xnzs PAPGX Suadaya JOSHIVJAH 9XTOS AD jSCMPTIOSS F08TAQR PAID; -oar $4.08. Sir naoosna, w -etid. SLOt : Om month. 83 cents. ierwinblcllTeredb7 carrier free f charge, to any part ef the elty, at n abor .iWlstn rates low and liberal. U-bwsrtbert wffl report any ana an fall-' a u receive thatr paper reguiariy. Tft Daily Review has the largest kmma fide circulation, of any newspaper pdMshed, in tie cuy oj wumxngwn The first direct importation' ot goods trriTcd at the Atlanta Customhouse on Friday last. i Jlelaware reports say that the peaeh crop of that State this year will be the trre3t ever known. -. .- r- 1 he cyclone killed nearly if not quite 260 persons and wounded 350. Many battles show fewer casualties. " It is expected that work will be at once commenced -on the James river improvement and continue until Decem ber. ( ' Nineteen" applications ibr divorce were granted by the Supreme Court at Springfield, afternoon. Mass.. last Wednesday The largest aerolite in the world is in the British Museum. It weighs nearly two tons. The largest one iiv the Smith sonian weighs less than one ton. Ogden Goelet, one oF the very wealthy Xw Yorkers, has sailed from New York for a cruise in his yacht Norse Mtn in Mediterranean waters. - , The Baltimore Sun states that ol the 600 tornadoes recorded since 1795 there were 164 in the Southern States, and of these 30 were unusually destructive. - Udy Florence Dixie is small, wiry and thirty years old ; she swims, rides, drives and shoots. She is accomplished, dever, warm-hearted and sincere. - The Chicago Inier-Oceati makes an analysis of Presidential possibilities. ot! rather Dlnusiblv arffues out that Iadiana is the pivotal State of 1884 . lomrJin? to the Beston Post the veto Bcore retised stands : Butler 4, Cleyeland 5, Pattison 6. The reform . Qoveroraents appear to b doing quite well. ! i Charles Couldock. the actor, who wp ported Charlotte Cushman through her first American tour in 1887.""- was seventy-five years of age last Saturday. For the last five years he has sustained the part of Dunstan in "Hazel Kirke. Early immigration reports down to 1830, or thereabouts, specify, among occupations "gentlemen." Thus in 1132 New York received twenty-three "gentlemen" and four ladies. Hew Orleans two, and Philadelphia, one. This form ot immigration has practi cally ceased. The Augusta Chronicle says that "the two best writers oi modern days were foils YeuilUt and Horace Greeley, neither of whom received an academic education and both oi whom were bit terly opposed to the custom of . making Latin and Greek a part of the course of instruction iu public and private schools." Horace Greeley spoke of the paoiic uebt ot the united states as so suany thousand millions of dollars and aot as so many billions. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brewer, of Hart ford, Connecticut, kept unburied for several months the corpse of their young daughter. It seems that the child had a horror of being buried ' in the earth, and the parents needed con siderable time to prepare "a well-lighted tomb, so arragned in its ornamen tal achitectural character, and in all fits surroundings, as to be as free as possible from the- repulsive features and associations oi sach things." on . .. Tho celebrated 'Fish Brand GilisV Twine is sold only at Jacobi's .Hard ware Depot. Quarantine Notice. QGARAXMHE FOR THE PORT F VTIt, iisfton wiH be enforeetl from May 1st. to XoTsmber 1st ss follows : Pilots will bring all vessels frosa perts South i KMe rear to in yaaraaune aBcnorarc; also, all ressels which have had any klaf or lekoess on board daring the passage, or on arrtTal, aad will cause a signal to be set In the aula rigging en the pert side, as soon as po Ible after crossing the Bar. Ke Teasel most leave the Quarantine anchsr jre. or allow any tersoa. steamer, tiur -boat. lhter. or boat of any kind to go alongside. natess by written authority rrom toe viaaran ti PhTSiclan. &nd CTerr vessel must be an sored as far to the eastward ef the ehanael as is consistent with safety. Regulations rovernlnar vessels while la Quar ssttae mav be had on appllcatien at the office tae Quarantine Fhyslcian at Smithville, Applications for pcrmiu to visit vessels is VQaranUne must be made to Dr. Thomas F. wood or Dr. Geo. G. Thomas, and permits so btotoed win be endorsed by the Quarantine Fhrsletan. If In hU Antntan. It im mamt and al !a to allow communlcaUen with such vesaela. A t venal ty ef $2M for each and every offence wtil be enforced ajrabtst anv oerson vtela- gaayef Us Quarantine KruIatlons of the r.fe v W. G. CURTIS. M. D., -tlw Phclan, Port of Wllmingtefl. VOL. VII. LOCAL.NEWS. tfDEX TO IEW AOnSTUlMERTS. Yates Fancy Goods. , U j II G Blair Wanted j j IlEinfSBRBOKK VtettOTH. Mustds Bbo Soda Water F C MrLLEH A New Supply -' , i ! Wm Otersev What's the Use ' John C BorxemaxNcw Maxket .Iambs J Btthkett Photographer Jons L. Boaxwkight New Store B M MoIxtihk Black SUk Grenadines W HtSREBX Soda Water Mineral Water Cotton advanced to 10 els. a pound to-day in this market. The receipts of cotton at 4 this port to-day foot up 74 bates. ' j . North Carolina hams arc now worth in this market 15 to 16 ets. per pound. . Cucumbers from) "away down South in Dixie" sell here fori 40 cents a dozen. May Day was ushered in this yearj by tires and overcoats with a Northeast wind prevailing. . I Capt. Perry expects tp opeu Jiis Sum- mer houses,, at v rigntsvisie ana Smithville, about the lOth inst. There seerrTs to be an appearance oi general "goneawayativeness" in the vicinity of Market this morning. i and Second streets Quite a number of strangers from the country are in the city, drawn hither as jurors or witnesses, in the U S. Court, now in session. 1 ; A ball player out at La Crosse. Got his arm in a twist by a toss. Now to all he does tell, St. Jacobs Oil made him well, Of pain cures he calls it the boss. Mr. Preston Cummmg leaves here to-night for New York, on a visit com bining business and pleasure. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Cumming and will be absent two weeks, , perhaps longer. ! Tke Scarborough House. Messrs, Scarborough & Sellers open ed their new house this morning under very favorable auspices. It is located at No. 107 N. Water street near Prin cess, arid is .called the Scarborough House. They have been at much pains and expense to prepare the place and will andoubtedly receive a large share of the pablio patronage. - j j New Enterprise. Mr. W. Otersen, corner 5th and Mar Vpt streets, has a , choice selection of grocereis and asks the patronage of the public. He keeps his stock replenished with fresh supplies and has further shown his enterprise by haying a free delivery wagon and will send goods purchased from him to any part of the city. Read his advertisement and give hint a trial. Presbyterian Assembly. The General Assemoly of the South ern Presbyterian Church : convenes in Lexington, Ky., on the 17th of May. Its sessions are always attended by the ablest men in the church, and attract no little attention in all religious eireles. Rev. A. Kirkland, of Wbite Mr. Johu McLaurin. of this city, will attend as delegates from Wilmington Presbytery, and Rev. the Dr. Wilson, of the First Presbyterian chureh, of this city, will also be in at tendance as stated clerk of the Assem bly. Tke lecture Rev. Br. Milbum To-NIsht.. i 1 t delivers his last ecture at the Opera House to-night. His subject will be "The Life and Char acter of Aaron Burr." The jtunes in wWV Mr. Burr lived and wielded an immense influence upon the destinies o our country are rich in historic interest and the character ot the man wno came within one vote of being rresi dent of these United States, was strange combination of good aad evil The pinnacleof fame to which he rose and the abyss of obscurity; and neglec to which he finally sank, his almost in eomnarable talents, devoted solely to his own personal aggrandizement, his dnel with Alexander Hamilton, in whichlhe latter was killed, liis attempt to found an empire in the Southwest, and the ruin ho brought npou others in that effort, together with his unbridled licentiousness, form a character study such as this country has seldom, if ever, produced. Of su6h a remarkable man, the times in which he lived and the scenes in which he was a conspicu ous actor. Dr. Milbum will speak, as he only can speak,, to-nigh t: j We pre dict tnat hit lecture to night will be the most interesting and instructive of his course, and those who from any cir cumstances are kept - from an attend- '4 imce will xnissiml intellectual treat of f rare xcellenee. . . ' 1 . WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. MAY 1, 1883. , Fish Culture. A gentleman in this city received a j telegram to-day from Mr. S. G. Worth, j the efficient and indefatigable Super intendent of the'Fish Commission, who f is now at the fish hatchery at Avoca. stating that he would send an expert to Wilmington on Thursday next who will look into the practicability of es tablishing a fish hatchery in the neigh borhood of this city. . City Court. John Brown was drunk and down, and a policeman took him in. He was a jolly tar, who got aground at "the bar, by a lack of water in his gin. The Mayor was kind and Brown was not fined when brought up for trial this morning, but was allowed to depart, with joy in his heart and a grin his rough features adorning. j i "Chief W. F. 1." Capt. C. D. 'Myers has received a new fireman's cap which is a very neat and tasteful affair. It is of red leather, of what is known as the ''helmet" pat tern, w;th vizor of black leather, j and on an arch in front is the distinguished legend -Chief, W. F. D.," by which means he mav be readily known in time of fire. It is very becoming, but we must hope that he will seldom have rwrasion to wear it except upon parade display. j "tlTsrcourt. The United States District Court, His Honor Judge Seymour presiding, convened at the U. S. Court Room in his city at precisely 10 o'clock this morning, ine amy oi seiecunjc ami impanelling a grand jury was immed iately begun and concluded, alter which hey were charged by the court as to their dnties. and weie conducted to the ury room. , There is bnt a very small docket, and the term will probably be a vev short one. We understand there is but little probability that any of the , cases brought from other-counties in the dis- trict will bo brought to tnai: at this term of the Court, and that only cases arising in this city will be heard. It thin ho so man v of the witnesses will probably be discharged to-night lor to morrow. ' The Market Houses. mi I I .V,:U linira for so long a time been unoccupied and silent, were the scene ol nusy me wis . ... . i . morning. The marketmen opened there in good lorce and the several staus devoted to the sale of meats were well stnekedwith meats ot all kinds, the most of it very good in quality With one or two exceptions, the vegetable stalls also were occupied and well sup- iil The trade was eood. and the salesmen appeared to be well content ed with tho change and conducted busi- ness as if they had always Deen useu 10 the place and not in the j least as new mara ilKl: "Sfittiuff UDShOD.V Wfl hP.rofour citi- zens paid the markets a visit on this first day's occupation, not particularly o. mirTiAsera.' but to see T how the thin worked." The Postal Delivery. ' Tko tt.v nostat delivery went into . iiv visj g" operation this mormns, and we are informed that the delivery ot postal matter on the several routes was ac com nlished much more expeditiousiy on the fir3t two rounds than was antici pated by those having the matter m eharge: There was, as might reason- ably be expected, a few 'hitches." but they were of such a character that they were soon remedied and it is expected that everything pertaining to the work; ine- of the free delivery system in this ftitv 'willbe in tirstrate order within the week and that- the delivery clerk3 will have everything so arranged and systematized in that time that there wm korifIirr Hisnrder or delav in the dis. tribution of mail matter on oective routes. their res- In connection with this matter it be comes of importance to our citizens, who are not already aware of the fact, to know that the postage on all drop letters at free delivery offices (of which this city is one) is now two cents, in- nf nnA. aa heretofore. I his rule goes into effect to-day. and should be observed, as where only one - cent is placed upon a drop letter the postofiice officials are obliged to collect the other cent from the party to whom the, letter is addressed. -: ; "j . ' '; Mr. John C. Borneman wlii hereaaer be found in the new ma.ket. He has stall No. 8. where he is comfortably lo cated and where he promises to do his best by those who may continue to favr or him with their patronage, Seo'ad" elsewhere. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, BLACK SILK GRENADINES ! Checked, Striped and Solid Colored Silks ! BLACK SILKS, &c. I I WILL YOU PRICE THESE AND BLACK DRESS GOODS, A LARGE VARIETY AND OF VARIOUS TEXTURES. UT LITTLE USED, R. may 1 Swed. barque Vulcan, Capt. Ienau- der, cleared to-day ior Granton, Scot land, with 3,318 barrels rosin, valued at $5,157, shipped by Messrs IX Ri Murchison & Co v : : . ,. Howards of Merit. It is proposed to preseiU to .that member of the Wilmington Ligbt Intantry who suaii De creaiiea wuu having been the most punctual an his attendance upon company meetings during the past year, and has kept his arms and equipments in the best order during the same time, with a silver p.ated goblet and "waiter, aud to the best drilled soldier-of the company, as shown by a competitive drill, with a silyer plated waiter. These, prizes are to be given to the lucky members on the 20th of May 'next. I They are chaste and beautiful in design and finish, and may be seen at ihe jewelry establish ment of Mr. George Hoeaet, where they are now on exhibition. Personal. Mai. J. R. Kenly, General Superic- d t of the Richmond & Petersburg R. R Mr John C James, Freight Agent of thftt road and Mr. R. D.Carpenter.Chief Cierv in tho ofi06 f tne Traffic Mana- ffer of the Asiociated Railways at Rich- mond. were in the city on Sunday. Col. T. F. Toon, State Senator Jrom nAlnmhna and Robeson counties, IS in the city to-day and is registered at I mo JL UlWiil I ty. qu f RvWincham Mai. John -;JTIT-"A n , r w i n nvnpji. ni iiiiwutuu. anu va, --7 - . - Harbor Master's Report. The following is the number, nation ality and tonnage of vessels arriving at this port during the month I of April, . A a tnlron frnm fho rtnrtlra r Capt. Price, the Harbar Master: American. Tonnage. Steamers.. . 4.. . 12.. .17. . 3.380 . 312 ..3,392 B ea ; Schooners.. Total; . . . . . 7,084 Tonnage. H?oreigu. Barques. 19. .14. 7.142 1,053 Brigs . . Total ..... . . . v 23 v. Making a grand total, of ..... 8,195 40 vessels aggregating 18,27 9 tons J Look Before you Leap. I A. & I. SnsiER are now showing the best line of Mens, Boys1 and Childrens1 Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest. . to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. . tt. THE MAILS' Themalls close and arrive at the City Post office as. follows ; . "' Wn-rthorn throtiBrh malls, fast 8.00 P. M. 'VswtHam thrrinirh &Tld W V malls 5.40 A. M. i-vi c - v. J - .n. A 11 Raleigh. . . . i 5.00 r. ai. ana Mafia tor thfl N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom tnclud- - lng A. & N. C. Railroad a 3.40 A. M. Southern Mails for all points South. dally. 6 SO A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Western malls (a C. Railway) daily. (except SuiMiay).- .o.w r. jn. AM points between Hamlet and Rat eigh. ..-.5.00 P. M. i Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail- . ,r road..... ... ...6 SO A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston.... 6.30 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Fayettevllle aud offices on Cape Fear - River, Tuesdays aod Fridays.". ... . 1.00 p. M. Fayettevllle, via Lumberton, dally, except Sundays.....: .-.3.00 F. si- Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offl- ccs, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smithville malls, by steamboat, daily J (except Sundap). 8.30 A.M. Shallotte and Little Rlrer, Tues- ' days and Fridays : R.C0 A. M. i OPEN FOR DELIVERY. r Wrightaville, dailr, 3.30 A. M. Northern through and way malls - ! 7 7.30 and 8.00 A. M Southern Mails. i H Carolina Central Railroad-. - 9. A. ai Malls collected from street boxes every day at S.30 P. M. .-mr . Stamp. Office open from 5 A. M. to i3M., and from 3 to 5.15 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp ofuce. SUmps for sale In small quantities at general elivery when stamp office is closed, i General delivery open from daylight to dark H rm RmuUri fmm SJtO to 00 A. M- ' - A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols St Ja.C0biv3 Hardware Depot. - t NO. 104 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF FOR SAXE VERY JCHEAP. iU3. IViclNTIRE. Wanted. ACME TOMATO 11. ANTS, at 5.000 once, of good planting uizc E. G. BLAIR, . I No. 215 Market Street. may 1 John . Borneman, TrJTCIlK8, STALL SO. 1 8, froxtstrketmarkethou.se, WjlmlngtoiJ, N.I C. The best of BEEF. PORK. MUTTON, VKAL, HASJSAGKS.! Ac. Ships supplied with Meats and v cgetabies at Jjowcst t nct'. may l-tr i James J. Burnett, pHOTOGRAniER, I SEW MARKKT BUJLUIMi, (Up Stairs) South Front St. Respectfully not! lues the public that he is prepared to do all work.ln his lice, promptly and at low pi ices. sail is sojiciiea. may 1 What's the Use G F GOING DOWX STREET M'HEK YOU can get the same quality of goods at the same prices at your door ? All are Invited to ex ammo prices ana quality, wmcn 1 guarantee as low and as rood as anv In the city.) Thank- lng all for past favors so iiberany Descowea, 1 hope; to merit a continuance of the same. . GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. " GOODS DELIVERED FREE In any part of the city. j .,!; WM. OTERSEN, Retell Dealer in Select Fancy Groceries, Corner Fifth and Market Sts. may l-3t tufximoh MEW ST O R E. TOR THE CONVENIENCE OF MY CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, I have opened a v " Fancy Grocery Store ! s -IN THE i ' NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY. I SHALL HAVE ON n AND AT ALL TIMES I - The Choicest Groceries, i . - . . . such as 1 keep at my Store on North Front Street I Bay vour GROCERIES from mc ani it will afford mc pleasure to deliver at your homes sach articles as you may purchase in the Mar ket. ' I ' SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by nuking all your selections In the NEW MARKET HOUSE. John L. Boatwright. may 1-tf I , .. . STRAYED. : 1 ROM MYO T A BLACK AND TANTKK- er Do? suitable rewarl will be paid foT J JOHN L. CANTWKL1-. his return. ap-S tt lSTew Spring Styles IN HATS AND BONNETS AND II AND i ! ' ... . some Trimmings, Feathers, Flowers awl Rib Vwn in all tho New Shades. Also. Laoies Furnishing Goods, Torchon and other Laces, j Ac For sale by i Second street one door f rum Postonice. apl 18 tt A TJevv Supply O F RED AND VVIIITE ONION SETS, Peas, Beans. DrtKs and Corn, Cabbage. Ae. Chemicals, Patent aiediclncs. Tnfbtnrf F&nrr-Artielea. Ac. It V Prescription tolled at all hours, day and ni-ht. . . r C MILLER;' . German DrugarUt, ' mrh 31- Correr Fourth and Nun sts. i Soda Water! Soda Water! "llflTH PURE FRUIT JUICE?, ' I ICE COLD I . "! SEASON ItSS. i - " MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. ! ICE COLD. V - - WILLIAU IL GRTKN, . if 114 DrcrslaU I j J 1 ; ; please notice.; .'; .1 i : We will be glad to receive conaaunlcatlor. from our Mends on any and all subjects' of general Interest but : The same of the writer mutt always be fa alsfced to the Editor. ; ; -.';;"'; Communications must be written im al one side of the paper.'. As -.' -; . Personalities must be avoided ' 1 ' v And It Is especially and particularly uado tood that the Editor docs so it always endor tko views of correspondents unless so stalo In the editorial columns. NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS. ' 1. I. Ill It I. III. ., , , g The Blind Man Eloquent, pit. MILBURN, WILL DELIVER IIIS T H IRD IJECTT7RE, on this LIFE AND C1LAR ACTER OF AARON BURR, the most K-v mantle Character In Political History, at tho OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY EVENING. lt May, at s.30. Box Sheet open at Dyer's. Let everybody go. I " , aplso-?t Now for Lager. i B OCK HAS HAD ITS PAY AND XOW LAGER BEER U on tap. liet and coolc&t and nicest in the city, i Alio.:VlnpS IJqnors, Cigars," Ham Sandwiches, all at 4 j 4 , ' , XAi'. J. MiUOWA-N'S, apL30Jt t; vvt,fv ;.,i , i $outl Front 8t ' Notice. 'Charige. Inn: restaurant and'&aloW for-- mcrly knom as the ScarVoroujh Uonse, Ko. I. South Water street, will hereafter be kmnm as tlte CAP1S FR.VR VIIjOT 1IOUSR,- whtrr can be found at all times the bestj of .nmr Liquors anl Clears. Hoard bV the by, week - j " v 1 oriuoutlu Table supplied wilh the leet the aiarkct -'a fiord v Oysters In ecaeon All t iopuUir prlies. oar patronage J reepei-.t" fully solicited... A trial will convince you that our aim is to ext-el and please. -! u K. T. RUBRICS, apl 3&- Star copy It " 31 anagsr Fresh Stock of Groceries. JJAVING ' RECEIVED MY NEW ASH COMPLETE STOCK OF gROCERlES, Ac.,' -1 . n'r Stearnqr to-day, I will now open the Store '. ' -' -. "iP- . t:' ' North w'Okt cemcrof Dock and Front streets. . old stand of r H. McGarlty & Co., where I S '." - I , - ! am prepared to ill! any orders that my friend may wish at LOWEST CASH PRICES. ' rrompt Delivery. Careful Attenuon and Fair Dealings will be our mottoJ - l J . - - O. W. LINDLK, Retail Grocer. P. -8 NEW MAY BUTTER iust arrived. apl SO 2t , ,- , ,., - i Fancy Coodo, JJANDSOME AUrO. ALBUMS, PHOTO. Albums, Poems, Gold Pens and Pencils, Bus sla Leather Oanl Cases and Pocket Books, Genu' Fine Pocket Memorandum! Books, Fancy Velvet and Ebony Ploture Frames, apl 30 YATES BOOK STORE Millinery and. Fancy Goods, X HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED a beautiful line of 't HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, i FICnUS, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS,; V HOOP SKIRTS, and all kinds of LACK. COL LARS, all of the latest styles! ' , Ladies will flmUt to their lutcrcst to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. l ou can secure good bargains by dolog so. i MRS. 8. J. BAKER, ; ! 132 Market etreet apl 21-lm ICE ICE ICE ! T WOULD RESPECTFULLY! NOTIFY the A ." citizens and the public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of choice ICE and ant fuU ly prepared to fill orders to all points on Rail Roads and Rivers, and hope to aecurs a rea sonable Bhare of patronnge.- j B. IL AIT HENS, Proprietor " apl 19-dAw 3m i New Ice House. - SODA WATER. j .-'-'I" irvN and After to-day wk wili keep the most delicious Ice Cold Sodj. . Pure fruit juices only used. Munds Broo-i Dispensing Pharmaclstsj 1.491 BROADWAY, NEW YoRK, AND WILMINGTON, N. C. mch-1 - Flour, Sugar, COFFEE, BACON, LARD.1 MOLASSES, SALT, HAY, , CORN, OATS. -SPIRIT CASKS, -. GLUE, BUNGS, HOOP IRON, RIVETS, NAILS, etc r- I For sale by apl 30 KEKCHNER CALDER BRO Vi ltOrS;;;i:V riO TUB CITY ARE INVITED TO THE LIVE BOOKSTORE, where evervtblns to their advantage will be shown them, giving them in put chases the benefit of their vi?t. These Store arw tlt"in'ot- attractive ylare bi the city. ! v..:::. r-. :: : - V-. " " AbK to h shown' there to make your iu r f.liaues of PHnos, Organs, or any Musical In strument. Book, stationery asu jrancy aru cles. which will be s iven you in exchange for HEINSBEIiGEIi'S, apl 80 Lire Book and Musla Store

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