THIS PAPER pat jbDsbed every evening. Bandars ex cepted toy JOSH T. JAMES, BDITOH AKD PKOPKEETOE. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: year $4.00. Six months, $2.00. Three LLtiia. 81.00; One month, 35 cents. JUV-' Ttse paper will be delivered by carriers free of c arye, in any part of the city, at the above Los, or 10 cents per week. A(Ivctlsing rates low and liberal, ji-rubscribers will report any and all fail . i,.n thr naner remilarlv- tsrint ' W nrilntym, of any newspaper pithed, in the cxly of It umington. The Iowa Deaiocrau vvhl meet in i rinrinnati.TtineCt.'i. " j - mm The Governor or ueiaware; now receives the magnificent sum of $2..r00 .astsal'ary. , The black President of Hayti lu s got ti,eUr,ner band of the rebellion and nroi'oses to shoot all who. don't agree .-with him. Sdiator Colquitt, ex-Governor ot Georgia. ha3 recently delivered a lec ijre in Philadelphia on "The Growth anJ rower of the. .Methodist Church." -- - Tif late English Government paid 0j-$oo,SOQ,000 ot the National debt. The present has paid off 102.500,000, a-i.l hopes this year to pay off $40,000,- A call has been issued lor a State amU'iiiiori of colored people to be held in Cincinnati in June, to give expression to tlie Wntiiuent of the race on the school question. Mr. William V. Astor, U. S. Minis- tt-r to I tome, has a reputation iu that rity of being a young man with more iii'Dt-y thau manners. . - -- It is -said that, although the Georgia Iruit crop is largely damaged, yet it is by do means a failure. It iS time for reports of 'disasters to be coming in from the North and West. Somebody else, and this time it is a Canadian, claims to have discovered a i process by which fruit crops may be saved from frosts. If true he will find that there's many millions ;n it. . - An Irishman named Foley, in Brad foro, England, recently in a spirit of bravado drank thirty-six glasses of whiskey in rapid succession , Of course he died just atter his thirty sixth drink. .loa-min Miller ri3es to remark- that the daily newspaper is "the six-shooter of Eastern civilization.'1 Yes, but very often hurts those who hold the pistol worse than those who are in front of it. The Augusta Chronicle is on a meat reform. Its cry is "less meat and bet ter meat"' and it sometimes seems to think that people would get along bet ter in every way if they would eat no meats at all. A Paris newspaper credits the wid owed Haronness Rothschild with the intention of establishing in Versailles a home for ai?ed and destitute authors nd journalists. She is said to have set apart 500 000 francs for the purpose. s -- Mr. U.K. Hayes is mentioned for P M of Fremont, O. It has been sug gested that Mr. Tilden be appointed "uumat Mr. Hayes-be allowed to -land around somewhere while a new commission awards him the office aud the salary. 1 he Czar has offended the army by aboashmg the present regimental flags and colors, and replacing them by churc h banners, bearing effigies of the Patron sainu of respective regitnents.- i he new banners are to aDDear iir the coronation procession, Martin Luther's statno. r k in L' l icticu Washington on the 10th of next No "'ember, has hepn nr,i. t , nuui uie hauchhamnier Foun.lrv s n P ... i vivimauy. he statue will be a counternart r tK. statue unveilpd in w, pane 35. 18C8. It will C09t, when coml Ipleted, about $6,500. Mayor Farley, of Clevplnn,? . Pjras, foundry that has supplied the city departments with many hundredweight F the metal. Since his election Mr. fwiey has refused to sell the city any Fore brass, on the ground that he can HOo o consistently with-his office. f,cla DemnoMt r v.., VI LUUlSCr , , 'wuwuvo iJL UltJ wajentthaMKa, ..u.,. . Uc aned a piece of sh.a.l it ni0:- fish iooa maje hmm. !J Kn .1: i ,. haul, I01' be in society.- kir . rf' Wvtorop" who had his r. Von. i : IWinr?.l .m pro oo,e of TU ndrum as to 4what ennh r Sreat moral ideas of the tort' Party ?" the Ucndd that a ffood mowr ,. !Dni . : J ui IUCU1 uis ewniaa aveledi court chaplain and Lrr luuna world at Govern- Pentexpfnse. w - - I- 1 H 1 VOL. TIL- , mere lias been a ram nr rpio-n r.ffor r E : 1 ! i ror .Richmond this tyeok. punier- I j ous boM aml daring bijrglaries haveof la Ken place by day as well as by nisbt. Ti c poiiqe force has beep .loubled and I of (lcep intcre9t to the profession, exraordmary eliorts hnve been maIeiof sre3t imp0rtace as affertine to delect the rogues but In vain. n is : said that citizens of tue i'"lv- au jut in nruHu-uayiigru, armea witn pistols, and that the; entire stock of fire arms in the city was sold out. Among others who were robbed was Captain Parater, of the night police force. Burglars entered hii house during the day, and robbed his daughter of the very rings on her. fingers and bracelet on her neck. This seems to have un settled the young lady's mind, and she imitated Lady Florence Pixiet She gagged herself nnd committed an as sault on her inoffensive corset, the se ouel to which we find in a SDecial to the New. York Sun, date. 1 26th: The mysterious assaults upon Miss r ... i t a i r uraier, wiiica ycsieruav evening eave the climax to the excitement in Rich- j mond over the bold burglaries, were explained to-day by the discovery ;that the young lady's mind had become un hinged, and that she had committed the assaults upon herself: Her father is Captain of the police force in the ! dis trict in. which the series of depreda tions have occurred,! extending over a montti past. and he has. especially in the past two weeks, been out all night with his men en deavoring to get on the track of the burglars. The fact that j he was thus engaged, and the5 intelligence ot ne burglaries wrought u puncher mind, and she was possessed with, the idea that her father would be assassinated. It turns out that, in addition to this great strain upon her mind, j she had gotten hold of many sensational books among which was found this ! morning. "The Boy Detective, or. Dreaded i Tom," which she had been reading the past week. It is surmised that she had read and remembered Lady Florence Dixie's account af the assault upon herself, for she had slashed her clothing in almost the same way, and the cut upon her corset was almost identical with that on Lady Dixie's. Physi cians who examined her this morning pronounce her suffering from mental aberration, caused by anxiety for her father's safety and fright over the dep redations ot the burgiarsJ She is very pretty and only 16 years ot .ge. She still adheres firmly to her i first state ments about the affair, and trie utmost cross-examination has not ! caused her to vajry in the slightest degree; Thle police hope that the mysterious gang of burglars who have thus far successfully defied them have lleft the city. Among women and children the fear of their depredations still contin ues to have a serious effect. Mothers go inz out in the evening take their children with them, and more than one business man has to come home earlier than usual in order, to reassure his frighten ed family by his presence, j So far there is postively no clue to the (desperadoes who have caused such a panic. They will probably be lynched ifjeauzht. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. John J JIspkick Ladies . j ! IIeixsberokk Organettes' Munds Bros Soda Wafer F C Miller A-New Supply Joust.. Cant well Strayed. Yates Important to Merchants W & W It R Change of Schedule CttOXLT & Morris Assignees Sale W, C& G RiR Change of Schedule W II Greex Soda Water Mineral Water Free mail delivery Tuesday.) i Dav's length 13 hours and 37 minutes. You can trot out that straw hat to morrow. . Who said anything a fish excursion? )out a, black- Sunset to morrow afternoon at 46 minutes past 6 o'clock. , ! The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 89 bales. ( i : ; i 1 Do not deposit letters in the new street mail boxes until Tuesday.. V i ). ! . There was one interment a child at Oakdale Cemetery this wjeek. J There was but one interment in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, that of a child. ' j There was one interment that of a child in St. Thomas' Catholic Ceme tery this week. .1 The wind has got around to the Southwest and the weather to-day has been pleasant, almost warm. There was one interment in Bellevue Cemetery this week, and ithat was an adult brought here from abroad. The Register of Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week1; one! of which was for white and four were for colored couples. As will be seen by ref erence to church notices, the services atj St. J John's Church to-morrow niglit .will com mence at 8:15 o'clock: h i A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols t Jacobi's Hardware Depot. f Daily ' ; : J ' 1 i . i ' " 1 : . : ' i a . . i " - ' " ... ... . . W ILMINGTON. N. C. X.C Medical Journal. We have received the April number the North Carolina Medical Journal nr and find it, as usual, filled with matter and the treatment and cure of the various dis- eafis tn whmh Humon floci, It i3 a valuable work, and is gotten up in excellent style. t District Metliedist Conference This body will convene at White ville. May 25th. 1 The following gen tlemen were appointed delegates to represent the Topsail Methodist Cir cuit at the Quarterly Methodist Con ference held at Rocky Point on the 2lst of April, viz: Messrs F. M. Foy. S S. Satchwell, JohnE. Durham, J. Quincy Bell. The following gentlemen are Alternates, viz : Messrs John Sneed- I en, Grattan Williams, Robert J, Dur- i nam aml J B- Duncan A medical Ftudent named Dausin, Got sick with the mumps in Bostin, But as in the Hub They St. Jacobs Oil rub, A cured student went back to Austin. Bed Biis. A correspondent' say s : I see frequent inquiry as to the readiest manner of getting quit of this! pest. A safe, sure and proved way in our family is to get a cup full of fine table salt and fill every joint, opening, crack or crevice with the dry, fine salt, even under the ex tremities of .the laths, scattering pro fusely, and keep it so, and your tormen ters will soon be finished without the use of violent poison. ' i Kpiscopai Convention. The j convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in North Carolina will be held in Charlotte this year, commencing on the 23d I of May next. The Rector and Vestry of: St. Peter's Church in Charlotte request, that all clerical and lay delegates throughout the State forward to them at the earli est practicable, day the names of such persons as expect to attend the conven-l tion. Fun at a Boarding- School. The John E. Ince Comedy Company arrived j here at :45.1ast night, after having given a matinee at Goldsboro yesterday afternoon. They gave a mati nee here this afternoon at -.the Opera House, at which "Fun in a Boarding School" was presented to a crowded houseL They will appear again to-night in the same piece, and will undoubtedly have a large audience. jThe play and the manner in which it is presented by this company are highly spoken of by our exchanges. It contains lots of in nocent fun. j Young: 3Irs. Winthrop." ! . i , ' The Madison Square Theatre Com pany appeared at the Opera House last night in Bronson Howard's society drama of Young Mrs. Winthrop. We do not think the 'troupe sustained their former excellent reputation, or that their performance gave that satisfac tion which was anticipated by the large and cultured audience which greeted them. The acting was not bad. vet ifc lacked that natural tenor which is al ways pleasing. The company was no doubt jaded by the bard traveling and loss of rest, which it has been subjected to during the past two weeks, caused by accidents and delays South of us, x A Beautiful Gift. The officers and employees of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. nave presented Col. L". C. Jones, late of that road, now superintendent of the Carolina Central, with a very handsome memento ot their regard. It is, accord ing to the Fayetteville Observer, a splendidly carved and embossed silver tilting- nitrhpr with "-old-lined froblets ! tilting pitcner. wun oiu uneu goDiets ; and waiter accompanying!, the latter having engraved upon it a locomotive on the tender of which arc the letters, &F. &Y. Y1" On the pitcher is the, inscription : "Presented to Col. L. C. Jones by the officers and employes of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Yalley Rail way Company, April, 1883." The whole is an exquisite piece of workmanship. We understand that Prof. Dexter, of Jacksonville, FIa, who has won a reputation as a "magnetic healer, and has effected some remarkble curves of paralysis, is Expected to visit this 1 city in the space of a few weeks, when those afflicted may have an opportunity of testing hi3 skill. j It. Look .Before you Leap. A. & I. SimiER are now showing the best line of Mens, Boys1 antl Childrens Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. tl. SATURDAY. APRIL 28, T I .i.uc musiu at me upera House last nignt was very fine, TJnd was furnished by Messr3. Greenewald and Smithdeal, both clerks at Heinsbergers. E.F.Martin, Superintendent oftho W., V. & O. R. R.. asserts that he will have cars runmnjr to Wnghtsville by the Forth of Jury. j I The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at Jacobus Hard ware Depot. The ordinance of baptism will be administered at the dock foot of Princess street to-morrow at 5 o'clock, p. ra. Rev. A. M. Conway, colored, officiating John Cruel, colored, for an assault upon Julia Key, also colored, was brought before Justice Gardner this i morning, and was fined one penny and costs for his "Cruel" act. ! One of the best practical farmers of Faison's township. Duplin count', who arrived here this morning, informs us that there have been two' frosu this week in that section, but that they have done no damage to any of the young crops in his vicinity. . . Exports Foreigrn. Nor barque J. . Scheu-ensen, Capt. Gundeisen, cleared to-day War Bristol, Eng., with GOO casks soirits turpentine and 2,497 barrels rosin, valued at $16, 462.42, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. j Festival at SmithviJlc. The festival given at Smithville last night by the ladies of St. Philip's Parish in aid of that church, was not only a very pleasant, but very successful affair. There was a large attendance, among those present being a number from this city. The ladies disposed of nearly everything which had been prepared for the occasion, and they netted,, we hear, over a hundred dollars. listinuislied Arrivals. Rt. Rev. Bishop Northrop arrivct here this morning from Charleston, and will officiate to-morrow at St. Thomas church, at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m. j Most. Rev James ! Gibbons,! D. D. Archbishop of Baltimore, is alio ex pected here. He will arrive to nigh ana win be the guest of Col. F, W. Kerchner. . This distinguished prelate, who is now the head of the Catholic cuurch in the United States, the Archbishopric of Baltimors being of prim atical dignity, will preach in St. Thomas1 Church to-morrow mornin at 11 a. m., and in the evening also, at 8 p. m. Archbishop Gibbons was a resident of Wilmington for five years, and has many Varm friends here who will be glad to see him in our midst once more. Church Services To-Morrow. First Baptist Church, 'corner f Market and Fifth streets. Rev. i-r. J. B. Tavlnri Pustnr Si n n (1 a tt Cl1..1 rt rtl- .. c- " T . . . m., by the Pastor- Bermon at 8 o. m.L bv Kev. Dr. Milburn. Frayer meeting Thursday night St. John's Church, corner Third mid nrf Cross streets. Fifth Sunday after Easter. js-ijiu iom. jaorning l-rayer as ll a. m. Evening Prayer at 8.15. St.; James' Church, corner Market and Third Streets. KOV. A. A. Watson. D. D. JLetrtnr. Fifth Sunday after Easter. Anril 20th. la Celebration at 7V a. m. Morning Praver at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 8:30 'clock, u. m. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. t St. Paul's Evan. Lutherau Church. rni"nr at oixin ana JuarKet streets, itev. r . W. K. Pea. chau, Pastor. Memorial services in English at 11 o'clock, a. m. German services at. 8 o'clok,;i). m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Secsnd Presbyterian Church, romer rt Fourth and .Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. There will not be anv service at 11 a. m. Service at 8 d. m. conducted by Rev. Dr. Joseph R Wilson. First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets. Rev. Joseph It. Wilson. D. D., Pastor. Services at ;11 a. m., and 8 p. m. feabbath school at S p. m. Lecture Thursay night at 7U p. m. f Front Street M. E. Church. South, corner of Front aud Walnut streets. Rev. Frank II. Wood, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and thinl SabbathSj at s oiof seats free and strangers ana visitors cordially invited- St. Paul's Episcopal Church, comer of Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. T. 31. Am bler, Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock Evening Prayer at S o'clock ; Sunday school a at 34 o'clock, ioeats free. Kfth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. T. Page Ricaud, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. ; Class meet ing at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even lng at "is o'clock. Seamen's Bethel, Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt.' W. J. Potter, Missiona ry to the Seamen. Services every Sun Jar at lu.30 a. m and 4.30 p. ra. Seamen and" all others are coniialiy Invitea. Seats free. Part of the service will be InNorweglan, conducted by Capt. Chilsiiansen. i St Thomas' Pro-CathedraL First Mass at 1 a in. Second Mass at 10 a. in. Vespers and Benediction at 5'clockpm. Daily Mass at SJV) a m. ! . Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Churcii hiwl Castle streets, licv. J. p. King, Pastor. Servicesat II a. ra. and 8 r. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Grayer meeting every; T-iifuli v nivrh t ' I m t - - f . . . . i viu is V4iun.u vougregauonjiusiiui street, between Sixth and Seventh. Rev. D. D. Dotie, minister. Preaching eerTlres at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at 11.15 p. ra. Prayer and Praise meeting. Wetlnmday, o'ekx-k. p.m. Snndar School L-bool. 3 o'clock, p. m.. In Memorial Hall, corner 7th and Nun sts. . . . r , j First Baptist Charch, (col.) cener of fifth and Campbell streets. Preaching by the fol lowing named brethren : Her. D. Cennellat 11 a. m : Rev. B. K. Kllcrby at 3 p. m.; Rer. J. W. Wood at 8 p. ra- 1883. NO.J02 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STRAYED. JROM MY LOT A BLACK AND TAXTER. " i . rier Do. A suitable reward will be paid for hITeturn. ap-2S'f. JOnXJL. CAXTWELU Ladies JOOKIXG FOR BASGXIK4 AND NOVKLT1ES should visit the lively little Cash Store No .117, Market street. Addition to stock made dally. ! v. . j ' - ' -:- "-.! ' Now offering a handsome stock of Ilamborgiis, Laces and French Lisle Gloves cheap. j JOHN J. HEDRICK. Wilmington & Weldon 1 Railroad Company. Office of gkskral sopkrixtjlnuknt, '' - : ' ' ! Wilmington, N. C, April M lSii. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER APRIL SO, ISS3,; AT 3.30 . K'?Jr' Pacnger Trains on the Wilmlng ton & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS Daily Nos. 47 North" and 48 South. Leave Wilmington, FrontSt. Depot, 6.40 Aj M f fTlTe,art WeWoli 12.40 P. A. iAjavc ncnion.. u I XI Arrive at Wilm'gton.FroutSt.D'n't in mt m MAIL AND . i - r ' . PASSENGER TRAINS Dailt. Vr. Vv-i. "1 Leave Wilmington... -.v. zvami.(,u. Arrive at weldon v. on. Train No. 40 South will stoo onlv at linricx A. IU, MlllTlf WMann r'l.ll m i "ul uuuiBlwrO HUH MAgn and Magnolia ' Mount for Tarboro at 7.00 A. M. and 5.15 P. V?a"5elrnJ!n?.leav Tarboro at 4.&0 a. ju. auua v. so., uaiiy. HaUfax for Scotland Neck at 3.55 P. M. Re- 'U'U1UK itstvis icoiana jieck at 7.00 A. M. dally. I j Train No. 47 makes close connection at Wei mZZ points worth Dai. All rail vli gchmond, and daily except Sunday via Baj All trains run solid between Wl'mlngton and " uu nave ruiunan Palace Sleep j JOHN F. DIVINE, . M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. It. Co. Office of General Supekintknijcnt. Wilmington N. C. April 28, 183. Change of Schedule. OJ .A.NI, AFTER APRIL th. 18fc3, at -r t.'A. ai.. me ionowinsr 'asiinsti KrJiRri. Lr. .t ii . : . c - - wiotsrunoninisroaa: Vtn Iirr wni-kToo m-n w--m . I I Wectand7 East. J Leave Wllmlnarton.: n so t m Leaye Florence. 2.55 A.M. Arrive at C. C. A. Junction...." 620 aJ M. Arrive at Columbia...... V. 6.40 A. iL LlSveCcfifey uufciiureaa I rti A m Arnve at Wilmington. ; 6.29 A.M. Night Mail and Passenger Thaw. Dailt. V. in tit. " Leave Wilmington... ..11.10 P. M. ... 2.45 A. M. Arrive at r lorence.. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DAILT !c::::::::: rto. 45 xrain o steps at an Matlons. Fair Blun-and Marion. . j ' ro. 4U stops only at i lemlTurtrm wliitAviii I JriUBnzcrB lor (JOIUniDU Atl(I& I nntnt. nn n I NUhffixress. n toke 49 , v. jw. ik, y., a ii. ik oMiiions. Aixen Juno- eparate Pullman Sleepers for Charleston ana for Augusta on Train 4- VmirUn80ll(1 bctween Charleston and Wllm1nort.T JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. apl SS j Soda Water! Soda Waterl 'YyiTII PURE FRUIT JUICES, ICE COLD 1 V SEASON 1833. MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. I ! ICE COLD. , WILLIAM II. GU KEN. ! ' Druggist. apl 14 SODA WATER. Arrive at Wllm'gton, Front St. D'pt, 9.30 P. M I BAVK YOUR OKDEGS FOK FUKNITlilli,- x "oyuwi jjiAii, i-ASSENGER train? v,, , i'oi8ienng. tjleauiiig a DAFLT-NO. 40 SOUTH. mS QN AND AFTER TO-DAY WE WILL the Stockholders of the CAROLINA CEN keep the most delicious lee Cold Sods. TRAL RAILROAD COMPANY wUI bo liu jrure iruii juices oniy used. j fll U 11 tl S BrOS W Dispendn, Ph. JT.? " 9 .Vi D WlVilN4tSrc.Y' TOBK mch 1 1 New .Spring Styles j JN HATS AND BONNETS AND HAND- j iioni in an the New Shades. A Io. Laole Furnishing Goods, Torchon and other Laces, Ac ror sale by ; -.. i- H.-.':.' . . . t - ' e - IR3. KATE a WINES, Second street, one door from PostoCice, apl li-tt - PLEASE NOTICE. We will be glad to receive coamuxlcAtloTu from oar friends on any w,d u subjects i of general Intereet but i i The name of the writer intut always be ti naaed to the Editor. Communications mut be written one eide of tne paper. on onl " i i Personalities must be arolded.! I And It la especially and particularly tmde stood that the Editor doea not always endor tke views of corrcspoienta rtileW so sUte In the editorial! column. ' . j NEW AI VERTISE3IENTS i 31; CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY CUONLT i MOERTS. Assignee's Sale. QN TUESDAY, 8TIT DAY OF MAY next, J. I I A UN, No. 3s;m A R K ET STREET, an.l C4utinu from .lay to dav at 10 A M . : ' .;.. - j: ALL OF THAT LARGE STOCK OF Staple and Fancy Dry Good A large assot tment of Milliur lial.rla. larason. i In Aact a jreneral asanrtmn- 1j uiualJy kept in a rh-t t Ism LEtabllshment. of all articles rayment will be rcqhlre!.! for each! ami ' every nnicle when bid off. This ruV w 11 bo with you an.l obt.iin lxtrK:il. poc" Eapl 2S- McTammany Organettes. T- -o- 'VtlK T.UIMANY OTJGANETTE KNAIHJCS - . i ... . . .- i any one, wuelhcr umlerstitn.Ung music or not,! to play any desire! uulodjor Laruiouy.Mcred or secular, from the most plaintive dirge tii thu most )ivc!y dance music,'' i ut received a new lot at - HEINSBEIIGER'S. "I'1 I'lye ltook and Music y tore u Will Find The man that leVCl." the furnUhW ..f hi-. Kutirt y w nu hU wife, " T i Anl rurtitshos her with plenty t.f stsmif Is Pure to nmi it nirc. u"im, nd IK. ! n t mni.. I ww.. ' . . - I lCr 1,anKer and Awning .Maker,! ' . . No. '2, New Market. I - j&w ,nrnit Kin.. in-.. . . I ., ioK " "u,"c"' ork guaranteed. I "l t Tmnnufnnf 4-. TiTM. x "X tail t LU IXierUIiaU bSi AI.UV l-S TO FCRNISII FOIt ESTIMATE H Blank Books AND Office Furniture, be joite sending ,ff for It. It may be to your alratagc. Straw Wrapping Paner i. Bags Twine, Ac. apl 23 C W. YATKS. 1 HAVE BEEN RUNNING Sewing Machines for the list twenty-live jears, until tli i bloom of youth has well nigh worn from my once rosy and dimpled cheeks, and the lus tre of my eye dimmed by the toil and worry with those old woman killers, and I tell you -'r'1'"' " mv dear sUter ih t T - f" nscd the improved Wheeler & Wilson No s. t WUU1U a young looking and handsome wom-in t-iUv it ic l. L wonwn Uy(l&7- " is sold on such easy terms one can afford to l withoot 1L Jtf. the beat on earth OFFICE : t VANS' IJLOCK, ' ' Irincc Street, tu fat 4 Wilmington, N. C. apl 17-4t :::tS-X-M""nery and hancy boods. linn mm , . M . , vrr,r,u tt itivv ti'ct itnft tt .m.T. Iw.nilf,,! H ... J1ATS INETS, FLOWERS, FICHUfS HOSIERY. rTANDKERCIirF.Fi HOOP SKIRTS, and all kinds of LACE COL- LARS, all of .the latest styles. I I Ladies will And it to tbfcir interest V- exam ine before purchasLng elsewhere. Yoa can secure gool bargains by doing so. j MIW. S. J. UAKKR, t 12i Market Mreet Notice.! apl2I liu rpE REQCLAR ANNUAL MEETING OF i i company OUce. in the city of Wij- mington, on THURSDAY, MAY loth, at l'l o'clock. A. M. JAMfW ANDERSON. apl ltm . .' Serrctary A New Supply QF RED AND WHITE ONIOS SE1R. im n.i rLi. .!.,. f.n..i - "O - v "- . . .vs OIVI1L4UTI, A oiwt ana tattty Articles, Ac. , - XST Prescriptions fillei at all Itonn.thj &&4 night. - p. C. MILLER. i German Dm grist, 1 ' m 'r in '"" i 'i r "

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