thtspapx published every evening, Sundays C8 ptOl by JOSH T. JAMES, bdiTob akd paoritnsroa. nBSCBrrTis postage paid: $4 00 Six months, $2.00. Three m5.i-i One month, 85 cents. . nr will be delivered by carriers free T lL m any part of the dty; at the above M or 10 cent per week. "c-U-iratwlow anrt UberaL tlbscribers will report any and all fali- W receive their paper regulArly, TJte Daily Jlevicw 1ms the largest ', 9 -,. : mil alum, of any newspaper Rmnlovmfinfc in Phlladelnhia. U in the city of Wilmington. JB j r,lhhl-nint .. rhnd has had the coldest March the iRlhirty-ei?l"t years. v!or5ca has had her mosquito nets up j ,fhp 1st oi .January . : fcvery well-regulated newspaper lias ihe-Cz-ar'sobuary reaay. Twelve deaths occurred at Havana m week from yellow lever. t is reported tliat during a storm on Saturday in Louisiana hailstones fell weighing twelve ounces-. The reen three-cent stamp will have thirteen years when the new bea in use rate goes into effect next Oetober. j - It is said that Admiral Baldwin will present the United States govern ment at the coming coronation of the O-ur. t Oueen Victoria, if the royal' family of i..i d,Miifi lnsft their titles by ai hiigiaun - Republican overthrow, would be plain Mr.. Wcttin. . Rev. Dr. Deems has been invited to I .uHvprthe baccalaureate sermon this hilt University, of yc&r ai Nashville, Tenn. k street car conductor in Liverpool has been notified that he is found next r,fi;ntoa West Indian planter who has left $500,000. A IiOgansport Pa., doctor has found a man whoso opium dose rose to a pound mm 1 vf the tincture per day, his aose oegmn in g with an ounce. . " Thpre will presently be a large pil- rriraace of English Roman Catholic grandees to Ixurdes, on a scale similar to one ten years ago. It Osier's great glass warehouse in London may v now be seen an entire suite ot bedroom furniture in glass, the freak of a Spanish nobleman. General Fitzhugh Lee added over $3,000 to the funds of the Southern Historical Society by his recent lectur ing tour throughout the South. . Ex-Got. Horatio Seymour will be 73 ycju-s old on the 31st of May. He is living in quiet retirement at his home, Dferlield, near Utiea, New York Dvtton Sothern. son of the famous comedian. E. A. Sothern. made a first uppeurance at Glasgow on the 30th ult., taking the character of. Lord Dundreary, Mr.Tilden will leave New York city shortly to visit old Iriends at Lebanon, N. Y.. and to pass a few days at Pitts tioid, Mass., where he was born in 1814. Mr. Henrv IL Gorrinsre savs that he i is prepared to build iion ships not only .1s cheap as wooden ships, but as cheay thev can bo built anvwhere in the world. It is stated in Washington that Mr- Green B. Raum resigned at the request of the President, who is trying to defeat Senator Losran's nlans to attain the Presidency. In England in the year 1882 there were 203,905 marriages, 888,940 births, and 516,783 deaths. In London there were 35,114 marriases. 133.200 births V and 82,05 deaths. The Prince of Wale3 will unveil in July next the bronze statute of Sir Francis Drake, by M. Boehrn, which the Puke of Bedford has presented to the town of Tavistock. Senor Romero, the Mexican Minis ter, paid on Sunday that he did not think the question of allowing Ameri can troops to enter Mexican territory would be settled at this session of the Mexican Senate. 'The Mysteries of New York" is the title ot the latest sensational piece, in four acts and eight tableaux with song and dance, performed at the Berlin Na tional Theatre since Easter Monday to crowded houses. - " ' George Alfred Townsend has bought a house in New York with the proceeds of his pen. No. 361, West Thlrty.fourth street, which, like a good hnsband, he has promptly given to his wife, and in which he expects to end his literary days. The last reporton Kew Gardens, near London, contains an account of the cow tree of Venezuela. From the trunk, when cut, exudes a somewhat glutinous liquid, whose flavor is ; bf cream with a slightly, .balsamic taste. planted in India are thriving. r T- H VOL. VIll About 700 sbip builders are out oi Randolph Tucker,! of Virginia, thinks election of Randall th the Speakcr- ship is an impossibility. The Shah of Persia is coins to mos- cow to atiena tne fjzar s: coronatioii, "with all that that implies The Rev. Dr. Henderson, who was a Colonel in Che Confederate service, has been transferred from ; the Methodist Church South to take charge ofja Meth odist Church in Jersey (bity. j -44 i . 1 r Mrs rifimmfir lt.scrihcs iW . W. Corcoran of Washington.! as "benig nantly beautiful." He is slightly above average height, ot full port, but without corpulence. His features are reguUr, his gray hair ample and becomingly i i cut, and his moustache shows ''the rare and elegant shape which younger men are wont to bestow upon i t this decora- tiorr." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Fancy Goods. IlETySBERGEH Visitors. MuifDS Bros Soda Water Lecture Rev Dr Milburnj F C Millek A New Suppiv E D Hall, Mayor Proposals Geo P Lamb To the Ladies. Mrs L Megiknet Pew For Kent. W H Greek Soda Water Mineral Water Don't forget about Mr. Milburn's lec- ture to-night. 1 ' j; Every day looks like Sunday now on Market street. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot rfp 33 bales. Gen. M. P. Taylor has gone to Rich mond, to be absent a week or more. A Leadville boarder named Tom Fry, Struck a deg-collar in his mince pie His jaw came near spoiling. But a St. Jacobs Oiling ' Cured it, and he's again living high The last opportunity for hearing Rev- W. H. Milburn is presented to-night and the probabilities are, weather per mitting that there will be a full turn out: Water filtered through charcoal be comes perfectly pure, the charcoal ab- sorbing all disagreeable- tastes and 8mells, whether they arise from animal or yegetable impurities. Hon. S. S. Cox will lecture In Raleigh on the 9th inst.. t-day week, on "The Poetry of Mechamsmi" ne is expecieu here about the 20th inst.. and is also to lecture in this city, butj the subject has not yet been announceq We understand that the shoe dealers in this city have agreed to close at 7 o'clock, P. M. during the summer months. The arrangement is to g in to effect on the 10th inst. and continue until Sept. 15th. j i Kechabite Excursion. The Indepedent Order of Rechabites will give an excursion ! to Smithville, May 15th, on the "steamer Passport,. which has made so many successful trios to Smithville and the forts the past lew summers. We bespeak for thfim a liberal oatronaso. as we Jearn it will be about the first excursion season. j of the The Storm. The storm which menaced our city s all through yesterday came last night At about 7 o'clock p. I'm., the . storm signal was hoisted, indicating thjat the storm center had reached the Atlantic coast. It was not so severe in this city. however, as it was in many other Lwwi;;Ao tUa maTinuim velocity of wind here reaching to 24 miles an hour UUUlUNt vuv " 7 , - At Smithville the maximum velocity was 35 miles per hour; at Fort Macon 3Cr miles; at Cape Hatteras 40 mucs, and at Charleston, S. C, it was 41 miles per hour. The storm centre seems to have been in! I the immediate vicinity of the latter city, j The rainfall in this city in the 18 hours ended at 7 a. m., to-day. amounted to 1.79 inches. At Smithville during .the 8 hours ended at 7 o'clock this morning the rainfall amounted to 73-100 inches at Fort Maoon 92-100 inches, and a f'Tv Hafteras 96-100 I inches. The greatest amount of rain' however, fel in Charleston. S - C, where it was as follows: From 7. a m. to 3. p. m yesterday, it was 1.95 inches ; from p. m. to 11 p. m., it was 1.92 inches and rrom 11 p. m. to 7 o'clock this morning i was 1.30 inches; making a total rainfal in the 18 hours ended at 7 a. in. of 5.16 inches. j" I o-day The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills1 Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. ; j WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2(1883. Toroiisrli Rase. We learn-that Prof. Gaston M. Hobbs comtemplaCes giving a lecture at an early date (probably on Friday night) on the subject of Harmony, Thorough Base and Counterpoint. The lecture will be delivered at the Tileston Upper Room and will be interesting aijid in structive to those who have a fondness for investigating the hidden mysteries ot musical science as it applies to composi tion and harmony. There will b3 no charge for admission, and it is to be hoped that i cood house may encourajre his efforts to entertain and! instruct in the glorious science to which he is de voted. ' , ., A Rare Coin. Mr. William Goodman, on Market street, has an old and rare silver coin which has considerable historic interest. It is about the size of one of oar silver dollars and was coined by the City of Xuremburr. in the Kingdom of Bava-! ria, in 1694, when that city was an in dependent republic! On one side in a circle is the legend, "Moneta Nova Reipub. Norimbergensis, 1694," and on the other side in a circle surround- ing a representation of the city of Nu remburg, is the legend, Svb Vmbra Alarvra Tvarvru," undeaneath the cen tre of which in Hebrew characters is the name of the Ixrd. The coin is in a remarkable good state of preservation the letters, figures and other represen tations being plain and distinct, al though 189 years have passed since it came from the mint of that then thriv ing republic. j Rev. Dr. Milburn. One of the worst storms of the sea son prevailed last night. It had rained at intervals with more or less severity during the entire day and as nifrht annroached it continued to -o r i , . I - . '. grow worse, the wind increasing in force until when the hour arrived for the commencement of Dr. Milburn s j lecture on the "Life and Character of Aaron Burr," at the Opera House, it rained in torrents and the wind blew a furious gale. Notwithstanding the in clemency of the night, however, which would seem to deter any one not actu ally compelled to be abroad from ven turing into the streets, quite a large number were present at the lecture, drawn thither through storm of wind and rain and darkness and mud to (lis ten to the magic eloquence and wonder ful descriptive powers Ot the speaker. His lecture, upon the theme we have named, occupied about two hours in its delivery, and was listened to with the most profound attention and interest hroughout. It was a remarkable por traiture of the life and character ot a most remarkable man in which the few bright tints were made to show out th multitude' of darker shades & v k. t . . . .1 with the nicest discrimination anu rnthfulhess. 1 was a painting in which the pencil was wielded by a mas- er hand. j Dr. Milburn will lecture, again to- 'RichardT Brinsley Sheridan," onejof the famous mpn of Endand in his time wit, ora tor ana pmyw unt n i : ,.l.f Tf is a sunject interest, not reDlete with instructive r,iw frnni Sheridan's own remarkable gifts, but as It pictures a time m .ng- IJ . v - - ish history noted for the great, number of brilliat minds both men and wo- 1 . .n.nianann:: with ojen wno were wnw:iiiHuia"vu"j him. We hope that a large audience may be in attendance, as the subject, presented by Dr. Milburn, will afford a rich and valuable entertainment. 'Supreme Court Decisions. The following are among the decis ions rendered in the Supreme Court, at Ralei eh, on Monday : State rs. Sylvester Lawliorn, irom Duplin. No error. Judgment auirmcu. Mary Murriii et. ais. vs. j. um- nhrey et als.. from Unslow. rso error. Judgment affirmedJ ; J State vs. Jerre J-anier, uom.w Hanover. Error, Judgment arrest. E. P. Covincrton vs. Ann CLLeak, ex- cutrix WaintifTs appeal-f rom ! Kich- mon. No error. Judgment aiurnieu. v. i rvwintrfrm v.5. Ann C. Leak.ex- cuetrix defendant's appc al f roraRich- niond. No error. Judemcntainnuw. Stafford Grant vs. Matthew Moore, from Daplin. No error. Judgment afiirmed. J . T, . Siate vs. Crumpler and Had, from Sampson.! Error. Judgment arrested. R. W. L Raisin & Company vs. S. MJ Thomas, from Ricnmond. o error, Jadgment affirmed. j Our Xiittie Ones. The May number of this favorite judi r.iihlicationis our hand. It is, as fresh and might and pleasant as jthe month it represents August to be that is not. It is beautifully illustrated and nresent a charming miscellany of nice readinz matter; for the young folks. Russell, Peterson & Co., 36 Broomfield street Boston. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BLACK SILK Checked, Striped and BLACK SILKS, &c. WILL YOU PRICE THESE AND BLACK DRESS A LARGE VAKIETY AND OF , IfHIBTOISr BUT LITTLE USED. R. may 1 Oolclcn Days. The monthly part for May of this beautiful publication is at hand. It is as carefully edited and as carefully print ed as ever and the illustrations always excellent, seem to improve with age. The present number is no whit inferior to the best of its long run of predeces sors. Published by Jame3 Elverson. Philadelphia, at $3 per annum. Exports lor April. The following embrace the commo dities shipped from Wilmington to for eign ports during the month of April, 1883, witlLtheir qualities and values: Cotton, 2,430 bales, valued at $110, 755 ; rosin and turpentine, 29.752 bbls valued at S49,409 ; tar and pitch, 4,500 bbls valued at $9,000 ; spirits turpen tine. 106,620 gallons valued at $43,356; lumber, 160,000 feet valued at! $2,400. Total value of foreign exports $214,920. . New Ldno to Smithville. Mnj. W. A. Hearne, of Newborn, is in the city. He is hore as the represen tative and asrent of a company who nronose to nut on a steamer between this city and Smithville this Summer. The boat in view for this service is n. lnro-e side-wheel steamer and will carry between 300 and 400 passengers. It has been decided positively, we un. derstand, to place the boat on the route n.l Miii. Hearne thinks that she will be running by the first of June. s Woman's Place To- Day." We have received from the John W Lovell Publishing Company, of New Ydr! . - little volume of which the above is the suggestive, title. It com prises a series ot four lectures delivered in New York during the last Ienten season by Mrs. Lillie Devereaux Blake, in reply to a series by the Rev. j Dr. Morgan Dix, rector ol Trinity Church, urinn the same subject. Her lectures v w wv my are entitled "Woman in Paganism and f!hrislianitv." "Home." "The Causes of Divorce," and "Woman's Free Mis sion," and were delivered in the order in; wnicn tney are uauicu. t 1 A. I . A M 3IemoralHlIa. Tvv.enty years ago to-day I It seems hardlv possible that two decades of years have passed since the day of the commencement of the battle ot Chan cellorsville. of which this is the twentieth anniversary. May 2nd, 1S63, whi be long remembered as a day which re sulted in a' two-fold disaster, disaster to the Federal army, as it was whipped and conipelled to return to its encamp ments on the opposite apd safer side of the Rappahaumock river, and irrepara- J oly disastrous to the Confederate arms j as it.was in this battle that "Stonewall" i Jackson received his death wound. . i I Quick Work. ; The grand jury of the present term of the U. S. Court finished their labors this forenoon and were discharged. The business ot the court was also con cluded to-day, and the witne3pes""and the other jurors were discharged this atternoon, and the court adjourned. The following cases were disposed of during the day : Augustus Thompson, alias Morn Thompson, charged with rooomg mo mail of a registered letter at Fair Bluff. Columbus county, was found guilty and sentenced to hard labor in the peni tentiary for one year. Simon Adams, for selling liquor without a license and also selling to bacco without a license, (two charges) railtv as to both, and -sentenced to 6 months1 imprisonment in the ! county jail, " B. Smith, retailing Uqoor without license, judgment suspended upon pay- niPTit f fiQStS- ' ' v ... , " : A fine assortment of Gnns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardwara Depot-"" . t . NO. 105 SEW ADVERTISEMENT. GRENADINES I Solid Colored Silks J JUDGE FOR YOURSELF VARIOUS TEXTUItK. BUGGY, f FOU SAIE VERY CHEAP. M. iliclNTIRE. Pew for Rent. -pOR KENT, PEW XO. iJ, XORT1I AISLE St. James' Church. ! j i niay2-'Jt cod MRS. L. MEGIN'NEY. To the Ladies ! T HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE Morth with the LARGEST LOT ot Camellias, Roses, Pnrnollnnp Rrn ever onerea in vv limington. ai?o, n kakd SELECTION OF CHOICE PLANTrf. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call ana seemy Camellias from eighteen Inches to seven feet in height. Roses three years old, grafted And budded from French importations, and nil In larsrenots. 1 Invite special attention to ray beaiuum ie- slffns of Rustic Terra Cotta Hanging liuskets, Flower rots, ases, jfce. i UfiU. 1'. LAMM, 6th bet. Chestnut and JPrincess Sts may 2-tf ; ' Dr. Milburn's Last Lecture TXriLL BE DELIVERED AT THE OPERA I T I ' - -I: HOUSEi THIS EVENING, at 3.30J The sub ject is I j " " . Richard Brinsley Sheridan, . one of England's MOST, ILLUSTRIOUS QlixVTORS AND FAMOUS WITS. TCot only attractive to men but most fascinating to wo men, because of the GOLDEN THREAD, i - , which runs through it the STORY OF HIS BEAUTIFUL WIFE. I Don't let this opportu nity slip, j Tickets for sale at Dyers' may 2-It CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, vl May 1st, asi. Proposals ILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK, P. Al. SATURDAY. MAY .'jtb. 1S83. for fur nishing the City with Eight. (S) New Carts, Two (-2) New Wagons, aud Seven (7) Sets Cart Harness. Specifications can be seen at the Mayor's OfliceJ E. D. II ALL, Mayor. may lit RE M O OF V AL Helton's Meat Market ' TO FRONT STREET MARKET. -VN AND AFTER MAY 1ST, STALLS Nos. 1 and 4, in the NEW MARKET, on South Front Street, will be 'supplied with j The Finest I of Meats ! OF ALL KINDS, Including STALL-FED BEEF AND I SPRING LAMB, AH of the beet quality. A expect to keep nothing but THE BEST, and to do THE LARGEST BUSINESS done in my line In this city. Order promptly de- have alao the Circular lltand, at the head of the market, and shall run a nrst-claa CON FECTIONERY STAND, and the public will find St roy Stalb TRIPE and VEGETABLES as usual. .i I hope by prompt attention to busincsa to merit a continuance of the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon me. j Kcspeetfnlly, J. R. MELTON, STALLS 1 AND 4, NEW MARKET. apl 30 . . . i Fancy Goods, TTANDSOME AUrO. ALBUMS, PHOTO. I "" : i' . Albums, Poems, Gold Pens and Pencils, Rus - ".'!" ! . ' . - sia leather Canl'Case and Pocket Booki, a i Genu Fine Pocket, Memorandum Books, I raney Velvet and Ebony Picture Frames, Ac. I pi so YATES BOOK STORE ; PLEASE NOTIC2L , ' We will be glad to receive communications froa our friends on any 'and all tubj'ecta of general Interest but - The name of the writer moat always be fat nUhed to' the Editor. ; - 1 ; ;. , : " j' Communications mut be written! on onl onesided the pajer.7 H . - Personalities must be avoided ' I And It la especially and particularly nnde r i i stood that the Editor does not always en dor tie flews of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. . ; ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 15,000 ACME T,UATO V LASTS, At om-e, oi pwti j laming sue. s E. G. BLA1K, Xo 215 Market Street. may 1 Jolm C. Borneman, JgUTCUEB. STALL NO. S, FRONT STREET MARKET HOUSE, .. j -WllnUnKton, X. C. - Thclest of liKEF, TOUK, MUTTON, VK AL, SAUSAliKS, &c. Ships fupinrwUi Meats nnd Vegetables at Lovtt Pjlcei. may l-tt , " ... ' i James J. Burncttr jpHOTOGRArilfeK, "'7 j. NEW MARKET IIUILDLNG, (Up stairs) Soutft Front 8t. RcsiKJctfully notliles the imbJio. that ho L prepared to lo all work In hla lire.' promptly nl at low pilcs. A call 13 ollclted. , ( !, niav.l '.'" . i. -;,,., - - .i -i 1. . ... 1 1 ' .t .1 ..j,- Desirable Localities, i HAVING PURCHASEO THE PKOrEUTY known as the llase Ball Grounds. situate on Ora-ge street, between Sixth anl fcieventh, streets and on Seventh Ietveen Orange ul Ann streeta, 1 ofl'er It for rale on the Instal ment plan, aud will cot it to salt Miycrs. Also, on long credit, lots forealc In other parts of the city. Money loaned to tuoss wlshiog to bnild. Apply to i , apl 30 at eod JAMES WILSON. Now for Lager. ."DOCK HAS HAD ITS DAY AND NOV? LAGER BEEK la pn tap. Beet and coolest and nicest in the city. Also. Wines. Liquors, J :- r . , . -.-j Cigars, Ham Sandwiches, all at V - ? J AS. M. McGOWAN'S, ' , , South Front 8t npl30 3t A R!ew Supply QF RED AND WHITE ONION SKT8, Peas, Beans, Corn, Cabbage, da. ' , Drugs and Chemicals. P&tcnt MnHln J Prescriptions filled at all hours, da v snd night. . F- C. MILLER, , . i (rei-nian Druggist," j mob 31- Corner Fotirth and Nun sts. SODA WAITER. ; fS AND AFTER TO DAY Wli! WILL keep the most delicious lee Cold Sodr . ' l Pure fruit juices only used. j Pounds Bros., Dlstiensing Pharmacists. M 1.491 BROADWAY. NEW YrtHK.' .Mil IfTTT ' .. ' mf mcb i; Soda Water! Soda Water! yiTII PUHE FUUITJUICKS,; ICE COLD,l SEASON 1SS3. j . t MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT, ICE COLD. , . j WILLIAM II. GREEN. apl H . Druggist. Notice. Change rilHE REfeTAUItANT AND SALOON! FOR nierly known as the Scarborough House, No. - .' i '- I .-. ! . l"i South Water street, will hereafter be known - - : - . j, j as the CAPE FEAR PILOT HOUSE, where can be found at all times the, best of ; TVlncs, ; Liquors nnddgars. , Board bv the layi weckt or month. Table supplied with the beet the 1 market auorus. 'Oysters in 8eaton. All at popular prices. oar patronago la reiect fully solicited. A trial will convince you that our aim is to excel and please. j apl 31- Star copy It Manage MILLTNERTI Entirely New and Beauti I fill Stock! T HAVE RETURNED FROM THE NORTH- JL era market and will next week open ancn- tirely freh stock, NOCJOB IKTS, and notU- i - ' T" i - ing old or out of date, but all from j. j J -THE FIRStL IMPORTING HOUSES. The HtjlCA are prettier than ver.""" " Will be pleased to Hcejmy cristomen; and show tliem the most elegant line of Millinery In the city. Respectfully, - . .,...'-' ' MISS E. EARRER, apl 16 1 EXCHANGK Visitors - T O THE CITY ARE INVITED TO THE LIVE BOOKSTORE,- where everything U ' their advantage will be eliovn them, glring them in pm closes the benefit of thelrj iteiU These Store are the most attracUvo place In the city. ;'.'.". '-: .'r J :' 'ASK to b shown there to make your pur-1 chases of Pianos, Organs, or any Musical In strument. Books, Stationery and Fancy Art! cles. which will be given yon in exchange for, Cash and on the most liberal terma. Ak for HEINSBERGrER'S, apl 30. Live Book and Music Store Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jaooei.'s . . t

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