THIS PJLPE2 every evento. We vrizt be glad to reoclTB coauanzlcatlou from our txiesZson any and all autjecls of general Interest but : . jr r xh name of the writer mast always be fat " - . . .. JOSH IftJAIIBSi tnvTon raovvsaeton. TBSCBirnOKS rOSTAOB PAII Ttt. Six mootta. $5.00., Threa D ths One month, 83 ccnU. 10051 -J. will be delivered by carriers free abbed to the Editor. ; Y j Commmilcatlona mufit be wrttlea jDn otjI jonefcld$of the pacr. ,7 .- - PcrsonaltUca men t be arolded4 j 1 ! And it Is eepoclally aod rartlcolariy undo stood thM tho Editor docs not alwaya indor I tfcCTlewa of correspondents naleea aa stalo' In tho editorial columns. i 1 ? ' m any part of tt ty, m i mwre o( charge, " v "" an3 all (ftO-l YOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1883. NO. 103 Kribcrs will report wy JL liJL.Il'j . lyj llJij 1 , JL1L. 11 J.. V 1 !Tj VT i , i : ,. rr ', - - - --4 - 4 ' i - i - -' v -. -x i T7,, Daily Review has the largest -,lnJism. of any newspaper ! ftOCLIv-.-." ' f - - , ; The riomlon Tiwic .adroeatcs the bolishinz of trfal by jury in Ireland. (jaeen Victoria U now much bet bfi able to stand with- tfr ana ",cvv oot assistance. ' Ybo 1'rcnch government has asked j? f f, 000.000 liranefi for the tor a CTcviik w r Tontiain expedition ifr. Cable's reading and lecture tonr was a failarc Ho U not qualified to gbineintbatway.. tr-4,-a Pntnam. the actress, has been eloeted an honorary member of a fire company of Mobile, Ala. -t Seats in the Chicago Produee Ex change are quoted at about $4,000. A large amount of their business is said to come from New York. France is following the lead of the United States, though rather far in the nar, in refunding her public debt at a lower rate of interest. She will now mv ij per cent. . John Bright estimates that since the bea'tnning of the present century Great Britain has spent $22,000,000,000 for war and only about S4,000,000,00 tor mil governments. The cigar manufacturers at Milford, M&si.. nave increased the price of ci- $ani$l per thousand. A little more tariff reduction and cigars will be ta- koed to poor men. ,0 9, . Gov. Butler has been called upoa to aecouut for hU absenteeisni by the Legislature, which contests a Yeto on iht ground that he was out of the State when It was sent to the House. ij A Blight notion of the immensity of. tite cattle business of Texas may be ob tained from the fact that 215 trains will be required to move one herd now being transported Jrom Millheim to Wichita Falls. " . A terr months ago the Southern la eic Railway syndicate offered the heirs ut Charles Morgan $8,000,000 for their eamship line. The purchase has been just made for $300,000 less than the original offer. t, The French Government Is building tiro new iron-clads, two of which will earry eighty ton guns heavy enough to sink the English naval Jumbo, Tnficxi hk. Tho cost of these vessels will be $2,.000 each. The fumes from the wine stored in the great wine vaults in London are so rong that a person entering them will immediately become intoxicated unless he fortifies himself beforehand with a glass of strong wine internally. U is reported that the winter in Ice land has been unusually mild, and the expected famine has not made its ap pearancc. Tho fishing in all parts of the island has been uncommonly good aad Hecla is not in eruption. - . A private letter from Captaiu Boyn- ton, dated at Bordeaux, France, March 24th, states that the famous swimmer was then cn route to Spain, -where he expects to navigate some of the largest rivers in the kingdom. He was first to vWt Madrid. A fellow who lost a tooth in the Federal army has applied for a pension and been refused This is hard onv the man with the broken tooth when it is Considered how many bummers are drawing pensions who never wero in the army at all. - The Birmingham Age remarks that if there had been" no protective tariff there would not be a furnace in Ala bama to-day. And the Mobile Register adds that half a dozen iron furnaces produce more profit and clear money for the people of Alabama than the entire cotton crop of the State. lay Gould has been ciphering and figured it oat that by devoting two years to a voyage around the world he iU save $328,000. In other wordst allowing an expense of $ 450 a day for nmamgtua yacht and $100,000 for .in terest on the investment, ho will still Uve about $7,000 per week eheaper he lives ashore. , A recent English traveler tells of "the "oilman House, which boasts the fin- AA i nrinjung bar in the world, of wh eh the proprietor is the . nortorioos Ftake, off so easily with, a brief . incarceration for-shooting Mr. Wrdoathe;suiw4of 'the Fifth Avenue Hotel." 1 The bottom seems to have dropped out nf f h The Wilson Sifiings is trying hard to furnish the citizens of that town with a nicely little daily newspaper. It gives the telegraphic news and markets and should receive! that which it merits, tho hearty support of the people of Wihon and the surrounding country. LOCAL NES. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X Ants Fancy Goods. Heixsberger Ttaltors. Muins Bkos Soda WatCT F C MrLLEa A New Supply G W L.DTDBR Fret n Stock. Lbctuk KerDr MUburn. JOH.V RMELTDK-Bcmov&l. I OTTEBBOUBG Fine Clothing. North Carolina Medical Society. E T BUBHiiflr-Noticc. Change J AS M McGow as Now for Lager. Jamks Wimon-Desirable Localities. Kercuxer & Caldkk Bros Groceries. W II Gbeex Soda Waterf Mineral Water P L Bbipgers A Co4Eoyster'a Candy Booming. The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 50 bales. 1 The Comet Concert Club kill meet to-night for practice with a vietv to ap pearing on Memorial Day. Mr. James II. ChaSboum, Jr., has been elected Mayor bf the thriving little town of county. Chad bourn. in Columbus A soldier on guard at Fort Wayne. Was suddenly stricken with paiu. j He thought he was gone,' Bat when he rubbed on i( J St. Jacobs Oil, was all right again. "Eye-peeping" is now ho favorite game for evenings. Two holes are made in a screen, against which some person hidden behind places his eyes; and the audience in front have' to guess to whom the eves belong, i !, A match game of ba&eball will be played at Hilton to morrow afternoon, at 2 o1clock, between two colored clubs the "Wilmington Mutuala" j and the "Unknown." The public rire invited to witness tho game. I Mr. G. W. Lander hasjust received a fresh stock of carefully selected groceries and offers them for Bale at J . ' II. Mc Garity & Co's. old $tand. fio says his new May butter is . of superior quality See ad. i Mr. J. J. Hopkins has resigned his position as one of the city letter earners to which he was recently appointed, and Mr. J, M. Barlow has been j ap pointed to fill the vacancy, j More im portant duties was the causejof the res ignation. . . I We understand that the market hours will bo strictly adhered to by the butch ers bereatter. The mjarketsj will close promptly at 10 o'clock A, Mj and not j open again until 4 o'clock P. M. It would be well for housekeepers to bear this fact in mind. We learn that many of the farmers in Sampson and Duplin counties are busy in replanting their corn, which in many places has been washed out by the recent heavy rains which haye prevailed extensively iu those sections. , Mr. Louis Dryfoos. who has been absent something more ,han two weeks on a business trip to N w Orleans, re turned to the city iast.nijght. via Batl more, where he met Mrs. Dryfoos, who had been on a visit to friendsj in the North and accompanied him home, j City Court. I i John Xucas, colored, was before the Mayor this morning charged with dis orderly eondutL He Was found guilty and required to pay a fine of $5j or take 20 days in the city prison.; He paid the fine, I j Lizzie John, colored, was then ar with like raigned upon the same charge results except that she was which she paid. I I ; fined $4, River Improvements. The "new cut" at Snow's Marsh Channel, abreast of New Inlet, has been deepened to such an extent that vessels drawing 14 feet of water cap now pass through at half tide with perfect safety. At lighterv drawing 134 I feet passed through this cut yesterday. It is ex pected that this will prove an important feature in the river and harbor im prove menta now going on: j? Look Before you- Lcap. A& I. SnRiER are now showing tbo best line of Mens, Boysi and ChildeIls, Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market, flere buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before parchftting elsevrhero. I u tt. Aaron Ittirr. Kev. Lr. MiiDurn, the "uiiiid man eloquent, will deliver his third and last lecture hV the Otera House to- morrow nifrht. Hia suhiprt will hn on "The Life and Character of Aaron ! Burr," one of the most interesting and j truitlnl subjects tn American history. To the hundreds in this cjtv who have heard fir. Milburn in the pulpit and on the lecture platform any notice in praise of his eloquent oratory and wouderiul powers of graph ic description would be an act of supererogation, but to t those who, unfortunately, have not j heard him, the lecture to-morrow night presents an excellent and, only oppor-14 tunity. Those who were instrumental in securing his services here have laid our ncoole under deco and lastimr obli- gations. We bespeak for hiiii a crowd ed house. I . Rev. Dr. Milburn. Key. Dr. Milburn j preached yester day forenoon at the Front Street M. !e. Church, where, notwithstanding the threatening appearance of the weather, there was a large concourse of people in attendance. His was a grand ' and snblime effort, and was listened to with profound attention, delight and edifica tion by his throng of hearers. He officiated at the First Baptist Church at night to an 1 andience, that filled that large and roomy structure to its utmost capacity. The ordinary seating accommodations were soon fully occupied -and chairs were placed all through- the several aisles and in every available space "throughout the chnrch, yet there were dozens .who were compelled to stand during the en tire service-(People representing near ly every Christian denomination in the city were present and quite a number of persons of the Hebrew faith were also. in attendance. . TThe weather! was very threatening and undoubtedly many Who would have been glad to hear Dr. Milburn and who intended to have been present at the services last: night,- were deterred from "going by the menacing aspect of the weather. - Had it been a cheerful, pleasant night there can be no doubt that hundreds would have found it utterly impossible to gain entrance. . Criminal Carelessness. .We learn that in the case of '"Mr. G. W.- Brinkley, at Magnolia, Duplin county, who took a dose of morphine in mistake for quiuine, an account of which appeared a week ago to-day in the Review, the escape from fatal con sequences to others was almost miracu lous. It appears that Mr. Brinkley' had ordered a lot of quinine from some Northern druggist, and that the order was filled and the goods sent. Before he-had sold any of the supposed quinine however,! ho had occasion to use some himself, when he found, to his horror J that it was morphine. Through the grossly criminal carelessness of those who put up theanedieine, bottles con taining morphine had been I labelled quinine and shipped as such. Had he sold any of the'quinine before testing it himself, as he was very liablo io do. to persons living in the country, remote from physicians, death would have been.! inevitable to those wli o should have case it was a taken it. In his own most fortuuatc occurrence that skilled medical "attendance was immediately at hand. Mr. Brinkley rejoices to think that he had sold none before it was tested upon himself, but we imagine lib would prefer to decline taking such risks as a daily venture. j In this case an awful responsibility and accountability rests upon j some one. In the preparation of even oue dose of medicine for the relief of the sick and afflicted the greatest c1"6 should be taken 'that a human life should not bo jeopardized by improper compounds ; but in a wholesale house, whence medicines are shipped to all parts of .the country, and liable to be taken by thousands of people,' when such a mistake as we have described is made it becomes appalling. ThQre was a certain and speedy death in every dose, however small, unless, as in Mr. Brinkiey's case, a physician was imme diately at hand to remove the! fearful dose from the stomach before it had ti me to be absorbed i n the sy ste m . There are complaints from citizens residine North of the Wilminirton & WeldonR, R: that some of tlie fire companies, when called to a (ire in that section, take the sidewalk instead of th middle of the street. ' Recently an. old colored man was knocked down by one of the companies whiie.rnnning on the sidewalk and considerably injured. ' Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, Tow picas, at Jacobtj ; t Forelgnv1 Swed. barque Thorgny, Andersen. I cleared to-dav for 'Rii Hnsti " with U n. harrfiN mSin v9!nf iifo.! ishiDDedbv Inssrs RpRrissptl at Ck. u: a u -r t r - Jjr. barque Gcorqc . Davi. Capt. Mo Cumbercleared for Glasgow. -Scotland, with 1.500 casks spirits turpentine and j j 3.320 barrels rosin, valued at S35,7fii, j skipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt &Son. ; Xor. barque jfjcvimet. Capt, --Ingur- mundsen, cleared for Goole, Eng., with j 2.790 barrels rosin, valued at $5,397,41,-1 shipped by Messrs. Talersou, rowning I, Removal, r '' h -Mr.-J. K. Melton gives notice else- wnere tnai no wm remove to-morrow to i . i the Kew Market, on South Front strect where he will occupy Stalls Nos. 1 and 4, as also the circular stand at the head of tho market. He will keep nothing but the best and !will not only supply splendid meats but tripe and vegeta bles may be found at bis stalls also. The circular stand will be devoted to the ale of confectionery and fruit. Mr. J. J. Hopkins is stH with Mr. Melton and will preside with his usual grace and dignity as a Knight of the Cleaver. St. Thomas Catholic Church. The services at St. Thomas' Catholic . i. .... Church yesterday were unusually in teresting. Archbishop Gibbons preach ed in the forenoon a sermon of great interest and beauty. The ehurch was crowded and the ceremonies were con j ducted with all the dignity and impres sive solemnity characteristic of" the forms of worship , of that body of christians1 -. ' Bishop Northrop preached at night, and was listened to by an audience equalfy as large us that which gathered at tho morning srviee. His sermon is spoken as having been a llne.-schol-aly and effective effort. The music upon both occasions was very , gpod. "Fun in . a Boarrttngr Scliodl. "The performance of fho atjoVe named musical comedy by the -John K. Ince Comedy Company, at the Opera House, last Saturday night,.w,aa well -attended. The play was one of the in6stiridicul ously funny pieces we "have " ever;-aeen presented here," and was 'Yendered in. a style in perl'ect,:lcoeping with fts senti"? ment; Miss Eilani was a 'charming actress and we think i the ' best vocalist that has appeared here this season. Tho entire company did " well, ; keeping the audience in roars of laughter from the j time the curtain rose until it descended upon the last musical tableaux. ;Every one was pleased and we have not a doubt that ail wished that the, day would not be far distant when Mr. Ince and his company .would cpme Again , The Free Wellvcry The free mail delivery soe3 into ef- feet in thistitr to-morrciw. May "1st. We republish the districts and the names of the . IcUcr carriers assigned to each : ' j , The First District will be in "charge of j; av"' E. E. Green. Jt comprises nil- kii.iu part of the city north of the W. & W J I R. R. track. - Is I The Second District will be in charge of Fred C. Sadgwar. -It commences at ; the intersection! of Second street audi" !7 r i- m i .u . , the W. & A . railroad, and thence cast- j wardly with the railroad track to SoV- j enteenth street, thence south with Scv- enicenin sireet to aesinus, sireei. thence west ' with Chestnut street) to Fourth street, thence south to Market street, thence west with Market 'street to Second street, thence north jw'ith Second street to thc W. Ss W. railroad. The 'Third District will bo in charge j of A. A." McLean. It commences at tho foot- of the Wilmington & Weldpn railroad track, at the river, thence up the ! railroad track j to Second street, thence south with Second street to Market street, thence west to the river and with the river to the railroad. The Fourth District will be in charge of James ! M. Barlow. It commences at the river and Market. thence east with Market street to Fourth street, thence south with Fourth street to Nun street, thence west with Nnnj "street to the river, thence north to Market street dock. ' -I j . The Fifth District wHi be in j charge ot W. F. Lessman. It commences at Seventeenth and Chestnut streets, thence south with Seventeenth to Or ange street' thence with Orange "street to Fourth! street , thence north with Fourth street to .Chestnut, thence east with Chestnut street to Seventeenth street. t ; " . ... r - ; The Sixth District will be in charge of Thos. C. "Miller."' It commences at the river and T Nun street, thence up Nan to Fourth street, then north to Or ange street, thence east with Orange Exports to Seventeenth street thence south with : Seventeenth street to Greenfield ! street, thence weit With Greenfield :streettothem?r' fhence; north with the river to Kun Street Capt. Ed. Barrlas, the pilot, so well and favorably known at (hh rorf. h?"$ become the manager ojf the' restaur and saloon at r No. 15l South staurant ater street, which will hereafter be as the Cape Fearl Pilot House. W . 1 1 ' ?V " 11 1 MAIUUED. MCSDi-wOTTOS-in fcL Pauls churcb. AnrU. 1N8S. bv the ller. C. C- Williams. .T. TlIlUS UNfS to Miss M. G. WOTTON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: mi t-i j tjt -ni . ho. K inn iVi on K nnnonr -y r-j Mwf MILBURN, WILL DELIVEIJ II1S THIRD LECTURE,' on tbo LIFE AND CHAR ACTER or AARON .BUKR.. the most Ro mantic Character in Political History, at tlic OPEUA HOUrfE, TUESDAY EVENING, 1st May, at 8.30. Box ShOet open at Dyer's Jt everybody go. j apl 30 ?t Desirable Localities. . HAVING PURCHASED TI1K PROPERTY known as the Base Ball Grountl.lsltnalo on OrafM street, between ??ixth and beyenth streets and on Seventh between Orange and Ann streets, l oner it tor tale on the lustal ment plan, and will cut it up to suit buyers Also, on long credit, lots for sale lnotherparts of the city. Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to j apl303t eod JAMES WILSON. Notice. Change. 1 M1E -REsTAURANT AND SALOON POK mevly known a- the Scjtrborough House, No. 15 South Water street, will hereafter -be Lnown as UiejOAPE FEAR. 11 LOT HOUSE, where can be found fit aJl times the le!t of Wluois, Liquor. und Cigars. Jiaard bv the day, wevk or mouth. Table supplied with the tat the market affords. Oysters in season All at popular prices, "iour patronage la refpect liiily solicited. A trial will convince you that our aim Is to excel and pleas. ' K. T. BDRR1.SS,' apl 3-, btar copy It ' Manager The Medical .Society of . North Carolina ' i - - ILL nOLD ITS THIRTIETH ANNUAL IT S'?iion in TARB'jnoUGll, hoKlnnlng on TUE3DA1 , the 15th of May THE BOARD OF MEDICAL KXAM1N ERS will be inse&ion at the same place, -from tfie 1-tth of May uutill all Candida tea are ex amined, !j -,.'. THE ! NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH will hold it annual -.onjolht session on tho lth of Ma . - i ; Every arrangement bus been made to Insure a profitable session of Uiee bodiea. ' apl 30 It Fancy Goods, pjANDSOMF. AUrO, ALBUMS. PHOTO. Albums, Poems, Uoid Tens and Pencils, Ro sia Leather Card Cases and Pocket Books, Gents "Fine 'Pocket Mem prandnm Books, Fancy Velvet anrl Ebony Pir ire Frames, &c. apl .30 YATES' BOOK bTORE REMOVAL . ! IH : !llAltnn7o Unnt llnttlr TO Front Street Market, V 0 N AND AFTER MAY 1ST, STALLS No yj 1 . in thc new mabket, on tonth Front street, will be supplied with the finest it, .n.i,wii ; I 1 " ! ST ALL-X JED -BEEF j j . and - I I ,-.Jn TWfl 1 1 SPBING hAMB, All of the Best Quality. I expect tojkeep nothlpg but THE BEST, and to' do the.Iargeat boainees done In my line la this city. Oruers promptly filled aaid promptly delivered. I havo also the Circular stand at the head of the itarket, and shall run a FHtST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STAND, i - , " nd tho public will find tit my Stall Tripe and Vegetables aa usuaL i I hope by prom ut attention to bualnes to merit a continuance of tbe patronasre hereto fore so liberally" bestowed upon me. Respectfully, J. R. HELTONJ STALLS 1 AND 4. NEW MARKET, apl SO I Star copy It . STRAYED. -I jpROM MTO T A BLACK AND TANTER- lefDo?. suitable reward will be paid for hi return, ap-23if. JOHN L. CANT WELL. , Soda Water I Soda Water! "yiTH PURE FRUIT JUICES, j . :-r . i V ICE COIiD t' ; ' ::. season lftji. ! '"" - MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. 'r.-r ,,:-t:',ICE"COLI.., '.hi ; '.: ' - ' , WILLIAM H. GREEN. ap! U r :Irucxlt. A; t NEW APVERTISEJIEyTS. Now.for Lager. JgULiv 11 A 5 HAD ITS DAY AND NOW L.Asf.u hesk s oti tap. lket and coolest : 1 - -' i i and clot in the city. Al?o, VInes, Llqaor', . i i I - . ti e- . .' . .. . r i ' ra caimw;cncs' an at JAS. M; McGO WAN'S, . . r - -f 5outh Front St aplSOu Fresh Stock of Groceries. JLJAVING RECEIVED MY NEW! AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES, Ac . per Steamer lo-day, I will now ocn the Wro. Northwett corner of Potrk and Frou etrcoti', ol 1 stand of J. II. Mcliarlty A Co , wbenj I am prcparcl to 1U1 any orders that mj fiends may wbh at LOWEST CASH PBICS li - Prompt 1 clivery. Careful Attention land air Dealing will be our rootto. f ; " , : , . VT, L1NDER. ; i p. nw iiAXntrrrnSiuJti -. apl lit 2t - ' i Fine Clothing Our Specialty ; ARE SHOWlKt; THIS HAOK LIKE WE AtAVAYS JiO. "tbo flnfct 'hu.1 hamUomest and larept artay or Nobbv tiur meutu In the city ot Wiimlocton. Voaro In pofsctMou of thv praisftof th0 general vuMic for Taste, Reliability and Choap'oeMjund glory ' lu b knowledge vt the tuot thii wo merit such coiopllment at tbc-lia'u?s of tlie pide. ' ' We riairc TAteTIMn the selection of Nl.V NKW ANDyTYLISH OODtmylnc- NO joH lot-i or old rol npi! stock the st'vla of which' had been buried with the prefeUn5 Mn. Wo claliii Reliability, becat.s-o we Will the best ' and Irnoi-t dnvablo Clothlnjj ' mMnufacturfd bV the Sat iimnufdcturecs atlho Nortlw U p clidm , Chf.aimecfi. Iiccaiw our CJolUliitf ' jiloe nt Ric hiilptirt vat of ft hape. 1 iece ttcT li -xi jht ren t. mrc wnir in a wpII ii;ade. fu'.l tpirsd suit, ll?n th?re is in an Inferior mado '' article whi-li sells fur a Iev-rtlmesi . He -are no Tailor, but full fad gul Clothhrt JhroW inour capital, our brains and our eDcrKk-4 iuto one exclusive department. , , ,., Pelievhiic !u this very good rule. a many "can tell, . -- ' - -' "Do ,.ue thins tit a time and do that thlnir w11 . . i- '- -: - --. . - . i- - -P. ... ... 'el low eitlzcnn t'onie and '- u--rm',ll tm.! uw wide awake and ready to serve vou. UVJI treat you well, so well iu fact it will not Ihj Dccpuv.ry to itk yen to"como asaiu," becau? 1 yonr natural inclinations will rc sum to cniTy; you to the Faraottj Iron Front tftore, whr-n ! you w)ii nave the iersonftl and undivided au tciaiion or . i our truly . ,- OTTERBOI30RG, j '.-. ' KI VO' J loTJIIER. ;' And Us Vard Army of Able Ais-fUU-tj, apl 3:) ' ' '.- . . erfs Candy Booming I XTO DIMINUTION IN THE t3ALE$ L - - i I . ' 'j XVEEJv, noiAVlthstanfllnjcrhc terrific ami for-: . all . :-.J midab! opposition of "slve pounds!; for f ! kind;! of mlAdure.' ' Any Candy that can 1 soli for .Vl 'utan't then for -20 cents per pound, without nffccUng the Manufacturers, hint hare pome m?crct proflU that wr cannot ee Into, we arc 8tSd fccllinr - 1 owever, ROYSTER'S CHOCOLATE CREAMS DELMONICO, WALNirT CKEAM3,. COCOA BAR. BULLDOZERS; CREAM DATEir VANILLA jTAFFrl V- j 'FRUfT BAO.SMOTHERED COCOA NUT, j and many other varieties , at th ex trcmel j email price of Three Pounds for $1.00, r RIME COST. The quality ot this Candy i not eqaanod by any jyood in thc market. ! ' ; " 1 ' ' 1 - Call by and leave yonr orders with P. L. BRIDGEES & 00. apl 30 , . Flour, Sugar, 1 OFF EE, BACON, j L4JID. MOLASSX8, salt. Hay, CORN, OATS, . '. t r - - SPIRIT CASKS, GLUE, BUNGS, -HOOP IRON, . . RIVETS, NAILS, tc ' For sale hy '' -' I'"- ' KERCIINER & CALDER 3R05 apl SO Visitors V CITY ARE INVITED TO THE fpO THE LIVE BOOnjSTORE, w hero every t lnC f .! " i . i - .;" their advantage will be shown them. vitr' them In irtnehasa th benefit of tb'lr TlaR'l These .tore rf tb m6st attractive pUci la tbcclty. - ' ' ! . ' - . - - - . v r: - ASK to b4 shown there to toaLe your tnr chaaca of Fitno, Organ, or any Musical In strnments. JtooX; Matlonery abd Fancy Arti cle, which will be given yon in exchange for Casli anU on the mot liljcral term. AK for HEINSBEItGEIt'S, apl Vt :. Live BooX and Hualc Star i X i U f VI"

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