid down when swarms of bed bugs took posses sion of the bedsmand made sleep im possible To arise and relight the candles' was the only alternative and this they speedily did. and then took their revolvers and began shooting their midnight tormentors. The report of firearms at once drew a crowd to their door and among them was the land lord, who expostulated indignantly at their treatment of his bedding which was being preiiy moruuguiy iwuid ivith bullets. They quietly told him- to withdraw as they were bound j o shoot all the vermin they could find and they might possibly: consider him as such and continued shooting. ?"At leneth a - iYery larger bedbug attention called was seen and to his unusual venerable appearance, he was the some one declaring that grand patriarch of all the'bed bag fam ily, another claiming that he should be spared in consideration of his venerable appearance, and at last it was decided to- put him on, 'trial for his life. A judge and prosecuting : officer were se lected andthe ; duty of defending tne culprit was assigned to prentiss. All the formalities of atrial were carried out with the strictest deoorumby those law yers, who had nothing on but their nightciothes. - An able speech; was made by. herps eclutins? Z bfUcer 4tnd there seemed but little hope for the of fender! Prentiss, however, wasv equal to the occasion, and when the time ar rived for him to" be 'heard, rose and made one of the most masterly speech es ever made by that wonderful man. For two hours he plead foj the life of lhat insignificant creature jwith such pathos, such unanswerable logic, leak ing it one of God's creatures, carrying out merely I its God-given instincts and with such impassioned bursts of eloquent oratory that the prisoner, was set free amid the approving shouts of the bystanders. : It was stated .that at times during the delivery of his-speech the sobs of rude men could " be heard as he moved their hearts by his oyer powering and sublime pathos while at otherv times the very rafters of the building shook with the shouts of ap- j plause which greeted his fervid oratory ; at times men looked pale and trembled - . . i . .. -i at his terrible invectives while anon they would seem as children lulled by the soft song of a fond mother. New .Letter Boxes.; Col. Brink, Postmaster here, i3 now having placed ia position thirty-one street letter boxes. These are in addi tion to those already established, and the public are; cautioned against depos iting letters in any of the new boxes before May 1st., as they- will not be emptied until that date, when the entire service will! be performed by the letter carriers.' All of the old boxes, however, willjbe visited and emptied as usual, and on Tuesday next they will alii old and new. be placed in service. The new boxes will be placed at the follow ing points: Eighth and Nixon, North Water and Chestnut, Nutt and Mul berry, Purceli House, Third and Chest nut, Fourth and Mulberry, Fourth and Brunswick, Fourth and Harnett, Fourth and Nixon; Fifth and Chestnut, Sixth and Princess, Sixth ! and Brunswick, Seventh and Mulherry, Seventh and Harnett, Eighth and Chestnut, McRae and Miller, Market and fintb, Market and Eleventh, South, Water and .Dock, Front and Ann. Front -and Church. Front and Queen, Front and Dawson, Third and Nun, Third and Castle, Fourth and Queen.: Fifth and Castle, Sixth' and Orange, Seventh and Castle ., M . ... j, i i , ii ii ii : - t Tho Tobacco Tax. ! The new tobacco tax goes into opera tion next Tuesday - From May 1st : rebate to the extent of the reduction on all original and unbroken factory pack ages of tax-paid tobacco and its pro ducts held by manufacturers and deal crs on ' May 1st is provided lor; in case tho claim for rebate is made with ri sixty days thereafter. i : j. ; 1 To secure this rebate the manufac turer or dealer must, on May 1st, take an inventory of his stock! on , hand "at the beginning" of that day, - entering th different items under the appropri ate heads in the rebate blank, which he can procure from the collector ot the district or which he. may have "printed for himself. The ; inventory, must be taken in the presence ; of two impar tial witnesses, each: of whom . must personally; count and (inspect the' Stock.! By "impartial witnesses" is meant two persons who have not the slightest interest or ownership in the goods, direct or indirect, and "who ar not clerks or em ployees of tho claimant or of iany other claimant under said act." I Both the dealer or manufacturer and the witnesses are required to make affidavit that the inventory is correct, and that every requirement of law in the preparation of the same has been complied with. The inventory and affi davits are to be turned over to thei deputy collector. Rebate labels are to be attached to each original and un broken factory package examined. Claims for rebate cannot be sold or transferred. Dealers are not required to affix a rebate label to each package containing ten or twenty cigarettes, or to each one ounce package of foil chew ing tobacco : or to each two ounce, four ounce or eight "ounce package of smok ing tobacco. Rebate labels are to be affixed to each box or case containing stamped packages of cigarettes I Kitcheii Market. The following retail , prices rule in this market to-day, April 19 : Beef . MMUSc per pound; veal 12i 15c; lamb 12i15c; mutton 1215c; Green pork, - whole hog, OfllOc per pound ; cuts, 12i15c ;corned pork 15c ; turkeys, alive, $101.25 each ; dressed 164fl8c per. pound ; : chick en JO374c "each ; grown fowls, 40 50c; geese alire 7.5c each; dress ed 1, ; sausages 1520 cts; ; pud - I . . . . ! dings 10O15,; eggs, 1415i cts per dozen, ; butter, country, 25fl30c. ; Northern, 40, : lard,! 13015, ; Baltimore, hams, 1&318, ; breakfast strips, 15S1G,; N. C. hams.' 15161; shoulders; lie 12; aides. 94012 ; fish, trout. 200250c, mullets, 1502O,; shad. 75c0$1.25 per pair, ; scalded oysters, . 124c. per nrmrt. : New River oysters 80c il per . gallon; . New I IUver oysters, in shell, $2 per bushel; Myrtle Grove oysters, in . shell, 8Oc0$l per bushel; clams, , per .quart teic: per bushel. 50c; cabbage, 15025c per head; collards, 5010c; turnips. 5 cents per hnnch: sweet Dotatoes. 25c per' peck; Irish do, 50cr per peck; oniohs. 50c per peck; carrots and parsnip, 50c per pecK. . , . - i j DIED. TAYLOR At 8.30 o'clock ills mornimr. of cholera Infantum, JOHN Ii.. son of John B. ana M. A. Taylor, ageun months and 16 Oars. The funeral will take place at 10 o'cJeck, a. m., to morrow ( If riday) at 8 1 Thomas Catho lic Church, ana from thence to su Thomas Cemetery. Kelativcs and friends are respect fully invited to attend. -. p - i j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. npiIEKE WILL BE A "MEETING OT TIIE Wilmington Branch of the Irish National Land Leagae this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock, at the office of P. II. Lmiby. , All Irishmen are invited. 5 By order of the President. Japl S-lt JAMES CUKUKTTjSect'y r I. O. Oi F. I- I 64th Anniversary Celebra- tion. rjiIUE MEAIBSUS OF CAPE FKAU AND OttlON LODGES, and their families and friends, and all Odd Fellows in the : city, are Invited to meet at Odd Fellows' Hall on Thurs day .Evening, 2Cth Inst., at 8 o'clock, to yar ticiplte in ine Anniversary proceedings An address oo Odd Fellowship will ke delivered by, the Kev. F. W. K Pesejinu. ! W. 1 SMITH. W. J. 1K1 , IW. S. HKWLKTT, J.iW. WOOLVIX, committee. W. C. F ARROW, O. r Axis A L. U apl 25-2t j Notice ( To Liquor Dealers rjTJIIE UKVENUK LAW OF THE &TATE, ratified the 9th day of March, lKt, reiuires . - : I 'IV- all Persons or Firms selliur Uqnor, to par A -! f ... i-. L1CEXSE TAX quarterly on the 1st of -Janu ary, April, July ana October. - 1st. For selling quantities less tluin a quart. 2d. For selling la quau titles of one quart aud less ihari live gaHoiisi. .ilJ.50 3d. For selling in quantities of live gal lons or more ((wholesale dealers oometinrter thlsjj.... ... 4ih. For selling; Malt Liquor etchi- For selling mj Blvcly. .'. .. $5.00 AND Dealers interested will take notice PUOOUttE LICENSE according to law. i HORACE A. BAGG, Chairman . apl 26-lt Board pt Comuiisblontirg USTOW AT OPERA HOUSE. 3Iatiuee and iff lit. Saturday, April 28th. Johnj E. Ince Comedy Co., r IN THE MUSICAL COMEDY, 'Fun In a Boarding School." . : ' - I The Fminlest Play in the world. ' . Full of Music Full of Fun. No "Boarding nouse" Racket. No "Furnished Room" Sell. A Fine Play for Kverybodr. Scats at Dyers's ou Thureoay. Matinee Prices 25c and 50cJ apl 24-3ti . tu th fri "OH MY HEAD. nOW IT THROBS - ! i I CAN'T SLBEP." o new. aet SON'S sr cor fUA Linndn c- on t c jts mnerAmro exprnemmur to ctrne I fx (amd mU cvmm HEADACHE" iukinosCs) "Had Neuralgia axd Sick Headache fob ykahs. chloral or otiieh jtetdicixes woci-d kt cure, bct tour celert pllls did." S. G. Harbnrg. Casstown, O. i i i I i "Am ax oLd broken-dowjt minister ad i thakk god for tour pills, thkt CURED MT NEURALGIA." Rev. Dan'l Allen, Monterado, Fla. . . . "FOR 60 TEARS. AT SHORT INTERVALS, I HAD ' SICK HEADACHE. YOUR PILLS HAVE cured me. Wm. H. Hubbard. Manchester, N. U. i "I AM GLAD I TO 8AT THEV HAVE CURED me or severs HEADACHE. - K. p. Cornell, Pittsburgh, Pa4 CURED MB ASD MT SISTER OT NERVOUS HEADACHE OF SEVERAL TEARS SIASDIXO." Mies L. M. Chamberlain, East Fairfield, Ohio. Cured mb akd a friexd also, or ao- a v a rt'T fitir tr a v isUW V Jag. P. Kel- lev, Tazweu C. u., Va. ; ,H. Dr. J. W. J. Enlar. a nromlnent 'rarular" of Baltimore, pays them this high tribcte : "The most important addition made to the materia mediea in tbe last quarter of a cen- tnry.' Dr. Benson's Skin Curb conaiststof loteriiAl and external treatment at same time and It makes the akin white, soft and nmooth. It contains no polaonoos drugs. $1 at druggists. C. N. Crlttenton. Soto Wholesalo Agent for Ir. C. W. Benson's Remedies, IIS FsrUon et.. JevrYork. apl 2Slw-th-frra Soda Water I Soda Water! ith pure rBurr juicbs. IS - !. . SEASON leSS. : ' M IKK UAL WATER OX DRAUGHT. - ! ICE COLD.' j- . ' ' ' ! ' WIIXIA1I U. GREEN, apU4 ' c i ' j - DrugslsL ICB! ICE! ICE! T"' WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY lite citizens and the public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of choice ICE and am ful ly prepared to nil orders to all point on Rail Roads and Rivers, and hope i to ecure a rea sonable share of patronage : U. 1L 4. AHitEN, Proprietor apl ldAw Sm Sen Ice LToue. KHO-niMIU SICWATWioM CVCTY BOX. j : ! .1,- N EW ADVEKTISE3IENTS . VouWill Find The inan that loaves the furnishing of Itif house ... mj mm ins tlt7, , m j '- And furnishes her with plenty of stamps; Is sure to liad It nice, r , IEAVE YOUR ORUEKS FOR FUUNITORB jltepatrJnff, Upholstering, Ck-aning- and Varnlshinar, Matticfs Making an4-Repauiifv Hanging bhades. Matting ,laid and all house decorating work, with , - - u fJ. L. GRI BDS; The Paier Hjtngtr and Awning Maker. - . . ...... .u. iw aiaraet. Competition deflod. Work guaranteed. Bransonfs !? N. C. Business Directory! - ;FOR-iiBi8i';V QOOX TO BB ISSUED-th EdltioitLlTlh year of jpublicaUon, will coaUiu-over ', 80,000 ISTAONtlES aud ls-intended to be the FUIJ.KST 'AND i " -- i - i ' MOST RELIABLE REFERENCE BOOK i - - -j ... : ;! ii - ever published for North CaroliD. ' lj Tlie Business and Professional &fcu of fcverv Cor nty, City and Village will be recorded and cl.t6titied for sonvenient refercnceJ i Price apl 23 tf OPERA HOUSE; Friday, - - - April 27th - --: i ; " - J : 1 !. Madison SquareTheatre Co, Will present its last Great' ??ucc438( 1 1 ' By Rrnngon Howard, autltor of "The Bank er's Haughler,", ?' 1 Young Mrs, AVintlirop ! TI1K PLAY WILL BE PRESENTJtllV WITH feCENKRY MODELalJ AFTKIl THK ! " - - V. -I ! FAMOUS MAJilON SQUATtb' SKTTIN(. v Scata u eale at Dyer', cuuinumqingi Wed netAy, April 2Ttli ap!2J3t - m w tit , Clinton & PointCaswellR.R, IKOFOSALSFORGRJI)ING TIIKlAtOVE . R. R. narrow guaa: will be recIvtd at tbe office of the Hecretary and Treasurer J at Wll" minKton, until 12 M. of the 10th of May. 'sve citicationH and profile can be seen at the oflice of R. P. Pad'lion, at Point Caswell. 1 1 , . . . F. W. KEItCHNER, I apl24-Iwt President. ' Ollaton Caucasian copy 2t f . Important to Merchants. AtXOW US to FURrsn --FOR ETIUATEf Blank Books Office Furniture, before eciulini off for it.. It may be to or advantage. . Straw Wrapping Paper.' Paper Basra, Twine, Ac. j I ! apl 23 ;- " : : ! W. YATES. j , PIANOS & OKGANS c "IIIEAP FOR CASH OR OS . TIIE EASY INSTALMENT PLAN, monthly or weekly, at HEINSBERGEE8, ., Live Book and Mnsic fetore. 'Battle of '31. NEW GAMETHE LATE3T A Ite: '0Vet,tt; It excels In popularity its famous predecefsor. the fifteen fuzne. jr. uzzle. Price 25c; by mail 30c. For sale at- I HELNSBERGER'S. apl 23 Live Book and Music Store f Jot ice rpHE REGULAR ANKUAL MEETISG OY ,jL ... - . . ;,i . Mi CEX- the Stockholders of the CAROLINA TIZAL RAILROAD. COM PANT will be held at the Company's Office, In tbe-Cltyof WW -. - ' , miagton, on TIIURSOAT, MAT ICtb, atl o'clock, A. M. JAME8I ANDEB80Nr aplld-tm , t Secrctarv A New Supply O Y. RED AND WHITE ONION SETS. Peas. Beans. Com, Cabbage, As. f , Drugs and Che mica ia. 1 Patent Medicinos, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. f MOT Prescrlpuons filled at all hour?, day tod nlgbl Y. V MILLER, j Gcrmaa Drugrtst. . J mch 31- Coreer Foartb and Nun iu. , SODA WATER. QN AND AFTE1I TO-DAT ve WILI. keep the most delicious Ice Cold Sods. - i Pure fruit Juicea only used. i ; ' r.lundG Bros., . - DiflpeBfiar Phannaclrts, 1 I 1.481 BROADWAY, NEW YoK, AND WTJJULIXGTON, N. C. t Fly Fane. I r B UY ONE OF TnESE GUEAT HOUSE. hoW comfort from GILES A MUKCHISOS. apl It ii y